Chapter 674: : The golden age of technology

In the era of change of the wind and cloud, the situation changes with each passing day, and it is dizzying.
During this period of time, many world events have taken place and the world pattern has undergone tremendous changes.
With the success of several controlled nuclear fusions, China has allowed the export of controlled nuclear fusion power stations, the world energy revolution has begun, and competition in the field of controlled nuclear fusion technology has officially begun.
The six parties, mainly China, the United States, Russia, the island, India, and Europe, have tried their best to use the most powerful means to rob the controlled nuclear fusion energy market.
The most profitable natural is China, and China has mature nuclear fusion power station technology, and there is almost no enemy.
Various technologies have been released from the marching ant group, as well as news of various technological breakthroughs in the Chinese scientific community. The strength of China's science and technology has risen sharply, the economy has become the number one, and its influence has soared.
Huaxia has become the king of innocence and the new leader of the world.
The European region has also entered a new era, mainly two major power groups.
Among them, the group led by Russia is the most dazzling, Russia's controlled nuclear fusion technology is successful, artificial intelligence is successful, a series of science and technology have broken through, economic development has regained its original glory, and some former Soviet Union countries have begun to sign various kinds with Russia. Free cooperation agreement, the limelight has no two.
Secondly, the European group headed by Germany, France and Britain, the strength cannot be underestimated. Two years after working with India, Europe's advanced artificial intelligence technology broke through successfully. After that, the controlled nuclear fusion technology was successful. Although it was late, it barely kept pace.
In North America, it is still dominated by the United States.
The United States maintains a strong and overbearing style and begins to seek to spread its influence to Central and South America. In the South American region where the controlled nuclear fusion technology is greatly affected, some countries with coal mines as the main economy have collapsed and the situation is chaotic.
The United States took this opportunity to start aid and release its influence to develop the region into a real backyard. Even if the world's recognized leading position changes, the great strength of the United States still exists and continues to affect the surrounding countries.
In the space strategy, the United States launched several spaceships on the moon and began to build a lunar base to develop lunar 氦-3 resources.
Compared with Europe and the Americas, although Africa can't keep up with the pace, there is another kind of unrest.
The old era was backward in technology, there was no particularly powerful world-class country and power, and there was no technical foundation. In the era of technological change, it was still in a backward position.
In addition to the rapid development of Tanzanyi, where the shadow company's military ants are equipped, the development speed of other countries is still slow, and it is unremarkable in the tide of technological change in the world. Due to the collapse of coal and the impact of falling oil prices, many countries in Africa relying on coal and oil are affected and are on the verge of collapse.
The biggest change is the Asian region where the heroes stand side by side. Apart from Russia, China, the island and India are among the strongest countries.
Huaxia has become the world's leading economic and technological leader, and its status is self-evident.
The controlled nuclear fusion technology is the most mature. In the past years of successful external tests, Huaxia has launched more than 30 controlled nuclear fusion power stations in various provinces, replacing thermal power stations, completing the layout of new energy fields, and upgrading the national power grid. Moreover, in all advanced cities, unmanned driving is popular and a new era is successfully led.
The technological breakthroughs brought by the controlled nuclear fusion technology and artificial intelligence technology that have been successfully tested by Indoto, together with the huge population and economic volume in China, the economic aggregate has leapt to the third place and entered the ranks of the powerful countries.
The island's controlled nuclear fusion technology was successful, and artificial intelligence breakthroughs brought about a breakthrough in technology and the speed of technological development. After China and the United States, it entered the ranks of the world's powerful countries in the new era.
Not only that, the controlled nuclear fusion technology breakthrough, the island nation's power to build a nuclear fusion power station, the implementation of new energy industry, the demand for fossil energy has become smaller. After the last blockade, a new era is coming, and the influence of the United States on the island nation is gradually waning.
During the period, a small incident occurred, and the island’s constitutional amendment was successful. The island’s leaders could be re-elected for a maximum of five times, greatly extending their term of office. Finally, the island country chose to sign a cooperation agreement with Australia, and promised to help Australia build a controlled nuclear fusion power station and become the new island Australia alliance.
In addition, ASEAN feels that the changes in the world's pattern have become closer to each other and have established various technical research laboratories, hoping to lag behind the pace of development in the world.
On the other side of the Middle East, the old king of the Arab kingdom died and the new king Muhammad succeeded to succeed.
The Arab world is also aware of the changes in the world. Under the impetus of Muhammad, the Arab kingdom, the United Arab Emirates, and the Persian (I. Lang) countries are the mainstays. They are mediating and integrating the Arab world to abandon their predecessors and jointly set up a science and technology laboratory. The Arab League of the World is faint.
The reconstruction of the world pattern of the new era began to emerge as a prototype.
Huaxia, the United States and the United States, plus the North American Group, the Russian Union (New. Su. United), the European Group, the Australian Alliance, the South Asian Indy, the Southeast Asian Union, the Arab League, the South American Group, and the African Union. In addition to this, there are some scattered medium-sized countries and small countries.
The changes in the old economic structure system triggered a global financial turmoil.
The financial turmoil has brought about tremendous changes in the world economic system and has been completely shuffled.
In the old era, the oil and dollar economy system completely collapsed. The world began to form a diversified basket of currency trading systems dominated by the Chinese currency and the US dollar, supplemented by the euro, ruble, yen and rupee.
Some of the backward technology companies were eliminated, the world's science and technology began to integrate, and some small countries also collapsed due to the financial turmoil.
After the financial turmoil, it seems as if the big tree after the dead leaves are cut off, and the new world is revived, and the global economy is ushered in the most insane growth.
During these changes, the major powers have been tacitly calm, quietly carrying out their own layout, and concentrating on the resources needed.
During this time, one company attracted the attention of many parties, namely the marching ant group.
During the financial turmoil, the marching ant group was not affected at all, accumulated enough funds, operated through various channels, acquired some companies that were on the verge of bankruptcy, and seized the market resources of the integrated company. At the same time, in some small countries, through the shadow company, the company acquired the minerals. Resources.
The marching ant group has grown wildly in this change.
In addition, in the battle for controlled nuclear fusion cakes, the marching ant group has become China's most prominent pioneer, earning huge benefits.
Huaxia allowed the export of controlled nuclear fusion technology. Huaxia Nuclear Energy Group took the autumn wind and swept the leaves, and won the construction contract of 51 controlled nuclear fusion power stations in 37 countries in a short time.
The power station construction process took only three years.
In the past three years, the marching ant group has used the all-intelligent construction machinery to complete the construction of 51 controlled nuclear fusion power stations in advance and hand over to the house, which shocked the world.
Such a terrible infrastructure building capability, the limelight is no longer the same, let the world look at it.
After the shuffling, the world discovered that the tentacles of the marching ant group have taken root in various fields. The financial and technical strength of the marching ant group has long been a country, and the huge commercial empire that is rooted in the world market has taken shape.
Everyone who noticed all of this was numb and treacherous.
The situation is stable, no one dares to play the idea of ​​the marching ant group. Even if it is a big country, try to touch the marching ant group, face their huge influence and scientific and technological strength, and they can't get away with it.
The news about the marching ant group is not limited to the scientific and technological community.
During this time, the marching ant group headed by Chen Mo, in the name of Zhao Min, Xiao Yu, Li Lingfeng, Zhu Li, Zhang Yi and other senior executives of the army ants group, the university was established in an all-round way, starting in Binhai City, named: unparalleled. Chen Mo served as the first president of the university.
Unparalleled universities are enrolled for global enrollment and can be entered through self-enrollment examinations. If you master top-notch special skills or talents that are beyond the ordinary, you may also be considered by unparalleled universities.
Wushuang University independently recruits no more than 3,000 talented students in each period, of which no less than 1,000 Chinese students have no back door, no relationship, no identity, all based on personal ability and school choice. It mainly recruits students majoring in physics, mathematics, biology, chemistry, medicine, computer, machinery, aviation, etc., and enrolls in full scholarships.
All textbooks and teaching content, edited by Chen Mo, are designed to cultivate top scientific research talents who lead the world in technology.
The unification of the university has attracted the attention of the global education community.
After the publication of the textbooks and teaching contents of Wushu University, it caused quite a small shock.
The content of all the textbooks of Wushu University is far advanced from the existing teaching content level. Many basic science fields, even the current laboratory research, have not been involved. Just the university textbooks shock the world.
The news of the first batch of self-enrollment examinations at the university was released, almost letting the global genius boy smash the scalp, only to get the admission notice of Wushu University.
The growth of the marching ant group has very detailed plans. Some strategists seem to be aware of the unprecedented ambitions of the marching ants in the layout of the marching ant group.
The reshuffle of the world pattern lasted for three years before it came to a close. Numerous major news news, countless shocks mixed with it.
Calm time, maintained for two years.
These five years are crucial to the marching ant group for five years, especially in terms of technology layout and R&D.
The expansion of the second phase of the space base was completed, the extension of the army ant headquarters was completed, various laboratories were established, and the basic equipment for research and development was comprehensively improved. No other thing could stop the ultra-fast development speed of the marching ant group.
Five years ago, the technology of the future that was once imaginary was just getting started, and it has now become universal.
Among them, Huaxia has the biggest change.
The popularity of new energy vehicles, the expansion of environmental protection projects, the promotion of automatic driving, the expansion of smart cities to major first-tier cities, the popularity of holographic technology and artificial intelligence technology, the leading of clean energy technology, and the leading space projects, deserved world leaders.
The country is almost the same every day, and the living standards and lifestyles of ordinary people have undergone tremendous changes.
The door to global technological innovation has opened, and the world's talents and companies have begun to focus on technological innovation. The application techniques and innovative ideas of various partial doors have begun to enter the ordinary life vision.
The continuous popularization of technology and technology, the technological breakthrough brought by advanced artificial intelligence, has reduced the technological gap between several major powers. The world pattern has returned to a new equilibrium.
Some established companies have been eliminated, and some new companies have seized the opportunity of this change and replaced it.
Every day, news of various technological breakthroughs has spread, and the world's science and technology system is constantly improving and enriching, full of vitality.
Students are passionate about innovation and creativity, basic education is changing, and the world is full of curiosity and anticipation for a new future.
This is an era of contending, a time of generations, a vibrant era. Unlimited vitality, opportunities and adventures coexist, success and failure are in the same box.
This is a brand new era.
Later generations called this time period: the golden age of technology.
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