Chapter 715: : Wushuang University

The audience who watched the live news all over the world, after hearing the translation, were all stunned.
Another cross-age technology.
Nano robotics.
The technology that has only appeared in science fiction movies has once again appeared in reality.
Human beings are visual animals, and super-light-speed communication is very powerful. Only professionals and knowledgeable people know it is powerful. Now that Mars has a huge sci-fi smart city, this shock is very intuitive.
The madness of the live broadcast is the most powerful proof.
The news of countless rewards drowned the screen of the entire live broadcast room. If you didn't turn off the barrage or use the dual screen, you couldn't see anyone at all. Smart saw a group of fish and shrimp swimming.
The music in the live broadcast room continued to ring, bringing the atmosphere to the highest tide.
In just a few days, Xiao Man exposed two cross-era technologies, which are only known to them, and the marching ant group let them know that there are still many unknowns.
No one knows how terrible the technical strength of the marching ant group.
"Little sister, are you sure your brother-in-law will not hit your ass?"
"Small nephew, last time let your brother-in-law hold a forum, this time I want him to build a city?"
"You are a little bit, it's very bad."
"Small nephew, are you sure you will not leak?"
Xiao Man looked at the most and the most special questions in the barrage.
"These are the ones that took part in Mars travel, and the brother-in-law told me that they allowed me to disclose the news. I know a name and what it is, and the others don't know."
Not long after, the goddess has settled smoothly on the spacious and flat airport.
Xiao Man is not slow, skilled to climb out of the safety cabin, confirm the airtightness and oxygen content, follow the robot to leave the safety cabin and set foot on the Martian land. When leaving the Shenneng cabin, Xiao Man still did not forget to aim the camera at his feet.
"I told you that this small step is a big step for human science and technology civilization and a big step for mankind to move into the deep space of the universe."
Xiao Man was introduced in a serious way, leaving only 666 full screen in the live broadcast room.
Entering the Mars transport cabin, Xiao Man started off from the stationed base. On the road, he did not forget to use the lens to face the window and broadcast live.
"This city is called Yingcheng City. We call Mars a illusion star, this is the first city of Mars, so it is named Yingcheng City. In the city, all the building structures are made up of nano-robots. A complete whole.
The building structure and layout of the city, through the artificial intelligence precision calculation design, the energy supply is the nuclear fusion power station. If necessary, Yingcheng City can continue to expand.
At the beginning, it is necessary to manufacture related equipment from the earth transportation chip and some special material parts. Now there is a complete industrial system in the city of Yingxiang, from minerals to products, which can be completely self-sufficient, and everything is machine production. This is the power of science and technology. All this in front of us tells us to study hard, otherwise the robots can't do it.

Xiao Man’s lens constantly aligns with the buildings on both sides of the road. From the landing of the goddess, Xiao Man has never seen an identical building.
This is not a rigid identical building. Each building has its own unique style. Although it is a robotic production workshop, it is still not designed to be the same as the old-fashioned building. It is very human and personalized.
The marching ant group announced its ownership of Mars. Xiaoban did this by showing the world the development level of Mars in the marching ant group, and also showing the true strength of the marching ant group and deepening the impression of the earth society on the control of Mars by the marching ant group.

This is actually the lowest-level literary star ball.

The blue master stared at the planet covered by clouds in front, the blood-red planet. In the picture displayed by the Quantum Detection Radar, all the plants above are red or orange.
Red-skinned creatures can be seen in the rare gathering places of glowing red plants. Four feet, two four-finger jaws, one eye, exposed fangs, flat head.
They saw the creature's dwelling, the text and the tools that were simply embedded in the jaws.
Non-natural text symbols and tools are the most basic conditional symbols of wisdom and civilization.
"The Planetary Civilization Detector shows that this civilization originated two hundred million years ago, when tools and shelters appeared 100 million years ago, and it was still 100 million years old. It is still only primitive. It only uses textual pronunciation and simple tools, there is no cosmic rule. tool."
The lizard head took the detector to the blue master.
"There have been two planet-level civilizations on this planet, which were eventually ruined by the disaster of asteroid collisions and climate change. Both are civilizations of the Orcs. Does this civilization feel like a Zerg civilization?"
"Like a class."
The blue teacher nodded.
"The Zerg is a famous low-intelligence in the universe, but this kind of creature, the red-claw fight, is very powerful. Therefore, some wars between low-level civilizations like the slaves Zerg, as the vanguard of the Star Wars.

Do you want to catch some, as a sample of paleontological research?

The lizard head looks at the blue-green creatures next to the skin, with human limbs and body, three eyes. He is a cosmic biology research expert in the expedition team, a humanoid, Torre.
This research is based on archaeological and biological research, the blue division is responsible for the archaeological team, and Torrell is the leader of the cosmic biology research team.

Well, the Universe Alliance allows for the capture of no more than 100,000 newly discovered red-level intelligent species as a sample of biological research, but the Zerg’s research value is not too big, grab 1,000.
Torrell nodded.
"Record the location of this planet, the history of development and biological characteristics of the three civilizations, and enter the planet to obtain some evidence of pre-civilization fossils and civilization."
The blue division told his archaeology students.
His archaeological record is a record of the development history, footprints and biological characteristics of the various species of the Rania Kea Superclusters. As far as in-depth is biological research, it is outside his research.
Earth, a suburb of Binhai City, sits in a school, facing the sea and shaded by trees.
All architectural styles are futuristic.
Extremely simple and majestic.
This is a unique university established by Chen Mo.
There is also a secondary school, built in another part of the city.
Since its inception, Wushu University has become the world's top education destination.
All textbooks and teaching content were edited by Chen Mo and Mo.
The textbooks and teaching content and modes of Wushu University are different from the existing education level. Many of the subject areas of the basic field were also supplemented and improved by Chen Mo when they were in the laboratory.
When Wushu University started school, its teaching materials and courses shocked the world education community.
Some textbooks of Wushu University have become the teaching content of the world's top universities.
It has the best education, the best infrastructure, the best laboratory and equipment, no mathematics to break the head, just to get a place for a unique university.
I am unparalleled.
The name of the university has become a yearning for countless geniuses.
Every year, Wushuang University recruits no more than 3,000 talented students from all over the world, including no less than 1,000 Chinese students. There is no back door, no relationship, no question of origin, and personal choice and admissions.
As for the criteria for independent recruitment of unparalleled universities, the outside world has been speculating, but it has not been determined.
Academic performance is a reference, but it is not the only standard for unparalleled college admissions.
When recruiting students each year, unparalleled universities will be exploding, and students who have special top skills and poor grades will be admitted, even non-student staff.
The most sensational one was that Wushu University admitted to a 15-year-old computer genius, who was also a South Korean high school student, and became a student of the computer artificial intelligence team at Wushu University.
This incident was controversial at the time, but a year later, the artificial intelligence team of Bieyan and Wushuang University participated in the computer competition, and successfully won the crown of the global artificial intelligence geek attack and defense, a sensation.
The disciplines involved in Wushu University include physics, mathematics, biology, chemistry, medicine, computer, machinery, aviation, etc. The disciplines are subdivided, and there are not many students in each subject, but they are the top students in the field.
In the years since the school was founded, students from Wushu University, whoever participate in the competition, will win the highest trophy of the competition.
In the name of the school, the ability of students, all kinds of reputations and honors, Wushu University has become the top jewel in the global education community. There are several of the world's top research teams at the University.
Confirming the time and place of the Wushuang Forum, the security here has risen to the highest level, and the foreign students are suspended from the campus. The garrison force of Binhai City came to be responsible for security, and the marching ant group also dispatched robots to come as security personnel.
The unparalleled forum first appeared, and was led by Chen Mo. The topic was even more epoch-making ‘Super Lightspeed’ communication.
It attracts the attention of the global physics community.
The world's top physicists gather.
Today is the day when the unparalleled forum opens.
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