Chapter 722: : Panic caused by super artificial intelligence

The first unparalleled forum lasted three days and ended with a global attention.
This unparalleled forum broke the news.
Chen Mo only attended an opening ceremony and keynote speech, occupying the highest and most essential part of the unparalleled forum.
The science and technology exhibition on the unparalleled forum makes people really feel the progress of science and technology. Besides, there are many things that cause the biggest sensation, and it is also a matter for the whole people to discuss.
Superluminal communication exists and meets commercial standards.
The marching ant group's transformation of Mars has reached a very developed stage, and it has the ability to fully control Mars.
The existence of nano-robots allows the marching ant group to build a huge city in the shortest possible time.
The unparalleled award is officially established and is expected to be the world's top academic award.
Conscious super artificial intelligence exists.
These major events have made the unparalleled forum the focus of global topics. The most fertile of these is what Chen Mo said, and has successfully created conscious super artificial intelligence.
This topic, after a global network discussion and fermentation, caused a lot of panic.
Classic sci-fi movies such as "Terminator", "I, Robot", "Artificial Intelligence", literary works, as well as all kinds of celebrities in the community, the comments on artificial intelligence are deeply rooted in the hearts of people, so that many people hear conscious artificial intelligence, It will subconsciously show the impression that artificial intelligence destroys human beings.
The topic of super artificial intelligence came from the unparalleled forum. During the unparalleled forum, there were still many topics to discuss. After the forum came to a close, more and more people focused on this issue.
A panic caused by super artificial intelligence.
The city is full of wind and rain.
All over the world, including some celebrities, entrepreneurs, celebrities and scientists, are calling on the marching ant group to stop researching super artificial intelligence and avoid artificial intelligence out of control before determining the true safety of super artificial intelligence.
"The things are a bit too big."
Zhao Min took a group of letters and documents into Chen Mo's lab and put it on his desk.
Sitting in the office chair of Chen Mo, he took off his high heels and stretched out a lazy waist. He began to circle on the office chair. The long legs under the skirts swayed and looked like a lazy look.
The letter she brought was sent to the company by all walks of life. Most of them asked about super artificial intelligence and expressed concern about super artificial intelligence.

The official also sent people to inquire, I hope we can answer the security questions about super artificial intelligence and provide solutions.

At present, the most cutting-edge technology of science and technology is that marching ants are setting standards. The official gives them maximum autonomy. Unless very special technology and weapon technology are required, the official is required to be notified, and others are determined by them.
The topic of super artificial intelligence has caused concern from all walks of life, and even attracted some social concerns. The official has to send it to understand the situation.
"How do you reply?" Chen Mo and Zhao Min turned the chair in a circle.
"I said that the security of super artificial intelligence is very reliable, but they want a definitive answer. Do you have a solution?" Zhao Min picked up several envelopes and placed them in front of Chen Mo.
Chen Mo took the envelope and flipped it over, then let it go.
"This problem is well solved. You publish a message saying that I will soon announce the security solution for super artificial intelligence."
"That's good, can I know what program?" Zhao Min asked curiously.
"Of course, you have nothing to know."
Chen Mo said.
"The release of micro-quantum computers will make quantum computers become personal computers and notebooks, and information security will be guaranteed. Quantum's confidentiality is currently the highest known, even if it is super artificial intelligence, there is no way to be undiscovered. probe."
"It seems that my worry is superfluous. You know that there will be problems today when you study."
"Yeah." Chen Mo did not deny: "Beginning to just feel the release of a quantum computer, it is not necessary for the time being. Not enough now, just to use this opportunity to release quantum computers."
"Can you mass produce?" Zhao Min asked.
"Now the calculation of the ink girl is close to infinity, and the quantum chip has matured very early. Many technologies can be used in mass production, just want to do it. After all, social problems are there, society is not transformed, too fast, easy. A fault has occurred and collapsed."
Chen Mo opened the holographic screen, and the appearance of the miniature quantum computer and quantum notebook was suspended in front of Zhao Min.
Many technologies, taking into account social contradictions and demand, Chen Mo did not let the company generally use, otherwise the number of unemployed is too much, the society is easy to be confused.
It’s no longer meaningful to earn more and less money.
"What about the release of the quantum computer?"
Chen Mo put away the holographic screen and turned to continue to view the data of Mars.
"How is the atmosphere of Mars?" Zhao Min leaned back in the chair and quietly looked at the light curtain in front of Chen Mo.
"It's going well, let's see it." Chen Mo's finger moved, and placed a holographic light curtain in front of Zhao Min.
The picture on Mars.
Distributed picture, more than a dozen meters of equipment in the air, there is a huge turbofan, connected to the pipeline, filled with red transparent liquid.
In addition, there is a mobile, three-meter-diameter machine on the ground, similar in shape to a large machine, but with a few more mechanical leg structures.

These are oxygen generators. The technology is not too high in gold. It is easy to manufacture. It captures the oxygen compounds in the air, reduces them to elemental and oxygen by electricity, and then builds them into a continuous machine to accelerate Mars. Reconstruction of the atmosphere. Plants to transform the atmosphere for too long, with oxygen generators, not too long, the oxygen concentration of Mars can reach the standard of animal survival."
Outside of Mars, the large aerobic machine has been built and has been in operation. The invisible atmosphere can only be seen in liquid catalysts.
A steady stream of greenhouse gases is pouring into the oxygen generator and is broken down into oxygen and elemental.
"It’s really horrible. When you said that the planet was transformed, you thought you were crazy. I didn’t expect it to be.
Zhao Min said with amazement: "The planets can be transformed, the ink girl can form consciousness, then what do you want to study?" ?"
"Flying out of the solar system, but this is a bit difficult." Chen Mo said.
"How to say?"
"The spacecraft that have no speed of light or beyond the speed of light, it doesn't make sense to fly out of the solar system."
Chen Mo also pulled a chair and sat down next to Zhao Min.
The space is too broad and is calculated in light years. Without the speed of light spacecraft and the spacecraft that surpassed the speed of light, it is useless for Chen Mo to fly out of the solar system. Even if he can study drugs that increase life expectancy, the life span of a generation cannot support the time of cosmic research.
"Do you want to study the speed of light spacecraft?"
"Yes." Chen Mo nodded.
As long as the research, with the help of the ink girl, Chen Mo is confident that he can study the technology himself.
However, the time span is too long, and the technology that can be studied is limited, and the technology library is definitely not lacking in his technical achievements.
These technologies are included in the heritage of the Science and Technology Library, and are ready-made and mature technical materials.
He is standing on the shoulders of countless giants. As long as they reach the forefront of their pioneering roads, they will continue to develop the mission and road of the Science and Technology Library without having to re-repair the road because his life is limited.
So what Chen Mo wants to do now is to complete the Mars transformation and get the next permission of the technology library.
"The universe is so big, do you really want to see it?"
Chen Mo shrugged, it goes without saying.
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