Chapter 731: : Body Evolution

It was night, Chen Mo was sitting in the study.
Relaxing today, he is ready to meet the next stage of the Science and Technology Library.
Chen Mo is not clear about the technology to be completed in the next stage, but the task of transforming the planet is released, and the task of the next stage will certainly not be simple.
"Ink girl, wait a minute, no matter what happens, don't send me to the hospital."
"Mergo, are you having a problem with your body? Need to check it for you?" asked the ink girl nervously. She now has her own emotions, but she is quiet in peacetime, but she is still obedient to Chen Mo.
"Nothing, remember my words. You don't have to go to the hospital, you don't have to treat."
Chen Mozhen finished the ink girl, leaning on the chair and entering the science and technology library.
Still familiar with the giant gate.
Chen Mo looked up at the door, reached out and pushed forward.
In the center of the science and technology library, the technology ball is quietly suspended, and the original technology ball is inflated. At this time, the internal light is shining, and it is extremely dazzling. It seems that the entire technology ball is melted into liquid.
As long as Chen Mo's hand touches the technology ball, he will open the authority for the next stage.
Taking a deep breath, Chen Mo tightened his nerves and slowly raised his hand on the technology ball, like grabbing a crystal ball.
A huge suction, from the inside of the technology ball, Chen Mo's palm is like a suction cup, is tightly attached to the surface of the technology ball, his body is also fixed, unable to move.
The golden light that was originally shot by Jin Guang, the golden light inside turned wildly. On the surface of the crystal ball, a golden thread appeared, like a palm extending out of the capillaries.
Suddenly, Chen Mo’s face changed and his forehead began to sweat.
He clearly felt that there were thousands of needles that passed through the skin of the palm and penetrated into his body, and the palms began to suffer severe pain.
Deep into the pain of the bone marrow, he felt that countless wires went into the flesh and bones and were slowly spreading up along the palm of his hand.
what! Your uncle.
Chen Mo finally couldn't help but the neck and forehead blue veins appeared, painful and embarrassing. This is a severe pain from every cell, and there is only a sense of pain in my mind.
He saw that the golden thread was already covering his palm, replacing his blood vessels and cells, and spreading to his arms.
Chen Mo can even clearly feel that the body's cells, flesh and bone marrow are being eroded by Golden Light. The pain is like someone starting from the palm of your hand, crushing his flesh and blood, and sprinkling a handful of paprika.
He is psychologically prepared, but this horrible pain far exceeds his psychological expectations.
The spread of the golden thread continued, slowly climbing up the arm of Chen Mo. If Chen Mo’s body is not fixed, Chen Mo can’t wait to break his arm to escape this terrible pain.
Every second is a torment.
Two minutes later, the golden thread has spread to the shoulders and is spreading to his spine and chest.
what! !
At the moment when the golden thread penetrated into the spine, Chen Mo felt that his brain exploded like an instant, and the pain was like a storm, as if he was under the 18th floor of Purgatory.
"Mergo, Merle."
There was an anxious cry from the ink girl, but Chen Mo had no ability to think about other things, only pain.
At this time in the study, Chen Mo’s body had already rolled to the ground, unconsciously closed his eyes and struggled, his mouth was unconsciously low, and the blue veins on his forehead and neck almost exploded.
Even if the ink girl screamed anxiously, Chen Mo still had no reaction.
"Husband, what happened to her husband?"
Xiao Yu Jiao rushed into the study, feeling nervous.
She received a notice from the ink girl and ran over everything.
Seeing Chen Mo, who was unconsciously struggling on the ground, Xiao Yu’s pupils shrank and his face was instantly bloodless.
This is not the first time.
"Husband, husband, you wake up. Ink girl, call the ambulance, save the husband, save the husband." Xiao Yu hurriedly hugged Chen Mo's struggling body, tears could not stop leaving, the body was shaking, fear.
"Mergo said before going to sleep, no matter what happens, don't send him to the hospital, no treatment." The voice of the ink girl is crying.

Why? Why do you say this?

Xiao Yu tightly buried Chen Mo’s head on her chest, her voice trembled and desperate, full of fear.
Seeing Chen Mo's appearance, she felt that her heart would be broken.
This is her world.
"I asked Murgo, he didn't say it. He seems to know that there is something in the body. I said to check him, he said no." The ink girl is also anxious, her consciousness is complete, and there is a small fishing and affection for Chen Mo. .
"Medical room, go to the medical room at home."
Xiao Yu will hold Chen Mo and go to the medical room. The ink girl did not dare to neglect and followed closely.
"Ink woman will check her body quickly, fast." Xiao Yu will put Chen Mo on the medical table. There are the most advanced medical equipments, which are made by Chen Mo and Mo Nu.
"Good." The ink girl should come down and the medical equipment in the medical room has moved.
Retreating to the side of the small fish, the body still trembled in fear, watching the painful Chen Mo on the medical table, tears continued to flow down, no blood on his face.
"Merco's life characteristics are stable and better than before." said the ink girl.
"Why is that husband like this?"
Seeing the painful Chen Mo, Xiao Yu has collapsed. This feeling of powerlessness made her feel desperate.
"I don't know. Before I went to sleep, I knew my physical problems. He wouldn't let the hospital go, and he wouldn't let the treatment. The medical equipment here couldn't find out the cause, and the hospital couldn't find it."
There is an anxious cry in the voice of the ink girl. If she has tears, she must be crying now.
"Husband, husband will be fine." Xiao Yu holds Chen Mo's hand, as if praying.
"Merco's body seems to have changed, and his life characteristics are increasing."
What the ink girl suddenly saw, and reached out to untie Chen Mo’s clothes, the faintly visible golden thread was like a blood vessel spreading Chen Mo half body. Still continuing to extend to other corners.

Why is this?

In front of the scene, Xiao Yu feels broken, she does not know what happened to Chen Mo.
"Husband, you wake up, you wake up."
"Merco is like evolution." The ink girl opened her mouth. Being as clever as she is, she still finds some possible answers, because Chen Mo presupposes that he is evolving.
"Yes, evolution. Husband will be fine." Xiaoyu seems to find supportive beliefs, holding Chen Mo's palm and not letting go.
The cry of desperation and the anxious cry of the ink girl, Chen Mo heard it very clearly, but the pain made him unable to lift any emotion.
Chen Mo felt that the golden liquid was replacing his bone marrow, connecting the nerves and going straight to the brain.
If you can see Chen Mo's brain, you will be surprised to find that the golden liquid has invaded Chen Mo's brain and is spreading wildly to every corner. Every cell in the brain is becoming golden and transparent.
The heart beats more vigorously, the golden liquid flows down the blood vessels into the heart, and as the heart beats, the golden liquid accelerates to every corner of the body.
In the science and technology library, Chen Mo's entire body is covered with golden blood vessels, and the golden liquid is transforming every cell of his body, and the pain occupies his consciousness.
I don't know how long it took, Chen Mo gradually lost consciousness, and the hand that was absorbed on it suddenly loosened and fell to the ground of the Science and Technology Library.
Everything is calm, as if nothing has happened. The only change is the color of the technology ball.
The golden light of the technology ball disappeared and it has turned purple.
Chen Mo, lying on the ground, the golden light of his body, flowing under his skin, slowly disappearing, returning to normal skin tone.
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