Chapter 779: : Instantaneous power failure

Chen Mo did not expect to be discovered by the other party, this is an accident.
However, he was not afraid and did not escape.
Come sooner or later.
Just come faster.
When the two men met together, the battle was already doomed. The armor's automatic energy shield opens, and Chen Mo doesn't want to entangle. Now is not the time to drag.
boom! !
A sound explosion blasted in the position where Chen Mo stood, and then looked at Chen Mo, already above the kilometer, pointing in the direction of the 10,000 meters high.
This is when he tests the results of the training. Before training, there was no comparison between opponents and reference objects. Now is a chance to detect.
Take the initiative to attack?
Seeing Chen Mo flying over to him, he couldn't help but smile.
Want to fight with him? I don't know the low life of life and death.
After learning that the other person is a lower life of Qing Shuixing, he relaxes from his heart, as if watching the insects and watching Chen Mo flying up.
The nerves and brains of lower life are inherently weak in structure. Their nerves react too slowly, causing the body to react slowly. This ability is inherently weak. Even if the red-level life training speed is good, it is impossible to surpass the orange level, let alone their blue life.
It is a few evolutionary levels that are not compensated by training.
How do mosquitoes fly in the air, they only need a slap to slap.
Raise your hand and the laser in your hand is condensing.
boom! boom!
Chen Mo in flight accelerated again, the sound of the sound explosion was even more terrifying, and the body disappeared in place. A few kilometers away, arrived in an instant, this acceleration, if there is no armor buffer and strong physical fitness, absolutely can not stand.
Chen Mo instantly disappeared into the field of vision, causing the pupil to shrink.
The next moment, the head awake. He found a terrible fact that he saw the other person's figure, but the armor radar did not lock the opponent's position, and there was no hint.
Danger! !
A sense of danger is like a flood of water filling his brain.
His body wants to move, but the black-red figure has appeared in his field of vision, just in front of a meter, at your fingertips, it is too late.
A muffled sound, I felt a slammed back on my chest, and the pain swept the whole body.
Instant stop?
Seeing the armor arm piercing into the chest, a desperate fear fills every cell in the body. boom! He felt that the back of the brain came back with a heavy blow, and consciousness slowly fell into the darkness, leaving only coldness and fear in his world.
Until he died, he didn't even have time to react.
If you come again, is he the opponent of the opponent? This is his last thought, a feeling of liberation spread out.
His consciousness is completely in the dark.
Chen Mo seized the core of anti-matter energy in his hands and stopped at the place. I thought there would be a struggle. I didn't expect the battle to end so smoothly. From the beginning to the end, the process did not last more than four seconds, and there was an unreal feeling.
The air seemed to be quiet.
The people who are still on the lookout are concerned about the life of this battle and are shocked.
Decisive, hot!
The two were separated by more than 20,000 meters. From the beginning to the end, they did not find Chen Mo an extra move.
Hypersonic flight.
Instant stop.
They looked far away, and the visual shock was particularly clear.
Ten times the ultra-high speed flight, the distance between Chen Mo and Yu is able to arrive in the blink of an eye. When everyone thought that Chen Mo had to hit the body of the cockroach, but he nailed it into the board like a nail and stopped in front of the cockroach.
The change from ultra-high speed to static process is completed in an instant, so that the person who sees it feels that a smoldering stagnation can not be released in the chest, which is extremely uncomfortable, but the visual impact is very shocking.
Without a horrible physical quality, this instantaneous stop can cause the division to die directly.
In Qing Shuixing, even the most top-ranking divisions of the warriors are afraid to make such movements. Only the physical qualities of senior life can dare to make such terrible movements.
"Instantaneous stop."
Torrell, who monitored this scene on the spacecraft, couldn’t help but lose his voice and looked shocked.
"Professor, what is the instantaneous stop?" The three shackles next to it are somewhat puzzled.
"Instantaneous stop is a top-level combat skill of the armor. It is an instant stop in the process of super-high-speed flight. It is in place. This top skill has very high requirements for the physical quality of the division, and the maneuvering requirements for the armor are also very high. high.
The first appearance of the instant stop was the famous Black Rock War of the Ziwei civilization and the Raytheon civilization 200 million years ago. At the time, Ziwei Civilization’s unnamed warrior Zijun was in a sudden battle with the legendary warrior Lei Xing of the Thor’s civilization. He stopped at the speed of the sub-light speed, and changed his hand back, killing the Thunderfire and winning the Blackstone War.
In that battle, the nameless Zijun defeated the gods and became the top ten god-level warrior in the Ziwei civilization. The Blackstone Super Galaxy falls into the hands of the Ziwei civilization and has become a pivotal strategic area in the field of Ziwei civilization. This move has won a super galaxies.

Torrell described the researchers who did not understand the battle of the armor, and did not expect to involve the fighting skills of the Ziwei civilization.
As soon as the instant stop appeared, it became one of the top combat skills of the division's division. It was used for avoiding, changing, counterattacking and other unexpected attacks. It is also a necessary combat skill for senior armored divisions.
They did not expect that Qing Shuixing could actually see this skill.
When everyone was shocked, Torrell suddenly thought of something, and his eyes fell on the marching ant sign of the black and red armor.
For a moment, his expression came to an unbelievable.
That sign is...
Instant stop!
The three-eyed warrior saw Chen Mo’s use of the video of the instant stop, and his eyes were horrified. Researchers can literally understand instantaneous stops, and only the divisional divisions know the true horror of this technique.
High-speed instantaneous stop, the physical quality, reaction ability and armor power of the division's division are huge tests, and they are indispensable.
This kind of skill is very high on the body, and the general armor does not dare to try it easily. Only the armored divisions with strong physical strength dared to play like this. Otherwise, the high-speed instantaneous stop, the armored division's body will collapse.
In their ranks, the only one that can stop instantly is only the captain.
But Sanya did not dare to stop like this mysterious black and red armor.
The reason why Zijun was sealed is that in the case of sub-light speed, the moment stops, and the body catches the instantaneous stop impact near the speed of light. The terrible degree can be seen.
Although the mysterious black and red armor is only supersonic, it is already terrible, and the other is a master.
Sanya received the video from the spacecraft.
Seeing the other side use the instant stop to kill cockroaches, he is also somewhat calm.
This instantaneous stop of ten times the speed of sound, he can not do it himself, knowing the technique of instantaneous stop, he knows the difficulty and horror of this skill.
This kind of instantaneous stop, he made it, not dead or seriously injured, the body could not hold the impact.
The physical quality of the red life can not complete such a terrible skill, just the impact momentum of the instantaneous stop, even if the armor has material buffer, it is enough to crush the body of the red life.
"Sanya, the black and red armor, may be the life we ​​are looking for this time, special number 777." At the time of Sanya's shock, the sound of Torrell's out of control in his ear echoed.
"No, his goal is a spaceship."
Sanya saw the position before the death and immediately realized the problem.
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