Chapter 833: : Black City Auction

The Black City Auction House is Shi Ganxing's largest auction house. Among the Shi Ganxing, the largest city is undoubtedly the Warframe Trading City, but the status of the Black City is still irreplaceable.
Heicheng is a commercial city built on a land area of ​​20 million square kilometers on a half planet. From materials to warframes, all goods are readily available. Buy warframes at Shiganxing. Wargames City is the first choice. Other goods, Black City is the first choice.
The Black City auction house is also very famous in Shi Ganxing because it often auctions all kinds of rare commodities from all over the universe.
Perhaps in the entire Shishi constellation, or even the Universe Alliance, Heicheng is just a trivial business group, but under the attention of superpower development technology, Heicheng is now the most attractive destination in the universe at this time.
In Bai Yunxing, the number of spaceships entering and exiting is much less than before. The Star Safety Agency dispatched more than half of the police force to maintain order and alert here, for fear of problems here.
But the police of the Star Safety Agency are very clear that if there is a fight here, they cannot control it.
The lowest level on the field is also the high-level Warframe Division. The lives of the major top-level forces and god-level forces are in Bai Yunxing, and none of them can manage it.
Only those who participated in the auction today can enter Bai Yunxing.
A large number of spacecraft did not land on Bai Yunxing, hovering in space, floating densely, and looking at the past, they were all strangely shaped spacecraft.
Thousands of lives, wearing battle armor, flew from space to the black city of Bai Yunxing.
Everything is in order.
Those who can enter Bai Yunxing are all the high-level armored divisions, top-level lives, and the lives of god-level civilizations. No one is willing to conflict, otherwise it may cause public anger, so no matter whether there is hatred or not, all parties have agreed to do nothing.
At the scene of the Black City auction house, people flowed endlessly. The auction house is very large. It is a 'Colosseum'-style building that can accommodate nearly one million people. It is one hundred kilometers away from the Black City Building and is one of the landmarks of the Black City.
A small spacecraft landed not far above the auction house, and the thunderbolt symbol of the thunder civilization was extremely conspicuous. The emergence of small ships attracted the attention of all those who came.
In the spotlight, Thunder flew out of the small spacecraft slowly, and landed slowly in his armor. He was surrounded by the Warrior Division of Thor's civilization following him. To the surrounding eyes, Thunder turned a blind eye, glanced around and flew towards the auction house without any obstruction along the way.
Upon arriving at the door, the Thunder stopped, and his armored communication device rang. Seeing the display of the communication device, the Thunder froze, and his proud face suddenly became serious.
"Master Dan."
The display of the Warframe Communicator is a young humanoid, with Hu Zhazi, looking older than the Thunder, purple electricity flashing in the pupils, and plasma seems to flow on the skin.
"I'm in Shi Ganxing. Heizu Civilization has some secret movements. The teacher is afraid of an accident and will let me come over. Don't say a word."
"Understand." Thunder responded solemnly.
He dared not have any arrogance in front of this man.
"Shi Ganxing will not be peaceful, so be careful about everything." After the admonition was over, the man hung up the communication.
Thunder sorted out his thoughts, and if nothing happened, he didn't even tell them. Just after the box entered the auction house, there was some movement in the back, and for a moment, Thunder turned around.
A small spaceship with a black eye sign appeared at the scene.
Black pupil civilization.
This weird eye is the highest sign. The small spaceship is like a scary black eye pupil. Looking at this eye pupil makes people have a sense of horror staring into the abyss, and it is like being seen through the heart.
"What a coincidence, Thunder, are you welcoming me?" A tone of laughter appeared, a set of colored armor with black eyes appeared, the helmet opened, and a man's face was exposed.
The black-eyed pupil is as heavy as an abyss, with a strange smile on his face, which is a bit ridiculous.
Wu Wu, the genius Warframe Division of the Black-Daughter Civilization, has been rumored to have awakened his super powers and entered the ranks of top Warframe Divisions at a young age, but it has never been confirmed.
But the status of the Witch Witch in the black pupil civilization is also regarded as a top talent. It is almost recognized as a future high-level candidate. It is no surprise that in the future, there will be retirement vacancies in the high-level black pupil civilization, and the witch will fill the gap.
This person's style is vicious and unpredictable.
"Oh!" Thunder smirked strangely. "I forgot to bring a pet from my family and was waiting for it."
As soon as this word came out, the witch's eyes were frozen, staring at the thunder coldly, and the black pupils looked a little weird. Thunder was not to be outdone, and looked at the witch, the thin blue thunderbolt in his eyes flickered.
For a moment, the lively atmosphere cooled down.
The onlookers were sweating, and if the two of them fought, the entire planet would suffer.
"Shall we go and fire?"
In the distance, the white magpie looked excited, and there was an urge to keep the world from chaos. The seven god-level civilizations have inherent checks and balances. During this trip to Shi Ganxing, they were rivals to each other and no one was afraid of anyone.
The egret looked at the scene and shook his head: "Let them fight, we will take advantage of the fishermen."
Suddenly, the scene raged again, and another small spacecraft appeared at the scene. The purple flat-body spaceship has bright crape myrtle flowers on its hull, and purple fluorescence flows, noble and mysterious.
Once the most powerful overlord, Ziwei Civilization arrived.
The Ziwei civilization's senior Warframe Division was killed, and the Warframe and the corpse were taken away, causing a face blow. Later I heard that Lagerstroemia civilization sent another messenger to come, but never showed up.
The appearance of the Ziwei civilized spaceship eased the atmosphere of confrontation at the scene. The thunder and the witch stopped in tacit agreement, and turned to look at the Ziwei civilization spaceship.
Ziyun slowly left the spacecraft, glanced at it coldly, but paused at the positions of Thunder and Witch, and flew to the auction house unattended, and ignored anyone from beginning to end.
"is her."
Chen Ziyun came out by default. A female person he saw on Qing Mercury did not expect to see him here again. She is the ambassador of the Lagerstroemia civilization, and last time appeared with Zeqi on the blue-eyed civilization Mercury.
He didn't know what was happening when he arrived inside.
I am afraid that this auction will not be so simple. Chen Mo has made up his mind that the auction will end and he will leave Shi Ganxing as soon as the auction is over.
With so many great gods converging, Grey Twenty-one is in his hands, and the sooner you leave, the less trouble there will be.
The tit-for-tat between Wu Wu and Thunder has disappeared, staring at Zi Yun's back for a moment, then turning to enter. The atmosphere at the venue returned to normal, and others entered in accordance with the order.
Chen Mo waited for a while and followed the crowd into the auction hall.
Chen Mo has an invitation letter, which belongs to VIP staff. There is an independent small box, the small box is isolated and detected, and there is a single-sided glass in front. No information can be seen inside the box.
Not long after Chen Mo entered the auction house, the low-key endless sea civilization, dark forest civilization, and corpse civilization began to appear one after another. The three companies staggered and did not meet, so there was no contradiction.
It's time for the auction and no one is watching it again.
The black city auction house was full of enthusiasm.
From the top to the bottom, there are various forms of life. The humanoid, beast-like, sea-like, half-orc, and Zerg have low wisdom. On this occasion, there are almost no discussions about this auction item, as well as the super power development technology of the seven major god-level civilizations.
The VIP floor is on the middle floor of the auction house. This position overlooks the auction site and has a wide field of view, which allows you to look around the auction site very well.
Suddenly, the scene of nearly a million participants quieted down.
An old auctioneer wearing a battle armor slowly landed on the stage of the auction floor and stood firmly on the stage. The old auctioneer bowed seriously around him.
"It is an honor to host this unprecedented auction. Before today, everyone should have heard of a news. In this auction, we have undertaken a special auction of the magic flame civilization. But in addition to this, we also searched this time There are a lot of good things, and everything is rare. Let me witness this special moment with everyone. "
After the old auctioneer finished speaking, a waitress came into the scene holding a small box. The warframe only covered a few important parts of the body, and a large piece of skin was exposed in the air, causing a warm cheer on the field.
This auction was broadcast live through the various news platforms of the Universe, and the whole universe can see it. Countless people's eyes focused on the box carried by the two waitresses, staring at each other.
The box was opened and a document lay quietly on it.
The old auctioneer picked up the document, his expression remained unchanged, and he said lightly: "This is the first lot today, and the ownership of the planet Tami. The planet Tami is an oxygen-rich life planet discovered by the Tami expedition in the universe. ... "
The old auctioneer was very skilled in introducing and soon began to auction.
The planet is tradable in the universe. The unknown planet with primitive life is also a kind of wealth. Many cosmic exploration teams live on it. Some lives who want to have their own private planet will participate in the auction.
The second lot is jewelry designed by a master artist of the Universe, made of rare gems in the universe.
This kind of jewelry is the favorite thing for women's life. Most of the female life in the universe has no resistance to the glittering beautiful jewelry and will not change due to species.
With five lots coming down, the atmosphere of the scene is enough, and over time, many things have entered the mood of bidding.
The sixth lot was pushed by two hot-dressed waitresses. A three-meter-high cabinet was covered by cloth. It is larger than the previous lots, and the solemn attitude of the waitress attracted everyone's attention.
The old auctioneer took the holographic record handed over by the female guest and saw the data parameters of the "swallow" recorded above, and his expression became extremely excited.
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