Chapter 879: : Space Dimension Reduction

The Shigan Galaxy space blockade was lifted.
The news swept across the Universe like a storm.
The space blockade and solidification of the Shigan galaxy, tacitly unlocked the blockade of the galaxy. However, shortly after the space blockade and space solidification were lifted, crazy news came out.
The star galaxy's main star, as well as nearby galaxies, were broken into pieces of paper.
Space reduction!
Some people use space dimensionality reduction weapons to reduce the dimension of the star system where the main star of Shigan is located. The life of Shi Ganxing's main star and those galaxies is still there, and countless dead lives.
The scope of dimensionalization is still expanding. According to the detection of top civilizations, it is confirmed that the scope of space reduction weapons is one hundred light years.
Centered on the main star of Shigan Star, the range of about one hundred light years will be dimensionalized. This is just the beginning. Dimensionalization will not end until 100 years later.
Stellar systems are dimensionalized, and matter in space is like paper, condensed and not scattered, like a huge scroll hanging in space, like an abstract starry fantasy sky, under the beauty of endless terror.
Space dimensionality reduction. This is a space weapon used only by the god-level civilized military.
This destructive space weapon is generally not allowed to be used randomly during non-war times. Today, Tong Qing uses this weapon in a star that is only considered a high civilization.
The horrific sight of Shi Ganxing's main star caused an uproar in the Universe.
The black pupil civilization inherited the pressure of public opinion from the Universe Alliance, and Tong Qing became the first sinner.
"Did they find them?"
Tong Qing stared at Chen Mo's holographic image, with a dull expression, obsidian-like eyes, as if blinking. Since Chen Mo left Shigan Galaxy, he has been watching Chen Mo's images from time to time.
Even the staff are wondering why Master Tong Qing cares so much about this unknown life.
"No, they haven't been found since they left the Shigan Galaxy." Tara responded respectfully, and hesitated before continuing to ask, "Master, why do you care so much about his whereabouts? He is just a small character."
"He's not a small character."
Tara was not entangled in Chen Mo's topic. In her opinion, Chen Mo was just a small character: "Sir, I heard that the Speaker is very angry, I'm afraid this time the trouble is not small."
Tong Qing's attention was still in Chen Mo's image, his eyes were deep, and he did not take Tara's words to heart, thinking about his own affairs, until a briefing interrupted his thoughts.
"Sir, the speaker asked you to come over."
"Come on, it's really troublesome."
Tara's expression changed, and she looked nervously at Tong Qing, only to see that Tong Qing was still calm and did not react.
In the main star of the black pupil civilization little universe, an old man with black pupil sits in a sitting position, and the colored magic pattern skin on his body is already dull and a bit twilight. This old-fashioned dragon bell, the majestic black pupil, is the speaker of the black pupil civilization, Hei Weifu Luoyun.
At this time, Wife Luoyun was very distressed.
The first heir of the black pupil civilization, the proudest man of heaven, did such irrational things at such a critical moment.
He was not distressed that Tong Qing destroyed Shi Ganxing. That life, for the holder of the god-level civilization, is just a bombardment of a humble village. He was distressed that Tong Qing bypassed the speaker of this black pupil council and used military forces.
This has reached the bottom line, committing a taboo of a rule of civilization.
"Why did you do this?" Viveroyun asked angrily.
Hitomi was silent.
Seeing that Tong Qing hadn't spoken, Weifu Luoyun was even more angry: "Do you know the consequences of using military power without permission? Do you know how much trouble civilized by killing Dan?"
"Know you still do this?" Wivro was suffocated enough, disappointed with Tong Qing, waved his hand, and led him away: "Exile to black hole prison, no one can let him out without my order."
Tong Qing looked indifferent, slowly stood up, and left behind the soldiers.
After the news that Shi Ganxing's main star was reduced by the use of space weapons by Tong Qing, Thor and Baixing civilization declared war on Black pupil civilization.
Universe turmoil.
The war of divine civilization officially broke out.
In the battle room, there was a spirit of killing. I saw Wang Haimu and others sitting side by side, wearing the latest uniforms of the marching ant group, and everyone was meticulous and sitting tightly.
On the huge sand table is the star map of the small universe. The density of the galaxy is in sharp contrast to the main universe.
"The small universe with a radius of 100 million light years is not small or small, and it is really a good thing."
Lan touched his chin and followed the star map of the small universe.
The amount of star coefficients of the small universe is much less than that of the main universe. People on the field are the first to see the legendary small universe. The laws of physics are the same as the main universe, here is the space behind the main universe.
The number and density of life is much lower than the main universe, and even lower than the Lanya Kea Super Galaxy, a place known as the life desert of the main universe.
Within the scope of their exploration, no advanced civilization was found.
The reason why the universe alliance system is so large and developed is mainly the space war hundreds of millions of years ago, which promoted the integration of the universe's life and the exchange and development of science and technology civilization, and then developed in continuous cooperation and competition.
This development model is similar to that of World War I and World War II. The alternation of war and peace is the driving force for the development of civilization.
Before leaving the small universe, Chen Mo made the Manshan tribe and artificial intelligence carry out a preliminary exploration of the small universe, and left a stationed planet in some galaxies, and then the artificial intelligence continued to develop the galaxy in which it is located.
At present, no advanced civilization capable of interstellar navigation is found in the small universe, and civilization in the small universe cannot develop too quickly. There are also unknown reasons that make the density of life here much smaller than the main universe.
However, without wearing armor, the life, strength and vitality here are generally higher than the main universe.
The Manshan clan is a good example.
"The war between god-level civilizations has begun, the balance is broken, and the cosmic alliance will not be very peaceful. We also need to strengthen ourselves to confirm that we can survive in the future troubled times."
Lan gave the star map below to Wang Hai and Wat Mu and others.
In the main universe expansion, once it exceeds the constellation level, it is easy to attract the vigilance of nearby constellation civilizations, either to cooperate, to curb your development, or to destroy.
And if you want to expand even more, the resistance will become greater.
If there is a small universe as the foundation, let this be the ‘tree root’. When they expand in the future, they do n’t have to worry about their strength and development not keeping up.
"Now acting as planned, Poison Girl and Ash Twenty-one are left, and the others are meeting."
Poison skin girl and Grey Twenty are sitting at one end. Poison skin girl is indifferent and ruthless. Grey Twenty-one is better, but after Jing Ge's training, her expression is also a bit cold and dangerous.
"Your training is over. Next, you have to travel to other parts of the Universe to build an intelligence system and assassin organization that will act as the eyes and ears of marching ants."
Lan was very serious.
"Your first stop is also the most important battle, a place of chaos."
Lan pointed to the location in the main universe star map.
Poison skin female pupils shrink, slightly moving.
The place of chaos, as the name suggests, is the place of chaos and the most complicated place in the universe.
"Why is it here?" The poison skin girl was puzzled.
"This is the largest talent gathering place in the universe, and there are talents everywhere." Lan smiled slyly: "Interstellar exiles, warmongers, crooks, conspirators, adventurers, killers, etc., there is nothing more perfect for the dark world than here Place. Do you dare to go? "
"Don't you dare?" Poison Girl immediately agreed.
When Arashi arranged the mission, a fleet of tens of thousands of spacecraft suddenly appeared in the distorted space in Orion's space.
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