Chapter 889: : New Life of Mo Nu

Crying with heart and lung awakening, this is the instinct of new life. With the appearance of crying, Mo Nu officially became a flesh and blood.
The cry stopped.
Mo Nu is inhaling and exhaling, her chest is undulating and her heart and lungs are completely awake. Her eyes were half-squinted, and she had just woke up, and the light had a great irritation to her eyes.
Half-squint eyes could not stop her curiosity about the world.
For a long time, Mo Nu, who was accustomed to the light, lay on the experimental table, and slowly opened her eyes.
A pair of ink-black pupils flashed a little bit of luster, as pure as obsidian, and under the long eyelashes, it was extremely flexible and flawless. Mo Nu's eyes rolled around and she looked around. For her, everything now feels completely different from looking at the world through sensors, radar, and cameras.
Chen Mo, Xiao Yu, and Zhao Min were both in her field of vision.
"Ah ah?"
Mo Nu made a jerky voice and seemed to be trying to learn to speak. The language control of the living body's brain is different from that of the machine body. Just entering this body, Mo Nu has not yet mastered fluent language functions.
"Mum ... Mum."
Xiao Yu laughed excitedly when Mo Nu shouted Chen Mo's name clearly, and she seemed to see something remarkable.
However, they watched the Mo Nu change from an artificial intelligence program to an intelligent life, and now to a real life form. Chen Mo created a complete life form out of nothing, which is simply incredible.
"What does it feel like?" Chen Mo asked.
The prepared nano robot covers Mo Nu's body, and a set of clothes is formed to outline the curve of Mo Nu's body, covering the landscape exposed to the air.
"Very ... magical, very special." Mo Nu slowly raised her hand, looked at her palm, and shook it.
For her, the world now gives her a completely new feeling, which is completely different from the time of intelligent consciousness. In her previous knowledge, everything was cold and temperatureless, now everything is true.
With the help of Xiaoyu and Zhao Min, Mo Nu was sitting on the experimental bench, and was somewhat unstable, leaning on Xiaoyu.
The current Mo girl is like a newborn. In addition to mature thinking and physical control, she is still in the newborn period. She needs to learn and adapt through the brain to fully control her body.
"Yes ... the mind ... the telepathy."
Mo Nu's eyes flickered, very pure, and she tried to spit out the words clearly.
She turned to look at the computer screen in the laboratory.
Chen Mo also followed her sight. The quantum consciousness that the core of the super quantum computer has just stopped running, beating again, massive amounts of data are being crammed into the intelligent core.
The amount of these horrible data is the current mental consciousness data of Mo Nu.
"Can you sense the core of quantum consciousness?" Chen Mo asked.
"Yes." Mo Nu nodded slightly.
Telepathy was discovered in a monkey's consciousness transfer experiment. After that, each pair has telepathy. That connection is very special, and Chen Mo can't understand it, and can only be classified as a superpower that has not been fully interpreted.
"Awareness ... thinking ... same." Mo Nu tried hard to clarify her words slowly, intermittently.
"Same consciousness?"
"Um." Mo Nu nodded slightly, her eyes did not leave Chen Mo's body for a moment, with attachment in her eyes.
Understand clearly, Chen Mo was a little surprised, telepathy existed in the experimental stage, and the experimental monkeys had telepathy. Chen Mo could not explain it thoroughly, but only classified it into mysterious superpowers.
I did not expect that quantum consciousness and biological consciousness now have telepathy, and they are still the same thinking, which is more magical.
But it will not be able to be interpreted at 1:30 now.
Now the most important thing is to make Mo Nu adapt, not to discuss the research issues. After Mo Nu fully adapts, then research and exchange will be much better.
Zhao Min and Xiaoyu also held Mo Nu's hand, kneaded curiously, and turned to ask Chen Mo: "Don't worry about this. Mo Mo now has a successful operation. Is she going home to adjust to the body or to observe in the laboratory?
"Let's go home, now you are in stable condition." Chen Mo said, looking at the data of the instrument.
"According to information, the approximate location of the destruction of the Bear Wind Warframe is here, the Milky Way."
Reporting news from his men, Popovich stared at the surrounding star map, thoughtfully.
At the order, the Quantum Life Quantum Detector turned on, and the distribution of life stars across the galaxy appeared on the map and was marked.
The detection range of the Xinghe detector is one million light-years. It belongs to the middle and lower level detectors, which is used to detect the life of galaxies. But in Pisces and Whale, it is already a better life detector. Here in a small corner of the universe, the civilization system is not as rich as those of the top civilizations and the centers of the universe.
More advanced detectors require a large amount of star coins to be purchased, and the imperial civilization cannot afford a large number of star coins.
"Captain, we entered the galaxy without saying hello. Will it annoy them once this is their territory?" One of the men asked carefully.
"Just rest assured, Pisces-Cygnus, our fairy civilization is not something they can provoke."
Popovich was a little careless and didn't take his words to heart. Although they are not as rich as those advanced civilizations in the center of the universe, in this little corner, they also have a bit of right to speak, just like the village tyrants.
"Captain, there is a spaceship approaching."
An exclamation rang through the entire control center of the probe ship, and also interrupted Popovich's thinking. All the players' expressions froze on their faces, staring in horror at the fleet appearing on the screen.
"The life of that planet refused to communicate with our team members and attacked us as intruders." The command center of the Wang Hai Fleet received a reply from the team members.
In their communication with the beast-like star ball of the small universe, they were attacked as intruders.
The opponent rejected the option of surrender.
As expected.
In the development of interstellar, this beastly civilization chose to slaughter, enslave, and captivate the life of another planet, and it will be thought that that situation fell on them.
They are also afraid of being enslaved and kept in captivity.
"Confirm the language, do they understand?" Wang Hai asked.
"Confirm that we entered the twelve beastly languages ​​of their planet with a translator and then communicated with them. But they refused to communicate with me, attacked us with missiles and lasers, and claimed to use nuclear bombs to kill us.
"Destroy the intelligent life of this planet." Wang Hai gave a cold order.
"Everything?" Asked He He beside him.
"Understood." He congratulated, leaving the spacecraft at the command center.
Disobedience is destruction.
This is the most efficient method in small universe development.
They need to take complete control of this small universe, tolerate no accidents, and no threats are allowed in the small universe. This is their most important core territory.
As the order was issued, several spacecraft disappeared in place, appeared in the stellar system where the beastlike planet was located, and a steady stream of war robots landed towards the beastly planet.
Along with it are nanobots.
A cold massacre is being staged on the beast-like planet of the small universe.
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