Chapter 944: : Universe Ontology and Parity Not Conserved

Chen Mo's goal is very obvious, that is, the study of the philosophical consciousness of the fourth dimension of Mu Shi Tianxing, the theory of the universe, and the mathematical model of the existence of higher dimensions.
This is the main research of Mushi Tianxing on the fourth dimension.
In the science and technology library, he has read about the study of the fourth dimension consciousness. Now that he can have the stone of other mountains, he is definitely not willing to miss it.
Chen Mo is not very interested in other technical map monuments and math and physics research map monuments. He has mastered these techniques long ago, and he is more complete and complete than Mu Shi Tianxing.
There are more than 20 map steles in the cosmological ontology. The map steles where this part of the content is located have fewer lives than other map steles.
When Chen Mo and his party arrived, they had enough space for them to read.
The thumb-sized word and twenty towering monuments record a lot of content.
The first chapter of the universe's ontology is the parity-non-conservation law.
Among the basic particles of the universe, there are three ways of symmetry, namely charge symmetry, space reflection symmetry, and time inversion symmetry. However, microscopic particle experiments prove that the three symmetry methods do not exist.
The behavior of particles and antiparticles is not the same. Due to the slightly different physical laws, the charge of the particles is asymmetric.
At the beginning of the Big Bang, there was a little more positive matter than antimatter. After the annihilation of positive matter and antimatter, the remaining positive matter formed the universe we know today. If the matter is strictly symmetrical, the universe should not exist after the Big Bang.
It is the difference between the particles that, after interaction, has created this wonderful and varied universe today.
Regarding the law of asymmetry of electric charges, Mu's celestial star guessed the existence of the antimatter universe.
In a certain time and space they didn't know, after the universe exploded, the remaining amount of antimatter was more than that of positive matter, forming a universe that was completely different from their current cosmic laws.
The most interesting third type of time inversion is asymmetry.
It is the same as the earth's parity non-conservation law, and the study of Mu's celestial star is also not conserved. It is the directionality of time, and time is directional.
The conversion process between the two particles requires different time for reversal. This is the law.
And Mu Shixing guessed the possibility of space-time travel, and each time-space travel, whether willing or not, will create a space-time parallel universe.
Because when the time traveler returns to the past world, even if he breathes a breath of air, he will interfere with the particles of the original universe. The universe particles are no longer the same state as in the past. The existence of the butterfly effect makes the two no longer the same universe.
And the life that can change this parallel universe state is the fourth dimension life. Life in the fourth dimension can control all matter in the universe. Life interference in the fourth dimension can twist the time axis and particles of the two universes back to the original trajectory.
Very mysterious conjecture.
As for the second chapter of the universe's ontology, Mu's star is another guess: the universe is the corpse of life in the fourth dimension.
A terrible guess.
The Big Bang is the moment of death in the fourth dimension.
All life and matter in the universe are ‘bacteria’ on the corpse of life in the fourth dimension. If life consciousness in the universe breaks through the fourth dimension, everything in the ‘body’ can be controlled.
There are five kinds of conjectures set up by Mushitianxing about the existence of the universe. No matter what kind of situation, the conjectures have a common feature.
The fourth dimension of life belongs to detachment. He is everywhere and can control all matter in the universe, including the time axis, space axis and particle trajectory, and even control the parallel universe.
Chen Mo thoughtfully.
These remarks, like the last atom in communicating thoughts, opened up Chen Mo's original thoughts.
All research and materials about the fourth dimension of life in the science and technology library are combined and evolved in Chen Mo's brain.
Chen Mo seemed to be enchanted, staring blankly at the monument.
Xiao Yuxin felt a little bit, and let everyone back away slightly, so that they would not be close to Chen Mo.
She has been with Chen Mo all the year round, and naturally knows that this inspiration is fleeting. Sometimes there are countless technical accumulations, and all research is done step by step, but the last point of inspiration does not appear, and it will always be stuck there.
Xiaoyu has seen a lot about what happened to research technology. Sometimes, a technological breakthrough that has not progressed for a long time may just be heard on the road. Not how powerful that sentence was, but the domino that touched the researcher's mind at that moment.
Jing Ge and Ku Yao and others backed away a little and surrounded Chen Mo in mid-air, preventing other lives from approaching.
Each life has a different consciousness of looking at the monument, and the things it sees are naturally different, because the world is different between life. If Chen Mo can gain something here, it will be a surprise to them.
"This life seems to be capable of awakening."
"Look, it looks like."
"Wait and see."
"Unlike the pretended ones, look at the judgment of the life spectrum camera."
Next to the stele, a few lives looked at Chen Mo, motionless, whispering and discussing. According to past life awakening super powers, similar situations will occur.
Suddenly, the onlookers increased their lives.
"Holographic video frequency."
A low cry of exclamation sounded, and Chen Mo was floating on the map stele. He was captured by the camera and sent to the holographic video frequency of the Star Forest.
This scene is seen throughout the Star Forest.
The life spectrum is different and was captured by Beilin's camera. Chen Mo's body is indeed changing.
The life spectrum camera is specially prepared for the evolving life. It can monitor the changes of life cells and body tissue structure. The level of life will be expressed through the spectrum.
In the Star Forest, it is through this method to determine whether life is rapidly evolving.
"His life spectrum is curious, have you seen it?"
"Not seen, see you for the first time."
"Is another god-level life born?"
"Why am I not so lucky?"
"Remember the map stele of his position, wait a moment to see it."
Endless streams of life gathered at Chen Mo's location, and looked at him from afar, no one dared to step forward to disturb, this is already the rule of the Star Forest.
Disturbing others when they are awakening ability will attract siege from other lives, which is directly a life and death feud. Afterwards, they will also be wanted by the Security Department, and the consequences will naturally be punished.
Without the knowledge of both parties, no one wants to have another enemy, let alone go to live in a free room, unless psychologically distorted life.
"This should attract the attention of the great civilization?"
"Absolutely, joining a big civilization is a matter of hard work."
"I don't know which great civilization will be taken away."
"The first genius figure at the Star Festival is here."
There was endless discussion.
The shadow frequency is spread all over the Star Forest and the life of the Star Forest is paying attention to Chen Mo.
At the beginning of the Star Festival, is there a life awakening ability?
The video frequency spreads throughout Mu Shi Tianxing through the news live channel. Two months without life, he awakened superpowers in the Star Forest, and countless eyes stared at Chen Mo's holographic video frequency enviously.
At the beginning, it is necessary to push the celestial event to a climax.
"It's him." Zi Yun looked up at the video frequency of the tall building, and his cold expression changed.
Chen Mo and her were only a few hours apart, and now there is such a big noise in the Star Forest.
The spectrum of life is indeed changing drastically. Although this kind of spectrum, they don't understand what it means, only think that this is the spectrum where special superpowers appear.
Does she know that Chen Mo has the ability to develop superpowers, is it the second superpower now?
"It seems that Zi Yun is right, he is really not ordinary." Mu's longevity looked at the video frequency in amazement.
How many lives have been spent in the Star Forest, and the gains are not big, but Chen Mo just passed by, and made such a big noise, envying countless lives, it seems that the invitation was sent right.
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