Chapter 942: The main gun blasted towards the head of state???

Clang! Clang!
Bang~! Bang~!
This is the sound of a machine working in a huge arsenal with a cave that is thousands of meters deep under the planet Geonosis!
In these workshops transformed from the hollowed out planet crypts and the underground space of the Geonosians, a series of fully automatic B1 combat robot production lines have been installed! And on the assembly line where the'cang dang' and'zi la' rang, a large amount of molten steel was poured into square blocks of metal, and then the metal blocks were released in less than a second. When the assembly line quickly cooled to a solidified state, then, those large-tonnage robotic arms and punching hammers continued to beat them, turning them into cubes or'hands and feet'.
Soon, just being beaten at will several times, the golden metal that has been burnt to the red and shiny has not been completely cooled down, and is quickly transported to the next process by the robot arms on the assembly line. Inscribe the circuit and install the cheapest control chipset directly on those cheap metal plates and manipulator feet.
And as the assembly line slowly moved forward and automatically, the metal plates of the circuits and chips that were hurriedly inscribed were directly installed on the top of the mechanical'hands and feet' from another production line, and then they were installed again. After the same crude but relatively reliable metal parts, the hot body of a robot is basically assembled.
Although it takes dozens of processes for a part from being poured with molten steel until it is installed on the body of a standard B1 combat robot, it takes less than ten minutes!
And then……
When those headless robot bodies continue to be transported forward on the assembly line, and then in the last step and process, the small, pointed heads are installed, and they are randomly used by robotic arms. After being welded into the body so that the head of the robot, which is much more expensive relative to the body, will not fall off casually and ensure that the body of those machines can be controlled, a B1 combat robot is even fresh out of the oven.
In this way, in their hidden underground factory, Geonosis continuously produces the cheap and efficient killing machine for the former customer Trade Union and the current new customer Independent Galaxy Federation-B1 Fighting robot.
Of course, in addition to this kind of cheap goods, in fact, the Geonosians also specially produced and upgraded the B1 combat robot, which is the so-called "neckless and clothesless" heavy fighting in the mouth of a little girl. robot? However, due to cost reasons, there are few production lines for that expensive heavy combat robot and it is not here, but in another small new factory.
Hidden in a corner, I saw the robots being quickly produced on the production line, and saw that there were hundreds of efficient production lines in the largest factory, and then almost every two seconds. Li walked down from the production line with a combat robot with a small neck and a small head without any protection, and watched them being activated one by one from the production line and walked straight down with their still hot body, taking up the weapon column. After forming a neat phalanx, Xiao Annie suddenly felt that she seemed to have to do something today instead of just leaving.
"Wow~! The speed of their badass aliens is too fast?!"
After sighing, Annie quickly made up some ideas and decided what must be done about it, so that some hateful aliens should not be so proud!
"You tell me, if we left so easily today, wouldn't it be a bit bad?!"
Looking at the storage block in my hand, I have recorded the robot intelligence collected from the other party’s production line, including the logic control program and the daily output and the quantity produced. Then I am responsible for it. The two timed fusion blasting devices have also been hidden in a very hidden place by herself, and after ensuring that they will not be discovered by others, Xiao Anni directly put the kind of "not disturbing any enemy" required in the mission. The warning was left behind.
Because she was already thinking seriously that this factory is so big that one or two small-headed combat robots can be produced in one or two seconds, and then can it produce hundreds of thousands of robot troops throughout the day? If you count the factories where other ghost agents are responsible for investigating and preparing to explode, the combined production capacity will be nearly one million a day!
With such a large number, if the opponent’s materials can keep up, and then really wait until Nova’s bad guy’s fleet to attack here two or three days later, then maybe the bad guys like worms have made several. The army of millions of robots is here! Moreover, within three or two days, it was enough for the guys from the Independent Galaxy Federation to assemble and transport the robots to various places in the galaxy to go into battle.
No way! It can't be like this!
Annie felt that if she left like this, if she didn't make trouble for the other party or order something, she wouldn't fit the image of the head of state as a wise and mighty person who plucked hair and scraped the ground. So, she thinks, she'd better do something now so that those aliens are not so proud!
(Respected little master...what do you want to do? The little one must remind you that if you are messing up, once you blow up this place ahead of time or do other things and are discovered by the enemy, maybe they are The spacecraft and personnel ran away directly!
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
I didn’t say, the fleet of the Federation of Heroes is preparing to carry out a raid here. In addition to destroying the robot manufacturing factories on the planet, there must be plans to annihilate the trade alliance warships on the planetary orbit of Geonosians, and even Do you want to wait until there are more enemies gathered here and then you can do it all? Otherwise, the mission will not only require the ghosts to collect information and install a timed blasting device, but have already ordered it to be blown up on the spot, right? )
"Xiao Xiong, talk nonsense! People won't mess around!"
"Forget it! Ignore you!"
o(`^??)o Humph!
Originally, Annie intended to let a certain bad bear give herself a reliable and bad idea, but when she saw that the other party had the kind of intention to oppose her to mess around, she became angry and secretly hated the other party for rebelling against her. At the same time of willingness, turn your face right now and decide not to ask it for help, or is it better to think about it yourself?
"Let me take a good look first to see if there is any super good way..."
? (⊙▽⊙≡;??˙??˙)??
After that, Annie began to move slowly and carefully walked around the production line of this busy underground factory and looked around. She planned to observe, observe, research and study the factories of the enemies of the Independent Galaxy Federation. What are the loopholes that can be exploited or harmed by her, but at the same time will not be discovered by the enemy?
Because, she must show a certain bad bear to prove that she is not doing bad things, but doing things very seriously, and it's a very useful kind!
‘Can you cut the thread secretly? ’
However, before the bear who was pregnant with her family could speak, Annie gave up the idea herself.
Because, if you cut the thread, if you do it yourself, she will be exhausted because of the number of robots in the thousands every hour! And if you work on machinery and equipment, and wait until the final assembled product fails to act and run normally, the Geonosian engineers will definitely come to investigate and troubleshoot problems when they detect something wrong. That's definitely OK. It doesn't work!
‘What about changing the robot’s program? ’
It seems feasible...
However, if you directly manipulate other people's production systems, the traces are still too obvious?
After all, this is not the kind of earth that she has visited in some backward eras. People here have advanced technology that can carry out interstellar navigation and produce robots at will. If she randomly replaces other people's robot logic programs, There must be a high chance of being discovered by the opponent in a short period of time, and it won't be great if the mission fails.
This is not okay, that’s not okay, there is no way, Xiao Annie had to continue to think about it...Anyway, she must think of a trick that can neither affect the enemy’s production nor be easily discovered by the enemy, at least in a short time , Such as the good way to not be discovered by the enemy before the fusion blasting device explodes!
Soon, after seeing a production line, Xiao Annie finally thought of a fun and interesting way!
That is: She discovered that this factory is fully automatic, probably due to the high temperature, so except for occasional visits by those Geonosians with wings and insects. Only a few, in some key production line links that may often fail, there are so many automatic patrol suspension monitoring machines that people are monitoring the production status?
So, this is obviously a chance for her to secretly trick her...
Annie thinks, although her mission has been completed, although she can evacuate now, it is necessary for her to leave something interesting for the enemies before she leaves? So, when she thought of doing it, she hurriedly searched in her bag, and quickly found a universal tool from the world of Mass Effect.
(● ̄(??) ̄●;)
(Tibbers didn't persuade him anymore, because he knew that a certain messy little girl would definitely not listen to him.)
Soon, not long, a line of long snakes lined up, resembling human-shaped insects, and then about 1.78 meters tall, holding the kind of weird sonic blasting gun, and a pair of dragonflies behind them. The general winged Royal Geonosis soldiers flew towards the place where Little Annie had just stayed.
It's a pity that until they finished their inspections and flew away, what they didn't know was:
At the end of the most important brain production lines dedicated to the production of B1 combat robots, and after the final inspection of whether it is qualified or not and injecting logic and intelligent software into the process, I don’t know when there are a few more and other production lines. The robot arms are exactly the same, whether it is the same thing in terms of color, oldness and size?
Therefore, they didn’t notice any ‘abnormal’, they just glanced at it, and then went straight forward to inspect...
Their winged Geonosian Royal Combat Engineers are only six to eight years old on average. Therefore, their low-level intelligence is obviously unable to distinguish those who are working on the production line and face them in a serious manner. The brains of those B1 fighter aircrafts that have been completed are undergoing the final "reprocessing" procedure. The "new" manipulator arms were installed by their own engineers.
‘Tick tick.....’
The Royal Geonosis soldiers who flew by quickly talked while flying. They did not notice any abnormalities on the production line. They just continued to patrol forward in a hurry, and then the strange, like that came out of their mouths. It was the language that made the click sound, and it became farther and farther away, and gradually became inaudible.
after all,
The bodies of the newly cast robots in the factory are still exuding high temperatures, and even if their Geonosians have a high tolerance for high temperatures, no one is willing to stay in such a place, especially Is it inside the factory where everything seems to be normal and there is no condition?
As a result, at the end of the combat robot production line, those ‘new’ robotic arms can continue to work grandiosely.
A large robotic arm that shouldn't have appeared arbitrarily lifted the lid of the robot's head, then inserted the probe, and after a burst of electric sparks, it stretched out soon, and then closed the lid.
clang! !
Then, the next robotic arm smashed the lid of the B1 combat robot's head hard, and directly printed a small bear's paw-like stamp on the hard steel lid! It’s just that the mark doesn’t seem to be too conspicuous. If you don’t look at it carefully, it will make people think that it is just a metal pattern that is caused by some collisions in the production process?
Anyway, for this kind of shoddy construction, let alone a shield, there is not even a layer of protective skin on the body, and even the paint is not even more expensive. The cost is not as expensive as an E-5 explosive rifle. The thing, the Geonosians will certainly not pay attention to such small details.
Of course, no one would care even if they noticed it, because those crooked star people obviously don't understand what the "bear paw" mark means.
clang! clang!
With the passage of time and the departure of the winged Royal Geonosis soldiers, on the production line of the most important and expensive head of the B1 robot, I don’t know when the extra robotic arms are still working hard. Working...
Then, the heads of the ‘completed’ robots were quickly transmitted out, and were quickly installed on the bodies and necks of the simple headless robots.
After the B1 combat robots are installed with energy modules and charged and activated, as the "eyes" on the pointed heads light up one by one, they will automatically jump off the production line and walk directly to Lined up in the warehouse of the spacious underground factory building, waiting for the dispatch order...
Before long, as more and new robots continued to go underground, the array of B1 combat robots that had been lined up and deployed, turned around neatly, and then walked neatly toward the underground passage outside the factory. At the same pace, they walked towards the place where they received the'command' from the Federation of Independent Galaxy.
Boom! Boom!
Boom! Boom! Boom!
Neatly and powerfully, the sound of lifting and falling metal colliding with the ground at the same time began to ring from a distance in the Geonosian factory, and gradually walked away...
As for where they will be transported to, it is probably something that no one knows.
At this time, those Geonosians who continued to patrol the factory and carefully inspected and inspected the robots and the Nemoidya dispatchers from the trade alliance who were in charge of dispatching the robots did not know. The thing is: after seeing those new robots with more things in their heads successfully passed the inspection and left in line, and did not cause anyone to notice, a hidden little girl quietly bypassed those warnings The B1 combat robots, heavy combat robots and destroyer robots patrolled silently.
‘Finish! I slipped away...’
Since there can’t be a fight or let people find out here, then, after completing her mission and successfully leaving the enemy with a little trouble, Little Annie saw that she secretly did nothing to discover. Under the circumstances, he finally stopped staying here, directly maintaining the invisibility effect of his ghost suit, and quickly evacuated outward.
Annie is surely comfortable with her sneaking skills. Under normal circumstances, she is also sure that she will not be discovered by those stupid and crooked stars. Anyway, it will definitely not happen like the last time. Don't do anything to blow up enemy production factories directly!
‘Ghost call! ’
"Please answer when you hear..."
‘Your Excellency, Head Anne! How is your mission going? ’
A few hours later, when all the ghost agents have completed their missions and returned to the assembly point, ready to assemble and leave the planet Geonosis, a certain head of state who has not returned Finally received the kind of worried and impatient communication request from her subordinate.
"That...I have already finished it!!"
Little Annie is sitting on a reddish-brown mountain, next to her floating small motorcycle suitable for single soldiers to dive into combat, she just sits and eats so carelessly and looks at the one in the distance. It is obviously artificial. Manufactured and overflowing with a huge round pit of steam.
Under those big pits over there, there are those Geonosians' combat robot production factories that she just went to perform the task, and those big things that are still smoking like a crater are obviously those aliens directly. Exhaust the smoke of excessive heat, steam and toxic gases into the air of the planet!
(??????????????) Hmm...
There were no enemies in the place where Little Annie was sitting, and no one could easily spot her.
Because the location here is quite good, there are rocks on both sides, plus her ghost suit and a small motorcycle specially built for diving, so the scanning equipment of those Geonosians must not be able to scan her! Even if she didn't use the invisibility function at all!
Anyway, after she successfully completed the task and wasted a little time to check her results, and found that there were no problems, she just slipped to here, and started to sit on this rock without mind, first ate a little After the dry food, he sucked a bottle of the sweet and sour energy drink produced in the Kepulusin area.
‘Your Excellency! ’
‘Eight minutes after Phantom’s detection, a huge radiation storm from the stars of this galaxy is about to cover this area. The duration will last as long as three days. We must prepare to evacuate. Please return to the assembly point as soon as possible! ! ’
(??????????) Good!
Hearing that it turned out to be the kind of troublesome stellar radiation storm. Little Annie, who didn’t plan to stay here for too long, just put on her eyepieces. When she was preparing to act, suddenly, she felt the kind of principle that some familiar guys had uploaded. Force fluctuations.
∑(??△`)? !
Following the direction of the fluctuation of the force, Little Annie could easily lock several familiar small manned shuttle boats sneaking into the planet Geonosis with just the ghost eyepieces.
"That Uncle Ghost! Suddenly I don't want to go back now, so let's go back by yourself, no need to wait, people may have to play here for a day or two, so it's a deal!"
Finding that there was a group of strange guys here, Little Annie, who thought there would be some fun things, decided to follow those shuttle boats that were sneaking into this planet when the stellar storm came. Check the direction of landing!
So, after giving a command to the ghost uncle in the channel, she directly pressed a button on the eyepiece, and it instantly turned into a fully enclosed ghost three-proof helmet, which was full of curiosity. After her delicate face, she turned around and rode on her own small motorcycle. After making a faint'sudden' sound, he disappeared in stealth, and he didn't know where he flew towards the low altitude.
'Hey? ! ’
‘Your Excellency! Are you really sure? ! ’
However, the voice of an anxious, astonished, and bewildered ghost uncle reluctantly sounded on the channel. Obviously, he was a bit puzzled by their little head of state who left without regard for discipline. worry?
"Of course they are sure!!"
The hesitating voice sounded again, and it sounded like it was no longer as firm as before.
"Don't worry, they are very powerful. If you are serious, even if this planet is all exploded, or even this universe is all exploded, people will be fine if you die!!"
(● ̄(??) ̄●;)
Sure enough, after hearing the irresponsible reply from Little Annie, the other side of the poor road fell silent, but the ghost captain did not interrupt the communication between the two parties.
"Now! I want you to go back immediately! Go back to the spaceship and stand by, this is an order!!"
o(`????) o Humph!
After discovering that the other party was hesitant and undecided, and that the powerful radiation storms that found the stars had arrived, Xiao Annie was impatient and directly ordered the guys.
After all, if it's okay in normal times, and they love to be dull, she doesn't care about them! However, it is different now. If those idiots are still waiting for her at the assembly point, God knows will something happen in the powerful radiation flow from the stars? So, it's better to let them go back sooner?
‘Yes! Your Excellency, my head of state! ’
In the end, the ghost captain on the call still did not dare to persist or be brave, because the radiation storm detected by the Phantom was indeed very strong. Although he was not sure whether it could affect them, he was honest after thinking about it. Accepted the order and immediately responded and closed the communication between the two parties at the same time.
"so troublesome!!"
"Tibbers, now, let's take a good look at what their idiots are going to do!!"
??(??)??set off!
(● ̄(??) ̄●)

Three days later...
In the dark and deep space of the same orbit in the galaxy where the planet Geonosis is located, suddenly, in the vacuum of the empty universe, with waves of space fluctuations, soon, it will be like giant giants. The'T'-shaped steel battleship appeared one after another, with navigation lights flashing in various colors on the orbit of the planet Geonosis.
However, at this time they were far away from the planet Geonosius, and they couldn't even see the planet clearly with the naked eye.
On the bridge of one of the battleships that was exactly the same as the other battleships, a female officer was casually tilting Erlang's legs, looking at the holographic screen in front of her that was called out by the officers in charge of radar. Image of a harsh rocky planet with planetary rings.
And that, surprisingly, it was the planet Geonosis that belonged to the Independent Galaxy Federation and was specifically responsible for the production of combat robot soldiers, where the ghost troops under her had just completed spying and timed blasting missions!
"I'm finally here, and I don't know what kind of trouble our little head of state has caused on top?"
Obviously, this female officer sitting in the captain's position is the ghost commander, five-star general and temporary supreme commander of the Galactic Republic, Nova from the Hero Federation of the Kepru District!
Three days ago, the ghost forces successfully completed the mission. After their military staff made a preliminary assessment of the combat effectiveness of the Independent Galaxy Federation, she finally took advantage of the stars of this galaxy to end the kind that is also useful for the fleet. After many radiation storms of influence became stable, they led a battleship fleet of 500 ships and jumped here, preparing to deal with the star that is far out of the galaxy, in the'hinterland' of the Independent Galaxy Federation. Perform a raid on the planet!
‘Report the situation! ’
"Start searching for their fleet!"
"Look at how many battleships they have in this galaxy, and then...prepare to destroy them!!"
Squinting, after Nova's slight dizziness after leaping over, she coldly issued cold orders to the Human Race officers of the Heroic Federation.
Although, looking out from the porthole of the bridge, there is nothing special in sight, and only the most obvious dazzling star in this galaxy and the misty and gorgeous stars outside the galaxy can be seen. Nebula, but obviously, as the commander of the ghost force and has experienced countless wars, Nova, who has also travelled countless times in the universe, knows that the enemy has already entered their attack range at this time, although she But he could not see each other.
She knew that now they must always be ready to deal with the next artillery battle, otherwise, once careless, even if they have absolute numbers and technical advantages, they may face the risk of failure! Because, no one can guarantee that their own battleship shield can withstand the bombardment of the popular laser cannon in this galaxy!
‘Report sir! ’
‘Our fleet successfully arrived at the predetermined coordinates, leaped 500 ships, and actually reached 500 ships, without any loss or damage! ’
‘Report sir! ’
‘The search found that there are more than 300 large warships in the low-Earth orbit of the planet Geonosis. After optical graphics comparison, they are all ring-shaped combat transport ships and robot-controlled ships under the trade alliance! ’
‘There are currently two hundred and twenty-four warships within range of our fleet, and the remaining targets are on the back of the planet, so effective attacks are temporarily impossible! ’
'another! There are a large number of medium and small transport landing ships and an unknown number of fighters. The report is complete! ’
'report! ’
‘The enemy has discovered our side and is urgently adjusting its formation! ’
'report! ’
‘The enemy ship is charging! ’
‘I expect to bombard my fleet in ten seconds! The shield of our fleet has been opened and is operating at full power! ’
'Eight! ’
'Seven! ’
'three! ’
'two! ’
'One! ’
‘Laser cannon is coming! Everyone is ready for impact! ’
The silence of the battle in the universe is silent, especially when the shield is opened, and the enemy's bombardment cannot normally strike the armor of the spacecraft!
Therefore, when those red or green blasting light beams struck from far away from the orbit of the planet Geonosis and instantly surpassed the long distance, they furiously bombarded the one that had just turned over and was adjusting. On the shields of the "T"-shaped battleships of the Heroic Federation Terran, the Terran officers and soldiers in the fleet felt the slight roar of the engines of their battleships when they were running at full power. nothing.
However, those blasting energy beams that bombarded from a very long distance and from out of sight, and scattered by the gravitational interference of stars and planets, only aroused ray of light on the shield of the battleship. That's it...
If the armor of the portholes were not opened, the Terran officers and soldiers inside would not even notice that they had already been preemptively hit by the enemy for a volley.
"An armed merchant ship is an armed merchant ship. Even if it is equipped with a cannon, it is still an armed merchant ship. As expected, there is no way to fight against a warship!!"
It was discovered that the other party’s blasting energy beam had no effect on the 500 battleship assault formation of one’s own side. It just hit the large shield for their plasma matrix battleship and caused the line graph of the shield engine to appear. After the small inconspicuous fluctuation, Nova sneered and issued a new order:
"The whole ship idea!"
"'Imperial main guns' warm up and prepare for the first round of salvo! Power is 50%!!"
In fact, the ‘Empire’s main gun’ is also called the Yamato VII main gun!
In the past, when the Kepulu region was not unified, the Tyronn Empire’s "Behemoth"-class battlecruisers were equipped with Yamato V main guns, which were used to gather energy directly from the ship’s core and use a high The strong magnetic field constrains the power of nuclear fusion to a certain critical value, and then bombards it out!
But now, the Yamato Artillery has undergone a technological upgrade, absorbing the core technology of the three races mastered by the star area, and has been renamed the ‘Imperial Class’ main artillery, and it is said to have the terrifying power to smash a planet! ?
So, now Nova just ordered the use of 50% of the power to attack the enemy, because now their little head of state is still jumping on the planet Geonosis, if he accidentally wears it It would be no fun if the enemy's ship bombarded the planet.
'understand! The order has been received! ’
‘Attention all ships! The main gun begins to warm up, with 50% power, and starts charging! ’
‘The collection of enemy ship movement data is complete! Start assigning targets! ’
'report! ’
‘All targets are allocated! ’
‘The gravitational errors of stars and planets are being corrected...’
‘Fixed! The calculation of the bombardment data is completed, the main guns of each ship are normal and the ballistic trajectory is smooth! ’
‘Gather energy 30%! ’
‘Thirty-three percent...’
‘Thirty-five percent...’
"Forty percent..."
‘Report sir! ’
‘All ships have locked their targets, and the main battery charge is about to reach 50% of the predetermined value, please indicate! ! ’
In less than half a minute, when the officers had loudly reported the situation of the enemy ships and the calculations of the bombardment and summed it up to the flagship, an adjutant hurriedly walked to the ghost dressed in the position of the captain of the bridge. Admiral Nova, who had a suit and a figure that could make countless male soldiers unable to help but swallow, reported loudly in front of him.
"Huh? What are they doing?"
Nova, who was about to order the shelling, suddenly saw that on the holographic magnified optical image of the enemy ship captured by the radar, the opponent started to move at this time, and then seemed to be in formation, and accelerated towards her side. Come here?
Although, Nova herself is the commander of the ghost force and has almost never commanded a large fleet artillery battle in the universe, but as far as she knows, the fleet battle in the universe is not about each other within the bombardment range of their main artillery. Bombard, and then send out fighters to try to conduct close-range blasting or interference? How come the opponent rushed over here regardless of their main gun after firing a round, even the ones on the back of the planet accelerated rushing over, what do they want to do? !
‘Report sir! ’
'According to the analysis of the staff, they should be bent and spread after seeing the laser spreading over a long distance. When the power of the long-range attack is insufficient and our ship is invalid, they intend to take a close dog fight against us. Attack method? ’
After watching for a while, the adjutant also scratched his head. He didn't know what the trade alliance's "warships" were doing. Therefore, he knew that he had connected to the fleet's staff room from the universal tool in his hand. , And got an answer from the senior staff that even the staff were hesitant.
Because, judging from the opponent's current actions, it seems that only this guess is more reasonable...
‘Report sir! ’
‘The main guns of each fleet are charged forty-five percent...’
‘Forty-six percent...’
‘Please give instructions? ! ’
At this time, I saw that my fleet commander asked some irrelevant questions at a critical time, and the next adjutant who was responsible for coordinating artillery battles and passing orders hurriedly urged their beautiful admiral. .
Because if the other party doesn't give an order quickly, I'm afraid the main battery charge will exceed 50% later! !
"Are they crazy? This is the world, who would go to dogfight with them in close quarters?!"
Nova didn’t care about the officer’s urging, she just frowned as she watched those trade alliance fleets stupidly accelerating towards them, staring at the ships with a huge area of'cannon'. Ring-shaped armed merchant ship.
"Be sure to destroy them all, UU read and block the planet!!"
Now that I couldn’t figure out what the other party was doing, and seeing that the charges of each ship’s main guns had reached 51% or 52%, Nova stood up and took two steps forward. The ring-shaped warships in the holographic virtual starry sky in front of her issued a salvo!
Next second!
boom! ! !
As Nova felt the roar and violent tremors of her warship, and then through the portholes of the bridge, she saw a series of terrifying, magnetically confined nuclear fusion strong light, strong radiation, The powerful electron beam blatantly headed towards the fleet of trade alliance ships in the original place, towards the dark starry sky ahead, towards those in the original place out of her sight, towards those not in her sight. Armed merchant ships in here bombarded the past! !

??(??????~????)╭???? Continue tomorrow, remember to vote??
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