Chapter 956: Damn! The boiled egg flies? ('~`●)

"Excuse me, who is there?"
'I! ’
"Ah! I finally found it!!"
Beside the beating willow on the edge of the Forbidden Forest, in this place where no one would dare to come here easily to "find a fight" and take a risk to try "find death" in this place, Hermione Granger finally got what he wanted. I found Professor Anne of their magic open class.
Hermione knows that after catching those magical animals in the Forbidden Forest, a little girl often hides here for the kind of barbecue party or potion cooking she doesn’t know about any good... So, in Huo She couldn't find each other in Gwarts Castle. After looking for someone to inquire and no results, she first strolled along the shore of the lake, and after bypassing the herbal cultivation greenhouse of Professor Pomona Sprout, In the end, she finally found that little figure in this place.
Hermione was already thinking about it just now. If she can't find it here, I'm afraid she can only find it in the Forbidden Forest...
However, she did not dare to easily run into the dangerous forbidden forest alone, because she was not confident enough to think that she was capable of dealing with all the unknown dangers lurking deep in the dense forest! Besides, Hagrid, the administrator of the Forbidden Forest, would definitely not let her in. She didn't want to break there and cause Gryffindor to be deducted points!
"Annie, I have just been looking for you in the castle for a long time, but I didn't expect you to hide here..."
Hermione leaned forward directly, because she knew that with the other side, that terrible beating willow would definitely not greet her with that horrible branch that could smash car windows or rocks with one blow. of.
"People didn't hide it!!"
Seeing the arrival of the Miss Hermione whom she knew well, little Annie didn't say anything more. She just answered indiscriminately, and then continued to stare at her cauldron that was roasted on the fire. .
At this time, Hermione, who was approaching the other party step by step, was just stunned when she was about to ask the other party for some advice... Then, her little head was slightly lifted unconsciously, and the wings of her nose were still not there. He stopped shaking, sniffing some weird smell wafting in the air.
"What is this, it smells so strange..."
"But, it smells really good!"
Now Hermione suddenly changed her mind. She thought, maybe she could have a picnic with the other party and enjoy it, and then after she was full, she could ask the questions she just wanted to ask?
"Annie, are you... cooking that kind of ostrich egg?!"
Look carefully at the other’s crucible, the boiling spring water, and the cinnamon, lily petals, fig shells, roots that are tumbling in the hot blisters, and the messy potions that I didn’t recognize, plus At the huge conspicuous egg in the middle of the cauldron, Hermione couldn't help but asked with some expectation and curiosity.
Because, as far as she knows, apart from some magical animals, there are probably only African ostriches that can lay such a big egg.
"Ostrich egg?"
When she heard that Miss Hermione said it was an ostrich, Annie was stunned.
However, she didn't even mean to leave the cauldron or talk to the other party. She just looked at the other party and turned her head, opening her blue eyes and staring expectantly at the situation in the cauldron. , And always pay attention to the size of the magic flame at the bottom of the cauldron and the boiling degree of the soup in the cauldron.
"It's not an ostrich egg!"
As for what kind of egg it was, Little Annie didn't want to talk to Hermione now, because she decided to wait until she ate it in her stomach before she decided not to talk about it?
"Are you learning to cook that kind of "tea egg"?"
Hermione has some small expectations...
"It's not an ostrich egg, what then?"
So, she leaned to each other's side together, squatting next to the boiling cauldron scorched by the flames, watching the tumbling soup and the one in the soup trembling slightly in the charming fragrance of the soup. egg.
"I don't want to tell you yet!!"
You know, this egg Annie was only obtained when others were not paying attention. If Hermione knew about it and said it, it would be a troublesome thing! And she is most afraid of troubles, now that one thing is worse than one thing less, so let's not talk about it at all?
At most, when it's cooked, she divides the other side a little bit, just a little bit, and just pull the other side into the water and become an accomplice.
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
"I can't tell what kind of egg it is..."
Because Hermione was convinced that she had never seen an egg of this type, and there seemed to be some kind of patterned eggs on it... But, don't know why, she also had a faint feeling of deja vu?
It's just that she, who has been attracted by the taste of the soup right now, doesn't want to think about too complicated things for the time being.
At this moment, a small voice suddenly sounded.
Then, there was a small crack in the shell of the egg...
Although its sound was very small and the cracks were not too big, Hermione with sharp eyes heard and saw it clearly, and she believed that Annie by her side must have found it, otherwise she would not be with her. Carefully moved forward to the far side of the crucible.
"Is it cooked?"
After watching for a while, and discovering that there was indeed a crack in the eggshell, Hermione asked uncertainly.
Because according to her understanding, it is the same as when she or her mother boiled the boiled eggs. If the shell of the egg is cracked, besides it may be caused by uneven heating, it may also be that the egg has been thoroughly cooked. It's cooked, so the solidified egg white is cracked?
"That... doesn't seem to be..."
After just a glance, Xiao Anni has probably realized what is going on. Therefore, she is now considering whether she should take the opportunity to make up for the knife, and then quickly change the way of cooking to change the original meal this afternoon. Change the dessert "potion egg" to something more meaty and nutritious?
such as……
A pot of chowder soup stewed by some kind of tall, cubs of that magical legendary animal?
ε=(????`●))) alas
"Isn't it familiar?"
"However, the egg is already cracked. Doesn't this mean that it is fully cooked?"
Hermione looked at this little Professor Anne who seemed to be a little embarrassed by her side with some confusion. She didn't know why the other party would say that.
At this time, the egg in the boiling soup in the cauldron actually cracked another new crack, and it was shaking slightly, as if something was struggling in it, making Zheng planning Hermione, who moved closer to see clearly, couldn't help being taken aback.
"No! I remember it!!"
Finally, three years ago, a scene that I had seen with Harry and Ron in her first grade once again quietly appeared in Hermione’s mind, making her come back to her senses and know the truth What is cooking...
", you! You actually stole the dragon eggs of the Triwizard Tournament and cooked it?!!!"
A cry of exclamation came out directly from Hermione’s mouth, and the voice was a little louder, and even the punishing willow who was originally a very honest person couldn’t help shaking it twice, as if he had that kind of thought. The idea of ​​lifting its huge vine-like branches to give a certain human who disturbed it a fatal blow?
However, I don't know why, after struggling and ‘hesitating’ twice, it had to calm down under the threatening eyes of a little girl.

Little Annie jumped up, reached out her hand to cover Hermione's unobstructed mouth, and looked at the left and right nervously.
"Miss Hermione, please keep your voice down, but don't let anyone listen to you!!"
When I say this, I actually don’t confess myself...
However, Annie did not see the slightest shy or mindful look on her face. She just looked around for a while and found that it was very hidden, and no other outsiders came here yet, and their words were not affected just now. After it was passed, he sighed carefully.
"Anne! You are a professor, how can you still do this kind of thing, what are you thinking?"
"Oh no, wait a moment..."
After tearing away from the other person's hand, Hermione lowered her voice and asked the little girl professor who was still in the mood for hippie smile and didn't think it was a big deal at all.
Then, she suddenly remembered some more important things before her, and quickly drew out her wand and aimed it at the egg in the cauldron.
"Yugadim Leviosa!!!"
With Hermione’s proficient casting of spells and a wave of her wand, soon the dragon egg, which was constantly heated in the tumbling potion soup, was directly picked up by the Levitating Curse, and it was quickly swayed. The ground was placed on the grass aside.
Click ~ click...
Immediately afterwards, the unknown dragon egg with a strange pattern, one size bigger than an ostrich egg, was not long after being placed on it, and when it started again, it quaked violently, and the crack on the top was still trembling. Become more in.
"Dragon eggs are definitely not cooked with water, and, speaking of it, you may not think that when I was in the first grade, I saw Hagrid once hatched a dragon egg... At that time, he was hatching his When Norwegian Ridgeback was the Norwegian ridgeback, it was put on the fire and roasted directly. The temperature is much higher than the temperature you put in the soup!!!"
Seeing this one who had survived the soup pot and was about to be hatched soon, not knowing what kind of dragon's egg, Hermione once again sullenly moved towards someone who was said to have quite a few' The little girl professor who had a history' and was extremely obsessed with cooking recently stared.
Actually, she was a little weird just now, she didn't know how the other party would hide in this kind of place after cooking an egg... It turned out that she was going to cook a live dragon egg? !
(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~
Annie said: She herself has never cooked the dragon egg of this world before. How would she know if it can be cooked in water? Besides, how can you know if you don't try it yourself, right?
Of course, now looking at the cracked egg that Hermione had just taken out of the cauldron in front of her, she didn't need to think too much about what would happen next.
"It seems that it will really hatch out in a while..."
What a pity...
If she knew this would be the case, when she dared to get it, she should just break it open, then find a larger frying pan, sprinkle a few drops of soy sauce, and eat it directly into poached eggs... In that case, guarantee this stuff It must not be hatched.
However, it must be out of play now, because the egg is about to become a dragon, and it must be impossible to eat it. Besides, it is so spicy that there are not a few pieces of meat. She might as well beat those four who were just transported to school. The idea of ​​a female dragon!
∑(??△`)? !
"You just said, how did you know that the first event of the Triwizard Tournament was to deal with the fire dragon? Hermione, it seems that this matter is still kept secret, right?"
You know, the events of the Triwizard Tournament are, in principle, confidential to all the players, because once they are known in advance by the Warriors, part of the meaning of the game will be lost.
So, Annie is a little curious, I don’t know how the Hermione in front of her knew that the event of the game was Fire Dragon, because even if she was one of the referees, she knew that those guys got it last night only this morning. Four-headed brooding big guy, and then at noon, she took advantage of the opportunity of those people to have lunch, quietly took an extra egg here to conduct her research?
That's right, it's research!
In short, for Professor Anne, who has recently focused on studying the various edible and medicinal values ​​of magical animals, the act of taking a dragon egg is not too serious! Anyway, there are so many eggs, there are four whole nests, and taking one or two away will definitely not be a big deal, will it?
"This... actually Harry told me secretly. When he followed Hagrid with the invisibility cloak yesterday, he saw them being transported to Hogwarts and heard their conversation..."
Hermione suddenly became a little embarrassed and cramped.
Because, this thing is really not so glorious... even, in a sense, she and Harry are indeed cheating? Otherwise, she wouldn't have been thinking about it for a whole morning, then rushing to find the little Professor Anne in front of her to find a way to deal with the fire dragon.
Of course, there is no rush to ask about the way to fight the fire dragon, anyway, there are still many days before the first event.
"It's really cheating..."
Sure enough, Annie knew that none of the so-called contests, sweepstakes, or public events were reliable or fair. They were full of tricks of manipulation and cheating behind the scenes, even in this Hogg. Watts is the same here!
Otherwise, the cunning old man Dumbledore and the insane fake Professor Moody would not treat the Harry Potter in a different way, and make the other party a warrior in the Triwizard Tournament. Up.
Suddenly, she was just about to think about how to deal with the gadget that was about to hatch. Before she had time to think of a way or start her hands, she heard a rustling sound coming from outside...
It sounds like someone is squeezing out the tall weeds and is looking for the willow?
!? (??\'\'????)??
"Miss Hermione! Let's get out of here first!"
( ̄▽ ̄)o─═≡※: ☆Clean up!
In an emergency, with Annie's wave of her hand, a standard Hogwarts wandless spell was used, and then soon, the crucible and the flame that had just been heated on the ground disappeared, even those that were crushed. The scorched turf instantly returned to its original shape.
At the same time, with the flash of blue arcane brilliance, she and Hermione beside her disappeared in an instant, leaving only the'potion egg' that failed to cook. Kaka cracked and shook on the grass.
‘Hagrid! ’
‘Have you found anything over there? ’
'Sorry! Charlie, not yet...’
‘If it doesn’t work, don’t look for it. For such a small thing, I guess I won’t find it...’
As the two teleported and left, after a while, a voice came from a distance... Listening to the dialogue between the two sides in the form of calling, it is obvious that they should Are you looking for something?
'Do not! ’
‘Let me look for it again... I have lost a Pegasus, I can’t lose another...’
'and many more! ’
'Oh! Merlin’s beard...’
Soon, as the sound approached, an astonishing sound of urn sound rang out, and then there was another stern exclamation.
'Hi! Charlie! ’
‘Come here and take a look, I said, Yaya is right here when you hear something, come and take a look! ! ’
‘Hagrid, what did you find...’
‘Don’t ask, come and have a look! ! ’
Soon, the voice of Hagrid, who was obviously the key keeper of Hogwarts and the guard of the Forbidden Forest, rang not far from the beating willow, and shouted and talked to some people further away. With.
‘! ! ’
'That is……'
'wrong! How could it be here, it is still preparing to hatch? ! ’
‘But, it doesn’t look like someone has been here...’
‘Then why is it here? ’
‘Sorry, Charlie, don’t ask me, I don’t know either! ’
Following Hagrid’s exclamation, several wizards soon came here and found the missing Hungarian hornet’s egg as they wished. Although it was about to hatch, it finally Let them breathe a sigh of relief.
After all, private dragon raising is prohibited according to the relevant regulations of the fire dragon! Therefore, those eggs are definitely not allowed to fall outside. Even if they are trampled on by the fire dragon itself or smashed by them, they will never let any one of them disappear for no reason. That is a very serious matter. Otherwise, they wouldn't be so nervous just now, and they have been looking around here aimlessly for so long.
'Hey! ’
‘Charlie, you better not go there now...’
Suddenly, when there were more and more cracks on the egg, and seeing that the Hungarian hornet's egg was about to hatch, the wizard named Charlie just wanted to go forward to take it away, but was just aside. Hagrid grabbed it with quick eyes.
‘What’s wrong, Hagrid? ’
‘We must hurry, it will come out soon, I must go over and check it now! ! ’
Charlie began to struggle, and immediately knocked off the big hand that Hagrid was holding on his shoulder, and he was about to lift his leg and walk forward.
'do not! Charlie! ’
‘Listen to me, you can’t go there yet, look at that willow is a precious willow for beating people...’
‘I bet, if you dare to lean over, you will be smashed by it! ! ’
‘! ? ’
‘Then what shall we do now, just look at it? ’
‘I can’t deal with it, but I think Dumbledore or Professor Pomona Sprout will definitely have a way...’
'Oh! Look, it came out...’
Soon, the Hungarian tree wasp finally squeezed through the eggshell and got a head out.
Although it was small, but its small head was covered with fierce spikes, it couldn't help but curiously looked at Hagrid and Charlie and the others who were watching it at the periphery of a dozen steps but were afraid to approach it.
‘Sizzle~! ’
Then, after a small roar, the little Hungarian hornet sprayed a small flame at the branches of the willow tree hanging down from its head, and then excitedly moved towards Hagrid. Climb here...
‘It’s so charming! ’
‘It seems to be healthy too... wait, no! ! ’
At this moment, Hagrid, Charlie and the others just wanted to do something, but they were completely out of time, but they could only watch in vain as a sturdy branch of the beating willow slammed down!
Slap~! !
With the sound of a crisp flapping sound, the sturdy wicker slammed down and immediately gave the little fire dragon that dared to die just out of its shell and set it on fire to a distance. It flew out...

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