Chapter 967: ?Hello, my name is Timmy!

Today is the weekend, there are no classes in school, but in the corridors of Hogwarts Castle, students are rarely seen frolicking or walking. Except for a few senior couples who need to date, almost no one wants to go there. The village of Hogsmeade, where business is getting harder and harder, because, at this time, students and even professors, most of them have gone to the largest auditorium in Hogwarts to watch the'film'.
  It is said,
Now the warriors of the Triwizard Tournament have begun their kind of fun and exciting adventure in the wilds of Lordaeron, encountering many magical creatures, such as those red murlocs and purple-black amphibious night walks. Maker, Tree Demon Berserker, Forest Troll, Jackal, Jackal Poacher, huge and terrifying rock giant who is not afraid of magic, etc...
   Therefore, in this case, the entire Hogwarts Castle and the Hogsmeade Village outside the school wall are sluggish, and it is only natural! After all, in the eyes of the students, hanging out in the castle, or going to Hog Modri ​​to drink and eat sugar, is there more fun than watching others take risks in the school hall?
   But, it doesn't mean that no one will continue to hang out in the castle. For example, a little girl who has nothing to do after eating?
  ‘Pippi! Pippi? ’
  ? Σ(′▽`≡?˙?˙)?
   ‘Don’t hide, come out quickly...’
'Tell you, it’s useless if you continue to hide, because other bears have already reported you, and they know that you threw owl dung into the top window of the castle. You want to deny it. use! "
  ? (ψ???ˇ??)?
Yes, it was early this morning, when a bad little guy had to wake up from the sun and had to do it from the warm bed, she was surprised to find again: her own Outside the window, there were tons of disgusting owl droppings, as if they were mocking her?
   So it is,
I thought it was those owls who wanted to kill themselves, and felt that the magic that her Anne taught was enough to destroy the world, and that the crucible enough to dissolve the protein was not powerful enough, and they were about to kill aggressively towards the school’s owl shed, and they were going to go there. When tracing the source to find out the culprit, and to teach a certain dead thing a profound lesson... but suddenly she heard her little bear say that the instigator who soiled her little balcony glass is actually the one who still bears hatred. What good deeds your own Pippi did?
Later, I felt that I had previously misunderstood the domestic flat-haired, round-faced and fat chicken Professor Anne. After a moment of silence for them who accidentally entered the cauldron, she turned to go around in Hogwarts castle. After wandering around, I found the trouble of a little ghost who didn't want to learn a lesson, but dared to provoke her Professor Anne and anger her to death.
'where are you? Come out quickly... Don't worry, they will not burn you directly, at most they will only tie you to the wall and hang it for a while! ’
  ? 乛? 幛?
Little Annie did not choose to use magic to find out the other party directly, because in that way, the little game of hide-and-seek would not be fun... So, she took the opportunity to take a walk and digest when she dared to eat and drink enough. Wandering around in the seemingly empty castle.
As for what she just said, how long does it take to hang the other party on the wall for a while, that is a matter of opinion...Anyway, it shouldn't be long, it's almost a three to five Days, or three to five months or something?
  (● ̄(?) ̄●)
   "Ann, Professor Anne? Hello! Professor Anne, please wait?"
   Suddenly, when Annie was walking around the castle with her little bear, and walking down the corridor of the castle to the bottom, a voice yelled behind her and called her directly.
  ∑(′△`)? !
   "So it's you guy named Krum..."
   "What are you calling me to do, you are not going to the auditorium to watch a movie, but you are running here, did you find the whereabouts of the nasty Pepi ghost? Do you know where it is hidden in the castle now?"
Turning his head, I found that it was the hapless one who was stabbed to death by the long sword contaminated with the undead plague, and he was still next to the plague steamer, after Krum, who could not even be saved, little Annie. He stopped and asked curiously.
   "No... I'm sorry Professor Anne, I don't know where that Pipi ghost is..."
I froze for a while before I remembered that Pepy Ghost was the one in Hogwarts who liked to be naughty, and even tossed their Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry students several times, making them the hateful one they hated before. After his ghost, he shook his head quickly.
  Because Krum has other important things now, it wasn't for the boring hide-and-seek game of Pippi.
   "This way..."
  Since I didn’t come to tell myself the whereabouts of Pippi, what does the other party mean by calling me? In this regard, Annie expressed a little unhappy.
   "Then wait for you to see it before you come to me!"
After speaking, Little Annie waved her hand and turned her head and left. She didn't have the desire to break with the other party at all. She was ready to continue walking around in the castle, and she continued to scare someone, she must have been scared into chaos. Run and avoid your own bad ghost.
   "Wait! No, Professor Anne, I am looking for you because of something else!!"
I stood there for a while, until I came back to my senses and remembered why I didn’t go to the auditorium or study in the library, but after I came here to find this Professor Anne, Krum was anxious again. He hurriedly called the other party, and hurried forward, and dangerously intercepted a little girl who was jumping fast at the corner of the corridor.
   "Other things, are they fun and interesting?"
?)??? ~?
   blinked and looked at the other party with a serious face, Annie couldn't help but leaned forward thiefly, and waited expectantly for the other party's answer.
   "No! Not that kind of thing!"
   Krum's head with thick, round short hair shook it vigorously again.
   "Neither is it, nor is it! So what do you nasty guy want to do when looking for someone?"
You know, it’s already afternoon after my'breakfast' is over, and it’s almost time for dinner to go around for a while, and then the day passed again... So, her Professor Anne’s time is very precious. She will have to go to the auditorium to see Hermione and the others later, so she has no time to waste time with this unfamiliar guy in front of her!
   What's more, if there are so many students in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, if everyone is like each other, come to talk to her when they have nothing to do, then would she still do her own thing?
   "Professor Anne!"
   "It's like this, I want to ask you something... Do you know why this happens?"
Krum, who felt that he was being led by the nose by the other party all the time, and holding the initiative of the conversation was not a way, he quickly rolled up his cuffs and directly exposed his hairy arms before he hurried. Asked towards the other side.
  !? (?\'\'??)?
   "You guy, what do you show your hands to others? If you want to see them, wouldn't they go to the zoo to see the gorillas directly?"
   I thought there was something wrong with the other party. Who would have thought that this guy named Krum turned out to be a weird person, and he rushed to show him Mao Mao. What kind of weird things are in his mind?
   What's so great about having a lot of hand hair, if it wasn't for the fact that the other party was not malicious, or because it was Hogwarts, maybe Annie would have already blasted the opponent with a spell!
"Professor Anne, look here, this wound! It was the wound I got when I was practicing spells with Fleur and Harry in the carriage in Lordaeron two days ago. But now you see why it Are you still here?"
   "I remember, you also said that the ‘kingdom of Lordaeron’ does not exist, it is just an illusion, but why do I still have this scar on my hand?!"
That's right, Krum gradually found a trace of the wound caused by the magic in his hand, plus the two days he spent there before, there are enough real feelings. The evidence persuades him: It is very likely that the things they are facing in the Triwizard Tournament, including Harry, Hermione and Fleur, are far from being'illusions' or what the little girl in front of them said The kind of illusion imagined in my mind is so simple!
   "Professor Anne, I have been thinking last night and this morning, that Lordaeron, that Arthas and that Jaina mage, and everything I saw, are they all real?"
   "Did you hide something from us..."
Krum felt that he must have found some evidence that the so-called "illusion" is very simple. Therefore, this will start in the morning, and I have been here for a long time, and only now have I found this illusion. Professor Anne, and hope that the other party can solve their doubts.
   However, staring at the other party's hand, and then looking at the other party's serious expression, Xiao Annie's eyes rolled around and she quickly thought of a good way.
   "But... Krum, your hand doesn't seem to be hurt..."
   pointed to the place on the opponent's hand where the ‘small wound’ originally existed, and Annie pretended to move up to take a look, then smiled and asked the opponent.
   "Why not?"
   "It's here, I thought about it for a long time today..."
   As he said, Krum no longer looked at the other's small face, but instead looked at his arm... However, he was stunned again soon.
"and many more!"
   "This is not right, it was still here just now, it was burnt a small piece, and it was a little painful to touch, why is it gone now?!"
   "No! It's impossible!!"
Krum felt a little unbelievable, so he didn't bother to ask the other person anymore, but he kept luxuriating on the hair on his arm, pulling it like an ape-like arm, but there was still the wound just found there. The slightest shadow?
   (stupid earthling...)
  (● ̄(?) ̄●)
   (Tibbers didn’t want to comment on someone who suddenly became like a real orangutan. After being tricked by his little owner, he still silly and pulled his arm vigorously, as if looking for a lice.)
   "Krum classmate..."
  ? 乛? 幛?
   "It seems that after you died once in that illusion, it still affected you quite a lot. Look, you have hallucinations!"
  (? ̄? ̄?) Hey!
  Poor fellow, seeing the other party still pulling on the arm unwillingly, Xiao Annie had to sigh, and step forward to continue to comfort him:
   "You can go to the school infirmary to see Mrs. Pomfrey, or you can go back and have a good night's sleep, maybe everything will be fine when you wake up, don't lie to you!"
"right now……"
   "People are going to continue looking for that nasty Pipi now. If you see it, remember to let them know!"
I got the opponent in an instant, and made this guy who is 10,000 times better than Dumbledore completely give up his mind, and also made the other person start to doubt life, make sure that he will never doubt or ask herself some strange questions, and then Little Annie directly Turning around, he continued to bounce and wander away toward the front of the Hogwarts Castle corridor.
'How could this be……'
  ‘I shouldn’t. I saw it in the morning. Why did it disappear? ! ’
   "Could it be..."
  ‘Is it really because you’re so tired? ! ’
   Behind Xiao Annie, in the quiet corridor with almost no pedestrians, there was a faint voice of Krum who was wondering if he was really mentally troubled...
   However, what exactly does the other party think, or can they figure out that a certain nasty little girl who is playing peekaboo with a certain ghost will definitely not care for a second.
  Ε=(′?`●))) alas
(Tibbers, who was dangling in the palm of his hand by his little master, clearly felt the state of someone behind, so he had no choice but to think that his mind was a bit too straightforward, and seemed to be silent for a while. Sighed.)
When a little girl was wandering around in the castle of Hogwarts, Hermione, Harry and Fleur who were thrown into a separate timeline in the world of Azeroth by her were still in Andorhal. Adventure in the outer jungle.
However, the three of them obviously don’t know if this place is still outside Andorhal, but the three of them who have been completely lost and have been teleported by Apparition several times still think they are still in Andorhal. The periphery! It's just that because they have lost their way, and the jungles of this world and those ancient giant trees are too tall, so they can't find their way temporarily?
   "How come it seems to be walking back..."
After walking for a while, wiped the sweat on his head, and after looking at the sun in the sky and the surrounding jungles that looked almost the same, Harry looked at his serious injury, who had just healed only recently. Hibiscus.
   "Furong, are you okay?"
   "Or, let's take a break first?"
Thanks to the medicines of the hapless goblin Rosa, benefiting from the effects of the magical medical agents and life potions, Furong’s injury has basically improved, and even the blood-stained neck, hair and T-shirts have been affected Min cleaned it up with'Clean Up'.
   Now, apart from the fact that his face and lips look a little pale, and he gets tired easily, there is basically nothing wrong with him.
Anyway, Harry knew that if a poor goblin was right, Fleur would only need to replenish a few more high-protein, high-energy meats, and then drink one or two test tubes of the
life potion
medicine. He will definitely recover soon.
  Hoo! call!
   "No, Harry, I'm fine with you, thank you..."
   Although verbally said it was okay, Furong did not refuse the help of the boy who was three years younger than him. He just looked at the shy companion beside him with a smile of gratitude.
When he ran away the brown bear last night, robbed the other party’s food and honey, and occupied the other party’s cave for the night, Fleur had already learned from the two of them how she was saved. So, at this moment, whether it is to Harry Still to Hermione, she was extremely grateful, because she knew that without the efforts of her companions, she might have been dead like Krum at this time...
   Thinking of their companion Krum, Rufo Furong's face couldn't help getting worse.
She knows it deeply. When the crossbow arrow penetrated deeply into her shoulder and brought her endless pain and a little bit of blood and strength away from her, she was very scared, and Never thought that death was so close to her?
   "Are we lost again?"
   After thanking Harry and accepting the other's support, Fleur turned her head at this moment, looked at the one beside her and stopped likewise, and was looking at her companion Hermione.
  Since she and Harry can see that the three of them have come to this place, it is impossible for Hermione, who is extremely smart and has become the leader of the three, to fail to see it! Therefore, Furong looked at each other with worried and helpless eyes.
At this time, Furong is wearing the cloak of shadow, which allows her, the wounded, to be directly invisible and sleep peacefully when resting at night, avoiding the threat of the dark night or the danger of being stared at by wild animals, which is very magical; and ha On Lee’s feet are a pair of red agility shoes, which can make him drive faster and easier, and he won’t even be too tired to drive along with Fleur; while Hermione’s hand is a pair of white gemstones. The magical gloves can speed up the casting action by more than 15%, which can greatly increase Hermione's spellcasting and offensive abilities!
   I didn’t say, these things on their bodies were obviously the items turned over from the embroidered deep-sea bag of the goblin Rosa. They didn’t know how much they were worth. They had already been used by the three of them anyway.
   "Okay! That's right, we are indeed lost, I am pretty sure, this place, it is the place where we rested in the morning!!!"
   After speaking, she looked around and saw that this was indeed the path the three of her had walked before, so Hermione bitterly sat on the side of the stone.
The three of them have been walking for most of the day since daybreak today, and they ate all the food they were carrying, but unexpectedly, they turned back and walked back here again, so that a long time of hard work was wasted. , Hermione, a schoolgirl who has never suffered a blow in her studies, couldn't help but feel annoyed!
Today, they beat three trolls who ran out to attack them, petrified a few monster murlocs who wanted to eat them, and once again ran into that terrible stone man, but in the end, let her do everything What I don’t understand is: They obviously have been walking in one direction, but in the end, they lost their way again and kept spinning in one place?
At this point, Hermione had to admit that in this unfamiliar world of Azeroth, she didn't seem to have much ability to survive in the wild, and she had previously seen the "Wildlife" on Earth and in Hogwarts Castle. Books such as "survival guide" do not seem to be very applicable here?
   "Then Hermione, what shall we do now?"
After accepting Harry’s kindness, he asked him to help him once again and sat down on the rock that he had sat on in the morning. After a while, he felt that his strength gradually recovered, and his face was still ugly and lost. Fleur, whose blood was still difficult to recover in a short time, asked Hermione again.
She didn't mean to blame Hermione. The other party was able to lead her and Harry to survive in this dangerous world, defeat terrible monsters, and if necessary, they could directly Apparate and escape. Understand! Anyway, Furong felt that if she replaced herself or Harry, she definitely couldn't do better than the other party.
   "Sorry, Furong, I really don't know..."
   Looking at the sun gradually slanting west, Hermione sighed helplessly, and became a little regretful.
Because, she remembered that yesterday, she should first ask the goblin named Rosa, ask the location of Andorhal, or ask the other party how to judge the direction... But now, it's too late. She definitely couldn't count on those goblins.
   In fact, she is even praying now, praying that the three of them will never run into those goblins, otherwise, they must fight, there is no doubt about that kind of thing! !
   "Or, Hermione, let's find a direction and try to apparate a few times?"
Anyway, there is no good way now, and Furong’s physical condition does not allow for high-intensity exercise or continuing on the road, so Harry felt that if you look for one direction and perform several long-distance apparitions, it must be possible. Right?
"No way!"
"Harry, you don’t know, it’s very dangerous to use Apparition without a clear target casually. It is very likely to stuff us all into rocks or trees, or just throw us into the dead. That kind of thing is too terrible, I will definitely not use Apparition until I have to force it!"
  Hermione directly rejected Harry's proposal. You must know that the Apparitions in the past two days can land safely, and she is calling God or Merlin for blessing!
   "Harry, Treklaus said that Apparition needs to follow the three-D principle: goal, determination, and calmness!"
"Now we don't have a clear goal at all, and I don't have the determination to use Apparition, and I have no calm attitude. It is dangerous to use Apparition without a firm attitude myself! !"
   Rarely, Hermione began to preach to Harry, just as she used to do to each other and Ron when she was at Hogwarts Castle.
   It’s just that now it’s not at Hogwarts anymore, but in this dangerous jungle field in the Kingdom of Lordaeron. When she preached, she obviously lost the usual pride and pride.
   "If only someone here could ask for directions now..."
Thinking about it, I also feel that it’s not good to use Phantom Transformation indiscriminately. Thinking of the previous experience that he was almost attacked by the huge lion-like lynx just after landing, Harry sat directly next to Furong and stopped talking about it. My own kind of unreliable proposal.
Now, it is better for him to rest honestly and wait for Hermione’s decision, because he believes that Hermione can definitely find a way. She is the pride of their Hogwarts, Gryffindor’s. Miss know everything', I believe that sooner or later a way to solve the problem can be thought of.
   "We've been wandering around for quite a while, where can anyone ask for directions?"
Anyway, as far as Hermione saw today, except for those cannibalistic monsters and scattered zombies, skeletons and ghouls, they had never encountered any person who could communicate normally, let alone living people. !
   There is no way, Harry, Hermione and Furong had to start to be silent, because they knew that now when there is no way, it must be right to rest and regain strength first! Moreover, it is so late now, and dusk is coming soon, maybe the three of them should think about where to spend the night at night...
  Because, at night, the jungle is very dangerous. It would be better for them to find a safe place to spend the night, like the dry cave of the poor brown bear last night? Although the place smells a little bit, it is better to be concealed and safe, and it can also keep wind and warmth.
   "Harry, and Hermione, look... there, what's that?!"
   When the three of them were at a loss, Furong, who inadvertently raised her head, seemed to see the distance faintly. In the distance between the mountains and the jungle, there seemed to be a black smoke rising slowly?
"That is……"
   Hearing Fleur's body shape, Harry and Hermione got excited on the spot and quickly stood up and looked at the place Fleur was pointing.
   "Like cooking smoke, but like a campfire..."
   "Hermione, you said, will there be someone we need to find?!"
After watching for a while, it was confirmed that Fleur was not mistaken. It was indeed black smoke rising over there instead of hallucinations. Only after Harry looked at Hermione aside with some uncertainty, and waited for the other party’s answer. .
"do not know……"
   "At this time, it may be a certain village, but it may also be a gathering place for the undead or the nest of a monster!!"
   Hermione is not too sure about this, but if she doesn't check it out, she seems a bit unwilling to give up?
   "Harry, and Fleur!"
   "Over there, where there is smoking, shall we go see it?"
   After thinking about it, Hermione, who felt that continuing to wander around in this jungle was not a solution, resolutely drew out her wand, as if she had made up her mind.
"of course!"
   Harry also took out his own wand, and stood beside Hermione, holding the opponent's shoulder tightly.
   "Me too!"
   Furong also hurriedly took out her wand, then took a deep breath, stood beside Harry and grabbed the opponent's hand.
   She knew what Harry and Hermione meant, and prepared her own spell. If the Apparition passes and finds something wrong, she can release her own spell immediately! Although, she is in a very bad state, but if she casts the spell under the protection of Harry and Hermione, there will be no big problem.
   "Then you are ready, I'm going to start!!"
Now that she had a clear goal and direction, Hermione strengthened her determination next time. After seeing the two of them were ready and holding on, she firmly locked the black smoke in the original place, and calmly Waved the magic wand in his hand:
  ‘Apparate! ! ’
   Apparition! !
   As Hermione used her increasingly proficient spell once again, the three people clutching each other's bodies quickly turned into a mist-like black smoke and disappeared quickly.
  ‘Dumbledore, your Miss Granger at Hogwarts is really good. It seems that you are deliberately making her a warrior. It must be intentional, right? ’
At this time, in the Hogwarts Auditorium, after seeing that the remaining three warriors had become a team led by the Hermione Granger, Mrs. Maxim couldn't help but face a bit sourly. Dumbledore, who was with the old beside her, teased.
To be honest, although the second event of the Triwizard Tournament is not over, anyone can tell that if there is no surprise, the Miss Granger who has been performing very well so far, just It will definitely be the first place in the second project! And with the opponent's increasingly proficient spells and abilities, there are no surprises in the third project.
   "You joked, Ms. Maxim, I have said that many times, Hermione became a warrior, that matter is really not in my plan..."
Dumbledore swears that only Harry he cares about is the only one in his plan. That Miss Granger is really just an Easter egg, and he didn't expect that the other party would be in a spur. The black horse that came out almost robbed Harry of all the limelight.
  I believe that after the second event of the Triwizard Tournament is over, the fame and popularity of that Miss Granger will definitely far exceed Harry, right? In this regard, he Dumbledore expressed very, very worried...because that kind of thing was somewhat different from his plan, and he was not willing to see it.
   But it is a pity that what is happening now is not within his control. He has no other way except watching the development of the situation.
And what, Dumbledore did not continue to say, because he saw a transparent figure, walking out of the wall beside the gate of the auditorium in embarrassment, and then screamed and hurried toward him. Come.
   It looks like it's the Peppy ghost of Hogwarts Castle, the naughty ghost who likes to make trouble? After seeing that guy, Dumbledore couldn't help but start to watch out, for fear that the other party would run out and make trouble at this time, which would affect their order of watching movies.
  ‘Mr. Dumbledore, please help! ! ! ’
   However, what surprised Dumbledore was that the other party didn't seem to be making trouble, but as if he was running to seek refuge from him? He had never encountered such a thing before, and he couldn't help feeling a little strange.
   "Hey hey..."
   ‘Pippi, it’s useless for you to hide. Come out and accept punishment...’
Soon, Dumbledore knew why Pepy Ghost was so scared, because at this time a little girl was carrying her plush toy bear in one hand and a fiery red flame rope in the other. At the main entrance of the auditorium, Pepi Ghost followed him in.
   "Pippy, that strange old man Dumbledore will definitely not be able to protect you, hurry up and be punished, otherwise..."
Crossing her waist, pointing viciously at the Pepy Ghost behind a certain bad old man, intending to tie him with a rope, and then tie it to the lightning rod at the top of the castle to behave like Little Annie. I was stunned, because she saw that on those screens, there were wonderful content playing at this time?
   So, she thought that watching the fight in the movie might be more interesting, she couldn't help but slowly put away the rope in her hand, and turned to watch Hermione and the other little wizards fighting the undead...
  ‘Bone to pieces! ’
  ‘?Ναεμπ?διο! ! ’
  ‘There are so many obstacles! ’
  ‘Fall to pieces! ! ’
  ’! ! ’
  ‘Armor bodyguard! ! ’
At this time, Hermione, Fleur and Harry, who had just emerged from Apparition, and arrived at this place being attacked by the undead, and countless living villagers were killed in a pool of blood. The three of Hermione, Fleur and Harry were embarrassed. To deal with those terrible undead monsters.
   Of course, there is a necromancer! !
From the previous landing to the current hurried counterattack to kill or fly those ghouls and zombies, although less than a minute, it has caused the three people to consume a lot of mana and spells, but the front is very special It was beside the terrible necromancer, those more monsters were still constantly attacking the three people who were being protected by the barrier.
  ’! ! ’
  ‘No way! Hermione, run, we can't beat them, they are too many! ! ’
After an obstacle curse knocked a ghoul flying over, and looked at the Fleur who was extremely pale and probably couldn't release a few more spells, Harry hurried towards Hermione who was maintaining the shield. Urged, I hope the other party can quickly leave here with the previous apparition. As for what the village will end up, he no longer wants to manage.
  Because they are hard to protect themselves now, and they are only three people. There are at least hundreds of those undead, and there is also a terrible necromancer who looks no worse than them! !
  ‘I want to run too, but...’
Watching the ghouls, zombies and skeletons that are constantly shooting arrows from a distance, watching the ghouls, zombies and skeletons that are constantly shooting arrows from a distance, they will not kill the three of them. She never gave up on the spot, where would Hermione dare to stop?
  嗖! Whoosh! Whoosh!
   tu! Tuk! Tuk!
   The bones and arrows kept falling, even the arrows that drove the ghouls and zombies that were besieging the shields to the back of the monsters at all costs, Hermione was a little anxious. Because now, once she stops maintaining the shield, she will definitely be torn to pieces by the ranged hedgehog or by those terrifying ghouls, zombies and skeletons.
   So, even if she wanted to run, she couldn't do anything to apparate her.
   "Help me buy some time, even one second!!"
   Finally, Hermione knew that they couldn't keep coming like this, she had to break the current predicament! And since you can't escape, then destroy all those enemies directly! !
"Are you sure?"
   "Furong, put the obstacle curse with me!!"
   Harry didn't ask why, he thought of a way and hurriedly asked Furong to cooperate with him.
If it were the kind of "barrier" shield taught by Professor Anne, Harry would definitely not be able to use it as skillfully as Hermione did to protect and hold the three of them, but if it was a barrier spell, Then there must be no problem.
  ‘There are so many obstacles! ’
  ‘There are so many obstacles! ! ’
In the next second, Harry and Fleur directly used the greatest obstacle curse except for themselves, and instantly knocked the zombies, skeletons, ghouls, and the arrows that were constantly shooting down from the sky, and within a short time , Forming two invisible high walls in front of the three of them, barely able to hold them for a second or so.
   Hermione did not speak. She immediately cut off the barrier's magic power supply and let it dissipate. At the same time, she copied with her left hand, and the magic book that Annie gave her appeared.
As Hermione uttered the spell and activated the magic book, a circle of fiery red lava shields instantly appeared around the three of them, and then directly attacked the ghouls, zombies, and While the skeletons and arrows burned to ashes in an instant, huge, burning fireballs the size of a water tank also appeared around the three of them, and they looked extremely frightening.
Seeing the three of them besieging themselves, they were really embarrassed just now, and the undead who were almost finished were instantly emptied by the fiery red flame shield, and after seeing the full ten fireballs, Harry and Fleur couldn't help but froze. He looked at the magic book that he opened and was burning with flames in his left hand, and the magic wand in his right hand pointed at the terrible necromancer Hermione.
   "Burn them to death!!!"
Hermione didn’t care about Harry and Fleur’s thoughts. She was threatened with life safety. She immediately inspired all the'fragmenting fires' on all ten magic books, and then boldly ordered them to move towards the original. The place where the group of skeleton archers, zombies, ghouls and necromancers gathered blasted past!
  ‘This is not fair! ! ’
  In the distance, the necromancer was stunned and screamed, and was soon completely submerged by ten huge fireballs...
   Boom! boom! Boom~!
   rumbling rumbling...
A series of explosions sounded, and then the huge flames swallowed the gathering place of the undead in an instant, and the roaring flame mushroom cloud rose up, and when Hermione, Harry and Fleur reacted, they were in front of them. , There is no longer any undead.
   Now, there, where they entered their eyes, where the group of undead gathered originally, all they saw was a large sea of ​​blazing fire...
   "You, what did you do?!"
Harry watched for a while, but didn't notice any movement in the sea of ​​fire, nor did he see any ghouls rushing out. After a short while, he took two steps back, only to see that he was a little bewildered and looked towards the meeting Hermione seemed a little surprised when she started the magic book.
   Furong didn't say anything, but looked at their companion with that kind of surprise and questioning eyes.
"I do not know either……"
   "I just ignited all of its ten fragmented fires at once, but I didn't expect it to be so powerful..."
Yes, the 10/10 Fragmentation Fire on the magic book that Annie gave to Hermione has now become 0/10. Before this time tomorrow, I must not send any more. The kind of fireball with a big water tank.
Moreover, maybe the necromancer who was instantly burned out will not understand until I certainly don’t know why a group of little wizards who have been suppressed by them for a long time and behaved very badly. Suddenly threw out ten horrible flame spells of the level of the super-explosive fire spell that was "smooth calm and relaxed"?
   "Who is there?!"
   Suddenly, Harry turned around abruptly and pointed his wand at the wooden barrel beside the farmhouse behind them, because he just seemed to hear something in the barrel?
   However, there was no answer...
When Harry and Hermione looked at each other nervously, they were about to destroy the wooden barrel with crushed bones. Finally, the wooden lid on it opened by itself. Then, a little boy with a round head and short blond hair revealed half of his head. And looked at them timidly and the terrible sea of ​​fire behind them.
   He was just startled by the continuous explosions, and then, in anxiety and fear, he had to stick his head out to check what happened and made a move.
  ‘Big brother and big sister, are you here to beat those bad guys and protect Timmy and mom? ’
After looking around, it seemed that there were indeed no terrible monsters. The little boy, who was only about four or five years old, gradually got up from the barrel and revealed the round face towards Hermione and Ha Li and Furong asked. .
  (?′╰╯`?)? ticket? (?′╰╯`?)
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