Chapter 969: ?Blood Battle in Darrow County (1)?

  Dalong County...
It was originally a hidden town located in the mountains of southern Lordaeron. Its name comes from the huge and invisible Lake Dahlong Mill to the west. The residents of the town are simple and industrious. Here lives a prosperous life of fishing, hunting and growing crops.
Originally, Darlon County was not very important here in the Kingdom of Lordaeron. Compared with the traffic arteries connecting the kingdom’s four places, Andorhal, the Corin junction north of Lake Mirida and the northern pearl of Stratholme, Long County is nothing more than a small village hidden in the mountains on the shore of Lake Dallong Mill.
   But today, it is worth letting the leader of the Knights of the Silver Hand, and Uther Lightbringer bring more than a thousand elite paladins under him to help him!
  Because Uther received a request for help from Paladin Joseph Redpath and David Croft from Dahlone County:
Waves of undead troops are coming to us one after another. The warriors of Dahlone County can only fight fiercely against them with the most basic fortifications. Here we only have a small team of Paladins of the Silver Hand and Joseph .The local militia led by Redpath, although I also brought a lot of cavalry and followers, the offensive of the undead was still too fierce...
   They are endless and tireless...
   We investigated, there is a terrible ghoul-Hogus the Predator! It brought the terrible undead of its men to Darrow County. We don’t know whether we can defeat them or how long we can last. If we can, we need your support!
  Davy Crowford’
Of course, the above information was heard and inquired by Hermione, Harry, and Fleur when they followed the Uther Paladin and this large group of Silver Hand Paladins on their way in the past two days. Those who are busy on the way. The Paladins did not pay much attention to their "quasi-captive" wizards, and generously informed their destination!
   However, they only know so much, and I won’t be able to ask more...
Therefore, at this time, there is nothing to do, staying on the carriage all day to follow the army marching, knowing that the three people who have eaten and slept, wake up and eat, naturally took advantage of the temporary rest of the cavalry, and the little one. The boy Timmy started chatting.
  ‘Sister Hermione, when will you take me to find Danielle and my mother? ’
Yes, little Timmy is really worried now, because two or three days have passed since the time, and the people like Hermione didn’t want to take him to find him at all, and if he didn’t hurry up, his mother would just He must be spanked again, and it's still the kind of brutal pat with a rolling pin.
   Last time, after he went out and was captured by the jackals, he was beaten severely shortly after being rescued by Prince Arthas. Now he still has a deep memory!
  Hermione felt a little embarrassed. She didn't know how to explain to the other party, so she had to ask for help and looked at Harry and Fleur.
However, the two of them didn’t know whether they were discussing certain spell-casting techniques or talking about some love words. This made Hermione stare at the two with a bitter look, and had no choice but to turn her head and look towards a little Boy Timmy.
   "Timi, now we are going to follow the uncles of the Paladins to Darrowshire. After we defeat the bad guys who besieged Darrowshire, we will definitely help you find your mother!"
   "This is a rare adventure, don't you like it?"
Although Hermione did not know which woman and little girl who fell in the pool of blood that day was the mother and Danielle that the other party said, but Hermione knew that this little boy would never be, and would never be found. They are...
   Now she has no better way except to continue to appease and conceal the truth and keep the other side from knowing the cruel fact. Perhaps, time can make the other party gradually forget everything, waiting for a few years, when the other party grows up, they will understand, or completely sealed in the depths of memory?
It’s like a certain Harry. He also lost his father and mother, and he grew up in a mean relative’s house, but he is still in good shape, and he is still in the mood to be with Fleur in this dangerous world. Frowning, where will you think about some sad things?
Thinking of this, Hermione couldn't help but gazed at the two dog men and women who were snuggling next to each other, not knowing when they hooked up...Well, the words'dog men and women' really shouldn't follow. It appeared in her mind, because it didn't make any sense. After all, Hermione Granger didn't like Harry. They were just friends. Wouldn't they be allowed to like others?
and so,
   She feels that she should continue to chat with her little Timmy, and then think about more important things like her skill in casting spells without a wand when she is free! After all, they don't have a magic wand anymore. It's always good to think more about the means and methods that can protect themselves.
   It's a pity, that sister Jaina is not here now, otherwise, she would definitely use her magic book to ask for advice.
  ’! ! ’
   "Huh huh?"
When she was about to continue to appease Timmy so that the other party did not rush to find each other's mother and Danielle all day long, Hermione suddenly saw a sledgehammer on his back, but it was bright. The uncle with the'Mediterranean' hairstyle and thick beard walked up to them and stood still.
   "Uncle Paladin, do you have anything to do?"
   There is no doubt that the other party must have come to them, so before waiting for the other party to speak, Hermione patted Timmy on the shoulder first, and asked the other party not to mess around before standing up and asking.
   "Wizards, I heard that some of you will cast that teleportation spell, is that true?"
After looking at the three little wizards in front of him, the uncle Paladin with the Mediterranean hair hesitated for a while before turning his eyes to the oldest Fleur and the wizard. He felt that if these people really could. Maybe only those two people are most likely to help them solve their current troubles?
   "Legendary spell?"
Fleur and Harry, who had basically recovered completely, turned their heads and looked at Hermione. Obviously, among the three of them, the one who can perform apparitions freely, and even lead people to apparate, is probably only Hermione. !
Although Harry and Fleur both apparate spells, they must not dare to use them lightly, because none of them hopes that after casting the spells, they find that certain parts of their bodies have not fully reached their destinations. !
   And if that kind of thing happened in this world at this time, it would be fatal, and the consequences would be a bit too terrifying, it was not what the two of them wanted.
"You can?"
   Seeing the expressions and gazes of the two men, does the Paladin of the Mediterranean still know what they mean? Therefore, he turned his head slightly unexpectedly, and smiled and asked the little witch who was only about fourteen or five years old.
"But I have to correct one thing: it is not a teleportation spell, it is'phantom shift'! But basically, it has almost the same meaning as teleportation spells, anyway, they all quickly reach another place from one place. Method."
   Hermione raised her chin somewhat proudly and explained a little.
Because so far, among the three of her, Harry, and Fleur, Hermione is the only one who can use Apparition at will, and has become more and more proficient and handy. This is a lot of seventh grade students. Or adult wizards can't do it, let alone, she is only fourteen years old this year.
"you are……"
   After seeing the other party nodding and hearing those explanations, the paladin's expression became a little more relaxed, and then he asked a little hesitantly.
   Obviously, although he knew that their team had ‘caught’ three suspiciously-looking wizards who could not be identified for the time being, he did not know the names of these three, so he always needed to ask.
   "This uncle Paladin!"
"My name is Hermione, Hermione Granger! I am a fourth-grade student from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. We are really friends of your Royal Highness Prince Arthas. Why don't you hurry up and put our wands Give it back to us?"
   Seeing the other person’s questioning eyes, Hermione did not forget to reiterate their position while introducing herself, showing that the treatment the three of them are now receiving is extremely unfair! So, she wants to get her wand back and hopes to get a better treatment!
   Especially their companion Furong, although the other party's body has almost recovered now, but if they can be treated better, the other party will definitely recover a little better.
   "Very good!"
"This Granger wizard, if there is no problem, please come with me. Our Lord Uther, the leader of the Silver Hand, is waiting for you in front. Maybe it is time for you to prove your identity. "
   After finishing speaking, the uncle Paladin with the Mediterranean hairstyle turned his head and walked away, and waved to the back, beckoning a little witch to follow him quickly.
   "Wait! May I ask, what is it?"
   Hermione blinked in a daze, and when she was about to take a step to follow the other person, she suddenly stopped again, and wanted to ask questions before deciding whether to go or not.
  Besides, she has said their identity more than once, and has never deceived them, but these stubborn Paladins don't want to believe it!
"I believe you should have heard of it, but today the messenger flew again. It said that the war in Darrowshire is now very urgent and has reached a very dangerous juncture, and even if we are all cavalry, we can I'm afraid I can't keep up...Darlung County needs support now, the sooner the better, so Master Uther may need to use the power of your wizard!"
   "If you can help, it will definitely help improve your current situation, right?"
After finishing speaking, Uncle Paladin didn’t say anything any more, he just urged each other with his eyes, because their time was really running out, even if they were traveling both day and night in these two days, they were still far away from heresy On the road, there are constantly invading small groups of undead, and they can't go there as fast as they can.
   Moreover, such a long-term raid is also a huge load for their horses, and it is impossible for them not to think about that.
   "It turned out to be like this, I understand, please lead the way!!"
Nodded, although Hermione wanted to tell the other party: She is not very proficient in Apparition, and the number of people she can take is extremely limited... But after thinking about it, I feel that I'd better take a look, even if I can't help. , She didn't say it directly when it was not a bad thing to meet Uther.
  ’! ! ’
  'Hermione? ’
   Seeing Hermione preparing to leave with the paladin, Harry and Fleur couldn't help but yell with some worry.
"rest assured!"
   "Harry, and Furong, you can take good care of Timmy. Let me see if I can help you?"
After finishing speaking, before the two of them could say something, Hermione hurriedly moved forward, following the uncle Paladin, who was wearing heavy plate armor, but could stride forward like an okay person, towards this temporary Walk to the front of the camp.
  Here at Hogwarts Castle, the daily life, learning and entertainment activities of teachers and students continue, and they will not stop because of anything.
It’s just that the teachers and students of the school complained a little bit: due to the nosy behavior of some annoying Paladins, they watched the boring march for two full days, and no longer continued to watch it. The opportunity for the three warriors to continue their wonderful adventures in the Kingdom of Lordaeron...
Therefore, in the case of unwilling to be in a daze at some boring'screen', it is rare to find that now in Hogwarts castle, the campus grass around the castle, Quidditch stadium, broom shed, etc. With the addition of a lot of students playing around, it finally gave this school some vitality again all day long.
   Isn't this?
In the extreme boredom, on the black lake in front of Hogwarts Castle, on the shore of the lake covered with reeds that few people pay attention to, a little girl finally managed to catch here. A certain nasty ghost was arrested, and the opponent was restrained and brought to the front.
   "Pippi, is there anything else you want to say now? If so, you can say it now, although people may not listen to it..."
   Now, this hateful little ghost is already in the hands of her Professor Anne, so how to concoct or teach the other party has become her most basic right!
Therefore, the words she just said are just polite, but you must not take it seriously, because it is useless to care how the other party begs for mercy, crying, or reasoning, and she is definitely not. Will listen.
'Do not……'
  ‘Professor Annie! This is all a misunderstanding, really! This is all a misunderstanding. I swear in the name of Barrow the Blood Man, what I said is true! ’
  ‘It’s all a misunderstanding, it’s really not intentional, please believe me! ! ’
Unexpectedly, day defense and night defense, its wise Pippi ghost would be caught by the other side here by the black lake... It seems that it should not leave the castle today, after all, in the castle , There are corridors, spiral staircases, complicated classrooms and various secret rooms. That is the home ground of Pepigui, and the space outside here is still a little wider.
   So, seeing that the situation is a bit uncomfortable, after seeing that the situation is stronger than the human situation, the good ghost does not eat the immediate loss, so while starting to deny it, it can't help begging for mercy.
  ‘I swear, I won’t dare anymore, I beg you to hold your hand up and spare the little one this time, right? ’
  ‘As long as you spare the little one,, tonight, the little one will catch Filch’s cat and stew it for you! ! ’
   Begging for mercy didn't count. Peppy Ghost, who felt that he had to make some necessary bribes to an evil little girl to get away, began to swear and use other people's cats as a bargaining chip for his own freedom.
   If it can really get out of it, it is very doubtful whether it will actually catch a certain cat called Mrs. Loris tonight...
Cat meat or something, little Annie doesn’t want to eat it right now. She is satisfied with the decent food in the Hogwarts cafeteria recently, because the house elves in the castle will give her a special meal every time. So, she felt that it would be a good idea to teach Peppy a hard lesson so that the other party would not have more mood and time to mess and throw cabbage and eggs in the school kitchen?
   Anyway, the other party would definitely not know that Professor Anne had already been bought by the Anxie house elves!
  (● ̄(?) ̄●)
   "Say it!"
   "Pippi, you must not be able to escape today, what kind of end do you want?"
  ? (?`▽'?)╭?
   pulled out a reed in his hand, and used that kind of leaves to fiddle with the other party's little Annie. Now she is already thinking, what exactly should be done to clean up the other party fiercely?
  ’! ! ’
  ‘Professor Annie, I want a fate to be released immediately! ! ’
   Seeing the hostile expression and eyes of the other party, Pippi hurriedly pretended to be serious and said.
  ‘Dear Professor, do I have any other choice? ’
   After seeing the other's face that became more and more ugly, Pippi quickly changed the expression of the hippie smiley face before, pretending to ask seriously.
   "Of course there is!"
   "You can choose to be hung at the top of Hogwarts, or in Pan Jinniang's bathroom, of course, you can also choose to be sunk in the black lake..."
   "As for time, at least three months!"
  ? (?ˉ??ˉ?)?
   For a certain Pippi ghost who only chooses to provoke himself several times, and also seriously threatens the house elves to make food for themselves, its fate is already destined.
'That one……'
  ‘Dear Professor Anne, do you really have to do that? ’
   Pippi ghost is still a little lucky, it seems that he hopes to get better ‘treatment’ or punishment?
"of course!!"
  ’! ! ’
  ‘Professor Annie, I chose to be hung in the auditorium of the castle, please do it, the little one will never resent you! ! ’
  'S eyes rolled around, Pippi yelled immediately, pretending to be righteous and awe-inspiring, and chose the place where he was imprisoned and punished.
   Little Annie didn't speak, but her hand froze in mid-air, as if she was angered by a deadly nasty ghost?
  (● ̄(?) ̄●;)
'May I? ’
   Pippi asked nervously, he thought, if it was hung in the auditorium of Hogwarts Castle, even if it was hung for three months or more, it would definitely not be too lonely.
  O(`^′)o hum!
   As soon as he stretched out his hand, a lucky and unchanging Pippi ghost was trapped on a rusty barrel that was fished from the bottom of the lake by the magic rope of little Annie.
  ’! ! ’
  ‘You despicable little girl! Enemy of the Forbidden Forest! The villain of the Black Lake! The little butcher who killed animals! The culprit of Pegasus! The medicinal thief in the school greenhouse! Destroyer of the Crucible! The culprit behind the smuggling gang! You quickly let me go! ’
  ‘I will definitely report you to Mrs. Maxim, to Dumbledore, to Hagrid, to Professor Pomona Sprout, to the Ministry of Magic, I swear! ! ’
'I will for sure……'
  ‘Wow~! ! ’
   Pipigui didn’t finish her words, but with a scream and falling into the water, the whole world suddenly became pure...
Actually, Little Annie originally only wanted to throw her opponent to the lightning rod at the top of Hogwarts Castle for three or five days... But now, she didn't even think about it, she just sank the opponent to the bottom of the lake to follow her. Those murlocs went with big eyes and small eyes, and they also set up the kind of restriction that will only be automatically released when she leaves this world to play in other planes!
   "Let you threaten me, do you know it is wrong?"
  Ε=(?ˇεˇ??))) Bah!
Although, Annie also knew that a certain Pepy Ghost who had been sunk to the bottom of a lake tens of meters deep would definitely not be able to hear the sound on the surface of the lake, but she still hated it and spit heavily towards the surface of the lake. After a moment, let's clap his hands, and prepare to leave the scene of the tragedy.
   "Professor Anne, I just seemed to see that you dropped the guy Pepi Ghost into the lake?!"
   At this time, Little Annie, who was just about to leave, suddenly saw some awful old man walking towards this side with a cheerful smile.
   "So what? Dumbledore blamed the old man, what are you doing so nervously? It's just a nasty ghost. It can't be drowned after being soaked in water!!"
   Seeing that it was the other party, Little Annie, who thought that a bad old man who came by would be nosy, hurriedly akimbo and stopped in front of the other party, showing her attitude of punishing Pippi and not allowing others to interfere.
   Of course, if there are other reasons, then she will definitely not tell the other party.
   "That's it!"
Dumbledore nodded. Obviously, because of distance and age, he hadn't heard the extremely fast threatening words that the Peppy said in his haste. Otherwise, his current The expression will definitely not be so relaxed.
   "Well, Annie, don't be nervous. I just asked if I saw it. It's okay to punish that Pepy Ghost a bit, so I don't want it to mess around in the castle all day, then I don't care."
  Thinking about it, Dumbledore, who felt that throwing a ghost into the lake was not a big deal, had to compromise and sighed, not planning to take care of that chores.
   After all, he could wait until the little girl left, and then cast a spell to fish the poor ghost from the heart of the lake. That was not a matter of great importance.
   "Anne, I just saw the students running towards the auditorium. It seems to say that there are wonderful images to watch. Are you really not going to see it?"
After walking to the lake, with a trace of schadenfreude or a pitiful gaze, he looked towards the glazed surface of the lake in the distance, and confirmed that he could not see any Pippi ghost here, nor could he hear the other party’s voice. , Dumbledore turned his head and said to the little girl.
   Today’s weather is very good, and the wind on the lake is lazy. For some reason, Dumbledore would not want to go back to the castle so soon.
  ∑(′△`)? !
   "But, aren't they marching?"
   "It has always been like that, sitting in the carriage, resting or sleeping, or chatting, at their speed, it may be two or three days away from Dahlone County, so what's the point?!"
Having said that, Little Annie suddenly regretted throwing that funny Pepi ghost into the heart of the lake so quickly...If she had known it, she should actually tease the other person for two days before throwing it away. , She might not be too boring?
   "Professor Anne, it seems that you are familiar with the Kingdom of Lordaeron and the world of Azeroth?"
   Dumbledore looked at the little girl in front of him with a meaningful look, trying to pretend to be curious and amazed in his tone and expression.
"of course!"
  ? (??3?)?
   "The Flame Kingdom and the Flame Alliance are in Azeroth, and they have stayed in that world for a long time. Can you not be familiar with it?"
   Subconsciously, Little Annie said something directly...
  !? (?\'\'??)?
   "Old Dumbledore, you want to confuse me?!"
  ? (?ˉ?~ˉ?)╭?
   Soon, Annie found out: She just accidentally missed something? Fortunately, she did not say that the timeline Hermione and the others were in was not the timeline she had been to, not what the other party imagined, they were directly thrown into her world, but something else, by her. Another timeline for grabbing and transforming.
   However, she would definitely not continue to talk about that kind of mouth-watering thing, because, ah, this old man, thief, thief, and thief, even knows that he came to do what she said while she was not prepared, it is really unreasonable!
"Ha ha…..."
   "Professor Anne, I didn't ask anything, but you just said it yourself."
   Although that is what he said, Dumbledore has secretly written down what the other party said, and finally has completely determined the fact of something! However, Dumbledore felt that it was a pity that Hermione and the others were now mixing with a group of useless Paladins. He was not interested in those lights or anything. That was something the church needed to pay attention to!
   He just wants Hermione to continue communicating with the Jaina mage...
   Of course, if you can, it would be better to go to the magic kingdom Dalaran that they accidentally mentioned in their conversation!
   Or, if there is a chance, he Dumbledore can think of a way to fool this little girl, let himself go to the kingdom of Lordaeron, to Dalaran, to Quel'Thalas to have a good look? In that case, he would definitely die without regrets?
   "Huh! I won't tell you anymore!!!"
   I don't intend to leak more, so that I can't help but give the other party a Forgotten Charm Little Annie, who just turned her head and left.
   She is now going to look outside Hogsmeade to see if there is anything fun or delicious there. Anyway, she doesn't want to stay with some bad old man!
   "Professor Anne, are you really not going to the auditorium?"
   Seeing the other person leaving the lake and heading in the direction of Hogsmeade outside the west school, Dumbledore couldn't help being a little curious, and then couldn't help asking such a sentence.
   "Don't go! What's so good about that?"
  ? (??3?)?
   Little Annie is convinced that the Paladins have been riding to Dahlone County for a long time, so she intends to play her own first, and it will not be too late to go back to see the highlights.
"Well, you can't go if you don't go, but my old man is going...because the students said, it seems that Hermione is going to use Apparition to take the Paladins to that city'Karon County' to participate in the battle against the undead?"
   "I don't know, have they set off now..."
   Dumbledore shook his head pretentiously and prepared to walk towards the castle, while ‘muttering to himself’ in a voice that would ensure the little girl heard.
  ??(?? ̄?? ̄?)????
   "It's not'Kalong County', it's'Dahlone County'! And Dahlone County is not a city, it's just a small village with less than two or three thousand people!!"
Finally, a little girl who had just walked a dozen steps away, after hearing a bad old man's words and standing still, suddenly turned back, and hurriedly explained such a sentence to the other party, and went straight. Spreading his feet, carrying his own little bear, galloped toward the castle quickly, and before long, he slammed a certain old man behind him.
   Dumbledore who followed behind looked straight and shook his head, but he didn't say much, he just sighed dumbfoundingly and pondered, and then quickly speeded up his pace and walked towards the castle.
Because if you are late, you may not have to watch it. After all, no one will record and save the'film', and it will not give him the right to'rewind' or pause just because Dumbledore is the principal. .
   As for a certain Pippi ghost who was caught in the lake, he temporarily and selectively forgot about it...
   Anyway, ghosts, they won’t die if they sink to the bottom of the lake!
  Besides, they have already died once, and you can't let them die a second time if you throw them in the water! So, for that kind of thing, after he watched the wonderful film, if he still remembered, then he would definitely come back to pick up the poor Peppy ghost.
Hermione and the others were not far away from the camp of Uther and other high-level Paladins. So soon, under the leadership of the uncle Mediterranean Knight who led the way, she came to the very conspicuous place and was being Outside of the camp guarded by the two Paladins who were waiting in battle, they clearly heard some fierce quarrels from inside:
  ‘It’s at least one day away from Dahlone County. We can only get there the next morning...’
  ‘One day? ’
  ‘They definitely won’t last that long! When I flew in, they were already very dangerous. The undead had invaded Darrow County several times. You must hurry up and support them! ! ’
'I'm afraid not……'
  ‘Our cavalry is not as fast as your plane, and our horses also need to rest and eat, unless you have other good ways? ’
  ’! ! ’
'Do not! I do not know what to do! my friend! ’
  ‘Your paladins and armor are too heavy, and none of my planes can be carried. What's more, you still have so many war horses, and I don’t have thousands of planes, I will just have one! ’
  ‘It takes at least dozens of large airships to carry you away. There are not so many airships in Booty Bay, unless you ask me to place an order now? ! ’
  ‘But I only receive cash, no collateral, and it will take at least one year before delivery! ! ’
  ‘That’s a pity, I can only see if our wizard can do anything else...’
  ‘The wizard? ! ’
  ‘Master Uther, I have seen a group of the most despicable wizards, they are so bad that you can imagine! If I see them again, I will definitely...’
Hermione who walked out of the camp suddenly stopped, she didn't even dare to continue listening...because she seemed to hear the Lord Uther Paladin they were familiar with her, the shrill master Talking? !
   Then, inevitably, her face turned pale, and she immediately remembered something very bad and least willing to face.
   "What's the matter, Wizard Granger, why can't you come?"
   grabbed the curtain of the tent, and the Mediterranean Paladin who was about to enter noticed the hesitation of the little witch behind him, he couldn't help but looked back curiously and greeted him.
He also heard the dispute between the Lord Uther and the messenger just now, so he felt that if the little witch behind him could help, it would be better to hurry up, because the military situation is urgent and the crisis in Darlon County And it's imminent.
   "No, nothing! Sorry, I just thought about something..."
   There is no way, now Hermione who flinches is definitely not good, so she can only bite the bullet and follow the other party in. After all, there are some things that you always have to face sooner or later, right?
   However, she only hopes that things will not be as bad as she thought, or is it just that she just heard it wrong?
  ’! ! ’
   However, after just walking into the tent and seeing a small, familiar green man and looking at each other's eyes, Hermione knew that things were still going in the direction she least wanted to see.
   "You despicable thief! Dirty wizard! Shameful liar! Humble thief!!"
   "You, you return my goods and bags!!"
In the next second, of course, a certain little green man copied the dagger around his waist, ignoring the astonishment of the surrounding paladins, and directly yelled and flew towards a witch who had just walked in. Pounced! !
   There are many obstacles! !
After discovering that the other party was indeed the one that she least wanted to see, she subconsciously waved a silent and wandless curse that had been prepared for a long time, and she waved it directly and beautifully blasted the wicked animal. The goblin who copied the knife and was about to go shopping with her directly hit and flew out.
   "Wow~! ’
   Rosa the goblin screamed, and then flew out...
   But, fortunately, the Paladin Uther behind it, so before it broke the tent and rolled out embarrassingly, it was directly and firmly grasped by a powerful hand.
"Who can tell me……"
   "What the is going on?!"
   After gently putting down the messenger in his hand, Uther and the other Paladins viciously surrounded the little witch who came in and attacked the messenger.
Obviously, from the messenger from Darrow County, from the attitude of the goblin to the little witch, they had some bad guesses... Therefore, they involuntarily secretly locked on the one who should almost be relieved by them. Witch, and once again listed the opponent in a position that is hostile to them.
   "Catch her! She is a despicable thief! Thief! Robber!!"
After the goblin Rosa was put on the ground and was relieved of her anger, she once again copied her double-barreled musket, and after aiming at the shameful witch and breaking the hammer, she once again frustrated those who had already The Paladins who faintly surrounded the opponent urged.
   Before Uther's order, the Paladins didn't rush to do anything, they just surrounded the little witch they had invited.
   "This matter, everyone, can I explain it slowly? Because it may be a bit long..."
Seeing the Paladins crowding around and looking at the goblin who pointed the gun at her, Hermione couldn't help rolling her eyes. Then she sighed and raised her hands, indicating that she was really not theirs. enemy.
   Things are getting more and more troublesome, because she didn't even think that she would still be able to meet the goblin Rosa who had been smashed by them once, which was really surprising.
   "Don't need her to say! I will tell you what is going on!!"
After approaching two steps, and aiming her musket at her head, the goblin Rosa furiously deceived the other party of her goods, deceived her own bag, and used some method he didn't know. I quickly told me about the ordinary "magic book".
   Then, the Paladins quickly focused on a certain witch with an extremely embarrassing expression.
   "It's like that..."
"But we have no choice. Furong is injured and will die soon. We don't have any money. We want to pay on credit. He wants him to wait for us to reconcile with Arthas before paying back. He refuses to pay, so... "
So how come Hermione didn’t continue to talk, she just shrugged, because the goblin had already made it very clear just now. Although the other party concealed some less important things, there is no doubt that what the other party just said was just It is indeed very fair, they can indeed be said to have cheated each other's goods.
   "I don't know any Prince Alsace, and I don't accept credit!"
   "Witch! You must give me that magic book right away, otherwise, I swear, you will beat your head to the ground, just like the raptors in Stranglethorn Vale!!!"
The goblin Rosa took a step closer again, pushing her musket closer to the opponent's head. While making sure that it would not miss the shot, she planned to tear off the embroidery that obviously belonged to it from the opponent's waist. Deep sea bag.
   However, before it was put into action, a big hand stretched out, directly holding down the goblin's musket and gently removing it.
   "Goblin, and witches!"
"I probably understand the conflict between you! This matter is not under my control. It is enough for you to discuss the compensation by yourself... And now, I just want to know: Witch, is there any way you can take us to the end? Arrived in Dahlone County soon?"
After pressing the small musket on the sledge hammer and closing the insurance and returning it to the goblin messenger who was hired by Darlon County to send the message, Uther walked up to the little witch and looked down at the other person’s eyes. Asked.
After the goblin's narration and turmoil, he is now basically sure that the other party is indeed a bit related to Alsace, so he feels that they seem to believe the other party. After all, they are not left with too many choices, unless they I don't want to save Dalong County!
   "But there are some conditions that must be met!!"
   Looking at the terrifying eyes of Uther in front of her, feeling the powerful aura of the other person, after swallowing her saliva, Hermione finally looked back at each other calmly and said confidently.
   "Say it!"
   Uther frowned, but didn't think much about it, and directly let the other party speak.
   "First of all, I need to extract the memory of a person who knows the specific location of Dahlone County. Only if I know where it is, can I take you there!"
"Secondly, I can't bring so many people. You have more than a thousand people and almost two thousand horses and a lot of carriages. I definitely don't have so much magic power to take you. I can only try to bring one ten. A team of people, and there can be no war horses!!"
   After thinking about it, after thinking about the feeling of apparitioning with Harry and Fleur recently, Hermione quickly stated her prerequisites and the highest limit she could possibly achieve.
  In this case, it is best to directly use the ‘door key’ kind of magic item that can transform people from one space to another quickly and repeatedly! In that case, even if all the people and horses here are teleported to Long County!
However, Hermione has never just made a'door key', although she knows the spell'Mentos', but she feels that she had better not do it lightly without having to teach certain points by someone An unsure attempt?
   "Whose memory do you want to extract? Many of our Paladins have been to Darrow County, and they all know where it is!"
  Uther waved his hand, and several paladins volunteered to stand up, saying that they all had the memory that the witch needed! Although, they are a little worried, don't know how the other party wants to extract their memories?
   "They can't do it!"
   But soon, Hermione shook her head after looking at them a few times.
  Uther was a little impatient, he thought, now they seem to be a waste of time?
   "Your Paladin's willpower is too strong, it is equivalent to applying an eternal Occlumency, which is not something I can break through!"
   "So, I need to watch the memory of Dahlone County of a person with weak willpower!"
   "The nearest is best!"
   After finishing speaking, Hermione glanced at some goblin who was still staring at her furiously.
   "But my team is full of Paladins..."
   "It doesn't seem to be exactly?"
   At this time Uther also reacted, and then looked at a messenger who had been hired by Dahlone County and used that weird goblin flying machine to report twice.
   It seems that the other party fully meets all the requirements of that little witch?
   "No! You guys don't think about it!!"
   Although I didn't know what the witch wanted to do, the goblin Rosa still stubbornly took a few steps back and firmly refused.
   "All petrochemicals!!"
   abruptly, Hermione cast a petrification spell directly at the goblin, causing the opponent to stare and froze in place.
"I'm sorry, Goblin Rosa... I swear, we will compensate you for your loss, but that will be after our meeting with Prince Arthas, because we really don't have money now, but Prince Arthas has , And I will definitely be happy to help us pay!"
Yes, Hermione and the others have helped Prince Alsace a lot of help, and they have become close friends. The other party promised to repay them. Therefore, asking the other party to help pay will definitely not refuse. .
   "I now need my magic wand to use my ‘Catholic Mind’!"
   "Then, you can now choose candidates. If you have a magic wand, I think I should probably try to take 20 of you to Dahlone County first!!"
   After controlling the goblin and making it impossible for the opponent to resist, Hermione looked at the Uther Paladin with that confident look.
  If the magic power allows, she can even consider how many times to go back and forth, and bring more people to support?
   "Go! Bring those three magic wands!!"
  Uther didn't know which wand belonged to the other party, but it was definitely not wrong to bring the three wands together! As for the question of candidates, it was even simpler. He could bring an elite guard and some high-ranking Paladins.
  ‘Kill! ’
  ‘Quick! Drive out their evil existence! ! ’
  ‘Uh wow! ’
  ‘Woohoo~! ! ’
  锵! Bang~!
  ‘Shoot! shooting! Break them down! ! ’
  呯! Huh! !
  嗖! Whoosh! Whoosh!
  ‘Soldiers of Lordaeron, raise your shield and move forward! ! ’
  ‘Put them out! ! ’
  ‘Drink! Ah! ! ’
  ‘Catapult, throw fire oil cans behind them, burn them! ! ’
  嗖! Whoosh!
   boom~! Boom~! !
Here in Darrowshire, a large group of Paladins, Darrowshire militiamen, Lordaeron Legion soldiers and some knights are in front of the town, behind the woods and slumps, and swarming ghouls, zombies, and skeletons. And the haters are fighting in blood.
Every moment, there are countless projectiles, bows and arrows, boulders and bone spears throwing at each other. Every moment, soldiers or zombies fall down in screams and roars, but more people are still fighting endlessly here~ I want to wipe out the opponent...
Although the battle situation is very critical, the soldiers on the side of Darrow County are still fighting hard. They cannot retreat, because behind them are countless people of Lordaeron who have retreated and fled here. They are their families and their elders. Folks!
Moreover, once they retreat, those thousands of people will be slaughtered by the undead and more people will become one of them. Then, countless walking dead will flock to all parts of Lordaeron again. It is all of them. I don't want to see it! !
   Behind the Darrow County side, a group of dark shadows fell from the sky!
Immediately afterwards, a Darlon County militiaman who was preparing to go to the front line didn’t even think about it. He directly soaked the handle in his hand with holy water and was blessed by the Paladin. He directly used the long sword that was particularly effective against the undead. Do my best to cut down towards the spot where the shadow appeared!
   He felt that it must be some kind of evil trick by those evil necromancers! Anyway, it won't be from their Dahlone County side, because the Paladins won't use that kind of tricks that are like bursts of black fog! So, now that he directly slashed at the ‘human’ shadow that flashed out of the black shadow, there’s definitely nothing wrong with him!
  'Ah~! ! ’
   However, what surprised him was: Before he was about to cut, there was a woman's exclamation in the meantime? !
   However, there is no time to think about it, and because of his excessive force, that long sword will definitely not be able to recover...
  (^▽^)? Ask for a ticket? (^▽^)
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