Chapter 973: ?On the way to Stratholme?

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In the evening, there is one hour left before the prescribed rest time...
However, at this time, in this auditorium of Hogwarts Castle, almost all the principals, professors, officials of the Ministry of Magic, students, and other people watching movies in the auditorium, including President Dumbledore, were watching Some were dumbfounded at a certain crab that exuded a tempting spicy smell before the students were about to go to bed? Brought to the auditorium, and while sucking and eating, while watching the ‘screen’, the nasty little girl.
( ̄~ ̄) Chew!
There is no doubt that in this situation, there will really be no more people who can do that kind of frantic thing, except for the little professor of the magic open class at Hogwarts.
Originally, Dumbledore didn't want to care about it, but... after seeing countless pairs of grievances, anger, or envy, he finally couldn't bear to look over here from time to time.
"Professor Anne, I don't understand, what are you... doing?"
Actually, even though Dumbledore is the principal, he shouldn’t be able to control other people’s eating at night, just as others can’t control him to eat some jelly candy, cockroach pile or drink some honey before going to bed. Drink, and then go to sleep without brushing your teeth after eating and drinking?
However, given that certain behaviors of a certain little girl had seriously disturbed the mental state of the teachers and students present and the order of the auditorium, after thinking about it, Dumbledore still reluctantly planned to interfere a little?
"Don't you guys see it? Of course they are eating spicy crabs! Dumbledore, you blame the old man for asking?"
( ̄~ ̄) Chew!
Little Annie squinted, but didn't care about the other person. She still held a spicy steamed bun crab in one hand, sucking while pulling a crab leg and chewing on it.
Of course, she has not forgotten to watch the three screens above the auditorium at the same time, watching the live broadcast of Lordaeron’s magic disaster movie, and she does not leave the surrounding professors or students sitting at the long table at all. The greedy eyes and the little gestures of the students who swallowed their saliva quietly were put in their eyes.
She had to do that. You must know that this large plate of spicy steamed bread crabs was secretly bought by her at the "Food Stall" in the Dongfang Night Market. In total, she only bought such a large iron plate. They only looked like a hundred, and their meat and crab roe were so spicy that there was nothing left after removing the crab shells, so she would definitely not separate them easily.
"Annie, I mean, when you are eating, you can't find a better and more comfortable place to eat slowly by yourself?"
Dumbledore, who didn't dare to say that the other party had seriously affected others, could only use this slightly subtle and euphemistic way to express the silent protest attitude of himself and other teachers and students.
"But, people think the auditorium is very nice and comfortable here! Is there any problem with this?"
∑(??△`)? !
"Also, Dumbledore blamed the old man, isn't it now that people are enjoying them slowly alone?!"
o(╯▽╰)o good smell~~
That's right, in the eyes of her Professor Anne, there is really nothing better than watching Hermione and the others in Lordaeron adventure in the Great Hall while eating delicious food!
In short,
She likes it very much because there are a lot of people here, it’s very lively, the chairs are very restrained, the table is big enough for her to litter crab shells, and the elves help to clean it... As for the time when you go to bed at night She didn't care about eating food in front of so many people and'poisoning' things.
In any case, she bought this plate of spicy steamed bread and crab from the East at a great expense. She didn't steal, rob or cheat. Then she can eat whatever she wants, others can't control it!
Besides, it is useless for those guys to be greedy and gulping, because she only has such a plate in total, and there are so many people in the auditorium, and the points are definitely not enough, so just do it. Come on, they'll be almost full when they see it, but they can't even think about it!
Before Dumbledore could say more, he was choked by the other's words.
Because, if you think about it, what a little girl just said seems to make sense? However, he didn't know why, how could he always feel that the other party didn't understand what he wanted to express, or if he understood, he simply pretended to be confused with this old man?
"Dumbledore, have you heard the story of steamed crabs? When they first went to buy them, the kind proprietress told me their stories. Would you like to hear them?"
Suddenly, feeling that the movies on the screen were a bit boring for the time being, Little Annie, who felt that it didn't matter if she watched less, thiefly used her greasy little face to get close to a bad old man.
"Oh? What story? Tell me first?"
Although Dumbledore was a little curious, he moved to the side without a trace, for fear that his greasy hands or cheeks would rub against the sleeves or robe of his pajamas. After all, he didn't want to When I go back to bed at night, I have to change into my pajamas, or in the middle of the night, I hear the rattle chewing on his clothes.
After all, his pet Fox is only a phoenix instead of an owl, and the other person would rather go to a nap than to help him Dumbledore deal with the haunting mice!
"It's said..."
"This big steamed bun crab is a male crab, and this small one is a female crab. Look..."
As soon as she stretched out her hands, Annie picked out two steamed crabs, one large and one small, on her large plate, and then began to speak with a serious face:
"This little one is his wife. He usually takes care of his wife in every way, and he will hold him wherever he goes..."
"and so……"
"And when danger comes, the father's steamed bread crab will use its huge and powerful body to hold his wife and escape..."
"Sometimes, it will hug other male crabs' wives in a panic, but they never mind, because they only need to have a wife, no matter who they are holding!"
"They will hold and run, even when they want to hide, they will first bury their wife in the sand, and then they will bury themselves?"
"and so……"
"Those super kind chefs in the east, in order to commemorate their touching and great love, they will put a male and a female in the pot together, so that they will never separate!!"
"Look, is this story fun?"
Anyway, Xiao Anni doesn’t know whether the behavior of the kind chefs who put them together and eat them is good, but she only knows that they are really delicious, but the meat and crab roe are really some Too little, and it's a bit hard to eat?
But it doesn't matter, Professor Anne thinks that while watching the movie, while sucking the spicy and delicious soup and chewing on the tough crab legs, it seems to be a good enjoyment?
ε=(????`●))) alas
"This, this is really a... uh, touching story?!"
Dumbledore’s long gray beard twitched, and then worked hard for a while before he managed to hold on to his serious expression, turned his face stiffly to the side, and continued watching his movie. Not going to listen to a little girl talking nonsense.
"Hey! Dumbledore, don't you really come here? They are really delicious!!"
After struggling for a while, Xiao Anni felt that the other party listened to what she said so much, but it might be a bit not good for her to not give the other party something to eat. So she picked a slightly smaller female crab on the plate, and then greatly He handed it squarely to Dumbledore and tempted him.
Because she only had half of the plate left, she could only give the other party such a small one to taste, and barely sucked a little of that delicious soup, even if the other party didn’t have more. If she wants to eat it later, she will definitely not give her any more crab legs!
Dumbledore opened his mouth, and after looking at the expectant and greasy face of the other party, after thinking about it, he waved his hand resolutely and rejected the other's favor.
"no thank you!"
"I'm old and my teeth are bad. Annie, you can eat slowly by yourself, don't worry about me..."
Dumbledore didn’t think that such a small crab, even a small thing with little meat, could have any good taste... Besides, his teeth were indeed not very good, and he still needed to keep the principal in the students. The image of the wise and martial arts in front of us, therefore, can only regretfully refuse.
Besides, he is basically giving up now, and he doesn't plan to worry about the bad behavior of a little girl who eats in public and then greets others.
"If you don't eat it, people don't want to eat it for you now!"
"Don't think people don't know, who made you, a bad old man, like to eat sweets before going to bed so much without brushing his teeth. You deserve it. It's not because you are old!"
(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~
Although the other party is indeed very old, Xiao Anni thinks that the other party's poor teeth must be related to the other party's bad living habits?
Just like her Professor Anne, although she also likes to eat sweets, she often eats them before going to bed, but she always remembers to brush her teeth before going to bed. It is not like someone who is old, not hygienic, sloppy, and still Bad old man who doesn't like brushing his teeth!
Dumbledore didn't pick up the other party's words anymore, but continued to watch the screen with the old gods. As for the mocking eyes of the professors next to him, he ignored them gorgeously.
Anyway, he Dumbledore is very old and has a thick-skinned face. He has already seen everything. Besides, he must not be able to occupy the headmaster's throne for long. Then let those guys love what they do in their hearts. Go whatever you want!
And as for the students...
It’s getting late now. Later, he, the principal, will definitely rush them back to sleep. Anyway, since the second project of the Triwizard Tournament was launched, he has recruited many students to bear grudges and complaints. It doesn't seem to be a big deal to attract a little mocking look.
"Dumbledore blames the old man, don't you really want one?"
( ̄ω ̄)o
"Professor Annie, let's concentrate on watching the'movie', don't disturb others, that's not very good..."
In fact, if a certain little girl gnaws on the crab that exudes alluring scent in this openly ‘chuff, chirp’, it must have already affected others, even more ‘deadly’ than talking loudly?
But there was no way. After seeing the old fellow who was the principal, he couldn't help but pretend that nothing happened, and continued to sit in his place.
This cannot be blamed on him, because he has just tried his best to persuade him. As for what others think, it doesn’t matter what he is the principal... Moreover, he has already made up his mind to take a bag with him at night. Snacks like concubine finger cakes or sizzling honey candies, of course, cockroaches piles are fine, anyway, in the future, as long as he sees a little girl like this and
while watching movies at night, he will take them out to eat, so as not to Is it not too embarrassing to swallow your saliva?
Although his gray and long beard can perfectly cover the indecent swallowing and the small movements of the Adam's apple, but certain subtle sounds when swallowing saliva can't be covered.
( ̄~ ̄) Chew!
Click! Click!
"Ha! It smells so good!!"
A certain little girl professor still feasted, gnawed and sucked in her high teacher's seat, and made noises from time to time, causing many professors and students to vote at her. Angry but helpless eyes.
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
(Tibbers said that it has long been used to this kind of thing... and it is also a little lucky. Fortunately, it likes to eat human food, not human food? Otherwise, it doesn’t know how to do it all these years. Come on!
After all, a bad little master would never take the initiative to distribute food to him...)

In a blink of an eye, a few days later, Uther, the Lightbringer, and Jaina led the paladins of the Silver Hand to return to the East Tirisfal Glades, and rescued Artha, who was being blocked by the undead in Hearthglen. Prince Si is gone. As for what they are now and where they are, Hermione, Harry and Fleur have no idea...
After repairing in Darrow County for several days, I found that the magma pools did not continue to expand and showed no signs of getting smaller. It was found that the fire elements were fairly honest, and did not actively leave the magma land to reach Darrow County before attacking the townspeople. Intent, as long as no one provokes them, they won’t show any hostility. After being a group of relatively neutral creatures, Paladin Davy Crowford finally began to follow Uther’s orders before leaving and lead the rest. The Paladins and the veterans of Lordaeron after the war left Darrow County, which was no longer threatened by the undead.
They began to fulfill the orders issued by Uther before leaving, preparing to attack, sweeping and clearing the dead in the direction of Corin Junction, and at the same time, they continued to gather the local defenders of Lordaeron, the Paladins and the survivors in various places. Danlun refugees.
At this time,
On the way that the remaining less than five hundred Lordaeron heavy armored shield and sword legionaries and a handful of'walking' Paladins, who had originally defended Darron County led by Paladin Davy, went to the intersection of Corinth, Hermione Timmy, a little boy who was sneaking out and hiding in a wooden barrel with the same tricks, was able to get into their team and stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes.
Because they did not follow Uther and others to help Hearthglen, but stayed in Darrowshire...
However, as wizards, they felt that staying in the safe Darrow County to spend their time is not a way, so they finally decided to follow the team led by David Croford and set off in this tragic area of ​​Los Angeles. The land of Danlun saves more people of Lordaeron who are threatened and persecuted by the undead.
There was not much suspense. After looking at a certain dead boy for a while, Hermione finally lost the battle first and sighed:
"Little Timmy, let me tell you, it’s useless for you to follow this way. I’ll Apparate. Wait a minute. After the team camps and rest, I’ll take you back and let Pamela’s mother and aunts Discipline you!"
No way. Hermione, who couldn't even guarantee her thoroughness during the marching battle, felt that she had better send the opponent directly back later, and then apparate back again?
If you just bring a little kid to Apparate, it shouldn't be a big burden to her, and a round trip won't waste too much time, let alone waste too much magic.
‘But I will still sneak out! ’
‘My mother can’t control me, Pamela’s mother and aunt can’t control me even more! ’
Regarding his talent for running around, a kid who was once caught by a jackal because of running around, and was almost stewed in the pot, was very contented.
Moreover, he would indeed tell him that way. Once Sister Hermione really sent him back, he would definitely find a way to sneak out again. After all, no one can stay without work and guard him. He can always find opportunities to sneak.
Because everyone knows that Timmy is not as honest as the timid sister Pamela!
Hermione was a little anxious, thinking about the fact that the other party could have fooled the soldiers this time, hid in a wooden barrel and followed out. She hid it all day and night. She did not have much reason to doubt. The authenticity of what the other party just said.
"Sister Hermione..."
'You said you wanted to help me find my mother and Danielle. I miss them a little bit now, so I must follow you... And if you don’t help me find it, then I will run out alone. Find! ’
Little Timmy, who was sitting in the ox cart, stared at the Hermione sister in front of him with her head upright. She didn't mean to compromise at all, and he did make up his mind like that.
Hermione couldn't help but suffocated, and then she was completely gone, so she turned her head to look at Harry and Fleur...
However, apart from shrugging their shoulders and giving her a helpless expression, the two did not intend to give her any reliable ideas. After all, they really had no choice. They definitely couldn't keep staring at each other or turning each other. To those imprisoned directly in Pamela’s home.
"Okay! Wizard Granger!"
"I heard about Timmy, so let him follow for now. We believe that many refugees will be accepted in our team soon. Let's take him first. At least it is safe to follow us now."
Davy Crowford came over on horseback at this time, and came forward with a smile, first stroking Timmy's head vigorously, and then speaking to the wizard Hermione who was in a dilemma.
To be honest, he likes this exciting little guy, and he also admires the other party's daring to lurch under the noses of the soldiers all day and night without being discovered!
He even felt that this clever and brave little guy might have some talent for being a stalker?
He has heard of what happened to Timmy, and he knows the current situation of the other party’s village and family, but the other party is still young, even if he likes this orphan Timmy, he intends to get the other party into the hands of the army or the silver The apprentice doesn't need to rush for a while, everything can only wait for Lordaeron's crisis to pass, and wait until the opponent grows up.
"Okay! Then listen to me, Xiao Timmy, you must not run around!"
No way, since Davy's Paladin said that, Hermione couldn't keep pushing the other party away, and could only agree to leave some annoying little guy temporarily.
‘I promise I won’t run around! ’
‘But what about Miss Hermione, Grandpa Uther and those uncles who ride horses? Why didn't we see them, are we going to find them? ’
After Xiao Timmy cheered, he became puzzled again, because he liked those knight uncles who rode tall horses very much, but there seemed to be few here?
You know, when following Brother Harry and the others to the burnt-out Darrowshire, the team is full of powerful uncle Paladins. They are very powerful. Along the way, no matter how many terrible monsters come. Not enough for them to fight.
"They've gone to Hearthglen, maybe they won't come over and make up with us after a while?"
Although Hermione is not too sure about this, the undead in Andorhal must be wiped out, and after the undead besieging Hearthglen are also defeated, they will definitely go to their destination, which is the direction of Corin Road. Are you marching?
After all, the plague problem here is also very bad. If Andorhal is basically calmed down, Arthas and Uther should definitely go here... But the strategic problem is very serious. Min wasn't too clear, this kind of thing should be asked the Davy Paladin who just rode past.
'what? ’
‘Then how long will it take for them to come and make peace with us? ’
Little Timmy, who asked if he didn't understand, asked directly, because he had been holding back in the wooden barrel for a day and a night, and in the place where he became stinky after peeing, there was not even a speaker.
"I do not know!"
‘Then Sister Hermione, will Prince Arthas follow? ’
Hermione really didn't know, so she sighed and said perfunctorily to Timmy.
Originally, she was like reviewing and memorizing the spells that might be used on this bullock cart or studying the magic book she got from Professor Anne, but now this little kid is by her side , There must be no way to calm down.
‘Will he help me find my mother and Danielle then? ’
Xiao Timmy continued to ask curiously. Obviously, he seemed to be used to letting the Alsace Prince help find someone.
"I think it should be?"
Hermione was not sure about this, she could only say vaguely.
‘But he promised to help us rescue those who were captured by the orcs, but he hasn’t been rescued yet! ’
"This, I'm sorry Timmy, I don't know this... When you see him, you can ask him yourself?"
‘Will he still play with me? He also lifted Danielle to his shoulders last time and let her sit for a long time! ’
"It should be, but Timmy, you won't know this until you meet him."
‘But, when will we meet him? ’
"Possibly, maybe at least a month later? Will they definitely come after defeating the undead, but Hearthglen is too far away from here..."
Although Hermione has never been to Hearthglen, and does not know where it is, she has asked. It is said that Hearthglen is at the northernmost point of Andorhal, almost as far as Andorhal in Darron County?
So, in terms of distance and marching speed, when Uther or Arthas came to Corin's intersection, it was estimated that it would be at least a month later. Of course, if it were Uther and the paladins of the Silver Hand, or the cavalry, the speed might be much faster.
‘Then Hermione, Prince Arthas, is he still carrying his old hammer? ’
"Yes, that's right!"
‘Then when did you meet? Brother Harry told me something. At that time, he really almost arrested you as those badass wizards, didn't he? ’
"Listen to Timmy, why don't you go play with your brother Harry and sister Fleur?"
Finally, Hermione, who was a little impatient when asked, broke out, straightened her face, and directed her spear to the two guys who had been hiding aside and didn't know what they were whispering.
‘Brother Harry only wants to play with Sister Furong, and Sister Furong only wants to be with Brother Harry. Both of them don’t like talking to me...’
Hermione took a deep breath, and nodded after seeing the two nasty guys next to her. She felt that Timmy, a child, seemed to be very observant, and she could still find that kind of problem. Min is completely speechless?
'That one……'
‘Sister Hermione, you promised to teach Sister Pamela magic, is that true? ’
Little Timmy, who couldn't stop for a moment, finally spoke again, and continued to ask the children's concerns that he suddenly thought of.
"Right, she told you?"
Hermione did not deny this question. Of course, she was not too sure, because there were some things that she couldn't even grasp.
'Ok! ’
‘Sister Pamela told me everything. She also said that you will make a very big and terrible flame monster. Is that true? ’
Xiao Timmy's eyes widened and his face was full of admiration and curiosity, but soon his snotty face was pushed away by his sister Hermione.
"Probably count..."
After Hermione remembered the terrifying monster that had been summoned, her heart trembled, and she hurriedly exhaled, only to force the terrible shadow out of her mind.
‘Then Sister Hermione, can you change it again and show it to me? ’
Xiao Timmy has never seen the big and powerful hammer monster that Pamela said that he holds a hammer larger than the house. Therefore, he wants to see it, even if it is just a click.
"No! Absolutely not!"
Without even thinking about it, Hermione sternly refused the request of a certain kid, and her unquestionable stern tone made Harry and Fleur look at them curiously.
‘Why is that? ’
"Because it is dangerous! Little Timmy, you have also seen the situation outside of Dahlone County. If you change it out, it will definitely burn all of us to death!!"
Yes, there is no undead here, and no one else is here, so Hermione must be afraid to summon the monster out of her control!
What's more, she felt that when the guy had to disappear because of the time, she was extremely angry. If she rashly summoned the other party, God knows what terrible things the other party will do. ?
"Then Sister Hermione, can you teach me magic too? ’
"I'm afraid not!"
The expectant gaze staring at Timmy was a bit unbearable, but Hermione shook her head regretfully.
Until now, because there is no way to make a qualified wand suitable for Pamela, she has not been able to teach the little girl any safe and simple little spell, let alone the random question in front of her. The problem is not already annoying for her.
'why? ’
"Because you don't have any magic power in your body, at least I can't feel it. It's likely that you are a Muggle?"
Muggles refer to non-magical humans who do not believe in magic, that is, ordinary people in daily life, such as Hermione's own parents?
Although, this word has some discriminatory connotations, but at this time Hermione can only explain to this little guy who has to ask everything.
‘What is a Muggle, is it delicious? ’
"God, Merlin, who can come to save me..."
Finally, Hermione couldn't help but let out a mournful scream... Then, she took a hard breath before turning her head again to look at the little kid who had been asking "Hundred Thousand Whys":
"'Muggle' is not a melon,'Muggle' refers to people, like you who have no magic power, cannot use magic, and cannot learn magic!"
Although this might be a bit ruthless and would hit the other's fragile little mind, Hermione, whose patience has been basically worn out now, could not help but say this kind of words that might hit the other party.
‘Then Sister Hermione, will you wait for me to make a trick? A few days ago, Brother Harry and Sister Furong had been playing tricks for me...’
However, Xinyan is very different from ordinary children. Little Timmy, who was once caught by the jackals and dared to run around, directly pitifully asked the witch sister, hoping that the other party could give him. Change some fun tricks to pass the boring hurry time.
"Of course, no problem!!"
The orchid is in full bloom!
As soon as Hermione stretched out her hand, her wand made of vine wood and containing the dragon's heart tendons appeared in her right hand. Then she saw her wrist flicked and a silent spell was used, which easily summoned her. Bunch the orchid, then quickly took it off the tip of the magic wand and stuffed it into Timmy's hand.
For Miss Granger, who is now proficient in casting various spells and has a lot of practical experience, as long as the other party does not ask herself so many weird questions, as long as they can be solved by magic, then It's not a problem!
‘Sister Hermione, I don’t like flowers very much. Danielle likes them, and so does the timid Pamela, but I really don’t like them. ’
However, the little Timmy who took the orchid curled his lips somewhat boringly. Obviously, he was not satisfied with Miss Hermione’s trick of teasing little girls, because it was not what he wanted, nor did he want it. That kind of interesting trick.
Flock of birds!
Unexpectedly, Hermione, who was so difficult for this little guy, thought for a while, and felt that this shouldn't be a problem that could be difficult for her. After shaking her wand again, he directly summoned a group of flying birds and controlled it. After they circled the little boy twice, they began to fly around above the marching team.
"Wow~! ’
Xiao Timmy exclaimed. It seems that he really likes this kind of trick, and he has never seen it before?
"Change to me!!"
After thinking about it, I felt that this might not be very safe. I was afraid that the other person would be tired of seeing Hermione and then toss her own. She gritted her teeth and found a small wooden stick with charred ends from the carriage, and then once again confronted that one. I didn't know that it was the wood of the cook's fire stick that cast a transformation technique, turning it into a beautiful powerful slingshot in an instant.
You know, Hermione is very good at transfiguration courses. She knows all transfiguration spells as soon as they are cast. Even Professor McGonagall praised her, so she used a piece of wood to transform it. It is not too difficult for her to produce a toy slingshot.
‘Hermione, your technique is really getting better and better...’
‘Perfect silent transformation spell, Merlin’s beard! Hermione, our professors at Boothbarton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry may not be as good as you! ’
At this moment, seeing Hermione's performance, the two Harry and Fleur on the side who had been happily enjoying their private time finally got a little moved, and sighed with admiration for a companion who used magic to tease a child.
Because Harry and Fleur both knew that they would definitely not be able to cast such a curse.
"Here! Little Timmy, that's it. Let's play with those birds. I just want to be quiet now. Don't bother me..."
Glancing at her two companions, Hermione, who didn't want to talk to them, stuffed the changed slingshot into Timmy's hands, and demonstrated how to play with each other, even accidentally hitting it by mistake. The helmet of a heavy armored sword and shield soldier in Lordaeron made the other person curiously touched his head and looked behind. She stuck her tongue out, pretending that she didn’t know anything, and waved her hand to make the kid hurry. Go aside and play by yourself.
Anyway, the opponent's energy is strong, anyway, the team is not moving fast, as long as the opponent doesn't run far.
'what! It looks so fun, thank you Sister Hermione! ’
"By the way, Sister Hermione, who is Quiet? ’
The little boy cheered and jumped out of the ox cart after taking the slingshot. However, after only two steps, he turned around and asked like a curious baby.
"Go! Hit your bird!"
Pointing at the birds in the sky, Hermione gritted her teeth and yelled at them. Because she was fed up with the little guy who kept asking questions!
If the other party does not leave again, she might have to think about whether she should use Sleeping Charm or Petrifying Charm, she is not kidding!
'what? Yes! Yes! ’
After feeling the terrible and invisible murderous aura on Hermione’s sister, Timmy finally didn’t dare to ask any more. After dropping her head and picking up a few pebbles on the road, she followed the method Hermione had just taught him. , Ready to hit his bird with a slingshot...
The world is finally clean...
Hermione breathed a sigh of relief and looked at everything right and left. A little kid was having fun with a slingshot in front, and the two companions around him were whispering and didn't mean to disturb her. She thought for a while, then took out her magic book and began to read it carefully.
Although she didn't think she could understand the magic and the notes, she wanted to look through it while there was still time to see if there was anything she could use, but she had missed something wrong before?
Suddenly, before Hermione had time to watch, suddenly she heard a sharp crow cry?
Then as soon as she looked up, she saw a bird that was as big as an eagle flew down towards them from the diagonal thorns in the sky. When she thought it was some kind of carnivorous bird, she was about to prey. When the flock of birds came out...
Snapped! !
A small but ferocious pebble hit its head accurately?
‘Ouch~! ’
An apparently human scream came out of the big crow's mouth, and then it staggered in the air, and fell directly into the grass on the side of the road. It also scared the soldiers around!
‘Haha! ’
‘Sister Hermione! Look, I hit a big bird with your slingshot! ! ’
Before Hermione could recover from her consternation, a little boy cheered. Then, he happily took his slingshot and rushed towards the bush, seeming to intend to catch it. Live a certain trophy he just shot down?

(????ω????)?? Ask for a ticket????
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