Chapter 985: ? Lordaeron, your prince is coming back?

However, in addition to staring at Miss Granger’s screen, his gaze is more often than not looking at Harry’s screen with worrying eyes. Glanced at his cabin.
Before long, when a bad old man named Dumbledore had just asked and settled for ten minutes, another seventh-grade girl at Boothbatten School of Witchcraft and Wizardry named Fleur Delacour surreptitiously Bypassing the teacher's seat and leaning towards this side.
'Hello there! ’
‘Professor Anne, I have recently observed carefully, and I found that Harry has been like that these days, it seems that he is different from before, including some habits...’
‘Are you sure, is he really okay? ’
For she came to Hogwarts to participate in the Triwizard Tournament and was lucky enough to experience the so-called'Lordaeron' illusion and gained a lot, including Fleur who accidentally met a junior boyfriend, now she is true He was a little worried about the little boyfriend who was gloomy and gloomy all day and did that kind of terrible things on the screen.
Anyway, apart from Dumbledore, in the entire Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, in this castle, her Fleur is definitely the one who is most worried about each other! After all, no matter how you say it, when she thinks that the other party has become like that because of herself, she will always be a little bit happy in her heart.
However, Xiao Annie did not rush to speak, because she was trying to suppress her anger, so as not to turn around and burn the long beard of a bad old man to vent her anger when she was extremely angry and depressed?
‘? ? ’
‘Hello, Professor Anne? Are you listening to what I just said? ’
Seeing that the other party was not talking, Furong couldn't help but get closer, so she squatted down beside the other party's seat, while supporting the long table of the professor's seat with one hand, while looking at the other party's small face nervously. , I almost reached out and shook it in front of the opponent.
"This classmate, have you seen other people's expressions?"
'what? ’
"Look, I saw..."
'how? ! ’
‘Difficult, could it be... Professor Anne, you mean: Harry could really have an accident? Will it affect him? ! ’
Seeing Professor Anne’s obviously unhappy and faintly weird face, Fleur Delacour, who was thinking something was wrong, couldn’t help but exclaimed, angering a bad old man who had been eavesdropping on the side. He couldn't help but glanced sideways and started listening with ears erect.
"No! What they mean is: People are in a bad mood right now, if you bother again... Then they promise that even if there is no accident with that little fourth eye, they will definitely let him happen!!"
After gritted her teeth and said, Xiao Anni first glared at the other side fiercely, and then showed a piercing and brilliant smile to a thief-minded old man next to him, and the headmaster quickly turned her head pretendingly. Go and continue to look at the two screens above the auditorium very seriously.
‘Hug, sorry! ’
‘I, I’ll go back now...’
It was not the first time to ask, and still did not get any definite answer, Fleur Delacour, after apologizing with a smile, hugged his head and left, never daring to become more and more aura. The terrible Professor Anne stayed more beside him.
Finally, after threatening to chase away the annoying big sister, Little Annie cast an angry glance at the seats of the Slytherin students in the auditorium.
There, those Slytherin students, such as Draco Malfoy, Vincent Crab, Gregory Gore, Pansy Parkinson and others were provocative, facing Gryffindor Some of the students held up the signs in their hands, and they also wrote in magic characters:'Warmly celebrate Mr. Porter of Gryffindor's entry into the dark wizard's camp, Slytherin students send congratulatory messages'?
Then, of course, not long after they raised the hate-attracting sign, the students of Gryffindor cast glaring glances and curses or all kinds of noisy rebuttals at them.
"I know the noisy, I don't know, I really thought they were right!"
After stretching her waist, Little Annie stopped paying attention to those people. She began to stretch her trousers legs onto the long table of the professor's seat in a bored manner, and then lay down on her own leisurely. In the seat, while watching, thinking about his little things.
Although her Professor Anne has been very leisurely recently, except for eating and drinking, sleeping and "chasing drama", she has never mentioned starting classes and continuing to teach magic or spells to students, but she does not want to be the answer to the mystery no matter how leisurely she is. Anyone will disturb her before the announcement!
‘Students, now the lunch break is almost over, so... everyone stands up immediately, go back and prepare well, you should almost go to the afternoon class! ’
Looking at the time on his pocket watch, and looking at the bright sunshine outside the windows on both sides of the auditorium, Dumbledore finally stood up, once again began to exercise his principal's power and began to drive people.
Because, here is not yet the wonderful part, there is still half a day before Harry and Prince Alsace and their sailing boats docked. The students can go back and have a good half afternoon class, and then eat and drink in the evening. Come after foot and wash?
'and also! ’
‘Slytherin students, I don’t want to see any objects and words in the castle that attack a warrior or students from other colleges! What if you don’t want to incur a penalty of more than fifty points and a one-week confinement for your college? ’
Staring at the Slytherin students with majesty and warning, they hurriedly put away the signs that would incur the hostility of Gryffindor students and his Principal Dumbledore. , A certain principal was annoyed and waved at them, signaling the prefects to quickly lead the students of their respective colleges to get rid of them, stop staying in the auditorium and screaming, let him look annoying under the annoyance .
Because, Dumbledore has already sensed that the "Twilight of Lordaeron" may be coming soon, and whether it is Hermione or Harry, they must be unable to change everything, even those two people Now they are all involved, deeply involved without knowing...
and so,
Principal Dumbledore felt that with the gradual arrival of June 24th, the second event of the Triwizard Tournament must be over soon, and by then, their Hogwarts Castle auditorium It is no longer as lively and popular with teachers and students as it is now. That is really a pity.
Turning his head and looking at a little girl who was hanging up on business, Dumbledore could only sigh again.
If he doesn't worry about Harry himself, it must be impossible! However, when a certain little girl who has the ability to interfere is unwilling to intervene or reveal in advance, for those two big screens, how can he, the principal who has never even figured out what magic the other party uses? Do it?

Boom~! Boom~!
The huge bronze bell in the King City of Lordaeron rang gently...
Now the people of Lordaeron know:
Hermione Granger, a fourteen-year-old witch from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, first joined Prince Alsace’s plague investigation team, participated in the offensive and defensive battle of Andorhal, and later defended the lives and property of thousands of soldiers and civilians in Dahlone County. Safe, defeated the Dreadlord and his undead army at Corin's junction and won victory. Later, he participated in Stratholme's "Great Rescue" operation, and finally used a strategy to summon the Balrog to completely burn Kaeldaron. Destroyed the psychic college located under the Barov family castle in one fell swoop,'completely wiped out' the culprit who spread the plague and destroyed the evil cursed cult...
In view of the great contribution made by the witch Hermione Granger to the Kingdom of Lordaeron, after passing the recommendation of the leader of the Knights of the Silver Hand Uther Lightbringer and countless military high-level officers and eastern nobles, Lordaeron’s King Terenas Menethil II specially summoned the legendary little witch after the Dalong Mill incident, and a few days ago learned of his own son Artha brought back by the messenger from Northrend. After Si’s relevant opinions, he finally made up his mind, held a grand ceremony and canonized the little witch Hermione Granger as the Countess of Keldaron, and the fief...
Surprisingly, it is the area of ​​Keldaron Island and the Darlong Mill Lake! !
That's right, it was completely burned not long ago, and it is still a ruin and a lava hell-like scene. The top is very clean, without any plagues and undead, but there are no living people or animals, only full of those terrible And the large number of new fire elements, God knows in which year in the future will gradually extinguish and return to normal, and can normally live in people and grow plants.
Regarding this decision, although Uther and others have also questioned...
However, King Terenas had his own considerations, and at the same time, it was also considered to weigh and eliminate the opposition of some western traditional nobles in Lordaeron. In the end, he could just make the title of a nameless countess and a piece of it. No matter how important it is, there is absolutely no way anyone would want to throw the unowned fiefdom to the other party and just throw it away.
after all,
Although Keldaron can’t be the owner, the waters of Darlong Mill Lake are very large and the products are not uncommon. In addition, the current Keldaron Island may still produce precious fires in the future. Specialties such as element nuclei?
Therefore, in the case that a certain little witch herself did not put forward any opinions, Uther and others did not dare to say more in the end... Besides, it is impossible for him to contribute his territory or let the king entrust important ones. Important locations such as Hills, Nanhai Town, or Tarren Mill came out, so that's what happened in the end.
Perhaps, in a sense, King Terenas is indeed a bit too stingy and cunning?
However, now is a special period, and Prince Alsace is about to return triumphantly, so no one pays attention to those things, not even Hermione as the client, because, believe it or not, she herself I really didn't care or care about that kind of thing at all!
If she can choose, she really doesn’t want to stay in this dangerous and crazy world for a moment. She just wants to go back to Hogwarts Castle, the softness that belongs to her in the common room of the school. Have a good night's sleep on the big bed!
Because, in Hogwarts, she never needs to jump up in the middle of the night to fight the evil undead desperately, or worry about whether she will be touched and bitten by a ghoul in her sleep. His head, arms and legs or something.
Boom~! Boom~!
The huge bronze bell in the King City of Lordaeron rang twice again, and the sound was still very clear even if it reached here...
Hermione didn't know what that meant, but it didn't matter, because she never cared about such small things. She was enjoying this rare peaceful court life that didn't require fighting.
"Lordaeron is so big, it looks so beautiful..."
"It’s great to not have to fight the undead all day, but the people here in Lordaeron really don’t seem to have any sense of crisis. It’s like the battle in the Plaguelands didn’t affect this place at all. Not the same as their lives?"
On the terrace at the top of this high tower of the palace castle of Lordaeron, watching the huge and bustling Lordaeron, watching the pedestrians and people laughing in the city garden below, staying At the newly appointed countess in the palace, the witch Hermione sighed with emotion.
She didn't know whether the people of Lordaeron were like that...
But she only knows that in the east, the people in the Western Plaguelands and Eastern Plaguelands are still in deep water, still tortured by the dead and terrible plagues, the earth is withering, the deep forest and the generations. The green is gradually lost, and the army is desperately resisting and trying to prevent the spread of the undead plague...
Even if it was herself, she and Davy Paladin and Captain Redpath not long ago infiltrated the Barov family territory in Keldaron and destroyed the cursed cult and the psychic college, and then went back to Dalong. There were battles with scattered undeads around the county for several days... But now, in Lordaeron King City, she only felt as if nothing had happened?
"I wish there were no evil things like the undead and the plague..."
Looking at it, even though she had been in Lordaeron for many days, Hermione, who had seen these beautiful sights in this world for the first time, couldn't help but sigh.
"Dear Countess..."
"In fact, the city of Lordaeron is not as big as Stratholme. At best, it can only be regarded as the second largest city in the Kingdom of Lordaeron?"
At this time, when Hermione was very sensitive, a beautiful blonde woman wearing a noble silk dress didn’t know when she quietly walked to Hermione’s side, and first supported her on the railing of the terrace overlooking the huge city of Lordaeron. Later, he ridiculed the new knight who generally called the opponent and added:
"My father told me before that although Lordaeron is the capital city, no matter its size or population, it is not comparable to the most important trading city, or the one occupied by the undead.' The Pearl of the North' Stratholme."
"You haven't heard of it yet?"
"A while ago, when I heard Master Uther came back to report on Stratholme's situation, Father Father was very angry and smashed many cups..."
After that, the elder sister of Prince Alsace, the eldest daughter of King Terenas Menethil, the sister Jialia Menethil, who is a few years older than Arthas, this Lordaeron The princess of the kingdom, who is also the second in line to the throne, sighed faintly.
Since the hereditary system of Lordaeron prioritizes men and then recounts their elders and children, Galia Menethil’s identity has always been embarrassing, and has never been specially trained, and the crown prince has always been All are Alsace, but Jia Liya herself has never had the highest priority to succeed to the throne!
However, fortunately, she never cared about those, and her relationship with Alsace is also very good, so she has been able to maintain their peaceful royal family home. She has been living in these years. In the palace, she silently plays the humble role of her kingdom princess, which is rarely known to anyone outside of Lordaeron.
In the past few days, when Hermione was invited to Lordaeron and was exceptionally canonized as a countess for credit, she was finally able to meet a certain legendary heroine, and she soon became the other Good sisters like girlfriends!
Even in the past few days, the two of them have lived together, even if the baron butler and maid of the palace have prepared special rooms for each other.
"You mean Stratholme..."
Hermione's eyelids drooped slightly when she heard the words that made people feel sad and trembling, and she sighed quietly.
Stratholme’s situation was too miserable. At that time, it might be due to the rush to run and fight. He didn’t seem to feel much. However, after the incident, in the dead of night, I always dreamed of those who were sinking into that huge city. The hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people who were transformed into zombies in the torture of the plague, or wailed in the attack of the zombies and were mercilessly abandoned by the Paladins, Hermione would always be awakened, and then never sleep... …
Because she was also involved in Stratholme's affairs, but she was really powerless at the time, even if she saw those innocent children, old people, women and citizens throwing at her from the windows of one house after another. Looking forward to and asking for help, she can only bear to pretend not to see... because the Paladins have no way to deal with the plague, and neither does she herself.
"Are you ok?"
"Although you know you shouldn't ask, Hermione, Stratholme's situation is really as serious as Master Uther said when he came back to report?"
Some innocent Princess Caria Menethil asked nervously.
She couldn't believe that a city as big as Stratholme, with more people than Lordaeron's King City, had all become undead because of the terrifying plague? That kind of terrible thing, but she has never dared to imagine, nor can she imagine what kind of tragic picture it is.
"Sister Jialia, Stratholme's situation will only be worse than you think... But let's not talk about those things now, okay?"
"It's so hard for me to take a few days off. I really don't want to recall those terrible things anymore, and I don't want to discuss the things of the undead..."
Hermione does not intend to recall or discuss those tragic stories, which are tragic and very inhumane, especially for her!
You know, she is really just a fourteen-year-old Hogwarts fourth-grade student. Although she has no choice but to continue struggling in this world, but now she only intends to stay away from the war in Rodin. Stay here in King Lun for a while, and wait until Harry and the others return?
Fortunately, the messengers sent by the king to urge Prince Alsace to withdraw his troops for the second time brought back good news. Prince Arthas and Harry found a magic weapon in the icy world of Northrend. And with that weapon, killed the dreadlord Malganis!
And according to the intelligence, the triumphant fleet will land from the Whispering Coast at the latest tonight, and she will Apparate to Thorridon Farm a little later to wait for Harry and Prince Arthas to return. Therefore, she was a little impatient.
"Well, according to you, then don't talk about that thing..."
Nodding, seeing the other party’s face suddenly became frustrated and ugly. After thinking about it, Jialia Menethil didn’t dare to push too much, so she turned to be very witty. Speaking of other things a little lighter.
"Seriously, Hermione, I really envy you."
"You are only fourteen years old this year, so young you are already a great hero who has been to many places, wiped out countless souls, saved countless people, and also destroyed the psychic college and cursed the cult of the gods! How much like me, me Nothing, the farthest place I've been to is Dalaran..."
Galia Menethil also sighed softly, and then she remembered the Dalaran she had been to and the copper coin she had lost in the wishing pool that was said to be very effective... Unfortunately, now that so long has passed, her original marriage contract has long since become a rumor and disappeared, and the handsome Lord Pretos is no longer seen.
Moreover, she had also vaguely heard some rumors that were even worse for that adult, but she had been reluctant to believe it.
"Sister Jialia, let me tell you the truth, actually..."
"I would rather not be a great hero, and I really am not a hero. That is all just a coincidence... Now that you may not believe it, we were actually thrown to you by one of our nasty professors. The Kingdom of Lordaeron is undergoing experience here, and I wanted to go back a long time ago, since the first day I arrived on this continent!"
"I don't want to be a countess, nor a hero..."
"This world is so cruel. Before I came to this city, I could see the dead almost every moment, fight the undead every day, and see the terrible everything!"
"If I can choose, I just want to go back now, go back to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and continue to go to class with my classmates, Harry and Ron, and never come back to this terrible Place!"
"What I said is true! I can swear to God or Merlin!!"
This is indeed the truth from Hermione. After experiencing the things of Krum and Fleur, after seeing the changes in Harry, after experiencing Stratholme and everything, she discovered: it turns out, a fairy tale The stories of the "Dragon Quest" or the heroes here are all deceptive, all the cruelest things!
So, she is really tired, and if she can, she really wants to go back... Maybe, after Harry and Prince Arthas return triumphantly, she will find time to discuss with Harry, see Is there any way to go back?
"God? Who is he?"
Jialia Menethil was a little curious.
"God, he is a that many people on our planet believe in. He is omnipotent!"
As long as it wasn't for reminiscing those cruel things, Hermione certainly knew everything she could say, and she didn't even think about hiding it or anything else.
‘Merlin? Who is he? Is he also a powerful god? ’
"No! Merlin is not a god, he is a wizard, he is said to be the greatest wizard in history, but he has been dead for many years..."
"What about Hogwarts?"
"That is a city like Dalaran, where can you learn magic?"
For the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry that the other party had said more than once, Caria Menethil was very fascinated.
Because she felt that it must be a magical place, or else she would not teach Hermione and the wizard Harry who followed her brother to Northrend and succeeded in revenge. It's a pity that the place is said to be far away from Lordaeron, and even the Countess Hermione in front of her doesn't know how to go back. Even if she is curious, she definitely can't follow the other person to see.
"It's not a city!"
"Hogwarts is actually just a castle, a school of magic, and it must be not as big as Dalaran, right?"
Dalaran is a magical kingdom with a large population, so Hermione is certainly not arrogant enough to think that Hogwarts can be compared to Dalaran.
"Sister Jialia, I've never been to Dalaran. I don't know what Dalaran looks like, so I don't know how to compare..."
Hermione sighed. Before, she wanted to visit Dalaran to learn and experience the magical magic in the world of Azeroth. However, after experiencing so many things and sufferings, she There has been so much ambition and desire for knowledge long ago.
She just wants to go back now and sleep in school for a few days. If possible, she might even try to see what it's like to skip class and be a carefree undergraduate.
‘It’s easy! ’
‘If you want to go to Dalaran, you can follow me today! ’
Suddenly, when the two were about to continue talking about something, a familiar voice sounded, which directly frightened Hermione and Jialia who were silently holding on to the terrace railing.
"Sister Jaina?!"
When he turned his head, and saw that the man was the blue-robed mage that they were familiar with, both Hermione and Princess Jialia exclaimed.
"I heard that the butler said that you are coming today, but how can I not wait for you? I thought you would not come today, my dear Princess Proudmoore?"
This was Jia Liya's ridicule, and then she greeted him happily and gave the other party a big hug! Obviously, the two of them have known each other a long time ago and the relationship seems to be very good.
"Are you really a princess?!"
Hermione exclaimed again, because she heard Princess Jialia's name, and then she couldn't help but feel a little unbelievable, because it seemed that no one had really told her about this matter seriously, and she always thought that the other party It's just a powerful mage in Dalaran.
"Why, do you only know now? Dear Lord Granger?"
After letting go of Galia, Jaina stepped forward, stood in front of the staring Hermione, looked at the other person's shocked expression and joked.
She heard the news when she came. The so-so little sister in front of her had done another earth-shattering thing, completely destroying the source of the plague, destroying the cursed cult and the psychic college, and because of this Obtained the canonization of King Terenas Menethil, but she was a little ashamed of herself.
Hearing the other party's teasing, Hermione suddenly seemed a little at a loss, not even knowing where to put her hands.
"Well, Hermione, I actually want you to call me like you used to, we are friends, sisters, aren't we?"
Shaking her head, Jaina stepped forward and hugged the opponent hard, giving him a friendly and intimate embrace.
To be honest, she was also faintly jealous of the sister Hermione in front of her, because the other party was obviously younger than her in age and ability, but the other party had done much more than herself, even she was in Kulty. When Lars talked to his father, her admiral father had been admired for a long time.
"in fact……"
"Galia and Hermione. I am here today to say goodbye to you. I will return to Dalaran soon. Then, my fleet is about to set off and I don’t know when I will see you in the future. ,and so……"
Jaina couldn't continue speaking before she finished speaking, because this kind of farewell scene really made her a little sad.
"Do you want me to visit Dalaran? Then, maybe you can go to Kalimdor with me? Our fleet will set off soon, probably tomorrow morning. If you don’t follow me today If you go to Dalaran, I'm afraid there will be no chance again."
"The prophet said, the danger is getting closer and closer to this continent. I must start early!"
After explaining her intentions, Jaina sent out an invitation to Hermione again, wanting to invite her to go to Dalaran with her, and also invited her to go to Kalimdor with her. To usher in a land of death and destruction.
"Sister Jaina, do you really believe that prophet?"
Hermione was shocked again when she heard what the other party said.
"But, I always think that the prophet is weird, as is the little dwarf girl he knows, and she is also weird... I always think they don't look like good people!"
"Don't be fooled by them!!"
Yes, Hermione doesn’t believe the prophet named Medivh, because she has read a lot of history and records about the world of Azeroth during her stay in Lordaeron’s palace these days, and she also knows that Medivh What kind of person is Wen, so, subconsciously, she directly thinks that the guy has bad intentions, just like what the other party had done before and was secretly recorded in those documents?
"Do not……"
"Hermione, my feeling tells me that he did not lie! So, listen to my advice and go to Kalimdor with me. You are not from Lordaeron, you have done enough for them. , Krum and Fleur are sacrificed, you are now big heroes, leave this doomed world."
Although it was very embarrassing to see Jialia next to her, Jaina didn't care so much, she just tried to persuade her.
She likes this sister Hermione very much, the other party's ability is also very strong, luck and behavior are also more unexpected, so if the other party is willing to leave with her, she will definitely be more confident.
"Sister Jaina, we have just destroyed Keldaron and the School of Spiritualism. Now the problem of the plague will be solved soon. As long as we try to eliminate the remaining undead, Lordaeron will win!"
Hermione shook her head dumbfounded and laughed, but her opinion was exactly the opposite of Jaina's sister. She felt that although the Kingdom of Lordaeron had suffered heavy losses, in a sense, their efforts finally stabilized the situation. Although the situation is still not optimistic, as long as Prince Arthas and the others return triumphantly, and then lead the troops to continue eastward, at most it will only spend more time and stabilize the defense line at Corin junction, they will always be able to win!
Of course, this kind of statement is not what she said, but what she said when she heard Lord Uther and they discussed with King Terenas.
‘There are hundreds of thousands of undead in Stratholme, plus the remnants of the Eastern Plaguelands and the Western Plaguelands. That number is probably not something you can resist. ’
"King Terenas has already said that he is urgently recruiting and training troops! And Dalaran is also preparing to send more mages to help..."
"They also sent messengers to Eagle's Nest Mountain, Ironforge and Stormwind City. Those undead will certainly not be more difficult to deal with than the previous orcs!"
‘I’m afraid things are not as simple as you think, because I have also sensed that a great horror is coming, we must make a choice! ’
Seeing Jaina and Hermione arguing with each other, Galia Menethil, who was standing by, didn’t understand, but she was so envious that she didn’t know. What should I say.
Because although these two friends of her own are both younger than her and their identities are not as good as her own, the other party's ability or other is far beyond her, the princess of Lordaeron! In comparison, it seems that apart from Menethil's surname and the identity of the princess, she really has no merit at all?
"I won't leave, but Sister Jaina, are you really waiting for Prince Arthas to come back?"
"The messenger said, they will arrive at Whispering Bay at the latest tonight, and then they will be able to return to Lordaeron in a few days. They succeeded in revenge and killed the terrifying demon Malgan with their own hands. Nice!"
"Sister Jaina, don't you want to see Prince Arthas?!"
Hermione knew that Sister Jaina was the lover of Prince Arthas. Although she had some twists in Stratholme, she felt that if Sister Jaina could welcome each other's return at this time, both Is it impossible for people to reconcile?
Although it now seems that the terrible order of Prince Arthas was better than it is now, Hermione didn't think there was anything wrong with Sister Jaina's refusal to stand with him.
"No! I'll go back to Dalaran later, pack some things and bid farewell to the Antonidas teacher, I will rush back to Kul Tiras and lead my people and fleet to Kalimdor, because today The monsoon has already begun to blow. If I don’t move faster, crossing the endless sea will be very dangerous!"
The main power that Kul Tiras’s fleet relies on is still the sea wind and sails, but it’s not like some of Quel'Thalas’ magic ships with their own power, so if Jaina decides to go to Kalimdor If so, she must leave quickly, otherwise, once the monsoon is missed, it will be fatal to the fleet at sea!
Although their fleet is very large, almost half of the Kul Tiras fleet, but they also pretend to be a lot of people, and if there are more people, there will be less time for supplies and continuous navigation. She doesn't want her people. Did not die in the infection of the undead plague but starved to death in the vast sea first.
Hermione still wanted to say something, but in the end, she opened her mouth but she didn't say anything, just turned around silently, and together with each other, the three of them just looked down at the magnificent and prosperous view of Lordaeron’s city. While cherishing the last time spent with each other.
After looking at the scenery for a while, Jaina suddenly spoke out and turned around, looking at the little witch next to her with some hesitation, wondering if she should say something about her.
"what happened?"
‘? ? ’
Not knowing what else the other party wanted to say, Hermione and Jialia looked at each other together.
"Forget it!"
Shaking her head, Jaina wanted to tell her how she feels...
Because, she always felt that Alsace and their Northern Expedition were a bit too smooth. For Northrend, they were quite familiar with Kul Tiras. She knew what kind of place it was, so for Alsace She didn't believe it anyhow that they won the final victory with more than two thousand people alone! But Since the other party has returned triumphantly now, she can't figure out why she can't say more, so she has to temporarily hide the doubts and anxiety in her heart.
"I can't teach you magic..."
"Here you! This is my notebook when I was studying in Dalaran. There are many spells and explanations in it. Although it is just the most common magic notebook, it is not as powerful as the one given to you by your teacher. But, this is probably the best gift I can give you. I hope you don’t dislike it?"
Regardless of whether the other party was willing to accept it, Jaina directly arrogantly shoved the thick book she took out of the rune bag into the other party's arms.
‘Jaina, before leaving, can you have lunch with us? I can let the maids have a banquet in that sky garden, what do you think? ’
Knowing that this good friend of my own is here to say goodbye, after knowing that the other party will soon leave Lordaeron, leave Dalaran and go to the unknown western continent, Jialia Menethil is sad. He tentatively pleaded with expectant eyes.
Maybe they won't be able to see each other for a long time in the future, but, if possible, she hopes to be able to entertain each other well, in the place they liked best before!
"of course can!"
‘! ! ’
'that is really good! I will ask them to prepare now! ! ’
After speaking, Galia Menethil, with a look of surprise on her face, hurriedly carried the hem of her beautiful long skirt, and hurriedly ran down from the spiraling castle staircase on this terrace...

??(ο??????ο)???? Ask for a ticket???? (ο??????ο)??
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