Chapter 986: The forest of Lordaeron is whispering your name?

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My son, when you were born, the entire forest of Lordaeron was whispering your name, Arthas...
-Terenas Millhill
Whispering Bay is located on the northwest coast of Tirisfal Woodland. At this time, the night here is quiet. The bright moonlight shines on the distant sea, and the waves reflect a little silver moonlight flashing. , Looks like a dream, people can't help but feel drunk!
And Jialia Menethil in the twilight, after obtaining the approval of her father Tenaris, followed the kingdom’s new countess Hermione Granger, using that kind of amazing Teleporting spells, using that kind of "Phantom Shift", instantly teleported from Lordaeron’s city hundreds of miles away and arrived at Thorridon Farm on the shore of Whispering, following the team of Los Angeles that had been prepared long ago. The Danlun Royal Honor Guards are waiting for the return of the triumphal fleet.
Although the process was a little bit imperfect, for example, when she just teleported over, she vomited in confusion, almost completely losing the dignity of the princess of Lordaeron? But she wouldn't mind such small things, and she believed that those who saw it would not mind either.
"The sea view at night is really beautiful..."
As the eldest princess of the Kingdom of Lordaeron and the only princess of the kingdom, Jia Liya came to the beach at night for the first time.
Therefore, this kind of seascape under the moonlight is really strange to her!
You know, in the past, she was at best able to stay by the lake of Lordamere to relax, or at night when she couldn't sleep, she could just look at the lake view and moonlight from the height of the palace castle, and wanted to run to It must be impossible to be so far away.
right now,
In the moonlight, watching the rolling waves and the sound of waves, and then the salty sea breeze blowing, Jia Liya felt that she was going to be drunk...
Therefore, in a relatively happy mood, she began to chat with her sister Hermione next to her, talking about her childhood, and talking about the pleasant scandals of Alsace's childhood. Anyway, as long as she thought of She said all the interesting things about her without reservation.
"No way?"
"Galia, is that true? The entire forest of Lordaeron is whispering his name, how is this possible?"
"But, I still don't want to believe that kind of thing..."
"You know, that kind of thing, it’s a little too magical... Your good brother Prince Arthas is very familiar to me. He is just a powerful and brave Paladin. I think that’s what happened. You guys made it up randomly."
Here in the pier of Whisper Bay, in the long wait, after listening to Princess Jialia talk about Alsace’s childhood, including the childhood life of the two siblings and Jaina when they were young, including their love and later After listening to it, Hermione couldn't help but leaned into Galia's ear with some amusement, and gently retorted something.
In short,
Hermione definitely didn't believe it like the saying that "the forest of Lordaeron is whispering"!
Because she was more willing to believe that it was nothing more than the sly King Tenaris's necessary packaging and momentum for the only crown prince and prince of Lordaeron, Arthas, for it was just for The future succession of that Prince Alsace pave the way?
Of course, although it was a retort, Hermione was not stupid enough to say it out loud. She was just talking to her new good sister and her good girlfriend, Princess Jialia, to each other’s ears. While talking those whispers.
After all, she is now the Countess of Lordaeron, and she must not openly question King Tenaris or speak ill of Crown Prince Arthas before others.
"of course it's true!"
"I still remember that on the day Alsace was born, the people of the whole city were cheering and celebrating, petals were flying everywhere in the city, and the big bronze bell in Lordaeron was ringing all the time, and the voice spread very much. It was far away, and the forest of Lordaeron in the distance also responded. They gave an answer. I'm not joking!"
After looking around and finding that no one noticed the conversation between the two of them, and no one dared to eavesdrop on it, Jia Liya glared a bit angrily at the countess who dared to arrange her brother Alsace.
Anyway, Jia Liya felt that her brother was indeed the pride and hope of the Kingdom of Lordaeron!
Just like this time, the opponent led only more than two thousand soldiers on an expedition to Northrend and won a big victory and successfully eliminated the dreadlord who spread the plague? Therefore, she has always been deeply proud of her younger brother, and is looking forward to a more glorious future for the Kingdom of Lordaeron under the rule of Alsace.
Because she knew that her dear father, Tenaris, was already very old, and had repeatedly told her to abdicate and crown Alsace, so she believed that in Lordaeron After the plague subsided completely, Arthas, who made great contributions and became more mature, must have gradually met their father’s requirements. He was crowned king and became the new term of the Menethil dynasty of Lordaeron. The king's time is not far away!
The only thing she feels a bit pity is: Jaina Proudmoore, who has always been in a good relationship with her, the princess of the Kingdom of Kul Tiras, who pleases her no matter her status, personal ability, appearance or personality My favorite sister actually fell out with her younger brother Alsace, and even heard the words of a false prophet who didn’t know where she came from, planning to go to Kalimdor to take refuge?
I don't know whether the other party will meet or reconcile with Arthas in the future. Thinking of that kind of thing, she is almost sad to be a sister!
When the Kingdom of Lordaeron is back to normal, when the undead is completely wiped out and the terrible plague is eliminated, can she find time to fool her brother to Kalimdor to see Jaina?
After thinking about it, Jia Liya secretly praised her wonderful idea, and made a decision.
She knows that her father Tenaris agrees with Arthas and Jaina's affairs, because Kul Tiras has always had a good relationship with Lordaeron, plus the sea kingdom. With a powerful navy, that is indeed what Lordaeron needs! However, that kind of thing may be at least two or three years later, because she also heard Lord Uther and they said that it would take so much time to completely quell the plague and eliminate the undead. .
"Well, dear sister Jialia, I see..."
Hermione was stunned, then almost laughed.
Because she understood and guessed it: It’s probably not the whispers of Lordaeron Forest, it’s just because the city has been ringing the bell to celebrate, and then the echoes from a distance continue to come back, so it sounds like Like'the entire forest of Lordaeron is whispering'?
Of course, the kind of normal scientific common sense that everyone on earth knows, Hermione Granger would certainly not uninterestingly speak out and correct each other at this time, so that sister Jialia continued to immerse herself in the right In the beautiful vision of the brother of Prince Alsace!
"Hey! Hermione, why do you think they haven't come back yet?"
"When the Griffin Rider returned, didn't he say that Arthas's fleet is not far from here?"
Look at the surrounding villagers of Solliton Farm who "spontaneously" come to prepare to welcome them, look at those village women who are discussing something in a low voice, and the petals and garlands and the food and water they prepare. There were two rows of motionless soldiers of the Royal Honor Guard of Lordaeron who were in a neat formation behind, Jia Liya couldn't help but feel a little anxious.
"Look, my hair has become slimy, and the outside of my clothes is beginning to get a layer of dew, which is really annoying!"
At night, I just stood by the beach for a while, Jia Liya's long blonde hair, which was just cleaned and taken care of by the maids in the afternoon, has become slimy... and the body on her body is precious. The mooncloth robe was also hung with a thick layer of dew, which made her feel slimy and wet, and if it weren't for the midsummer, she might have had more than one sneeze.
Therefore, after seeing the north, looking towards the end of the sea in the night, and discovering that she still hadn't seen her brother Alsace's fleet, she couldn't help complaining bitterly.
You know, because the weather is very good tonight, she specially wore her mooncloth robe, because this precious fabric emits beautiful faint fluorescence under the moonlight, but now it turns into Like this?
"Who kept you urging me to come here earlier? What's the use of being anxious now?"
"Although they are not far from the coast now, the speed of the fleet is not as fast as the Griffins, and it is now a crosswind, plus the whispering coast is said to have a lot of reefs, they must not Dare to advance at full speed."
‘Waterproof and moisture-proof! ’
Although her mouth was mocking the sister Jialia who came in costume, but after smiling, Hermione took out her magic wand and tapped it against the opponent's body, instantly making the opponent's whole body become It dries up, making the slimy hair flow again, and the mooncloth robe that was prone to attracting dew is finally no longer as wet as before and it is almost sticking to the soft and white skin.
The spell was originally used to prevent water or high temperature from affecting people and objects. Now, it is used by Hermione to set makeup on this beautiful princess. Although this is a bit of a waste of magic, it is For Hermione, who had never needed to fight in the trimming state, it was really nothing great, and just used it.
"Hermione, does your magic have so many interesting uses?!"
Touching her body and hair, Jia Liya couldn't help but exclaimed.
She has always thought that, besides fighting and killing, magic is what Jaina told her: ‘certain evil and dirty wizards are specially used to turn people into sheep and then abduct them smoothly’ or something...
But now, seeing a small trick played by the other party, she instantly became comfortable. Both her hair and clothes were dry and dry, and it seemed that she would not be affected by those sea breeze and dew anymore. A little curiously asked.
"Sister Jialia, maybe you don't know yet?"
"In our Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, most of the magic we learn is not spells for combat, and the spells and spells that are good at combat are actually black magic that has been resisted. It is absolutely not allowed for professors to use it casually Go to teach the students!"
Having said that, Hermione couldn't help sighing.
Yes, in Hogwarts, the spells that their students can learn are those non-combat life spells and skills, such as: Transfiguration, Potions, Magical Biology of Protection, Herbology, Spells Learning, magicians, flying lessons, astronomy, ancient magic texts, Muggle studies, defense against the dark arts, and her most hated divination lesson, and more!
Even in the Dark Arts Defense class, they can learn more of defensive spells to subdue the enemy or protect themselves, such as fierce fire spells or other more powerful offensive spells, they are impossible. Even the unforgivable curse that I learned easily in school was just because of this year's weird mad-eyed Moody, who had just come into contact with it.
and so,
This is why Hermione mostly uses auxiliary spells or indirect control spells when fighting, because she knows and can touch so much, and usually, although she also secretly reads some more in the library High-level spells, but some taboo books or black magic books that need to be signed by the professor to borrow, she must not be able to easily access them.
"Huh? But..."
"If you weren't learning the magic and spells used in combat, then how could you, Hermione, be so powerful, and you have done so many great things, and become Lordaeron's great hero?!"
No one can deny that the fourteen-year-old girl in front of her is the youngest countess in the history of the Kingdom of Lordaeron due to merit. Therefore, Jia Liya was very surprised and puzzled by the other party’s statement. of.
She couldn't believe that the opponent could be so powerful when the magic that she learned was not for combat, and if she learned a little more combat magic, wouldn't it be invincible?
"That's actually because of other reasons. In short, it's very complicated. I am a little bit..."
Hermione who was about to explain a few sentences suddenly stopped and exclaimed.
Because, what she saw: In the distance, on the endless sea covered with white moonlight, in the distance, there seemed to be a few small black boats appearing in the distance?
"Let's not talk about that, Sister Jialia, look at the ones over there, are they the battleships of Prince Arthas and Harry, are they back?!"
Hermione, who didn't know if she had read it wrong, slapped Jialia's arm next to her, and pointed her finger at the sea level in the far north, motioning her to look at the place she saw.
"Yes! It must be them, it must be Arthas and the others, but they are coming back!!"
After looking intently, Jia Liya could not help but cheered when she found that the shadows of several sailing ships and the masts and sails that became more and more clear on the sea in the distance.
Then, she hurriedly stood up straight, preparing to use her fullest mental state to welcome the heroic brother who is about to return in triumph and the warriors of the Northern Expedition.
At the same time, the villagers and village women who heard the exclamation of the two people, after seeing the boat shadows, finally ended their rustling discussions, and became energetic and excited. Get up and start tiptoeing eagerly, seeming to want to see what the triumphal warriors’ ships and the warriors on the ships look like, and when will they be able to reach the shore?
"Sister Jia Liya, don't rush to be happy, at least it will take a long time for them to get close at this distance. It's useless for you to be anxious now!!"
After crying dumbfoundingly patted the opponent's hand that was holding his arm hard and pulling out his arm hard, Hermione glared at the other party.
Although Harry and the others are about to return, she is also very happy, but now judging from the size and distance of each other’s ship, it will take at least half an hour. They can wait patiently and don’t need to be so anxious. tension.
"Huh? Sorry, I was too anxious, it seems that it is really like that..."
I was stunned, and then I looked at the few warships in the distance that were swaying vaguely at the end of the sea level. I saw that they seemed to be really Jialia who was slowly rubbing over here. I had to nod in awkwardness, and finally relaxed a little bit, and began to wait patiently, watching the hazy shadows of the warships in the moonlight in the distance slowly becoming larger and clearer.
"Strange, Hermione, have you noticed... the sounds of insects and birds that were very noisy just now seem to disappear suddenly?"
for a long time,
As the warships approached in the dark and put down their small boats and started landing, Jialia gradually calmed down and discovered a strange phenomenon: that is, the sounds of insects and birds around originally seemed to be All was gone all at once, just the sound of the waves and the sound of the sea breeze coming slowly?
"Have they called before?"
"Sorry, sister Jialia, I seem to have never paid attention to that kind of thing..."
After listening to the side, Hermione didn’t think much after realizing that there were indeed only the roaring and flapping sounds of the waves, because she didn’t live on the beach before, and there were few opportunities to go to the beach to play. The princess in the palace likes to pay attention to the calls of insects and birds like that, so she really doesn't know why there is no sound of insects and birds suddenly, and she doesn't want to care so much.
Because now there are more important things that they need to pay attention to, not on the bugs or seabirds.
"Hermione, do we need us to welcome them?"
Seeing the figure of the familiar younger brother in the moonlight walk from the boat to the beach, and with a slightly stiff step, she led people toward this side with a deep and shallow step, Jia Liya was overjoyed and wanted to rush over. , To welcome her big hero brother on the beach.
"Stop it? The beach there is very soft, and there is more silt than sand. If you go there in a dress, you won't be able to do it. Let's wait here!"
"Look, the guard of honor is starting to prepare."
Watching the prince Alsace and Harry and their steps, watching them stagger forward on the kneeless beach, Hermione didn't even think about it, and directly rejected Jialia's suggestion to ask for trouble. Take a moment to turn his head and glance at the soldiers of Lordaeron behind them.
Those people have been standing in the middle of the night wearing heavy armor for ceremonies, and now they are finally going to the end, it is really not easy.
Suddenly, Hermione turned her head again and found that...
The soldiers, including Harry, had hidden themselves in a black hooded robe, only half of their faces and those cold armors could be seen?
But soon, Hermione was relieved.
She felt that this might be because it was too cold in Northrend, so the soldiers had become accustomed to dressing like that, and were used to wrapping each other tightly like that?
Therefore, Hermione, who thought she had found the answer, didn’t think too much, just with a smile on her face, together with Jia Liya, and the surrounding villagers and village women who were happily throwing petals and cheering, and those behind. Together, the soldiers of the Royal Honor Guard of Lordaeron, who raised their long-handled weapons and sounded the horn of victory, watched and greeted Prince Arthas, her friend Harry, and the brave warriors of the Northern Expedition. Return of victory.
At this time, as the other party approached step by step, Hermione inadvertently discovered: Harry's lips seemed a bit weird? Moreover, the other party clearly returned victoriously, but why didn't she see the relieved and sunny smiling face she imagined at all?
This kind of thing made her a little nervous...
Besides, she didn’t know if it was her illusion. She seemed to feel a strange aura on the warriors who approached everyone... and even the smell of the sea breeze was faintly in the east. The rancid smell of corpses that you often smelled in the Western Plaguelands? !
"Great, Arthas!"
Seeing her younger brother getting closer, Jia Liya finally couldn't help it. She cheered and was about to rush out to hug each other.
However, at the moment when the moonlight was slanting, she stopped suddenly again without knowing why.
Because at this time, Princess Galia Menethil accidentally saw a strange expression on the face of her brother, and also faintly noticed something wrong in her heart...because she saw it , His brother Alsace's movements were very stiff, and his eyes seemed to be indicating something to him all the time, it seemed to be...
Is he letting himself run faster? !
Yes, she definitely meant that, because ah, the look in her eyes is very familiar, like when she was young, when she was playing with each other and messed up or broke the father’s baby, then the father Before hearing the news, he planned to carry all the guilt and punishment alone, and then let his sister run away, the kind of eyes that only his two sisters and brothers can understand each other?
and so,
Subconsciously, she stopped, her footsteps couldn't help but the welcome rushing forward from the beginning became a little hesitant and took a step back subconsciously. She was wondering, wondering what was happening in Alsace's eyes. ?
"Sister Jialia?"
Although there was something wrong in her heart, Hermione, who didn't think much about it, smiled and stepped forward two steps. When she was about to say something to the stopped Jialia and welcome the warriors who returned triumphantly, she unexpectedly Find:
In front, Harry, who was less than five steps away from them, had other actions at this time? !
Hermione saw it. At this moment, the other party drew out his magic wand and pointed the head of the wand at her and Jialias? !
'Avada Kedavra! ! ’
After the cruel cold snort, a green light slammed toward Hermione and Princess Gallia Menethil beside her...
Subconsciously pulled Garia next to her, Hermione, who was caught off guard, was not unpleasant and took out the magic wand that she had always placed on her cuff, and was about to put on the'barrier' spell that was effective against the death curse and protect herself. When she was with Jia Liya, she had to find desperately that her movements were still a little bit slower, even if she could silently cast the spell, but the other party’s movements were too fast and too sudden. In the case of, she seems to be too late to complete the action of the spell?
The next moment,
The green light that flooded the entire world completely drowned Hermione herself and Jialia...
Amidst the exclamations surrounding her, she finally saw the terrifying group of black shadows behind the opponent roaring and rushing towards the villagers and the soldiers of the Royal Honor Guard of Lordaeron who lined up to welcome...and, in front, The glowing eyes of her friend Harry from under the cloak...
Then, her eyes went dark, and she suddenly felt dizzy, and then she didn't know anything.

Seeing the terrible sights on those two screens, of course, the quarrels broke out in the Great Hall of Hogwarts...
‘! ! ’
‘That Harry Potter is really crazy! He actually used the Unforgivable Curse to deal with that Granger? ! ’
‘Merlin, that’s terrible...’
'my God! ’
"Oh no..."
‘Fred, did you take that picture? ’
'Do not! George! I was scared just now, I did not remember! ! ’
'damn it! ’
‘Fred and George, just give me enough. When is this, you still want to make money? ’
'what? ’
‘Dear brother Ron, even if the end of the world is here, it won’t stop us from making money! Because the days without money are always the end of the world! ! ’
‘Fred is right! ’
'not good! Malfoy, I'm afraid you're done. Potter, he really turned into a dark wizard. When he comes out, he will definitely give you Avada's life! ’
‘! ! ’
‘Why? ! ’
‘Because he dislikes you the most, and you also dislike him. You are enemies, aren’t you? ! ’
‘It’s over, our best know-it-all lady in Gryffindor is going to die...’
‘It’s really a dark day, Merlin can testify! ’
‘I think that Potter will definitely become the third-generation Dark Lord, he might take the place of the person who can’t even name his name...’
‘Don’t scare me! ’
‘I didn’t, as you saw, he became too scary. The person who can’t even say his name may not be as scary as him! ’
‘Will he set up a cursed sect and defeat the Ministry of Magic? ’
‘I think he is more likely to go to London to spread that terrible undead plague! You know, there are ten million people in London! ’
‘! ! ’
‘Are there so many people in our London? I remember just a few million, right? ’
‘Even a few million is not enough! ! ’
‘! ! ’
At this time, Dumbledore, who could not bear it, finally stood up.
"Classmates, please stop and look carefully! Our Warrior Miss Granger is not dead yet, so everyone quiets me down. If you don't want me to send you back to sleep?!"
He first lit his throat with a magic wand and let out a terrifying roar. After seeing the students covering their ears, he quieted down and sat down honestly. He looked very ugly and sat back on his seat. , And then glanced helplessly at a little girl next to her who didn't know what she was thinking, then sighed and continued to look at the screen.
There is no doubt that everyone now knows that something terrible must have happened to Harry, just like what he worried and observed more than ten days ago?
However, Dumbledore said that he could do nothing about it, because he had no good way. He could only temporarily choose to believe that the stubborn but powerful little girl around him, and planned to patiently see the follow-up. Let's talk about development.
What he saw, that Miss Granger and the princess of Lordaeron seemed to have escaped from the death curse by luck?
'Oh! No no no! ’
‘Harry was not like that before. It was not him. I don’t believe Harry will become like that. I know that kid. He is absolutely impossible...’
‘Okay, Mrs. Maxim, I’m wrong, let’s go ahead and see? ’
A certain big guy Hagrid with a messy beard, the ranger who doesn't often come to watch the'chasing drama' suddenly mumbled something loudly, obviously not willing to believe the facts on the screen? But soon he mumbled and calmed down again, because the same big Madame Maxim next to him seemed to give him a scolding look in time and stopped some of the paleness and weakness he was planning to continue. The excuse?

There was a cry of pain...
call! call!
Hermione was gasping for breath, and as her hand touched a warm but wet soft breast, she felt a horror in her heart, and then endured the severe pain in her body. After sitting up, he subconsciously looked at the person he was touching.
There is no doubt that it is the princess Jialia, her bestie sister!
However, at this time, the opponent's chest was already dyed red, and the original precious mooncloth robe was dyed red by blood, which looked very shocking!
Seeing this, Hermione, who was sitting on the ground, had a blank mind...
She only remembered that she and the sister Jialia in front of her were clearly hit by the death curse "Avadasuo Ming", but now how can they... and that is, Avada's life is not directly Is it fatal without any injuries? Why does she seem to have a lot of wounds on her body now, and even sister Jia Liya also fell to the ground covered in blood, what is going on? !
For a long time, when she saw the blood under Jia Liya's body gradually began to stain the ground, she saw the other's chest rising and falling slowly, when she saw a magic book soaked in blood next to her, She suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly crawled over and hugged the other person in her arms.
Hermione remembered why...
It turned out that it was her magic book, the magic book that Professor Anne gave her that triggered the passive enchantment at the critical moment of life and death, and sent her and Jia Liya here? And the injuries on the two of them must be because of the death curse, but there is no certain price of death.
But even if she wasn't dead, Hermione also found that her body had been severely traumatized. Although the magic book had been treating her, the situation was definitely not good! Moreover, the princess Jialia next to her, who was caught by herself and then teleported back at the same time, was much more serious than herself, and now she even fell directly into a pool of blood and motionless...
Realizing that Jia Liya's situation in her arms is becoming more and more dangerous, she no longer dared to waste time thinking about it, but hurriedly took out a few tubes of life potion from her embroidered deep-sea bag, and then panicked from the other party. The gritted mouth was directly poured down.
However, even in that case, the situation of the other party is not optimistic! !
How to do? How to do? !
In a panic, Hermione, who turned her head around and looked around, quickly understood where it was from the familiar scenery around and the flags and decorations with blue background and gold edges. Then, she felt happy. She hurriedly fumbled for her magic wand from the side of the magic book.
‘Fluorescence flashes! ! ’
Immediately afterwards, a blazing white ball of light rushed directly into the sky from this garden, and then, after the palace castle that had illuminated Lordaeron like daylight, Hermione let out a scream of grief and indignation. sound:
"Come on!"
"Where are the Paladins and the priests? Hurry up, Princess Jialia needs their help!!!"
After the cry of grief and indignation sounded, after the dazzling fluorescent flashing magic lighted up, almost instantly, the entire palace responded, and then bursts of rapid footsteps sounded.
Teams of heavily armed Lordaeron court guards, mages stationed in the palace, maids, and other servants swarmed into this garden from all directions for the first time, and then they stared dumbfounded as they should have gone. Whispering Bay welcomes the embarrassed countess of the triumphant warriors and the princess Jialia who fell in a pool of blood and unconscious.
‘Get out of me! ! ’
At this time, without waiting for the dumbfounded soldiers or servant mages to react, a familiar and somewhat arrogant voice sounded. Then, Hermione only saw that the person she most wanted to see appeared in front of her, and he was the most powerful and great paladin in Lordaeron-Uther Light messenger!
‘! ! ’
‘The supreme light, please give me strength! Heal the two in front of you! ! ’
Although I don’t know what happened, Uther, who had just been discussing military affairs with King Terenas Menethil, didn’t even think about it, so he summoned a golden holy light and made that one almost The condensed fiery beam of healing light directly hit Hermione and Jialia who were surrounded by the crowd...
When Jia Liya and Hermione's injuries were stabilized, and when the princess was brought back to the dormitory by servants and priests to continue recuperation and treatment, Uther, Hermione and the team were as nervous as they were facing enemies. The guards of Lordaeron Palace came to the main hall of Lordaeron Palace together, and saw the old King Terenas, who was sitting on the throne waiting for Menethil.
"Oh no!"
"Your Majesty King Terenas, Arthas and Harry are crazy! They should be controlled by demons or undead, or they have become undead?"
"They probably didn't defeat the demon Malganis. All of us might have been deceived by them! It was terrible. They became undead. They led a terrible army of undead to kill back. It must be a trap. He brazenly attacked me and Jia Liya, as well as everyone who was present at the time, they are now in Whispering Bay, on the Solliton Farm!!!"
Then, she was covered in blood, not knowing whether it was her own or Jialia’s more. After taking a deep breath, she knew what she knew. The words she had told Uther before were briefly spoken again.
Thinking about that time, thinking that Harry used his magic wand to shoot that terrible life of Avada at him and Jialia, Hermione's heart still trembled...
"No! I don't believe it!!"
"My son, Arthas, he is the pride and hope of Lordaeron, witch, I don't allow you to slander him, I don't allow you to slander your prince!!"
Terenas Menethil stood up and snarled viciously at Hermione. Then, after the snarling, as if all his strength had been exhausted, he sat down again on his throne. , And began to reach out to support his forehead.
"Your Majesty?"
Uther on the side was a little worried, as if he wanted to step forward to see the other party's situation?
Because, they had been discussing military affairs here for half a night before, but now such terrible things and bad news have happened again, which is really too cruel for King Terenas. .
However, he did not step onto the throne, and King Terenas reached out and stopped him.
"The Granger Witch...No, Lord Granger, please tell me..."
"I want to know, what did you see at that Thorleighton Farm, at the Whispering Bay, what happened to my son Alsace, you must tell me everything you see!"
"Don't try to deceive me, because my Jialia is still alive. When she wakes up, she will tell me everything!!"
After a long silence, Terenas Menethil raised his head gritted teeth, spoke in a vicious tone and looked at the witch who was a little at a loss in front of the throne, and looked at the young Countess as if Is the opponent like his enemy?
He is indeed a little gaffe, but anyone who heard that his son had an accident in the middle of the night, and his daughter was beaten to blood and almost died in his own palace, he would definitely not What a good mood! In fact, now that he can barely maintain a sense of reason, it is not easy.
"Good, good..."
"At that time, we waited for a long time, until their ship docked and started landing, and then Jia Liya, and others began to welcome their triumph..."
After swallowing, Hermione, who was a little frightened by the ferocious expression and aura of King Terenas, barely calmed down for a while before she began to comprehend what she saw, heard, and Jiali. Ya's reaction at the critical moment, plus Harry's attack on them were all told.
"I don't believe it, you are lying! I think it is you people with ulterior motives who are targeting us at Lordaeron. It is you wizards who are cheating on my son!"
"Even, I have reason to doubt whether you are cursing the undercover agents sent by the sect!!"
After listening to Hermione’s description, King Terenas Menethil roared on the spot, and then, following his angry rebuke, the elite palace guards around the palace couldn’t help but clenched the weapons in their hands. Surrounded.
"and many more!"
At this moment, Uther stretched out his hand to stop the guards, and then glanced at the angry His Majesty, before looking at the little witch Hermione beside her with some embarrassment, hoping that the other party would continue to say something.
Now that Uther is here, he will not let anyone disadvantage the king! Besides, he didn't believe that the Granger Witch would be as unbearable as the king said, because he believed in his own eyes, and believed in everything the Holy Light told him.
"Your Majesty..."
"If it hadn’t been for the magic book my teacher gave me to activate the enchantment and save us at a critical time, I’m afraid sister Jia Liya and I would not be able to come back! Believe it or not, fact is fact! You can send People go to investigate, I believe those undead will hit Lordaeron in a few days!"
"Also, when Sister Jialia wakes up, you can ask her by yourself!!"
As if out of anger, Hermione also said angrily after explaining the facts.
Sister Jialia saw everything she saw. Although the other party lost too much blood, but at the latest tomorrow, under the treatment of Uther and the priest and a lot of precious medicines, she believed that the other party would soon wake up. When the time comes, even if they don't believe in themselves, it is impossible for them to believe what Princess Jialia has witnessed.
"I don't believe it! You are lying!"
King Terenas continued to growl angrily, and was about to let the guards take down a nasty little witch! Because he felt that even if what the other party said was true, it was probably because the other party was the spy who cursed the cult, and the other party ruined everything!
"Your Majesty!"
"Is it true or not? I'll know in a few days at the latest! I'll send the Griffin Riders out to investigate later! Moreover, the Granger Witch just said it is correct, Princess Jialia will wake up soon The truth will be found out soon!!"
Uther stretched out his hand again to stop the guards, and stared firmly at the king who was in a state of hesitation and grief.
Obviously, the current His Majesty the King has lost some basic judgment ability under the anger and excitement. The huge changes have made the other party become extreme, and Uther has to shoulder certain responsibilities.
"Do not……"
"I do not believe……."
"Uther, go... just as Annie said, I need to know everything as soon as possible! Also, you look at her, and now the suspicion on her can't be removed, don't let her run away!!"
Finally, after looking at Uther's light-filled eyes for a long time, Terenas finally calmed down slowly and sat slumped on the throne.
However, his tone still trembled slightly...
He didn't understand. Now everything is okay. The work and combat tasks of cleaning up the dead and the plague have begun to be arranged in an orderly manner. In the afternoon, the soldiers began to recruit and train, and a large number of troops will go to the Eastern and Western Plaguelands. The psychic academy has also been destroyed, and the remaining cursed cultists are like bereaved dogs. The only thing that is difficult is the large number of undead in Stratholme. But how can it happen when the situation is very good? That terrible thing happened? !
"Your Majesty, don't worry, I won't run away. If I lie, I will do my best!"
As if she was angry, Hermione also stared bitterly at the King on the throne, and sneered with very rude words.
However, without waiting for Hermione to say more, Uther on the side pulled her arm vigorously to stop her stupid act of instigating His Majesty in this matter.
"Your Majesty! Don't worry, I will handle everything personally!"
After holding a certain little witch who knew nothing about life and death, Uther, who felt a little tired, became bored. After exhaling heavily, he solemnly addressed the King Terenas who seemed to be several years old for a moment. Assure you.
"You all go out, let me be quiet..."
With a wave of his hand, Terenas Menethil, who no longer paid attention to Uther or an angry little witch, closed his eyes and collapsed directly on his throne. Just like a dead old man, he didn't even want to move again.
At this time,
At Solliton Farm, on the beach shore of Whispering Bay, the battle here is over. The villagers who originally came to welcome the village fell in a pool of blood and flower petals. The team of Lordaeron who originally came to welcome The guards of honor all fell to the ground, along with their ridiculous long-handled weapons and musical instruments, torn apart by the terrifying undead...
Harry didn't see the corpses of the little witch and the princess. Obviously, the other party didn't know how to get away!
Moreover, he believes that it will definitely not be Apparition!
"Kill them all! Don't keep alive!"
After looking at the farm in the distance, Harry gave his command sternly! After that, he turned to look at the motionless Prince Arthas beside him.
"What did you just do, why did they find out in advance?"
When he reached the tall body of the opponent, Harry raised his head and asked with his pale face.
"You won't know!"
"Harry, please listen to me, please wake up! We were fooled, we were all fooled by the demon and the Lich King! Believe me, it’s too late to stop now! Don’t be controlled by him, just like me, You can try to resist him, I believe you can!"
Arthas did not answer the other party’s words, but in a tired tone, he persuaded the little wizard who had been with him for many He did not resent the other party because he knew that the other party was also victimized , And now all this is definitely not the other party's original intention, that is another terrible demon trying to control their destiny, the Lich King!
"Do not……"
"Jie Jie! I was not deceived, I was just cooperating with him, he gave me strength, I would help him a little bit, as for you, you are still too simple!"
Harry grinned grimly, and did not heed the other's advice.
"You, you are..."
Alsace, who just wanted to say something, stopped moving immediately...
With a wave of the magic wand, without knowing what spell Ha used, Arthas instantly became like a puppet under the influence of magic.
"If it wasn't for the Lich King wanted your body, I would have..."
"However, Prince Arthas, don't think you can do nothing if you resist the sword. It is only temporary! Moreover, I can kill you first and then transform..."
Seeing that his men killed off the villagers and Lordaeron's guards and then rushed to the farm in the distance that did not know what happened here, the pale face under Harry's cloak grinned again. Up.
"I suddenly thought of a good idea..."
"Jie Jie..."
"Alsace, in a few days, you will soon accept your destiny, I firmly believe..."
After speaking, when a huge black shadow slowly appeared and flew in the sky, Harry began to laugh cruelly under the dark hood.

(^▽^)?? Ask for a ticket?? (^▽^)
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