Chapter 988: ?(ψ·??ˇ·?)?? Is it time...

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The chaos and noise in the Hogwarts Auditorium continued. The students were arguing, crying, or arguing loudly about something. The scene had begun to get out of control until Hermione and the others had successfully teleported on the screen. Back in the King City of Lordaeron, he didn't mean to stop at all.
At this time, even the prefects, deans or other professors did not pay attention to the students, because they themselves were frightened by the terrible news. Many of them are in no better condition than Students need to be better.
‘It’s impossible, he, why is he there? What spell did he use to get in, why did we never know? ’
‘It’s ridiculous, I can’t believe it’s true! ’
'Ugh! There is another major event in the magical world, and the ministry may start working overtime again from today. It’s really terrible...’
‘Director, do you want to block the news first? ’
'blockade? How do you block it? Here is the live broadcast by a special reporter, and there are so many students and professors, how can you block it? ! ’
‘Always think of a way! ! ’
"But sir..."
‘Don’t rush me, I don’t know anything, you shut up first! ! ’
"Merlin's beard..."
‘It’s terrible! Professor Dumbledore, can you really be sure that Mr. Potter, he is really the mysterious person who can't even mention his name now? What we just saw and what we see now, can you be sure that it is true? ’
Several officials of the Ministry of Magic and several members dispatched to supervise the Triwizard Tournament here at Hogwarts, such as Barty Crouch, Ludo Bagman and others, discussed with each other for a while. They couldn't discuss the reason, so they leaned in front of Dumbledore anxiously.
"Sorry, Mr. Crouch, I am not sure, because I am as surprised as you are now..."
Dumbledore shrugged, expressing powerlessness.
Yes, he was indeed still in a state of uncertainty. Although Dumbledore himself had some guesses, he would definitely not express any opinions without being 100% sure. In fact, even if he really knew that little Tom who was in trouble, he would definitely not tell him indiscriminately.
‘! ! ’
'too frightening! No, this is crazy. We must tell Mr. Minister, and also, must notify Mr. Rufus Scrimgeour in the Auror Office! ’
‘Sir, Minister Fudge and the Aurors are already on their way to Hogwarts, and now the trouble is: how are we going to deal with this matter? The matter is obvious, if it leaks out, the entire magical world will go crazy, this is crazy! ’
‘I don’t know, don’t ask me! I am no longer the director of the Law Enforcement Department, I am just the director of the International Magic Exchange and Cooperation Department! How to solve this kind of crazy things? You can ask the Minister yourself later! ! ’
‘Uh... all right, sir! ’
‘Mr. Crouch...’
‘Okay, guys, don’t ask me, just be quiet, I’m already annoying enough, maybe, our principal knows something? ’
Barty Crouch, who seemed to be a little anxious, saw the reporters approaching him, but he was impatient, so he kicked that kind of problem to the one in front of him, squinting. I don’t know. Dumbledore, the cunning old man thinking something.
‘! ! ’
‘Yes, Dumbledore, you must have some news, right? ’
‘Principal Dumbledore, you must know the reason, right? ’
'We want to know why Mr. Potter suddenly became a person whose name can’t be said. What is the connection between this? You must know something, hurry up, please don’t hide it, please hurry up now Tell us the truth, we want to know all that! ’
‘Mr. Principal? ’
‘Mr. Dumbledore...’
The reporters who were originally stationed here at first started talking hurriedly, ranting hysterically, and arguing with curses for a long time. They had no solution, and they didn’t know how to deal with them. Now they finally come back. He came to God, and cast his gaze again on the ugly old Principal Dumbledore who seemed to be thinking.
Now, although no one wants to admit it, they have a mysterious connection with the mysterious person who can’t even say the name, or whether the other party is even more famous than Harry Potter. The thing is not too skeptical.
You know, it was Mr. Potter that ‘beat’ the mysterious man back then!
So, if everything on the screen is true, if the guy has returned, or if the other party has some terrible connection with Mr. Potter, then nothing is said, and it will be able to fight the other party and bring people hope and People with a sense of security are probably the only first-class Merlin Medal winner in front of them, the chairman of the International Federation of Magicians, the chief magician of Wisengamo, who has been nominated by the Minister of Magic for many times and is recognized as the greatest contemporary Mr. Dumbledore of Hogwarts the Wizard!
"Everyone, please stay calm... I don't know what the situation is now, nor can I be sure... So, I also need to go back and take some time to check it out. Please trust me, I should be able to find all of us soon The answer I want to know..."
"And before that, please keep calm for the time being?"
"Also, Minister Fudge and the Aurors are coming soon. They Apparated to Hogsmeade. They are now on their way to here. If you have any questions, you can find them first. ask?"
Obviously, Dumbledore knew something, because at this time he thought of Harry's snake-like voice, and remembered something that happened when Harry was in the second grade...
In view of the importance of the matter, and it is likely to cause unnecessary panic, etc., before he has thoroughly investigated it, he will definitely not say it lightly!
He must keep that secret temporarily, and how to deal with this matter now, let Fudge and the others go.
Furthermore, Dumbledore believed that there should be very few people in the entire magical world who knew about that evil thing and magic, and that the evil thing had something to do with little Tom, the dark lord, so even if they knew it, those people were Certainly not, and he didn't dare to just preach to go out and seek his own way, so Dumbledore felt that he should have enough time to investigate and figure out everything.
‘! ! ’
‘Mr. Dumbledore! How can you do this? ! ’
‘You must know something, please tell us, is it true, is Harry related to a mysterious person, and what does the ‘scarhead’ he said refers to? What is the connection between Harry Potter's scar and the return of the mysterious man? ! ’
‘What he said, many of us also know, there are many rumors that he will definitely come back, we didn’t believe it before, now...’
‘It’s terrible, all this turned out to be true! ’
‘Dumbledore? ’
‘Be sure to tell us what you know, it’s the time now, please don’t cover up! ’
Although Dumbledore has expressed his ignorance, the reporters, officials and some professors of the Ministry of Magic, as well as Karkaroff and Mrs. Maxim, etc. did not want to let him go so easily, so they still The other party was surrounded there.
‘I’m not covering up, Mr. Crouch, please pay attention to your wording? ’
‘Then what should we do now? ’
‘Mr. Bagman, you are the Director of the Sports Department of the Ministry of Magic, and now this is clearly the responsibility of the Aurors, so you don’t need to think about what to do...’
'you! ! ’
‘This is crazy, today is the darkest day in the magic world...’
‘Tomorrow, whether it’s the Ministry of Magic or other places, the world will be messed up. I’m sure of that! ! ’
Annie looked at the people over there with some playfulness, watched Dumbledore blame the old man and the officials of the Ministry of Magic and other professors quarreling, and then look at those in the auditorium who are also crying or arguing. And after the frightened students, she suddenly felt:
Perhaps, the Hogwarts carnival, which is the second subject of the Triwizard Tournament, is almost time to end?
Really, those adults are really troublesome!
Isn't it the villain named Voldemort? What's so noisy about such a small thing? She had seen it clearly just now, that Voldemort, even if the opponent did gain part of the power given by the Lich King Ner'zhul, wouldn't it be beaten and run around by Hermione? What is there to be afraid of?
Anyway, Annie thinks it, now if Hermione doesn’t have the magic book she gave to the other party, and the pretending one knows that Voldemort who pretends to be a big tail wolf also doesn’t have the power bestowed by the Lich King, let him go with Hermione. In sparring, it's only 50-50 at best.
Besides, all the wizards in the wizarding world have magic wands in their hands, and that thing is not really a fire stick. As long as they cast the spell faster and harder, did Voldemort hit Avadaso? Can you survive after you die?
It only takes a hundred wizards to surround the other party and cast a killing spell, even a hundred pigs can almost win! So, as they are now, after hearing that name, they cried and clamored in the auditorium for a long time and refused to stop?
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
"It's really troublesome..."
Suddenly, a snapped finger sounded, and the surroundings instantly freeze and freeze...
In fact, not only the time at Hogwarts was frozen, but the entire earth and the entire universe stopped in an instant. The professors and students kept various positions and stopped in place, the air no longer Flowing, the flame of the candle no longer flickered, and even the light stopped spreading, as if the whole world had been held down by a certain pause button.
That's right, this is what little Annie did!
Because, she thinks, it’s time to finish, she’s going to go into the timeline of the Azeroth world, slowly straighten out everything there, and then pick up that Hermione and someone. Four small eyes came out of her scarred head.
It’s just that, before that, she had to fix the time in this world first, because she didn’t want to see them noisy, and didn’t want her actions in that world to be watched by those guys, so, After she gets everything done, and when she takes the two out of her, she will reactivate the time in the whole world. Then those guys who know the noisy will let them go!

The story of the world of Azeroth is still going on. It’s just that some fuss, the guys who are scared by one name can no longer see it, because the whole world of Hogwarts Time has been suspended, and for the time being, the story of the world of Azeroth is still going on.
But, now here, it is the next morning...
Boom~! Boom~!
Boom~! Boom~! Boom~!
There are clear and distant bells ringing in the King City of Lordaeron. They have not stopped since daybreak, they have been ringing long...
Boom~! Boom~! Boom~!
Today, the Menethil royal family is holding a grand and solemn funeral for a humble, honorable, sacrificed, brave, compassionate, soul, honest, and fair Paladin, as their royal family’s first heir, and for them The prince held the final ceremony.
Yes, the young Prince Arthas Menethil is dead...
That was the path of salvation he chose for himself, and it was the only thing he could choose at the time. He died in front of the Paladin Uther Lightbringer, and died of those desperate, even if he risked a great deal. The risk also goes deep in front of the warriors who want to rescue him in the pile of undead, so they understand everything with a broad sword.
He died in a hurry, and at the same time he caught everyone off guard...
However, everyone involved in the rescue seemed to be able to see that in that dark moment, the light on their Prince Arthas was even more dazzling and brighter than the light on Lord Uther, the Lightbringer. , It was like the ray of light that pierced the dawn in the darkness, which strengthened their belief:
?? The darkness will be broken, the plague will be eliminated, the evil will be eliminated by justice! ! ??
Boom~! Boom~!
The melodious and mournful bells continued to vigorously and firmly persist over the city of Lordaeron.
By this time, the elderly King Terenas Menethil had fallen...
His son Arthas Menethil died, dead in front of Uther, the two archmages of Dalaran, and the Paladins and military generals who went to the rescue.
Because, he had only barely picked up a glimmer of hope, he could no longer accept the cruel fact, he could not accept his son, his only son, and the only prince of the Menethil royal family, that The cruel fact that Lordaeron's pride and hope Alsace has already left him!
The reality is really cruel...
At first, he thought that his son had returned safely from Northrend, and he successfully defeated the devil. He was the great hero of Lordaeron? And he did promote it that way back then.
But in the end, the cruel reality first gave him a head. When he was ready to accept that terrible fact apart from grief and anger, the other party gave him a little bit of hope and let him know his son in time. Not dead yet?
But not long after, reality finally crushed his last gleam of hope ruthlessly into the mud, and kicked it under the cliff...
He, an elderly old man, finally couldn't hold on anymore, and fell directly on the hospital bed without further cheering up.
‘My son, when you were born, the entire forest of Lordaeron was whispering your name...’
'my son……'
Even the old King Tenaris, who collapsed and went into a coma, was constantly murmuring and repeating such a sentence in his sleep, but he was sad and utterly emotional. .
and so,
After the Holy Light, the priest, and even the potion were helpless, it was originally extremely powerful, but now it is extremely dilapidated. There is only one mess left in the Kingdom of Lordaeron. The second heir, that is, Jialia Mi Princess Neshir was appointed as the regent when she was in danger, so that the originally ignorant and sad woman hurriedly sat on the throne to rule Lordaeron, while the military and political affairs were divided by Uther Lightbringer, General Marshal Osmar Garithus and All the nobles of Lordaeron and the ministers assisted.
The smug young Paladin,
The pride and hope of King Lordaeron...
Love the motherland and the people more than anything else, and work hard to fight evil,
Once lost,
Unwilling to become the minions of evil undead, the warrior who chooses to defend himself!
The great prince of Lordaeron, Arthas Menethil is about to reach his final destination today...
Boom~! Boom~!
Now, as the bells of grief rang, under the eyes of countless people of Lordaeron and the white petals fluttering, Jialia Menethil, who was holding a urn, and her Followed by the paladins behind them, with red eyes and dull expressions, they walked towards the front of the carpet step by step, towards the entrance of an underground cave in Lordaeron.
And there will be the tomb chosen by the Menethil royal family, and it will also be the place where the heroes of Arthas will rest.
The box is actually just a set of costumes that Arthas left in the palace, because before the teleportation, the last two shattering fires of a certain little witch had burned everything, whether it was from Lordaeron or Those evil undead, I am afraid that there is no way to find the ashes of Prince Arthas. In fact, that is what Arthas hopes. No one can find the hero who is unwilling to be turned into an undead and enslaved. Ashes of the prince.
Although the opponent did not make much contribution to the Kingdom of Lordaeron, and even made some kind of'wrong' and cruel decision at one time, it cannot be denied that the opponent is indeed a Lordaeron. The heroic prince's identity ended, that's enough.
The white petals continued to dance, and the seeing off crowd walked silently along the carpet...
However, in front of the stone gate of the underground cave, the crowd slowly stopped, because a little boy holding a wreath suddenly stood up and stopped Jialia and the paladins behind her from advancing.
‘Danielle said, she must make a wreath for the prince brother...’
"But I can't find Danielle and the others..."
‘So, I had to make up one myself. Although it is not as good as Danielle’s made up, I hope it will stay with the prince brother forever, because he is a true warrior! ’
Hearing the little boy's words, looking at the stubborn expression on the dirty face that had become a big painted face and the wreath in the other's hand, the two hurried out of the queue, originally planning to take each other away. The royal guards of Lordaeron were stunned for a moment, and after a glance at each other, they silently retreated back to their original queue.
‘He will always be a warrior for me and Danielle, and always will be! ’
A few steps forward, gently padding his feet, and placing the awkward wreath on the urn of Prince Alsace's brother held by the princess, the little boy bit his lip firmly and resisted. After making myself cry, and wiping his dirty little face severely, he quietly stepped aside.
After only a short pause, everyone moved on again, and did not receive much interference because of the behavior of the little boy Timmy.
Boom~! Boom~!
The bell continued, and the new quasi-queen of Lordaeron Jialia Menethil embraced her brother Arthas’ urn with red eyes and walked along the passage guarded by the royal guards. Knowing that she had entered the tomb under Lordaeron with a team of generals and nobles and could no longer see it, in the distance, someone holding a long staff sat on a balcony guardrail at the top of the castle of Lordaeron Palace The dwarf little Lori sighed leisurely.
Yes, in the eyes of a dwarf little Lori, it is indeed all messed up here.
Because, the original death knight and Lich King Arthas actually broke himself and was burned to ashes and scattered between the heavens and the earth... Without that important guy, I am afraid that the Lich King Ner'zhul has a lot of The plans are all bankrupt!
After no one uses the evil magic sword that can guide the powerful power of the Lich King and the Frozen Throne, will the undead be able to destroy Lordaeron and capture Dalaran, and the artifact that summoned Archimonde, It is a very questionable question.
Anyway, she would definitely not believe that the ability was worse than Kel'Thuzad, and the intruder who could mess things up in a good situation, the guy named Dark Lord Voldemort could complete the original timeline. A series of great events!
Just like that, if it weren't for the protection of a large number of undead, I am afraid that only Antonidas in Dalaran could easily smash the opponent into scum, right?
"It's all messed up, what can I do?"
So, sitting on the heights of Lordaeron’s palace, but because of the spell of time, you put yourself in the gap before this moment of time, making yourself completely non-existent at this moment, and you don’t have to worry about being discovered by mortals. Little Lolita sighed leisurely.
Because, she really doesn’t know what to do next, and even more so, she can’t use her advantage of
to predict what will happen next, and she is even more afraid to use her own abilities. put one's oar in……
So now, looking at this messy world, apart from a sigh, she really didn't know what to do.

However, what a certain dwarf little Lori didn't know was that when she sighed, a little girl suddenly appeared not far behind her, and pointed her head towards it from behind the stone column of Lordaeron Castle. Looked over.
After staring at a familiar figure from the back for a long time, he strolled over on tiptoes.
"Little Chromie, how are you~!"
?? (??`▽????)
Almost as if she was in the ear of the other party, Xiao Annie suddenly greeted the other party loudly, almost not scaring a certain bronze dragon to fall under the castle.
"Yes, it's you?!"
Immediately, he almost subconsciously wanted to use the long wand in his hand to make a "death blow" like a backhand. After a hurried glance, Chromie stopped the movement of his hand. , And kept the railings firmly, so that his incredible bronze dragon didn't get the great achievement of the'fall and fall'.
"Why did you come in again?!"
After finally stabilizing his figure, and swiftly flipping over the guardrail, letting himself stand firmly on the top again, Chromie held his wand, by the height of the guardrail, Condescendingly and glaringly at some nasty little girl who appeared again.
That's right, in Cromi's eyes, this frantic guy in front of him is the culprit who caused all this in front of him! And if it weren’t for the other party’s mischief, now this timeline shouldn’t be like this at all. Calculated by time, Arthas has slaughtered and burned Stratholme, and then successfully took Frostmourne back in Northrend The father was killed successfully. After the destruction of Lordaeron, he then killed the loyal minister and mentor Uther to obtain the columbarium needed to load the ashes of Kel'Thuzad, and start marching to the high elf kingdom Quel'Thalas!
But look now, what happened here?
Arthas is dead, completely cold, and there is no possibility of resurrection as an undead. There is only a very bad necromancer leading the undead army. Just like the other guy, he wants to destroy Lordaeron and kill Uther. If you beat Quel'Thalas to resurrect Kel'Thuzad, and then capture Dalaran and grab the'Book of Medivh', there is definitely not much hope.

"Why are you putting on that stinky face? Dear dwarf Chromie, you know, in another timeline, our relationship is very good, but it's hard!!"
Although, when I first came to grab this timeline, I really beat the opponent a little bit hard, but that didn't explain much.
Anyway, in the eyes of Little Annie, the relationship between herself and'Cromi' is still very good. Although that'Cromi' is not the current Cromi, it does not matter, she will not care about that. Little things, she only needs to know that the little dwarf in front of her is the "debt" that owes her and has not paid off yet, and that's it!
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
"I am not a dwarf, I am the bronze dragon Cromi, I am much taller than you!"
Yes, in Cromi's opinion, whether it is the self in the time of the bronze dragon, or the self standing on the railing now, it must be taller than the hateful little girl in front of her. Regarding this, she Very sure!
"and also!"
"I don't know you at all. In this timeline of mine, I don't like you at all. Don't even think about riding me again!!"
Yes, no one would like a little girl who runs unreasonably to occupy a timeline and beat her own bronze dragons. After the fight, she announces that the world is under the control of the other party and wants to ride a dragon!
Especially now, after discovering that the opponent's world is now making a mess, making himself completely ignorant of what the Legion wants to do next?
"Really don't let me ride?"
"Dear Chromie, you used to say that you want people to ride, if you dare to shame, do you know what the end of that old dragon that doesn't allow people to ride in the land of voodoo?"
It seems... the end is not too bad?
Because, the flames of her Queen Anne's house burned up, but it didn't hurt at all. Really, in the blink of an eye, there is almost only the skeleton or gray, and it must be too late to feel the pain!
"I've never said that kind of thing. It's definitely not me who said that kind of thing. Go find the Cromi you know!!"
Seeing the horrible look and expression of the other party, Chromie remembered some bad memories, so, subconsciously, she took a step back and almost lost her balance and fell under the castle of Lordaeron Palace. !
But fortunately, she remembered her identity in time, and hurriedly performed a magic while staggering, and then she stabilised her figure in an embarrassing manner.
"But people think it's what you said..."
As long as Queen Anne thinks it is, yes, no, any attempt to protest or plead is a sophistry, and it must not be accepted by her.
"Look at you. Now this timeline has been made like this by you. Tell me, how are you going to finish it?"
Chromie didn't intend to reason with the other party, because she had tried it before, and the result was completely useless except for a beating! Moreover, in the long river of time, there is an infinite timeline. Therefore, she is not too sure what agreement or friendship between her opponent and herself in another timeline?
Therefore, she is not planning to argue with each other on such trivial matters, so as not to invite the unfortunate persuasion process for herself, instead she directly talked about the matter that she was most concerned about and sighed.
"Anyway, people look at it and think it's pretty good. Is there any problem? You see, how good the situation is now. The undead natural disasters seem to be not as powerful as before. The people of Lordaeron can fight hard by themselves. After passing them, the great filial son Wang Meow has become a good man, and it has become more difficult for a certain Archimonde to come down. Is there anything wrong with this?!"
Although she did not directly participate in and help the mortals, little Annie felt that the situation now is really good. Anyway, compared to the death knight Alsace back then, he swept the whole with a large number of bones. Lordaeron continent is much better!
"Of course there is a problem!"
"Now the undead are indeed weakened, but...but..."
But what, Chromie suddenly couldn't go on, because... she suddenly realized one thing, that is:
Now after Arthas is completely finished, if the people of Lordaeron really succeed in resisting and destroying the undead, then the Lich King Ner'zhul will definitely not be able to take down Quel'Thalas and resurrect Kel'Thuzad, and Without Kel'Thuzad to lead the way, Dalaran cannot be defeated, and if Dalaran cannot be defeated, you will definitely not get the Book of Medivh, and you cannot summon Archimonde without the Book of Medivh...
If you think about it this way, it seems that the current situation is really good, not as pessimistic as she just thought?
"Figured out?"
"If you figure it out, you can quickly transform. People now want to ride you to the Mid-Levels Fair in the Valley of the Four Winds in Pandaria for a while. Let them do the things here first?"
Last time, when I came here to grab this timeline, because the time was so rushed, I couldn’t go to Pandaria to play with those pandas who were so welcoming that they cried so much that their eye circles were dark. So, now come in again After that, she felt that she had enough time, she must take the opportunity to go to the Mid-Levels Bazaar and the Valley of the Four Winds.
Although, UU reading, the uncles and sisters of the Pandaren in the Mid-Levels Market now don’t know themselves, and their reputation in their hearts is very low, but that kind of little thing , Her Queen Anne would certainly not mind.
Pandaria? !
Are you kidding me, let her Chromie transform into a dragon and fly to that Pandaria with the little girl in front of her? At such a long distance, almost half the planet of Azeroth, the other party really thought that their dragon would not be tired?
"No! I won't go!!"
So, after an exclamation, Chromie flashed directly and disappeared...
!? (??''????)??
"Wow! Just forget it, you cunning Chromie wants to run again?!"
o(`^??)o Humph!
With a cold snort, after seeing the other party disappear, Little Annie quickly flashed, and immediately followed the other party to teleport and leave the palace of Lordaeron.
Now, for the food and the hospitality, the panda people who were crying and crying not to let her leave on another timeline were extremely longing for her, she would definitely not let a certain bronze dragon easily run away! As for the matters in Lordaeron, she doesn't want to care about it for the time being...
Because, after she has done so much, if the fellows of Lordaeron can't beat the undead, then they will die as early as other timelines and become the forgotten, she Queen Anne is so busy that she will not stare at them all day to protect them!
(● ̄(??) ̄●)

ヽ(????????)?? La la la?? I am going to continue to harm the Pandaren, may I ask, are there any tickets? (????╰╯`??)mua~????
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