Chapter 990: ?Lord Prestor?

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The war preparations in the King City of Lordaeron are in full swing...
Up to now, in addition to the most elite teams of Lordaeron heavy armored sword and shield soldiers on duty on the walls of Lordaeron, there are also a heavy counterweight trebuchet that has been commissioned and a door. The dwarf artillery, a squad of mortars occupying the dominant terrain, and a large number of archers and arrows.
And behind the gates in the city, or after a certain distance from the wall, there are also a line of Lordaeron soldiers on standby, a line of knights fully armed and ready to fight, and even a large number of strong refugees. They were all issued shields, helmets and long swords, and were armed into militias to support the battle against the city at any time.
In the city and near the city walls, a large number of houses in key locations were expropriated and transformed into suggested arrow towers or fortresses. The tops of towering clock towers and solid stone buildings were also transformed into griffon riders. Temporary habitat and repair site, and at this time, the strong and fierce flying beasts and their knights are on the top, ready to take off.
After three or four days of combat preparation work, now the huge city of Lordaeron, the capital of Lordaeron, has gathered a large number of elite troops from near Lordaeron, Griffin Riders rushing from the Eagle’s Nest, and Dalaran. A large number of mages! If, together with those improvised armed militias, the troops here in Lordaeron’s city have once approached the exaggerated number of more than 50,000 people, finally giving the generals here the confidence and confidence to defeat the undead. Emboldened.
But even so, the generals of Lordaeron still did not dare to propose to lead their troops out of the city to engage in a field battle with the undead...
Because, relative to the number of horrors of the undead, the military power of the Alliance of Lordaeron is still too weak, especially the Lordaeron side is mostly militia, and there is also a flying fortress of Naxxramas in the undead. Under the circumstances!
That huge thing and the deterrence that it possesses, but even Dalaran's strategic wizards are very jealous, and they dare not approach or use spell bombardment without authorization.
However, the soldiers and generals in Lordaeron were once very puzzled:
When those undead army set out from Brill and began to threaten Lordaeron, it is very likely that they will be able to come down to the city in a short time and begin to attack Lordaeron’s city for an epic battle, they Suddenly it stopped again, making everyone who had been holding a heart nervously feeling a little confused?
The generals in Lordaeron knew that so far, the undead and natural disasters still occupy the absolute advantage and initiative. Therefore, their sudden stop behavior made the generals in Lordaeron feel very unhappy. However, they have no way to detect or get more information...
Because, once the Griffin Riders who set out to investigate dared to get too close, they would be beaten and driven away by the massive gargoyles, and the wizard eyes of the Dalaran mages were of little use, the undead’s Necromancers will always use a certain method to counteract it, especially the fortress that hangs above the undead army, is enough to eliminate most close snooping, so that the defending party can only stay in the city nervously. Li dare not act rashly.
Therefore, Lordaeron used boats to transport refugees from the port south of Lordaeron to Dalaran and Silverpine Forest from the port south of Lordaeron to speed up the transportation of refugees to Dalaran and Silverpine Forest. Besides being able to reduce some of the burdens, they also had no good way to take those undead.
What the people of Lordaeron didn't know was that they were missing a wonderful fighter opportunity!
Because at this time, the high-levels in the undead natural disasters, that is, those commanders, are having some kind of extreme disagreement, so that when the command system is not smooth or stopped, the undead have to stop temporarily?
"Damn the Dreadlord!"
The Dark Lord Voldemort brought a group of death knights and necromancers, plus a large number of elite undead men aggressively surrounding Tik, who was secretly carrying him, and didn’t know what to do in this dilapidated house by the side of the road. Dios, Varimathras, Barnazar, and Desailoc, the four ugly dreadlords who looked like four giant bats, questioned them viciously according to the Frostmourne on their waist.
Although Voldemort could not fully exert the power of Frostmourne, he had no choice but to take him with him temporarily without a suitable death knight to use it, and use it as a relationship with the Lich King Ner'zhul. Contact tool and source of strength.
After all, this is nothing. The original most powerful and suitable death knight has been wiped out. Now he has to take it with him temporarily, just like when he was in the cave in Northrend. Regardless of Muradin's warning, he resolutely pulled it up and tried to use its power forcibly.
"What are you trying to do in hiding here, why you suddenly didn't obey the order to move on? The Lordaeron is right in front. It only takes half a day for our undead to get there and drown them completely!"
The abnormal behavior of the dreadlords, he specially dispatched several shadows to tell him for the first time, so after the army's vanguard stopped and hindered the undead behind to move forward, he would find him so soon. The door comes.
'command? ’
‘Whose order do you want us to follow? ’
'Humph! The ridiculous ant...’
However, what went beyond the Dark Lord’s expectation was that the four-headed Dread Demon in front of him, after hearing his warning, stared at him with that kind of playful sarcasm, and even said sarcasm, completely not keeping him still being witched The big lich trusted by the Demon King and entrusted with the important task of overseeing the undead and natural disaster army is in his eyes?
"You want to disobey my orders, want to disobey the Lich King's orders?"
"Dreadlord, have you forgotten the end of Malgaines before? Do you want to try the wonderful taste of dying under this Frostmourne Sword?!"
Ashamed and angry, the dark lord Tom Riddle, who could not bear the bad attitude of those big bats, slowly drew out the magic sword on his waist that gave him great power, making the ice cold and The power of death began to escape continuously.
To be honest, if he really couldn't completely control this Frostmourne, and didn't have a good swordsmanship to use its power, he vowed that he would give these ugly big bats a good-looking! For example, just like when Alsace used to blade Mal'Ganis, kill one or two of the four big bats in front of him to let them know how powerful he is in the Dark Lord?
But unfortunately, Arthas died, and now there is no death knight that can perfectly carry the power of the Lich King, so he can only continue to carry this sword.
'Humph! ’
‘Ridiculous mortal...’
‘He actually thought naively that they could really command and threaten us Nathrezim? ’
Again, beyond the Dark Lord’s expectation, after he threatened and drew his sword to warn, the big bats continued to stare at him with that kind of dismissive eyes, while still ridiculingly mocking as before. Don't want to look like before, although arrogant, but relatively obedient to orders?
"you guys!?"
Although I don’t know what kind of madness these dreadlords are, or what conspiracy they have in the end, I feel that I now have absolute control over the undead forces, and I feel that these elite forces around me and the Frost When he was sad, he should not be afraid of the dark lord Tom Riddle, holding a sword in one hand and a staff in the other, and ordered the surrounding death knights, necromancers and capable undead to slowly move towards the four dreadlords. Pressed up.
"Undead, carry out the will of the Lich King and take them!!"
Although he has no idea what these guys want to do, why they suddenly turned their faces with him...but now he only knows that the will of the Lich King must be carried out, Lordaeron must be destroyed, and if these big If the bats continue to disobey and disobey orders, he certainly doesn't mind destroying them completely.
"Okay! Ant, stop your ridiculous behavior!"
At this time, the somewhat impatient Tichondrius, the leader and first lord of Nathrezim, the legion demon who was in charge of all affairs of Azeroth finally spoke.
"Put away your set first, it won't work for us at all! Or... Do you really think that Mamar Gannis was killed by you?"
"It's ridiculous!"
"I don't have time to play that kind of ridiculous game with you here. The Lich King is just a tool of our master. Just you and that idiot want to order us?"
Tichondrius flapped his wings and slowly floated up, and then exuded terrible energy fluctuations, shocking the undead and the Dark Lord Tom Riddle and did not dare to act rashly.
Obviously, whether it is Tichondrius or other dreadlords, they can hide their power. Although they don’t like to use their power to fight, it cannot be denied that their power is obviously not. A certain ant mortal under the command of the Lich King will be put in his eyes.
Tom Riddle just wanted to order an attack, but in the end he had to stop.
Just now, the Lich King suddenly sent him a new order, asking him to wait...Because the Lich King also wanted to see these first, and finally no longer pretended to be, and finally revealed his true face. What exactly did the dreadlords who were sent to monitor the world of Azeroth wanted to say?
"Stupid mortal!"
"I've had enough of you despicable ants. Now, we are leaving. Because the Legion has issued new orders, this Azeroth world does not need to invade anymore, so..."
"You have no use value now, understand?!"
'Hum hum……'
‘Goodbye, ants, hope you don’t die too ugly? ’
‘Mortals are mortals after all. Who do you think you are and really think you can order us Nasrezim? ’
‘Go! Stop talking nonsense with them, it's just a bunch of ridiculous toys. ’
After Tichondrius finished speaking, the other dreadlords also sneered and sneered. Then soon, a magic circle that transmitted magic rose up around them, just like the dark lord Tom Riddle who was dumbfounded. Teleported directly in front of him and disappeared without knowing where it went.
As for the undead forces that were originally controlled by the dreadlords, they also rioted at this time...
"Great Lich King, what shall we do now?!"
After standing there for a while, with a black face and using the power of Frostmourne to regain control of the undead army that was chaotic and almost out of control due to the departure of the Dreadlord, a certain dark lord who didn’t know what his expression hurried. The'master' who contacted him, contacted the Lich King Ner'zhul.
‘Don’t worry about them! Tom, I need a body now, a strong body, I can't always be trapped in the Frozen Throne...’
for a long time,
A faint, slightly anxious voice came from inside the Demon Sword Frostmourne and was accurately received by the necromancer Tom Riddle.
The Lich King didn't know why the Burning Legion suddenly abandoned Azeroth now, but he felt that it must be because this world had some subtle and major events that he didn't know about! Otherwise, after more than ten thousand years, the Burning Legion who deliberately wanted to invade and destroy this world would definitely not be able to give up easily at this critical time!
Therefore, he is now very eager to get out of the predicament and act freely in order to gain more initiative.
"of course……"
"Great Lich King, I wonder if your goal is..."
Tom Riddle also knew that his own Potter’s body would definitely not be looked upon by the Lich King. In fact, the Dark Lord himself was a bit disgusted, but there was nothing he could do... After knowing some plans of the Lich King, he was silent for a while, and asked tentatively.
"What I want is..."
"If everything is the same as before, how good would it be?"
Looking at the chirping birds on the tree, in the royal city of Lordaeron, the Queen of Lordaeron, who was in danger, looked up for a while, then sighed leisurely. At this moment, she was wandering aimlessly with the Countess she knew well, Hermione Granger, the witch in the palace garden.
Think about it not long ago that Jialia Menethil was just a princess of Lordaeron, but now, she is already a queen...
Although it is still acting as an agent and has not been officially crowned yet, everyone knows that there must be no surprises in this kind of thing, because her brother Alsace Menethil has been martyred in honor of his country and has been personally killed by her. She was sent to the tomb of the Menethil royal family, and her father was still lying in the hospital bed because of the fact that he could not accept that fact. Therefore, she knew that her queen's throne was certain She didn't run away, although that was not what she wanted.
"I just heard that the undead and natural disasters suddenly stopped. Are they not going to attack Lordaeron?"
It would be best if there was no war, but even Jia Liya knew that it was impossible...because the opposition between the Kingdom of Lordaeron and the natural disasters of the undead was endless.
No way, she would never easily forgive the people who killed millions of people in Lordaeron, fell to most of Lordaeron's land, and killed her beloved brother and crushed her. Father, caused her Menethil royal family to be destroyed, and at the same time, countless people of Lordaeron were destroyed.
From the time when she had to sit on the throne of the queen in distress, she knew that one day, it was not the undead who would beat them to Lordaeron to subjugate their kingdom and exterminate them and occupy the entire continent of Lordaeron, or they would turn it around Speaking of the undead and natural disasters are wiped out.
Because, between them Lordaeron and the Undead Scourge, there is absolutely no possibility of coexisting on this continent!
"I do not know either……"
"In fact, Lord Uther, they don’t even know. Maybe it’s because those undead have some kind of new conspiracy? But it doesn’t matter. Now the whole city is on guard, and the soldiers are in their posts. On, I think, no matter what the undead want to do, they definitely can't get in."
"Because we have more than 50,000 soldiers in Lordaeron. Dalaran and Eagle's Nest will continue to support us. Khaz Modan is also sending reinforcements. As long as we keep on guarding, it should be. There is no big problem."
Although Hermione said so, the most ideal situation is that they lost most of the Eastern and Western Plaguelands and Tirisfal Glades in Lordaeron, and hoped that the Undead Scourge would not be everywhere. Chaos, just so intently smashed with them here in the King City of Lordaeron?
And once the undead surrounded Lordaeron on one side, other forces, such as the horrifying number of hundreds of thousands of undead that spread from Stratholme, once they descended from the Western Plaguelands to the Alterac Mountains and Hillsborough. As far as Ryder Hills, Silver Pine Forest, and even the Arras Highlands are concerned, Lordaeron might really be over!
However, although Hermione had heard this terrible thing from Uther's military demonstrations, she would not be so stupid that she would give such terrible information to Jialia at this time. Come out, so as not to hit the last heir of the Menethil royal family.
"hope so……"
"Don't talk about those things, I don't know much anyway... Hermione, you can walk with me while there is still time, or if you fight, you, the Countess of Lordaeron, will go On the battlefield, I really can't bear it!"
After reluctantly squeezing an ugly smile from her sad face, Princess Jialia, or Jialia, who can be said to be the queen, took the other's hand and continued in the garden of Lordaeron Palace that she was so familiar with. Wandered in.
This is the place where she grew up, watching the plants and trees grow up with her, so even if Uther and Garithus, they wanted her to evacuate to the safer Dalaran more than once. , But she also firmly refused.
Because she is Jialia Menethil, the acting queen of Lordaeron! When her brother Alsace was martyred, and when her father fell tired on the throne, she, the last member of the royal family, must shoulder her responsibilities. She will definitely stay with the soldiers here in Lordaeron. At the last moment, even if she could not go to fight with the soldiers, she would stay in the palace resolutely and let the banner of Menethil's royal coat of arms fly on the top of the palace castle!
"Actually I am used to..."
"Sister Jia Liya, you may not believe it. I am no longer afraid of the undead, and I don't have many nightmares. I can basically face all kinds of battles calmly."
Yes, after so much, and fighting almost every day, if Hermione hadn't grown a little bit, she would definitely not be alive now.
The only thing that made her feel a little regretful was that Krum, Fleur and Harry who came with her...
Now, sometimes, even she feels a little because she seems to have taught Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, her classmates, and even her own parents and parents. Now... Then everything just exists in a dream at the same time, and what she is experiencing now is real?
"Who are you? Why are you here?!"
The two of them holding hands with Galia just now often didn’t go far in the depths of the palace garden. Suddenly, Hermione took out her wand, pointed it at the one in front, facing away from them, and stopped. The man in front of the violet flowers shouted and warned.
Because Hermione was pretty sure that in the palace, except for the guards, maids, and palace stewards, the guy in front who had his back to them and didn't know what he was playing with, should definitely not be here at this time!
"Please don't be nervous..."
"I didn't mean anything, are you right? My dear Princess Galia Menethil?"
Hearing Hermione’s warning and feeling the surging magic power on Hermione’s body and wand, the strange man chuckled lightly, then spread his hands, turned around, and felt a little nervous and prepared. Leah said jokingly.
"you are……"
"Your Excellency Lord Prestor?!!!"
After seeing the person with beautiful straight black hair and black pupils, Jia Liya rounded her eyes and covered her mouth and exclaimed.
Because, she knows who that person is. The other party is the handsome, polite and talented Alterac noble, Daval Pu, whom her father King Tenaris insisted on beating her to. Lord Risto!

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