Chapter 996: ?(?Q.)ノ? Who is the "no nose monster"...

Today is the June 24th that I expected...
Led by the Ministry of Magic, organized by the Department of Sports and Sports, the International Magic Exchange and Cooperation Division worked together and decided to hold the "Triwizard Tournament" at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Today, it finally reached the final project, and it was very The competition is about to start and the final winner will be determined.
The winner of the Triwizard Tournament can not only win a supreme honor for himself and his school, but at the same time, an individual will also be able to get a full 1,000 Jin Jialong, which can be said to be a good face. There are also lees. Under normal circumstances, I believe that no one will easily refuse that glory.
So, at this time, the four warriors are making the final preparations in this room that was originally the Quidditch game and preparation room, such as adjusting their personal status and rest?
It’s just that these warriors are about to go out, about to go to the site of the last project that was transformed from the original Quidditch stadium, which has become even bigger after being casted with the invisible expansion spell, to the site that was transformed by magic. Before the final competition in the maze created by the high hedges, a certain Harry, who had recently become less popular due to various reasons, was holding a copy of the Daily Prophet and trembling angrily.
"Do not……"
"She, how dare she write this? How dare they?!"
Harry couldn’t imagine that the special reporter named Rita Skeeter and the Daily Prophet actually used a long and large page to lay down the rumors that Harry Potter was not. , And also full of nonsense, writing some false information as much as possible to discredit him, the kind of false reports? !
‘Huh? ’
‘What’s wrong, dear Harry? ’
Hermione and Fleur, who were chatting happily like a good girlfriend, did not pay attention to the last project at all, and did not even think about the trivial question of winning and losing. The two of them were a little curious at this time. He looked at Harry who was upright, wondering what the other party was doing now.
"Look at it!"
"That Rita Skeeter, the reporter of the Daily Prophet, how dare she write about me like that? Does she have any evidence?!"
Although, Harry had already prepared in his heart for a long time, and was a little accustomed to many of the formerly familiar students in the school began to look at and alienate himself with horror or other strange eyes... But now when I see today After publishing this kind of unfounded thing, this kind of completely concocted defamatory statement in the newspaper, Harry's Daily Prophet was completely irritated!
Of course, in addition to anger and a desire to cast a curse on a special reporter, it is more because of the deep helplessness and sadness caused by those people's mistrust and deliberate slander? You know, he doesn't want to be like that either. Harry Potter himself is also a victim. Those people, why don't they have to think about it?
‘Get it, let me see first...’
After staring at Fleur next to her, Hermione smiled and stretched out her hand, grabbing the newspaper from Harry's hand.
‘Let’s take a look, I don’t have time to read the newspaper today, what is written on it? ’
When the shocked Hermione reached out and took the Daily Prophet in Harry’s hand and read it, Fleur on the side also approached, and the two of them were so close together. Those two delicate faces and the two were beautiful. His big eyes began to read the report that made Harry angry in vain.
However, Krum shook his head and didn't move forward.
Because he had already read the newspaper, he just raised his head and glanced at Harry and the two girls, then quickly dropped his head again, closed his eyes and got up, and worked hard to adjust his state. .
Now he, like Harry, is tied for third place...
However, his principal, Professor Karkaroff, told him that the current score relationship is actually not very big. He still has one last chance to win the Triwizard Tournament and give them Durmstrang magic. The school won the final honor!
And if he doesn’t want to go back to Northern Europe dingy, go back to Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and be laughed at by his classmates, then he’d better work harder, even if he can’t win, at least he can’t It was eliminated as easily as the second project.
Therefore, at this time, in this Quidditch preparation room, he is the only one who is the most nervous and most wanting to win the game.
"This is really..."
At this time,
When Hermione and Fleur knew what was written in the newspaper, they couldn't help but exclaimed at the same time.
Because, they finally understood why Harry was so angry just now...
It turned out that a special female reporter named Rita Skeeter above would arbitrarily arrange and speculate some unnecessary things to slander Harry based on some unnecessary things, and at the same time still use newspapers like public means?
"Harry Potter-A Story I Have to Tell a Mysterious Man"
‘Everyone knows now, the ‘Boy Who Lived’ that defeated the mysterious man is not as simple as everyone thinks...
Because, in fact, he could not defeat the mysterious person who can't even name his name, but he was attached to him by a piece of the mysterious person's soul... We all know that it was really terrible !
Perhaps, he is likely to be some kind of conspiracy and resurrection tool of the mysterious man?
After bold assumptions and careful research, we learned that a terrible vocabulary was probably deliberately concealed by the Ministry of Magic and Albus Dumbledore. It is-‘horcrux’?
That is a kind of evil magic that can make people avoid death, or can be resurrected from the dead. It is like a certain "Necromancer Harry Bo" we saw in the second event of the wonderful Triwizard Tournament. Special' the same!
"Horcrux", that is an evil word, and it must be killed by "Avada Suo" to split a small piece of soul and save it...
We are now afraid to continue speaking, or to continue the research, because it is really terrible! It's so evil!
Even the ‘mysterious man’ admitted himself: his ‘resurrection’ was entirely due to the scar on the forehead of a certain ‘little boy who survived catastrophe’!
Although the second event of the Triwizard Tournament has been hurriedly ended, although Albus Dumbledore and Minister of Magic Fudge have promised that there is nothing in the little boy who survived the catastrophe that does not belong to the little boy himself. Fragments of the soul, but we can’t take it lightly!
According to some informants in the school of the "Daily Prophet": In the past few years, the boy Porter has often been sick in school, always telling people that the scar on his forehead is aching (according to reliable sources. , That'scarhead' is where the mysterious soul is hidden), he even had the experience of rushing out of the divination classroom with his head under his head even after the second project ended?
In addition, some students revealed that after the second project, Mr. Porter no longer inseparable from his good friend Mr. Weasley, but began to become withdrawn and difficult to communicate, and even often surreptitiously alone. Run to campus at night and come back sneakily before bedtime?
and so,
We are deeply concerned about Harry Potter’s strange behavior. He is likely to have become quite dangerous now, which makes people doubt whether he is still suitable for the third event of the Triwizard Tournament, or even suitable. Go to school at Hogwarts?
According to an official of the Ministry of Magic who did not want to be named, Mr. Thoth still has the ability of Snake Voice, and Snake Voice has always been regarded as a symbol of dark magic, and it is also one of the abilities of mysterious people... Therefore, We have to continue to associate a certain "little boy who survived catastrophe" with that "mysterious man", and express our deep concern for the final event of the upcoming Triwizard Tournament!
Because, that competition will be held this afternoon, and the results will be obtained by the evening at the latest...’
Soon, this not-too-long report was hurriedly read by Hermione and Fleur, and then they looked at Harry, who was still a little angry, with different expressions.
"I said Harry..."
"You don't need to be angry with that guest reporter Rita Skeeter. You don't know that even our principal, Mr. Dumbledore, has been denigrated many times by her..."
"She even wrote hundreds of pages of rumors like "The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore." She might have written it a long time ago. Maybe she planned to wait until Dumbledore died. , But I don’t know why, she suddenly took advantage of the opportunity of the mysterious man’s return to get it out, and now she only wrote a false report of you. What is your anger?"
"Harry, you'd better prepare as soon as possible. When the time is up, we will go out and start the game. I won't necessarily let you go!"
Seeing that this was the case, Hermione shook her head irritably, and then casually tossed the newspaper in her hand aside.
The facts are the same as what she said. Compared with Professor Dumbledore who was seriously slandered and slandered by the female reporter who wrote a book, Harry’s plausible report is completely insignificant without much evidence. !
If Harry had time to read the "The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore", which had been popular recently, he would definitely not be so angry.
You know, it is said that even Dumbledore was helpless with that book, because it was ‘fabricated’ based on the rush of some facts. Even Dumbledore himself hadn’t determined whether it was true or false? Of course, there are some bridges between Harry and Dumbledore in that book, but seeing this companion in front of her being so angry, Hermione knowingly didn't shake it out now.
"That's right!"
"Harry, both Hermione and I believe you. You really don't need to be so angry, because I know it too. Most of the content in that report is false. Let's prepare quickly, classmates outside. The professors and the professors are almost seated, and we will be on the court later, you must not lose to me."
After speaking, without knowing why, Furong's face was slightly hot.
Because she knows better than anyone else, the female reporter Rita Skeeter's report wrote about Harry'often running to campus secretly at night by himself and not coming back until bedtime' Reasons, and know what is going on!
"Okay! Harry, Professor McGonagall is finally here, it seems it's time for us to perform..."
Seeing Professor McGonagall, the dean of their Gryffindor in front of them, walked towards them vigorously, Hermione quickly stood up and greeted Harry and Fleur. Because she knows that this long competition that runs through the entire semester, the "Triwizard Tournament" that has benefited her a lot, now the last remaining project will finally begin!
Later, only one of their four warriors needs to be the first to find the Goblet of Fire trophy in the labyrinth transformed from the Quidditch arena. Then, the Triwizard Tournament can be declared a perfect end. , That is what she has been expecting for a long time.
I don't know why, Hermione herself has no desire to win at this time... Maybe, it's probably because she has obtained the reasons for the supreme gains that everyone can't envy, right?
'please! ’
‘Four dear warriors? ’
Standing in front of the four of them, seeing that he was a strong-spirited warrior who looked good, Professor McGonagall finally showed a smile on his face and stretched out her hand in various forms, indicating that the four of them can go out and accept The teachers and students review and prepare to start the game.
With Hermione, Harry, Fleur and Krum wearing their school uniforms and wearing their respective school badges, they walked bravely to the entrance of the huge maze, and walked to Quidditch, which they could not recognize at all. At the strange meeting place, there was a burst of warm applause from the surrounding high platforms.
So, after the applause slowly ceased, Dumbledore stood up from the stand and spoke with a loud spell:
'Ladies! Gentlemen! As we all know, now, the last event of the much-anticipated Triwizard Tournament will begin soon! ’
There was violent applause again, and then Principal Dumbledore stretched out his hand to signal for a long time before the students who had diminished enthusiasm gradually calmed down.
‘The specific rules, presumably everyone already knows, I won’t repeat them here...’
‘However, I think it is necessary to announce the scores of the four warriors in order to determine the order in which they enter the maze? ’
Yes, the last item in the Triwizard Tournament is to break the maze, and the player with the highest score will enter first, and the player with the second highest score will enter second, and so on. Each player enters at a time interval of one minute. , The first player to reach the finish line and receive a trophy wins and declares the end of the game.
There are not too many rules in this project. For example, in addition to being unable to fly or using apparitions and other'cheating' methods, the warriors just have to break through the maze and appear and wander randomly during the defeat. The monster and manage to reach the end on it.
'Let me see……'
‘First place: Miss Hermione Granger from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, her score is the highest 95 points! ! ’
Warm applause rang out again. Although everyone knew the result in advance, after Principal Dumbledore announced it, the teachers and students still stood up from the four warriors and waved to the audience. Yes, the generous, beautiful and capable'Miss Know-it-all' Granger responded with extremely warm applause.
‘Second place...’
‘It’s Miss Fleur Delacour from Boothbarton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Her score is 80 points! ’
There was another round of enthusiastic applause. After all, a certain Miss Delacour, who looks charming, has a great body, and is said to have some Veeva descent, must be very popular with some male and female students...Although, Now that the other party is already in charge of the famous flower?
‘3rd place...’
"Mr. Victor Krum and Mr. Harry Potter from Durmstrand School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, respectively!"
‘Their scores are all tied for third with 72 points...’
Now, based on the results of Krum and Harry, if the winner is determined according to the score, I am afraid that the two boys will not have to continue the game! But fortunately, the third event of the Triwizard Tournament is not to score, but to break through. The previous two events are just to give the high scorer a certain advantage, but it is not the most critical decisive factor. condition.
Surprisingly, after Dumbledore announced the results of the two boys in third place, the applause of the teachers and students was sparse. It seemed that the students didn't like the last two boys very much? It’s just that, I don’t know if they are targeting a slightly embarrassing Mr. Krum or a terrifying Mr. Potter, who has the new nickname of the ‘Black Wizard’ and the ‘Black Devil’?
"It's finally about to start..."
Seeing that the players began to enter the maze one by one in the order of scores under the whistle of the Director of the Sports Department of the Ministry of Magic, Ludo Bagman, Little Annie, who was watching from the stand, couldn’t help but be a little bored. A big owe.
"But Tibbers, this maze looks really boring. If you change to an adult's house, you can go straight to the north, burn the hedges one by one, and walk directly to the trophy. How easy is it?"
Little Annie curled her lips in disdain. Obviously, the third project that was decided by the judges after research was nothing fun at all, and Professor Annie immediately found a loophole in the rules that could be exploited. .
(Respectable little master, isn't that against the rules? Such obvious loopholes, those bad old guys must have been stipulated in the rules of the game?
Obviously, Tibbers doesn’t approve of his own disgusting little master's statement, because it feels that that kind of loophole, a bad old man named Dumbledore must have already thought of it and stipulated that he cannot do that. . )
"of course not!"
"Tibbers, you have to know, they think their magic can protect those hedges from the spells of the students, so they just say that they will be the winner by breaking through the maze and winning the trophy. There is no rule at all that cannot be broken. maze……"
(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~
Other people’s magical abilities, such as the scarred little four-eyed Harry, the unlucky Fleur, and the hapless Krum must not be able to break the fence, but if it were Hermione, Annie felt that the other party would definitely be able to easily break it. Destroy the hedges that have been casted with magic to resist spells and regeneration and easily reach the end!
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
"Maybe it won't be too boring later?"
It must be very boring now, but not necessarily later...
Therefore, Little Annie secretly squinted her eyes and glanced at a certain Mad-Eye Professor Moody who was habitually pouring some kind of deformation potion into her mouth. She could see the arrangement of the other party at a glance. Now, that guy is undoubtedly the most excited person among all the teachers and students present, not one of them! Because his heart beats a level faster than others, that can't deceive her!
However, Professor Anne, who knew some of the other party's arrangements, was not in a hurry to speak out or directly expose the other party, but continued to lie on his seat and wait for the good show, nothing more.
When she was about to continue chatting with her little bear Tibbers for a while, Little Annie quickly discovered that, with the sudden noise of the teachers and students, the Miss Hermione in the maze had already passed the test all the way. Have you reached the end of the trophy?
!? (??\'\'????)??
"That's a broken maze made by someone with a heartless eye. It has reached the end before the wall has started to burn. Isn't this too much?!"
Seeing that the third project was cleared soon, Xiao Annie got up from her seat angrily, stood up with the other teachers and students, and yelled unceremoniously. The face given to some nasty old men directly fell in person.
Because, she felt that the maze she didn't participate in was really uncomfortable, and she just threw in some animals and big snails. They really thought that the four warriors were still competing with them just now. Same time?
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
However, now no one pays attention to the curse of a certain little girl, even Dumbledore, who is closest to the other party, pretended not to hear half of it, stood up shamelessly and began to applaud, without putting the other party's words at all. In my heart.
However, something happened that shocked everyone's eyes....
Hermione was the first to come here before the trophy at the end, and it took less than five minutes. She was not in a hurry to get the trophy. She just stood aside and waited patiently for her friends and companions. It seemed that there was nothing at all. Take care of that trophy.
"Great, Harry, I knew you must be the second to come to the end!"
About ten minutes later, Hermione turned to look at a hedge to the south, where there was a rustling sound, and then a little brother wearing glasses broke it with a certain spell. He walked through the wall of magic hedges, and hurriedly got out of it before they closed again.
Obviously, that was Harry, no doubt!
"Hermione, are you...?"
Yes, Harry is the second to arrive here!
However, when he saw the trophy and saw the trophy waiting here again, he seemed to be here long ago, after Hermione who was not in a hurry to get the trophy, he shook his heart, knowing He still lost to the other side.
"Do you mean that trophy?"
"I don't seem to want to win that much, Harry, if you want, you can get it now, and I can wait for Fleur and Krum."
Hermione smiled indifferently, and none of the obstacles she encountered just now could stop her, whether it was the Bogut that frightened her or Hagrid's snails, none of them could stop her! So, she walked here in less than five minutes, more than ten minutes faster than Harry.
She really does not want to win, because now she is not only Hermione Granger, a fourth-year student at Hogwarts, but also a Countess with a territory in the Kingdom of Lordaeron. She is now There is no shortage of money, and she does not want to ask for the thousand Jin Jialong, nor does she want to win the honor, so she waited here.
"That one……"
"I'll wait with you..."
After seeing that Hermione had already been waiting here, and really didn't have the desire to get the trophy first, Harry, who felt a little invincible, first raised his head and looked at the dark, covered gaze above them. After the shady of magic, he also walked to the side of the other party in a shameless manner.
"You are..."
A few minutes later, the third one to reach the end was Krum, who had cast a transformation technique, looked a little embarrassed, and seemed to have some scars on his body.
However, when he saw the two standing aside looking at him, he was stunned first, then turned his head to look at the goblet of fire which was there fortunately, and then he wanted to understand some of it. I nodded regretfully, and walked aside dejectedly.
Obviously, he lost again...
Under such circumstances, he would definitely not lose and rush to grab the trophy. After all, even though they were covered by magical mists, they couldn’t see the Quidditch stadium from inside. The expressions of the audience and the voices from outside were heard, but Krum knew that their every move must be eye-catching now, and even reporters broadcast it live! Therefore, even if he loses, he must never allow himself to have any ungentleman stupid behavior at this time.
"Do you have such a fast one?"
Close to Krum is Fleur! Less than a minute after coming out of Krum and silently walking aside, she came out too! It's just that there seem to be some tears on her face, even the eyelashes are wet?
"Well, please don't mind, because I just met a Bogut, it scared me, really!!!"
Seeing Harry looking at him, Fleur quickly explained it. As for what Bogut had become, Fleur didn't say clearly, but smiled and walked happily to the three of them. By his side, I stood beside Harry and Hermione, and followed everyone looking at the trophy placed on the middle high platform, and at the goblet of fire that represented the winner.
‘Now, what shall we do, who came first? ’
‘It’s Hermione! ’
‘Then Hermione, you should go up and take that trophy now, you deserve it! ’
After Krum spoke first, soon, the three of them looked at Hermione together, ready to let this be the first to reach the end, but did not take the powerful girl who took the trophy first to take away what should belong to each other. glory.
Harry, Krum, and Fleur were very pleased that the other party was able to wait here magnanimously and waited for them to arrive, and gave them a chance to see the trophy. So, they unanimously decided that it should be the first A Hermione who had reached the end went there for the glory that originally belonged to the other party.
"No! No! Thank you everyone, but I've been in the limelight, I won't take it away! Harry, or else, you are second, can you go take it?"
Regardless of whether it was prize money or honor, Hermione had no interest at all. So, after she declined, she looked at Harry. She felt that if the other party took it and won, she might be able to help the other party offset some of the recent period. The kind of time that is not conducive to negative reports?
Then, the students at Hogwarts shouldn't be too alienated and look at each other with strange eyes?
"Forget it, you don't take it, I don't take it either, Krum, or else, you should go!"
After thinking about it, Harry hesitated for a long time after looking at Furong’s eager gaze, but in the end he suppressed the pushy and greedy thoughts, and turned to relieved and looked straight. Krum was silent.
"Do not……"
"Or, Furong, you go take it?"
Krum shook his head. If he came first or grabbed it by his own ability, he didn't say anything. Of course he would do his part! However, if the trophy was given out by someone else, he would definitely disdain it!
Therefore, he looked at the girl Dracul. If the three of them don't want it, I am afraid that only the girl will get it. In that case, they all seem to have a good reputation? When the time comes, the Daily Prophet and other newspapers must have reported, and their Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry will certainly receive good praise. By then, there must be no reason for Headmaster Karkaroff to criticize him.
"Don't look at me like that. I only came out last. I have already lost! I was scared to cry by Bogut. I almost gave up the game. I must have no face to take it away. !"
Seeing the eyes of the three people, Furong hurriedly waved her hands and firmly rejected the kindness of the three partners.
Anyway, she definitely won't get that trophy. After all, she can be said to be the last one, the worst one, so how can she have the face to get it?
‘What should I do? ’
'do not know……'
‘Just leave it there, let’s go out by ourselves? ’
"It seems that I can only do that..."
All of a sudden, the four of them were in a dilemma...
If no one is willing to take the trophy and announce the end of the game, then I am afraid they can only go back the same way and walk to the entrance of the maze in the same direction.
"How about this, let's go and lift it together, as if it was a tie?"
Soon, Hermione remembered a method that was not a solution. She felt that since no one wanted to ask for it, she would just ask for it together. Then the Triwizard Tournament ended in a big draw, and no one won. , No one loses, everyone is kind, this is always okay?
‘! ! ’
"good idea!"
After Harry and Fleur looked at each other, they both raised their hands in agreement.
Krum was a little moved, but hesitated, because, even so, he always felt a little bit of charity.
"Okay, Krum, so be it!"
"We are friends, aren't we? Then don't distinguish between who wins and who loses! And, speaking of it, I have taken advantage of yours!"
Seeing that Krum was still a little unwilling, Furong hurriedly persuaded him.
Then, after speaking, she laughed first. She felt that Hermione's suggestion was good, so she motioned everyone to encircle the trophy and hold it together, as if it was a tie!
‘From today, we are the best friends. This trophy is regarded as a testimony of our friendship? ’
‘! ! ’
‘Hermione said it was great, that should be it! ’
‘For friendship! ’
‘To commemorate this moment! ’
Finally, the four warriors who reached a consensus, after looking at each other, stretched out their hands towards the trophy together!
Soon, the moment they met, the four of them, together with the elder brother's trophy, disappeared all together...
The students who didn’t know why thought that was what it should have been, so when the black mist gradually dissipated, and when the maze was slowly changing and shrinking, they clapped in excitement and let the applause last. Absolutely.
"Oh roar~!"
Obviously, Little Annie knew that this fun thing was about to come out...
However, she didn’t mean to teleport along with her, nor did she
, but waited patiently in her place...because she wanted to see, she was teleporting with that kind of door key. After leaving the four, what interesting things will happen later?
She is very much looking forward to this!
ε=(????`●))) alas
Finally, the applause of the students slowly stopped at this time, because they all seemed to have found something wrong.
‘! ! ’
‘Look, what happened to the professors? ’
‘? ? ’
‘What’s going on, they look nervous? ? ’
'do not know…..'
‘Why are the warriors missing? ’
‘It’s strange that the professors have all gone, and the officials of the Ministry of Magic. Is something really wrong? ’
‘No, so many professors and officials of the Ministry of Magic are staring here, how could something happen again? ’
‘Merlin’s beard! ’
"It seems something really happened..."
The students began to make noise, and the professors, including officials of the Ministry of Magic and principals such as Dumbledore, all got up and ran to the end of the maze. After dispelling the fog and reducing the magic hedge to the lowest point , They still couldn't find the warriors, they checked and discussed nervously.
‘! ! ’
‘Dumbledore, what is going on, how about our warriors? Where are they? ! ’
‘Too bad, Dumbledore, where is my student? ’
‘Damn it! Can't find them! ’
‘My Fleur will not have trouble, will it? poor child……'
‘This situation seems to be different from what we said? ’
'How could this be……'
‘Sorry, please be quiet, let me see first...’
'Oh, God……'
Soon, under Dumbledore's impatient reprimand, President Karkaroff, Mrs. Maxim, officials from the Ministry of Magic and professors at Hogwarts unanimously quieted down.
‘Everyone, obviously someone moved some hands and feet on the trophy, it became a door key, so...’
So Dumbledore didn't say much about it. After all, the professors and officials present knew what the door key was, and he didn't need to waste his words.
‘! ! ’
‘Then where are they now? ’
‘Yes, Dumbledore, where were they sent? ! ’
'I do not know……'
Dumbledore looked at a certain crazy-eyed Moody, but his gaze didn't stay on the other person for long, because he felt that it was not time to expose the other person and he needed to think about it first.
If you really can't find those students, the solution will still need to be found from the other person, whether it is Veritaserum or tracking or something, there will always be a solution. But before that, he needs to think about it, wait first, and see if he can reach the end of the door key from the trace left on the scene.
The Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge and the Auror pushed towards Dumbledore with a bad face, but before he could ask for the reason, they were frightened by Dumbledore’s terrifying look. He only retracted back without any promise, and did not dare to speak again.
Obviously, even as the Minister of Magic, he is still a little afraid of Dumbledore, who is hailed as the greatest wizard of our time. After all, the nickname of the other party's "White Demon" is not given for nothing, there is no way. , He had to wait patiently like everyone else.
As for the students in the stands around the Quidditch Stadium who cast doubt or worry at them, or the students who are talking loudly and quietly, who seem to be slightly confused, there is no one to care about for the time being.
After studying the place where the trophy and the four warriors disappeared for a while, Dumbledore finally shook his head and stepped aside.
"Professor Anne, do you know where they have gone?"
With no way of investigating and knowing the destination of the door key transmission, Dumbledore had no choice but to ask for help and looked at a little girl who seemed to be not worried at all in the crowd of professors.
Now, Dumbledore only knew that if he couldn't even help him, he could only ask the little girl for help, and he believed that the other party would have some good way.
"You might as well guess first, will anyone tell you?"
As long as she thinks about it, Annie can take these people to the destination that the'door key' is teleporting to at any time, but she feels that with Hermione, those people should be fine, she is very rude. Under Dumbledore's eager gaze, he mischievously rejected the opponent.
"But, people have a hunch that they will be back soon. Everyone just needs to wait, because now they don't know it."
Of course, she refused to refuse, but, as she was also waiting for the answer, she calmed down these nervous adults and bad old men a little bit.
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
Seeing that the little girl was unwilling to say it, and then looking at the people around him, it seemed that no one could do anything about it, but Dumbledore had no choice but to sigh, and was ready to wait and see if Harry and the others would do it later. Come back, and then ask them again, what happened just now?
‘Professor Dumbledore? ’
"Mr. Principal?"
Professor McGonagall and several Hogwarts professors surrounded themselves with some worry, but Dumbledore reached out to beckon them not to be too anxious, because of the current situation, he himself had no good solutions. Can only continue to wait patiently, nothing more.
About twenty minutes later, when everyone was a little impatient and was about to surround Dumbledore again, suddenly, an abnormality happened...
∑(??△`)? !
"It's so fast?!"
After it exploded again and the door key'Goblet of Fire' appeared, everyone soon discovered that the person holding the door key in one hand and the wand in the other hand, his face was relaxed and comfortable, and he was slightly embarrassed with the rest. Or the three warriors who were afraid, plus a large group of people who didn't know what magic rope was trapped in their hands, feet, and mouth and nose, reappeared in front of the professors.
"Sorry, professors, I was taken aback when I just found out that it was the door key. When I got rid of it and found Harry and the others, I found these guys, and then I took them all back. It!!!"
As soon as she appeared, Hermione suddenly laughed after she found a large group of professors and principals with worried expressions in front of her.
To be honest, she was really taken aback just now, and when she quietly followed the trails to find Harry and the others, she discovered something amazing, and then she saw a guy again After the resurrection, she appeared annoyed, and hit the opponent and the opponent's men within a few strokes.
"this is……"
Dumbledore hesitated. He didn't understand for a while. The opponent disappeared for almost half an hour and then returned. Why did he catch so many people?
‘! ! ’
‘This is Wormtail! This is Avery! And Nott, and Lucius? ! ’
'minister! And Professor Dumbledore, look at their arms, they all seem to be Death Eaters! ! ’
At this time, after an Auror stepped forward to examine the wizards who were captured by a certain little witch with magic and became unconscious, they exclaimed.
Secretary Fudge was a little unbelievable, and hurriedly ignored Dumbledore or a certain fourth-grade little witch, and rushed towards his position.
!!!∑(??Д??ノ)ノ Wow!
"Hermione! Who is this ugly monster with no nose, no eyebrows, and no ears?!"
Unlike others, the curious little Annie walked directly to Hermione's side, and when she reached out and pulled the hood of the guy next to her, she was taken aback!
She couldn't believe it, how could there be such an ugly guy in this world...
"Actually, he said he was called Voldemort, and he was resurrected with Harry's blood, but I knew he was already dead... So, after thinking about it, I just took him back together. Up!"
Hermione said lightly, because, in her opinion, that Voldemort was really far away. The other party, including the Death Eaters under the other party, was cleaned up by her within a few minutes and successfully rescued. The three of Harry who were held hostage by them.
‘! ! ’
‘Voldemort? ’
'my God! It really is him! ! ’
'not good! Mr. Minister? ’
'fast! Aurors come here! ! ’
‘Professor Dumbledore? ’
However, the words of a certain student made the professors, officials of the Ministry of Magic, and Aurors present as if they were enemies. They drew out their wands and aimed them at someone even though they were firmly tied up, but still using pale ones. The face and the cruel pupils with flushed long slits stared at everyone. Apart from panic and incomprehension, they were also full of bloodthirsty and tyrannical crimson monsters.
"Little Tom, it's really you..."
Dumbledore was just as nervous as the others, so he also drew out his old wand and walked closer to Hermione, quickly confirming the true identity of a certain guy.
"Miss Granger, how did you catch him?"
To be honest, after glanced at the Death Eaters, and then looked at the somewhat sluggish and sluggish three Harrys, Dumbledore couldn't believe it. In this short span of less than half an hour In time, what did the Hogwarts girl student in front of me have done!
"Sorry, Professor, I don't know..."
"Anyway, I accidentally caught them all by hitting them. It feels like they are very weak..."
Miss Granger Know-it-all said: Compared with the great wizards she has met and discussed, compared with the undead and necromancers who have fought with her life and death, the guy in front of him who is known as the Dark Lord Voldemort and the opponent's Those Death Eaters are really weak!
Anyway, she didn't use her strength at all, and they were all knocked down, and then she had to capture them all...
As for more information, you can only ask Harry and them, because she was the last one, and as for what happened during the period, she really didn't have time to ask.
Dumbledore looked at the little Tom who was still staring at him with bloodthirsty crazy eyes, and at Fudge, whose hands were shaking with his wand, he sighed helplessly, and vaguely felt that he seemed to be genuine. Is a bit old...
The next day, June 25th, the Daily Prophet used all the pages to report an earth-shattering event to the entire magical world, that is:
The mysterious man, the one who can't even mention his name, he is back! !
It's just a pity for him that the mysterious person provokes someone who shouldn't be offended? So, after he was beaten up by the warriors Harry and Hermione of Hogwarts, he was finally captured alive by the heroic warrior by Hermione Granger, including the Death Eaters present. Inside!
It is said that the second-generation Dark Lord, who can't even mention his name, will soon be escorted to Europe, and will be locked in the tallest tower in Neumongard with the previous generation of Dark Lord Gellert Grindelwald. in?

Three years later, in the floating city of Lordamere Lake, in the King City of Lordaeron, on a terrace of the castle, another little boy about three years old was talking to a beautiful woman with a crown. People are playing.
"Someone outside of them said that my father is a badass. Is that true?"
Only two years old this year, about three years old, but extremely intelligent Daval Menethil is excitedly threw into the arms of Queen Galia Menethil dressed in costume, and then milked milk. Raised his head and asked.
"Who told you this?"
Jia Liya's face became cold, and while frowning, she couldn't help but leaned down and picked up her son before she asked in a daze.
"The Anduin brother who came to our Lordaeron the other day said that, he also said..."
Little Daval could not continue speaking, Jia Liya covered his mouth.
"All right……"
"Daval, you have to remember that no matter what others think, you just need to know: your father, like your grandpa and your uncle, is a great hero! He was the guardian of the earth, evil Nemesis, at the same time the great hero of Lordaeron!"
"Because he eliminated nearly a million evil undead alone and saved all of us!"
Jia Liya corrected her son with a proud tone.
"But why did Anduin say that he is a badass?"
Daval pointed to the statue complex in the center of Lordaeron. It was the statues of the heroes who died in the Battle of Lordaeron, including the old King Tenaris, Prince Arthas, and the biggest Deathwing. The black ferocious dragon statue!
"Because they think your sister Onyxia killed their king..."
With a sigh, Jia Liya fell into the memory, but she was quickly awakened by her son's act of touching her face, and then she squeezed the other's nose.
"Is that true?"
Little Daval was curious.
"This matter, wait for the next time, when your sister Aoni comes to see you again, you can ask her yourself."
Jia Liya shook her head, not planning to explain more about this kind of thing.
After all, her son Daval is too young, there are some things he will understand later. Besides, his father is indeed a figure of mixed reputation, but she does not want to comment too much...
But in any case, he is her hero. It is the Lord Prestor who came to help her at the critical moment and beat Lord Prestor outside the city of Lordaeron. That is enough!
"But sister Onyxia hasn't come to see me for a long time..."
Daval couldn't help feeling a little frustrated when he heard his sister who would become a dragon and took herself to fly at sea, because the other party hadn't been here for almost a year.
"You can write a letter to her yourself, and our wizard will send it for you!"
Jia Liya smiled, noncommittal
"But I can't write..."
"Then why don't you learn from your teacher seriously?"
"Because I don't want to learn..."
"By the Mother! When will Aunt Granger come? You have told me several times, but I have never seen her come."
At this time, Daval talked about another great hero of Lordaeron, and it is said that he still summoned a powerful existence and defeated the super hero of the evil undead villain in that terrible battle?
"She said she would come to see me after she graduated. If you count the time, it should be fast too?"
Jia Liya didn't dare to be too sure, because Hermione was in fourth grade. If she graduated in seventh grade, Daval would be almost three years old now, and the other party should be about to graduate.
"How fast is it soon?"
"In about a few months? Anyway, it should not exceed this year..."
"But that doesn't sound fast at all!"
Daval was a little sad, he felt that including his mother, these adults like to lie!
Just like the old Uther, he brags about how good he is all day long, but he gets discounted on his calf with a fist. He still lays in bandages at home for treatment with holy light...
Therefore, he felt that what the adults said were all deceptive, whether it was his sister or someone else, or the grandfather called the light messenger! It doesn't seem to be so powerful at all, so little Daval doesn't want to learn the Holy Light from the opponent and become a Paladin...

(??????▽??????)?? Ask for a ticket????????(ˊ??ˋ)??????
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