Chapter 1043: ψ(`??)o Let’s play a little eye-catcher...

The book that was just turned over by Annie in twos and twos, and then dismissed it and threw it directly onto the ashes of the poor horned demon's body and burned it together in the "Book of the Astray", which actually says:
'Draw a door on the wall, it can be connected to the mysterious underground castle that seals the ancient evil Lamia. From inside, you can use the golden key found in the belly of the giant toad to open the secret library and find a gold that can be used for rituals. The sacrificial dagger, use it to pierce the heart of the innocent, and you can hold a ceremony to open the portal of the underground kingdom...'
However, Annie would definitely not believe that kind of thing, because the traces of the axe and design of those things were too obvious. It was probably the good wishes of the horned demon, giant toad and evil to deceive the children, so she burned to death. He lost the devil and came to this underground castle.
As for who Lamia is, of course Annie knows!
In the Greek mythology of the earth people, the daughter of the sea Poseidon and the rabbi, her name is Lamia, and she is also the lover of Zeus, who looks extremely beautiful?
Originally she was favored by Zeus, but the queen Hera was jealous of her, so in the kind of boring mythological plot, Hera cast spells and curses on Lamia, so that every child she gave birth would be eaten by herself. ...So, under this cruel mental torture, Lamia quickly became insane and turned into a savage monster, living in caves and secret rooms, specializing in hunting children?
However, even if it was already like that, Hera, the queen of Greek mythology, still refused to let Lamia go, and continued to cast spell curses, so that she could never close her eyelids, could not sleep, and endure that kind forever awake. Boundless pain...
Then, Zeus, who is strict in his wife and daring not to speak, may be a conscience discovery, or is he unbearable? He cast the spell quietly, allowing Lamia to take off his eyes freely and enter a peaceful sleep? Therefore, in the fairy tale, when Lamia takes off her eyeballs, the children are safe, but once they are put back, she will become the monster that endlessly hunts children?
Of course Little Annie is not afraid of monsters that eat children!
Because, the legendary'Grandma Wolf','the dragon that took the princess', and the'evil spirit knocking on the door in the middle of the night' have all been burned by her, let alone the upcoming ones, the legend says It's a ridiculous monster that only dares to shoot at children who don't have much resistance!
(Little master, didn’t the shattered book just say: "After the door is opened, once you walk in, you must use an hourglass to time it?" Why did you walk in without timing? Do you want to help you? Countdown calculation time?
I found my little master wandering around this castle, which I don’t know where it is located underground, and watching the portrayals on both sides of the passage and the wall fires that seem to be magic flames. Tibbers then Dutifully reminded the other party. )
"Don't worry, Tibbers..."
"The space seal of their ancient Greek gods is definitely not difficult for others. They come in whenever they want to come in, go out when they want to go out, and stay as long as they want. What hourglasses are needed there? "
(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~
Annie can see it at a glance. The door connected by the door just drawn seems to be just some kind of directional spatial magic, and it must come in at a certain time, so there is a time limit. Don't need to use an hourglass to time, and leave this enclosed space within the specified time?
But Anne is not afraid. Because of the understanding of the application and rules of space magic, she has surpassed the Greek gods a long time ago. Even if the time is up, she can easily go out. The magic of the space seal is right She has no effect at all! Even if she needs it, she can easily distort and change the spatial rules of this world.
So, the kind of hourglass or timer that a certain little bear who doesn't understand magic said is all unnecessary. If there is any time, it is better to let her walk around here more!
"Sure enough, there are so many delicious things!"
I saw the large table full of delicious food in the brightly lit lobby in front, and looked at the exquisite utensils, wine, drinks, various fruits, ham, deer, seafood, vegetables, and bread , Cheese, pudding and other delicacies were placed on a large long table in front. There were at least dozens of varieties. After a cry of exclamation, Xiao Annie hurried over with cheers.
Just when she was reading the broken book, she felt a little strange and puzzled by the description of
don’t eat anything in it, don’t drink anything in it
, and she was always wondering why she had to be reminded not to eat when she came here. Can't drink, however, looking at it this way now, she finally knows why.
(Dear little master, Xiao Xiao now understands, I'm afraid this is the most important purpose you must come here to see, right?
Tibbers himself felt a little strange just now. He has been very confused about why his little master came to this place after seeing through the tricks of the goat’s head demon who tricked the children to go to death by himself. It turned out that the opponent was playing with such an idea? )
"Tibbers, you know too much!"
"Aha! They all look so delicious..."
After reprimanding a little bear with a big mouth, Annie didn't care about anything else. With her eyes full of delicious things, she ran to the front of the big table bluffing and ignored the owner sitting at the long table. The no-nosed-no-eye monster just started to study the delicious food on the table carefully.
(This...I don't know how long it has been left, dear little master, are you sure that they can still be eaten? Just these things, do you really dare to eat them?!
Tibbers, who was carried by his own little master, of course also saw those dazzling arrays of brightly colored, suspicious large tables of rich food that seemed to have just been put on. )
?? (??`▽????)
"Tibbers, don't you know?"
"Magic is amazing. It is something that can turn the impossible into possible! So, don't worry about such small things. These delicious foods are really not bad at all, because this one The long table seems to be enchanted with a certain time attribute magic, so no matter how long these things are left here, they will always be exactly the same as when they were just served, because the time on the table has not passed by! "
After understanding that the delicious food in front of her has not deteriorated, and because of the magic of time, she will always be stagnant at the moment of being served on the table, so relieved Little Annie moved a chair, and she was not welcome at all. Di directly climbed up and sat on it and stretched out his hand, directly roasting the plate of ham that was golden and cut into slices and pouring the sauce in front of him.
Now, she is ready to start, and enjoy this sumptuous meal from the twilight period of the gods thousands of years ago! !
(Respected little master, before you eat, shouldn’t you look at the murals on the ceiling first? Also, the owner is still sitting and sleeping in that position over there. If it wakes up...
Seeing that the horrible little master of his own family sat down to eat and drink without asking. Tibbers, after seeing the mural on the dome of the hall, jumped directly from the other’s arms to the table, and then One claw pointed to the ceiling, one claw pointed to the eyeless monster sitting on the main seat of the long table reminded. )
o(??^`)o cut!
Annie first looked up at the ceiling and found that it was about a boring story about a certain Zeus who had been dead for an unknown period of time and his lover Lamia eating a child. Then, she looked at the hapless one. After years of curse, it has been distorted to the extent that there is only a thick skeleton and pale hairless skin. The whole body does not look like a beauty at all. Most of the organs have been degraded, and they have become a complete set. After looking like a monster with no nose, eyes, and ears, she turned her head in disdain.
"Don't worry about it, because people are already very hungry now!"
"I'm going to eat it first, what's the matter, wait for it to wake up and talk about it!"
She ate her, that weird guy slept with it, so Annie wouldn’t care about it! After all, there seems to be no big deal about Fang Xu, except that it looks a bit obstructive. She can just treat it as a super ugly decoration, anyway.
(However, if you start eating, the little master, he will definitely wake up and mess you up, right?)
Hearing what the little bear said, little Annie, who was just about to open her mouth, had to stop now.
Because she also remembered at this time, it seems that the reason why there are so many delicious foods here is because the sheep head demon who was burned to death had some kind of agreement with this fellow who can also be regarded as a devil, and he specially formed a partnership to cheat. Why are the children here so that they can choose qualified prey from each other?
(The respectable little master, the little one thinks that you should burn it first, and then you will slowly enjoy this rich free lunch by yourself?
To be honest, after knowing that these things are indeed edible, Tibbers, who hasn’t eaten anything for a few days, is drooling... So, if possible, it desperately hopes the little master in his house When you start to enjoy it, it can also enjoy the wonderful, sensory satisfaction of eating. )
"You mean you want people to burn it first..."
∑(??△`)? !
That kind of little thing is not impossible, but...
This is someone else’s home after all, and the noseless and eyeless monster named Lamia was already very pitiful. Not only was it abandoned by the bad old man named Zeus, but also cursed by the wicked lady named Hera. As a result, he has to become this kind of half-human, half-god, half-demon monster, and has to endure the endless pain of eating his own children and the children of other people's homes, and is even sealed in this dark underground castle. For countless years...
Take a look!
Others were already very miserable, but now it’s better. Not only do I break in casually, I also eat and drink from other people’s homes, and then burn the other person to death at the same time. That kind of behavior is Isn't it a bit too cruel?
Therefore, Annie felt that she had better not listen to the bad bear in her family, and it would be better to do that kind of maddening things?
In any case, I broke in without the other party’s consent and planned to eat directly. The nature of this kind of thing is already very bad. Therefore, Annie will definitely not burn the other party casually, even if In the corner of this hall, there are a lot of idiot children's shoes who don't know how long they have been dead, too!
"Well, people will make a bet with you now: from now on, even if they don’t use magic or other means, they will treat themselves as an ordinary little girl, and they will definitely not be afraid of the present. A monster with a nose, no eyes and no ears, dare you?"
Since I was not going to burn the other person, but wanted to eat this beautiful meal here, it was probably a feast carefully prepared by a certain in the ancient times, Anne’s sly blue eyes flashed quickly. A sly gleam, and at the same time smiled and bet on his little bear Tibbers.
(Dear little master, what do you want to do?)
(Tibbers obviously didn’t intend to bet against the nasty little master of his family, because he knew that if the other party had no absolute certainty, he would not say it easily! So, in order to avoid a bet failure It may continue to bear a series of unequal treaties, so it simply asks without mentioning the betting.)
"Don't you dare?"
"Ah! You hate it!"
"However, don't worry, bear, they didn't want to do anything bad!"
After that, Annie didn’t care about the little bear sitting on the table who didn’t bet with her. Instead, she just jumped off the chair she had just sat on, and then walked to the one with no nose, no eyes, and In front of the monster with pale folds and skinning, staring at the ugly and ugly head of the other side and carefully looked up.
The other person's face has no normal facial features at all, only two thick nostrils with blood or red snot, and he is still inhaling and exhaling calmly, as if he is sleeping? But the other party’s mouth has no lips even, and the place is tightly sewn together at this time. As for whether the inside of the mouth is sharp teeth or disgusting gums with out of teeth, she can’t see.
The other party’s ears are slightly contoured. However, looking at the other party’s almost completely degraded earholes, Annie knows without guessing that the other party’s hearing and other sensory organs are definitely not good, otherwise, the other party must be. She wouldn't have been sitting motionless in the main seat even when she had just been talking to her little bear for a long time, and she had been walking around here many times and making a lot of noise.
The claws on the opponent’s pale hands looked sharp. From this point of view, most of the monster’s ability lies in these hands, so Annie is sure that the opponent’s combat effectiveness is likely to be average. If it is a normal adult who can still have a sword and shield in his hand and overcome the fear in his heart, maybe he can not be afraid of the one in front of him who only dares to trick the child in and catch the monster that he eats?
In this way, after the dusk of the gods, after all the main gods such as Zeus Hera were all dead, the one in front of him was cursed and sealed, and was reduced to only catching children for food and living alive. The monster, because of the scouring of time, the guy who originally inherited a trace of the power of Poseidon, the sea god, probably really has not much power left.
And this is exactly what Annie dared to bet with Tibbers, even if she didn't use any magic power, even if she regarded herself as a very ordinary child, she would not be afraid of the other side's cause!
"Hi~! How are you! Excuse me, do you mind if I eat something from your house?"
He stretched out his hand and shook it in front of the opponent, and replied in a friendly way, only to find that the opponent was really motionless, completely unaware of his arrival, and seemed to not mind at all, still breathing calmly, immersed in it. After being in the dream of a cursed and miserable life, Annie thought for a while, and when her eyes turned, she stretched out her hand thiefly, and took the two disgusting eyeballs with scarlet round pupils in front of the opponent. Up.
"So... as long as you do this, there should be no problem, right?"
??????????(??????)?????? I lost!
He grabbed the two disgusting eyeballs in front of the opponent, replaced them with two big grapes just picked from the table, and then threw the eyeballs to the back corner of the wall full of ragged child shoes. After the trash pile, Annie clapped her hands with satisfaction, raised her little head triumphantly, walked proudly to the chair she had just placed, jumped up and sat down again.
"All right!"
"Tibbers, look, now people can eat safely!"
A monster that has almost no hearing, no eyes on her face, and her sense of smell is not very sensitive. She relies entirely on two eyeballs. She wants to see how the other party can catch her. All the performance is a normal little girl, and will definitely not use magic to resist the little girl and eat it alive?
(Well, Tibbers said, it did not think of so much just now, and even more did not carefully observe the enemy. It just wanted to knock down the opponent directly from the body and burn the opponent from the soul. Use your brain to defeat the enemy without fighting?
Sure enough, it was easily caught by a two-year-old nasty guy, it really wasn't totally unreasonable...)
"Tibbers, people are going to start!!"
After dropping the other person’s eyeballs, and kindly and thoughtfully replacing the eyeballs in the small plate with two big grapes, little Annie began to sit in her own position recklessly, next to her. The warm magical fire of this table started to eat this table of ancient delicacies well preserved by magic.
She knows the magic of time very well, so she definitely wouldn't mind eating these delicacies that are likely to be preserved for more than a thousand years in constant time! You know, she doesn't even mind those flat peaches and ginseng fruits that have only matured for nine thousand years, so how could she mind these foods that have been over a thousand years old?
‘! ! ’
as expected!
When Annie dared to move her mouth, the ugly monster with no nose and eyes was excited by some kind of magical stimulus. Then, the pair of long nails, the blood accumulated over the years has dyed it red. The terrifying black hands began to move slowly.
Then soon, the pale skin was a little drooping, forming an ugly and disgusting monster, and then quietly groping with those terrifying hands on the small plate in front of its table. , And quickly fumbled for the two grapes, and then placed them in the eye sockets in the palm of his hand without saying a word.
( ̄~ ̄) Chew!
Annie has noticed the other party's movements, but she didn't pay attention to the other party at all. Instead, she continued to pick and eat on the table, letting the other party put those grape'eyeballs' into her palms. Place it in front of the forehead and keep blinking the eyelid on the palm of the hand.
Because she knew that the two big, black and round grape-eyes of the other party would definitely not be able to see her. If they could, then she would give the other bear to the other party to eat!
∑(????`)? !
"Hmm, ummm..."
ψ(╯~╰)o so delicious~~!
Annie, who only cared about her own food, didn’t even bother to stand up slowly from the table and wink vigorously, doing the antics of putting her hands in front of her forehead as eyes, like a clown performing a trick. Usually she looked around, but she couldn't see her monster anyway, she just continued to eat her own things, at most she just glanced at each other occasionally.
ε=(????`●))) alas
(Looking at the pile in the corner of the hall, there are at least hundreds of pairs of small, old and dusty shoes, Tibbers regretfully gave the one without sight, hearing, and smell. The monster silently mourned...)
‘! ! ’
‘Jie Jie~! ! ’
at last,
That monster didn't seem to have no wisdom at all. It quickly understood: It seems that there is something wrong with its eyeballs?
So, after being furious, he threw out the two grape'eyeballs' in the'eye sockets' of the palms of both hands, threw them to the wall and the floor and threw them to pieces. Struggling and staggering, he fumbled step by step in the direction of the pile of shoes, struggling with the weak connection between the two eyeballs on a part of his body.
One accidentally, it planted a caterpillar, but it didn't matter, it quickly drooped its elongated dead skin and got up again.
Another accidentally, it hit a stone pillar in the castle hall, and shook the spot for several times before reluctantly finding the right direction.
Bang! !
It stepped on a small worn-out boot and fell directly under the two steps viciously. One finger was thrown into a twisted shape, obviously broken... But fortunately, it was another one. As soon as he exerted his force, he smashed it back.
"Guru~! Guru~!"
ε=(╯▽╰??))) So satisfied!
for a long time,
When Annie had chewed a very firm slice of roast ham, drank a large glass of watermelon juice, and ate a small half of melon, the monster finally hit a pillar and knocked down a chair. He even almost fell into the fire of the fireplace. After being burned with a large piece of skin, he successfully fumbled for the pile of children who had been eaten by it. The main reason was boots that could not be swallowed. , Some clothes fragments, belts and some decorations and other items in the garbage dump.
Then, it began to crawl and roll in it, trying to find two eyeballs with scarlet round pupils that were ruthlessly discarded by a little girl ten minutes ago.
‘Jie~! ! ’
The monster roared because it could not find...
‘Jessi~! ! ’
The monster roared again, because it turned over for a long time, but it still couldn't be found...
Next, when Little Annie was eating, the other party was just behind, in that corner, just roaring, and angrily rummaged in the pile of shoes and rags, and pulled those from time to time. Dilapidated and dusty shoes are thrown everywhere.
Fortunately, that corner is very far away from the table where Annie eats. Otherwise, just relying on the other party's littering and dusting when she eats, which seriously affects her appetite, is enough to make her turn her face and bring the other party directly. Burn out a fire completely, right?
"It's so pathetic..."
ε=(??ο`))) alas
"Tibbers, tell me, how long will it take for it to find its poor eyes?"
Turning his head and glanced at the other party, he saw that he was still roaring and rummaging in the corner of the hall far away, holding a fork in one hand and a big cherry in the other, and swallowed it one by one. , Asked carelessly.
ε=(??ˇεˇ????))) Bah!
It seems that the person who just threw the other person's eyeballs into the trash dump is completely different from her, and can still be okay, throwing out the remaining peach pits on the ground toward one side?
(Sorry, little master, the little one doesn’t know, but it seems to be coming soon, it will soon come to trouble you...
Looking at the legendary ancient evil who eats children in the distance, turning over the garbage dump without a card, and looking at the opponent who has already turned over half of it, Tibbers drooped his eyelid and replied. )
"Tibbs, there is still some time now, do you want to eat something first?"
Feeling that she might not be able to finish it, and the delicious little Annie who had eaten it all, she said openly to a certain bear who was standing on the table. And she also signaled that the other party could do it by herself. Anyway, the peeling monster in the distance with no eyes, nose, and ears might still be looking for a while, so they don't need to worry too much.
(Of course! But respectable little master, do you want to feed the little one by yourself at this time?
Tibbers now somewhat miss the kind of happy days that the two shoveling officers held it in his arms and then fed it bite by bite with chopsticks, so it moved towards it with some expectation The little master asked. )
"Go aside!"
"Also feed you, love to eat, don't eat it!!"
When she was angry, with a wave of her hand, Annie threw a piece of cheese that was exuding bursts of hot heat behind her!
It’s so hard to die, but it happened to hit the two eyeballs that had finally found it in the garbage, and successfully placed them in the hollow eye sockets of the palm of the hand, and began to put his hands funny again Put it on the head of the monster that acts as the eye in front of the forehead?
In an instant, those piping hot and almost melted cheeses were like two of glutinous rice made of glutinous rice cakes, exuding hot steam and sticking to the palms of the opponent's hands and forehead.
‘Jie? ! ’
After a cry of exclamation, a terrible cry came soon.
Obviously, the eyes are the most vulnerable part of most creatures, not to mention the cursed monster that was sticky by the piping hot cheese and not too hot! Therefore, before it had time to see clearly who broke into its home and stole it and kept it for countless years, it was unwilling to eat, so it had to put down its hideous hands and began to shake it desperately. Up.
ψ( ̄~ ̄)o chew!
However, it’s a pity that Annie has seen nothing, heard nothing, and did nothing, so she continued to throw a few jelly beans from a certain plate into her mouth and started to chew Chew, chew and eat.
She didn't use magic or other special powers just now, she just throws more accurately, even if it is a normal little girl, as long as she practice more and calm down, she will definitely not throw worse than her.
(Little, little master, you might as well just throw its eyeballs in the fireplace and burn them. Anyway, its body and eyeballs don’t seem to resist fire...
Looking at the other party's miserable howling and vigorously shaking hands, and constantly rubbing the pitiful appearance on the pale skin-like skin of a dead man, Tibbers felt afflicted, and sighed as if he felt the same. Because it can understand it, its horrible little master did that on purpose, deliberately to punish the kid-eating monster!
So it felt, perhaps, they just threw each other’s eyeballs into the fire and burned them, allowing the other to fall asleep forever and until destruction, or simply burn the other’s body and twisted soul to ashes with a fire. Maybe it would be more kind? )
"No more!"
Regarding the nasty bad guys or enemies that must be burned, Annie said that she had burned a lot before, and now she really doesn't want to do anything that is completely uncreative and innovative!
Besides, there is only one bad guy here now. If it burns like the devil with the head raised before, then she won't have any toys to play with while eating!
"How boring to do that?"
Before she finished speaking, Xiao Annie picked up a small plate from the table, which looked like green mustard-like spicy green paste, and then she didn't eat it herself, so she threw it behind her back.
So dying, I don’t know if it’s a mustard thing, but it happened to hit the hot cheese that was so easy to wipe off the palm of my hand, and put his hands in front of his forehead comically. I wanted to look at the long table fiercely, wondering who had attacked its nose and eyes on the forehead of the monster?
‘! ! ’
As soon as I opened my eyes, before I could see the figure of the invader clearly with my eyes that were burnt to tears, I saw a dish of green stuff hitting the head, and then, the body that was still a little stiff and unmoved was completely helpless. To avoid, I was directly confused by the green stuff on the plate!
Immediately after that, as the irritating, pungent and stinging thing invaded its tortured nostrils and the nerves in the eye sockets of the palms of both hands, its body suddenly stopped.
‘WU~! ! ! ’
After being stiff for a while, once again, a certain facelift monster with no nose, eyes, and ears wailed again!
Quite funny, it started again the ridiculous action of shaking hands, wiping face, and completely without clothes on it, only withered body, weird skeleton, and drooping pale skinned body rubbing hard.
But unfortunately, compared with the hot semi-molten cheese just now, how can the current spicy seasoning be relieved by rubbing it in the nose and eye sockets?
and so……
‘! ! ’
‘Jie wahhhhh~!!!’
So soon, after realizing that no matter how he could do it, the monster simply dug out the two hideous eyeballs in the palm of his hand, and then held them in one hand, and moved towards with the other. I fumbled forward, seeming to want to touch the table and find something to wash his hands, face and eyes?
"It's uncomfortable, isn't it? I want to wash my hands and face, right? Here, here you are, you're welcome..."
Seeing the other party staggering and finally groping to the table, groping to his side, and successfully groping for a pot of clear water, Xiao Annie quickly got up from her chair very considerately, and took advantage of it. The other party didn't pay attention, and forcefully brought the big pot of hot soup to the other side, and quickly exchanged it with the bowl of clear water in front of the other party.
Just before the change of a messy little girl, she had already fumbled with her hands, and found out that she was really clear water, the monster first grasped the scary eyeballs with scarlet round pupils in the palm of her hand. After rubbing it, after finding that it was correct, he threw them into the basin of'clear water' in front of him, and then it quickly dipped its own head at the same time!
Because, it seems that it can't wait to clean its eyes, hands, and nostrils and head, which are full of spicy seasonings?
‘? ? ? ’
‘! ! ’
The screams that shook the sky sounded!
In the next instant, the monster who dipped his head and eyeballs into the hot soup pot, screamed and jumped up, and when he reached out his hand, he violently lifted the soup pot in front of him with the table full of food. Turn to the ground.
‘Jie~! ! ! ’
‘Wahhhhh! ! ’
At the same time, it seemed that he finally knew that he was being played fiercely by the intruder, and he began to use the sharp long nails on his hands that were dyed red and black by the blood of innocent children, crazy and crazy. Waving aimlessly in this hall.
‘Sizzle~! ! ! ’
‘Jie WUWU~! ! ’
After a while, it cut the tables and chairs nearby into fragments of broken pieces of wood. At the same time, it also left traces of hideousness on the nearby stone pillars, nearby walls, fireplaces, etc. , Deep scary paw prints.
‘Jie~! ! ! ’
‘! ! ’
Huh! Huh!
However, even if it was that, it still didn’t stop, and it still attacked frantically, even if the table and the table full of food would make the whole hall more messy and messy, it seemed to hope that it was going to attack. Some nasty intruder who doesn't know where to hide?
"It's dangerous..."
Seeing the opponent attacking like this, and messing up the entire hall, spilling all kinds of food, wine, grapes, cherries, nuts, and all kinds of food stuff all over the floor. After she couldn't find those two interesting ones, and didn't know if there were any scalded eyeballs, Annie, who had only eaten half a full meal, had to take her own little bear and step back several steps, leaving the crazy one. The monster went a little further.
"Tibbs, it seems pitiful to look at it now, or else, let's just forget it today, don't embarrass it for now..."
Unexpectedly, she had successfully driven the other person crazy, and she was a little afraid to stick out her tongue at her little bear, saying that she really didn't mean to...
Standing in the distance, watching the other party dancing frantically for a long time, and seeing that the other party can't stand the play very much, but was broken at once. I feel that there is nothing interesting here, and there is no good food. Little Annie shrugged her shoulders and spread her hands boringly.

Afterwards, Annie first quietly glanced at the monster who was scratching and biting and attacking wildly from a pole. She saw that the other party was still there to toss and desperately, and she probably had two eyes. After Zi Yi stepped on the grapes and exploded, she turned around and disappeared with her little bear, using magic teleportation to leave the boring underground castle.
Annie didn't choose to burn her to death...
Although the pile of worn-out shoes and belongings in the corner of the hall, obviously belonging to children, looks a bit shocking, but, Annie thinks, even though that guy eats children, he still talks The horned demon partnered up to cheat to eat children... But if the other party was sealed and trapped here forever, it would never be able to eat children, and it would never see anything, and be alone in that small small castle. It stayed here until the body gradually decayed after tens of thousands of years, until the soul was completely annihilated. Perhaps, that was the best kind of punishment, right?
The shofar devil and the book were destroyed by Annie, and the chalk was lost by her. Coupled with the seal that she strengthened there, it is certain that no one will be able to break in in the future! That would be fine. Let the monster with no nose, eyes, and ears continue to be sealed in this small underground castle, and then slowly look for the pair that has been burned and trampled. Eyes?
Or maybe, if it can't find it, it can just find two grapes and press it instead?
Of course, it doesn’t need to look for it, it’s just sleeping there and staying in claustrophobia until time deprives it of its power, knowing that it turns into powder, until it no longer exists between heaven and earth...
Speaking of which, Annie also thinks that the other party is pitiful... But compared to the children who were eaten by the other party, the pile of shoe fabrics and belts, etc., the other party’s kind of pity is completely worthless. Mention it.
In short, in the future, the kid who specially tricked the kid to break through the maze, and then either strayed into the giant toad’s stomach and was eaten, or broke into the monster’s castle and was eaten, or completed all the tasks, but in the end he was still tired or tired. Other innocent people died together, the so-called ridiculous game of inheriting the authority of the underground kingdom that specifically deceives children is completely gone.
"La la la..."
So I feel that Queen Anne, who has done a super good thing today, can finally feel at ease and reasonable, confidently and confidently carrying her own little bear to go elsewhere to continue wandering and having fun. Hers.
For such a good thing, Annie, who doesn’t know how many times she’s done, will definitely not leave her name easily, so that she can’t even see what she looks like or hear what she said. The monster continued to be in the castle that sealed it, just so hysterically wailing, cursing, and cursing certain two gods and queens who have been dead for a long time!
(● ̄(??) ̄●)

????????????: Wow~! ?? Ask for a ticket??
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