Chapter 1044: ?(????)? Narnia in the closet...

I don't know why in this world this time, there are always many magical and interesting places.
For example: While Xiao Anni was wandering, she accidentally found a very magical wardrobe in the attic of a family on the island of this earth in the same territory as the king of Mao. The thing seems to have some kind of strong spatial fluctuation?
She was idle and idle, and she felt very curious, so she sneaked into the attic of someone else’s house, opened the closet when there was no one, walked inside, and successfully arrived at this place. Covered by ice and snow, seems to be in a different space in winter?
"Tibbers, look at it, the earthlings of the house just now are really cunning. They secretly created a passage to this kind of magical world and hid it in their closet?"
The reason why Little Annie exclaimed was because she discovered that this strange, rich world of magical elements is actually independent, two completely different worlds, and completely different from the diagonal lane of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Generally, it is hidden in the world of normal people, which is far from here.
(What's so surprising about this, I haven't seen anything like this...)
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
(Tibbers doesn’t think this kind of icy and snowy world is fun. It doesn’t like water, nor does it like things like snowflakes and icicles transformed from water. The snow and ice here are still so thick. You don’t need to think about it. It is very inconvenient for its actions.)
"Come on! Tibbers!"
"Let's go over there and take a look, people look good and see there are some interesting little things over there..."
Regardless of the complaints of a certain bad bear without the right to bear, Annie just waved her back and closed the door of the closet with a simple mage's hand. Then, she took the opponent with her knees. Snow stepped forward step by step.
In the middle of a river that has long been frozen into ice, here is the home of two beavers, one male and one female. They use wooden sticks to besiege the river in a circle, which can reduce the erosion of the water and make the rush The river became smooth, and then a tent-style house was built with the same thick wooden sticks in the middle of the circle.
At this time, there was a trace of fire in their tent-like house, and there was rarely a smoke, and there was even a curl of smoke floating on it. It seemed that they could be used as some kind of evidence that they were intelligent creatures?
However, now the large circle of dams made of wooden sticks around their houses has lost its usefulness, because the river has already been frozen into hard ice by the abnormal weather...Here, except for the ice edge Apart from snowflakes, there is no river water.
and so,
At this time, the two beavers were able to walk freely on the ice that was already covered with snowflakes, and even pushed their carts like intelligent creatures, and shoveled a shovel of frozen ground hard. It was shoveled onto a wooden cart.
'call! ’
‘Hurry up, dear, move these dirt to the forest, or the snow will cover them in one night...’
'Hey! This job is really tiring! ’
‘There’s no way, now the river is frozen and it can’t rush into the water. Besides, we dug a dense road. We can’t just pile the dirt on our door, right? That will surely be discovered by the evil witch and her minions, and the secret path will be useless by then! ’
‘Do we really need this secret path? ’
‘I don’t know, but I hope I’ll never use it...’
‘Okay, you seem to be right. ’
‘Hurry up, this is the last one of today’s mud, we can do the rest of the work tomorrow! ’
‘I listen to you... but my dear, I still want to ask, you have been digging this hole for many days, where are you going to dig it? ’
‘Of course it’s my mother’s place. In that case, it’s safer to visit her. "
Obviously, this is the family diligently digging holes and transporting the dug frozen soil to the forests on both sides of the river.
It’s just like what they said, under the rule of the cruel white witch, for their own safety, in order not to be caught by the witch one day and turned into a stone, they always need to take precautions in their leisure time. Prepare more means of escape.
‘That’s it? ’
‘Your idea is not bad, then I will push this car in mud first...’
‘! ! ’
‘? ? ’
'Ouch! ’
"Wow~! ’
However, before the female pushing the mud with the wooden wheelbarrow had time to finish her words, they both exclaimed, and then, the cart in her hand fell to the ground the moment she let it go. , The broken mud of the car dipped directly to the ground.
But now they can no longer care about the mud of the car. They just stared their eyes round and looked at someone in a blue and white white velvet skirt that suddenly appeared in front of them, carrying a toy bear in their hands, and Someone who was waving that doll's paw to greet them suddenly appeared in front of them and greeted them.
"Excuse me, what are you doing?"
It’s here. If you change a place, such as in the forest next to it, it’s likely that Annie would have caught the two cute and honest animals in front of her. Then put it on the fire and roast it, right?
However, she has always been reluctant to eat the meat of intelligent creatures, and after seeing the two big mice talking and working in front of her, she knew that they were not ordinary beavers, so she definitely couldn't utter her mouth. .
Neither spoke, but stared at the strange guy in front of them, who had never seen it before.
"Why don't you speak?"
"Could it be that someone accidentally scared you?!"
Just now she heard these two funny big mice in front of her, but they were still chattering about something, so when she saw them just sitting on the ground and snuggling up and staring, she watched her silently. Annie stepped forward patiently again, and asked in a slightly kind or friendly tone.
‘You, are you a young female dwarf without a beard? ’
Hearing Annie's words, the two male and female beavers first glanced at each other in horror. After a long time, when they gradually realized that the guy in front of them didn't seem to resemble the cruel and vicious subordinates of the terrible white witch, they became strong. Courage stood up and asked tentatively.
They had never seen a "weird" like each other in this land, so after looking up and down, Mr. Beaver came to a conclusion: the little girl in front of him seemed to be like those of the White Witch. A female dwarf without a beard?
If that's the case, then they have to be careful when they speak, because everyone knows that those nasty little people are the white witch's men and the accomplices of that terrible woman. They will use those cruel and vicious bows and arrows to attack and Penetrate any unlucky ones who dare to disobey the white witch's will, even the eagles and griffins flying in the sky are not immune!
"I'm not a female dwarf without a beard. My name is Annie. It's a little girl. It's not the kind of thing you said!!"
Although she is indeed not too tall, Annie is sure that she is not a dwarf!
Because, she is just eight years old this year...So, as a child, her height is normal. The two little guys in front of me dare to say that she is short. Be careful that she roasts them. Give it to bear!
(Respected little master, the little ones never like to eat such furry mice. Their meat is said to be sour, and they may carry countless kinds of viruses. They are definitely not too tasty...
Tibbers said that after staying in the Rongguo Mansion for nearly two years, and being served by Lin Daiyu and Xue Yan, the two shoveling officers, who were delicious, drinkable and sleepy for two full years, they changed their eating and drinking skills. If it has to be more picky, it will never fall to the point of eating mice hungry, even if the target is two big mice that look more fleshy! )
‘! ! ’
'and many more! ’
At this moment, surprisingly, the two male and female beavers once again looked at each other in astonishment, and then turned their heads and tentatively asked:
‘You mean...’
‘You are a human being, not those dwarfs? ’
The two male and female beavers who had never seen a human little girl saw that Annie was relatively friendly, not quite like the grumpy dwarves under the white witch, they finally got close to them and looked around Annie. , While constantly stirring their noses, seemed to be planning to smell something else from her, which was different from the smell of the little people?
Although I don't know why the two big mice in front of me are so rare and weird, even humans have never seen them, but Annie, who didn't intend to entangle too much, nodded towards them.
‘Gosh! ’
‘Are you really a human being, the son of Adam and Eve? ’
‘! ! ’
'fast! Come inside the house, your lord, it's not safe outside! ! ’
A jealous, two talking beavers seemed to realize something, and then quickly looked around, and found that there seemed to be no other guys in the frozen river and the surrounding forests after spying, they hurriedly pulled each other together I pushed it to a house shaped like their tent, with thick branches entangled with each other, which can prevent wind and rain.
‘It’s really not safe to talk here...’
'There are trees on both sides of this big river, and they always keep their ears up. Most of them are on our side, but there are also those who betray us and fall to her side. Your Highness, do you know whom I'm talking about? ? ’
Finally, pushing the inexplicable Annie to the outside looked weird, but inside it was in a relatively spacious and well-equipped wooden house and after closing the small big'door', Mr. Beaver on the side asked back. .
"do not know!"
"Also, I am not your Highness, have you misunderstood something?!"
Inexplicably, she was called to your Highness again. Anne subconsciously remembered the sheephead demon who was only burned to death by her not long ago, who wanted to deceive her. At that time, that guy thought she was a good deception and wanted to fool her to inherit What kind of underground kingdom of Lao Shizi was burned to ashes by a fire by her!
'misunderstanding? ’
'Do not! No misunderstanding! Maybe it’s the first time you have come to our Narnia, so you don’t know our situation...’
Once again, he took a vigilant look at the situation outside the window, and found that there was nothing unusual, that Mr. Beaver endured some kind of nonsensical excitement, introduced him to the world of Narnia to Annie, and introduced their basic situation here. .
It turns out that this is hidden in the closet, or it can be said that the magical world connected to that closet is called Narnia?
At this time, the continent of Narnia is being shrouded by evil forces. There is a thousand-year-old white witch Jandice ruling the entire kingdom with tyranny and evil magic. She destroyed the original lion king As Lan said that the canonized Frank dynasty and usurped the throne, and subsequently turned Narnia into a cold and harsh world of ice and snow all year round.
As for why the Beavers called Annie "His Royal Highness" just now, it comes from an ancient legend!
That is an old prophecy...
In Kyle Ballavel, that is, the towering castle near the mouth of the river, in that castle, there are four thrones belonging to the king...A long, long time ago, no one can remember the age. There is such a prophecy or legend in Narnia:
Once Adam's and Eve's two sons and two daughters sit on the four thrones, not only will the reign of the White Witch be completely over, but also her endless life will come to an end?
‘That’s why we were so cautious just now, Your Highness! ’
‘Because if you come to Narnia if you let her know, she wants to kill you, just like our beavers shaking the fur on their bodies! ’
After that, Mr. Beaver also shook the snow that was on his body, which was gradually melted by the warm room temperature and body temperature, before continuing to add:
‘Because the White Witch gave an order! ’
'The evil that turned the continent of Narnia into a deadly silent and vast winter world, she once gave an order to people on the entire continent: Anyone who sees lost in the forest, think of a human like you, It must be caught and sent to her for disposal! ! ’
‘But don’t worry, Your Highness, because we are not with her, we are on the other side! ’
After that, Mr. Beaver might be afraid of the little human in front of him. He was afraid that the little girl was afraid that he would inform or something, so he quickly explained it.
‘Yes, we will not let her turn you into stone, because we are on Aslan’s side, on your side, Your Highness. ’
Mrs. Beaver hurriedly added at this time.
After listening to the explanations of the two big mice in front of her, Little Annie, who had basically figured out something, suddenly frowned and repeated a certain name that the other party had just said suddenly.
Because, she seemed to feel that the name of the guy named'Aslan' seemed to have some special magic power in this world. Even if she just read it briefly, she could feel a little weirdness in it. The power and inexplicable sense of voyeurism?
However, I never wanted to, and would not give too much attention to Annie, who easily focused on a guy I had never seen before, and quickly re-looked at the two in front of me that seemed to be true. The honest and honest beavers who misunderstood something:
"That one……"
"People suddenly felt that you might really have misunderstood something?"
Although I don't know whether the other party's prediction is true or not, Annie is sure that she will definitely not be the one they are waiting for! Because, no matter it is in this world or the world in other endless planes, there will be no prediction that can interfere with her words and deeds, and no one can predict her own existence or arrival!
‘? ? ’
‘What’s the misunderstanding? ’
‘No no no! There is no misunderstanding, absolutely not a misunderstanding! Your Highness, you must be one of the two queens in the prophecy! One day, Aslan, the great king of the forest, will crown you and end the reign of the White Witch. All of us are extremely sure! ’
The undead white witch has been ruling this land of Narnia brutally for too long and too long. Therefore, now that she can actually meet a daughter of Adam and Eve in her lifetime, the Beavers can’t help but feel a little excited. They danced.
Of course, they don't simply think that the little guy in front of them can really save them, they are just confirming that the prediction is not false, and they are grateful and happy when they are sure that their years of expectation finally come to an end.
"Really misunderstood!"
"Because, although they are indeed humans, they are really not the daughters of ‘Eve and Adam’ as you said!"
(??︶??).. .
That’s right, because Annie knows better than anyone else that she herself is a person from Runeland, from the world of Valoran, and really has nothing to do with the people on earth, and she can’t be created by God. The first man and the first woman are connected.
"and also!"
"People themselves seem to be the kind of evil witch you call..."
As a spellcaster, even the most, most, most, most, and most powerful arcane archmage, but since she is a little girl, then she can definitely be classified as In front of them, the two beavers hated and rejected the kind of "evil" witches in the ranks.
‘! ! ’
‘You, are you sure you are not joking with us? ’
Mr. Beaver and Mrs. Beaver were stunned for a while, and then looked at each other comically, before pouring a glass of honey water for Little Annie anxiously, while looking at each other again with that incredible gaze.
"of course not!"
‘How can a person like you be a witch? ’
‘You must not be a witch! ! ’
The two beavers who had just had time to be happy for a while obviously didn’t believe it, because they could see that the little girl in front of them, this human, and the white witch who hoped that they would think each other was human, and who claimed to be queens, were totally unbelievable It's not the same. It's definitely not the same as the guy who only has the blood of fairies and giants, and is completely unreliable with humans!
"Why not?"
"But, you are so big, aren't you really bamboo rats?"
Anyway, Annie has already said about her identity, and the other party doesn’t believe her and there is nothing she can do. Therefore, she didn’t intend to continue to entangle too much on that kind of insignificant issue. She directly asked about her since the beginning. Questions of interest.
‘Bamboo Rat? ’
‘We are not mice, we are beavers! You can call us a beaver, because those are our names! ’
"It turns out it's not a bamboo rat, what a pity..."
‘What is a bamboo rat? ’
‘Why is it a pity? ! ’
The two couples didn't seem to know that they had just gone through a dangerous moment of life and death, and they still stood up and asked with a carefree attitude.
"It's nothing!"
(??????????????) Suck!
"I heard that bamboo rats can be eaten, but I wanted to try it..."
ε=(╯▽╰)) So sweet~~!
After picking up the wooden cup that the other party had given him and taking a sip of the honey water in it, while feeling the peculiar floral fragrance and sweetness it left between her lips and teeth, Annie squashed indifferently.
‘Are you hungry? ’
‘Then let my wife accompany you here. I will go to the glacier outside to make a cut and catch a few fresh trouts for you to come back. I guarantee you a full meal! ’
Nodded, Mr. Beaver, who didn't know that the other party actually wanted to eat him, turned to the door, and picked up a wooden barrel and an axe, planning to go deep in the middle of the river, to the one that was chiseled once a day. Catch some fresh fish from the ice hole.
Since the thousand-year-old white witch Jantis ruled the entire kingdom with tyranny and turned Narnia into a world of cold ice and snow all year round, there have been fewer and fewer fish under the ice in the river. The thinner it is, although it throws some food that they don't eat into the hole every day when it fishes, but if the severe cold weather continues, it won't work.
Speaking of which, he and his wife have never been able to swim in a river without ice...
"Are you all so passionate?!"
She is also an ‘evil’ witch, and just wanted to eat them, but now it’s okay, they still want to entertain themselves with delicious food?
Mr. Beaver did not speak, but waved his hand, and then opened the'gate'. He first went out and looked around. After finding that there was no danger outside, the guy holding it rushed out, and soon disappeared outside the cold wind. In the ice and snow.
'Ah! ’
‘Don’t worry, he will be back soon, do you want another glass of honey water? ’
Mrs. Beaver obviously didn't worry much about his wife at home, so he picked up a clay pot again, and prepared to pour another cup for the distinguished guest in front of him.
"Honey water is not needed. If you still have that sweet honey, please be sure to bring a large piece or a large bottle directly. People will definitely not be polite to you!!"
Annie said, hurriedly stretched out her hand and gestured.
Although the honey water is very sweet, if you drink too much of it, your stomach will bloat, and you may wet the bed. So, if you can, she prefers the kind that the other party does not know where in the forest. Pure natural golden yellow and honey with honeycombs? Because, if you eat it directly like that, it will definitely be a hundred times sweeter than honey!
She hasn't eaten that kind of thing for a long time...
I think back then, when she went to dig out the killer bee's honeycomb with little Joe Hannah outside of Rogge's camp, she actually got a lot of that kind of golden and sweet silky goodies! It's a pity that that kind of food is not patience, and she was eaten up within two days, and now even thinking about it can make her drool!
(Respected little master, you don't think of yourself as an outsider too much? Even if you really want to eat, you don't use your hands to sign such a big shape, right?
Look at someone who has just met someone and dares to shamelessly put forward that kind of outrageous request, and then look at the female who is at a loss with her eyes wide and her mouth wide open. After the appearance, Tibbers quickly reminded someone in private. )
"It must be possible, right?!"
It's a pity Little Annie didn't plan to have any shame at all, so she directly pressed a certain mouthful bear under the stool, and then continued to look forward with expectation and pitiful eyes. Staring vigorously at the female beaver.
She just found out that the big piece of honey is hidden in the other party's clay pot, she doesn't need too much, just need the other party to take out the largest piece inside and give it to her! What did you mean by that one who didn't know what the indifferent guy said?
"Good things should be brought out and shared with others"? !
So now, her Queen Anne wants to share the sweet honey hidden by the female based on that sentence! Like that kind of good thing, you should take it out and share it with her, instead of hiding it stingly, and only willing to take out a small piece and put it in the water! !

??????(??)?????????? Ask for a ticket??????(????`??)??????
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