Chapter 1045: ('~`●) What should I do if I am swollen, so embarrassed, this woman...

Little Annie was running or sliding forward on the frozen river. She was on the way to the snow mountain at the source of the river in the north.
It is said...
A long, long time ago, the evil white witch in the ice castle, that Jandice overthrew and ended the rule of the Frank’s First Dynasty of Narnia, usurped the throne, and began to practice her ruthlessness in the mainland of Narnia. A tyrannical rule?
During her reign, she received various praises and derogations in the hearts of the people of Narnia, such as: the thousand-year-old witch, the ice queen, the evil tyrant, the petrified witch, the winter watcher, and the ice The demon of the castle and the female castle owner of the Palava Palace, etc.?
Although, now the opponent has already ruled the continent of Narnia in name, but, for unknown reasons, Jandice has never lived in the Kyle Pallava palace of the Frank dynasty. In the evening, but stubbornly lived in the ice cap fortress on the high mountain and between the two snow-capped mountains, and looked down from the mountain to the forest, from the west continent to the east coast. This vast area of ​​the Castle of Seoul.
and so,
Annie ate and drank in the small nest built by the beavers on the high ground in the middle of the cold river bed with a wooden stick, and rested for one night. Early in the morning of the next day, she refused their retention and advice. , Said goodbye to them and insisted on walking north along the frozen river, and started walking to the ice castle in the depths of the Narnia Forest, located between the two towering snow mountains...
Anyway, after being entertained by the dumb and honest family for a night with delicious and delicious food, they also ate the extremely precious honey that the other party was said to have collected with difficulty (now Narnia Due to the cold winter, there are no flowers, so bees are no longer produced), not knowing how to repay the other's little Annie, so she reluctantly decided:
Go to the ice castle and see if the white witch is really as evil as Mr. Beaver and Mrs. Beaver said?
If the situation they said was true, and if the witch did too much, maybe she would intervene in it, and forcibly take care of other people's nostalgia.
But she hasn't figured out how to do it yet, but she is not in a hurry, because ah, she will know what to do in the end only after she sees the other party and makes a corresponding judgment.
Woo~! !
The cold wind is howling...
The snowflakes in the sky are still fluttering, and the cold wind is still blowing non-stop, and there are a lot of small icy edges that rub against Annie's small face under the red blue and white hat, let She felt the coldness, so that her pace of jumping and running on the ice accelerated a lot.
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
Unlike her own cubs who don’t like snow and ice, Annie thinks it’s fun to run, jump, and slide on this empty and wide glacier. For a carefree child like her, no matter what the situation is. , She can always find her own fun.
As for the ridiculous thoughts that I had planned when I left the house of two beavers to save the world of Narnia and defeat the evil icy witch, I didn’t know that she would be thrown into it by the stroller. Which Guava country went to.
However, walking along the frozen river towards the snow-capped mountains, Annie unexpectedly discovered that she didn't know what happened. She actually felt that in this icy and snowy world, this piece seemed to have some kind of mystery. Under the cover of ice and snow, the Narnia continent of life and magic is like a small animal sleeping soundly in hibernation, enjoying the kind of comfort that the cold and continuous winter brings to it?
Of course, Little Annie just felt it casually, and didn't think too much.

Because she quickly reached her destination, came to the "Icecrown Fortress" in the Narnia world between the two snow-capped mountain valleys, and was able to see the one in front of the fortress gate. Blockbuster battlefield composed of various statues?
Looking at this large piece in front of you is like an ancient battlefield, with the petrified hands holding weapons, fangs and claws attacking heavily armed horsemen, brown bears, unicorns, griffins, leopards, big dogs, beavers, and evil When she walked into the petrochemical zoo composed of monsters like sheep's heads and demons, Annie couldn't help but exclaimed as she watched.
"There are so many statues, there are at least thousands of them here, right? This should be what Mr. Beaver said, those unlucky people who were petrified by the evil white witch with magic?"
So far, Anne can preliminarily conclude from the heavy snow that is said to have enveloped the mainland for hundreds of years in this world and the stone statues in front of her: the power of the white witch must be very good!
Because the other party not only created the wind and snow that enveloped the world, but also permanently petrified so many strong creatures. It looks like thousands of them, and it can also make them petrified with vitality. Frozen together, instead of dying when being petrified...There is no doubt that the opponent can achieve this level, at least with the power of a demigod.
In this way, in the legend that the other party is Adam’s former fairy wife and the offspring of the giant, and witnessing the creation of Narnia by the lion king Aslan, it is really not a legend made by Mr. Beaver out of nothing. ?
According to Annie’s deeper observations, if it is only based on the other party that the land is frozen, and the whole world is in the cold winter for hundreds of thousands of years, and all the
who dare to oppose will be petrified into statues. If this kind of thing determines that the other party is a cruel and vicious witch, it might be a bit unfair?
Anyway, if it was Annie who came by herself, if she was so courageous and dared to oppose her bad guys, and dared to copy guys to kill her house, she would definitely burn them all clean by the fire. Will it be as simple as it is just to petrify them kindly?
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
(Yes, Tibbers also suddenly felt that the evil witch hiding in the castle at the moment is really a little bit different from the wicked little master of his house! In a sense , The little master of his family must have done much more evil than what is happening here. The little master of his family should be the evil little witch?)
After snorting coldly, and grabbing a certain bear by the neck, so that the other party no longer breaks the thoughts in her heart, Xiao Annie only took a few steps forward, beating the statues and studying. .
o(??????)?????? Tuk Tuk~!
Anyway, frowning and knocking on the teeth of a petrified leopard statue in front of him, he found that the petrified magic is still very powerful. The statue is also very hard and well preserved, and there will be no such thing as easily knocked. After the broken or cracked condition, the doubts on Little Annie's brow became deeper.
In her opinion, if it is a witch with such a powerful magic power, there should be many ways to eliminate these messy animals or monsters. There is no need to waste magic power to give them. The petrochemicals are here, and their lives are guaranteed to be complete?
"Tibbers, it seems that the situation here is a bit interesting, but people suddenly discovered that it is not as simple as the two beavers said!"
(Tibbs is unhappy now, and doesn't want to pay attention to the nasty little master who is holding his neck and not letting him speak.)
All the abnormalities discovered along the way, finally made Annie give up her previous plan, came here to burn the witch, and then liberate the whole world that kind of boring and simple thoughts, and then decided to pay a good visit to that The legendary white witch Lady Jandice who ruled Narnia with tyranny?
"Don't sleep, silly dog, get up and lead the way, people are going to see your queen now!"
After reading everything around, Annie, who is not so rare, took a step forward and kicked directly to a certain snowfield ash lying in front of the petrified statue forest, lying in front of the gate steps of the ice castle. The wolf’s head is already covered with a thin layer of snow!
(Sure enough, Tibbers knew it would be like this...)
‘! ! ’
‘Wow~! ’
That hapless head was kicked by Little Annie and rolled down the steps in front of the castle gate, and then whimpered in her throat. After all, she was agitated, twisting the body that was still exuding heat And suddenly jumped up in embarrassment.
Immediately afterwards, a certain wolf, who was still a little confused about the situation, discovered: Just after a little weird man kicked himself, he grinned and raised the hair on his back, and then crawled down. Prepare to jump up on all fours and bite the white and tender throat of the opponent in one bite, so that you can drink the hot blood from the inside, and make the opponent pay a heavy price for the rude and reckless behavior just now. !
"What do you look at? Look at it carefully, I'll hit you!!"
Obviously she had been kicked by herself, but she didn't expect that the other party hadn't learned the lesson, and dared to grin to herself and planned to pounce on it, so Annie scowled and stared at him viciously.
‘Wow~! ’
However, I don’t know if the wolf in front of me was so stupid, or if it was so dazzled by anger that it didn’t even care about Anne’s threat, but still roared and slammed its limbs to the little girl who kicked it straight ahead. Opened the blood basin and rushed up?
!? (??\'\'????)??
"Dare to come? Ah Da~!!!"
Unexpectedly, the other party dared to pounce on him, and while Xiao Annie hurriedly avoided sideways, she slammed her side to the other side's head.
With a sob, the snowy gray wolf rolled and fell down the steps again in embarrassment, but this time, it may have been kicked, and it took a long time to get up again.
‘Wow~! ! ! ’
Finally, it seemed to know that a wolf might not be able to do it, so it continued to grin and threaten the little weird, while slowly retreating vigilantly, it raised its head and howled at the wolf.
"Wow~! ’
Soon, from the surrounding petrified statue forest, from the gate of the castle, and from the mountains further away, a large group rushed out quickly or slowly. That number is at least as many as dozens?
Then they bowed their heads together, surrounded Little Annie in the middle, and were ready to rush to bite at any time.
"Whoever dare to rush over to try it, they will promise to roast it into coke!!"
A little impatient, and didn't want to continue wasting time with these great wolfhounds in front of the castle gate, Annie stretched out her hand and directly caught a blazing fireball, and then just played with it and watched with a sneer. Warned to the wolves who were frightened back by the sudden fireball and firelight.
‘Are you also a witch? ! ’
The snowy gray wolf, who seemed to be a wolf just now and was kicked hard by Annie, was hiding behind the wolves slyly and had to squeeze away the wolves again, and then walked up nervously. Little Annie's hesitantly tentatively asked such a sentence.
Their owner is a witch, and they are also good at ice magic and various magical witchcraft, such as petrified enemies?
So, seeing the little weirdo in front of them actually grabbed a large fireball that was hit by the heat wave, it was easy to guess the identity of the opponent.
"Speaking is good!"
"Hurry up and lead the way, I'm going to meet your queen!!"
I found that these wolves showed a humane expression and retreated in fear when they saw that they caught the fireball, and that the wolf that looked very like a two-half was also as capable as the two beavers she encountered. After communicating, instead of continuing to rush to move her mouth, Annie was satisfied to catch the fireball, and pointed to the ice castle's door to the other party.
‘! ! ’
‘You want to see our queen? ! ’
Unexpectedly, when someone dared to meet their own queen, the wolf was obviously a little surprised. But soon, after remembering that the other party seemed to be a witch, it nodded suddenly.
o(`^??)o Humph!
‘Hmm......I’m sorry, since you are a witch, you are naturally entitled to see our queen... But I can warn you, that might not be a good thing? ’
‘Humph! ’
I was watching the door and slept well, but inexplicably was kicked by the other party. Until now, the dizzy wolf was thinking for a while, and then suddenly raised his head, seeming to be sensing or listening. After reaching a certain sound that only their wolves can hear, they turned around groaningly, and signaled the wolves to leave a passage, and then led Annie to the cave like a cave made of stone and ice. Walked in the huge ice castle.
Soon, under the leadership of the wolf who was kicked by herself and looked like Erha, Annie quickly walked into the hall of the castle and finally saw it. That seemed to know herself. Arrived, and I sat on the throne covered with white bear skin for a while, smiling and looking at her ice queen Jandice!
(Respected little master! The little one dislikes that witch very much. She knows that it is that kind of evil guy at a glance... Or, you let the little one out and let the little one eat her?!
Tibbers has blown up his hair. There is no doubt that it does not like the white witch sitting on the throne and laughing at all! The reason is nothing else, just because the opponent's cushion is the fur of a white bear, that's enough for it to jump out and bite the opponent to death. )
However, Annie ignored the muttering of a certain bear, but continued to walk forward in this cold palace with huge icicles, as if dug out of a large block of ice.
She was so defenseless, step by step up the frosty steps that radiated cold air, and finally stood still about five steps away from the woman who was sitting on the throne with a smile, and just blinked like that. The curious blue eyes looked at the aunt who was looking at her with a smile and looked very beautiful.
"Hello there……."
Finally, the very beautiful woman, the white witch Jandice, got up from the throne after looking up and down the little Annie.
"Nice to meet you, strange little witch..."
"I just felt a completely different magical power from you in the world of Narnia, you...should not be from our world, right?"
The white witch smiled and took two steps forward. When she got closer to the little girl, she smiled and asked.
"Gosh! You are so tall..."
When the Snow Queen and the White Witch stood up and walked around her, Annie finally realized that the other party was actually taller than she had just imagined? Sure enough, that Mr. Beaver said that the other party has the blood of giants is definitely not bragging! Because, even if you look at it roughly, Annie can figure it out. The other party is at least as high as two meters, three or four?
What made her feel a little more surprised was that even though the opponent's height was very high, the proportion of the opponent's body did not look bloated at all or the frame was huge. On the contrary, it made people have a pleasing sense of symmetry, just like a beautiful one. Big sister has been enlarged proportionally?
Moreover, from the lines of the opponent's crown, robe, eyes, lips, etc., Annie seemed to realize that she was probably deceived by the two Mr. Beaver and Mrs. Beaver! Because, the white witch in front of her, the first impression that the other party gave her was an amazing queen that made her want to get close to?
Anyway, hearing is fictitious, seeing is believing, especially the magical induction of the white witch in front of her, so that Annie can't produce the slightest feeling of evil at all! Because Annie herself is a mage or witch, and she knows that she has an extraordinary ability to sense magic power. The fluctuations in the magic power of a mage or witch often represent some of the other's attributes, and at this time, The white witch in front of her, the feeling this Snow Queen gave to Annie was:
Peaceful, cool and quiet, just like the snow and ice covering the mainland of Narnia with thick snow?
And a witch who can possess such a magical power, she definitely does not believe that the other party will be the kind of evil, tyrannical and cruel vicious woman Mr. Beaver said! If it is, the other party's magic power will definitely speed her up, and in this matter, she firmly believes that no one can deceive or conceal her in front of Queen Anne!
"Hello! I am Jandice, the White Witch of Icecrown Citadel, the Snow Queen of Narnia..."
"Little witch, who are you and where are you from?"
Seeing that the other party just looked up at him with emotion, and made sure that the other party was also a little witch and not the sons of Adam who was subverted by a lion in the language and wanted to kill him, I also had some good feelings inexplicably. The white witch Jandice squatted down with a smile, squatted in front of the opponent, and then took the opponent's hand and asked.
However, even if she squatted down, her height was much higher than that of the little girl, so that the little guy still needs to look up at her, but she doesn't need to be as strenuous as before?
"Good for you too!"
"People's name is Annie, Anne Hasta, from the world outside Narnia, but you are not right to call them a witch, because their true identity is a mage, one of the most The most powerful arcane archmage!!"
After correcting the opponent, Xiao Annie spit out her tongue playfully.
At this time, she had completely forgotten her purpose of "defeating the evil witch and saving the world of Narnia" before bidding farewell to Mr. Beaver and coming here, and no longer wanted to care whether the other party was really evil or fake. I just want to have a good chat with each Hasta? ’
'I don’t know why, I always think it’s a very magical name... Forget it, little guy, come on, come here... Since you can come to Narnia, why I can find my ice castle. As the host here, I must treat you well...'
‘It’s been a long time since I saw another wizard, we should be able to have a good chat. ’
After that, seeing that the other party did not contradict her, and that she also liked the little witch, Jandice gently hugged the other party, and then held it so that the other party’s small sat on her arms. When I was inside, I smiled and turned to my back garden behind the throne that never allowed outsiders to enter, and walked to the back garden of ice crystals that was full of colorful rays of light.
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