Chapter 1070: (*^?^*)Hi~! Hello Sister Bouma, and...

'hateful! ’
‘What the is the alien’s technology? Why can’t this screw be screwed back after it’s been removed... But, I didn’t seem to have taken it back wrong just now...’
‘Forget it, don’t care! ’
‘I’d better just solder it on, it might be faster? ’
In Immortal Turtle’s hut, after the Saiyan Raditz came to the earth to make trouble and was successfully killed by the Demon King Piccolo with the'Magic Light Kill Cannon', the other party kept wearing this similar Things like half glasses that can accurately detect an individual's combat power and distance position naturally fall into the hands of the talented and capable Miss Bulma.
However, although this alien gadget is not bad, its language and number system must be completely incompatible with the numbers and language of Bulma and others who write on the earth, and they must not be used directly!
Fortunately, this kind of little thing can't stop her genius Miss Bulma! Because, who has developed a similar Dragon Ball radar, is it not too difficult for her to understand the magical and advanced alien technology in front of her?
'what! Get it done! ’
‘After replacing the language module, it should be almost usable, right? ’
Beep~! Beep~!
Isn't this?
After the talented Miss Bulma disassembled and studied this alien Saiyan technology for several days, she probably figured out the principle, and through her own tricks, it was very It was soon remodeled and successfully worn on his left ear, allowing its eyepiece to display a strip of automatically detected digital information in front of his left eye.
'perfect! ’
‘Sure enough, I’m done, I know that my Miss Boomer has always been a great genius! ! ’
‘Hurry up...’
‘? ? ? ’
Bulma, who just wanted to share the joy of her heart with her companions, turned her head and saw two nasty big and small bald heads sleeping on the sofa and table beside them. No one cares about her.
Da~! Da~! Da~!
‘You guys, people stayed up all night and have been busy all night, but you are sleeping here? ’
‘That’s how you treat the hard work of others? ! ’
'Wow! ! ’
'it hurts! it hurts! ! ’
( ̄△ ̄)
A series of gunshots sounded inside the turtle fairy's hut, and successfully surprised a little girl who was coming here from another Kung Fu world on another earth.
"Tibbers, are you sure... the powerful big sister in the house below who is shooting the big bald head and the little bald head with a gun, is the young lady Bouma we are looking for?"
Although it has been basically determined, now Xiao Annie always feels that the other party has changed a little bit, so big that she almost can't recognize it, and she has become fierce... Sure enough, she was right to choose not to grow up. Look at the guy inside, how pretty, cute and gentle before, but now?
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
(Tibbers doesn’t want to speak, because someone inside is the one that the messy little master wants to find, someone already knows very well in her heart! She is just asking knowingly right now. , It won't take care of her!)
"Okay! It's coming anyway, let's go and say hello to Big Sister Bouma?"
After speaking, Annie landed from the sky in an instant, and gently landed on the golden beach of Guixianren Island. Because she intends to surprise the sister Bouma, she wants to see how surprised the other person sees herself after opening the door, so it must be necessary to approach quietly.
"Look at what to see, and then see and eat you!!"
At the moment she landed, she first used unidirectional words to unkindly move towards someone who had just found her and looked at her, with a trace of doubt and surprise on her face, apparently an old turtle who still recognized her. Glancing hard, and at the same time not forgetting a vicious threat, she was so scared that the other party ran into the sea to hide, and then Little Annie triumphantly carried her little bear Tibbers, step by step towards the turtle fairy hut Go to the door.
"You two guys..."
‘Old Turtle, stop yelling, I know you guys can’t be killed with a gun, come here! ’
‘! ! ’
‘What do you want to do? ’
'To shut up! Honestly stand here, yes! Just stand up, let me use this combat effectiveness tester to test your combat effectiveness! ’
Beep~! Beep~!
‘Really awesome, turtle... Teacher Wutian, your combat power is 139...’
‘139? It's great, can the hidden power come out? ’
‘! ! ’
‘Bulma! fast! Quickly test me and see what mine is? ’
'you? ’
‘Kulin, your combat power! There are as many as 206! ! ’
‘206? really? ! ’
'I said old man tortoise. It seems that you have really read too much of that kind of publications recently. Look, your apprentice Kulin’s combat effectiveness is much higher than yours. How did you become a master? of? ’
'what! Am I even taller than Teacher Wu Tian's? awesome! ! ’
‘Bouma, I think that machine must have been repaired by you. In the past few days, especially after you came to my house, I have stopped reading those publications...’
‘Old Turtle, what do you mean by that? ’
'Means nothing……'
‘Aha! Teacher Wu Tian, ​​I'm really better than you! ? ’
‘Xiao Lin, as a martial artist, you have to learn to be humble. Haven’t you heard that humility makes people progress? ’
'To shut up! ! ’
‘Hey, stop making noise! ’
‘I’m telling you that the most powerful thing about this combat effectiveness detector is that it can detect individuals with high combat effectiveness on an entire planet, and indicate the location and specific distance...’
‘Those Saiyans are really amazing. In the absence of satellites, with such a small combat power detector, how did they do all this? ’
When Annie walked to the wooden house of Immortal Turtle, and was about to reach out and knock on the door, what she heard was just such conversations from inside.
Therefore, she felt that the people inside seemed to be playing some interesting game. After thinking about it, the big blue eyes gurgled around, and finally did not rush to knock or kick in the door, but continued to play Shengdi stood outside, wanting to hear what the people inside were tossing about.
"Three thousand kilometers from here, there is a guy with a combat power of 250..."
‘Two hundred and five? ’
'I know! That must be Tianjin Fan, he is a little better than me! ’
‘There is a guy over there that is better than the old man, his combat power seems to be 177...’
‘Ahem! Boomer, can you stop comparing those young people with my old man? I am more than 300 years old this year, and it would be nice to have one hundred and thirty-nine battles. ’
‘One hundred and seventy seven? It should be Yamucha, he is a little weaker than me! ’
'Wow! There is a 329 combat force over there. It’s really amazing. It must be the guy who snatched Gohan from Big Demon King Piccolo...’
'Hey? Strange……'
Beep~! Beep~!
‘? ? ’
‘What’s the matter, Boomer, what powerful guy has you found again? ’
'Hey! Boomer? ’
After the hustle and bustle in the house lasted for a while, soon, as a certain young lady Bulma who was playing with a combat effectiveness tester showed a look of astonishment, the two rare and small bald heads who were looking at her together hesitated. Follow the other person's face and look in the direction of their own door.
‘Strange, what's wrong with you, Boomer? ’
‘? ? ’
"The door..."
‘The combat strength tester shows: at the door...there seems to be two people at the door, one’s combat power is 1, and the other is...
‘Someone? ’
‘What’s the combat power? ! ’
‘It’s a full ten thousand, because there are four zeros after the number 1. I’m sure I didn’t count it wrong...’
'what? ! ’
'impossible! There is no such powerful guy on earth. Could it be that the two Saiyans came so soon? ! ’
'and many more! wrong! ’
‘I don’t feel the anger of a living person outside at all! No one is outside! ’
‘Teacher Wu Tian was right, I didn’t feel angry either! ! ’
Soon, there was a burst of chaos and collisions in the Guixian Hut. Obviously, they seemed to be a bit startled by Bulma's words and the instrument she was wearing... But it didn't take long for them to become quiet inside. At the same time as it came down, there were one or two doubtful voices from Guixian Ren and Ku Lin.
"Tibbers, you have to dare to make trouble secretly again, be careful that others will beat you later..."
Obviously, Annie also discovered that a certain nasty little bear in her hand secretly exuded a little bit of power at this time, as if it was deliberately detected by the big sister Bouma in the room? So, at a glance, she could see through that some nasty guy was making trouble, so she grabbed her neck and squinted her eyes, warning from the bottom of her heart.
(No way, Tibbers, who didn't want to be beaten, had to quickly reduce the power of the shadows that he had just secretly escaped, turning himself into a slightly normal stuffed bear again.)
‘! ! ’
'Strange! ’
‘What’s up, Bouma? ’
‘? ? ’
‘The guy with 10,000 fighting power outside suddenly disappeared, and now there is only one with only 1 fighting power...’
‘You must have broken the instrument by accident, right? I don’t seem to perceive it alone! ’
'me too……'
'I do not know! But if it is broken, it shouldn't be able to detect your combat effectiveness! You see, when I detect your combat power, it is still one hundred and thirty-nine and two hundred and six! ’
‘What’s the matter then? ’
'I do not know either……'
‘! ! ’
'and many more! Teacher Wu Tian, ​​and Bulma, what we should worry about now, shouldn't it be the important question who is outside? ’
‘Ahem! Kulin, look, Teacher Wu Tian, ​​I have all arms and legs. Why don't you open the door to see who is outside? ’
‘! ! ’
‘Teacher Wu Tian, ​​you obviously still have a fighting capacity of 139. You even killed a big killer whale with your bare hands yesterday. Where is the old arm and leg? This is your house and you are the host. I think it's better to open it yourself? ’
‘But I’m your master, do you understand the principle that master has something to do with his disciples? ’
‘I don’t understand! ’
‘! ! ’
'are you going? ’
‘Don’t go! ’
‘Really not going? ’
‘Don’t go to death! ! ’
'All right! Please stop arguing. It may just be that the instrument is broken. Is it OK for me to open the door? ! ’
‘Really, you two guys...’
Seeing that the two big and small bald heads were still arguing about this kind of trivial matter, Bulma, who thought it might really be something wrong with the instrument, strode angrily, ‘ha! Click! She dragged her pair of beach shoes and walked to the gate in her pajamas. In the two bald heads behind them, they put on the doorknob and opened the gate suddenly.
‘! ! ’
‘? ? ’
When I saw that there was indeed a person standing outside the door, he was still blond, wearing a little red dress, wearing a playful little red hood on his head, and holding a plush toy bear in his hand. After the little girl in the house, the people in the house, including Bouma who opened the door, the Turtle Immortal and Kurin hiding behind the sofa, were immediately stunned.
‘Teacher Wu, Wutian, who is she? ’
'do not know……'
‘But it seems a bit familiar, but for a while, I can’t remember where I saw it? ’
‘Teacher Wu Tian, ​​she won’t be any of your relatives, she looks so cute! ’
'Certainly not……'
'why? ’
‘Because, I’m over 300 years old, and I haven’t married a wife. Except for my sister’s divining mother-in-law, those relatives who I don’t know are already dead! ’
"Ah, what I said..."
Kulin must have never seen Little Annie, and although a certain horrible old man has seen it, so many years have passed, almost twelve years have passed, so at this moment I can’t remember the past. People who made him remember deeply, and even taught him a good meal with lightning, were somewhat natural.
Of course, even if he can't remember clearly, he is always right if he is impressed. He always feels that he has seen each other, but he doesn't seem to be right after thinking about it.
"you are……"
Looking at the deja vu little girl in front of her, Bulma herself was a little confused. I don't know why, she seemed to think of something, but she was not very sure?
After all, time has passed for so long, she herself has changed from an innocent little girl to the mature, and beautiful big beauty now. It is unlikely that the other party is the little guy in her memory. Yes, although the appearance is not bad, the age difference is still too big.
"Hi! Sister Bouma, hello~!"
Just thinking about whether to knock on the door or kick the door in, Anne, when she saw Bourda with a short hair cut open the door and looked at herself questioningly, she greeted him openly and affectionately.
"you are……"
Although the more I look at it, the more I feel that the other person is probably the person in my memory, but Bulma is still a little uncertain.
Think about it, so many years have passed. Even Goku’s son can make soy sauce. If she didn’t see this little guy in front of her again, I’m afraid she would almost never remember being in her own memory. On that first adventure back then, I knew such a person!
!? (??\'\'????)??
"Sister Bouma, you bad guy, have you forgotten everyone? They came back to see you this time!"
Annie pouted angrily, complaining to someone cruel, and it didn't take long for her to completely forget her nasty sister.
Luckily, she thought of the other party kindly before and deliberately came back to take a look at the other party's position, but it turned out that this is the situation? Sure enough, these guys have no conscience when they are big, and even her most important friend has forgotten!
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
(Tibbers wouldn’t say that the horrible little lord of his family didn’t even think of coming here to see anyone, she just accidentally came here by opening a space door, remembering that this world is her. I have been here, and I also remembered that there seems to be a friend called Bulma and Monkey King here, and after a long struggle, I decided to stop by? Yes, by the way, I am definitely not coming back to visit each other, at least making up my mind. Not here before!)
"you are……"
"Oh! God! You really are Annie!?"
Finally, after confirming the identity of the other party, Bulma finally exclaimed, even more surprised than she just saw the presence of a ten thousand combat force outside the door from the combat effectiveness detector!
"The answer is correct, but there is no reward!"
"Where have you been for more than ten years? Why didn't you remember to come back to us until now?!"
Bulma had forgotten some important things that he regretted just now, and hurriedly opened his mouth and asked with surprise and a trace of astonishment.
"You ask where did they go?"
"People have been to many places! But in the last world, they helped a bad guy a lot, and I feel quite satisfied!"
Unexpectedly, twelve years have passed in this world, but Annie didn't care too much about such small things.
As for helping bad guys or something, she didn't care about it, because sometimes, some bad guys are not necessarily bad guys, and some good people do things worse than bad guys? Of course, that kind of digression Annie would definitely not say during this time when friends reunited.
"Hi, hi~!"
"Little girl, haven't seen you for many years, are you okay?"
At this time, after finally remembering and determining who the person came, a certain turtle immortal dangling out from behind the sofa and stepping forward, pretending to be decent and generous towards each other Reached out and said hello.
‘Hello, my name is Kulin, you can also call me Xiaolin...’
Kurin on the side also greeted him, but he soon discovered to his frustration: the little girl just glanced at him, and didn't pay much attention to him at all. It seemed that she didn't even look at him more?
"You too, bad old man with a bare head, do you still like to look at other people's pants as before?"
Annie remembers the bad old man in front of her. When they wanted each other’s dragon balls, the other party still said that they had to look at Miss Bouma’s before they would give it to her. Then she was beaten with fireball and lightning. Finally, he became a little honest, and obediently gave the dragon ball to them free of charge.
"Haha! Um... the weather is pretty good today, little guy, do you want something to eat?"
No way, seeing the other party is still so annoying. When meeting, he said the kind of words that embarrassed him. The choked turtle immortal had to touch his light head awkwardly, and his eyes from Bulma's loose The pajamas were taken back.
'Hey! ’
‘Teacher Wutian, who is she, why have I never seen her? ’
Kulin didn't know who the little girl in front of him was, but he only knew that Bulma and the Turtle Fairy knew each other, and they seemed to be familiar with each other? You know, the social circles of these martial arts masters are roughly the same, and it is impossible that people who both Guixian and Bulma know have no impression at all.
‘Ahem! ’
‘Xiao Lin, she’s the little guy I’ve told you about before that once defeated me. Didn’t Goku tell you? ’
Immortal Turtle is a little surprised, because his two apprentices, Wukong and Kulin, have cultivated in his place since they were young. The relationship between the two is so good. Didn’t that fellow Wukong really talk with Bulma and others on weekdays? Adventure and finding Dragon Ball together?
‘I don’t remember very much, it seems that there is, and it doesn’t seem to be...’
‘But, Teacher Wu Tian, ​​what you said, isn’t it a decade ago, why is she still like this now? ’
‘How does she look like an eight-year-old girl, how old was she when she defeated you more than a decade ago? ! ’
Kulin couldn't help but exclaimed, and successfully attracted the attention of Bulma, who had just wanted to say something important to Annie, and made her exclaim at the same time:
"Yes indeed!"
"Annie! I just wanted to ask: It’s been more than ten years, but Annie, why are you still so short? You don’t know, Wukong has grown into a handsome guy, even with that nasty bad woman. There is a child, but why are you still like this?!"
"Are you a little dwarf who never grows tall like Kurin?"
Even now, even though a few years have passed, Bulma is still a little bit brooding about the fact that Qiqi was the first to take advantage of the handsome Sun Wukong who had been trained with her hard work!
At the beginning, before the'First under Heaven' martial arts meeting had begun, she had seriously thought about whether she should start dating the'monkey' who had a special friendship with her... but what do you think, The martial arts club hadn't ended yet, that guy was snatched away by a woman. After a few years, I will see you again. Everyone is married and have children. Even Sun Gohan can make soy sauce!
That matter, every time she thinks about it, her stomach is full of anger! If she had known that was the case, she would have acted first, and should not be too hypocritical and hesitant.
‘! ! ’
‘Teacher Wutian, I suddenly feel a little disgusted with Bouma...’
‘Me too, she’s getting more fierce recently, it must be because she doesn’t have a boyfriend! ’
‘No wonder Wukong didn’t like her before! Really deserve it! ’
Thinking of the fact that the two of them were fired with a few shots just now when the two of them were still asleep, Immortal Turtle and Kulin began to hide behind them, and the two of them were whispering and secretly speaking bad things about others.
"You two shut up for me!!"
"Annie, look at me, come in and sit down, let's have a good conversation first?"
The words of the two were obviously heard by Bulma, because she was wearing a combat effectiveness tester!
However, she didn't have time to bother about these two wretched masters and apprentices for the time being, so she directly took down the instrument and placed it on the shoe cabinet by the door, and then hurriedly turned to the door with a smile, and counted one of them to almost twelve. The little guy who hadn't seen each other in 2016 was officially welcomed into the house.
"Come on! Let's sit here..."
"That's right! Little Annie, you haven't said yet, what the is going on with you, why hasn't it changed after so many years?"
In this regard, Bouma is very curious and puzzled!
Because after observing for a while, she also saw that, if the other party is of that kind of dwarfism, such as a little Kulin who just said bad things about her, even if he never grows tall, his face, skin, etc. It will change over time!
However, the little guy in front of her, she had just observed carefully, and the other party hadn't changed at all, it was still so white and tender, just like an eight-year-old girl, she did not see any time passing by her at all. trace?
This kind of thing, in her opinion, really feels very rare, even if she has known that the other party is a magician like a divination mother! She has also seen that old lady for divination. She is short, small, frustrated and ugly, and her face looks like a bark. Can she compare to this little guy in front of her?
"Of course there is no change!"
"Because people use a kind of time magic, and they constantly live the time passing in their own body, so they will never grow up!!"
Anyway, Annie doesn't want to grow up, and compared to the super-complex and super-troublesome creatures of adults, she still feels that being a child will be a little happier, because when she grows up she can’t be carefree and fast. Go and play happily!
"Will never grow up? Youth is forever? There are also that kind of good things, show me quickly, what is it like?!"
Slightly widened her eyes, Bulma roused her spirits, and she recklessly planned to move forward, wanting to get from the other person the kind that can make people never grow up, never grow old, and the skin will always be youthful and tender. 'Time Magic'.
"Sister Bouma, don't do anything, it's magic, you can't find it like this!"
"Don't want to lie to me! How can you know that you can't find it without looking for it?"
"With that kind of good thing, how can you enjoy it alone? And, you are a child, you shouldn't use that kind of thing!"
"Quick! Little Annie, we've already been good friends for a long time, why don't you show it to me soon?!"
She is already twenty-six years old this year, she still can’t marry, and she still doesn’t have a reliable boyfriend. Although she is now at her sexiest and most beautiful age, she has faintly sensed that time is passing by. That kind of thing that can keep youth forever, but very, very sensitive!
To be honest, if it weren’t for being told before that she couldn’t easily use Shenlong to promise the wish of
forever youth
that might cause bad things, Miss Bulma even used the Dragon Ball Radar to collect dragon again. Heart!
!? (??\'\'????)??
"Don't dig out people's pockets, it's very dangerous. I will give you something that will keep you young when I have time!!"
Seeing the other party's death, she reached out her hand directly into her pocket, fearing that the other party would get hurt by touching something dangerous, she hurriedly covered her and hid aside.
After all, the kind of eternal youthful items that the other party wants is not difficult for her, big deal, just take out a three-thousand-year-old flat peach! Of course, that was when there were no outsiders, she wouldn't take out that kind of good thing when there were two big and small bald heads.
"I do not believe!"
"It must be inside, what can be dangerous in a small pocket?"
Bulma, wearing loose pajamas, seemed to find the feeling of playing with a little girl back then, so she threw Xiao Annie directly onto the sofa, and then she wanted to reach into the other's pocket to look for.
"There are so many dangerous things!"
She couldn’t remember exactly what Annie had in her pocket. Anyway, all kinds of munitions, weapons, infinite gems, big Ivan, etc., those things that would kill Yes, if the other party accidentally touches it, it will definitely cause trouble.
'quibble! ’
‘Take it out quickly! Haven't seen me for so many years, shouldn't you bring me some gifts for sister Bouma? ’
Bouma still didn't mean to stop, and didn't realize that her loose pajamas had exposed a lot of spring, so that some two wretched bald heads were shown.
"Gift? What gift? Why bring gifts?"
∑(??△`)? !
'hateful! ’
‘I’m such an insincere little guy. He kept saying that he came to visit us on purpose, but he didn’t even bring gifts? ! ’
‘Enlighten! ! ’
"Wow! You! Don't tickle my meat!!!"
Soon, two women who hadn't seen each other for many years, the young and the older ones who didn't seem to be able to make friends, started making trouble in the hall of Guixianren's house.
‘The fighting power seems to be one! ’
‘Teacher Wu Tian, ​​I don’t understand, was your combat effectiveness zero back then? Why can't even beat a little guy like her? ’
As the two women, big and small, were playing and fighting, and after seeing that the combat effectiveness tester just put aside by Bulma was left unattended, after enjoying the springtime of a mature woman for a while, Kulin jumped over and moved It is worn on his ears.
Then, when he saw that Bouma’s combat power was displayed as '3', while the little girl’s combat power value was still '1', he hesitated to smile at someone on the side who was still wretched. Teacher Wu Tian with a combat power of '139' asked.
‘! ! ’
‘You are zero, nothing big or small! ! ’
Snapped! !
Immortal Turtle himself used the wooden crutches in his hand to slam the head of the apprentice in front of him, and then finally retracted his gaze.
Because he feels that good things can’t be seen all at once, and only a little bit every day is good for physical and mental health?
‘Kulin! ’
‘That little girl, she is not as simple as what you see...’
After pondering for a while, Immortal Turtle shook his head regretfully, because he couldn't tell why the other party was so simple.
However, he only knew: Back then, his strength would never be lower than what he is now 12 years later!
Although at that time, he didn't use all his strength, but in the end he really lost... Therefore, he didn't need to guess to know that the opponent's combat power could never be as simple as ‘1’! You know, the fireballs and lightning that the other party used to release in the past are still fresh in his memory, and he never wants to fight the other party a second time!
'not simple? ’
‘Is it possible that her combat power is really ten thousand? But take a look, Teacher Wu Tian, ​​now this instrument is very normal, and the combat power displayed on it is one! ’
‘Don’t ask me, I don’t know about technology! ’
‘Kobayashi! ’
‘What’s wrong, Teacher Wu Tian? ’
‘Remember, sometimes, when we can’t sense it with our eyes and air, we need to see with our heart! ’
‘Mind? what is that? ’
‘! ! ’
‘It’s to make you look more mindful, don’t be confused by what’s in front of you, and watch less good things! ’
Having said that, Immortal Turtle couldn't help but glanced at the spring light exposed under Buman's loose pajamas, then turned his head and taught his apprentice seriously.
‘But I’m not confused...’
'you have! ’
'No! ’
‘What a lack of heart...’
‘? ? ? ’
‘Ahem! I really don’t know how your 200-odd combat power came from! ’
Looking at his apprentice dumbfoundedly, Gui Xianren turned around with anger and walked outside the door with his hands on his back.
Because, since he has guests here today, even if it is the kind of guests he doesn't like very much, he always needs to go out a few times, catch two fish and come back for a little reception.
'I know! ’
‘Teacher Wu Tian, ​​you are jealous that my fighting power is higher than you! ’
However, the turtle fairy did not pay attention to the other party, but still clenched his hands on his back on the turtle shell behind him, and walked to the outer beach with his head swaying.
He didn't want to explain what Kulin said, because there were some things he couldn't say too clearly, and that would be of no benefit to the other's practice! And when the other party can comprehend it by himself, his skill and cultivation will naturally rise to a higher realm.
‘! ! ’
'its not right! Where is my old sea turtle? Where is it? ! ’
However, when Immortal Turtle walked out of the gate, he exclaimed.
Because ah, the old sea turtle in his house that has been sleeping on the beach outside is completely gone at this moment, making him want to take the other party for a stroll and take some seafood back to entertain the guests. The idea has to be lost. ?
‘! ! ’
‘Where’s my turtle? ! ’
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
(Tibbers wouldn’t say to a light-headed old man that the old tortoise has been terribly scared away by the messy little girl in his family’s eyes with a turtle-eating look. I would definitely not dare to come back within.)
No one in the room pays attention to the immortal turtle outside who is cursing and angry with the tortoise, because Kulin is busy studying the fun instrument that can measure the opponent's combat effectiveness at a glance, and Bulma is in After the frolic, I talked quietly with a little girl I hadn't seen for many years.
‘I didn’t expect, Annie, your experience over the years is so wonderful...’
‘But it’s damned! ’
‘Why are you still eight years old after playing so many worlds, but I’m almost becoming an aunt? This is not fair! ! ’
At the beginning, this little guy called himself Miss Sister, and she was only six years older than the other, both of them are young and beautiful girls... But now, when we meet again, the other is still the smart and smart one back then. , The cute and cute pink girl, and what about yourself? But she seems to be an ‘old’ woman in her twenties who is about to run for the third place?
This kind of huge gap is usually nothing, but now that she compares this little guy, don't mention how sad, how sad, how envy and hatred she is! !
"Sister Bouma, who used to like to sleep naked, eat big bad wolf, and Monkey Monkey who likes to pee in your bathtub, where is he now?!"
Now that Miss Bouma from the past has seen it, then, of course, Annie also wants to see what the little kid who went on a little adventure with them back then looks like, right Therefore, she was a little bit expectant.
"Ask him..."
The expression on his face froze, and Bulma didn't know what to say for a while, because it was indeed a sad story.
Annie waited for the other person to talk to herself about the little kid who had a bit of a common language with her at the time, and, if possible, might she find a chance to see him?
"Annie, actually, Monkey King, he is dead, just a few days ago..."
Thinking of the sad thing, Bulma couldn’t help but sighed softly. She had never thought about it. A strong guy like Monkey King would also die... But the fact is the fact, and the other party does. already dead!
"Dead, dead? How did he die?!"
Hearing Sister Bouma's words and the other party's lonely expression, Annie was really surprised. After all, she had never thought about this kind of thing, and was not mentally prepared at all!
"He was killed by Big Demon King Piccolo in order to kill his brother while fighting his brother..."
Although Bulma was not there at the time, but that day, when she started to take the turtle fairy and Kurin to find Wukong and them with the Dragon Ball Radar, what she saw was indeed the other party and the alien Saiyan Raditz. Death on the ground after being pierced through the chest by some terrible attack.
Fortunately, the gods then took away Wukong's corpse, and they also discussed it. After a while, they would collect dragon balls, and then summon the dragons to resurrect their great earth hero Sun Wukong!
"He actually has an older brother? Didn't he say that he had a grandfather named Monkey King?"
"Wait, why did he fight with his own brother? And, before they fight, can't they kill the Big Devil Piccolo first and then fight each other?"
If two brothers are fighting for property or something, then at least they should work together to beat the outsider away, and then fight or negotiate with each other. That would be more reliable, right?
Sure enough, for so many years, the guy who likes bare butts is still so stupid...
"Annie! Things are not what you think!"
"It's a Saiyan. His name is Latiz. He is Wukong's brother. He is going to destroy the earth and kill all the people here? He also wants to invite Wukong to join them, but Wukong is unwilling. I couldn't beat him, so I took the opportunity to let the Demon King Piccolo kill them all together..."
"Goku is the great hero of our planet. He has saved the planet more than once!!"
"After a while, we should use Dragon Ball to resurrect him. If you want to see him, maybe you can wait?"
Seeing that a little guy seemed to have misunderstood something, Bulma hurriedly explained everything she knew, and it took a while to explain clearly.
"It turns out to be like this. It sounds complicated, but fortunately, people are smarter, so I can barely understand it..."
Probably it was a guy named Latiz. The long-lost brother of Monkey King came in the morning and wanted to invite Monkey King to dominate the earth together. But the guy who lacked the heart and eyes of Monkey King was not happy, so they couldn't help but argue It was picked up by a guy named Big Demon King Piccolo!
"During this period of time, you are really wandering around one by one, not the kind of alien planet I imagined, but other parallel worlds?"
"Is magic really that powerful?"
Although Wukong’s death made Bumma very sad, but after knowing that the other party could be resurrected by the dragon, Bumma was relieved to find him. Therefore, now she is more concerned about the things of the little guy in front of her, especially That magical experience and magic of the other party!
Of course, there is also the ‘forever youth’ thing she was clamoring for before!
"Of course there is!"
"Then Annie..."
When Bulma was about to continue talking to Little Annie, who hadn’t seen each other for more than ten years, suddenly, the sound of aircraft engines outside shocked them, and she had to stop and turn to the outside suspiciously. Look, want to see who will come to Guixianren's hut at this time.
'what! ’
‘Bouma, it seems that someone is coming outside again, his combat power is 52….. It’s amazing? ’
The combat effectiveness at fifty-two is obviously not very strong, at least compared to Guixianren or Kulin himself, then it is definitely not enough! However, compared to the single-digit combat power of ordinary earthlings, as well as the Bulma in the house and the little girl with only a poor combat power, it must be insurmountable and invincible!
Therefore, when Culin said that the other party was quite good, he definitely didn't talk nonsense.
'what! ’
‘The distance is getting closer, his speed is very fast, it should be a flying machine...’
'what! He landed...’
Kulin, who was playing with the combat effectiveness tester, yelled. Obviously, that kind of data-specific instrument can only rely on the induction air machine to sense the enemy’s presence, position, distance, and strength. For people, it is still a very novel thing.
"I heard and saw it, and I still use you to detect it?!"
After glaring angrily at a little bald head, Bulma stood up angrily, walked to the door, opened the door as soon as possible, and saw someone outside who was talking to the old man of Guixian. Fatty.
‘It’s good if you are all here! ’
'I’m Yaqilobe, and I’m here to preach for the Kalin immortal: He understands the situation here and the alien Saiyan’s coming to Earth. Therefore, he hopes you, Yamucha, Tianjin Fan and Dumplings will report to him immediately! ’
‘Because the gods have to train you personally! ’
‘Of course, there is also me...’
After discovering that there is not only the immortal turtle, but also the little bald-headed Kurin, someone with long black exploded hair, wearing a samurai uniform and a sharp blade slung on his waist said impatiently.
‘? ? ? ’
'really? ’
‘Good, good! I know, I will call everyone to go to Kalinta as soon as possible...’
Unexpectedly, there would be such a good thing hitting his head. After seeing Immortal Turtle nodded quietly at him, Kurin stammered and accepted it.
'well! ’
‘Then I’m leaving, remember not to be late! ’
After that, the very impatient fat warrior planned to climb onto his dangling aircraft and was about to leave here.
'correct! ’
‘There’s one more thing, the gods have asked me to tell you: You can go collect dragon first, but you are not allowed to resurrect Monkey King before the enemy arrives! Because he is now cultivating in the underworld, so don't disturb him! ’
‘For the specific situation, you can ask the divination mother-in-law, and she should still come to tell you something to pay attention to! ’
'so I……'
‘? ? ? ’
However, the fat Yaqilobe had just climbed into the aircraft, and before he had time to start the engine, he found that the other side of the ocean was humming with the sound of the aircraft’s engine, as if someone was following him. Same, driving the aircraft towards this side at high speed?
‘There are two people rushing at high speed, one’s combat power is 36, the other is come today’s one by one is not bad, right? ’
‘Who are they? ’
Knowing the average level of the combat effectiveness of the Earthlings in the Alien Saiyan combat effectiveness tester, Kurin is very curious about those who have dozens of combat effectiveness. After all, it is as powerful as himself, but It is only two hundred, not much stronger than those people.
‘Don’t guess! ’
‘That’s Kiki and the Bull Demon, this is terrible...’
As the opponent's aircraft flew at high speed, the turtle fairy wearing sunglasses had already seen at a glance whether the one sitting above was broken.
‘! ! ’
‘Teacher Wu Tian, ​​I’m really sorry, I haven’t come to see you for so many years...’
‘How are you recently? ’
When that beautiful and very colorful aircraft drew on the wing of Yakilobe dangerously and stopped on the beach, the burly, sturdy, and sturdy man with a horned helmet on top of it was the first time. He jumped down and knelt down towards the immortal turtle with an unnatural expression and asked an apologize.
"Ah, Bull Demon..."
‘I’m fine, you should get up quickly...’
Immortal Turtle didn’t have time to pay attention to his big apprentice, who hadn’t seen him for many years. He just looked at the one who was jumping off the aircraft with an uneasy look. Look at the beautiful young woman Qiqi who has a deep hatred of the fairy.
'Humph! ! ’
‘Turtle fairy! Goku and Gohan must be hiding in your house, right? Hurry up, let them get out and see me! ! ’
With her hips akimbo, she glared fiercely at Immortal Turtle. After seeing the other person’s heart straight, Qiqi squinted her eyes and kept looking at the other person’s cabin to see where her husband and son were hiding. local.
'That one……'
"This, this..."
Immortal Turtle obviously doesn't know what to say, because he knows that once such things are said, things will definitely happen!
‘Do you still want to cover up for them? Ask them to come out and see me! ! ’
'That one……'
'Ok? ! ’
'in fact……'
‘Actually what? ! ’
‘Gohan has been taken away by Demon King Piccolo...’
‘! ! ’
'what? ! ’
‘What about Goku? What is that guy doing, how could he let the Big Devil Piccolo take my son? ! ! ’
Almost yelling, Qiqi rushed to the front of Immortal Turtle, and asked with the fancy floral shirt of the other party.
'This one……'
"Big sister, are you looking for Monkey King?"
"His fellow, hasn't he been killed by Big Demon King Piccolo for several days? Don't you know?!"

At this time, a certain little girl who was not too big of a problem finally rushed behind the door to reveal half of her head, and then directly said what she knew without embellishment.
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
‘! ! ’
Finally After hearing the innocent words of the strange little girl, the black-haired heroic girl who was still furious and dared to grab the old man's collar and yelled at her. Turned over and fell directly on the golden yellow sandy beach...
'what! ! ’
‘Kiki? ’
‘Kiki, wake up, things are not as bad as you think! ’
‘Kiki? ’
Suddenly, a group of people, except for a little girl who accidentally said the wrong thing, all became confused.

(????╰╯`??)?? Ask for a ticket?? (????╰╯`??)
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