Chapter 1079: ?("?□?)/(&qu…

Chapter 1079: ?("?□?)/(&qu…
    ’The annihilation team has been launched! ’
  ‘Viking fighter! ’
  ‘You can attack now, the flight channel in front has been cleared, please be careful! ’
  ‘Over! ’
In King Pilaf’s warship hangar, Admiral Ahxiu led the dozens of universal shuttle-shaped small fighters in the universe and planets under King Pilaf’s hand, screaming and ejecting out of the hangar, making the whole hangar very After quickly becoming empty, the two Viking fighters of Xiao Anni and Xiao Alale were at the end, looking bloated, awkward, and huge, which barely met the conditions for attack.
   "Really, they are so slow, people have been waiting for almost ten minutes!!"
   Arale is really very, very dissatisfied with the fact that the hangar runway in the spacecraft has only been emptied and let them attack one last time! Because, based on speed, it seems that their Viking fighters can no longer keep up with the enemy's missed small ball vehicle that is making an emergency landing on Mars?
Of course, although that is the case, Arale is still excited to start the large fusion reactor of the Viking fighter, and let it start to provide powerful energy for the four low-pressure bypass particle turbines behind the Viking fighter, so that those The turbines began to provide thrust to the Viking fighter, which was relatively large in mass and size, and slowly turned the nose, aiming at the exit of the flight channel.
Soon after, Arale pressed a button in the cockpit of the fighter plane to put the fighter plane in a state of waiting to take off. She was ready to wait for Miss Anne in front to take off and clear the runway before flying out of the outer space with her ass. Go in space.
   "Sister Annie, can't you take out those beautiful Gundams? These Viking fighters look so ugly and dumb. They are not beautiful at all!!!"
   Seeing that Miss Anne in front was ready to attack, Arale still insisted and pleaded again.
Although, not long ago, she accidentally broke one of them, something called "Freedom Gundam", but she knew that Miss Anne’s magical space was in her pocket, but it was still enough. There are quite a few of them, and there will be no big problem if you take them out and let them go one by one.
   "No! Arale, don't think about hitting my "Gundam" ideas, because I definitely won't let you touch them again!!!"
   At this time, Annie finally adjusted the posture of her fighter plane, so that the forward direction of the fighter plane was aimed at the open attack port, and she was ready to attack at any time.
   After hearing the opponent's refusal through the contact channel in the fighter plane, Arale asked with some dissatisfaction.
   "Because, I'm afraid they will be ruined by you bad guy again!!"
The Gundams in Annie’s own hands are actually not impossible to build more. As long as the drawings and related data are transmitted to the Kepulu region, she can guarantee that there will be as many as they need, and they are still more advanced. The one that is faster, stronger, and comes with a super shield?
However, what Annie wants is not that, because those Gundams are very commemorative limited edition'hands' for her, so she won't touch them casually, especially It was someone who had broken the head of freedom, and had a terrible criminal record!
   "Sister Annie, aren't you afraid of the Viking fighter being broken by me?"
   In fact, more than one Viking has been damaged by Arale. She remembers that, counting the one she is driving now, it should be the third one, right?
   "Not afraid!"
   "But why is that?"
  Allale is puzzled...
   "Because ah, they are mass-produced! You can go back to the star area to get it after you hit it. There are many such things, and there are as many as you want!"
  ?? 乛?? 乛??
Yes, individual combat aircraft such as Viking fighters, and even larger battleships or battleships, etc., in the eyes of the guys in the Kepru District who like to fight and occupy the territory, they are nothing but They are just ordinary consumables that have been modularly produced for a long time. As long as they have resources and metals, they can create a large number of various war equipment in a very short time. There is nothing rare at all.
   "Wow! You are so cunning!!"
   "Hey! Sister Annie, wait for me first!!"
  ‘Ala Lei, attack! ! ’
Arale originally wanted to say something, but when she discovered that the Viking fighter controlled by Miss Anne in front did not say hello to herself, it flew out and quickly disappeared into the dark universe outside. After entering, she was anxious, and suddenly stepped on the energy output pedal, directly stepping on the pedal to the bottom!
   boom~! !
After the four low-pressure bypass particle turbines received the powerful energy, they made a huge roar and exploded at the same time four thick and long fiery red high-speed particle streams, burning the metal cabin of the spacecraft behind her fighter plane. At the moment when the wall was red and about to melt, I rushed forward violently, causing the metal tires of the fighter aircraft with the brakes to rub against the flight deck at high speed, sparking terrifying bursts of sparks, and then rushed out in an extremely exaggerated posture. And quickly disappeared into the dark space ahead...
  ‘Damn it! Was she crazy just now? ’
'may be? ’
  ‘Look at these! ’
  'The locking device of her warplane's jump wheels has not been unlocked, and she is still in the hangar directly. When the warplane is in standby mode, she uses such a large power to boost output. Does she want to blow it directly in the hangar? ’
  ‘Fortunately everyone just got far away, otherwise it would be bad! ’
  ‘Isn’t it? ’
'Hey! It's really messy...’
  ‘I think the spaceship was shaken by her just now, maybe it’s all changed tracks! ’
  ‘Everyone, don’t know why, I always have a bad feeling? ’
  ‘Okay, don’t talk about it. The hatch is closed now, and the air will be filled in later. Quickly take a fire extinguisher to cool the bulkhead and deck, otherwise it will cause a fire later! ’
As the exit hatch of the flight passage slowly closed, the hangar ground crews wearing fully enclosed spacesuits faced the side that was burned red by the engine particle stream and rubbed by metal tires, and there was a clear melting gully. The deck started emergency maintenance and used those fire extinguishing equipment to cool down and get busy.
Soon, with the last two unused Viking fighters attacking, this space battleship belonging to King Pilaf, this spacecraft floating in the dark universe and orbiting along a certain track, finally became quiet again. Come down.
  ’Report to King Pilaf! ’
'Ah Xiu’s fighter squad has all sixty multi-purpose space fighters attacked. The two Viking fighters of Master Anne and Arale also followed up. It is expected that they will succeed in the vicinity of the Martian atmosphere in half an hour. The enemy is intercepted! ’
  ‘Please give instructions! ! ’
When all the fighters had attacked, the beautiful and heroic Admiral Xiao Wu under the loyal man of the Earth King Pilaf walked into the bridge and stood upright at the man sitting on the high throne. King Pilaf, who was short, blue-skinned and wearing a small round crown, reported.
  ‘I see, Xiao Wu, we don’t have to do anything now, we just need to wait...’
  ‘That alien, he can’t escape, he’s dead, he can’t go anywhere without a spaceship! ’
'Hum hum……'
   Pilav laughed triumphantly.
   For the perfect interception and ambush that he personally planned and directed this time, King Pilaf expressed his great satisfaction! Because this undoubtedly successfully demonstrated his super-high organizational ability and command and combat ability, and it is undoubtedly the recognition of his ability as the earth king.
Soon, he will prove to all the people on earth that if you want to save and protect the earth, you can't just rely on those unruly martial artists. What he can do and do is nothing better than them. Those martial artists are worse!
  ‘But, King Pilaf...’
  ‘The enemy’s remnant spacecraft is making a forced landing on Mars, and the crash point...It seems that the Noah’s Ark base of the capsule company is not too far away. What should we do, should we notify them in advance, let them pay attention to safety or evacuate in advance? ’
As a military officer, I don’t know why, Xiao Wu always feels that the universal capsule company’s Ark base will be a security risk, because it is related to whether they can successfully wipe out the last alien invader on Mars. So, she quickly reported this important matter.
'Humph! ’
  ‘It’s too late to inform, those guys who will only cause trouble, forget it, don’t worry about them! ’
  ‘Let Ashiu continue to attack! ’
'There is no oxygen on Mars, and there is no stable liquid body of water. The carbon dioxide-based atmosphere is thin and cold. As long as our pursuit troops can destroy the alien's spacecraft, he must be on it for long. ! ’
Based on the existing intelligence and the conclusion drawn by the spacecraft research of the previous alien Saiyan Raditz, King Pilaf dares to be 100% sure, even if the remnant alien has related oxygen dimensions. The production device must not last long, because those enemies don’t seem to have the kind of portable universal capsules that they have on earth?
   So, they only need to completely destroy the opponent's spacecraft. It would be better if they could kill the opponent directly on Mars. It doesn't matter if they can't kill them, because they are crowded and they can definitely trap each other!
'Yes! ’
'I understand! ! ’
   stood at attention again and bowed to King Pilaf, the heroic female officer Xiao Wu nodded and turned and left the bridge, and went to the relevant cabin outside to command and dispatch.
At this time, in this grand canyon of Mars, in this huge canyon cave formed by meteorites or other weathering and corrosion reasons, the "Noah's Ark" led and constructed by the Earth's Universal Capsule Company took emergency refuge. In the base, the staff are wearing heavy spacesuits and busy debugging the houses that have been transformed by the universal capsule, and try to connect them with closed channels, and then connect them big and small. Is your house connected into a community, or even an entire small enclosed city?
Yes, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a city, because in this hidden temporary base located in a canyon cave, there are at least hundreds of houses of various sizes and nearly 10,000 people on Earth. Plus more animals!
Everyone here, including Dr. Breff, is still immersed in their own affairs, and has no idea what is happening in the outer space outside the thin carbon dioxide atmosphere of Mars, until their passive civilian use. They were finally alarmed after the radar spotted a small sphere of flaming smoke bursting into the Martian atmosphere.
  ‘Have you seen that, what was the one just now? ’
'do not know……'
  ‘Call up the video to see? ’
'no problem! ’
'this is……'
  ‘The big thing is bad! ’
  ‘Quick! Go and inform Dr. Breff! ’
  ’! ! ’
  ‘I heard something new happened again? ’
'Yes, sir! ’
  ‘We just saw a group of flying shuttle fighters chasing a small spherical spaceship? Anyway, they chased the fallen spherical spacecraft to the new plain not far from us...’
  ’Spherical spaceship? ! ’
  ‘Yes, Mr. Manager, is there any question? ’
  ‘Damn it! Let Dr. Breff come here right away! ’
  ‘I’ve sent someone to call. He’s now debugging the oxygen manufacturing plant in the experimental area. The communicator doesn’t seem to be attached. I’ll have to wait a while to get here...’
  ‘What’s wrong, Mr. Manager, is there any problem? ’
  ‘I don’t know, let’s wait for the doctor to come! ’
Soon, the entire Mars "Noah's Ark" base became slightly chaotic, because more and more people heard the bad news from the security room, although most of them did not know that. What does it mean, but they only know: even if they hide from the earth to Mars, here, this'Noah's Ark' does not seem to be as safe and reliable as its name?
At the same time, on the earth, in Guixianren’s hut, a lot of people, such as Kulin, Tianjin rice, dumplings, Yamucha, Piccolo, Monkey Fan, Guixianren and Bulma, are waiting boredly. , They waited from morning to afternoon, but they still didn’t wait for the appearance of the aliens they wanted to wait for.
  Waiting in the unknown is a long process, and at the same time, it is one of the most tormenting things... Therefore, Kurin, who was originally nervous, finally couldn't help it.
   "Damn it! Are those aliens coming? We've been waiting for them for a long time and haven't eaten lunch. Do we even have to eat dinner together before they come?!"
Earlier, Kulin and the others just found something to fill their stomachs. They didn’t have lunch at all, and no one was in the mood to cook lunch... But now it’s better, the time is up in the afternoon. At 15:21, but as a result, the enemy did not even appear, and they did not perceive the breath of any powerful foreign enemy at all?
   "I'm hungry, I'll go find something to eat first, and you will notify me when the bad guys are here, although I may not go to death with you..."
Standing on the side with his fat arm, after waiting for a long time, Yaqilobe, who was already a little impatient, snorted, turned his head and walked to Guixianren’s hut, ready to search for Guixianren’s refrigerator to eat directly. Things go.
   "Tianjin Fan, what do you think?"
Yamucha first glanced innocently at the Bulma who didn’t know what to say to Kiki, and felt that he didn’t have the shame to move towards him, so he looked at him and still had no expression on his face. Still some cold Tianjin fan asked.
   "The words of Lord Realm King and Monkey King should not be wrong, but there are still more than eight hours today. We have no other choice but to wait..."
Looking at the dumplings, which were already sleepy and sitting on his shoulders, Tianjin Fan didn’t have a good idea about it. After all, Lord Jie Wang just said that the enemy will come today, but I don’t know exactly when it will arrive. , And they couldn't take the initiative to contact each other, so besides continuing to wait, he really didn't have any good ideas.
  ‘Gohan, have you really figured it out? The earth can live without you, but mother and I can't live without you, you are only five years old...or else, you can go with your mother later, let's go to Mars, go further, and never come again! ’
   "Yeah, Gohan, grandpa is also a little bit reluctant to bear you..."
  ‘Gohan! If you want to leave, just leave, anyway, they think they can't beat it. Why are you doing this? ’
  ‘Gohan? ’
  ‘Young people, they’re right. You really should go with us. Look, even my old tortoise, who has lived for hundreds of years, didn’t want to die so quickly. Why are you so troublesome? ’
On the other side, the old turtle of the Bull Demon King, Kiki, Bulma, and the Turtle Fairy were waiting a little irritable, and they all spoke together, taking turns to sit on the beach in silence and bow their heads to someone. The Monkey King persuaded.
"I do not!"
   "I must defeat those aliens! If we are all gone, no one will resurrect Dad in a year..."
   "Furthermore, I have the confidence to defeat those enemies that are ten or a hundred times stronger than us!!"
   Sun Gohan didn't look up to his mother and grandfather who were surrounding him to persuade him, he just lowered his head and said dullly, and subconsciously touched the watch on his left wrist.
  He didn't lie. He is different from Uncle Pic and Uncle Culin. His Son Gohan does have a killer skill to defeat those enemies, or is it a little bit certain to defeat those enemies? However, before the enemy appeared, he did not intend to expose his own hole cards too quickly. Some things must be unexpected.
   Besides, he doesn't know whether his assassins are working or not, because he has never actually fought against others. Whether they are working or not, then he still needs to wait for the enemy to appear before knowing.
'Eh? ! ’
At this time, when Bulma was going to persuade Sun Gohan to say a few words so that the other party would leave with herself, Kiki, the Bull Demon King, and an old turtle who was afraid of death, suddenly, her communicator rang. She got up, and then she quickly clicked on her spacesuit and opened the communication that was transferred by the spaceship parked aside.
  ‘Bulma! ’
  ‘Great, are you still on the earth? ’
   The holographic image of the communicator shows Dr. Breff’s head, and it seems that his expression still looks a little anxious and uneasy?
   "Yes, I'm on this island of Old Turtle. I haven't set off yet. What's wrong?"
   "Don't worry, Dad, when the aliens come, I will definitely find a chance to escape. There shouldn't be any big problems."
   Thinking that the other party was worried about his safety, Bulma quickly calmed the other party.
  ‘No! ’
   "Bulma! I just want to warn you, it's best not to come to Mars again, and stop the Ark project immediately!!!"
   "What? Dad, are you sure you are not talking nonsense?!"
   Bulma was a little unbelievable, her voice became louder in vain, and the people who were in position, including Kulin, Yamucha, Tianjin Fan, and Piccolo turned their heads and looked curiously.
'Yes. ’
'I am very sure! ’
   In the screen, Dr. Cliff, who is also wearing a space suit, nodded confidently and said.
   "But, why is this? Could it be that something happened to your Mars base?"

  ‘No! ’
   "What happened then?!"
   Bulma is ready to wait for Kulin and Sun Gohan to fight with the aliens, and when they show their defeat, she hurries to leave the spaceship and leave the earth far away! But what do you think, now her father actually said, let them stop going to Mars?
  ‘This is how things are! ’
  ‘Those aliens, their aircraft seems to have been intercepted, and one of them was shot down on Mars. Now the space fighters that seem to be King Pilaf are fighting those aliens? ’
  ‘I can only tell you so much, then we have to keep the radio silent, otherwise, if we are found by the alien, we will be in trouble! ’
  ‘Buma, you have to be careful when you are on earth, so let’s do that first! ’
   Having said this, Dr. Breff hurriedly shut down the communication, so that the holographic image in the hands of the Bulma spacesuit was unilaterally shut down instantly.
   "How could it be like this..."
   Bulma was a little dazed, and then looked at the same sluggish Sun Gohan, Bull Demon King, Kiki, and a certain dumbfounded old sea turtle beside her, she didn't know what to say for a while.
'Humph! ! ’
  In the distance, Piccolo, who had been silently floating and meditating, suddenly opened his eyes and landed on his feet and stood up and snorted coldly. Obviously, his organs are not the same as ordinary earth people, so he must have heard clearly the conversation between Bulma and Dr. Breff just now.
  '? ? ’
  ‘What’s wrong, Bulma, what happened? ’
  ‘Bouma? ! ’
  Kulin, Yamucha, Tianjin Fan and Guixianren all walked towards Bulma in unison.
Because the distance was too far, and it was on an island, there was interference from the sound of waves and sea wind, so they didn't hear too clearly just now, but vaguely heard that it seemed that Dr. Breff had come out. What is it?
   "Kulin, and everyone, I think I should know why the aliens have not come..."
Looking at the puzzled-faced companions in front of him, Bulma thought for a while, and after tangling for a while, did she use a tone that didn't know whether to cry or laugh, and slowly took herself from her father. The known information was spoken slowly.
   "That's how it is, those aliens, they can't come to the earth now, they seem to be intercepted!!!"
   Spread his hands, Bulma can only explain that.
  ‘Intercept? ! ’
'Who? ’
'Oh my God……'
   After listening to Bulma's words, Kulin, Yamucha and Tianjin Fan three points exclaimed.
   "King Pilaf's space fleet?!"
   Although Bulma has no idea that there is such a force on the earth, it cannot be denied, that fart King Afu, did the other party really do a big thing?
'what! ’
  ’! ! ’
  ‘This...Aren’t they messing around? Have they beaten those terrible aliens? ! ’
   Obviously, Kulin and others know that the army of King Pilaf and the ordinary people under his opponent must be unable to defeat those evil and powerful aliens! In fact, many years ago, King Pilaf couldn't even beat that old Piccolo, and was almost killed?
   But it's better now. Those guys are able to endure, and they still don't learn their lesson. They dare to find trouble with those terrible enemies that are countless times more powerful than the old demon? !
"I do not know then……"
   sighed, Bulma could only cast a helpless look at the companions in front of him.
Because she is also on earth now, if her father had not sent this message to her, I am afraid she would still be kept in the dark like these companions, and stupidly waiting for the aliens here. Coming?
However, the news now is not good news. After all, she has no way to find out what is happening on Mars, and she is even more afraid to find out. She can only stay here and pray silently for that Pi King Ralph can succeed, and pray that her father and their base will not be discovered and safe and smooth.
  '? ? ’
  ‘What were you arguing just now, don’t you plan to prepare dinner? ! ’
At this time, Yakilobe, who had just walked to the house to look for something to eat, suddenly popped up holding a large bag of potato chips, and was a little angry at a certain group that he knew what to do when waiting for the sun on the beach. The guys who didn't do it complained.
He was already hungry at noon. If there is nothing to eat in the evening, he would have to leave first. Then, he would not care about those aliens. He would be hungry when he was hungry. Under the circumstances, I will not go to death!
   However, now everyone who got the latest news about aliens, no one is in the mood to pay attention to him.
   rumbling rumbling...
   Mars, on this desert-like planet full of sand dunes and gravel, today has welcomed a new guest! It directly hit this piece of ground composed of sand dunes and gravel at an extremely fast speed, and burst into a big crater instantly.
Surprisingly, at the moment it exploded, an alien wearing a dark brown combat armor with a lavender body and two black long horns on his head carried a flame of energy that burned all over. The alien with the new green combat effectiveness detector on his left eye rushed out of the exploding flames and thick smoke, and steadily suspended in the sky on the side.
  ‘Damn earthlings! I even dared to ruin my Kinyut team, and I will not be able to form a super perfect appearance and victory formation in the future, and I have to reselect the players...’
  ‘Damn it! I will never forgive them! ! ’
Looking at the destroyed aircraft behind him, wearing combat armor and wearing a simple breathing mask, the captain of the Frisat team, Jinyu, flew out, clenched his fists, and watched the sky whistling towards him. The flying shuttle-shaped fighters that came down were indifferent, just a little bit angrily towards the burning aircraft behind him.
  ‘Vegeta must be just like Guise, Likum, Bart, Gudu, and they died in space, right? ’
  ‘Damn it! ’
  ‘It’s really strange to come. How did they know that we’re coming at this time, as if they had set an ambush in advance? ! ’
   Captain Kinyu didn’t know that there is another kind of guy in this universe who knows everything and hides behind the scenes and controls one party, and that kind of existence is called the king of the world!
   Therefore, for these people on earth, it seems that they are premeditated ambush, he really can't understand it! However, it doesn't matter whether you want to understand it or not, because his Captain Kinho survived, and those who dared to attack him with the highest combat effectiveness are only double-digit scum, they will definitely pay the price! !
  嗖~! Whoosh~! Whoosh~!
   A large number of missiles were splashed down by the shuttle fighters flying at high speed in the sky of Mars, and they bombarded Captain Kinyu who was still floating on the ground from Mars!
   Boom! boom! Boom~!
   A missile quickly hit the target in the low air, and burst one after another, and soon completely submerged the enemy that was locked by them with fire and smoke.
However, when the aircraft were about to fly a little lower to continue attacking or to check the results, in the place filled with smoke and dust, they suddenly shot out strange energy rays, and instantly removed them. Most of them were destroyed on the spot, causing those flying shuttles to explode into fragments in the sky or spin down to the wild Martian ground.
'Humph! ’
  ‘Did you run away? However, I have no time to play with you! ! ’
Seeing those annoying aircraft that chased them all the way and almost shot them down in the universe, they quickly speeded up and fled after being killed most of them by themselves. Captain Kinyu did not chase, but pressed his left eye. The green combat power detector that he brought with him began to quickly scan the conditions of this wild and unsuitable planet.
Because his spacecraft has crashed and exploded and burned, and the simple mask and breathing apparatus he is carrying with him now can last for a very limited time. If he does not want to be trapped and die on this broken planet due to respiratory failure If so, then it's better to find a place where he can live and persist until the rescuers sent by King Frieza arrive?
  ’! ! ’
  ‘Humph! I found out that in the southwest of the city where a large group of lifeforms gather, the most powerful ones are less than 20...’
  ‘Fortunately, very close, I will be there soon! ’
After discovering a place where he could survive, Captain Kinou no longer cared about those flying high in the sky, and attacking the aircraft that was just a waste of energy, instead exploded his energy and Qi, and directly escaped The gravity of the planet flew towards his destination at high speed in the air.
   Those stupid earthlings who thought that this would kill him Captain Kinou would be wrong! Soon, when he finds a way to earth, or when King Frieza's fleet arrives, he will definitely give those scums a good-looking!
  ’! ! ’
'not good! ’
  ‘Your Excellency Ash! He found Dr. Breff and their refuge base, what should we do, do we need to intercept him? ! ’
At this time, the remaining pilots under King Pilaf, who hovered high in the sky on Mars and dared not lower their altitude, immediately confronted their commander in the channel and exclaimed at the dog admiral. Tao.
  ‘No way! ’
  ‘Our loss is too serious. He is very strong. We are not his opponents in the Martian atmosphere! Hurry, retreat immediately and prepare to implement plan B! ! ’
Leading dozens of aircraft out to chase the enemy, but in the end failed to destroy the enemy, let alone say, he also took most of his subordinates in. Seeing that there were heavy casualties, only less than twenty aircraft were left. Dare to continue chasing?
  ‘Understood! ’
'Roger that! Sir! ’
  ‘Hey! ’
   Those pilots who knew they couldn't be hard, knew that lowering the altitude is equivalent to death, they responded loudly, and began to turn around and accelerate away from the atmosphere of Mars along with their commanders.
  '? ? ’
  ‘Whose two strange planes belong to, why not retreat? ! ’
   Suddenly, Ashiu was angry on the channel, because he saw the two small green dots on the radar that belonged to his own target were approaching at a high speed toward the obvious bright red dot representing the enemy?
  ’Report! ’
  ‘That seems to be the Viking fighter of Master Anne and Master Arale? ’
  ‘Hey! ’
  ‘Leave them alone, let’s withdraw first! ’
  ‘Understood! ’
Realizing that it is not his subordinate, Ash is not good to say something, but just led his subordinates to noisily, speeding up to fly into space, preparing to go with the Pilaf kings who are far away from Mars and show them in pursuit. 'Plan B'in the case of failed kills!
'Humph! ’
  ‘A bunch of timid scum, wait, there is a time when you regret it! ’
After discovering from my combat strength tester that the aircraft that had been chasing and intercepting themselves were flying into space and flying farther and farther, they were flying towards the Noah’s Ark refuge base of Universal Capsule Company at high speed. Captain Kinou, who was about to arrive before the oxygen in his portable mask ran out, snorted disdainfully.
He obviously does not have the ability to survive and fly in space, so now, apart from continuing to advance on this tattered planet with a thin atmosphere and arriving at the only place where life gathers earlier and occupying it for the time being, he will temporarily There is no other good way.
  ’! ! ’
  Da! clatter! clatter!
'what? ! ’
Suddenly, Captain Kinou had to stop in the sky, and put his hands tightly in front of his mask, and let the metal bullets with huge caliber, extremely fast speed and great kinetic energy hit him one by one. Armor and lavender skin.
  His battle armor and strong body full of huge energy are definitely not afraid of the shooting of those Gauss bullets, even if they are of large caliber! However, the combat power detector and simple breathing mask on his face were very afraid of being attacked by those backward weapons, so he had to take precautions.
  嗖~! Whoosh~!
After shooting a shuttle, the two aircraft that looked huge and awkward, but were not slow at all, whizzed over Captain Kinho, stopped steadily a few hundred meters behind him, and switched quickly. The posture, turned into two weird robots with a Gatling laser cannon in their hands, a missile launching nest on their shoulders, and a head in the cockpit?
'Listen to the bad guy in front, you are already surrounded by our two Viking fighter sisters. I advise you to surrender immediately and surrender. Otherwise, we will definitely beat you up and put you on your head. Break the two horns and insert them into your nostrils! ’
   "If you surrender now, I will only break one!"
   At this time, without waiting for Captain Kinyu to say something, in the distance, one of the Viking fighters heard loud and arrogant sounds of persuading to surrender.
   "Ala Lei! Who is a sister with you? You are obviously just a little follower of my little bear, you are not a sister!!!"
  ‘Also, didn’t you just say that even if he surrenders, he will be beaten up and cut off both ugly horns? ’
   Soon, another cute voice came from another Viking fighter, and the owner of that nice voice, who is not Annie? !
  ‘Oh! ’
  ‘Sister Annie, don’t make a noise. Didn’t you see that someone is negotiating with that bad guy? If he really surrenders, they won't have to play! ’
   Arale's voice came out again, completely ignoring the thoughts of an alien horn monster who had been completely irritated by their conversation.
'Hum hum……'
  ‘Two poor maggots with only 1 combat power, dare to be presumptuous in front of my Captain Kinho. Who gave you the courage? ’
  ‘Is it your ridiculous fighter? ! ’
   Seeing that the opponent's combat effectiveness is only the lowest value that can be measured by the latest combat effectiveness tester that he wears on his left eye, Captain Kinou ridiculed.
  ‘I will pull you out of your ridiculous weapons, then twist your heads off and stuff them into your ass! ! ’
After looking at the distance between himself and the city where the lifeforms gathered, and then at the amount of air in his simple breathing device, Captain Kinyu, who felt that the time should not be too rushed, decided: to waste a few minutes of time and torture the front Those two poor female creatures with only '1' fighting power?
  ‘You don’t need to twist it, people twist it to show you! ’
   After finishing speaking, Arale in the cockpit of one of the Viking fighters directly tore off his head and made a grimace at the villain alien in front.
  ’! ! ’
  ‘Very good! You successfully angered me, UU reading dregs! Now, welcome the anger of Captain Kinyu, who has a full combat power of 120,000! ! ’
With a black face and no longer caring about Kinho, he roared fiercely, then clenched his fists and burst out with a terrible aura, directly towards the two ridiculous enemy fighters ahead. Rushed over.
'Wow! ! ’
  ‘Sister Annie helped me block him first. My head fell into the cockpit. I can’t see it! ! ’
At this time, one of the Viking fighters belonging to Arale suddenly swayed, and then in the transparent, light blue cabin where you can see the situation inside, a little girl actually left the driving position. , Began to lie to the side and found her head?
   No way, Annie had to lift up the double Gatling electromagnetic cannons of her Viking fighter, and pressed the shooting button towards the head and mask of the alien who rushed over.
   da da da da da da...
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