Chapter 1087: (???????)? Hi~! Uncle 3 also...

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Reach, at 26:30 on the evening of August 11, 2552, there are only less than thirty minutes before 00:00 in the morning of this planet's time zone.
At this time, two "moons", one large and one small, one bright and one dark, are hanging high above the night sky of Reach, making the night here look extraordinarily quiet and desolate...
Under the cover of night and the not-so-bright moonlight, Noble 6 and Noble 3 of the Noble Squad were quietly jumping off a pelican transport plane on this mountain wall in the Viari Mountains, and each other Holding an SRS99 series sniper rifle in his hand, he walked step by step on the rugged and difficult road in the mountains, and walked towards the valley further away.
The mission of the two of them on this trip tonight is to sneak into the valley in the Viery area that cannot be detected by UNSC instruments and satellites, and find the hidden star hidden deep in the valley. Alliance base in order to assess the strength of the Star Alliance vanguard?
Because, according to reliable information, the Star Alliance’s previous attack on the Wisgrad relay station, the attempted raid on the bayonet base, and yesterday’s attack on a paratrooper task force sent out for training, as well as the various clues detected before, all of them The clues all point to here!
Therefore, the UNSC headquarters of Reach mobilized superior ground forces to prepare for a surprise attack here, and in one fell swoop, the Star Alliance penetrated into Reach’s forward base and completely annihilated the enemy in order to ensure the safety of this very important planet. Work is very necessary!
‘Recon Team B reports that Noble 3 and Noble 6 are in place! ’
‘Kate, it’s going to be lively here soon, any instructions? ’
After walking a distance in silence with Noble 6, the leader of Noble 3 used a communication device to take responsibility for the mission. That is, their commander and team member Noble No. Catherine Major No. And nicknamed the other party'Kate', waiting for the other party's mission instructions.
‘You go ahead and scout, we will be there soon! Remember, if you see any suspicious facilities or equipment in the Star Alliance, report it to me immediately. ’
‘You can act directly in advance when necessary! ’
Soon, in the communication between Noble3 and Noble6 came the clear reply and order from Major Catherine of Noble2, and gave the two people relevant instructions to act cheaply, and issued a decisive decision to the two. that power.
'Roger that! ’
'Ah! ’
‘No. 6, take a look, I’ll just talk about it? Every time Catherine is responsible for the execution of the task, we will always be required to act directly! ’
"But this is good..."
'give! Take it, this is a high-speed armor-piercing projectile, you may need this, 14.5x114mm AP-FS-DS shelling-wing high-speed armor-piercing projectile, they can blow the elite's head with one shot from two hundred meters away, ignoring their shield. ’
‘They are much better than the stabilizing bombs used by the little guy Annie at the Visgrad relay station. Of course, their cost is not cheap! ’
After finishing the call with Major Catherine, Noble No. 3 handed a few magazines to Noble No. 6, who was following him, and began to walk forward step by step, preparing to enter a dangerous area where enemy activities might be possible.
‘Annie? ’
‘That little guy, I don’t know what’s going on now...’
After receiving and storing the expensive special ammunition that Noble 3 Jun handed him for assassination and infiltration, Noble 6 sighed and said this.
‘Don’t worry, as long as Zhiyuan has not been beaten by the scum of the Star Alliance, as long as the planet is still under the control of UNSC, she will definitely be fine in New Alexandria! ’
‘Okay, I’m going around from the side of the mountain now to monitor the audience, and you go down here and take care of the guys who are in order. ’
'keep in touch! ’
After speaking, Noble No. 3 didn’t say much, but after a casual response, he quickly crawled over a pile of rocks in front of him, and quickly disappeared into the complex terrain of the Viari mountain stream. , Ran to the front to detect the situation.
‘Reconnaissance Team B, the area in front is too dark for our instruments to detect! ’
‘Maybe the Star Alliance can block our instruments? ’
'possible! ’
‘That’s why the headquarters sent us here, wanting to know what they are hiding in the Star Alliance! ’
‘Noble 6, we need you to keep going, to detect the possible combat capabilities of the Star Alliance ahead and something hidden! ’
'understand! ’
‘Noble 6 received, I’ve already slid down, now I’m going to reconnaissance, over! ’
Noble 6 did not verbose and nonsense in the channel, directly carried the SRS99 special-purpose rifle in his hand and loaded it with ammunition, ready to dive into reconnaissance and attack at any time, and then began to bend over and move forward step by step. Groping and moving fast.
‘Stop, number 6! ’
'There is an elite in front of you, eighty yards away from you, bearing 216, it seems like it is dozing...Go up, be careful, and solve it quietly from behind, I will help you look around, remember not to be alarmed. Those enemies inside. ’
At this time, Noble No. 3, who didn't know where on the mountainside, suddenly reminded him and gave Noble No. 6 an order.
'understand! ’
‘Noble 3, I saw it...’
Of course, Noble 6 saw the one in front standing on the edge of the cliff looking into the distance, and still leaning on the tree motionlessly. It seemed to be a Star Alliance elite who was dozing off. Therefore, he first looked around and found that there was nothing nearby. After more enemies, he slowly carried his sniper rifle on his back, and then quietly took out the saber from the scabbard on his thigh, gently stepped away from the Thor's hammer armor, and began to touch it. .
Obviously, even people from the Star Alliance need sleep even if they are as powerful as the elite, especially now that the time zone of Zhiyuanxing is almost 00:00, think about 27 days a day. The hours are long, then the long nights can be even more difficult.
However, this is also good!
After all, they are here to detect intelligence. If they can sneak in quietly, if they can kill the enemy and complete the mission without disturbing the enemy, it would be best!
Of course, it doesn’t matter even if they fight, anyway, UNSC’s superior ground forces have basically been dispatched, and there will be eight hours to attack here in all aspects. Presumably, even if the Star Alliance guys find their infiltration, it doesn’t matter. There is no more reaction time.
The saber dagger in his hand began to reflect the permeating light under the dim moonlight.
At this time, Noble 6 stopped speaking, but tried to lighten his pace, touched it little by little, and when he was less than three meters behind the opponent, he suddenly violently rushed directly at a very fast speed. He went over and covered the opponent's slightly careless head and mouth.
‘! ! ’
In the next instant, the saber in his hand slammed into the opponent's shoulder and stabbed it in!
Noble 6 had just used the power provided by his Thor's Hammer armor and the tremendous power of his own body to pierce the enemy's neck and throat with a knife and squeeze it fiercely. At the same time, he also found that something was wrong!
Because, he found that the other party didn't make any resistance, and his body was still soft, as if he hadn't recovered? Even before he died, he could not make any more noises, and he also could not feel and hear the faint sound of the other party's blood coming out of the blood tank of the saber?
Therefore, Noble 6 was puzzled. After slowly bringing down the opponent, trying not to cause any big movement, he slowly pulled out his saber and began to quickly check the opponent.
‘! ! ’
‘No. 3, there is a situation! ’
'what happened? ’
‘This elite is dead! ’
‘Nice work on the 6th, but don’t report this kind of thing to me, please keep on scouting! ’
'Do not! I'm not talking about this! ’
‘Huh? What is going on? ’
‘This elite is already dead, and before I did it! I saw that there was a deep wound on its back waist, and it was killed by a sword through its chest! Judging from the size of the wound and the burning traces on the chest, it should be like the energy lightsaber of the Star Alliance, and its blood has been solidified. Calculated based on the temperature of this mountainous area, I judge , It died for at least two hours! ’
‘Okay, maybe it's their own squad fighting, or it may be due to other reasons... But, Major, have you heard the report on the 6th? ’
‘I heard it, please move on, even if there is an internal conflict in the Star Alliance, it has nothing to do with us! Warrant officer, remember our mission, scouting the valley, and if you find new problems, remember to report to me as soon as possible! ’
‘Okay, sir! ’
‘No. 6, please go ahead, I will cover you up, pay attention to safety, maybe it’s really not peaceful here tonight? ’
'understand! ’
The dead enemy will certainly not have much influence on the reconnaissance actions of himself and himself and others, although I don’t know what happened to this dead Star Alliance elite, and it still died in their own elite. Under the lightsaber? However, since Noble6, who didn't understand it and still had a mission, stopped taking care of the other party, but continued to spy forward quietly.
However, what he didn't notice was that the elite behind him, the kind of lightsabers that the opponent would normally carry, were no longer where they were supposed to be... There is no doubt that someone killed Took it, and took its weapon!
The night quietly...
Noble 3 and Noble 6 of the noble team are still scouting step by step.
‘! ! ’
‘Hey, Noble 3, have you seen it all? ’
However, before moving forward for long, Noble 6 had to stop again and once again reported his findings to Noble 3 behind him.
‘Yes, I saw it. ’
‘Start uploading data...’
‘Major, are you still on the channel? Ready to receive the report! ’
‘I’m here, what have you all seen, now you can say. ’
‘Okay, sir! ’
‘Me and No. 6 discovered a small Covenant patrol base. Visually, there may be hundreds of enemies? However, those enemies are all dead now. We are standing here now, and none of them are alive...maybe other friendly forces have come because I saw corpses whose heads were blown by a sniper rifle. Of course, it's also possible that they started fighting on their own, because most of the enemies were killed by the lightsaber, and some had their heads cut off? ’
‘All these make us hate to understand...’
‘So Major, are these what you are looking for? ’
‘Sorry, I have not received any reports of other friendly forces performing related tasks here. Now you continue to investigate further, they should not be what we want to find! ’
'understand! ’
‘No. 6, let’s move on, I think, there should be the answers we need soon. ’
'Roger that! Now keep going, I will make the way ahead! ’
'of course. ’
No way, I saw that the building that was currently occupied by the Star Covenant and was attacked and swept away at least two or three hours ago was all the killed Star Covenant patrols, all the elites, the wealth men and wild boars. After the corpse of the Guru Man, the entire stronghold was completely unnecessary to continue reconnaissance, Noble 6 and No. 3 had to go one after the other, along the spiraling cave path in the mountain, and continue to move forward step by step. Marching.
‘! ! ’
‘Be careful, Noble 6, that’s the biggest land creature on the planet, the ancient tower, if you don’t want to waste a grenade or be eaten by it, you’d better stay away from it. ’
‘What is that? ’
'A kind of extremely dangerous monster, and possibly carnivorous. It has very strong and rare aggressiveness and aggressiveness. It has terrible fangs, sharp claws, strong muscles and agility. Once approached by them, Even our Sparta will be beaten to death by it! ’
‘! ! ’
‘Is it not afraid of bullets? ’
'afraid! But unless you can accurately hit its eyes and the brain inside the eyes in the dark, otherwise, it will be possible to kill it with at least several close-range attacks of the M45 pump-action 8-caliber tactical shotgun! Moreover, a reminder of friendship: Its skull is very hard and tough, shooting at its head will only make it even more angry! ’
‘Then what shall we do now, just look at it? ’
‘Don’t provoke them, take this road here, although we have entered their territory, but at least we have not disturbed them, let them slowly enjoy their own dinner. ’
Noble 6 and Noble 3 slowly retreated, did not dare to provoke the two huge and hideous behemoths in the distance, nor did they dare to look at the corpses of the Star Alliance soldiers being torn in their hands.

At this time, on the top of the hydroelectric power station a little far from the outer patrol camp of the Star Alliance just discovered by Noble 6 and Noble 3, there are a few wild boars guarding here, that is, the kind called by the earth humans as'Guru People's Star Alliance soldiers are on duty here and watch the night.
At this time, a red transportation vehicle with two barrels was parked beside them.
Guru A: "..."
Guruman A: ‘I have a bad feeling! Tonight's night is really too quiet. There seems to be fierce gunfire from the pumping station just below. Isn't anyone going to take care of it? ’
Guruman B: ‘You have always had a bad premonition! You even have a bad feeling about eating breakfast in the morning! ’
Guruman A: ‘Then you tell me what happened to that gunshot? ’
Guru C: ‘Then think about it. It must be the recalcitrant human militias. We robbed their sites, their pumping stations and hydroelectric power stations. Of course, there are also those things called smuggling? So they will definitely plan to grab it back! But don't worry, I heard that they have left a lot of corpses. They will certainly not succeed. ’
Guruman A: "Is it that way? Why do I always feel that the situation is a little different? ’
Guruman B: ‘But isn’t it quiet now? ’
Guru C: "The stupid humans of UNSC must have known our existence, but there are hydroelectric power stations and hidden towers. They don't know how many we have here yet, so rest assured, it's okay, and we have a whole fleet……'
Guru D: ‘That’s right! So our task now is to stay here, guard all the surrounding highlands, and try not to let the UNSC people know how many we are before our more fleet comes. ’
Guruman B: ‘It’s all those troublesome orbital platforms, otherwise we would have wiped out the planet and wiped out the humans! ’
Guru C: ‘I want to sleep, can you stare for a while? ’
Guruman A: ‘Okay, go to sleep, we...what? ! ’
However, just as the wild boar beast, the guy jokingly called the Guruman by humans, was going to continue to say something and let his companion rest, suddenly, a long energy lightsaber pierced its chest. Going out and slashing across, the heads of Guru B and C were cut off in an instant!
‘! ! ’
'Do not! No! Do not kill me! ’
Seeing that his three companions were killed instantly, and seeing that the other party was using a light saber of terrifying energy that only elites could use, the last remaining Guru D ran away in fright, completely absent. Courage then took up the plasma pistol in his hand to fight against the opponent, even if the opponent looked very small and thin, and looked completely different from the ordinary human soldiers he had slaughtered before?
"Want to run?!"
(????????)︻デ═一??呯! !
Because the arm was too short, there was no Annie who could cut down four enemies with a lightsaber. After seeing the funny look of the ugly Guru running thief, she pulled out the sniper rifle behind her back and smashed it with one shot. The opponent's head is hidden in the middle of the double-pillar life-saving capsule, which is very easy to aim at.
"Okay! That's it!"
"Tibbs, now this place has finally been cleaned up by others. After those guys have cooked the moa meat, we will raid the Star Alliance base below the valley when we are full! Then we will find a way to get onto the teleportation tower. On that largest spacecraft!"
Take off the somewhat dull helmets, and sit directly on those grunters who don’t need any special abilities to hit this place alone, and sat down on those grummer’s anti-gravity energy light assaults like small planes. After boarding the artillery platform or vehicle, Annie exhaled and said, looking at the huge Star Alliance base in the distance.
"By the time……"
(????ω????) Hehehe...
After thinking about it, Annie crouched directly on the enemy's vehicle, and began to leaning her short legs on the bridge, and began to wait patiently.
Yes, Annie's purpose is not to clean the patrol bases or occupied hydropower stations outside the Star Alliance. Her purpose is the teleportation tower in the middle of the Star Alliance's main base! Of course, to be more precise, it is the huge mothership that is connected by the teleportation tower in the sky, in the thick clouds and hidden by some kind of technology?
However, she still hasn't figured out how to do it, and how to achieve her goal successfully and reasonably.
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
Since sneaking in yesterday and now thoroughly cleaning several enemy peripheral patrol points, a pumping station and a hydroelectric power station plus a weird energy tower, Annie now feels a little tired, so she is going to just lie down on the enemy’s. On this ground vehicle captured by her, ready to take a comfortable nap, and then his little bear Tibesti watched himself?
clatter! clatter! clatter!
Whoosh! Whoosh!
∑(??△`)? !
"Really, at this time, how come there are gunshots..."
Originally wanted to rest for a while, waited in the middle of the night, and waited until she was full and calm before trying to find a way to mix with Annie in the enemy's largest base. Suddenly, she heard a burst of rapid gunfire from the foot of the mountain.
Among them, there is the sound of the energy guns of the Star Alliance and the UNSC standard rifles! Therefore, she felt that the militiamen were fighting with the enemy again. She had no choice but to jump off the vehicle she had just snatched and carried her 14.5mm SRS99 special purpose sniper. The rifle ran to the other side.
Now she has enough ammunition, especially after the militiamen were saved, they supplied herself with a lot of ammunition, so she felt that she might not need to run down at all, just sniping from the top of the mountain. , Anyway, the bullets are gone, let those smuggling uncles give themselves a little more.
"How could it be them? I didn't expect it!"
From the scope, even at night, Anne also recognized from the color and some personalized arrangements on the armor at a glance: in the hydropower station below, dozens of people are supporting the Star Alliance. The enemy and the pesky Phantom troop carrier are fighting, not those of the Noble squad, Uncles 3 and 6, who are they?
Of course, in addition to the two of them, there are also those uncles of the militia who are carrying things and playing with smuggled goods. They are obviously also being spotted by the Star Alliance who is desperate and reinforcements. And it is said that they have been fighting with the Star Alliance people here for several days?
"Then they had to reluctantly help them!"
Annie directly pulled the gun and loaded the gun, ready to help the guys below a little favor, so as not to make more movement, and then let the guys from the Star Alliance make up their minds to send more troops over. If so, her next plan will be affected.
Besides, the people below now look miserable. They were suppressed by the "Phantom" and hid in the building and did not dare to appear. If she didn't do anything, I'm afraid they would be caught soon. The enemy gave it round!
At that time, those enemies rushed to the top of the mountain, which would be more or less a problem for her. You know, she had finally cleared the energy cannon positions on the mountain road before, and she didn't want to be blocked on the top of the mountain by those Star Alliance guys!
"Ha! I saw you!!"
In the next instant, a 14.5x114mm AP-FS-DS shelling wing stabilized armor-piercing projectile was fired from the top of the dark mountain, and then over a distance of more than two hundred meters, the 52 transport aircraft, which the UNSC army usually calls them At the gravity elevator of the rear hatch of the Phantom, the Star Alliance elite who was manipulating the twin-mounted plasma cannon to shoot at the militia of the hydropower station below and the Noble team's No. 3 and No. 6 squadrons burst their heads!
‘! ! ’
clatter! clatter! clatter!
Seeing an opportunity, the Noble 3 and No. 6 below and the militiamen were able to show up and started shooting, severely suppressing the Guru people who were ready to swarm.
'number 3! ’
‘There seems to be a sniper outside helping us! ’
After knocking down the two grunts one by one, Noble 6 could see the shooting thief and the quasi elite finally fell directly from the gun shooting position of the enemy's "Phantom" troop carrier, and let the opponent His air-to-ground attack finally stopped, and with the blood rushing out of the opponent’s head and the fact that he fell to the ground in a weird manner after landing, he was motionless and apparently not alive. He probably knew what the opponent had experienced. Some what.
'Yes! I saw! ’
‘It should be on the 112th floor at 11 o’clock. It should be what the militiamen said, the guy in the black suit of the paratrooper...’
'fast! Their Phantom ran away. Before it could bring more enemies, take the opportunity to defeat them! ! ’
‘You mean those ODSTs who don’t like us? ’
‘If the enemies outside and here are just like those militiamen said, and if that guy does good things, then his (her) marksmanship and ability are really not bad! ’
‘More than bad? ’
'Noble 6, if I were to sneak in by myself, I would definitely not be able to vacate several places and kill at least three or four hundred enemies like him (her). I can’t believe that. It was really made by one person. ’
'Be careful! ’
‘! ! ’
‘It’s so risky, those elites again! ! ’
Huh! Huh!
Two shots were made to the exploded head of a Star Alliance elite who just wielded a lightsaber and assaulted towards him. After confirming that the other party could not die anymore, Noble 6 shrank back with a lingering fear. Replace the magazine while restoring your shield.
Now, after seeing this brave elite die tragically in front of him, the grunts and wolves who were clamoring and swarming up just now finally realized that they were afraid, and had to shrink back, and never dared to be like Charged up like that just now.
'Hey! Hey? ’
'friend! Thank you for your help. Can you help us get rid of the heavy machine gunner behind? The plasma machine gun in its hand is too threatening to us. ’
‘! ! ’
Noble 6 had just finished speaking, and he discovered that the man was far away, protected by two wolves with shields in front, and shot them unscrupulously, using that terrible high-heat plasma. After hitting the walls and pillars of the reinforced concrete gate of their hydroelectric power station, there were large pits with large bowls and a lot of molten material splashing. The elite fell to the ground, and the plasma machine gun in his hand was also instantly muted. Then he quickly launched a counterattack again.
‘Good job, friend! ’
‘Let’s watch us next, can you tell me your service number? ’
clatter! clatter! clatter!
Seeing that the opponent controlled the situation with one shot, Noble 6 and Noble 3 looked at each other, and then the two seized the opportunity and rushed out!
‘Can you tell me something? ’
'Hey? Noble 6, Lieutenant Spartan Phase III, service number B312 calls, please answer when you hear! ’
‘? ? ’
‘Strange, number three! I obviously called him (her) on our UNSC public channel. Why has he (she) never responded? ’
‘Maybe he has his own mission, maybe he wants to be more focused! Don't talk about it, clean up the enemy first, we can go up and see him later, he is an excellent sniper, first cooperate with him to kill the dregs of the Star Alliance! ’
‘Okay, you have the final say! ’
I found a certain person in the identification friend or foe system that was hidden on the top of the mountain behind the hydroelectric power station where I and others were located, and he was condescending to cooperate with them to defeat the remaining Guru and Jackal soldiers of the Star Alliance. Noble6 No. and No. 3 didn't say much, and began to join the mysterious sniper and the militiamen, rushing out of their previous bunkers, and counterattacking the enemy forces who could not look at each other from end to end.
Taking a calm sniper on the top of the mountain, there is no need to worry about the enemy finding and hitting herself. Of course, Annie has heard the call of Noble 6, but it is not that she does not want to answer, but she can't answer at all!
Because ah, her communication was blocked yesterday by some guys who are likely to be dead. Except for passive reception, she has not been able to actively contact anyone or the command unit she is currently under. !
After a certain bearded, bad old headmaster knew about her and couldn't get in touch with her, he almost thought she was dead in the battle against the Star Alliance, right?
But that kind of thing is not important, anyway, her Queen Anne does not hesitate to be managed by others! Moreover, now she feels quite satisfied with her own way of using this lone ranger method to fight against the Star Alliance villains, and she does not want to change this fun state so quickly.
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
Soon, under the attack of two elite noble spartans Spartans and a nasty little girl sniper, plus a group of smuggling militants (militias) who demanded money and life, those who came again The Star Alliance skirmishers were finally emptied!
Then, I was able to calm down on the hidden beacon next to the hydropower station, and after installing remote-controlled bombs on the Star Covenant device that can block the UNSC electronic reconnaissance signal and achieve the purpose of hiding, Noble 6 and 3 finally came to the militia. Under the guidance, from the steel gate of the hydropower station up, past the Star Alliance shadow turret positions with corpses all over the field, all the way to the top of the mountain.
‘! ! ’
‘Noble 6, we got the first prize! ’
'Oh, God……'
On the top of the mountain, before I had time to find the paratrooper who didn’t know where he was hiding and thanked him, Noble 6 and 3 were seen by myself, and the one hidden in the valley in the distance was just various The lights of various colors lit up into a piece of Star Alliance base exclaimed.
Obviously, the existence of the Star Covenant on Reach far exceeds their expectations and imagination. The opponent is definitely not the vanguard and forward reconnaissance base as imagined above. It is an aggression base, and those Star Covenant people are brewing. A certain super big conspiracy?
Those guys are probably trying to completely invade and destroy Reach. This is indeed an alarm of the ‘winter’s emergency’ level!
However, fortunately, they have detected the enemy's plot now, and, at the latest, tomorrow morning, the UNSC army will come to sweep the area, and completely annihilate the enemy and crush any plots of the enemy! !
‘Transmitting images...’
'Hey! Did you see it, Kate? ’
'determine! ’
‘I have received the latest real-time images of the Star Covenant raids from Noble 6 and Noble 3, and have basically confirmed the Star Covenant’s plans and related arrangements! ’
'Do not! ’
‘Kate, that’s not a raid force, that’s a Star Alliance army that wants to invade our Reach! If we want to stop them, we must act as fast as possible and do our best to eliminate them! ! ’
Hearing that his commander, Major Catherine, seemed to have misworded, Noble No. 3, this second-level warrant officer, gritted his teeth to correct the other party in a not very "tactful" tone.
‘Yes! I agree with you! ’
‘Order: All reconnaissance teams immediately terminate their operations and retreat! ’
‘It’s 00:56, and the sunrise will be in a few hours...Today, I’m afraid we will be very busy, come back quickly, and take the time to take a good rest! ’
'complete! ’
'call! ’
‘Okay, it’s time to meet our powerful sniper...’
‘! ! ’
After the transmission of the image and the report were completed, the Noble 3 and Noble 6 who were about to retreat were relieved and turned around. However, they soon discovered that the paratrooper who had appeared in front of them seemed to be The figure is a bit wrong?
'you are……'
‘Ann, Annie? ! ’
‘My God, why are you here? ! ’
In the next second, no matter it was Noble 6 or the somewhat calm Noble 3, they all exclaimed, because they saw that when a certain stature was short, the little guy who felt strange in their hearts took the initiative to take off the black suit. After the helmet of the ODST jumpsuit, what they saw was a certain little girl they had talked about before?
No wonder...
No wonder they always feel that the accuracy of the opponent's head is a bit too accurate, and the style of play also makes them faintly familiar. It turns out that it is because of this little guy?
"Now they are the special military training grounds of the Marine Corps and the fleet and the tenth student of the Hell Paratrooper Super Special Forces'C Project' of the Reserve Officer School. Why can't they be here?!"
Annie asked directly and irritably!
These guys waited until she finished the fight to pick up the omissions, and finally they had to help her to clean up the mess. They still have the face to ask why they are here?
"So it's like this..."
‘But, what is that C plan? Why have I never heard of it? ’
'Hey! No. 6, don’t ask if you shouldn’t ask...’
‘Is that secret? If so, you can assume that I haven't said it. ’
Noble 6, who just wanted to ask a few more questions, stopped talking and said with a awkward smile after Noble 3’s reminder.
"Plan C is a plan to surpass the Spartans!!"
Annie didn't think that was a plan that could not be told to others. Anyway, as far as she knew, everyone in their school knew the plan, and the instructor and the headmaster of the bad old man never told them not to talk to outsiders. Say.
‘Beyond Sparta? ’
‘Annie, are you sure you are serious? ’
‘Unbelievable! ’
"I never thought that ODST would have such crazy thoughts..."
‘Then Annie, how about your teammates? Like you, they were sent to scout this Star Alliance base? ’
No. 6 and No. 3 of the Noble Squad did not dare to comment on the plan C that surpassed the Spartans, because they faintly felt that if it were Annie, it must be really possible, right? At least, in the sniper and the assassinations mentioned by the militias, it seems that they really faintly surpass their Spartan III?
"They were almost hacked to death by two elites yesterday. They may be the last one!"

Yes, Annie felt that even if the remaining two guys were rescued in time, it is estimated that apart from honorably retiring and taking away a large amount of retirement and bonuses, there is indeed no better choice.
‘This is really surprising and regrettable news...’
Noble 6 opened his mouth, and finally shook his head, not knowing what to say.
'All right! ’
‘Before the reinforcements of the Star Alliance have come, we are going to evacuate here immediately! ’
‘Because we have installed remote-controlled bombs on that hidden tower, the large forces will launch a raid here tomorrow, it’s time to retreat. ’
‘You go back with us too! ’
Feeling that it would not be a good idea to stay here and talk, Noble 3 quickly stopped Noble 6 who was still planning to speak, and directly urged a little girl who had done a great job inadvertently.
They have made so many movements here now, and when the people of the Star Alliance come back to their senses, they will definitely fight back! After all, there is that kind of important hidden landmark here, they never give up here easily, and let their ‘militia’s want to make trouble here!
"Forget it, or I will be here tonight, I still have a mission, and I will retreat from the small road with those uncles later!"
Hearing that the other party talked about the UNSC launching a raid on this place tomorrow, Annie suddenly felt that her plan to mix into the Starcraft Mothership and destroy it seemed easier to implement?
Of course, the premise is that those UNSC troops really want to raid here and create opportunities for her?
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
‘! ! ’
‘Annie, are you sure? ! ’
Hearing that the other party wanted to stay here, and after looking at each other with No. 3, Noble 6 directly exclaimed.
"Of course! Those Star Alliance guys had so many people just now, didn't they all have been beaten to death? Also, they guys are also there, they must be fine!"
?? (??`▽????)╭??
Annie pointed to those militia uncles who were walking over, wearing only ordinary training suits with no identification marks and holding various standard weapons.
‘Sir Anne! ’
‘Those moas are ready, you can go and enjoy them now. We will evacuate in two hours. Will you hurry up in the end? ’
Looking at the Spartans from the two noble squads with some dread, the two militiamen who came up with guns first nodded towards No. 6 and No. 3 before facing someone sitting in the Star Alliance. Said the little the vehicle.
In their opinion, there is nothing more cost-effective than trading a meal for a great helper and getting back all important smuggled supplies! Therefore, compared with the two Spartans, they were obviously more willing to please the paratrooper girl who didn't know what it was.
"Okay, I'll go right away!"
After hearing that she could finally eat a delicious moa meal, Annie turned around cheering and sat down on the Guru's ground support vehicle, planning to start it and rush to the hydroelectric power station down the mountain.
‘Those smugglers...’
‘Sure enough, Annie, are you really connected with the rebels? ’
Looking at the militiamen who nodded and left quickly, Noble 6 asked hesitantly.
"What rebels are not rebels? People didn't know them before!"
Annie said that apart from helping those guys a little bit and then getting them to beat two moas and treat herself to a meal, she really didn't have much to do with them! And now, she just wanted to eat her supper at the pumping station on the other side of the hydropower station. Why did this uncle get to the rebels again?
However, no matter who the uncles of the militia are, anyway, in Annie’s view, those people are really brave, and even the Star Alliance dared to fight for those things, and if she hadn't appeared in time, they would have been early You were almost beaten to death, right?
‘But Annie, we called you just now, why didn’t you answer? ’
Seeing that the other party was leaving, Noble 6 hurriedly asked again.
"People's communications are blocked by those nasty course they can't answer!!"
‘Noble 3 and Noble 6, new enemies should appear soon, if you don’t want to cause trouble, just retreat! ’
'complete! ’
At this time, Major Catherine, who had been hearing the two talking with a little girl, finally couldn't help but uttered aloud, and urged them on the channel.
‘Let’s go, number 6, the major told us to retreat! ’
‘Annie, take care then? ’
'remember! Tomorrow morning our large forces will rush here, you better be careful! ’
‘By the way, I just lifted your permission restrictions, remember to keep in touch tomorrow! ’
After thinking about it, seeing the scene here, seeing the Star Alliance main base in the distance, there hasn't been much movement so far. I guess they are not planning to fight at night, or are planning to exercise restraint so as not to be detected by their UNSC?
Anyway, he hesitated for a while, thinking that Annie might really have a mission here, and that the smugglers seem to have a way to retreat. No. 6 and No. 3 stopped saying anything, just a little regretful with a little girl. Waved goodbye, then quickly turned around and started to evacuate here.
"Goodbye, folks~!!!"

(??????????????)??~?? Your lord Queen Anne is here, I wish the Star Alliance children a happy Jie??~?? (????????ε?? ????????)mua
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