Chapter 1106: ???(*?)???set off! Target: Hemu Town...

‘Hemu Town will be here soon, just ahead! ’
"Well, you can also call it "Ximu Town" or something else, but that kind of thing is not important, is it? ’
'Hey! Man, to be honest, I'm glad you can follow me all the way to kill... I found out that you are very strong and potential. I believe that when you arrive in Hemu Town, my sister will definitely entertain you! ’
‘Also, I’m serious, you really should go to Fengruo City to join the battle to liberate Skyrim Province! Presumably, after today's events, you should thoroughly understand the face of the Imperial Army, right? Believe me, the corrupt and brutal empire is completely hopeless, and we have to rely on ourselves in the future! ’
‘The terrible dragon reappeared, Helgen was instantly destroyed, and the great Ulfric Stormcloak escaped from the dead...I think this must be the Holy Spirit Talos foretelling us something! Perhaps Ulfric is really our savior, the son of destiny who is blessed by the gods? ’
‘It doesn’t matter if you don’t want to go, I won’t force you! Anyway, it is impossible for you to join the empire. If you meet them again, those guys will be happy to cut off your head! ’
‘? ? ’
‘Go here! Don't look up, the ruins are the ancient tombs in the deserted waterfall, believe me, you won't like it there! To be honest, I still don't understand why my sister can live in Hemu Town for so many years in the shadow of such a terrible place, wouldn't they be afraid of sleeping at night? ’
‘I really don’t understand. There is no guard in any territory in Ximu Town, it’s so close to the undead.....’
'correct! ’
'Look at the location should be almost the same. There are some guardian stones in front. It is said that there are a total of thirteen stones in Skyrim Province, and it happens that there are three here. Don’t miss it! ’
‘Guardian Stone? Is it really a good thing? ’
‘Yes, I don’t have to lie to you, you dull fellow! ’
‘That is the altar of the gods, you can pray and then use your faith to activate them, if you are pious enough, you can get the blessings of the gods! But you have to be careful that you can only have the blessings of one deity at the same time... The gods don’t like those ungodly guys who have multiple beliefs or are cautious, so you'd better be careful before you get their blessings. If you don't really believe in a certain god, it's best not to touch them! ’
As the voices of conversations getting closer and closer, soon, two death row prisoners who had managed to escape from Helgen’s execution grounds finally came to the bank of this big river and distanced from their goal. Land-Hemu Town is not too far away.
‘! ? ’
'and many more! Be careful! There seems to be someone in front? ! ’
‘! ! ’
'You're right! I heard it too, go! Check it out! ’
Cang! !
Ga Jie~!
Soon, the conversation of the two people who were on the road and still relaxed stopped abruptly at this moment, and then immediately followed by the metal rubbing of a long sword and the leader Larov. The sound of the bow arm twisting when the bow is bent and the arrow is pulled.
‘! ! ’
‘? ? ’
Soon, a guy who was almost chopped off his head holding an imperial sword and another guy who was holding a bow and arrow and was still full of strings, ready to shoot a deadly arrow at any time, was also the guy who was almost beheaded and rushed to him. Next to the guardian stone platform carved with constellations and gods.
'is her? ! ’
'why you! ? ’
Immediately afterwards, two slightly unexpected exclamations sounded almost simultaneously.
It turned out that they saw a slightly familiar figure here at this time, who was secretly not knowing what they were doing.
The other party was digging and digging on the guardian stone platform with no distractions at this time, playing with the guardian stones, and when the two of them took a closer look, the other party was the prison car that had followed them all the way before, from the valley trail to Haier in the east. Gen, and almost clashed with the Imperial Army, so I didn't have the little girl mage who was escorted to the guillotine to die like them!
"Hi~! So it's you guys?"
"But, why are you only the two of you, the strange uncle who wants to deceive others? He didn't run away, and was caught by those brutal villains of the Imperial Army, and then cut off his head? !"
After saying hello, and looking at the two behind them, after finding that no more people were following, Annie felt a little curious and asked strangely.
Of course, she was just asking casually, she was not familiar with those people, and would not care about the life and death of those who were obviously not good people and wanted to deceive her!
"Huh! The great Lord Ulfric is absolutely impossible to be captured by the Imperial Army. He is already on his way to Fengruo City, and he has not followed us all the way!"
Seeing that it was the little girl mage, Larov was a little surprised and looked around. He didn't find anyone from the Imperial Army at all. After thinking about it, he felt that they could not chase and ambush him so quickly. Slowly let go of the bowstring in his hand, and retracted the arrow back into the quiver on his back.
Although what the unflattering little girl said made him a little uncomfortable, given that the other party was not with the Imperial Army, and given that the other party seemed to have some tricks (Larov had seen it with Ulfrik) After Annie an arcane missile smashed a meteor fire rain of the dragon, but what happened behind is not known), so he reluctantly put away his hostility, and said with some irritation.
"is it?"
"However, if it is impossible to be caught, then why did you bad guys almost get their heads off before?!"
Annie was on the scene before, so of course she knew that if it hadn’t been for a certain hapless dragon to be exiled to the present time by some irresponsible ancient Nordic
Dragon Slayer Warrior
, then that If an angry guy flew down from the high mountain in the northeast corner of Helgen, from the place that must be the "Maw of the World" and ran to Helgen to make trouble and wreak havoc, what cloak lord, including the one in front of him The heads of these two guys must have been chopped off by those fierce imperial army villains, right?
Therefore, she would definitely not believe the other party's self-righteous mystery and self-confidence.
"Huh! Isn't that because of the traitor's betrayal? Otherwise, how could we..."
It's okay if the other party didn't mention it. Larov felt angry and deeply regretted when he thought of it, plus an endless resentment from his heart!
"Forget it!"
"Let’s stop talking about that to you little guy, let’s talk about you first! We clearly remember that you didn’t say you wanted to stay at Helgen to watch the excitement and didn’t want to go with us? But now, you’re on the contrary Came to our front?"
Because of the traitor’s betrayal, they were ambushed by the Imperial Army at the Blackwater Crossing and almost killed Your Excellency Ulfric. He Larov will definitely investigate to the end, but that matter is now in a hurry... After all, they are now But he hasn't completely got rid of the imperial army's pursuit, everything must wait until the wind is calm, wait until he returns to Hemu Town to clear his mind, find his sister and escape the imperial army's possible pursuit?
In this regard, the little follower beside Larov who was innocently implicated because he was passing by, and had to follow here was also a little curious, because the two of them were killed all the way from the secret passage of the Helgan Dungeon, and even the giant spider was killed They chopped it off, but why now, the little girl in front of them ran in front of them, and she seemed to have been here for a long time?
If he remembered correctly, there are a large number of snow-capped mountains and steep foothills to the north of Helgen. If you didn't take a shortcut like them, you would walk down the nearest northern road for several days! But now, they have been taking shortcuts and drove the road for nearly two days without stopping, but they still met each other when they were about to reach Hemu Town?
Suddenly, when Annie was about to answer, she used her hand hard, and accidentally, she broke a certain stone with important patterns and runes on the guardian stone of the mage constellation from the stone pillar. Deducted?
Annie promised that she really didn't mean it just now, she just used a little bit of strength because of distraction, really just a little bit!
throw! ??????~??(??^`)????
The piece of evidence was thrown away into the river below the guardian stone platform for the first time, and a small water ripple in the center of the river was seen splashing, and it was quickly rolled and the river leveled. After feeling that the evidence had been completely wiped out by herself, Annie clapped her hands with satisfaction. As if she had done nothing, she walked to the front of two strange uncles who looked at her slightly in surprise and explained:
"Because they are wizards!"
(??︶??).. .:
"When you guys are still wandering in the mountain stream, people have already directly teleported here!"
"Right! I just heard that you are going to a place in Hemu Town, right? So, can you take them down?"
After walking in the wild for two days, I still studied the things of the gods here for a while, and found that this place is not very fun. After being a little boring, Annie was a little tired, so she planned to follow these two guys to each other just now What he said about playing in Hemu Town, Ximu Town, anyway, they also dropped in, surely they would not refuse her easily, right?
Of course, it is useless to refuse, she will definitely follow them with a cheeky, and can't stop it, because she is willing to do that!
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
"of course can!"
‘But you may have to wait a while because he needs to try the guardian stones! ’
Larov is noncommittal, because it is very close to Hemu Town now, even if he doesn't lead the way, as long as the other party walks north along the river for a while, he will definitely be able to spot Hemu Town!
"Is that so?"
( ̄△ ̄)
"But, people secretly tell you that apart from the outermost stone, the other two seem to have no need to try..."
Larov was a little puzzled, because everyone has the right to choose their own beliefs and paths, so he didn't understand what this little guy meant.
"Because the other two were just broken by someone!!"
Annie said that she really didn't mean it, really!
Because that messy shadow guardian stone, that seems to be something related to the stalker, was broken several energy circuits by her when the two of them did not come, and now it has been'silent' out! As for the guardian stone that has something to do with spellcasting and is helpful, let alone, she just broke a piece by accident, and it must be unusable right now.
I opened my mouth to see that my temporary partner was probing for a while. In the end, it was indeed the guardian stone on the outermost side, kneeling on the knees and praying silently under the constellation carved with warriors and strength. Later, Larov spoke and asked about other things:
"You should have escaped from Helgen later than us, right? Then I ask you, how are the imperial army guys, are they dead?"
Although knowing that the guys in the Imperial Army will certainly not be stupid and fight the terrible monsters to the end, if they can, Larov will still hope that they will all be wiped out by the dragon, especially the cunning one. Turius.
For this reason, he himself had secretly prayed to the ninth Holy Spirit Talos, praying that those who signed the humiliating "Platinum Agreement" and prohibited the Nords in Skyrim from worshiping in Talos. Their cowardly holy spirits?
You know, the Nords in their Skyrim province have believed in Talos for countless years. How could it be banned by a mere agreement!
"Of course not! Most of them ran out!"
Except for sitting and watching a certain fierce Obasan female officer who wanted to hack her to death and was hacked to death by this guy and that cloak lord in front of her, Annie didn't try to embarrass the other imperial soldiers, but she did. , And there is no choice to help them.
"is it?"
"That's a pity..."
Hearing that the dragon hadn't killed the imperial army and Turius, who was extremely difficult for Fengruo City, Larov couldn't help sighing slightly.
"Where is the dragon?"
"It must have killed a lot of people later? We saw it flying to the northeast the day before yesterday. The terrible shadow makes us remember deeply..."
Larov sighed.
He has never encountered a brutal and terrifying guy like that, especially the terrible methods of the other party! He even thought more than once that if the opponent ran to Fengduo City, maybe he could easily destroy the city in their storm cloak, right?
After all, there has not been a dragon in Skyrim for many years. Their Nords have absolutely no effective means to deal with that kind of thing, and once the opponent appears in front of them again, I am afraid they will not be better than that Turius Do better with those imperial soldiers who are not afraid of death.
"I didn't kill many people!"
"Because they beat it away later!"
Such a ferocious big guy, Annie originally wanted to beat the opponent first, and wait until the opponent was convinced before enslaving the opponent, using the opponent as her mount and flying around the sky or something, but unfortunately, The other party was very stubborn and refused to accept the fight, so in the end, she had to let the other party go for a while, wait until the other party healed the injury, and then try to tidy up the next time she met?
In short, if one hit fails, she will hit twice, and if it fails twice, she will hit a few more times... Anyway, one day the other party will definitely be cleaned up by her, she is not in a hurry now!
"You? Beat it away?"
Larov widened his and looked up and down again with an incredible gaze at a little girl who was talking.
"Ha! You can really make a joke!"
"All right!"
"He has finished praying, and we can continue on our way now! If we hurry, maybe we can get to Hemu Town before the afternoon?"
There is no doubt that Larov does not believe in the words of a certain little girl, even if the other party is indeed a powerful mage!
"People are not joking!!"
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
However, whether it was that Larov or the guy who had just prayed to a certain Holy Spirit and received an order, they did not pay attention to the little guy behind, but continued to rush forward.
Because now they are still fugitives, and they are not completely safe. If they are caught up and caught by the imperial chasers, they might really be dead! You know, not every time there is a dragon running out to kill people and set fires and let them catch the chance to escape!
"You two hate guys!!"
"Hey! Wait a minute..."
Others don’t believe it, and Annie doesn’t have a good way, and it’s also impossible to summon one or two meteorites casually to smash Skyrim and show it to the other party. Therefore, except for secretly getting angry and swearing. Absolutely not helping those two nasty guys, she had no choice but to raise her legs and ran after them, planning to go to that Hemu town with those two guys before talking?
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