Chapter 117: Night is coming

The Kingdom of Quel'Thalas, the Darth Vaiser Tower Bay in the northeast, is the only piece of pure land left by the high elves that has not been ravaged by the undead. Now it has been built by the high elves into a new one Small home.
Whether it’s a new farm or an exquisite elf hut for residents, they have been built in a short period of time with the fastest speed, making this a bay that was originally just a vacation and the use of the wizards to study the ocean climate was built. A seaside city.
  In this newly built small city, the most lively ones are the ports in the bay. After all, in the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas, there is too little land that has not been contaminated by the plague of natural disasters, and even less land suitable for cultivation.
   Therefore, in order to alleviate the pressure of the tribe’s food demand, most of the navies in Quel'Thalas who were still unable to help during the undead raging period were forced to change jobs and become professional fishermen. They go out to fish every day in order to supply the urgent need for food from the nearly 200,000 surviving high elves here. Now everyone knows what’s going on on land, so they can only get it from the sea. Enough food, this is also the best choice.
   Darth Wisser’s Tower in the sunset exudes a charming golden light. Since it has not been ravaged by undead natural disasters, the environment here remains the same, and there are still magic oak trees in gold, red and other colors. Darth Wisser's Tower floats quietly on these golden red canopies. It is still as beautiful and generous as before, full of the delicate artistic style unique to the high elves.
Darth Wisser’s Tower is different from ordinary magical towers. It does not have any underlying buildings, nor does it have pillars and walls to support the weight. It is entirely made of superb floating magic that makes the tower float out of thin air. It represents The superb magic skills of the high elves.
Even the golden yellow steps of the first step are also caused by the same. Their backs are also inscribed with floating runes, so that they can float in the air quietly, acting as a floating under the constraints of the magic array. The role of the stairs, hovering just one step, like a huge streamer surrounding the main tower and a higher observation deck...
   Now, this high tower suspended by magic may be the tallest and most beautiful building in Quel'Thalas. So, of course, this place was forcibly requisitioned and turned into the temporary ruling tower of the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas, and the Ranger General, the Grand Duke of Silvermoon City, and Chief Archon Sylvanas Windrunner, she is here. I have a headache to read and issue a document after another, which seems to be never finished.
   On the table next to her, there is a mana gem that has consumed part of the magic power. This was actually used to ease the demon's hidden secret when she couldn't hold on.
  Because, since the Sunwell was broken by the death knight Arthas and used to resurrect the archlich Kel'Thuzad, it was completely contaminated by the undead and could no longer be used. In order to avoid a more serious risk of infection by absorbing the contaminated energy of the Sunwell, it was not long ago ordered by Prince Kael'thas to reluctantly blow up! As a result, the disadvantages of the high elves who have relied on the Sunwell for thousands of years and lived in an atmosphere of abundant magical energy have finally appeared...
   Now, after losing the energy of the Sunwell, almost all the high elves of Quel'Thalas are enduring the mad torment of Demon.
   Their elves’ desire for magic far exceeds Prince Kael’thas’s original estimate. Every day, many high elves become frustrated lunatics under the torture of the demon and the original pollution energy.
   Then, they could only be forced to order by Sylvanas to be expelled to the ruins of the current Silvermoon City and let them fend for themselves...
  Because the general ranger discovered that the process of being tortured to the heartlessness of the elves is actually irreversible! They can't be healed, and they can't control... Those who have lost their minds, they only have the instincts of beasts, they will madly attack the people around them and greedily draw all the magical sources that can be seen..., they have It became a weird state of half-elf and half-undead, so, for the safety of other people, she had to order to do it, and she could only do it!
   However, the high elves have also found a way to fight against the demon in the shortest time, that is, the magic power is allowed to suck! They rely on absorbing the magic power of items to relieve the pain of their own magical hidden attacks, whether it is mana gems, mana potions, or even the mana dragons all over the mountains!
This is also the reason why a magic gem appears on Sylvanas’ desk. When the demonic concealment becomes unbearable, even if she is determined, she can only hide the magic by extracting the magic power from the gem. Let it go.
Although this process is very painful, and the absorption of magical power is only a temporary solution, but it is not completely without good news, because Sylvanas discovered that after repeated torments, her body slowly began to get rid of the evil spirit. Troubles. Up to now, she can forcibly carry it without even allowing her to draw mana. When she discovered this situation, she has already issued a decree as soon as possible, advocating all high elves, reducing the number of draws, and striving to get rid of the evil spirit as soon as possible. The trouble to the high elves.
   It's a pity that her decree has had little effect. Not everyone has the strong body and perseverance of Sylvanas, after all, not everyone is a ranger general! Therefore, every day there are still many high elves who fail to fight against Moyin and become discouraged, and then are exiled...
  Perhaps, when their high elves completely overcome the torment of the demon hidden or find a new source of energy to replace the Sunwell, their two hundred thousand people will only be left out of them, right?
   In addition to the magic hidden, the issue that now worries Sylvanas more is the living space of the high elves! Who made her now the Grand Duke and Chief Executive? When Prince Kael'thas leads the soldiers out of the country, she must handle all major matters.
   Looking at the map on the desktop, Sylvanas sighed softly. Now, the ranger scouts have cleared the entire Kingdom of Quel'Thalas. To the south of Eversong Forest, including Windrunner's Tower, Quettalin and Farstrider Camp, all of these places were given a new name by Sylvanas, and it was called-Ghost Land.
   Because this area has been completely polluted by the undead and natural disasters, not only the vegetation there is not suitable for farming, but it is not even suitable for the elves to live for a long time! In the land of ghosts, there are at least seventy to eighty thousand undead wandering in most areas. Cleaning up these things is also a long-term task, which can never be completed in a short time.
However, thanks to these huge numbers of undead, the Amani trolls in the mountains in the southeast have no way to come out and trouble the high elves, unless they are willing to clean up those that are much more numerous than their tribe. Scourge of the undead!
This is obviously not something that the Amani remnant trolls who have been hanged by the elves for thousands of years can do. After all, their trolls were severely slashed by the elves after the Second War. Until now, their The quantity has not been able to recover.
And like other places, including Silvermoon City, Sunshine Island, Quel'Danas Island and the area beyond the Western Temple, those places have also been deeply polluted by the undead. Before we can figure out a way to eliminate the pollution , Their high elves might only be able to nest in the narrow terrain of Darth Wisser Bay.
   Things have passed so long, and after the high elves settle down, the new Silvermoon City construction plan has been freshly released. Their Kingdom of Quel'Thalas will build a new Silvermoon City belonging to their High Elf Kingdom in this Darth Vaiser Bay! So, Sylvanas had just signed the construction documents of the main city and agreed to the new construction plan of Silvermoon City.
   After all, here is surrounded by mountains and there is only one exit on land. Facing the sea in the east, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack. As long as a majestic pass is built at the intersection of the mountains outside, the threat from the land can be held back. As for the threat of the sea, it can only rely on the defense of the navy. Anyway, there is not much threat to the Forbidden Sea. Those murlocs are not the opponents of the high elves at all. As for pirates and the like, the navy can also deal with it, but when the time comes, she will order to focus on training the navy.
After putting down this final document, Sylvanas stretched her waist, and after showing her curvaceous figure a little bit, she walked straight out of the tower. She needed to relax on the higher viewing platform above. Let me relieve the fatigue caused by office work this afternoon.
   Thinking about the horror that appeared to the south, Sylvanas frowned unconsciously. Perhaps it is time for their high elves to send ranger scouts and envoys to the south and cross the ghost land to the human kingdom of Lordaeron.
   She wants to see, on the south side of the gate of the elves, is there any human force that can unite together to fight the undead natural disasters? Presumably, it should be there too? After all, the base of mankind is so large, millions of citizens, in any case, will definitely survive more than Quel'Thalas, right?
   The current high elven kingdom of Quel'Thalas is no longer as good as before, and no longer has the arrogance that it used to be. After being messed up by the undead, the Sunwell was destroyed, and the strength was extremely damaged, it is time to put down the arrogant mask, try to get in touch with the outside world, and draw more allies in order to be able to fight in this increasingly dangerous Survive in the world.
   That's right! Is to survive! Now, for the high elves, survival is above all else!
  While thinking about things, he walked lightly on the floating steps of Darth Vaiser Tower. After being free now, Sylvanas finally had time to think of her sister, Verresa.
   I don’t know what is happening to my sister now? Does she already know about Quel'Thalas' change now? Is it already on the way back? If she comes back, she should be able to spot the ranger scouts scattered outside now, right? After all, she can be considered a powerful ranger.
   In fact, all of their three popular sisters are excellent and powerful rangers, whether it is the eldest sister Alleria, or herself and the younger sister Wenresa. It's just that the elder sister likes to fight with the troops, while the younger sister prefers to go alone, and myself... Now I can only bury my head between the documents and deal with these complicated political affairs.
   Maybe, I am a ranger who likes to participate in politics? what! This is really rare! Running on the front lines all the year round, the Windrunner family, who likes to fight with trolls, has a politician. I don’t know what the two sisters would think when they knew it? Will they laugh at themselves?
   It's a pity... now there is no hope to see the eldest sister Alleria...
   After thinking about her sister, Sylvanas finally thought of forcibly leading the army to reinforce Prince Kael'thas in Dalaran. Now, I don't know what happened to Prince Kael'thas. He led more than 20,000 elite troops. It is estimated that Dalaran is still in a battle with the undead Scourge, right? I don't know how the battle is going.
   Sylvanas is actually firmly opposed to assisting Dalaran! On the one hand, it is because the newly recruited troops have not been fully reorganized and targeted for training. Only a few have combat experience, and Kael'thas has even taken away all he can fight. What is this?
   Again, when Quel'Thalas was invaded by the undead, when their high elves were on the verge of extinction, they didn't see anyone in Dalaran to help them, so why should the high elves help them defend the city? From the eyes of Sylvanas, the prince's action was completely willful!
   Unfortunately, he is the prince of the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas, and Sylvanas has no right to stop him. Now I can only hope that Dalaran can successfully defend, and then, only hope that the more than 20,000 elite troops will not be damaged too much, right?
Finally, she reached the last level of the hovering floating steps. Sylvanas finally sighed, discarding all the various thoughts in her mind, and stepped straight to the guardrail of the observation deck. At the same time, she began to lean on the railing and watched quietly. She began to gradually sink into the golden sunset on the surface of the blue sea. Facing the slow sea breeze, the light of the evening sun seemed to put a layer of golden gauze on her, making her feel like this. The duchess is as beautiful as a golden goddess...
   "Military emergency!"
While Sylvanas was in a daze looking at the golden sunset, from the revolving building below the tower, a courier yelled to let the ranger guards give way, and ran at full speed with a sad expression. Up here. And his pale face, with a helpless look, is holding a blood-stained parchment tightly in his hand...
   "Dear Lord, there is an emergency military situation! It's about Dalaran... an emergency report!"
Seeing the messenger who ran to the top of the tower in one breath, and then looking at the other's look and actions, Sylvanas felt a sudden tightness in her heart. She realized that something terrible must have happened. ! Looking at the herald's reaction, she knew that what was written in the intelligence should definitely not be pleasant news! In Dalaran, is there anything but a change?
Sylvanas frowned like that, looking at the blood-stained parchment in the courier's hand, she looked at that blankly, her instinct told her that there must be something unfortunate written in it... News! And now, the high elves of Quel'Thalas have experienced and are suffering enough...
   "This is an emergency report sent back from Dalaran using magic... Lord Duke, you should read it for yourself..."
The magistrate    shivered, took a deep breath, and handed the blood-stained parchment with trembling hands.
This is the information he has just received. This is a high elf ranger who has survived from Dalaran. UU Reading uses the information passed back by the Dalaran mages who have also survived, although he has just seen it. , But he didn't have the courage to read it out...
   No matter how reluctantly, Sylvanas reached out and took the rolled parchment and opened it as quickly as possible.
   Honorable Lord Sylvanas:
   The battle of Dalaran is over... After the death knight Arthas stole the Book of Medivh, they summoned an extremely powerful demon-Archimonde!
   The magic city of mankind, Dalaran was destroyed in an instant...
  No one will be its opponent...Everyone is dead...
  Under the magic of that great devil, Prince Kael'thas... died in battle...The human archmage Antonidas died in battle...More than 20,000 Quel'Thalas troops survived by chance, and it is estimated that less than 100 people...
   Click, a soft sound...
The blood-stained parchment with the distorted and distorted Quel'Thalas written in the secret language of the ranger gently slipped from between Sylvanas' fingers...and fell gently to the clean view. On the floor of the viewing platform...
  At this moment, above the sea level in the distance, the golden-red sunset finally completely submerged below the sea level, and the night has officially arrived...
   ask for a recommendation ticket
   Twice a day, more generally does not change, but time is unstable
  For the plot that follows, Kyle arranged a positive way to die...
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