Chapter 1116: demon! 8The Holy Spirit will punish you! !

For the villagers who have lived in Hemu Town for generations, the imperial army has never committed any crime to them even after they are stationed here, and even if they do not bully and embarrass them, they can never be used as them to welcome each other. The reason!
Even, they are not only unwelcome, but can also be said to have some vague hostility?
Because it was precisely because of the battle between the Imperial Army and Somo, and because of the undefeated result that has been criticized by people, the signing of the "Platinum Agreement" and Somo's trial organization rampaged in Skyrim Province and arrested them. And the persecution of the Nords who believe in Talos, the occurrence of the inexplicable things that infuriated them!
For most Nords in Skyrim, they don’t know the twists and turns of political and military struggles. They are just very straightforward and extremely hostile to Somo, even all high elves, empires, and imperial capitals. Those who are incompetent, and secretly support and sympathize with the storm cloak!
Therefore, in the morning when the Imperial Army was fighting the flame demons outside of Hemu Town, they would stay indifferent at home, and watch the imperial army's defeat and leave hundreds of corpses and fled to Falkreath. , Fled to the foothills of Lake Irina and Irina.
Until now, when the regiment soldiers and Turius of the Imperial Army had lost and had to flee, the villagers of Hemu Town and the traders and travelers stranded here still did not dare to come out of their residences casually. Hiding nervously in their respective houses or hotels.
Because, those evil and terrifying flame monsters from Snowman City, or the new "Huoman City", those fire people who claim to be the "flaming family", those flame demons after defeating the soldiers of the Imperial Army Occupied here, and announced that Hemu Town has returned to the original Xuemanling, which is now under the jurisdiction of the'Huomanling'?
The villagers in Hemu Town don't want to deal with those empires who are hostile to them. Similarly, they don't want to, and they don't dare to easily deal with those who don't know what the details are, and those flame demons!
Therefore, even if the battle in the north of Hemu Town has been declared over for a long time, even if the dozens of flame demons stranded in Hemu Town do not embarrass them, the villagers still hide in their respective homes with fear. , And observing everything outside the street through the windows or the cracks in the house, so that the whole Hemu Town has maintained a strange calm from morning to dusk, and from dusk to night.
At this moment, in the streets of Hemu Town, except for the personal fire cabinets, and the flame demons who can illuminate the surroundings without torches at all, they are patrolling, standing guard, or walking around. A figure of villagers in Hemu Town.
People are afraid of the new monsters...
Of course, there is an exception here!
In the small island of Hexin in Hemu Town, inside the sawmill, two of them were rescued by luck. They were bandaged Larov and Zagenbau and their relatives, the Gordo and Goerdor’s husband, Hood, plus one of the most important little girls, the five of them were chatting and exchanging something quietly by the campfire under the big tree in this sawmill.
‘Okay, take care of it! ’
‘Hey, you just said...’
‘Hush! ’
‘Keep your voice down! ’
'Ok! ’
‘Pour me a glass? ’
'Thank you! ’
Larov, Gordo, and the Zagenborg were whispering something, and then Gordo finally poured a full glass of some kind of refreshing hot drink into the glasses of the two of them.
At this time, Annie did not speak, nor paid attention to them, just blinked. Her somewhat impatient blue eyes, gleaming in the fire, fixedly looking at the husband of Aunt Gordo and the Uncle Hood. Help her roast the old hens from Hemu Town by the campfire.
That's right, she was chased away by the unreasonable villagers just because she ate a chicken here by mistake, but she has always been worried about it!
So, until today, after the fire elemental beings under her came back and smashed away those stubborn imperial troops who wanted to occupy the fire territory, she couldn’t wait to destroy all the chickens in a certain villager’s home. Caught here, and let Uncle Hood wash and peel them, put them on the wooden shelf!
Anyway, it is probably the kind of strong buying and selling?
Annie left only one gold coin for the family member, which is enough for the other party to buy another twenty or thirty chickens or ducks or more, so she won't feel guilty! And Annie promised that later, she would eat comfortably and confidently!
ε=(????`●))) alas
"Hey! Uncle Hood..."
"How long will this take? People are so hungry that their chests are pressed against their backs..."
Whether there is an actual front chest sticking to the back Anne doesn't know, anyway, she only knows that she has sucked the stalker several times, and she can't wait!
And if it weren’t for the high temperature of the firemen, and the fear of these ignorant guys, maybe she would have called one of them over and used it as a ready-made oven on the ground. !
As for whether their fire people have any other bad ideas, she doesn't care! Anyway, she has never done that kind of thing!
"Let me see?"
Hearing the impatient urging of the little girl, Hood did not dare to neglect. He first used a wooden stick to one of the roast chickens that looked similar, and waited until he found that the juice leaking from it was still red. After the blood, he shook his head regretfully.
"No! Wait a while, there is still blood in it, wait a minute..."
Hood also wants to hurry up, after all, this little girl is a powerful man who all of them can't afford to offend! However, what can he do if the meat is not cooked? Is it possible to dare to increase the firepower at will and then scorch them?
"Not familiar yet?!"
"If I knew this a long time ago, people should have eaten a little bit first!!"
If it wasn't for revenge, or to eat up all the chickens raised by the Diaomin family, she wouldn't have been waiting so long hungry! However, it's too late to regret it now. Anyway, I've been staring at it for so long, so continue to wait!
(As for the idea of ​​a bad little master who must be reported, Tibbers doesn’t want to comment, because it knows that now it’s useless to say anything. The cuteness of that little master’s appearance is It is so bad, definitely not because of the influence of Tibbers!)
"Auntie Gordo, what did you just want to say? People have seen you open your mouth several times, so just ask what you want, they won't eat you!"
Seeing those grilled chicken that might smell delicious, it’s temporarily unavailable, and seeing the sister of the'almost headless Larov' several times, the aunt of'cut ears' hesitated to speak and stopped opening her mouth several times. Before the other party could make up his mind, Annie turned her head and asked with some curiosity.
"Yes, yes, Annie..."
"I want to know, you really are a demon, really are the people who burned the entire Snowman City to death and turned them into that kind of flame monster?!"
This rumor has actually been heard by Gordo and her husband from many farmers, vendors and her brother Larov near Snowman City, which fled south, but the only difference is: everyone Are the versions spoken all different?
So, she is now very interested in knowing the real situation, especially the first-hand real news from the mouth of a certain instigator?
At this time, even though they had the courage to speak out, the fear in their hearts was still there...
After all, anyone who sees a little girl who can turn a big living person in a whole city into that kind of terrifying and powerful flame monster will definitely be tempted to beat the drum... and this is his. Hu De is willing to be a chef over there respectfully, working hard to give full play to the reasons for his own cooking!
Maybe another reason is because the other party rescued her brother Larov again?
Because her brother had said before, yesterday, if the other party hadn't arrived in time, he and the very strong Zagenberg boy must have been cut off by those from the Imperial Army! And when she thought that her own brother was almost killed by those empires again, she couldn't help but ignite that endless anger in her heart!
She swears that until next time, if the imperial army guys pass through Hemu Town, she will definitely put something interesting in their pot or water.
"That one……"
"If it is inconvenient to say, you can also not say it?"
After Gordo’s anxious questioning, whether it was Hood, who was busy by the coal fire, or two of Larov and Zagenbau, who were wearing bandages and holding hot drinks in their hands, they both curiously turned towards Looking over at Annie.
Obviously, all of them seem to be very, very interested in this matter and want to know the gap between facts and rumors?
"It's not that you can't say it..."
"Anyway, people are not a devil!"
Anne had burnt one of such hot and low-level things like the Demon God in Snowman City at the time. How could she be such a weak person who could only play tricks?
"Also, they didn't kill the entire Snowman City, they saved them! At that time, Alduin and his comrades had burned almost the entire Snowman City, and many people died. In order to save them, they accidentally screwed up a little bit..."
Yes, just a little bit! As for the unit of measurement and the range value represented by "a little bit", she won't explain that much.
"Anyway, it's like that, right?"
Probably accidentally, he burned the entire Snowman City, and then turned the dead and undead into fire elemental beings, and turned into those flame people, that is, standing guard over there and acting as a street lamp The two "flaming clan" guys just exist the same?
(Tibbers said: unhelpful, unreliable, reckless, nonchalant, unscrupulous, willful, unscrupulous, lawless, etc. similar words with a trace of derogation or more derogation, basically can be used to describe It's like a bad little master in his family, and it's guaranteed to be very appropriate!)
o(??^`)o hum!
While talking to Galdor and the others, suddenly, while others were still digesting the terrifying information she had just said in that indifferent tone, Annie suddenly threw a certain bear aside. The one that contained clean river water, seemed to be used to wash everyone's hands in a wooden bucket, and watched as it sank a little bit, and was ready to soak it in for half the night?
"It's incredible..."
Gordo paid no attention to the strange behavior of the little girl, but was a little dumbfounded to understate the things that made her feel extremely mysterious.
This kind of thing, judging from the big person she knows, from the respectful and highly respected attitude of the patriarch Virgina Greymane, who has also turned into a flame monster, to this little girl, it is likely that what the other party said is all true. of?
She couldn't imagine how, if the other party was not a demon god, how could it be possible to transform and transform a whole city into that terrifying but extremely powerful flame monster?
"Well! Anyway, Honorable Anne!"
"Thank you very much for everything you have done to my brother Larov and my friend Zagenborg. If you didn't save them, I'm afraid I can only wait to collect their bodies now..."
Although she usually treats Larov in a very rude and severe manner, it cannot be denied that she really loves her brother, so, regarding the fact that the other party saved her brother again, She didn't know how to thank.
"It doesn't matter, anyway, people have seen him almost beheaded several times, they have long been used to it!"
Yes, if you count it seriously, Annie did see these two hapless guys almost getting their heads off several times, otherwise, she wouldn’t randomly press the'almost headless Lalo' on the other party. Husband's kind of title.
"There are several times there?"
"Okay, okay, there are indeed several times, it far, probably... there are only three times in total, right?"
Larov, who just wanted to refute, quickly recovered after being lightly kicked in the ankle by his companion, and had to aggrievedly agree with the other party's statement.
Because, from Heergen to the ancient tombs in the deserted waterfall, and then to the small forest outside Hemu Town yesterday, the other party said that he almost lost his head several times and it was indeed right! Because, if it hadn't been for the trouble of a certain dragon or the little girl in front of him twice to rescue them, the two of them would indeed have lost their heads a long time ago.
‘! ! ’
‘Only three times? ! ’
‘Larov, I don’t understand, what is going on with you lately, do you know how much I worry about you? ! ’
'Oh! ’
‘Ahem! ’
'Do not! Sister, I’m a wounded now, you can’t shake me like this...’
'Humph! ’
‘And you! Zagan Fort! ! ’
'I? What happened to me? ’
'what happened to you? ’
‘You still keep saying that you are the dragonborn, but is there a dragonborn who has been caught and beheaded several times? ! ’
'talk? ! ’
‘Alduin, the Devourer of the World, has his head cut off. What is it that I, the dragonborn, is beheaded? ’
Obviously, the last dragonborn, that Zagunborg seems to have no consciousness at all about his own bad performance, and still thinks it is normal?
'you! ! ’
'what! pain! Let go! ’
'you guys! ’
‘! ! ’
'sister! I am a wounded person and I got an arrow in my knee. Please do not use violence against me...
‘? ? ’
'Hey! Okay, stop making trouble, someone is coming over there...’
Seeing his wife Goerdor was about to continue arguing with Larov and Zagenborg about the trivial things, Hood hurriedly stopped them.
Because, at the wooden bridge at this time, the flame-burning Virgina Greymane was walking towards this side step by step, and it made them become brighter in an instant.
But well...
After seeing the other person walking over and seeing the red burnt and smoking footprints left on the wooden trestle bridge, Hood quickly settled his attention, and he was ready to do it tomorrow, so he must be on the trestle bridge again. Lay a thick plank and cover it with river sand! Otherwise, God knows when the trestle bridge at his house will be burned by those firemen stepping on it?
"Your Majesty the Great Queen of Fire, the results of the battle have just been counted: our army killed 13 soldiers, killed 512 enemies, and captured 36 people!"
"The molten cores of the fallen soldiers have been collected, and the messenger will soon be sent back to Huomancheng. They will quickly resurrect in a few days!"
"and also!"
"Just now the Firehawk Messenger brought news. The fellow Alfred Warmad used the Lava Hound Cavalry to launch a surprise attack on Ulfric Stormcloak, killing and injuring thousands of enemy troops and taking three thousand prisoners. More than... the Ulfric Stormcloak and his remaining invaders have now retreated to the other side of the White River, and retreated to the Amor Fortress far away from the border of our Huoman Territory!"
"Do you have any instructions on this?"
Ignoring the stunned mortals, Virgina Greymane was full of anger, and he reported everything he knew.
He didn't care about the casualties of his family's children! Because those children of their family will be resurrected soon, and will be a strong boy again after ten or twenty days at the latest!
He believed in this!
And if there is no Molten Core or Molten Core that is snatched by the enemy and destroyed or used for other purposes, then nothing said, it will take at least half a year or more for the killed Flame Clan soldiers or members. It takes time to fall asleep in the heart of the molten fire and reconsolidate the core of the molten fire, and even gradually recover... And the stronger the power, the longer it takes to sleep and recover!
However, when the Molten Core is still intact, and when it is collected and brought back to the City of Fire, it takes less than half a month at the longest, and it can almost be resurrected.
"Big beard! You can handle that kind of thing yourself, you don't need to report to others all day long!!"
Annie doesn't care about the little things!
After all, her powers are so hot, such as the Bear Shield, the Witch Empire, the Azeroth Empire, the Flame Kingdom, and the Hero Federation in the Kepru District. There are so many things, so many worlds, If all were used to annoy her, wouldn't she be annoying to death?
So, if you don't care about big or small things, or important and unimportant things, don't come to her at all, she really doesn't want to care! !
In the wooden barrel on the side, Tibbers still bubbling out a few bubbles from time to time...
"Your Majesty! I already know your will!"
Nodding, Virgina Greymane, who knew the little girl's temperament, bowed and prepared to leave.
He likes the other party very much, not only is the other party giving them a supreme gift, but also because the other party does not care about things and never easily interfere with any of their decisions! Therefore, he felt that it was time for him to mobilize more troops from Huoman City, and then try to see if he could take down Falkreath and drove the old fellow of the Imperial Army and Turius to Cyrodir. Or go west?
He knows that now the fellow of Alfred Zhan Kuang is sharpening his sword, preparing to start with Wind Rudder City and Ulfric Stormcloak, so he must not lose to the opponent anyway! If possible, he must defeat the Imperial Army and recover Falkreath in the shortest possible time, and then put the Sidger, who has no full hair, to the position of lord?
"and many more!"
"please wait!"
"Vigina Greymane Lord! You just said..."
"You Fireman City launched an attack on our Stormcloak, and you also defeated Lord Ulfric's army?!"
Although I was very surprised by the fighting power of those Flames and the resurrection, Larov was obviously more interested in other things at this moment, that is: their storm cloak and Lord Ulfric The situation!
Annie suddenly turned her head and looked around.
Then, she quickly remembered... It seems that a certain ‘almost headless Larov’ is indeed with that Ulfric Stormcloak? And at the beginning, when they were in the place called Helgen, they almost had their heads cut off together, and then when they ran away, they were still thinking about tricking her into that Fengruo City?
Virgina Greymane froze for a moment, then slowly turned his head.
"I remember..."
"Larov, you seem to be a general under Ulfric Stormcloak? Ha! It seems that I now have to think about whether or not to arrest the two of you?"
With a menacing look, with his eyes burning with fiery flames, he looked at the two guys who had been rescued by them from the Imperial Army for a while, and then Virgina Greymane sneered and said that one would be present. Some people's words with fear:
"Although you know our Majesty, I still want to make one point: You are now our captives! Until Ulfric Stormcloak is completely defeated, you two must not leave Hemu Town!!"
In view of the fact that the other party is an acquaintance of their adult, and seeing how the other party and their adult talked happily, after a cold snort, Virgina Greymane announced that this makes everyone not too Embarrassing decision.
Anyway, in his opinion, those two guys must be in Hemu Town for a period of injury, so his decision does not seem to be too unkind? And when the two recover from their injuries, I'm afraid Fengruo City will almost be destroyed, right?
So, after speaking, he ignored the thoughts of the two of them, turned around and left in large strides, and once again left the scorched ones on the cross-river trestle that Hood was worried about. Burnt black footprints with sparks.
Wait until that Virgina Greymane goes further and further, and when it becomes dim again, Larov and Zagenburg are present. Gordo and Hood fell silent one after another, wondering what they were thinking about.
"Uncle Hood! You are optimistic about those chickens, don't you turn them over quickly, that side is almost battered!!"
Annie doesn't care what these people think, anyway, now she just cares if she has something delicious to eat at night! She didn't eat dinner. If she accidentally burnt them, let's see if she doesn't kick them all into the river, let them fish for her? !
‘Hug, sorry! ’
"It's okay, it's not burnt, don't worry, you can eat it in a while..."
After hurriedly fiddling with him, Hood quickly relaxed and smiled at a little girl to comfort him.
Thinking of what the flame man Vigina Greymane said just now, he couldn't help looking at his wife and brother-in-law Larov with some worry. He knew the relationship between the two siblings and the storm cloak, and he was also very worried that Larov would do something irrational.
(Tibbers doesn’t care about those people’s other ideas, nor does he care if they’re actually kicked into the river by the messy little master of his family to fish. It’s just hope. Who can be kind enough to fish it out of the barrel?)
Late at night……
When a little girl started to feast on the friends she knew who weren’t friends, UU reading talked happily with the ghosts, in the same place, in a wooden house , A family was looking through the window with sulky but terrified eyes toward this side.
‘! ! ’
‘Those flame demons, and the devil leader, those who sit with demons, the Eight Holy Spirits will definitely punish them! ! ’
‘Forget it, isn’t it just a few chickens? They also lost money. Let’s wait for another day to calm down and ask someone to buy some back from the farm in the north...’
'To shut up! What do you know? Last time the merchant killed one, but we claimed dozens of Septin, but now they have caught so many but only gave one! ! ’
‘Is it easy for us to raise chickens that are not afraid of people or wheels? Those demons, they will pay the price, I curse them! ! ’
‘Wait, the great eight holy spirits will not let them go! ’
‘But, don’t our family believe in the Ninth Holy Spirit Talos? ’
‘What do you women know? ! ’
'what? ’
‘Can’t you tell? Those demons are so powerful and thankless. Wouldn't it be better for the Eight Holy Spirits to clean them up than praying to Master Talos? ’
'okay! Go back to sleep and leave those demons alone! ’
Soon, after looking around for a while, after a certain vicious character in Hemu Town, the Diao Min cursed with vicious words for a long time, then gently closed the wooden window with vicious eyes and pulled it. His mother-in-law went back to sleep.

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