Chapter 121: Kalia and Fao (1)

   Since that time, after the Archbishop Faor burst out the Holy Light to wipe out the attacking undead, Kalia and Faor came here with Annie and began to live incognito in this flame canyon.
   During this period of time, Kalia Menethil, alias Lily, has finally begun to live a relatively normal young woman's life. There are many novel things here, and there are many people who can speak with her, and more importantly: there is no one who knows her!
   Although she no longer had the luxury of rich clothes and food in the palace, and life began to become miserable, compared to the days when she fled and lived in the mountains, her life now makes her very satisfied.
   There are so many surviving Lordaeron refugees here, which makes Kalia feel very pleased, and, here, no one will know her. After all, most of the people here are ordinary civilians near the eastern border and Stratholme. They have no intersection with her former princess of Lordaeron. They only know that her name is Lily, who is taciturn, but very powerful. The daughter of an old priest.
   Because of this, she successfully integrated into the refugee camp, and began to get in touch with many people and things that she can't usually touch. Not only did she make several female friends of the same age, she also learned some simple stitching and cooking, which she had never dared to do before and did not need to do.
Because now, there are no court tailors and royal chefs, and after Archbishop Fao became an undead, the things he made were even more unpalatable than she had messed up, so...everything in life, She can only do it herself. However, everything is okay, she now enjoys this plain and fulfilling life.
   Actually, it’s not surprising that people here don’t know her.
  Don't talk about her as a princess, even if it is King Terenas or Arthas before he became a death knight, no one here probably knows them, right?
These people here are mostly just a group of civilians in farms or small towns, or a border post at the lowest level, or ordinary soldiers in a small town, the superstructures in the power structure of the Kingdom of Lordaeron. , Is not the existence that they can touch, some people, even until the day they die, can't see their king! This is an ignorant and backward feudal kingdom, not the Internet age of the earth, but there is no king or princess to show them!
Compared to the miserable lives of the other refugees in the camp, Kalia’s life is actually pretty good, because from time to time, the fire demon finally send someone to give their "father and daughter" some food, and every time The portion is very special. A few days ago, she even received half of venison!
  As Archbishop Faor no longer needs to eat, she can't eat so much food by herself anyway. Therefore, every day, she would take out the excess food from time to time and distribute it to those in need, or send out the children who seem to be always unable to eat.
Her behavior, which seemed to her to be very common, inadvertently gained her an excellent reputation in the refugee camp. Now, almost everyone in the refugee camp knows that in the hut next to the camp, Not only lives a kind old pastor who likes to use the holy light to help others, but also a beautiful, generous, kind pastor's daughter.
  In the eyes of the refugees, like Lily, this young girl with knowledge, etiquette, and the father of a noble priest is simply a perfect mate. If it weren't for many people who thought they were not worthy of such a noble lady, I am afraid that Lily's suitor would have circled the entire camp twice long ago.
But even so, there are still many young men secretly picking some brightly colored wildflowers every day, and then quietly placing them on the small wooden table in front of the father and daughter's house before dawn, trying to attract the attention of this beautiful lady . When they think about it, maybe... Maybe Lily, this flower, will be inserted into their pile of cow dung one day, it's always possible, right?
  Kalia, oh, she should be called Lily now. By now, she is about to forget her original name, and she doesn't want to mention it again. She is just the daughter of a priest now.
   Now, she is going to walk through the bustling refugee camp, carrying half a small basket of mushrooms in her arms, and walking towards her home.
   These things, she exchanged a large piece of venison with an aunt who taught her cooking. After she knew that the other party was going to follow the team to the hand of Tyr, she brought the food that the other party needed most. Then, she switched to these fresh mushrooms filled with half a small basket. Although they couldn't match the value of venison, they made her very happy.
Although a kind aunt had persuaded her several times, Lily was not going to go to the hand of Tyre. She just wanted to stay here now. Anyway, nearly half of the people here will stay. She doesn’t Will be lonely, but also very satisfied with the current peaceful life, do not want to change it.
   Actually, she doesn’t want to go to Tyr’s Hand, there is a deeper reason...
One is because she really didn’t want to go to a place where someone might recognize her. The hand of Tyr, their lord would definitely recognize her... Now, she just wants to live so peacefully. Here, slowly heal the wound in my heart.
The second reason is that she can’t just leave Archbishop Faor behind. Now, the other party is not only her nominal father, but also her own lifesaver, and he is also a lonely old man, especially when he becomes an undead. after that……
   Now, if you can continue to speak with Bishop Faor normally, I am afraid it is only yourself, right? She could even imagine that once Archbishop Faor announced the true identity of his undead, I am afraid...these people in the camp would definitely be frightened? I guess it will!
this is…? What are these people doing around my house? what! not good! Could it be... Archbishop Fao?
Lily, who had originally walked home with a basket of wild mushrooms in her hand, planned to take it back to stew the soup. After seeing such a large group of refugees and soldiers surrounding her small courtyard and hearing fierce quarrels inside, She knew subconsciously that something bad must have happened inside. Could it be... it is really Archbishop Fao, whose identity has been exposed?
   If this is the case, then she can imagine what the next thing will look like.
   Those people and soldiers who know the truth will definitely be disadvantaged by Fao, maybe they will burn and purify him? No way! Kalia will never let this happen! Although Bishop Fao has become an undead, he is different from ordinary undead! She will never allow anyone to harm Master Fao!
  Want to She didn't care about the things in her hand, so she threw the basket away and dropped the basket directly to the ground.
   "Who? Don't push! Are you looking for death... Uh? So, Miss Lily, you... Yes, I'm sorry! I... I just didn't know..."
   A guy who was outside preparing to watch the excitement, when he noticed that someone was pushing him vigorously behind him, he just wanted to turn around and scold him a few words and then lose his temper. But when he turned around and saw that the person behind him was the Miss Lily who he was thinking about, he immediately withered and nodded and bowed in a hurry.
   "Quickly let me in! I want to go in! What happened inside?"
   After pushing twice and realizing that her strength is totally incapable of these people, Kalia who was trapped outside was anxious for a while and she was about to cry.
   "I don't know, I just came here too... But don't worry, it's easy to get in, you just follow me behind, look well, I will make a way for you!"
   Seeing that his goddess was so anxious that he was about to cry, the young man patted his sturdy chest quickly, indicating that Lily could follow behind him, and he would definitely help her squeeze into the crowd.
   "Huh? That... OK... Thank you."
   After hearing the weak gratitude from the goddess behind him, the young man lifted his spirits and pushed forward and seemed to work harder.
   Two chapters in a row
   has been scheduled for two chapters at 23:59 and 00:00
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