Chapter 1163: ?(ψ`?′)o Ha! This game is too simple...

The reason why the game'Oasis' can attract so many players on the earth in the real world on the brink of chaos and collapse in 2045 is simply because it can unrestrictedly reproduce classics in movies, games, and animations of different dimensions. Elements come here, so that all players can find their favorite works or games and entertainment methods here.
Whether it's adventure, role-playing, secret exploration, racing, leisurely entertainment, travel, gambling, soccer gambling, epic battles, battleship duel, Gundam Duel, hunting in the mountains, fishing in the sea, costume design, massage and health, etc., As long as people want it, everything can be done here!
And even if it is not there yet, it doesn’t matter. You just need to sort out the relevant information and submit it to the central database of Oasis. Once approved by the system, the system will automatically generate relevant new information within 24 hours. , Let players not be able to pick too many grand game world out.
And this is the reason why it is enduring and it has been chased and loved by the people of this world almost!
So, of course, a certain first-person shooter PC game named'Counter-Strike v1.5' with a release date in June 1999 was once praised by the mainstream media at the time as half of an'epic outstanding work' Mingbian was also naturally reproduced in the "Oasis" game, and was welcomed by some players who love shooting competition.
And now, after accepting the invitation of the shoulder blade warrior Edge, Xiao Annie was naturally transported to the closed desert town arena named ‘de_dust2’ on the map in the 12th combat zone.
Just after it was sent, Annie saw a group of people who knew or didn’t know gathered under such a bridge-like building and discussed something intensely. Then, when they saw themselves appearing, they all turned their heads. Looked at her.
"Hello everyone..."
While saying hello, Annie was secretly vigilant, and almost wanted to release some protective spell.
However, when she saw a familiar figure in the middle, when she found that this game scene did not seem to allow any spells to be used here, and these people were also identified as their teammates, she gradually relaxed, thinking that they should not Will suddenly violently attack oneself.
‘? ? ’
‘Who invited this? ! ’
'strange! ’
‘How does this face of her feel so familiar? Where did she seem to have seen it? ’
‘Yes! Looks a bit familiar! ’
‘Can you be unfamiliar? Isn't she the girl of darkness whose bounty rises every day? ! ’
‘! ! ’
'my Lord! ’
'Hey! Don't worry about God, God can't let us win the game, this is the last one, maybe only this little devil can let us win? ’
‘Ouch! Unbelievable, I actually saw her in person! ’
'Ah! ’
‘I didn’t expect Edgie to even know such a big man? ’
‘I heard she is very valuable? ’
‘Tsk tusk! is not it? I almost wanted to pull a grenade and throw it at her feet just now! ’
‘How about you try now? ’
'May I? ’
'Hey! Don't rectify the useless ones, there will be no punishment if she is killed here, so it is even more unlikely that there will be that bounty! ’
‘Hahaha! Of course I know, anyway, with her here, maybe we might be a little stable this time! ’
‘Don’t be too careless, this is the last one, in case you lose...’
‘Yes! It's better to be careful, guys, I have already suppressed all my wealth, if I accidentally lose, maybe tomorrow I can only drink Northwest Wind! ’
‘Why do I have to drink northwest wind, can’t I drink southeast wind? ’
‘Okay, time is running out, everyone shut up first! ! ’
At this time, the scapula warrior Edgie, who lived up to expectations and successfully invited a member of the'great man' recognized and accepted by everyone, first yelled at the teammates impatiently and told them to shut up first. I strode forward to a little girl who was looking around curiously.
"Have you played this CS or similar gunfight game before?!"
If the opponent has played the best, then he can save a lot of saliva, and maybe the pressure will be reduced a lot when the fight starts?
"Have never played..."
"But people are very, very good at sniping!!!"
Annie, she is the most, most, most, most, and most powerful ghost agent in the Kepru region. At the same time, she has also carried guns in Mass Effect World and Reach. It is more intense and real than games. The battlefield, so she felt that this shooting game shouldn’t be a big problem for her.
"Well, at least it sounds good?"
"Listen, we are left with the last game now. You quickly look at the map to familiarize yourself with it. You will buy an AWP and guard it at point A later. Don't let the enemy rush to point A!"
"The rules of the game are actually very simple, because we are on the CT side now, so you only need to remember three points: Either kill all the enemies within the specified time, or prevent the enemy from being in A and B before the end of the time. Install C4 explosives at the blasting point. If the enemy successfully installs explosives, then the explosives must be removed before C4 explodes. As long as we complete any of the above three points, we will win!"
"It's very simple, do you understand everything?"
Due to time constraints, Edge carried the B51'M249 machine gun' that he had left in his hand when he survived the last game, and explained briefly and anxiously to a little girl who had his knees a little bit higher. .
"Probably understand a little bit..."
In fact, it doesn't matter if you don't understand, anyway, Annie thinks, she can call and ask at the time, she is not in a hurry!
"It's about to start, will you buy weapons and equipment?!"
Seeing that there was less than one minute left before the countdown, Edge asked hurriedly again.
"It doesn't seem to be good..."
In fact, she doesn't even know it!
This is the first time Annie has come to play, and the other young talent was hurriedly invited to replace her. How does she know how to buy things for this CS1.5 game? Moreover, she just looked around, at the same place as the bridge hole, except for a few square huge wooden boxes, there is not even a NPC. How does she know where to buy weapons and equipment?
"It's very simple!"
"You only need to open the player menu and directly call the O button to buy auxiliary equipment, such as those grenades, body armor and helmets, while calling the B button is to buy a variety of light and heavy weapons. Since you are good at sniping, wait a moment. Just choose the B46, which is the most powerful AWP and bring all the ammunition. You can get a handgun at the start. It doesn’t matter if you change it or not. I guess you have no chance to use it..."
"It's about to start. Our team has been allocated before, so I won't go with you anymore. Remember, you go to point A to defend, don't let the enemy approach or install bombs there!"
"Leave the rest to us, do you understand?"
Seeing that there were only ten seconds left in the countdown, Edge hurriedly made the final instructions.
"Hmm! Hmm!"
Whether she understands it or not, Annie only knows that it sounds interesting, so in this situation, she just nods her head.
Huh~! !
∑(??△`)? !
Soon, Annie just nodded, and she felt that the surrounding pictures flashed, and then she found that the position of these people seemed to be forcibly confined to the inside of this bridge hole by the system, and at the same time, both feet and body were Strapped, can only rotate but not move?
"It will officially start in ten seconds, buy weapons!!"
In the distance, a certain shoulder blade warrior Edgie who was refreshed to the back saw her still stupidly looking around, and while replenishing his ammunition and equipment, he quickly urged her loudly.
"Okay! There is no problem!!"
Seeing that someone had bought a handful of weapons, Annie quickly started following the method that the other party just explained. First, she called up the player interface, and then began to call the B button.
B46-AWP sniper rifle?
Caliber: 0.308 inches
Launch method: single shot
Full gun length: 1124mm
Barrel length: 610mm
Full gun weight: 7.5kg (with bipod and scope)
Effective range: 600m
Rifling: Right-handed, 4 lines, lead 305mm
Detachable double-row steel magazine with a capacity of 10 rounds

buy! !
Annie remembered that the scapula warrior Edgie just said she wanted to buy this, so she looked for a while, and after seeing that the name was correct, she didn't hesitate, and then she looked at her who was running out of time. , They began to buy them quickly.
Desert Eagle, powerful pistol?
buy! !
Body armor and helmet?
I didn't say anything. How can I fight the enemy without a helmet and body armor? and so……
buy! !
Shock bombs, smoke bombs and grenades?
buy! !
pliers? What's the use of this shit?
Regardless, time is running out, so hurry up and buy one! !
Soon, when the countdown number before the start of the game in the holographic screen reached '0', Annie finally bought all the equipment she liked, regardless of whether it was useful or not, and then the 16,000 game funds were basically used by her. It took a lot of money.
Originally, she also bought a B31, which is the kind of submachine gun called MP5, but after seeing that she could only carry one main weapon, she threw it out with some regrets, and put it in front of her. A certain teammate was stunned for a moment, and immediately picked up the equipment unceremoniously, and did not even say thank you.
‘! ! ’
‘GO! GO! GO! ’
I don’t know who yelled. Those Oasis players who had fought with the enemy for several rounds broke up, and quickly ran in different directions. After a while, there was only one left. A little girl carrying AWP in a daze.
Σ( ̄д ̄;)
"A point, let me see, it should be right here, right?"
Looking at the two guys in the front who had put up cold guns to fight the enemy through a wooden door, Annie turned her head and looked at the behind, then looked at the map, and finally decided where she needed to defend. So slowly, she carried her weapon and walked up the while observing.
‘! ! ’
‘Fireinthehole! ! ’
Just ran to the platform in Area A, and then Annie, who had not found a suitable sniper position, suddenly heard a roar of unknown origin coming from a distance.
"Shrimp situation?"
boom! ! !
Then, without waiting for her to react, a group of sparks suddenly exploded not far away, and a wave of air and shrapnel hit her face, which directly scared her!
'damn it! ’
‘Watch out everyone! ’
‘Gate A has been breached. Three people died in our battle, and two enemies were killed in battle. There should be three enemies at Gate A! ! ’
'what? ’
‘Did gate A be broken so quickly? ! ’
‘Who is at door A, go and stand it! ! ’
‘I’m defending in area A, I saw a newcomer at point A! ’
‘Newcomer? ’
"A point? They are indeed here."

Looking at the big circle behind her and the A in the circle, Annie looked in the direction of Door A with her head, and asked strangely on the channel.
Suddenly, a stern sound of breaking through the air sounded, and then almost at the same time, a shuttle bullet shot from a distance towards the place where Annie was, scared her hurriedly shrinking behind a box.
‘! ! ’
‘Annie! Need support? ’
Unexpectedly, this time the enemy would attack the A gate and break through so fast, so the shoulder blade warrior Aiqi hurriedly shouted in the team channel.
Now the three teammates in Gate A have all been wiped out, and at least three enemies are left, and only Annie is left in Point A. In the one-to-three situation, he doesn't think that little guy has the possibility of winning! After all, this is a shooting competitive game, no matter how powerful the opponent's spell or level is, it is no good here!
"No need!"
Annie, who was nearly blown to death and shot to death by the opponent, didn't even think about it. She lifted her AWP directly, and then listened to the sound of footsteps and aimed at a certain corner of the wall and raised her hand with a shot!
‘Uh~! ’
A guy with a red headscarf on his head and an AK in his hand jumped out irritably, but unfortunately, the moment he saw Annie, before he had time to fire, a bullet slammed his head. It broke apart, and drove a large patch of red and black on the wall behind the opponent.
Then, the other party directly smashed his head and turned it out, seeing that he was not alive.
Da da da!
Another person rushed up, and turned around while firing at Annie who was hiding behind the wooden box, seeming to be planning to rush to the A point platform?
However, Annie, who hides insignificantly behind the box, shot it directly, and the other party's chest exploded a big hole in an instant, then spun out and fell directly on the graffiti-painted wall, obviously not alive.
‘! ! ’
‘Fireinthehole! ! ’
Suddenly, without waiting for Annie to stick her head out to observe the situation outside, there was a sound of footsteps, and then a flash bomb was thrown by the enemy and exploded in the air. Then, her vision instantly became white, obviously. I was flashed by that flash bomb or shock bomb...
!(;??o??)┳═?? 呯! Huh!
However, based on feeling and memory, Annie copied the pistol and didn't retreat. She jumped out at a location where she just heard the footsteps and fired seven shots in a certain direction until her sight was restored. At that time, the other party had been shot several times, and was lying deadly beside the box on the of point A.
ε=(??ο`))) Good risk!
"Hey! The danger of point A is removed, they were beaten to death by others!"
After annihilating the three, the enemies who successfully broke through from Gate A were basically annihilated, and a newcomer player got a perfect triple kill!
‘! ! ’
‘Good job! Annie! ’
‘There should be only five people in Gate A, and now they are all killed! ’
‘Report enemy location and number! ’
‘There seem to be two or three at the corners and the middle gate of A area! ’
‘! ! ’
‘Counting the five dead, doesn’t it mean that half of the enemies are in hole B? ’
'Be careful! ! ’
'Wow! ’
‘Da da da da! ! ’
‘Damn it! The middle door was breached and we are dead! ’
'not good! They went to area B! ’
'fast! Those in area A rush out and go to point B to support! ! ’
'Roger that! ’
'Da da da! ! ’
'Wow! There is another outside the curve in Area A. We are in ambush! ’
'boom! boom! ’
'withstand! Point B must stop them! ’
'clatter! clatter! clatter! ’
Soon, the battle situation took a turn for the worse, and the offensives of the gangsters were fierce. Although Annie did not see the battle, she still heard the chaotic gunfire and shouts in the channel. Of course, there are also barrages of whoever kills the enemy and us who started to screen.
After a long time, when everything calmed down, there was a warning sound on the public channel without waiting for Annie to ask.
‘! ! ’
"It's over, it's over..."
"Our people at point B are dead? ! ’
‘The whole army is wiped out? ’
'wrong! one left! ’
'and many more! ’
‘Annie? What are you doing at point A now? ! ’
The people who originally thought that the defeat was set quickly reacted because they discovered that the system did not begin to announce the victory of the bandits, but still stubbornly echoed the sound of the countdown of the C4 explosive?
"Of course they are defending point A according to what you said. The guy who just rushed from the A area was also headshot. Counting them, they were killed by a total of five!"
Annie is very proud, because the three gangsters who rushed from Gate A before and the two sneaky guys who touched from Area A after the chaos started were both easily killed and named by her as soon as they emerged from the steps. Yes, so now she is a little bit boring at point A.
‘! ! ’
‘The bombs are all installed. At point B, you should go and support! ’
'Yes indeed! Hurry up! ! ’
'my God! ’
‘It’s useless! There are two enemies. We are only left with her, and a bomb has been installed. You can’t win it anyway...’
'This this……'
Soon, there was a wailing in the chat channel. Obviously, even a certain Edgy who urged Little Annie to go to point B was a little desperate.
"It turned out to be like this, people will go now!!"
Annie was stunned, and finally knew that the one that had been ringing since the beginning, and some annoying ‘drops~! Drop~! Drop~! What happened to her voice? Then, she jumped directly from the platform of Area A, and ran directly from their stronghold to Area B.
Someone who had appeared in the gap in the wall of Zone B before she had time to aim at Annie, was shot down by her in an instant.
‘! ! ’
'amazing! Instantly? One on one, chance! ’
'Well done! ! ’
'fast! ’
‘Hurry up and change your gun from the ground, rush in and kill him, otherwise there will be no time! ’
'Yes indeed! Annie, there is a B43 on the floor of the middle door. Go and change it, then rush up! ! ’
‘That’s what I just dropped, there should be more than 60 rounds of ammunition, enough! ’
‘Go and pick it up! ? ’
Seeing an opportunity, the teammates who were still wailing in the team channel soon became excited again and began to make suggestions.
"You are really weird. People use it well, why do you want to change it?"
In this game, Annie can see that AWP is just one shot to death. There is no need to worry about the enemy's body armor or helmet. How good is that? Moreover, in the hands of her most, most, most, most, most powerful, and most powerful ghost agent, no matter what the gun is, it is the same. In that case, why doesn't she choose a weapon that can kill the enemy with one shot?
Therefore, she continued to rush toward door B without asking, and did not listen to the blind commands of those people at all.
She suddenly stopped in front of Door B, because she heard the sound of footsteps inside. Presumably, the enemy also heard her footsteps and stopped because of it. Then she must have made some preparations, etc. Just let her in and then suddenly abrupt her?
Feeling adventurous as she rushed in like this, Annie thought for a while, she took out the grenade she had bought and couldn’t use, and after estimating the approximate distance and direction based on the position she had heard before, she gave the grenade It was thrown in through the high wall of Gate B.
boom! ! !
Annie's game funds were increased by 300 at the moment the grenade exploded. Obviously, the enemy had been easily thrown to death by her using the grenade that calculated the distance and direction.
"Haha! Look, he thought he was safe when he hid behind the box in ambush, he always wanted to stay here!"
I was not familiar with this game. I didn’t know if the enemy was dead or not. So I looked in through door B. After seeing a guy who was blown to the ground, Annie recklessly carried her big gun and jumped from door B. Go in, and laughed at the other's corpse.
Such a guy still wants to lie in wait and squat to guard her, now look at her, you know her Queen Anne is amazing, right? You know, she is the most, most, most, most, and most powerful ghost agent. How can it be difficult to get her for this kind of shooting game for children?
‘! ! ’
‘Don’t laugh! Go bombing! ! ’
‘Quick demolition! ! ! ’
‘My CAO! ! ’
‘Damn God! ! ’
‘Sun Thief! Your baby is a bomb disposal! ! ! ’
‘Annie! Quick demolition! ! ! ! ! ’
‘It’s going to explode! ! ! ’
In the team channel, the world was silent for about three seconds, and then after someone realized something, the players who had been'dead' not only did not compliment or congratulate a little girl, but they also hated them. The steel ground roared loudly?
∑(??△`)? !
"Right! Demolition, demolition?!"
"Where is it? Where is it?!"
Annie hurriedly ran towards the stacked wooden boxes at point B, and finally found the thief-hidden bomb in a hidden corner after wandering around.
"Is it this? How do I take it apart?!"
Annie squatted curiously in front of the C4 bomb, and curiously looked at the cipher number above, the wires and the countdown number above.
‘Press E, call the E button! ! ! ’
‘! ! ’
‘Over, over! ’
‘Six seconds? ! ’
‘It’s over! Time is running out, this Guwazi! ! ’
‘I’m a mother! Tomorrow is really going to drink northwest wind, this time I really want to lose back before liberation, my wife will definitely kill me! ’
‘Hey! ’
‘%¥……#¥%#¥%! ! ’
A miserable wailing sounded again in the team chat channel. At this moment, all the ‘dead’ allies were completely desperate for an unreliable and time-consuming little girl.
"What are you in a hurry? Isn't it okay to demolish it now?!"
While speaking, when the fifteen useless teammates were either silent or wailing loudly, Annie directly took out a pair of pliers, and then under the sight of the allies, directly facing the wires of the bomb Twisted over.
CounterTerrorist\'swin! !
In the last second of the bomb countdown, before the C4 bomb was about to explode, the fifteen Oasis players on the CT side were extremely shocked... They actually let the little girl win the game. ? !
‘! ! ’
"What is that..."
‘It’s a bomb blaster! ! ’
'Wow! Is she really a novice? Why does she remember to buy this kind of thing...’
‘I’ve never bought this stuff before, don’t you say, I forgot that there is this weapon for bomb disposal! ’
‘Brothers, did we win? ’
'Yes, that's right! Anyway, we did win this time! ’
‘Aha! ’
‘Stop talking nonsense, hurry up, go out and prepare to divide the money! ! ’
‘Right! Divide! ! ’
'Same place! ’
'let's go! ! ’
"Dividing the money? Edge, isn't this a friendly match? Why can you divide the money? How much is it?"
Annie said that she didn't understand what those people were saying, because after she won, she didn't seem to see the system reward her with gold coins, only the useless game funds.
‘! ! ’
'No! You heard it wrong, there is no money, everyone said, right? ! ’
The tone of a certain scapula warrior became cringe in vain, and then yelled in a suggestive tone on the team channel.
'what! what money? ’
‘Are you rich? ! ’
'no? ’
‘Anyway, I don’t know anything...’
‘I didn’t say anything just now? ’
‘It does not seem to be! ’
‘Yes! Where is the prize money for friendly matches? ’
‘Okay, okay, everyone will be gone, it’s getting late, I have to go to work! ’
‘I’m going to take my baby! ’
'I went to cook! ’
When Annie still wanted to ask, those guys left the team tacitly and quickly, and soon she was the only one left in the game map.
Annie always felt that those people seemed a bit wrong, but she didn't seem to have any solid evidence...
"Forget it!"
"People also go to brush their own copy!!"
After throwing away her, Annie, who didn’t want to continue playing the kind of boring competitive game in the closed desert town arena of'de_dust2', clicked the system and asked if she After participating in the options of other game rooms, select the safe area of'Oasis', select the teleportation station and send it out.
Yes, she is now ready to brush her own copy. As for other things, such as a certain egg decryption game, she has already forgotten that boring thing! Anyway, she would definitely not waste her precious time studying the ridiculous decryption clues of Halliday who disgusted her, don't even think about it!
As for what dungeon she is going to brush, she hasn't figured out yet...
(● ̄(??) ̄●)

_?? (??Д`) The codeword is so hard, I want all kinds of support...
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