Chapter 1168: ????(???)???look…

The situation turned sharply...
In the next two weeks, Queen Catherine and her generals were shocked and unbelievable. That is:
After the Secret Khan City, Prince and Tria City were easily led by a little witch, the general they hired, led by the miscellaneous army who didn’t know where they got it from, within a short period of time. Conquer, and let the evil defenders of Negan or Oufu who are entrenched in the Secret Khan city and other urban territories are basically cleared!
Even, the other party also raided the Negan city underneath the area-Telenis City!
It is said that after contributing all the money in that dungeon and after being scouted for massive resources, she was brazenly burnt down by the little witch, and she was even exposed to many important passages, buildings, support points and exits in the underground world It was completely destroyed when retreating?
So far, the dungeon kingdom Negan has not been able to be established on this land of the Kingdom of Erasia for a long time. It has not yet firmly ruled. It has not been three months, before it has had time to react. A certain impetuous'advanced', a little witch general who didn't follow the rules, did not listen to the arrangements, and did not obey the command was completely eliminated and suffered extremely heavy losses as a result!
With the incredible news of success, certain plans of Queen Catherine and others were finally completely disrupted.
As a result, they had to give up their original plan of tactical goals that suddenly became extremely ridiculous in comparison, and instead prepared to pack their bags and return to Kaliard City to check the changes in the situation, and at the same time urgently give someone It seems that the little girl who was going to counterattack the former capital of Alassia, Standwick, protected by Negan’s army, sent a new order:
"After more than half a month of investigation, we have basically confirmed our previous judgment..."
"Since my father was murdered, the kingdom and people of Erasia have been ravaged by war... It is certain that Negan, Ofer and some ulterior motives have killed the king and divided it up. Our Elasia Kingdom! ’
‘Witch Anne, please be sure not to waste precious troops to attack the city of Standwick, guarded by Negan’s army, because we don’t know much about the situation there and should not be greedy at this time! ’
‘I recently got a piece of news: How many farmers claimed that in the north of Tria, there is a northern town called Bailing City? Although it is only a little-known territory, and although it is heavily surrounded by enemies, it still resists Negan’s attack stubbornly and miraculously...’
"We haven’t had time to investigate the truth of this incident, but they insist that there are angels guarding the small town, and people have also found angels in Elasia... Now, the evil forces are The land of Elasia is raging, and there is a lot of news claiming that many winged creatures have wiped out a large number of enemies from the underground Negan or Ofer. Perhaps we now have enough reason to believe that the angels may return. , Or maybe they never left from start to finish? ’
"I don’t know the situation in Bai Lingcheng, nor how long they can hold on... Therefore, the mighty Anne Witch, I have seen your ability, and now, I am here to ask and order you: Please be sure to hurry up Arrived in Bailing City before Negan or Over's army contributed there! If we can reinforce them, I think, those mighty angels might join our team and agree to help us regain Elasia? ’
‘So, I hope that before we make relevant preparations and enter Standwick, we can guarantee the safety of that place, and we must guarantee the safety of that place! ’
The order that was put back by the messenger urgently, demanding that he first go to regain the Bai Lingcheng that might be protected by some birdman, was already three days ago!
After receiving the order, Annie struggled for a long time, and finally had to stop launching a general attack on one of the biggest cities and frighten the crazy thoughts of the demons who emerged from the ground, and turned to honestly. To the north, sweep towards Bailing City.
Today, she and her army, which was already scary enough, finally reached Bailing City a few hundred meters away, and clearly saw the three looming clouds directly above and on both sides of Bailing City. Midtown.
So tall, it's really a cloud city...
Before she came here, Annie didn't really believe that there was some kind of bird man here... But now, she has to believe it, because the facts are already clear! On both sides and directly above Bailing City, above the high sky, there are really three big floating cities built above the clouds?
It seems that those birdmen, that is, angels, must have mastered some kind of device or magic array that can generate enough support, so they can build their city on the sky far away from danger like some wizards. ? However, Annie didn't care how the other party built the floating city. She only knew that she was going to come here to complete the order of a certain pesky queen, and the sooner the better!
"Quick! You can let someone ride a griffin and take our flag to the city in the cloud, tell the angels to hurry down! Just say that the Kingdom of Elasia needs them, and that they are ordered to come down and surrender unconditionally. And accepted for inclusion!!!"
o(`^??)o Humph!
Relying on the fact that she now has thousands of troops under her hand, and relying on the strength of her current hero panel, Annie is not polite at all to face a certain Elasia NPC who has led her to the present. He shouted and ordered the energetic spearman captain.
'This! ! ’
‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry, my witch! ’
'Those are sacred angels. They are not officials or subordinates of the Kingdom of Elasia. It is absolutely impossible for them to surrender and accept the collection because of the banner of the Kingdom of Elasia or your order. If you do that, it’s definitely impossible. of! ’
The captain of a pikeman was shocked by their little officer's words, and almost didn't soften to the ground.
When he was frightened, he hurriedly explained to their terrible little witch who had been perverse, tyrannical, and likes to do whatever he wanted and was extremely appalling. Now anyone can see that the reason why Bailing City was not captured is definitely related to the three cloud cities!
However, right now they are floating on both sides of Bailing City, just guarding that small city. They don't need to go to Bailing City to see what is going on right now, and they will ask them to find those allies as soon as they speak. The trouble of the angels, this sort of thing that puts the cart before the horse, I am afraid that even if they dare to use their courage!
"Not going up?"
"If you don't go up, what can you do?!"
‘My lord witch, maybe you should ask them to come down and persuade them to help us in the Kingdom of Elasia? ’
Originally, the soldier wanted to say that he wanted the little girl to go up in person, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was impossible to do that according to the other's temperament and attitude, so he had to suggest so tactfully.
"No need! Look! They came by themselves! And it seems that there are a lot of them!"
Looking at the two or three groups of angels flying down from the three cloud cities, there seemed to be more than a hundred angels in number, and Little Annie immediately became relaxed, and she felt that she didn’t have to worry about the things just now. To bother.
However, at this moment, the messy soldiers from all races behind her were not as careless and defenseless as her, because they could all see it, the angels. Have a strong hostility!
At least, when looking at them, the army that is clearly not inferior to Elasia, there is some kind of strong hostility or can it be said that it is killing intent? !
The three teams of angels, a hundred or so, just hovered in the sky, flapping their wings and lined up, they began to be condescending like that, majesticly overlooking some of the offenders, mainly human army, griffon , Harpy, Caveman, Three Hellhounds, Horned Demon, Evil Eye, Minotaur, Cthulhu, Medusa, Goblin, Werewolf, Manticore, Lizardman, Cyclops, Centaur, Wolf Fighter , Even the dense army of Qi element and other messy monsters.
Seeing the number of the army and the super-complex composition in front of me, even if it is as strong as a certain archangel, I can’t help but grow up. I don’t know which side these people belong to, and why they hold the eagle high. Rasia's blue-bottomed golden rim griffin flag?

"Listen to me from the person above!"
"We are the army of the Kingdom of Elasia, you birds...what are you angels still doing? Don’t hurry up and accept our collection, and join us to fight against the evil of Negan and Over who invaded Elasia. guys?!"
Regardless of the other person's thoughts, Annie asked openly and questioned like this, just like the tone she used to collect those messy soldiers or homeless people.
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
"You are... a human witch? Well, even if the ones you just said are true, I don't understand why the army of the Kingdom of Elasia is like yours, and why there are so many Monsters from dungeons and hells?!"
Hearing the extremely rude words of a certain little witch, after reaching out to stop the riot caused by the anger of the angels under her, an archangel who seemed to be the leader quickly flew out and flew out between the two sides. After stopping in midair, he asked.
"It's very simple!"
"The soldiers of the Kingdom of Elasia are dying, and they don't bother to practice slowly, so they all caught the guys who could fight along the way as soldiers and cannon fodder!"
?? (??`▽????)
"I'm telling you that these guys are actually very useful. When fighting, they rush to the forefront to block arrows. They die the most and eat the least. They don't have to worry about food. They eat corpses without paying them. How good is that?"
Annie didn't care at all what the ‘army’ behind her would think after hearing her words, she went on to explain to an uncertain archangel in a carefree manner.
"You are not afraid of them resisting?!"
The archangel has already seen it, and he found that there are some demons and monsters in the opposing army who are dull or whispering. Obviously, there must be some unruly guys in this weird army. ! Therefore, the archangel, who is the mortal enemy of those monsters, was a little puzzled, not knowing how the other party did all this.
"Dare they?!"
"Hey! Do you dare to resist?!"
While asking, Annie hurriedly caught a ball of fire, and then stared at some of the guys who had been marked by her as the ‘Servant Army’ and the ‘Cannon Fodder Army’.
Now in Annie's large army, the ingredients are mainly divided into four categories: one is the Erasia human army that has been incorporated. What has not been said, their people are the most trustworthy and the morale is the highest! Of course, it’s the most troublesome, because you have to pay and you have to take care of your food; and the second type are those strong guys who are not part of Negan or Ofer. Those guys are as reliable and troublesome as the human army You need to send money and take care of the meal! The third and fourth types are similar. They all saw Negan and Ofer’s soldiers who could not beat them and surrendered sincerely or humbly. They needed to soldiers of the fourth type who were subject to various restrictions during the war. , That is, the cannon fodder of the captives rushed towards the enemy, they are all'servant army' who don't need to pay or control their food!
‘! ! ’
‘Don’t dare! Absolutely not! ’
‘How can we oppose the great Anne Witch? ’
‘Don’t dare! Really dare not! ! ’
‘We are very loyal to Sorceress Anne, more loyal than Lord Moriel in Negan...’
'exactly! ’
Seeing the evil witch that is a bit more terrifying than the lords of Negan and the terrifying fireball in the opponent's hand, I look at the terrifying'friends' around me who are gearing up to make a big knife, and borrowing them a hundred courage, They also dare not resist!
"Look! They dare not?"
"Okay! Hurry up and bring your guys to join us, they are very busy!"
"Sorry, although you and you may indeed seem to be the generals and army of the Kingdom of Elasia... but our angels will not join a team like you! Let's go, we will not make you difficult, but also I won’t join you, and this Bai Ling City will continue to be guarded by us!"
After silently scanning less than one-third of the human army in the opposing team, this archangel thought and pondered for a while, and finally shook his head firmly.
"You don't want to cooperate, do you?"
Annie frowned and stared at the archangel for a while, and then directly caught a ball of fire.
"what do you want to do?"
The archangel looked a little wary, because he sensed the danger.
"Little ones, prepare to copy guys, old rules!!"
Soon, with an order from Annie, certain powerful creatures, such as the big devil or the cyclops, came forward to the ground by coincidence, and began to grinningly looking at the angels who were so inadequately in number that they could not resist them.
"you guys!!"
"Do you want to be an enemy of angels?"
The archangel exclaimed and fluttered his wings and backed a little later.
"Angels are amazing?"
ε=(??ˇεˇ????))) Bah!
"Isn't it just a pair of wings, they also have them!"
Seeing the other party slowly retreating, and seeing that the troops under her were prepared tacitly, Annie also showed some beautiful props she had found in the northwest of this area. Just like the other party, his Dabai immediately flew up slowly, just floating in mid-air.
"That's... the flying wings of the Seraph?!"
With an exclamation, a certain archangel recognized the treasure that Little Annie was using at a glance. As for the burning sword and shield in the opponent's hand, he didn't even put it in his eyes. After all, he knew that the opponent was a wizard, not a knight, and even with a sword and shield, he would not be his opponent.
"Give it to me! I will send a team of angels to join your army!"
Yes, he will send an army to join the opponent, but at most twenty lower angel warriors are almost the same.
"Because that is the wings of the Seraph! That was originally our stuff!!"
The archangel looked a little impatient.
Because, a long time ago, the kind of treasure that can make ordinary mortals directly become an angel and enter the cloud city, the kind of treasure called "Blazing Wings" they will also make in the cloud city! But unfortunately, as the years go by, they have forgotten how to make the kind of treasures that are vital to their angels... But if they can get a sample, they believe that they will be able to pass Study copying that kind of thing.
And this is why he is eager to get it from the opponent's hands!
"But now it was found by others, of course it belongs to them!".
What's a joke, what he said is theirs? Then her Queen Anne also said that these birdmen and the Yunzhong City are all in her family. Should they just run down and fight for her as a whole?
The archangel speeded up suddenly, as if rushing over!
boom! !
However, soon, a blasting fireball directly hit him, causing him to fly back embarrassedly, so as not to be injured by the magic flames on his weak-point wings.
"Why, do you want to single out?"
Annie grabbed another fireball and stared at the opponent unkindly.
"So what?"
If there is a group fight, there will be fewer people on your side, and more people on the other side, so the archangel hummed wittily and asked rhetorically following the other side's words.
"What if you can't beat them?"
"We don't make things difficult for you in Cloud City, Bailing City can also be handed to you!!"
The archangel, feeling that the other party came here today, is probably mainly because of the Bai Lingcheng behind the angels who have been well protected by them. After thinking about it for a while, he lost it. Out of the bargaining chip he thought was dispensable.
"You want to be beautiful!"
"Well, let's go heads-up, no one can help! If they win, all the angels here must join our team unconditionally and listen to my orders, and this bird's wings will also be given after the battle. you!"
"If someone accidentally loses, then this broken thing will be given to you for free! What do you think, dare you come and fight against this super powerful wizard?!"
A broken city, where is Anne rare?
You know, the order she got was to ask these seemingly powerful angels to join. If she can easily get so many angels at once, there must be no reason for a certain Catherine queen to stop her from continuing to march. Right?
"it is good!"
"That `s a deal!"
A little girl, a witch, even with ‘Blazing Wings’, it’s absolutely impossible to beat him as an archangel! Therefore, he was eager to reclaim the treasure, without even thinking about it, he directly and generously agreed to this extremely advantageous fight and bet agreement for him.
"Look, since we can all fly now, do you want to fight on the ground, or do you want to fight on the ground without restriction?!"

I don't know what came to mind. Little Annie's glasses grumbled, and then she suddenly asked.
"You put away the wings of Blazing Sky, let's fight on the ground! I will draw a big circle on the ground, and the one who leaves the big circle first will lose!"
After pondering for a while, I felt that playing in the sky would be too time-consuming and might hurt the precious blazing wings of the archangel. I felt that the ground battle itself also has a huge and definitely can. After defeating the opponent in a short time, he gladly chose the ground battle!
However, he also made certain restrictions on the rules of the battle, so as not to have too much room and room for the opponent to cast spells and escape.
"Then say it!"
Seeing that the opponent was really fooled, Annie blinked at the opponent playfully, and then flew to the ground with such carelessness and waved to the miscellaneous soldiers to give up a field.
ε=(????`●))) alas
(Tibbs sighed, and he knew that the birdman would definitely be fooled... Why didn't he think about it, the horrible little lord of the Tibbs family would be the kind of no reason Are you fools who offer advantages to the enemy?)

(^▽^)?? Ask for a ticket?? (^▽^)
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