Chapter 1182: ?(?`^??)? Stop it! That dragon is someone...

When Annie was at level six and left from the spring of her home base, her tears of the goddess and the missing chapters had been taken by her to synthesize a high-end, high-grade archangel staff.
Moreover, in addition, she even had extra small money to buy an extra burst wand worth '850', and then she went to the wild area of ​​her own road, planning to remove a certain one she has never had. The blue monster who dared to do it was to burn the blue carved golem!
Sure enough, the feeling of having enough small money is different, even walking with a gust of wind!
Isn't this?
When other talents had one or two small pieces of equipment, Annie had already ‘dual-held’ magic wands out of the house, and no longer had to worry about the lack of blue for her game character! Later in the wilderness, she will not be afraid of any monsters, dare to fight any monsters, and she can squander her magic power at will. I believe that under the blessing of the archangel's rod, it will definitely never be used up.
Of course, the most important thing is that she is now at level 6, and her little bear Tibbers can finally accompany her in the game to beat up those nasty bad guys!
(● ̄(?) ̄●)
‘! ! ’
‘I said the jungler, can’t you buy other equipment with so much money, why buy the Archangel’s Staff? ’
"The price/performance ratio of that thing is not good? ’
A card in the middle is watching a certain
jungler in his wild area that is fighting against the blue BUFF golem. He also saw the opponent’s equipment at the same time. Knowing why the other party bought the equipment too much, he asked curiously.

"Because they don't have enough blue, of course you have to buy it first!"
This is indeed the case, because Annie is a spell class, and she will definitely not be able to kill wild monsters by relying on level A alone, but skills are very mana consuming, so if there is no blue medicine or props, whether she is a wild monster or a monster It will become very difficult to fight the enemy...This is the main reason that prompted her to take the lead in synthesizing the rod of the archangel. After all, the thing can provide 650 mana, and it can passively accumulate to 1400 mana. It can also provide a spell power of 3% of the maximum mana, which is very good!
‘Okay, but since you bought the Archangel’s Rod, your current blue must be enough, or not? Give me the blue buff you are playing now, what do you think? ’
‘In that case, I might be more comfortable with suppressing Yasuo! ’
Although the card master also knows that the blue buff is the opponent's first buff, it seems a bit unreasonable to ask for it by himself. After all, they gave up the opponent directly at the beginning and did not help to play the blue... However, Thinking that the other party already has the rod of the archangel, he asked with such a cheek when he was certain that he would not be short of blue.
"This is their blue BUFF, they are their wild monsters, why should they give it to you?!"
Annie continued to bang against the blue carved golem, she didn't even stop waiting for the opponent to come and take it.
In fact, in her opinion, the blue buff is not important, but she knows that after killing this blue glyph golem, there is a lot of small money. For her who is preparing to synthesize the next equipment, She won't let go of any lost money easily. Therefore, the other party wants to ask her for a blue buff without thinking about it, not even wanting it!
‘! ! ’
"You guy..."
The card is a bit anxious, but considering that he can cut the card back to blue, after thinking about it, he doesn't have much desire to get the blue buff, just some small resentment and no overall view of the jungler. Unwilling to understand and support teammates some complaints.
‘Okay, don’t make any noise! ’
‘Isn’t it just a blue buff? Winning is the most important thing! ’
'That one……'
‘Uncle jungler, please hurry up and support me on the road. I’ll be at level 6 right away. Just now their mid laner Yasuo came up and disrupted my rhythm. Now it’s suppressed by the angels. Come and help! ! ’
At this time, Timothy Million, who claimed to be on the road with 18,000 combat power, was the first to support it. Because, when the angel can carry out long-range attacks and will soon be at level 6, if no one goes up to help, he really can't stand it and will be pitted!
For example, now, he is almost 20 minions behind the enemy when he mentions one million, and it's really hard for him to get on the road like this.
"On the road?"
"There is no teleportation right now. Wait a while, and the teleportation will be refreshed after a few tens of seconds. You have to work hard!"
Annie is currently playing blue buff on the bottom road. It’s so hot on the top road. In addition, she just used teleport. Now that the CD is not good, her short legs must be unwilling to run up to support the wretched one. Little boy, so, in addition to giving the other side a little bit of support, she still slapped her own blue buff.
‘How many, tens of seconds? Forget it, I'll continue to be wretched...’
After dozens of seconds, the angel and him were already at level six, and it would not be easy to catch by that time, it would be better for him to continue to develop wretchedly!
‘Don’t rush on the road! ’
‘Brothers will come to support you later, I’ll be...’
'Ouch! ! ’
The card in the mid lane just wanted to say that he would be able to support the opponent when he reached level six. But at this moment, the enemy’s gust of wind sword Hao Yasuo rushed over, and after a burst of steel flashes, Flashing over at the opportunity of reaching level 6 in an instant, is it about to launch a big move against him?
Seeing that the situation was dangerous, he couldn't take care of anything else, so he fled directly, and then hurriedly cut a yellow card while escaping to his own defensive tower, and finally frightened the opponent back.
But in this way, when he continues to be awkward under the tower or go back to make up for it, and then find a chance to support the road or something, it is estimated that it will be a matter of a minute or two... Therefore, a certain miserable road to raise one million must be temporarily without any Supported.
"Ha! Burn you to death!!"
Finally, it took so long to be able to beat the blue-glyph golem at the sixth level, Annie knocked out the nasty big guy to get the BUFF, and turned around and killed the ugly big toad with a few strokes. , She was about to rise to the seventh level, and while slowly regaining her somewhat dissatisfied health status, she ran towards the river valley, ready to find the hateful little who had just killed herself. Trouble with Flying Dragon.
'Humph! ’
‘Ha~! ’
‘Aha~! ! ’
As soon as she walked into the river, she was stunned to find that there was a fifth-level bald villain who was shouting slogans that sounded familiar to her, and he was still hitting her little dragon hard and looking at the situation. Will he really be beaten to death in a while?
But at this moment, she herself is a little far away from the other party, and she will not be able to catch up? !
"Bad guy! Stop it! The dragon was first seen by others!!"
ε=εε=ε= ̄???(((??曲?)?o~~(ó?ò)?
Seeing that the other party was so courageous and fat that he dared to grab his own dragon at level five, and it seemed that he could really fight, how could Annie give up? !
So, seeing that Xiaolong had blood, and seeing that an important small amount of money was snatched by the other party in front of her alive, she acted decisively, flashed directly over it, and at the same time took her own little bear Tibbers. He threw it at the opponent's head severely.
"Hey~! Tibbers, kill him!"
??????: Roar~!
While flashing and throwing her own little bear Tibbers, Annie did not forget to use her two skills, Fire Fragmentation and Burning, to rush towards the big bald villain who dared to rob her of the wild monster. Dumped it!
boom! ! !
A huge flame bear that grew in vain and fell from the sky directly bombarded it, and after sitting down on a blind monk and stunned him for an instant, immediately followed by the burning claws of the flame. The shattering fire and burning patted the opponent's head fiercely.
Obviously, a five-level down-and-out jungler obviously can't fight the full set of skills of a superior and well-equipped Dark Lady!
Therefore, under the ass, claws, burning flames of the shadow bear Tibbers, the dragon's counterattack, and the two skills that Annie took afterwards, there was something unlucky who was originally because of stealing the dragon’s blood. The blind man screamed again and fell to the ground...
rampage! ! !
Lan Fang's daughter of darkness, Annie, is close to running away! ! !
As the blind monk of the red jungler fell again, the game system began to announce the sound of a certain jungler who had killed four enemy heroes cumulatively and none of them died.
∑(′△`)? !
"what is this……"
When the bear cub slapped the light-headed villain to death twice, and turned to kill the little dragon with the same residual blood, Annie quickly discovered that she had nothing but the red one she had just snatched from the bald-headed villain. In addition to the BUFF'Crown of Embers', there is an additional effect of'Ocean Dragon Soul'?
Ocean Dragon Soul:
After causing damage to an enemy, it will continue to restore a total of 160 (+36% bonus attack power) (+22.5% spell power) (+9% bonus health) health and 80 (+3.5% maximum mana) within four seconds Value) mana. Note that when fighting against minions and wild monsters, the recovery effect is reduced to 30%.
"Wow! It was given by the dragon..."
Annie came back to her senses all at once, knowing that fighting against such a large and powerful monster has these additional benefits! Thinking about it, she felt a little grateful. Fortunately, she had been thinking about this place, and if she hadn't just arrived, she might have almost snatched it away!
‘! ! ’
‘The blind monk is dead again? ’
'what! Even got a little dragon? ’
‘Good job Annie! This time it's stable, we are set to win! ! ’
Seeing that everyone in the blue team on their side received a buff, and seeing that their jungler once again killed the opponent's jungler and prevented the opponent from stealing the dragon, the team channel once again noisy and ringing. The sound of admiration.
But at this time, there is a sad cloud on the red side...
‘? ? ’
‘Blind man, you are finished, you are completely abolished! ’
‘Blind monk, you are the worst jungler I have seen this year, none of them! ’
‘Look at that, that Annie is level 7 and the second equipment is about to come out. Our jungler is only level 5 now, and we still only have a knife...’
‘Forget it, stop playing! Guys, my mentality has collapsed and I really can't play anymore... That Annie is a bit weird and evil, or else, let's vote and give up when the time comes? ’
‘! ! ’
‘Admit defeat? But we haven’t crashed online yet...’
‘Or, call it again? ’
"Fight again..."
A certain jungler with a broken mentality no longer speaks. He is now waiting for his resurrection. Looking at his current level, equipment and economy, even if he is resurrected, he can't beat anyone, even the jungler is a little harder?
Therefore, he has gradually lost confidence in today's game.
As soon as the time comes, he is likely to initiate a vote, and if his teammates are unwilling to agree, he himself is likely to be passive, such as nesting in his own jungle and focusing on the field. The kind that doesn't go out?
'not good! Yasuo, behind you! ’
'what? ! ’
Suddenly, a strong alarm sounded on the red map. I don’t know who triggered it. Then, as the voice reminded on the road, the wind sword master Yasuo in the middle road turned around and saw a thief. The little girl jungler abducted from the passage in the wild area of ​​her home.
At the same time, the card master who was lining up with Yasuo also switched the yellow card just right, and ran towards him unkindly...
‘! ! ’
'bad! ! ’
The wind barrier!
Yasuo, the gusty swordsman who knew that the matter was critical, immediately cast a skill, and dangerously blocked the yellow card that the enemy was blasting towards him.
The wall of airflow that lasted for 4 seconds could block the yellow card of the card in front but could not block the shattering fire of a nasty jungler behind!
Soon, he had just cut a soldier. Yasuo, who was planning to use the front slash to escape, was stunned by the opponent's fireball...
As a result, burning and card attacks followed. Under the combined attack of two enemy heroes, especially under the attack of a woman of darkness who was so well equipped, she developed the most. Yasuo, the good hero of the red middle road, the hero of the gale wind sword, died in a scream, and returned to his spring to wait for rebirth.
Unstoppable! ! !
Lan Fang's daughter of darkness, Annie, is unstoppable! !
When Annie's record reached 5:0, the system once again sounded an announcement, reporting her situation to all players on both sides of the line.
After burning the sword-playing enemy just now, Annie did not choose to leave the middle, but continued to rob the red soldiers and the small money with a certain card master who had no blue on the line. Then, she Immediately proceeding, the two together under the siege of the soldiers, attacked the enemy's red defensive tower, which was less than two-thirds durable.
Your team destroyed a defensive tower!

"Wow! There are even rich men who fight defense towers..."
Annie said that after playing here, she already knows the game very well. It's nothing more than monsters, enemies and enemy heroes plus those defensive towers. It seems that there is nothing too difficult to understand?
So, after tearing down the enemy's defensive tower with that card, and seeing that there are no enemy soldiers or heroes coming again, she chose to return to the city with the opponent.
'How to do? In less than fifteen minutes, the jungler without punishment is super-smart. Can this continue to play? ’
'do not know……'
‘It’s okay to get off the road. Although both of them have an assist, the problem is not big, but the buff of the dragon on the opponent is a bit difficult. ’
‘It’s the same on the road, it’s not a big problem! ’
‘I’ve suppressed their mention of millions now, and they can’t get up for the time being, but they can’t help him for the time being. You don’t know, he buried a lot of mushrooms here, so you should stop catching him...’
'Ugh! ! ’
‘? ? ’
‘Be careful on the road! There is still a way down! ! ! ’
Suddenly, Yasuo, who was chatting with his companion on a heavy topic, yelled directly, and at the same time slammed a series of exclamation marks on the map to remind him.
That's because, at this time, he saw: the enemy's mid lane was widened, opened the'Eye of Destiny' card and teleported to the top lane, and immediately intercepted the mushroom that was being Timo exploded to the blood and The decelerating angel, let alone down the road!
The ADC policewoman and the Tauren chieftain who were on their way were sent to the back road by a nasty jungler and sent to the back by the Dark Lady, so that the two of them were talking to each other's ADC Vayne and auxiliary Thresh. The teammates who started the battle were so stunned by the opponent...
Dominate! !
Anne of Darkness has dominated the game...
Doublekill! !
GodLike! !
Anne of Darkness is already close to God...
Triplekill! !
Legendary! !
Anne of Darkness is already super god! !
At this time, a righteous angel who was on the road and ready to escape was also beaten by the card master and once again played a dizzy yellow card, and was born in an invincible state with a poisoned arrow by a wretched one million. After the end, poison...
Aced! !
Mission destroyed! ! !
It turned out that at this time, a blind monk jungler from the red side also happened to be swaying in the river, and when he flew in from the field to save the field, he just had time to kick Thresh away. Soon, under the blow of the giant bear and magic of ADC Wayne and a little girl, he gave out his humble life because of poor equipment, and gave a little girl the fourth time. Life, Triple Kill, Super God and Tuan Mie.
‘! ! ’
‘It’s over! Mission destroyed! Four lines collapsed! ! ’
'Super God! Three kills! You look at her equipment again: Archangel's Staff is almost full of mana, and there are three levels of Time Staff. Does she want to store mana and passive power? There are also bursting wands and augmentation classics. Is she going to be Landry’s torture or Relai’s ice scepter? Although this kind of equipment is somewhat non-mainstream, but now she basically kills everybody in seconds. When she comes out of the Death Hat of the World, it will be blood thick, blue, strong and high, and Shield...Can this continue to play? ! ’
"Individual record 8:0, team record 9:0..."
‘Oh~! ’
‘Forget it, it’s trash time now, let’s be unlucky, or should we vote as soon as possible? ’
Seeing that the enemy's three lanes were starting to demolish towers, and the red team members who did not let go or make waves, they fell silent for a while, and finally chose to surrender desperately after a defensive tower was demolished on the three lanes.
"What's happening here?!"
!? (?\'\'??)?
Soon, when Annie had just returned to her spring to upgrade and purchase equipment, and successfully upgraded the ice scepter, and was about to start thinking about what the next equipment would be, suddenly the camera was forced to switch to the red base crystal. Above the hub, I saw the moment when the opponent's crystal hub blew up.
Victory! !
"What! People just started to get started, you dumb guys surrendered? How can this game be like this, how can there be such a thing as surrender if you can't beat it?!"
Obviously, for Annie, who has just found a little method and experienced the fun of crushing the enemy with equipment, at this time the enemy suddenly surrenders, it is very, very affecting her gaming experience!
Therefore, in grief and annoyance, she viciously rejected those blue teammates' friends and applications to continue the next game, and directly retired and returned to the Oasis Game Hub.
(● ̄(?) ̄●)

??????: Wow~! ? Ask for a ticket?
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