Chapter 1190: ?? (???,)? How can you do this! …

‘Annie! ’
'Hey? are you there? Please answer if you hear! ’
‘Please! The matter is urgent, really urgent, please answer me quickly if you are there! ’
While Annie was boringly waiting for others to decide three players to join the semi-finals, a certain unscrupulous scapula warrior suddenly hurriedly contacted her who was on standby for the game, and could she still use it? The kind of paid message function that can deliver voice when the communication is connected?
Beep! Beep! Beep!
Immediately afterwards, the button requesting to connect to the instant chat communication flickered and jumped directly in Annie's player interface.
"Really, I just like to disturb people at this critical time..."
Although I was very angry, I looked at those who were fighting on separate playing fields. They were using lightsabers, beam rifles, live ammunition weapons, boomerangs, dragoon systems, missiles, and ship swords. The "Gundam" who were moving, felt that their stupid guys should not be able to tell the winner in a short time. After thinking about it, she reluctantly opened the flashing communication icon in a difficult place.
"What's wrong? Brother Edge, have you found anything super fun again?"
To be honest, if it wasn't for the other party to say that the matter was ‘very urgent, very urgent’, Annie would definitely not get through the flashing communication! Therefore, she hopes that the other party should say something that can satisfy her or interest her.
'Great! ’
‘Annie! Listen to me first, it's like this...’
‘We got the news that IOI seemed to have taken the lead in cracking and discovering the last clue left by Halliday this morning. They discovered the third challenge, right now! Right on the Death Planet in District 12! ! ’
‘They are now setting up a powerful magnetic shield around Halliday’s incarnation, which is the castle of Anok, like something called the Osuvox Ball! ’
'That is a 99-level magic orb that will create a large barrier that resists mana and is impenetrable. We just tried it, but there is no way to break it. You arcanist can quickly come over and help us find a way. ? ! ’
Before Annie could continue to speak, Edgie said hurriedly, not even caring whether Annie was happy or not.
"Osuvox ball?"
∑(′△`)? !
"Oh! Let me take a look first..."
What? What?
Annie just used the game system to call up the relevant description called "Osuvox Ball" to figure out its general weakness.
"It's very simple! Since it can't be broken, just don't break it? You can directly use teleportation equipment, skills or other spells to go directly in!"
Although that kind of useless thing looks very powerful, it is actually very simple to crack, because you only need to find a more powerful wizard to open the portal and go inside the shield of the magic ball. There is no need to go. Break it!
Of course, Annie wouldn't tell Edge that she could open the portal by herself.
‘! ! ’
'It's that simple? ! ’
Edge was shocked. They just thought of a lot of ways but they didn't work, and then they had to contact a little guy who was participating in the Gundam Tournament, but unexpectedly, the other party actually gave them one in an instant. Great idea?
"It's that simple!"
(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!
For that kind of shield that is unbreakable relative to physical and spell damage, it is a joke to teachers like Anne, because they have extremely high attainments in space spells, and they can go directly past the stage of breaking the shield. Entering into the shield, there is no need to break them at all.
'Well! ’
‘I remember you would teleport spells and open portals, right? Hurry up, come and help us, we are now on the death planet, just outside the castle of Vanok, it's too late to be too late! ’
Edge began to urge.
Annie suddenly regretted giving advice to the other party...
‘? ? ’
‘But what? Don't hurry up, they will clear the level to get Halliday's Easter eggs, and then everything will be over! ! ’
Edge urged anxiously again.
"But, they are now going on a very important Gundam Tournament..."
Anne said that she was not interested in Halliday’s Easter eggs. She just wanted to wait for those idiots to advance quickly, and then quickly walked to her to play semi-finals and finals with her, and then cut them down. And get the final victory and reward of the game!
As for the egg...
She can wait until the game is over to check it out. Anyway, she is not in a hurry, and she has never cared about the stocks of that kind of game company. Even if someone else gives it to her, she will not be sad at all. !
Besides, if she really wants to, she can rush to the IOI company building and grab the stock back.
‘! ! ’
‘When is this, do you still care about the game? Is the easter egg important or the game important? ! ’
Edge was so angry that he shouted almost in a roaring tone.
If... if he had known that it would end up in such a situation that would make them extremely embarrassed, he would definitely not give some advice to a little guy to find a VF-25 that can compete and to help the other party. Do you work overtime and repair?
"That one……"
"I just thought about it, but I still think the game might be a little bit more important!"
For this question, Annie answered with a frank and strong answer!
Because participating in the competition can make her happy, can make her get mysterious rewards and more small money, that is the most important thing! As for the kind of eggs and eggs, as for the real-world company stocks, she is really not rare.
(● ̄? ̄●)
Edge was a little dumbfounded.
Sure enough, he had a bad premonition before he contacted the other party. Looking at it now, the answer from a certain little guy didn't make him feel too surprised. It was the kind of bad feeling that the other party usually does. Different from ordinary people's behavior style?
"Do not worry!"

"I will promise to beat those stupid guys with the fastest speed later, and then I will be able to help you soon!!"
Annie just took a look at the game and operation abilities of those stupid guys, and found that none of those stupid guys is decent, except that the body may be a little better. If it is more technical, I am afraid that she is even in the PVE copy. The captain of the .S Skeleton team that I met, Ozma Lee, is far inferior, right? Therefore, she thinks she can finish the game first, and then help out~!
What's more, it is now in the quarter-finals, and will soon enter the semi-finals with her participation. Annie just had a bye to a large group of people, and she was not able to participate in the next PVP match, so what? May give up easily?
‘Forget it! I don't care about you! ’
After speaking, Edge, who knew that he couldn't persuade the other party, hurriedly closed the communication. It seemed that he had discussed a new way with his companions, namely Parsifal and Artemis.
Seeing the other party hurriedly disconnected, Annie knew that the unscrupulous profiteer, the big man, the scapula warrior Edgie must be a bit angry with her... but there is no way, she didn't want it, after all After spending so much time, in any case, you must finish the game first. It's useless to persuade this matter!
However, Annie hadn’t waited long before she discovered that in this'oasis' game, someone suddenly used some kind of paid or mission-obtained props to conduct a live broadcast of the whole game frequency band, so that her player system interface And on all the screens in the Oasis game, a guy she has always disliked, that is, the character portrait of Parsifal?
‘All citizens of Oasis, all players! ’
‘I’m Parsifal, the find the key, and the second highest person on the Easter Egg Ranking! ’
‘I’m going to tell you all a tragic thing now...’
‘Now, the future of all our Oasis players is being seriously threatened by someone who wants to win the Easter Egg contest at all costs! ’
‘Many of you may have heard the news, but like me, there is no good way, because the enemy is too powerful and shameless...’
‘Yes, they are IOI, the cancer of Oasis World, the sixth man company! ’
'At one time, many people tried to fight against them. Some people lost equipment or props, some people lost their character data, some people lost their freedom, and some people even lost their precious lives. Life in the world...'
‘And now...’
‘You can see through my interface that the strong magnetic field covering the third challenge is our last obstacle! ’
'I came to the Oasis just to escape the bad real life... But in the end I stayed and I can't live without it anymore... Because I am like many of you, because I found here more than myself. The important thing! ’
‘I found my goal, I found friends, and love...’
'but! ’
‘I don’t want to lose everything I have now because of some big bastard, because of that IOI’s sixth person Nolan Sorrento! ’
‘He thinks we won’t notice his behavior, he thinks we won’t resist, and don’t have the courage to resist...’
‘He has nothing to do with the developer of this game. Halliday just asked him to help bring a cup of coffee, nothing more! ’
‘Now, he wants to arbitrarily take away everything we have, make the oasis his private property, make all of us his slaves, and his tools for profit! ! ’
‘He never treated us as human beings. His company even had a terrible slave workshop. He never felt that we would resist...’
‘But I think he was wrong, very wrong! ’
'and so……'
'The hunters on Jigax, the Spartan warriors on Reach, the warriors of the Tyronn Empire, the trainers of the Pokémon world, and other enthusiasts are an oasis for various games, animations and movies. My fellow citizens! Are you willing to give everything for the oasis, are you willing to fight the tyrant IOI, even if it is cleared for it? ’
'right now! ’
'All the players of Oasis, I took the first place in the Easter Egg Rankings by Anne Hasta, the second place Parsifal, the third place Artemis and the fourth and fifth place Xiu and Da Calling you in the name of the East: I implore you to come to our side, to the castle of Anok on the planet of death, join us, and fight for the oasis tomorrow! ’
‘Come to the dead planet and join us, in the name of James Halliday, let’s save the oasis and save the world that belongs to us...’
After that, the conversation of the game's full-range live broadcast ended here, and the picture soon fell silent, and became the original advertisement picture of various real-world products again.
Although the other party’s words were sensational, it didn’t impress Annie... Because, no matter how nice the other party said, no matter how deceptive, no matter how provocative and frustrating, there is probably nothing in her. A delicious lollipop works well.
And, she never remembered, when did she authorize that pesky guy to use her name to bluff and fan the flames? For example, now, she hasn't participated in the things of those guys at all, so he dare to directly use her as the number one on the easter egg standings to announce and call the kind of gang fights? !
That's really... outrageous! !
"what's the situation?"
∑(′△`)? !
Soon, Annie found out that there were actually a lot of contestants who responded to that guy. They gave up the confrontation in the game, and then passed away directly... Soon, the only one in front of her was that bye. After the IOI assault Liberty Gundam is waiting for a duel with him?
And the other one who made it to the finals directly because of the abstention of other players was the lucky guy driving the M9Gernsback from the all-metal frenzy? !
Moreover, Annie also discovered that a certain non-mainstream match host who originally planned to say something has just ran away, and most of the audience is gone, so that now this huge Gundam Tournament is only left. With a few dozing spectators and some spectators with numb expressions, the game was completely handed over to a rigid system to host, and she quickly transmitted herself to a playing field?
At this time, the same thing that was teleported and appeared in front of Annie was the body of a bad guy company that looked beautiful, mighty, and extremely high-end, but had the character'IOI' on his chest. Strike Freedom Gundam!
"Zone 12... Death Planet, Arnoke Castle?"
Is it really fun there?
Seeing so many people running away, not only the audience and the players, but even after the host of the game ran away, Annie suddenly felt that maybe she really should end the game here soon, and then rush to the Death Planet to join in the fun ?
Please note that the game will start after the ten-second countdown ends...
Therefore, she hurriedly looked at the opponent's body before the countdown of tens of seconds before the start of the game:
Unit name: Assault Freedom Gundam
Model: ZGMF-X20A
Operating system: next-generation unrestricted nuclear drive assault module complex
Power: Super high-grade deuteron power engine
Armor: Variable phase shift armor
Special equipment: anti-neutron jammer
"Are you one of those IOI bad guys?"
"Then they are here to defeat you now, and it can be regarded as a favor to them. You can come here quickly, they are very anxious! After defeating you, they will go to the Death Planet to fight your company if they win the championship later. That group of bad bosses!!!"
Annie glanced at the opponent's body data, and then quickly found a solution to the opponent.
After all, she was a little phoenix of the T Zaft army. She was familiar with the same-source unit like'Freedom of Strike', even if the performance of the opponent's unit was better than what she had encountered at the time. The same goes for advanced and more outstanding!
It’s just phase-shift armor. That kind of armor is known for its almost invincible defense against live-fire weapons. Unfortunately, Annie’s VF-25 is also a nuclear-powered body, and it also has beam rifles and beam machine guns. Isn't it the same as playing to break the defense?
'Humph! ’
‘For the company! ’
‘Daughter of Darkness! I'm sure I won't let you leave here alive! ’
One! !
Game start! !
Because the distance was too close, Annie instantly turned on the VF-25 engine and turned into a fighter plane and rushed towards the opponent.
‘! ! ’
At the same time, the IOI pilot also rushed towards Annie with the MA-M02G "Super Lacerta" beam saber! It seems that he intends to rely on the excellent protection of the body to directly attack Annie at close range, so as not to fall into the embarrassing situation of being accurately sniped by Annie at a long distance?
I want to come, he must have done related homework before, or someone has given him advice, let him know some of his opponent's performance in Macross F, so he plans to use his own strengths to attack the other's shortcomings and use Will the VF-25 be slashed down by the close combat?
Block~! !
The two sides just rushed past, and the winner was decided in a short moment.
‘! ! ’
‘This, this is impossible...’
To the surprise of the few spectators and the only other player left in the competition venue, the assault freely approached the VF-25 and cut off a small piece of the VF-25’s wing while quickly switching and changing. The VF-25, in human form, almost simultaneously inserted a physical knife directly into the chest of the PS phase shift armor, which is claimed to be almost invincible against physical weapons, into the cockpit?
boom! !
"Nothing is impossible!"
"Because the needle point shield is placed on the knife. It does not rely on the sharpness and hardness of the physical weapon to cut the armor. It is the cutting effect of the energy shield~!"
Obviously, the other party must have relaxed her vigilance just when she saw her pull out the knife. Therefore, after Annie explained to the other party, she pulled out her own knife and pushed away the other's beautiful mecha. It fell to the ground and made a huge roar.
At the same time, more gold coins came directly from the chest of the Assault Freedom Gundam that was no longer moving, and it was obvious that an IOI pilot inside had belched.
"All right!"
"The next one is..."
With that, Annie ignored the repairs made to her body by the game system, but excitedly looked at a body that was teleported to her.
Body number: M9Gernsback
Overall height: 8.4m
Total weight: 9.5t
Body power source: Palladium reactor
Maximum combat operation time: 150 hours
Top speed: 250kmh
Maximum jumping height: 45m
Fixed body weapon: AM1112.7mm machine gun x2, XM18 line gun x2
Basic carrying weapons: GDC-B40mm rifle, RoyalOrdnanceM1108 anti-tank dagger, GRAW-2 single molecule knife, K1\'Javelin\' ultra-high-speed missile, ASG96-B57mm smoothbore gun, HoughsVGM-A2(M) "Versaille II" and more Purpose missile
Special device: λ-DRIVER
Except for the lambda driver that Annie is not very familiar with, she didn't think the other party was so powerful, so she decided to hack the other party to death within three moves, and then hurriedly drove her VF-25 to the death planet. Join in the fun.
At this time, the pilot of the fan alliance, "Ayo Hey 321", was also silently observing a certain VF-25 named Dark Lady, because he couldn't figure out how the other party just got a KO with one move. Is the strongest unit from IOI assault free?
You know, that's the top-level machine in the Gundam Tournament, and there is no one!
and so……
Your opponent ‘Ayo Hey 321’ has sent you a message:
'Humph! Annie Hasta, right now, for the oasis and for Halliday, our fan alliance has decided to send the main force to participate in the war on the death planet. It is useless to waste time here with you, so we decided to temporarily let it go. You this time! ’
‘However, our business is endless! ’
After speaking, after finishing the ruthless words and explaining the reason for his abstention, the beautiful and streamlined silver body M9Gernsback disappeared in an instant. I think it was before the official start of the game that it voluntarily abstained and was sent out of the game by the system~www.!
Congratulations! Annie Hasta, because your player Ayo 321 took the initiative to give up the game, you have now officially won the final victory of the 10th "Oasis Cup" Gundam Tournament!
Relevant rewards have been automatically distributed to your storage box, please check later...
In an instant, countless fireworks and colorful beams of light began to explode beside Annie's VF-25... It's a pity that now there is no host here to mobilize the atmosphere, and none of them are still in the audience. The audience, so the cheers or annoyed boos that should have been there must be gone.
!? (?\'\'??)?
"Wow! How can you guys look like this!!"
"What righteousness, to deceive the undead, what righteousness is, and that thing can't be eaten! Don't think that people don't know it, it's obviously that you guys saw that you couldn't beat them, so you simply renounced defeat and escaped, and even said Is it spicy?!"
Annie made a noise in the cockpit with anger.
However, even the sparse unaware players left in the game field now disappeared here, and she was left here alone, and no one would come to comfort her or listen to her.
ε=(′?`●))) alas
(Sure enough, Tibbers knew that a certain nasty little girl is very difficult to serve, and she is not happy if she wins, not to mention if she loses...)

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