Chapter 1195: ?(ψ`?′)o? Let’s play together...

‘! ! ’
Seeing a little girl who didn’t know the origins dared to treat their great supremacy, to the actual ruler of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, to the object of their pledge of allegiance to their guardians, and Ainz who deeply admired her. Master Urgon said that kind of extremely offensive words, how could Albedo stand it, and where would he be polite to each other?
‘Damn ants! ’
‘Dare to offend the greatest Ainz-sama, dare to be so disrespectful, you can go to death! ! ! ’
‘Hi, ha~! ’
Therefore, when she rushed to the opponent's face at an extremely fast speed that was almost invisible to the naked eye, she unceremoniously directly lifted the giant axe in her hand to the highest point at the same time, and directed it viciously towards the mouth. The head of the little girl who uttered Kyogen and recklessly chopped it down! !
clang! ! !
First there was a loud noise like metal collision!
‘? ! ’
Then, it was Albedo’s unbearable surprise and grunt!
It turned out that before she was about to slash down on the little girl's head with the giant axe that emits green light, a dark red transparent magic shield appeared directly around the little girl's body, and then she attacked. Slashed directly on the dark red shield!
However, the next thing that surprised Albedo and the Ainzur Gonziqi who just planned to prepare other spells who did not shoot at the back is: as powerful as her Albedo, as powerful as Nazar. With the full blow of the guardian chief of Lectra's underground tomb, couldn't it shake that seemingly thin magical shield? !
Moreover, what surprised them even more was...
It doesn’t matter if you can’t shake the magic shield by a single bit. The moment that weird red flame shield was cut on and touched by Albedo’s giant axe with green light, a more powerful reaction occurred directly. While force and flying her, it also caused a layer of weird dark red flame to roll up along the long handle of the great axe, directly on the body of Albedo and the black armor with spikes. Burning in a flash? !
‘! ! ’
‘Material immunity and backlash? ’
‘How is it, Albedo, are you okay? ’
Seeing that the attack of his manager, Albedo, not only did not work, but was also bounced off. While watching the smiling little girl in the distance, Anzurgong hurriedly caught his guardian. The manager, then asked anxiously.
‘Uh huh! ’
‘No, nothing! ’
‘Master Ainz, you must be careful, her spell seems weird! ! ’
Albedo, who flew back, was supported by Ainzur, and soon struggling to stand up from the other's arms, regaining his balance, and continued to hold her giant axe on guard. .
If it was in the usual way, she would have to take the opportunity to be tender and coquettish in the arms of Master Anzurgon, but now she can’t, because both she and Master Anzurgon can see it, the one in front Little girl, the arcane archmages who claim to be the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most powerful arcane mages are very strange, they must go all out and be careful!
‘! ! ’
‘Albedo, you... are you hurt? ! ’
After glancing at Albedo's health with magic, Ainzurgon couldn't help being surprised!
Because what he saw, before the enemy fought back, it was just a backlash with a defensive magic shield, which caused Albedo to suffer a small injury, which inevitably made Ainz Urgon’s cautious liver uneasy. stand up……
He was a little horrified, a little unbelievable that this weird world could have such a powerful existence? You know, even if it is replaced by himself, I am afraid that when using magical defense and withstanding Albedo’s full blow, it is impossible to be as unscathed and indifferent to allow the shield to counter the enemy. !
Such spells, such confidence, why on earth?
Also, who is the other party, and is it the same as him? They are all players who have traveled from the earth, and they are also the kind of legendary players in the YGGDRASIL game that are at the top because they are rich, so they can be unscrupulous. Go to the super players of krypton gold and liver burning? !
If that is the case, then they are in big trouble today...
‘It’s okay! ’
‘A little injury... But Master Ainz, her fire spell is very powerful, maybe the kind of fire-specialized caster! ! ’
‘Fire Specialization...’
‘I see, Albedo, guard aside! ’
'Yes! ! ’
?? Glorious emerald green body!
?? The blessing of the magic chant!
?? Infinite barriers!
Looking at the weird little girl mage who was still standing thirty or fifty meters away and staring at her two with a smile, Ainzur thought for a while, and started blessing herself and Albedo. Various defense and offensive BUFFs cautiously asked again:
"Your Excellency Anne Hasta Arcane Archmage!"
"I still don't understand. Are you really going to be our enemy? Because we don't seem to know you and have never provoke you. Can you give us a valid reason?"
"Are you with the person from the "Silian Church"? If that is the case, I, Ainzurgon, will not let you slaughter the people here and will accept your challenge! ! "
?? Magic Enchantment·Sacred!
?? The essence of life!
?? High-level full attribute enhancement!
?? Life sharing!
Before starting the PK, it must be BUFF.
However, Anzurgong, who was worried that the other party would not give him time to prepare, continued to ask questions and clarify the confusion, while being very cunning, secretly providing high-level protection to himself and his general guard Albedo. Physical and spell attack spells.
Even, in order to achieve the best PK encirclement effect with two enemies and one, he cunningly allowed himself, whose health value was slightly thin, to follow with the strongest defensive power among all guardians, and it can be called the perfect meat shield and the strongest shield. The thick vitality of Albedo's is linked together so that he can withstand the opponent's magic bombardment when the fight starts later?
Of course Annie saw the other party's BUFF secretly!
However, she originally came to fight with the other party, and originally wanted to bully the other party severely and out of breath, she kindly didn't bother or expose it, so she just followed the other party's words and answered:
"There seems to be no reason!"
"People don't know the group of guys you just captured. They don't want to care about whether they are alive or not! People are now in a bad mood, and because your bones are a little unpleasant, so they changed the law. I will provoke you, and then I will find a good start to beat you up!"
"Don't worry, people will definitely not kill you, at most it will be a little bit painful and a little bit miserable!"
Annie was telling the truth, and was already a little impatient.
However, seeing that the other party seemed to have not finished the BUFF, she had to wait patiently in place, and forcibly suppressed the nasty skull that was directly directed at the opponent with the fragmented fire in her hand. In the past, she burned the opponent into the impulse of a certain evil spirit knight who had also been bullied by her before.
(● ̄?? ̄●)
(Evil spirit knights can’t burn to death easily because of their soul, but the big bone frame in front of them is not necessarily anymore... So, Tibbers thinks, if the bad guy in his family is a little serious With a little bit, the other party will definitely be burned to ashes, right?)
'you! ! ’
Albedo, wearing a black armor with spikes, was angry and wanted to rush up again with an axe, but he was caught in time by the master Ainzurgong who served behind her.
?? False information, life!
??see through!
?? Super intuition!
After holding Albedo for a while, Ainzur could not help being silent.
Although he doesn't know if what the other party said is true or false, he only knows that today's PK seems to be indispensable! Moreover, I didn't want him who had died here unexplainably within a few days of crossing, for safety reasons, he secretly took the opportunity to give himself and Albedo four buffs.
Anyway, he would definitely not wait for death and entrust his life's hope to the other party, which sounded unreliable guarantee.
"Since your Excellency has decided, so and so..."
?? High-level resistance enhancement!
?? Chaos Cloak!
?? Perceived increase!
?? High-level lucky!
?? Magic increase!
?? Dragon Power!
?? High-level skin hardening!
"Your Excellency Anne Hasta Arcane Archmage, now..."
?? Heavenly spirit!
?? Damage absorption!
?? Enhanced penetration!
?? High-level magic shield! !
"Your challenge request, I have received..."
?? The essence of magic!
?? Magic triple enhancement · Critical strike mine!
?? Magic triple enhancement, high-level magic seal!
?? Magic triple the strongest level ascends·Magic Arrow!
"Well, we are ready..."
"But I want to remind your Excellency that we will not just beat you, if you lose in our hands, you will die!"
"We won't keep your hands on you..."
In one breath, I gave myself and Albedo next to me a full 28 magic buffs that I can use or think I can use, and set up some simple magic traps next to him, plus some necessary preparations. After the instant rescue spell, Ainzurgon, who felt that his courage began to become a little more sufficient, sullenly faced the suspected player who was ruthless and felt that he would be able to beat him, but it seemed that he was not The little girl who didn't see the kind of powerful equipment and props warned the player severely.
If the other party can retreat...
Maybe, his Ainzurgon will show mercy and persuade the already angry Albedo and let him leave? After all, he still doesn't know much about the world, and he doesn't know if the other party has peers or parents of the same level, so if he can't cause trouble, he will try his best to be unwilling to cause trouble!
But he can be sure that this is definitely not his counseling. He simply doesn't want to cause trouble so quickly, but just wants to be cautious first, because this is no longer in the game, he is not alone now. He also shoulders the responsibility of leading the underground tomb of Nazarick.
"Don't worry, you are too weak, and people will definitely not be hurt by a weak guy like you!!!"
‘! ! ’
‘Albedo! Do it! ! ’
'Yes! ! ’
"Haha~! ’
Seeing the other party triumphantly and not taking any more precautions, Anzurgong yelled at the guardian manager next to him, letting him rush up to interfere with the enemy and launch the approach with his heart and understanding. After the physical attack, he directly stretched out his hand and shook his gloved right hand at the position of the little girl's heart!
?? Heart Mastery
This is a ninth-level magic. It has the instant death effect of taking things out of thin air and directly crushing the opponent's heart. Even if the opponent resists and is not dead, it may produce a hazy state or dizzy effect, so that the opponent will be in Albedo. There is no room for defense or counterattack under assisted attack.
Click! !
Bang! !
‘! ! ’
‘Uh~! ! ’
What surprised Anzurgong was that Albedo was once again bounced back by the opponent’s weird shield and flew back, and once again fell down with the flames of a suit. On the ground next to him... At the same time, the magic in his own hand, that heart grasped as if it had caught something, and when it was crushed, it made a weird sound of glass breaking?
"You, are you okay?!"
"How is it possible! You, don't you have a heart?!"
I am very sure that my ninth-order magic has clearly played its role. I have clearly crushed something hard just now... However, what Ainzurgon couldn't think of was that the other party still seemed to have nothing. Like?
"You don't have a heart!"
ε=(??ˇεˇ????))) Bah! !
"Look at it! People can't burn your nasty bone shelf!!"
Thinking that the other party had changed the way to scold herself for being heartless, Annie was angry on the spot, so she directly directed the fragmented fire that she had prepared for a long time at the opponent's skull head. Boom past!
‘! ! ’
‘? ? ’
‘Albedo? ! ’
boom! ! !
When Ainzurgon just wanted to use a shield to defend or evade, he found that the guardian manager next to him, after getting up from the ground in an instant, slammed into the fireball with a single axe, and After an explosion, let the fireball swallow her?
Albedo endured the scorching of the flames, like a flame knight, rushed up again quickly, and once again raised her giant axe with a long green light above her head, and then let her After making a piercing sound of cutting through the air and making a terrible wave of air, it was so viciously cut for the third time on the dark red lava shield.
Kang Dang~! ! !
‘! ? ’
‘Uh! ! ’
Then, unavoidably, the black-clad female knight bounced back fiercely again, and was once again burned by the weird shield erupting flames...
Fortunately, it may not be the first time that she is a bit accustomed to burning it? So, this time, she was able to gritted her teeth and steadily backflips after the horrible cry, and stood beside her master, Anzurgon.
However, judging by the burnt marks on her spiked black armor and her slightly trembling arms and calves, she would definitely not be as good as she showed.
"This is a lava shield!"
"Before you have a way to break it, it can reduce magic and physical damage 100%, as well as an explosive movement speed bonus, but that kind of thing is not important... By the way, it will automatically face the North The enemy who is making ordinary attacks or melee attacks causes backlash damage, just like she was burned three times just now, isn't it very powerful?"
(??????????) Hey!
After speaking, Annie caught a Fractured Fire again.
To deal with the two enemies in front of her, she felt that using Fragmenting Fire should be almost enough. Anyway, in Annie’s opinion, she stood here motionless and let the opponent attack, and then waited for the opportunity to counterattack, and strive to speak earlier. It's almost enough if the other party burns the evil spirit knight, and as to whether to do more, she said that she would think about it later.
"is it….."
"A 100% magic shield, it will also counterattack melee attacks. It's a great spell, I've never heard of it..."
"I have seen its weakness, all your reliance is the shield, right? Therefore, as long as you break it, you will definitely not be our opponent!!"
?? Advanced Magic Seal
In an instant, three blue arcane magic circles appeared by Ainzurgon’s side, and instantly sent out as many as thirty shots each, totaling a total of ninety shots of terrifying white shining magic. The proud dark red magic shield towards the little girl in front suddenly blasted towards the lava shield!
The white brilliance originally belonged to the non-attribute attack magic "Magic Arrow". Originally, these skills belonged to the first-order garbage magic, but unfortunately, Ainz has just strengthened them specially and successfully made them reach ten. Level of rank! And the effect of their single attack is armor penetration and defense. The ability is very good. Used to deal with a single enemy, or to break the strong shield of the enemy, it is simply no more cost-effective and suitable.
And now, what he wants is their ability to penetrate and break the opponent's magic shield defense, and then allow himself or Albedo's attack to effectively damage the opponent's body, and then directly defeat the opponent!
boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!
As those magic arrows shot past, one after another violent explosions filled the sky with dust, fire, and scattered magic elements instantly drowning the little girl...
At the same time, at the moment when the 90th Tier 10 magic arrow bombardment ended, before the diffuse magic elements and ashes were completely dispersed, before the enemy could be seen clearly, the Guardian General Ya'er Bader rushed to the enemy for the fourth time, and once again raised her terrifying axe that didn't match her figure at all!
Bang! ! !
‘? ! ’
‘Uh hum~! ! ! ’
Then, she snorted for the fourth time, and was bounced back by the lava shield again, and was scorched by the fourth backlash fire to her armor, letting her three-layer armor let Her artifact-class armor, Hermes Tellis Megistes, was constantly scorching and irritating the delicate skin inside her because of her heat.
"How could it be like this... Isn't the amount of accumulated damage being bombarded by a total of ninety rounds of Tier 10 magic enough to break that thin magic shield?!"
Ainz Urgon was a little stunned at this time... He couldn't imagine that there should be such a strong single defensive spell in the world, and he was still carrying out 90 full single magic bombardments and Albedo four times. After hacking and attacking with all strength, he can still hold on without being broken! !
If it were replaced by him to defend, I was afraid that the shield would be broken by the bombardment of less than thirty magical arrows, and then, Albedo’s melee attack would be chopped in two with an axe. Right?
Seeing the little succubus who stood up again and still didn't want to continue rushing to hack him, Annie gradually became a little impatient.
‘! ! ’
‘Albedo! Are you OK? ’
Seeing his guardian chief stood up again, and his health dropped a little bit, Ainzurgon greeted with some worry.
‘! ! ’
‘Master Ainz, don’t worry, I’m fine, but you must be careful, she is dangerous! very dangerous! ’
Up to now, although there were only a few rounds, Albedo also knew the opponent's approximate strength, and hesitated whether to summon other guardians from the underground tomb of Nazarick to support.
However, she was a little worried, for fear that the other party would do that on purpose, just for her to summon more guardians? Then, once the big underground tomb of Nazarick guards the emptiness, then...she dare not imagine what will happen then.
'I know……'
"She is a powerful mage, so let's retreat first and let me deal with her!"
If there is no interference from Albedo, if the mage is dealing with the mage, maybe he can completely let go of his hands and feet.
Moreover, Ainzurgon also felt that if he was the only one, he could decide whether to escape or not at any time if he couldn't be beaten, but if Albedo was there, there would be some obstacles and constraints. of.
'Do not! ’
‘How can I rest assured that Ainz-sama will confront such a powerful enemy alone? ’
‘Then you stay aside first, find opportunities to cooperate with me, don’t block my spellcasting, and don’t get hurt by my magic! ’
Soon, seeing the strength of the enemy, Ainzurgon and his guardian chief Albedo agreed on a new strategy, and were ready to guide the magic beyond the to achieve defeat. The opponent's difficult lava shield 100% resists damage and counteracts close-range attacks.
And Ainzurgon also firmly believes that as long as they break through the opponent's lava shield, their next attack will definitely be much easier.
'Yes! ’
‘Subordinates understand! ! ’
Wearing a jet black armor full of spikes and covering the whole body without revealing any skin, at the same time letting his back grow a pair of black angel wings that match the color of the armor, and a black kite shield in his left hand. With his right hand clutching the giant axe that emits a more permeating green light, the horrible red light emerges from the gap in the pitch black helmet, the guardian of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick is fully armed and ready to go to the second stage with the enemy The battle is over!
And this time, she no longer has any reservations, and will go all out to assist the great and beloved Anzurgon to destroy that powerful enemy, even if she fights the life of Albedo! !

(??ω??)?? Ask for a ticket?? (??ω??)
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