Chapter 1196: (?????)hateful! Let them run away? …

Looking at the man in the jet-black ferocious armor, it looks like a demon. The spiked jet-black armor covers the whole body without revealing any skin. He wears metal gloves with claws and holds black in one hand. With her little kite shield, her other hand easily held the pitch-black giant axe emitting a long green light and the blood-red eyes, and staring at her little succubus in a serious formation, Annie couldn't help but wonder.
"You guy is obviously a succubus. How can it be different from other worlds, with black birdman wings? Shouldn't it be that kind of devil's wings?!"
Although knowing that this is not the time to ask about this kind of thing, Little Annie couldn't help but ask, because she saw a lot of succubus, and some of her demons also had a lot of succubus under their hands, but She had never seen such a strange and powerful one like the one in front of her.
Even she has time to be distracted and thinking, is it because the species of demons in this world are not the same, not only is the bone frame is a good bone, even the succubus is somewhat different from other worlds?
(● ̄ ̄●)
'Humph! ’
With a cold snort, Albedo, who was already fully armed and on guard, did not answer the opponent's question, but stared at the opponent coldly, and once the opponent leaked the slightest flaw, she was bound to rush forward immediately. And use this world-class prop that transforms into a giant axe in your own hand—the abyss of to cut down the opponent's hateful head!
If there is a chance, she will definitely do that, and she will never be soft! !
‘Does she know succubus too? Could it be that she is also a player...? ’
Unlike Albedo’s angry and cold and cruel heart, Ainz Urgon is now slightly "shocked" by the little girl's question, because he heard certain keywords, such as " Other worlds "set" and so on, but he was not sure whether the opponent was a player or not. After all, he had just asked, and the opponent did not respond too much, nor did he give him a clear answer.
Moreover, Ainzurgon also knows why Albedo’s setting is such a contradictory set, because ah, the opponent is one of the four most adept at hand-to-hand combat in Nazalik, and the strongest shield is him. Set by his friend and one of the 41 members of the Industrial Association’s "Cui Yulu", and that guy is very persistent in human settings, likes contrast, loves horror movies, has a wealth of knowledge of big and small myths, and is also perfectionist By……
Therefore, Albedo is set to look like this beautiful succubus, and he also has a pair of fallen angel wings, as well as world-class props, abyss, and the whole body equipped with artifact-class armor-Hermes Terry Megistes is taken for granted.
'Humph! ! ’
However, that kind of thing Ainzurgon would not explain to the little girl who was against them, and there was no time to explain it, but after seeing Albedo was ready, he began to sing and prepare for spells. , And let the magic circle light up under his feet and beside him, and at the same time stared at each other's every move.
He could see that the opponent's strength is very strong, very strong...At the same time, the opponent is one of the strongest enemies he has seen or heard in the game and now in this other world! Moreover, he could also see that the other party had never taken it seriously from beginning to end. That feeling always made him feel a little horrified!
Of course, he has no skin anymore, and his whole body is just a pale frame of big bones, and the mood swings just now have been suppressed by some inexplicable constant magic, so that his emotions are not too humanized. It will not be easily interfered by the opponent's powerful strength and terrifying pressure.
Perhaps, this is one of the only few benefits he has after crossing into his own game character?
While the other two silently stared at them and exuded terrible killing intent, Annie also silently stared at each other.
‘! ! ’
‘Albedo! ’
The two sides confronted each other for a while, and found that the little girl did not seem to have any obvious weaknesses, and gritted his teeth, directly screamed at his guardian manager, wanting to take the initiative to find a fighter?
'Yes! ! ’
‘Fate! ! ! ’
Then, the black female knight Albedo, who was completely dark and exuding breath, flicked her wings, and sensibly accelerated to the other side in an instant. While allowing the frontal magic attack channel, the giant axe in her hand was fierce. The ground slammed into the opponent's waist and smashed against the spherical lava shield!
‘Dimensional Slash! ’
‘Face the abyss! ! ’
Although the timing of the two attacks was different, they arrived at Anne’s lava shield at the same time, and bombarded them together...
boom! ! !
Dang~! !
‘! ! ’
‘Damn it! ! ’
Then, of course, even though the big bone frame was bombarded with long-range magic, he was not backlashed by the lava shield, but the dark succubus was miserable. Seeing that, he made a vicious abuse again. In the sound, he was bounced out, and a layer of looming red flame was still lingering all over his body.
But fortunately, she seems to be used to that powerful rebounding force and flame backlash. At the moment of landing, she bowed her body again, seeming to plan to rush up again to launch a new combined attack?
! (Д≡д)!?
"Wow! You guys want to cheat, but you dare to fight one by one?"
Actually, even if the opponent is fighting against one another, Annie is definitely not afraid of it, but she is afraid of trouble... What's more, she will look at the front for a while and look behind her for a while. If she goes, she doesn't know whether the enemy can break through her lava shield, but she knows that if she does that, she will accidentally smash her neck.
If something like that really happened, she would have to be laughed at by her bad bear Tibbers for ten thousand years! !
"Come to a bear hug!"
"Hey! Tibbers, come on, that little succubus will give you to play, but don't kill it!!"
After all, the other party is not her own enemy, and Annie didn't want to be the real one and killed them. Therefore, she specially warned a certain bear who might not be honest, and then directly pointed Tibbers in her hand at The succubus who wanted to slash himself was thrown out!
‘? ? ? ’
'what is that? ! ’
Although I don’t know what the other party meant, the giant axe that Albedo originally raised high couldn't help condensing a bit of strength. At the same time, the black kite shield on his left hand was slightly raised to slightly block the suspicious one. Yes, the stuffed bear that was burning with dark red flames and threw towards him.
Roar~! !
: Ow!
‘! ! ’
'damn it! ! ’
boom! ! !
Seeing that the plush bear burning with shadow flames did not suddenly explode and burn to attack him, but suddenly swelled and roared and sat down towards his face. Albedo never thought of the other party. When it was actually calling a helper, he could only secretly make a bad sound, and at the same time he gritted his teeth and violently retreated more than ten meters away, and then dangerously avoided the opponent's bear sitting and grabbing.
Seeing the pit that the other party smashed after sitting on the ground and the terrible flames that exploded, the surrounding earth and stones were red and faintly melted, she couldn't help swallowing slightly.
Fortunately, she just dodged when she saw that the opportunity was not working well, otherwise, it was just that time, she had to break the picture if she was not good!
‘Albedo? ! ’
‘! ? ’
boom! ! !
Just when he wanted to help or check the opponent, Ainzurgon couldn't help but feel excited, and then urgently carried out a short-distance teleportation, dangerously avoiding a fireball that the opponent threw towards him, and looked at it. A fireball exploded in an instant where he was just standing, and even burned that place instantly turned into a huge pool of terrifying molten pool.
"Bone frame, now it's one-to-one, your opponent is someone!!"
Seeing that the annoying little succubus was finally run around by her own little bear Tibbers, she was chasing chickens and dogs, and Annie was finally able to relax and play that kind of magical and fun game with the big boned lich.
Seeing that the opponent's single fireball spell has that terrible power, Ainzurgon knew that he could no longer keep it, otherwise, he might die miserably later! !
and so……
Ainzurgon began to sing again, and is it still some kind of powerful super-level spell?
∑(△`)? !
"Is it too arrogant to attack and interrupt?"
Falling to the sky!
Superposition magic requires no MP to activate, but it has a number of releases per day. Even if it reaches full level, it can only be used four times a day, and it requires extremely long cooling time and chanting time. And just now, due to the curiosity of a little girl and letting him sing, Ainz Urgong was given the opportunity to successfully display it.
Rumble! ! !
The damage is much higher than the magic of the tenth rank. The magic directly bombarded Annie, and successfully caused terrible strong winds, shock waves and mushroom clouds. The trees and flowers in the distance were also turbulent by the terrible air. It was twisted to pieces, and then the raging magical energy suddenly drowned the two sides in the battle.
"too weak!"
"Ha! Look at it! Fire of Fracture!"
boom! ! !
‘! ! ’
‘Uh! ! ’
‘Asshole! Eat me again! ’
The most enhanced magic is now! !
!? ('')
"No fight! Look at the move! The Fire of Fracture!!"
boom! ! !
‘! ! ’
'hateful! ’
Summon: Death Knight!
"What's so scary about a bunch of slow bones?"
"Look at it! Fragmented Fire!!"
boom! ! !
'hateful! ! ’
Hellfire! !
"Um, I forgot to tell you, flames are ineffective to others!!"
‘! ! ’
‘Hey! Is fire elemental damage immune? ! ’
Negative burst!
Black hole!
Touch of death!
Ice storm! !
!? ('')
"Look at it! Fragmented Fire!!"
Unexpectedly, the other party would have so many kinds of spells, Annie didn't use the lava shield to harden it, because in that case, maybe the other party would give up resistance or escape early because of despair. That would be no fun.
Therefore, as she flickered away from the bombardment of the method, another shattering fire blasted toward the opponent's cloak that had become tattered...
boom! ! !
"Damn it! You can't change individual spells if you have the advantage of Shattering Fire?!"
Death is the end of all life! !
Seeing that the opponent back and forth is protected by the shield or flashing to change places and rubbing a fireball against him in place, and still playing himself so embarrassed, Ainz Urgon can't support it! Therefore, when he finally cast the most powerful and most likely to hurt the opponent's move, he directly stimulated the opponent with the radical method.
In his opinion, it is very likely that the fire of fragmentation is the opponent's most powerful spell, and if the opponent uses that fire spell that does not seem to have a CD, even if his skeleton is against the flame. The resistance is very high, and it is estimated that it is about to be unable to hold on.
"You didn't like Fragmented Fire? Of course you can change it!"
"Look at it! Burn it!!!"
The reason why Annie keeps using Fragmenting Fire is just because it is easier and thinking about giving the other party a little bit to burn into a ghost knight, and since the other party said that she didn't like it, then she just changed one. The small things are simple, and not a big deal.
‘! ! ’
'what? ! ’
At the same time that Anzurgong exclaimed, the sky full of flames burned towards him, making him unable to even evade! If I knew this was the case, it might as well continue to be bombarded by that little fireball! At least, that kind of small fireball is easier to hide, and the explosion range is not too big, right?
Rumbling rumbling...
At the same time, his "death is the end of all life" was finally successfully launched, and the place where the two of them was instantly filled with the magical vortex, lightning and desertified dust formed by the sky of fire and magic bombardment. in……
Incinerate: Annie casts a blaze into a cone area, causing a lot of damage to all enemies in the area.
Death is the end of all life: it is a terrible spell that can fall into death even with inorganic matter, even air! It creates a dead space with a diameter of more than 200 meters that is absolutely unbreathable. Within the range of the spell, even the earth is not immune, and everything will instantly become a desert!
‘! ! ’
‘Master Anzurgon! ?’
‘Damn monster! ’
‘Let me go! ! ’
‘Master Anzurgon, what’s wrong with you? ! ’
When Annie fought the bone rack more and more fiercely, and engaged in the kind of special effects battle that was in full swing and burned money, a certain shadow bear in the distance had already successfully caught its enemy and caught it. That slender little succubus in jet black armor?
This is not!
The little succubus Yarbed was caught tightly in his arms by Tibbers at this time. When she saw Ainzurgon and a little girl covered by magic, she was still dead. After struggling twice... However, when a certain bear's paws slapped against a certain part behind her, she finally settled down in shame and frustration, for fear that the other party would use that kind of The terrible flame went to burn and torture her.
'hateful! ’
‘Damn magical creature, you wait for me! I……'
I just said a threatening sentence weakly, but before he could finish it, when a big red bear's paw print appeared on the armor of his butt, the succubus Albedo finally trembled again. I was sluggish, and became honest again in an instant.
‘! ! ’
'what? ! ’
In the chaotic battlefield filled with flames and dust, a certain big bone frame that originally wanted to continue to attack, that Anzurgong was seeing his guardian chief Albedo was unexpectedly seen by someone who didn’t look very good. After catching the flame bear, he couldn't help being surprised!
At the same time, his originally high fighting spirit was suddenly put out...
'hateful! ’
Can't go on like this...
Ainzurgong judged the situation and knew that it would be impossible to continue like this, because it would be too dangerous... He guessed that the opponent is probably really a player, and there is also a terrible way better than Albedo. Summoned object or from here, maybe even a helper ambushes around?
Then, he must first return to the large underground tomb of Nazarick, summon and rely on those powerful guardians to defend their turf and use the defense of the large tomb and home court advantage to be able to match the opponent!
When the dust and flames gradually dissipated, Ainz Urgon no longer bothered to check the current state of the terrible little girl, but directly took a chance and instantly teleported to a certain flame bear.
Then, taking advantage of the other party's unpreparedness, the cloak on his body was already incomparably ruined, his armor was severely damaged, and his body was still burning with flames. He looked very embarrassed. He looked like an'evil spirit rider' alive and gnashed his teeth. While enduring the horrible flames, he immediately grabbed Albedo’s hand, and before a certain giant bear realized that he wanted to catch him, once again directly teleported him and Albedo. The two of Germany immediately disappeared completely...
"Damn it! Let it run?!"
"Tibbers, you guys are really useless!!"
I originally wanted to continue playing for a while, but when I found that the other party had teleported and escaped, and seemed to have run away to hide in an underground grave somewhere, I felt that chasing after Annie was a bit bad, so I had to give up. She waved her hand and let the dust in the sky a little bit farther away from her, she walked forward bitterly and kicked a certain useless little bear.
"What to look at, you guy, it's useless, it's useless! Even the succubus who catches it can let her fly!!"
Seeing that the other party dared to stare at herself, and seemed to want to quibble something, Annie jumped on the other party's shoulder, and kicked at the other party's hideous face!
(Tibbers said that it didn’t want it either. After all, it can’t take off the armor and clothes of the little succubus and eat it in one bite, nor can it be killed. In addition, it cannot be magical, and the other party is teleported by that bone. Go, then you really can’t blame it... and don’t think it doesn’t know that the other party is the messy little master of its family who deliberately let go!)
"Why, UU reading, you bad guy, dare to whisper ill of others in my heart?!"
"Turn your head around!"
"Don't think that people don't know if you don't speak. Although you don't say it in your heart with this expression, you must be secretly speaking ill of others!!"

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