Chapter 1198: (??ω??) People just look, you...

Ye Lan Tier has always been a border city of the Kingdom of Riyestige and a major military town. It is a small part of the direct territory of the current king of the Kingdom of Riyestgee, Lambosa III and the royal family.
Its geographical location is very advantageous to a certain extent, because here, going west along the main road, is the capital of the kingdom of Riyestije, the city of Riyestije; and to the south, Not long ago, he raided and slaughtered the border villages of the Kingdom of Riyestije, and also ambushed the warrior chief of the kingdom, Geoff Stronov. He wanted to blame the Bajas Empire and even provoke the two countries. If you go east, it will be the Bajas Empire that is almost trapped by the Sri Lankan State, even if it is not trapped, it may initiate war on the kingdom at any time!
In addition to the three sides, south, east and west, to the north of the town of Ye Lan Tier, there is the towering and covering the vast white snow that successfully separated the borders of the Bajas Empire and the Kingdom of Li Yestige , It is even said that there are powerful and terrifying frost dragons and various horror creatures, as well as the Andelician mountains that haunt during the life of beasts, the lakes and swamps of non-human creatures, lizard people, a large area of ​​dense forest surrounding the mountains, and the former by Anne A small piece of plain where the big underground tomb of Nazarick is located!
Of course, it is certainly indispensable, like Kahn Village, scattered along the border of the kingdom. However, after the deliberate attack and massacre by the Sri Lankan State, it is currently near Ye Lan Tier. It is temporarily unknown how many border villages there are left.
As the border town of the Kingdom of Riyestije, Ye Lantier, which connects all parts of the kingdom and the villages and towns on the border, will definitely not miss Anne, no matter how much she likes to be ‘lost’!
Therefore, at this time in the nearby evening, she had already arrived in this fairly prosperous town, and spent almost half a day strolling around, and she had some general understanding of it...
( ̄~ ̄) Chew!
o(╯▽╰)o good smell~~
As a food-loving snack food, when she goes to a new place or a new world, Annie will definitely not easily let go of anything she finds that looks delicious or recommended by others as delicious. of!
Isn't this?
In the small half-day of wandering the streets of Ye Lan Tier town, she has already held a lot of the special delicacies of this border city in her arms and chewed big mouthfuls, and she continued to do whatever she wanted. The ground wandered around the streets.
"La la la~!"
( ̄~ ̄)?
Suddenly, when Annie turned her head, she saw an aunt on the street dressed as a peasant woman with rough and cracked palms selling two sacks of some kind of dried fruit she didn't recognize. Then, she was curious and walked naturally. When he arrived at the opponent's booth, he looked at the opponent's goods with wide eyes.
‘Hello, you! ’
‘My little guest, do I need to come here? ’
Looking at the clean and gorgeous clothes on the other party, as well as the delicate skin that is white and spotless, and the food held in her arms, the peasant woman must be a child of a rich family in the city if she doesn't know it. Is it the kind of big man who can afford her nuts?
Therefore, she asked with a shy face, trying hard to put on a kind smile.
It looks so delicious...
"of course yes!"
Annie's cute little nose moved and sniffed. The faintly fruity scent from the husk judged that this thing must be edible, she took it for granted and grabbed it unceremoniously. After one, he broke it with bare hands and threw it into his mouth to chew.
‘? ? ’
'what! you! you……'
Seeing this weird little girl leaning in front of her and grabbing a nut, breaking it and stuffing it into her mouth, the aunt who sells nuts was startled.
"What's the matter, can't people try one before buying it? Or, aunty, this thing yours sells, is it the kind that can't be eaten directly?"

Although the question was asked, Annie's mouth didn't mean to stop at all. Instead, she continued to chew and enjoy the fresh and crispy nuts that still carry a lot of moisture left between her teeth and tongue. After the fragrance, he swallowed it before the other party answered him!
It's too late for the other party to say anything, because she has eaten it, and it doesn't matter if they are really not edible things, anyway, they must not poison her.
'Do not! ’
‘No, it’s just...’
Staring at the other person with weird eyes for a long time, the aunt continued to explain in a dull manner:
'I have rarely seen anyone like you who can break it directly by hand... It is a kind of hammer nut that grows out of a tree called the iron tree by our people. The shell is very hard, especially this one. If there is no time to dry, it may be harder than the stone? ’
‘We can only break open with a big hammer...’
‘Also, it’s baked and cooked and then cracked before it can be eaten. Few can break it directly and eat it raw like you...’
It must be eaten raw, but there are very few people who eat like that in the town of Ye Lantil. After all, breaking a fresh hammer nut is too much trouble and trouble... Maybe, one A strong and powerful adult man has to wield a hammer several times to barely succeed?
So, this is the reason why this aunt just stared at Annie with that kind of freak-looking eyes.
"Bake it?"
∑(△`)? !
"Is it like this?!"
After thinking for a while, after tilting her head and staring at the aunt who looked at her like a monster, Annie suddenly stretched out her hand again and took out one of those round nuts from the other party’s sack again. Under the horrified eyes of the other party, he roasted it and cracked it directly with a flame in his palm, and then he broke it indifferently, and the hot nuts that really exudes a more charming fragrance inside. I threw it into my own mouth.
( ̄~ ̄) Chew!
() It's really delicious!
"Here~! Here you are, auntie! I bought all the two sacks in your family!!"
Little Annie, who was freshly baked under the horrified eyes of the other party again, immediately threw a gold coin into the other's arms after eating, and then waved her hand, and the two sacks disappeared instantly.
‘! ! ’
‘Are you that kind of noble magic chant in the legend? ! ’
At this moment, when the little-seen fruit grower saw what Xiao Annie was doing, he became even more embarrassed.
"The other knight is an arcane archmage!"
After talking, Annie turned and prepared to leave, because she had bought all the other party's goods, so she wouldn't stay and chat with each other!
'and many more! ’
‘Dear guest, wait...’
∑(△`)? !
"what happened again?"
'The guests……'
‘You, your gold coin...’
The peasant woman seemed to be a little embarrassed, and she still seemed to be at a loss, she didn't know what she wanted to express.
"Why, isn't it money?!"
This is not the first time Annie has encountered the situation.
In fact, during the time when she was shopping in the town of Ye Lan Tier today, every time she bought something, she had to spend a long time talking about it, and the reason she was like that was all because of the gold coins and The kingdom’s gold coins are different.
Because the unseen guys in this town have never met, so that every time she has to explain and argue for a while?
'what! ’
‘Of course it’s money...’
‘But, I’ve never seen such a beautiful and heavy gold coin...’
"As long as it is gold, as long as its weight is heavier than your gold coin here, you are really stupid!!"
'and many more! ! ’
The peasant woman wanted to say something but stopped, as if she wanted to say something.
"Forget it!"
"Really...Here! I will give you two more. Isn't it all right?" vp
After speaking, Annie threw two more golden coins into the other's arms, then turned around and left, not planning to pay attention to the other party's money.
'The guests! ’
‘Dear guest? ! ’
‘What, what can I do, how can this be good? ! ’
Seeing the little girl jumping and running fast, the peasant woman just wanted to catch up, but where can I see her shadow?
She just wanted to tell the little girl magic chant: She has no change on her own, only a few copper plates, and she definitely can’t find the gold coins that the other party gave her... But I didn’t even think about it. If she just threw two more gold coins and ran away, she didn't know what to do for a while!
However, Anne never doesn't care whether she gave more money or less money. Anyway, she just thinks it's almost enough.
In the state of shopping and eating, she soon came to a place that seemed more lively...
"Adventurous Guild?"
( ̄~ ̄) Chew!
Gazing at the big house where people came and went, Annie hesitated for a while, and felt that if others could enter and she would definitely be able to enter, she walked in so generously.

˙˙) Hello?
"Wow! It's so lively here..."
After strolling around for a while, after seeing the messy people and things, Annie walked to a counter, and she stood on her tiptoes and looked at someone in the counter wearing a strange hat, and she was still there. Secretly watching his strange sister.
‘Hello, dear guest, may I ask, do you want to take on any task? ’
Although I always think this little girl is very strange, and she pays attention to the other person when she comes in, and always sees the other person taking out something completely different in size from that small pocket... But, he hesitated. The front desk teller of this adventurers guild who thought that the other party might be a spell or magic chanter smiled and asked the other party softly.
"But, they don't seem to be your kind of messy adventurers, why should they take your task? And, what's so fun about taking the task?!"
‘ you want to be certified as an adventurer? ’
Seeing that the other party took out another hammered nut, then he suddenly summoned the magic flame in the palm of his hand to bake it and waited for it to burst, then broke it and threw the nut into his mouth and chewed it. , The female teller opened her mouth and asked after knowing that the other party must be a powerful magic chanter.
If the other party wants to authenticate adventurers, then go to other places, because her counter here is only responsible for providing relevant reception services to adventurers and mission issuers.
"Huh! Don't!"
"People don't lack money, why do you want to be such stupid adventurers for you stupid guys?"
Annie, who didn't notice her words at all, seemed to have offended the other party and many adventurers present. After speaking, she did not make a big grimace at the other party.
Think about it, too, the task is to make money, and obviously, Annie is not short of money, on the contrary, she is still very rich, even richer than all of them here combined!
"That's it..."
‘Then do you want to come to the Adventurer’s Guild to publish missions and want to hire our adventurers to help you? ’
Although the other party's words made me a little annoyed, the female teller remembered the other party's behavior of roasting nuts with fire in her palms and breaking them with her bare hands, so she still had to patiently ask carefully.
"People don't need help from someone!"
"And your adventurers look so weak, they can't even hit one of the toes of the little bear, so they won't hire them!!"
After looking around with disgust at the so-called'adventurers' sitting or standing in the hall behind her, Annie raised her little bear and proudly flaunted the big sister standing at the counter. , And once again offended the people present.
"What are you looking at?"
"If you don't use it yourself, why don't you tell others about it?!"
As if she had noticed something, Annie suddenly turned her head and glared fiercely at the so-called ‘adventurers’ who had just been staring at her just because of what she had said. In her opinion, those guys are nothing more than a bunch of lazy bad guys who have a little power and don't want to honestly find a decent job, and think about taking risks and getting rich all day long. She will wait. See them! !
(● ̄ ̄●)
"Then you came here to..."
After asking for so long in vain, but in the end, this was not the same, and it was not. The female teller was completely gone. She had to take a deep breath and stabilize her emotions, before she smiled patiently and cautiously towards the other party Inquired.
"People didn't think about anything, they just ate and sat idle, so they just came in and strolled and looked around!"
"People just take a look, what are you doing actively?"
That's right, Annie did just come in and just wander around, the other party took the initiative to greet her, and since she was idle, she just followed the topic and chatted with each other casually! Who made the other party so active and enthusiastic just now? It made her feel a little bit sorry if she didn't talk to the other party well!
However, she is definitely not going to be an adventurer who will not release missions or behave like a fool, and she will not buy anything here, she really just came in and took a look.
ε=(`●))) alas
‘! ! ’
'you! ! ’
How could this damned little guy be like this? !
The female teller was a little anxious, but she didn't know what to say, and she didn't even dare to reprimand or offend her when she knew that the other party would summon flames out of thin air.
"I have finished reading it now. Anyway, your place is super boring!"
"So, goodbye!"
"No need to send it! Bye bye~!"
After saying hello to the other party, and glaring again at those adventurers who were staring at her with cold or sullen eyes, Annie turned around and hummed her own little ballad towards this so-called adventure Jumping outside the gate of the guild...
‘! ! ’
‘Call~! ’
At this time, outside the walls of the town of Ye Lan Tier, the warrior Captain Geoff Stronov finally led a few cavalry who still had some blood stains on their bodies, and arrived. The city gate to the north of Lantil held the reins of the warhorse.
call! call!
After taking a breath, he looked at the cavalry men behind him who were still very weak even though they had also been treated with healing potions, and he even saw that the wounds of someone with bandages began to crumble with blood stains on the way. He sighed helplessly.
‘Forget it! ’
‘Since I’m here now, let’s take a rest here tonight, so you can take the opportunity to treat the injury again? ’
'Yes! ’
‘Thank you soldiers for growing up a t-shirt! ’
'Well! ’
‘That’s Let’s go! Let's go to the city and go directly to the barracks. I still need to explain and arrange some tasks! ’
'Yes! ’
‘Then, go to town! ! ’
'Yes! ! ’
‘Yes! ! ’
‘Drive~! ! ’
Soon, a few people in the dust slapped their horses and rushed to the gate of Ye Lan Tier, and watched by the gate soldiers and officials who did not dare to stop and interrogate them, they walked along the city. The spacious horse road left in the dust.

o(ω)o←Look at other people’s small eyes, you understand..._
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