Chapter 1212: ?(???c) Install! You continue to be in front of others...

After thinking hard and secretly looking at each other for a while, the demon claiming to be ‘Jardabao’ stubbornly pretended and asked knowingly:
"I am the Demon Emperor'Jardabao' from the Red Hot Hell, little girl, who are you?"
"Also, don't be too proud. The flame just now is just the lowest level that I specially adjusted to the level that they should be able to bear and not die. Don't think you can easily offset it. What's so amazing."
Although, I feel that my mask was broken by the other party, making myself, the guardian from the seventh floor of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, unable to conceal his true face a little bit, and feel a little upset and a little surprised... But, After hesitating for a while, he still pretended to report the name and origin he had prepared before.
"Red Hot Hell?!"
"You shouldn’t be the little devil from the big tomb buried underground? When people ran away the big bone frame last time, they still clearly'seeing' that it was carrying that little charm. The demon ran into the tomb, and then you were there too!"
Annie was indeed a little surprised.
Because the breath on the opponent's body and the bone frame are exactly the same as those on Momo, a warrior who hides his head and does not leak his tail, and she was pretty sure at the time that it was indeed felt in the place called the big tomb. The other party's existence... But now, the other party says he is from the Demon Emperor of the'Red Hot Hell' of Rao Shizi?
Moreover, don't think she didn't know that the other party had just typed a draft of the lie. It thought she was Queen Anne, the kind of existence that could be deceived by simply composing two sentences?
"The big tomb..."
"I don't know what you are talking about. I am indeed the Demon Emperor'Jardabao' from the Scarlet Hell! Little girl, now say your name, I Jardabaus will not fight against the unknown! "
Obviously, the guy who claimed to be "Yadabao" still didn't give an honest account under the pressure of Annie.
On the one hand, he wanted to delay time and urgently discuss countermeasures with someone in private. On the other hand, the strategy they had formulated before the action was planned in advance, and the existence of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick must not be easily exposed, at least for now Not yet?
So, facing the little girl who knew them a little bit, he really didn't have any good solutions besides not admitting it.
"You guy must have a problem, and none of what you said is true!!"
Annie ignored the other party's forced questioning, because she knew that the other party recognized herself and was still playing cautious, and had no intention of telling the truth to her, so she would definitely not be polite to the other party!
What? What?
"If you weren't with the big bones, it would be fine if someone burned you down?"
Hearing the threat from the opponent, the little devil ‘Jadabao’ was shocked and began to secretly prepare for defense, counterattack and escape.
"watch out!!"
Boom~! !
With a wave of her hand, a large group of flames directly hit the ground not far in front of her in the defense of the villain opposite, exploded when she touched the ground, and directly burned a large piece of molten magma. While the famous Cang Qiangwei member and the self-proclaimed Jardabao were shocked, the magma pool began to roar and boil at the same time, as if something was struggling in it?
"Come out! The demon from the burning hell, Diablo, the king of fear, burn me that dishonest little demon!"
Then soon!
Following Anne’s order, the magma pool struggled to crawl out of a red, magma-like skin, and the chest exuded the kind of energy light that turned red and dark with breathing, and the back and A big red monster with huge horns and sharp bone spurs on his hands and feet, fangs and claws, and a long and horrifying spiked tail behind him.
"Wow~! ! ! ’
Just after crawling out of the magma pool, the red ferocious monster roared at the stunned'Jardabao' who was ahead of him, and made the opponent take a small step back. Barely suppressed a terrible sense of oppression that was almost about to flee.
‘! ! ’
‘Ok, so terrible summon monster! Ibiruai, what kind of magic is that, how can you summon such a desperate creature? ! ’
'I do not know……'
‘Why, you don’t even know Ibiruai? ! ’
‘Tia, I’m not omniscient and omnipotent...but, I only know at the moment, it must be a summoning magic of rank 7 or above at least, it is very scary! ! ’
‘Level seven or above? !’
‘I can’t judge, but it may be the eighth or the ninth, or even the tenth! ! ’
‘That’s impossible, right? ’
'possible! But anyway, Tia and Gegland, before they fight, we better stay away from it! ! ’
'what? Good, good! ’
Soon, the stainless steel team, the magical magic chant Ibiruai from the "Blue Rose", the muscular hammer warrior Gegran, and the twin ninja Tia were in the terrifying monster. Before the grinning little girl, before the terrible dragon mage gave any attack orders, she slowly backed away, as if she didn't intend to let them accidentally be affected by being too close to the battlefield.
"All right!"
"Did you just say that you are the Demon King'Jardabao' of the Scarlet Hell? That's right, there is also a demon from the burning hell-Diablo the King of Fear! But you can rest assured Well, its real body, that real Diablo is still wandering in other worlds, this is just its projection!"
"And it's still the kind of brainless projection that only lasts for a while, or else, now you two will fight?"
rest assured?
This kind of projection alone makes him feel worried, and guesses that the opponent has at least one hundred level monsters up. Can he rest assured?
"and many more!"
"Actually I am..."
Never imagined that the projection of a monster that that terrible little girl summoned casually could bring such a great psychological pressure to herself, the highest-level demon, so'Jardabao' was a little embarrassed, and What are you going to say to ease the atmosphere between the two sides and try to avoid unnecessary fighting?
After all, they didn’t come here this time to directly confront the kingdom of Riyestige or this little girl, but to do something else... So, if possible, he intends to avoid that as much as possible. Fight against yourself or'organize' against them.

"Come on! Kill it for me!!!"
However, Annie didn't pay attention to the other party's words at all, and directly ordered the projection of the Diablo that she had summoned.
Originally, she planned to let her bear cub Tibbs out. However, given that a certain bad bear often deliberately "misunderstood" his orders and likes to behave indiscriminately, she would not let him out this time. This saves the other party from doing anything that will not end well later.
"Wait! You!!!"
The Demon Emperor Jadabao, who claims to be from the Red Hot Hell, can no longer speak, because at this time, the scary red monster has already moved!
‘Roar~! ! ’
Hearing the exact order, the projection of that Diablo was not vague, and he ignored certain words that the enemy intended to say, and then opened his mouth, and at the same time the huge chest suddenly lit up and swelled, and then In the next instant, a long, lightning-like breath of flame suddenly burned towards'Jaldabao' in an unstoppable manner!
not good!
"Uhhh! Bastard!!"
The guy who claimed to be'Yadabao' just screamed when he had time to release a magical invalid shield, and then he couldn't resist it and tried to refresh himself, and at the same time he violently withdrew. With a violent roll to the side, he was dangerously able to avoid the fate of being burned to ashes by the continuous flame breath.
However, although he avoided the continuous lightning breath of the projection called Diablo, his current situation is not so good...He is not only decent but also strong defensive. The dress was burned to ashes, and even the skin of his body showed varying degrees of burns and peeled off piece by piece. Even the round-frame glasses were burned off, revealing his pair as if they were colorless. The jewel of the jewel has no pupils at all, but it has strange eyes that resemble diamond crystals.
"You smell... like it's burnt~!"
(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!
Seeing that the other party couldn't even beat the Demon God's projection of the true burning she had summoned, Annie laughed contentedly, glanced at the other party a little bit maliciously, and started teasing.
After all, this is what the other party asked for. Who would let him lie to someone is not good, but he still wants to lie to her, the omnipotent and omniscient Queen Anne? !
Damn it! !
"Hmph! Demon phases: the great demon giant wrist!!!"
Hearing the little girl sneer and sarcasm behind, and then look at the terrible monster that stopped its flames and roared and rushed towards him again, "Jardabao" didn't bother to say more, just snorted , Instantly turned his right hand into a huge black wrist that was out of proportion to his body, and then immediately turned towards the head of the red monster that rushed up!
Bang! ! !
In the next second, something surprising happened to him: fantasy
The projection of the demon named Diablo, the King of Fear, not only was not knocked down and flew out by him, but steadily resisted the full blow of his great demon's giant wrist, and also grabbed it. His huge wrist?
Immediately afterwards, without waiting for him to react, the opponent suddenly used force and went back fiercely! !
boom! ! !
After the shifts of the sky and the earth, the'Jadabao' who knew that he was being pushed toward the opponent's back had not been able to take other countermeasures, so he only felt the pain in his back. , And then with the sound of shaking mountains, and then the dizziness that made him unable to react anymore came from his back to his forehead.
Damn it!
"Yadabao" knew that he had just underestimated the opponent's melee ability and physical strength, so that he accidentally caught the opponent's way, and was hit by the place in a big pit like this? If he knew this was the case, he shouldn't be big, he should transform directly and go all out!
what? !
However, before he recovered from the vertigo from the back shoulder fall and resisted, he only saw in a daze that a giant hooves with spikes appeared in front of his eyes and turned towards His chest stomped down hard?
Flame trampling!
boom! boom!
Continuous flame trampling! !
After several feet, the projection of that Diablo used the skill of trampling on flames, repeatedly stepping on the chest of a little demon that had just been smashed into the ground by it. Go down, and let the flame waves shoot out and when they are retracted, they continue to burn and cut the enemy's body, causing terrible physical and flame damage to the opponent again and again.
‘Okay, amazing! ’
‘Huge and strong physique, extremely agile skill, powerful power, coupled with that terrible flame, that red monster is really terrible...’
After swallowing hard, and watching the battle in the distance, Ibiruai asked the most powerful giant hammer warrior Gegelan next to her:
‘Gegeland, if it’s you, how long can you stay at its feet? ’
‘! ! ’
'adhere to? Humph! I won't be long! ’
'what? ’
‘That level of power, listen to that kind of movement, if you change it to any of us, I’m afraid it will be killed instantly! ! ’
'what! So, what if it is replaced by 菈萩丝? ’
"Maybe I can hold on..."
'No way? ’
In the distance, the three people of Cang Qiangwei who watched the battle from a long distance were frightened by the terrible movement and roar, and after discussing for a while, they stopped talking. Here, from so far away, you can feel the terrible rumbling noise of the earth when the other party stepped on it, and the terrifying and horrible movement that shoots toward the surroundings and burns the ground. Traces of flame waves!
In their opinion, if any one of the three of them is stepped on, it must be dead! And the monster that was with the worm's servant gang before was trampled on more than a dozen feet, then it must be inhuman and dead, right?
Finally, stepped on more than a dozen feet and trampled the surrounding ground into a mess. After almost enough to burn, the projection of that Diablo stopped barely, and grinned from his throat. After a series of low-pitched roars, it stretched out its paws, and grabbed the opponent's head from a large pit that had long been sunken and invisible to the enemy's body, and moved past the hideous and huge one. The head seems to want to confirm whether an enemy who has been motionless is dead?
At this moment, a certain cunning, unwilling to tell the truth, although the little devil had been stepped on and his chest was shrunk, his ribs were broken every inch, and half of his body was lost. It just fell to pieces like that. His spine is linked together, and it looks so miserable.......
"The devil's aspects: sharp claws! Go to death, you monster!!"
However, he was not dead, and at this moment, when the red monster relaxed his vigilance in the projection of Nadiablo, he suddenly turned his hands into sharp claws, and slammed across and turned towards The Demon God Diablo, who was holding his head, waved his face, and finally smoothly drew two deep scratches on the face of the huge and hideous monster that were aimed specifically at the eyes.
‘! ! ’
‘Wow~! ’
Diablo’s projection, who suffered pain and was hurt by the opponent’s eyelids, became angry, and then suddenly stretched out his other hand and simultaneously used force, directly pulling the opponent in half and facing the two parts of the body. Throwing out from a position not far in front!
After the sound of hitting the ground and the cry of pain, the moment the upper body of the'Jadabao' was shot up, it suddenly changed in some way.
Soon, before landing, he turned into a red-eyed monster with light green skin like a frog? Moreover, he also grew a pair of demon wings all at once, and then just dragged the body with only half of his body, head and two arms left in the air.
‘Hooooo~! ! ’
Shadow Charge! !
Seeing that the enemy was so stubborn, his chest was crushed and half of his body was torn off before he died, Diablo's projection roared again and directly launched a shadow charge, as if he wanted to take advantage of the enemy to fly away. Before going high, knock the opponent down and completely tear it up and burn it
This guy is terrible...
"The Devil's Aspects: Wings on the wrist!!!"
Seeing the enemy rushing towards him,'Jaldabao' trembled and sighed, and hurriedly threw the ten sharp claws on his hand forward, making them look like bullets. Generally, they are constantly shooting towards the huge body of the opponent!
Tuk! Tuk! Tuk!
It's a pity that he just launched ten dark nails and successfully shot them deeply into the skin on the opponent's back. Before he could use magic to make more nails, the opponent had already rushed to his. Below, he jumped up and caught his half-length body, which was fortunately connected to the mountain, and hadn't been completely disconnected, and there was a light black flame dangling around him.
Huh~! !
‘Jadabao’ was shocked!
Because he knew that once he was caught and dragged down by the other party, he would definitely inevitably die! Therefore, as soon as he was ruthless, a strong man broke his wrist. Before the opponent pulled himself off, he waved his hand and cut his tail directly at the waist, and then hurriedly dragged his broken and drooping intestine blood. The body flew high in the air.
"You, wait for me!"
"I, Dimiugos, and the great underground tomb of Nazarick will never let you go!!!"
Knowing that he can’t stay any longer, knowing that he’s going to die if he stays any longer, and knowing that the plan might not be able to unfold smoothly with the participation of a little girl, Dimiugos finally admits to his counsel and threatens in a desperate manner. And after admitting that he was the guardian of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, Dimiugos, embarrassedly, under the gaze of a terrifying demon projection roaring into the sky and throwing flames, he hurriedly rose up and went far away. The ground flew away...
‘! ! ’
‘Howl woo woo woo~! ! ’
Seeing that the duck that was about to arrive was flying like this, the projection of Diablo slammed the tail that was caught by it into his mouth and chewed it, and raised his head towards the enemy who disappeared in the sky. The direction roared.
"Finally admit that I am the monster in the underground tomb of Nazarick? Then, I will temporarily bypass you this time!"
After seeing that the other party finally stopped speaking hard, stopped lying to herself, and felt that the other party had been beaten a little miserably by Diablo's projection, Annie generously let the other party go, and did not kill the other party completely. Absolutely thought.
Because, she saw that at this time there was greater movement everywhere in the city, and countless huge demons and monsters began to appear in the city. It seemed that someone wanted to make a noise to attract her to leave? So, after thinking about it, she felt that she had promised to help, and she felt that she shouldn't bully a poor little devil that way, so she bypassed the other party generously.
"Tibbers, the projection of Diablo seems to be stupid than you. People also know that it can't fly... But wouldn't it be able to use other spells to knock down the enemy earlier? Why keep throwing fireballs!"
(It's not that you said you would burn him...)
(● ̄(?) ̄●)
(Tibbers said that it’s not as stupid as that brainless projection. It’s not stupid at all, Lord Tibbers Bear! If it’s just been replaced, the little devil will never have a chance to escape. It will definitely grab the opponent directly before the opponent does not fly or use other spells to escape, then blast the opponent's head, and burn all the opponent's body, or the kind that does not leave at all!)
At this time, in the distance, the three Cang Qiangwei who were watching the battle were so shocked that they opened their mouths, almost unable to speak! They were just a little dumbfounded and looked at a certain little girl with unbelievable eyes at the one-sided battle that was as clean as the autumn wind sweeps the fallen leaves and ended in a short time.
‘! ! ’
‘Okay, amazing! ’
'Ok! ’
‘ You said, is she really an adventurer at the level of brilliant diamonds? ’
‘I don’t know if the Adventurer’s Guild has that level, but she must be many times stronger than us steel level adventurers...’
‘It’s countless times! ’
‘Uh...Ibiruai, can you not always attack us? ’
‘No! ’
'why? ’
‘Because I’m telling the truth! ’

(?′?`?)? Ticket?
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