Chapter 1216: (*/?\*) A little girl who is habitually late...

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Two days later...
On the plain at the junction of the Bashar Empire to the west of the city of Yelantil, the army of the Riyestij Kingdom, which has been gathering for nearly two months, has been assembled here and has already been camped. , And are waiting in a serious formation, preparing for a big battle with the coalition forces of the empire and the sorcerer nation with only tens of thousands!
Of course, it is said that it is a battle. In fact, in the eyes of the nobles and generals of the Kingdom of Riyestige, it is just a one-sided massacre? Because the number of their soldiers can be proudly claimed to be ten times that of each other! With so many elite troops gathered here, once the fight starts, I am afraid that they do not need their own troops to be dispatched. The forwards alone are enough to wipe out the coalition forces with less than tens of thousands of them like autumn leaves.
Anyway, most of the leaders and soldiers of the Riyestij Kingdom think so, and they all believe that victory will belong to them! And those empires who dare to send troops to invade their country in a ridiculous name, and the so-called magical country, must pay the price for their stupid behavior!
In view of the fact that yesterday it was detected that there seemed to be a group of horrible monster soldiers with strong and extremely tall figures under the command of the Sorcerer Kingdom, plus the original and ridiculous ultimatum of the Empire has not yet reached?
Therefore, the army of the Kingdom of Riyestije was not in a rush to attack at this time. Instead, they lined up and waited patiently for the pre-war meeting in the king’s tent to discuss and discuss after the start of the war. The nobles and high-levels on how to fight and related arrangements made the final decision.
‘Is the coalition of the Empire and the Sorcerer Nation not moving until now? ’
'Yes! ’
‘Their main force still has not come out to line up, only some of the elite are outside their camp! However, your Majesty, given their small number, presumably they will spend much less time in formation than ours. They should have plenty of time to respond before our soldiers are ready. ’
"Well, this way..."
‘Calculate the time, the five thousand elite soldiers led by the first prince Barubrow should have arrived in Kahn Village, right? Did they return any news? ’
‘No, Your Majesty! ’
‘Why haven’t they? Haven't they arrived in Kahn Village? ! ’
'His Majesty! ’
‘According to the speed of their march, they should have almost reached the village of Kahn by now. They must have successfully taken the small village bewitched by Ainz Ur Gong? Although the village has high walls made of wood and stones, it certainly can't stop the five thousand army led by His Highness! ’
‘I believe there will be good news soon! ’
‘Then, Lana, is the Master Anne Hasta coming? ’
'Sorry! Father, she hasn't appeared yet... However, she may have come with her floating city, so she should be later? ’
‘Floating City? ’
"I hope she can be there in time..."
After asking what he cared about and nodded, and patted the back of his daughter's hand, Rambosa III sat on his throne and groaned, and did not ask more.
However, at this time, there was still a faint worry in his heart, especially after yesterday the soldiers detected that there was that terrifying army of death knights under that magician country!
Although there are not many of them, there are so many death knights standing together, that is enough to produce a psychological deterrent to the soldiers of the kingdom, especially when you don’t know the magic king Ainz Ur ·When will Christine use any terrible magic or method?
Ramboza III always felt that today's battle might not go too smoothly?
Although thinking of this, the anxious Rambosa III did not dare to show this precious daughter who came with the army, the nobles and generals around him. He just pretended to inadvertently ask something. Has the same powerful caster girl ever come?
Although, he also knows that his worries are somewhat baseless?
After all, their Kingdom of Yestige dispatched almost most of the elite troops this time, with a total of 240,000 elite troops, not counting those auxiliary soldiers! The enemy’s coalition forces are only a few tens of thousands at the most visually...Even if the opponent’s magic can indeed cause terrible damage to the army of their kingdom, it is claimed to have hundreds of thousands of soldiers, even if it is 100,000 dead or injured. Eighty thousand is enough to crush the opponent, right?
I don’t know what’s going on. Ramboza III always felt that something was wrong, especially when he saw that the Bajas Empire and the Sorcerer Nation added up to only a few people, but he still dared to confront them head-on. That kind of weird situation... So, he always felt that there was something that their kingdom didn't think about. He always felt that things might be bad, but he didn't know what to do, so he could only sit calmly like this. In his big tent, secretly waiting for the time for war.
'Humph! Just a magic caster, what can I do if I come or not? ! ’
‘Yes, I also think that your Majesty is worrying too much! ’
'His Majesty……'
‘I also know how amazing the little girl is, I saw it on the night of the King’s Rebellion! However, we have a total of 240,000 troops this time. Except for the enemy’s guarding camps and deploying defenses everywhere, only about 40,000 to 50,000 can be brought out to confront us. Such a small number of people is not enough for a charge. Yes, where is the support of that dragon mage still needed? ’
‘Yes! She won't come if she doesn't come~! ’
‘Everyone! ’
'Thinking that at the beginning, as powerful as 13 heroes, at most it could only kill three to five hundred people by magic. That is the highest level that the caster can reach... So, that Ainz. Even if Ur Gong is more powerful, he can kill hundreds or thousands of people in one blow, right? ’
‘Humph! ’
‘An Ainz Ul Christine is not worth mentioning, even if he can kill thousands of people with one magic, how many such magic can he use in total? Two or three, even if we let him finish one by one first, what can he do for us? ! ’
‘Haha! Blum Rashouhou is right! Although the equipment of the Imperial Army is indeed much better than that of our kingdom, and the soldiers are also very powerful, we can even afford it even if it kills 800 enemies and destroys one thousand! The Sorcerer King who did not know where he came from, that Ainz Ul Gung could kill thousands of soldiers with his own power. When the time comes, when he loses his magic power, we The brave soldier would naturally knock off every bone in his body! ’
‘And his big tomb! ’
‘Yes! By the way, his large tomb of Nazarick will be razed to the ground, and all the dead monsters will be burned to ashes, without the dogs and dogs! ! ’
‘But, Pespeyahou, before burning to ashes, we can go ahead and clean up and see what good things are inside? ’
'That is natural, and the spoils are indispensable. It just so happens that we have a lot of high-level adventurers with the army. When we finished this one, we went to dig the grave of Ainz Ur Gong. ! ’
In this way, after discussing the irrelevant topics, the nobles and generals in the king's tent burst into laughter, and did not feel any suspense about the upcoming war!
Because they had seen it, the Imperial Army of Toda might really think that the Sorcerer Ainz Ur Gong was very powerful, so they actually only sent tens of thousands of troops to confront them. ?
Soon, their army will easily and thoroughly crush those stupid enemies, and take advantage of the victory to attack the empire's homeland. At that time, those stupid empires will pay for their arrogance and stupidity. cost! By then, even if those empires want to cede territories for compensation, I am afraid it will be too late!
'correct! ’
‘Where’s your Excellency Geoff Stronov, the warrior commander? Why didn't I see him here? I have heard that this time he is equipped with the kingdom's four secret treasures, I really want to see what happened! ’
At this time, a general suddenly looked back around the big account and asked strangely.
The four secret treasures of the Kingdom of Riyestige are: stainless steel forged guardian armor that can avoid all fatal attacks, vitality handguards that never get tired, indestructible amulet that can continue to heal the wearer's injuries, and even demonization A magic sword that can easily cut through armor-the razor blade!
Therefore, the warrior commander who is said to have been equipped with them will undoubtedly receive the attention of some nobles who are also generals.
‘! ! ’
‘Captain Warrior? I heard that he has gone to the front line to check the situation...’
'Humph! ’
‘This is a battle that must be won, so what can I check? ’
'Ah! Too! ’
‘Since that’s the case, let’s go to the front too. Don’t let the imperial army wait too long. I can’t wait to see them begging for mercy! ’
‘Haha! ’
'go! I will go with you too! ’
‘Go with it! ’
‘Your Majesty, shall we say goodbye first? ’
Soon, after seeing that there was nothing to discuss here, the nobles and generals were sitting in the big tent, and after paying a salute to His Majesty the King Lambosa III who was in the army, they all laughed and left. Prepare to go to the front line to kill the enemy, build merits, and make relevant preparations for entering the empire after victory.
'what! ’
‘What’s wrong, father? ’
‘Are you sure, that little girl, will she come? ’
‘It’s the Rigrid from Cang Qiangwei. She said that the other party has accepted our request for help, and he will definitely fulfill the promise and show up, right? ’
‘Father, what’s the matter, what are you worried about? ’
'It's nothing, just think, since that Ainz Ur Gong is so respected by the Bajas Empire, he even cedes that cunning guy to the emperor Gilknifer Luen Farrod Al If he actively cedes the territory and fights against our kingdom, he must go to build the country, so I always feel that he will not be a good guy...'
'Hey? ’Latest novel
‘But father, no matter how strong the Sorcerer King is, he is only one person. Can he alone control a war? ’
‘It’s impossible in theory, but I can’t guarantee...’
‘What should I do? ’
‘Do you need me to send someone to the mountains of Andelia to urge you? ’
'Do not! That's too late! ’
‘I hope...Lana, the little girl mage you invited, can come in time this time? ’
He sighed and said a few words to his daughter. He looked at the empty Chinese army tent. Ramboza III closed his eyes and stopped talking because he knew that everything he said at this time was nothing. It's useless, it's better not to say, just wait patiently.
After all, he is very old, and as a king, he has done what he should do, and even ventured to the front line himself. Even the organization’s forces are several times stronger than the enemy. If this is the case, he can’t fight. If he wins, what can he expect?
‘Report! ’
'His Majesty! Just like what the intelligence said, rows of black armored death knights came out from the enemy's camp, and they came out. The scene was terrifying, and the number was about 3,000! ’
Soon, Ramboza III and the Golden Princess in the big tent were not allowed to wait long. About half an hour later, a frontline soldier rushed to the tent and reported what he saw.
‘Report! ’
‘Report from the front! Seeing that Sorcerer Ainz Ur Gong began to cast and guide some kind of powerful magic! ! ’
Before the messenger who had just entered to withdraw, another soldier rushed in again!
‘! ! ’
'fast! Pull the curtain open, I want to see what happened! ! ’
Ramboza III was shocked, as if he felt a very bad omen, he hurriedly asked the two soldiers in front to open the door of the Zhongjun Great Tent, allowing him to see the front clearly. The magical array of light that can be seen even in broad daylight from the enemy array rushing straight into the sky.
'That is……'
‘! ! ’
'father! What a terrible wave of magic power...I can feel my hair standing up at such a distance, what exactly is he putting? ’
Then soon, without waiting for Ramboza III to say something, the baby girl Lana next to him couldn't help but stood up with her eyes rounded, and stared at the surging formations in the distance. That soaring light.
‘Lana? ’
‘That little girl, hasn’t she come yet? ’
Ramboza III didn't know what magic was that, but he only knew that if their helper, the little girl, did not show up, their kingdom would be in big trouble! Because, in his view, the situation at this moment is that only the little girl who is said to have defeated the Sorcerer King and successfully burned the other party into a skeleton can deal with it.
‘I don’t know... Father, there doesn’t seem to be a dragon in the sky, nor do I see a floating city...’
When I walked to the curtain door of the big tent, I first glanced at the enemy formation in the distance with some fear, and then looked up anxiously in the sky, and then the golden princess Lana held her hands in front of her chest. Then he stood by the curtain door and replied somewhat at a loss.
'is it? ’
For the first time today, Rambosa III sighed in front of the surrounding soldiers.
‘Father, I, I really don’t know...’
‘But, she has already promised us! She said she would definitely be there today! ’
‘Okay, Lana, I know you’ve done your best, but now, all we can do is wait, come on, sit down with me, let’s see together, where will this war lead the kingdom? ’
Ramboza III slowly closed his eyes, waiting for the new report to come back from the front, and also waiting to see what kind of terrible magic the magic king Ainz Ul Gung had cast?
If the opponent’s power is within their estimates, then there is hope for this war. After all, the three thousand death knights of the imperial army and the enemy should not have reached the level that can control the battle and completely defeat them. Point.
But if, once the magical king Ainz Ul Kung’s power is beyond their expectations, there will be no need for this battle to continue... At that time, greet Li Yestij What kind of ending the kingdom will be, he can't even imagine now!
‘It seems that today’s war is no longer on outsiders...’
Seeing that the Sorcerer King in the distance was still guiding the magic and hadn't cast it for a long time, Ramboza III first sighed like a whisper, then stopped talking, and began to wait anxiously for the decision of fate.
However, what they don't know is that a certain little girl really can't count on...
Because, when the army of the Kingdom of Riyestij is nervously lining up to attack the alliance of the Empire and the Sorcerous Nation, when a guy named Ainz Ur Gong is preparing to launch an overthrow When fighting against the army, she was so good to stay in the castle of her floating city, and fell asleep on her soft big bed!
Yes, Annie was sleeping soundly, and there was no sign of waking up even if the sun was about to tan her ass, until she suddenly felt a little strong magical fluctuations, then she opened her eyes in confusion.
After all, the mountains of Andelia are on the edge of the battlefield preset by both sides, and at this time, the kind of fluctuations that someone starts to guide the superposition magic must be impossible to hide from her perception. Yes, even if she almost never turns on her perception, after all, the surging tide of magic power has surged to her floating city, how could she continue to remain indifferent?
"Tibbers, what's wrong?"
After rubbing her sleepy eyes and stretching a little lazy waist, Annie asked strangely beyond the little bear she had hung on the coat rack to dry since last night.
(Report to the little master, it’s actually nothing, it’s just that there is a big bone frame that uses a legion-level summoning magic to kill tens of thousands of people in the kingdom of Riyestige... Don’t worry, there It's so far from here, it will definitely not noisy you!)
(● ̄(?) ̄●)
(For Tibbers, who was thrown into the pool by a wretched little girl two days ago and soaked for a full day, now that he is grieving, he is passively sabotaging, so even though he has long discovered that The kingdom of Riyestige is about to end, but it doesn't even mean to wake up the messy little master of its family, even if it knows that the other party has an agreement with that kingdom!
Anyway, you can't blame it for this. Who made a bad little master throw it in the water for so long before? It is about to become a water bear, so even if it does not remind, it is useless to persuade it! ! )
"So there is a war?"
"War is not fun at all..."
ε=(′ο`))) alas
Rubbing her eyes, Annie lay down on the bed again, ready to continue to sleep...
(● ̄(?) ̄●)
"and many more!"
"Wow! It turns out that they are already at war. Is it today? They promised to help... But didn't they say that tomorrow? Why did they fight today!"
"Oh! That... seems to be today!?"
!? (?\'\'??)?
"It's over! It's over! I'm going to be late now! I blame you Tibbers for not asking people to get up early!!"
Jumped up from the After her confused little head became sober in an instant, Xiao Annie hurriedly picked up a certain bad bear who hadn't reminded herself, and then rushed outside before she had time to wear her shoes. .
(● ̄? ̄●)
(Tibbers won’t tell the mischievous little master of his house that he didn’t say it deliberately this time. It was protesting silently! And as for the fact that its protest caused a certain kingdom to lose countless soldiers. , Then what does it matter?)

??????: Wow~!
?(?`?′)?? Ask for votes! Be careful if you don’t give tickets. When you are unlucky, they won’t remind the little master to save you!
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