Chapter 1218: _?(?Д�第�

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At night, in Ye Lan Tier...
At this time, this originally quiet border town became extremely noisy. Countless soldiers of the kingdom armed with torches and armed with torches boarded the tall three-layered wall of Ye Lantil, and all kinds of equipment to defend the city were already prepared. , The reserve team in the city is already on standby! Countless soldiers, just like that, were silent, or hesitantly sitting around the big and small bonfires on the street, whispering something, or silently eating the kind they held in their hands. The bread that was hard baked by the campfire and the meat that was charred, not knowing what animal it came from.
Judging from their faces that still carry anxiety and fear, it is not difficult to judge that they may still not recover from the terrible battle during the day, and some even died like that. Holding their weapons dead, they refused to fall asleep.
Because that was not a fight at all, it was a naked massacre against mortals like them!
And if it weren’t for the rescuer invited by the Kingdom of Yestij, the powerful archmage finally countered the spell of the terrifying Sorcerer Ainz Ur Gong, I’m afraid they are now Already lying in that wilderness, a corpse to be eaten by vultures and wild dogs!
So, it really can't be blamed for the soldiers who are in this state now, they have not mutiny or screaming, that is already very restrained.
Like the streets in the hustle and bustle of Ye Lan Tier, the city’s main fortress, protected by a garden and a small river, is still brightly lit from the windows. The bright candlelight and some intense discussions are not difficult to judge, and the big people inside are also unable to sleep well tonight.
‘Where is Leibunhou, who of you saw it? ’
'I do not know! However, it is said that someone saw him fleeing in the direction of the royal capital with more than a dozen entourages on horseback, and he directly bypassed Ye Lantil! ’
‘That coward! ’
‘Don’t he need his own army? ’
'army? Humph! There are not many people left in his army! It may be a few hundred, or it may be only a few dozen... You also know that he was leading the army at the forefront, and he was fatal to escape! ’
‘Hey! ! ’
‘What about Paul Lopuhou? ’
‘Don’t mention him, he was one of the 70,000 people who died first, and now the body is nowhere to be found! Presumably, it must have become that kind of monster and then be burned! ’
‘Has the army been gathered up yet? What about the specific casualties? ’
'do not know! Don't ask me. Soldiers are fleeing everywhere. It would be good if we can gather so many people back to Ye Lantil City. ’
'correct! ’
‘The task of cleaning the battlefield is done by the commander of warrior Ge Gefu with thousands of people. When they come back tomorrow, you can ask him, he may have a more accurate number of casualties? ’
'His Majesty! ’
‘Let’s return to the capital as soon as possible. Now the nobles and soldiers have suffered heavy casualties. I don’t know what will happen to the kingdom next time! Although we are considered a victory...but, please be sure to return to the capital to preside over the situation and calm the people! ’
‘Yes, Your Majesty! There were hundreds of thousands of casualties, and dozens of nobles were killed or missing. The aftermath must be done early, or else...’
'His Majesty? ’
'All right! You all shut up, let your majesty be quiet for a while, now things are like this, even if you go back, it will be decided tomorrow, let's survive tonight! ’
In the city’s lord’s fortress in Ye Lantil, King Lambosa III is discussing post-war matters with some nobles, generals and officials who have survived.
Now, the nobles who survived a terrible battle that they didn't even dare to think about and survived by chance, no one dared to clamor to counterattack the empire, or the weakness of razing the underground tomb of Nazarick. The empty and ridiculous slogans are gone.
Because everyone knows that without the support of a powerful little girl mage, the kingdom army with heavy casualties will definitely not be the opponent of the imperial army, nor will it be the one that can be destroyed by one person. The army of hundreds of thousands of kingdoms, thinking about it, makes people feel terrible, just like the opponent of the demon king Ainz Ur Gong in myths and legends!
Moreover, by now, no ignorant nobles would oppose His Majesty's entrustment of Ye Lantil City to the little girl mage as a condition for requesting support.
Knowing that this place is very close to the underground tomb of Nazarick, and less than a day away from the grave of the terrible demon god, these people present, whether they are aristocratic or royal, can't wait for Your Majesty to be early Throw this city, this hot potato, and this territory to the little girl earlier, and then let the same terrible little girl go to fight the demon and the imperial army by herself. They just hide in mortals. Domination and enjoy peace in the safe hinterland of the kingdom are enough.
After all, enjoying wine, beauties, and living the life of drunkenness and death in the kingdom is better than going to fight or die with those monsters, but there is too much fragrance!
However, Rambosa III, who was sitting in the first place, closed his eyes, ignoring the hysterical urging of the nobles, and did not blame them. After all, he himself knew that everyone was terrified now, especially the little girl mage who helped them slipped back to the mountains of Andelia afterwards, and was not in the city?
At this time, if the monster in the underground tomb of Nazarick, the immortal skeleton, and the demon Ainz Ur Gong, known as the Sorcerer King, come here again in Ye Lan Tier City, all they are present Don’t even think about one person!
Because that unreliable little girl will definitely not come to support them in time, just like during the day? At that time, if the other party came back a little later, the people they were there would probably be all over!
‘Prince Baru Bro, has he got any news? ’
After pondering for a while, I found that the nobles present were a little calm. After seeing that they were no longer as hysterical as they were just now, Rambosa III, who was sitting in the first place, slowly opened his eyes and asked questions he was more concerned about. Asked about the situation of his eldest son, Baru Bro.
Now, the only thing that worries Ramboza III is the eldest son who was sent to Kahn Village by him and has no specific news so far.
'That one……'
'His Majesty! There is no more news about the prince! ’
'However, according to the spy’s report, a military camp with a capacity of at least three to five thousand people appeared outside Kahn Village. Inside, there was an elite goblin army of about three to five thousand people. Moreover, the spies were still in Kahn. Traces of fighting and many dead bodies of kingdom soldiers who had not had time to bury were found outside the village. ’
'and so……'
So how, the nobleman did not continue to say.
Because from the current situation, it is obvious that the five thousand army led by the prince Balubro was defeated by the goblin army stationed in the village of Kahn occupied by the magical nation. As for the situation of the prince, the opponent Whether it is dead or alive, there is no way to know for now.
Because, they did not find the other's body at all, and there was no way to find the other's body...
I want to come, after a while, and wait until everything calms down. If I didn’t find the prince fled back to Ye Lan Tier or Li Yestige, and did not receive the enemy’s request for exchange or redemption of the prisoners, I must have The other party must be more ill-fated.
'is it? ’
‘Retreat, I see...’
After listening, Ramboza III closed his eyes in pain, and his haggard face became more and more old.
Because he knew that the other party, his eldest son, Barubro Andorea Jerudo Lair Bouaisef, must have been killed...
I thought that if he didn't make his own claim, and moved him away from the dangerous main battlefield for the safety of the opponent and went to the seemingly unresistible Kahn Village, maybe the opponent could come back alive with him, right?
But now it’s too late to say anything...
And fortunately, he also has another son, a well-behaved and helpful baby daughter, and his kingdom has heirs, and he has not fallen to the tragic stage where there is no successor or the country is subjugated.
‘The Archmage Anne, is she still unwilling to accept the title of Grand Duke granted to her by the kingdom and this piece of territory granted to her? ’
After asking what should be asked, Rambosa III, who was helpless about his eldest son’s affairs, had to start to bring up another major issue that needed to be resolved...because that matter was directly related to them. The future security of the Kingdom of Stejer and the continuation of their power and status!
In any case, that matter must be handled!
‘Yes, father. ’
‘She said, the territories are too troublesome, and she has to sign documents every day. She hates it so she won’t do that kind of stupid things...’
‘And she also said: If Lana wants it, give it to Lana? ’
‘Then, before I could say more, she just disappeared with the teleportation spell. I think she should have gone back to the magical floating city in the mountains of Andelia, right? ’
The third princess of the kingdom, who was standing by, heard that her father finally asked about the matter again. She had been preparing for it, first glanced at the nobles who were still present, and then quickly answered softly. Write.
Now, the nobles present no longer dare to look down upon her just because she is a woman!
Because she not only put forward many cross-age policies and proposals to the kingdom, such as the abolition of slavery in the kingdom and the establishment of the adventurers’ guild, but also led and destroyed the "eight fingers" that secretly controlled and endangered the kingdom. Invite powerful reinforcements for the kingdom and save the lives of all the people in front of them and ensure the continuation of the kingdom, etc.
It is conceivable that in the future, her Lana Thiel Chardonnay Lair Vansef will surely gain her own place in the kingdom by virtue of her great achievements, and she must also have a huge The right to speak! Of course, those are not enough, she wants more, and even some real power in her hands!
As for how to obtain the things that she needs, she already has a draft in her mind, and she just wants to plan slowly in the future. She is not in a hurry. After all, her father seems to be able to hold on for at least several years. She has a chance.
‘Is she still unwilling to accept it? However, if it is a person like her, this is normal, right? ’
Ramboza III suddenly felt a little sigh.
He didn't understand that he was also a powerful spellcaster, and he was obviously a supreme existence beyond mortals. Why was there such a big gap between the Archmage Anne and the Sorcerer Ainz Ur Gong?
Take a look, one of those two people is the game world, beyond power, noble people who are indifferent to the territory and power sent to the door... and the other is trying every means to seize them. The land of the Kingdom of Yestij did not hesitate to join forces with the Bajas Empire to be a mess, even if hundreds of thousands of people were massacred, even more people were at the mercy of butchers and despicables?
He didn't understand why the perceived gap between the two was so big! However, he only knew at this time that the former would make him more at ease and be more beneficial to his kingdom. He must find a way to win over or hold the opponent tightly and tie the opponent to the chariot of the kingdom!
Or, do everything possible to tie the kingdom to the opponent's chariot?
Anyway, he and the nobles can understand that the Sorcerer Kingdom, the Sorcerer King Ainz Ur Gong is definitely not what their power can resist, they can't lose the help of each other anyway. And protection, otherwise, their fate must be very miserable! !
After thinking about it, Ramboza III quickly made up his mind:
'Lana, please send someone to run again and directly send the seal of the Grand Duke and the letter of the transfer of the fief to the floating city in the mountains of Andelia... and inform the countries, just say... The town and surrounding areas have been presented to the only dazzling diamond-level adventurer, the owner of the floating city, the dragon mage who defeated the Sorcerer King, and the Lord Mage Anne Hasta, the Duke of Magic! ’
‘From today, the town of Ye Lan Tier and the surrounding area, including the village of Kahn, are all her private legal territory! Although it is still a part of our Kingdom of Riyestij, but the city of Yelantier is not under the jurisdiction of the kingdom, and there is no need to pay taxes to the kingdom! ’
'and also……'
'Lana, from today, you will be the acting city lord of Ye Lantil City. You are responsible for contacting and helping the Master Anne to manage this territory and the people here. I will leave you about 10,000 The army, as a defender defending Ye Lantil City? ’
"For now, let's do this..."
Rambosa III, who felt that the connection between the kingdom of Riyestige and the powerful Archmage Anne could not be easily severed, soon thought of such a cunning and brilliant idea! Anyway, regardless of whether the other party was willing to accept it or not, he directly forcibly sent out such a city and surrounding territories, and let the baby daughter who had been in contact with the other party, who was able to talk, and the relationship was good, was left. In the end, even if the princess of such a kingdom acts as the housekeeper of the other side, he will not hesitate?
In fact...
If it weren't for the Master Anne Hasta to be a little girl, if the other party was a male wizard, he would have the heart to give his daughter directly to the other party as a maid! 139 Chinese
'what? ! ’
'Yes! Don't worry, father, Lana will do everything right! ! ’
I never thought that my father would come up with such a good idea, and he also threw such a great power directly to him. This kind of good thing falling from the sky made Lana startled for a while, and then hurriedly recovered. Come, and bowed with a smile, then generously agreed.
It's all right now. The little girl didn't want a territory, but her father sent it out forcibly and let herself manage it. So, what's the difference between giving it to herself? Anyway, in Lana's view, letting herself manage the territory where the little girl's name is hung, she can do too much!
However, as for the specifics, she can do it slowly in the future. Now that the kingdom and this area are still in turmoil, she is not very worried.
‘! ! ’
‘Your Majesty is wise! ! ’
‘Yes! ’
'Since the Sorcerer King Ainz Ur Gong wants this piece of land so much, let's give it all to the little girl mage so that she can help us guard the country and keep the Sorcerer nation and the empire out. There is also the Silian Church, there is simply no better way than this! ’
'Great! Your Majesty, what should I do long ago! ’
‘I firmly agree with this decision! ’
‘I also strongly agree! ! ’
'me too! ’
Hearing that His Majesty the King finally made up his mind to use the method that had been discussed before such a war, the nobles who survived by chance burst into cheers, as if they really won the Sorcerer Kingdom and the Bashar Empire. , And sit back and relax in general?
'Come! Let us toast to victory! ’
'Cheers! ! ’
Soon, the nearby soldiers discovered: In Ye Lan Tier’s small castle lord’s fortress, there was gradually bursts of intertwined laughter? The nobles of the kingdom who were scared to cry before, are they still thinking about drinking and having fun?
That kind of weird situation deepened the contempt and resentment of the nobles by the soldiers who were unsure and uneasy in their hearts... Some people even began to think that they would live their lives with the Imperial Army. What are you fighting against monsters like the Sorcerer Kingdom?
Is it just for those people to be able to enjoy the special care of the maids in the warm castle with candlelight and fireplace in the first night after the battle? !
Unfortunately, the dissatisfaction of a small number of soldiers is doomed to be futile. Their ideas cannot change the status quo of the kingdom, nor do they have the power to confront the high-ranking nobles of the kingdom. They do not even have the right to have equal dialogue. They are just a group of the most Ordinary soldiers at the bottom.
at the same time……
‘! ! ’
'hateful! Bastard! ! ’
‘That little girl, I will never spare her! ! ’
When the senior officials of the kingdom in Ye Lantil were discussing and came up with a brilliant countermeasure that no one opposed, in the throne hall on the tenth floor of a certain underground tomb of Nazarick, the magic Guide King Ainz Ul Gong was throwing something and venting his anger, until a magic that forcibly calmed his emotions and soul fluctuations calmed him down again.
'damn it! ! ’
Ainz Ul Christine was still a little hysterical, and the two twins Marai and Aura, who were frightened aside, both shrank anxiously and did not dare to speak.
'Humph! ! ’
In fact, he was not complaining that Marley had forcibly teleported him away, because he himself knew that he who cast that super-position magic had a huge loss in magic power, and it was definitely not the little girl who was stronger than him. His opponent, plus the five burning space-time black goat cubs, so it was extremely correct for Marei to directly teleport him away!
And the reason why he was angry now was just that he was a little uncomfortable that the little girl repeatedly sabotaged his plan, and made him faceless several times.
But venting is venting. After venting, you always have to calm down and start to think of ways. Although he is no longer alive, he can't let the difficulties be suffocated, right?
"Master Ainz..."
‘What shall we do now? ’
Seeing that Master Ainz Ur Gong, who they served together, had calmed down, the female succubus Albedo walked to the other side with some worry and asked softly.
‘This thing can’t just be forgotten! ’
‘Now, I declare: That dragon mage, that Anne Hasta is our Nazarick underground tomb, and the biggest enemy of our Sorcerer Nation. We must find a way to destroy her! ! ’
Anxiously, Ainz Ul said bitterly.
But after the announcement, he suddenly regretted it...because he also knew that if only he and three or three guardians made the move, they would definitely not be the opponent's opponent! He and Albedo knew that Dimiugos had a deep understanding of this, and even Sebastian had felt the strength of each other up close, so he had to think of a way!
If there is really no other way, maybe he can directly seal the underground tomb of Nazarick for hundreds of years, wait until the outside is calm, wait until everyone has forgotten them, wait until the human girl player who is suspected of passing through other games is dead, they Go out and dominate again?
Anyway, the existence in their large underground tomb of Nazarick is almost the kind of existence that can be immortal, and it is not a big problem to dormant for hundreds of years!
However, that would be too shameful...
Especially when I think of the history books of those mortal countries, it is possible that he, a short-lived magician nation, had to be shucked underground for hundreds of years because of the defeat, and tried his best to slander and ridicule him. How unbearable Wang Ainz Ur Gong was, he couldn't help but want to release a few more'tributes to the dark goddess Feng Rang' and kill all the human urges who knew it.
‘But, Lord Ainz, what should we do next, summon all the guardians to fight her against her? ’
‘If that’s the case, Dimiugos may not be able to participate, because he has at least half a year to regain his strength...’
Thinking that Master Ainz wanted to go to the mountains of Andelia to find the little girl and go shopping with the guy who didn't know where to get a floating city, Albedo asked with some worry.
'Do not! ’
‘Albedo, we can’t force it...’
'The top priority now is to first develop and strengthen us, and then at the same time to investigate the origin of the little girl, find her weaknesses as much as possible, and finally find a suitable opportunity to gather all available to us in the underground tomb of Nazarick. Power, the most deadly blow to it! ! ’
Knowing that recklessly rushing for revenge would only give away people's head, Ainz Ul Gung thought for a while, and he could only hold his fist formed by his bones and paws in such a pretended way, and comforted himself with some intimidation.
'what! ’
‘Master Ainz, it’s great that you can think of a solution so quickly! ! ’
Seeing that the other party didn't want to force it, Albedo quickly complimented.
‘But Master Ainz! ’
‘I’m afraid there’s no way to take the city of Ye Lantil, as is the Andelia Mountains to the north, what should we do now, are we going to fight the Bajas Empire? ’
To grow and grow is to expand the territory, and now that the Kingdom of Riyestige and the city of Ye Lantil can’t go to fight, then Albedo will naturally fight against the country’s territory, which is not as big as the kingdom. The idea of ​​the Haas Empire.
After all, they know the empire very well now. The other party is not as strong as they thought, and there is no strong like that little girl. She is confident to use one-third of the power of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick. Conquer the opponent thoroughly within a week!
'Humph! ’
‘The Bajas Empire is still obedient, now it’s more useful to make them vassals than to lay them down! ’
However, after hearing Albedo’s words, Ainz Urgung shook his head, apparently not planning to be scared by their power at this moment, and has always been obedient Bajas. Empire hands-on.
‘Without Ye Lantil City, we cannot attack southwest and northwest, we can still attack east and southeast! ’
‘We can take the Slane State! Caz Plain! The Dragon Kingdom also bypassed the Riyestije Kingdom and took the Demi tribe wasteland, the great desert and the Holy Kingdom, and finally concentrated all the power and turned around to destroy the Riyestije Kingdom! ’
‘When the time comes, that little girl, can she use her power alone to fight against the power of the entire continent? ’
If it is said that Ainz Urgon’s desire to unify the land was not too strong before, just to cooperate with Dimiugos’ misunderstanding, then now he really wants to lay down and rule This land is out!
Moreover, the sooner this matter, the better, he must not just let the little girl who can control the floating city live in this world for too long! Because, every time he thought that the other party might suddenly control the floating city to fly over to their large underground tomb of Nazarick and be bombed by their base, he would have a faint feeling of restless sleep and food!
Although, after his Ainz Ur Gong became a bone shelf, he no longer needed to sleep and eat?
‘! ! ’
‘Master Ainz is wise! ! ’
Albedo's eyes are almost showing small stars, but it is not known whether she is sincerely complimenting or complimenting her unconditionally because of some factor.
'go with! ’
‘Call the other guardians, we need to have a meeting about our new guidelines for the future of the Magic Kingdom! ’
After thinking of it, Ainz Ur Gong made a decision and resolutely ordered Albedo.
'Yes! ’
‘Yes! My Lord Ainz! ! ’
After a reply the female succubus turned around, twisted her slender waist and walked outside the throne hall, and was ordered to summon the guardians.
‘Anne Hasta...’
'Humph! ’
‘Our business is endless! ! ’
At this moment, Ainz Ul Christine no longer considers the fact that the opponent may be a player who has been traversed like himself. He just wants to defeat the opponent as soon as possible, ask the opponent about the information he cares about, and rob the opponent. Power, then kill the opponent, then revive and enslav the opponent into a Lich under his command, that's all!

(? ̄? ̄?) Hey! Those who don't vote, be careful to be crossed into a proud sky without a tinny~!
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