Chapter 1222: Q(`⌒?Q) The world has changed, Ainz Ur...

On the third day after the secret meeting ended, after a certain wretched little girl finally returned and began to control the floating city'Eleuenty' and began to move northeastward, those secretly gathered in Ye Lan In Tyre, powerful heroes, professionals, generals, spellcasters, adventurers from various countries, and the elite coalition soldiers who were stationed in Ye Lantyre, finally began to dispatch the whole army to a sudden disaster. Thirty powerful guardians above the floating city of Eleuenty launched the most violent surprise attack on the front line of the underground tomb of Nazarick!
Afterwards, as soon as the battle began, it directly entered the most intense heat stage...
In the sky, a skull dragon, gargoyle, poisonous insect, winged demon, etc. began to madly rush towards the huge target in the sky! It's a pity that they haven't been able to get close to the city of Eleuentius and launch their ridiculous attack. They were beaten to pieces by powerful defensive magic against the city or the army, and turned into pieces. Pieces of blood mist or fragments of bones and rocks fell on the ground.
On the ground, the situation was even worse!
The evil army composed of liches, death knights, skeleton warriors, war puppets, clay monsters, and other messy alien species has not had time to react and defend, and they are among the thirty guardians of the original sky city. The various Tier 10 spells and Tier 10 enemy skills that were cast fell apart like snow melted, and the high walls of the defense line also collapsed... and those who survived by chance were also brave in the countries that came next. The generals, paladins, dragons, cavalry, and infantry who flocked to the ground were chopped into pieces...
Although, the king of the Black Sorcerer Ainz Ul Gon built several walls of defenses made of huge trees, rocks and mud on the plain of the underground tomb of Nazarick, close to the city of Ye Lantil. As for the defenders on the defensive line, the undead soldiers are also very strong. There are also bone dragons, liches, vampires, 7th-order death knights, and a large number of fifth- and sixth-order golden skeleton soldiers who are coordinating garrison. Under the onslaught of a city of the sky and thirty guardians of the full level (level 100), plus nearly 100,000 elite coalition forces who cooperated with each other, those seemingly solid defense lines quickly collapsed.
Therefore, after a certain guardian who was ordered to observe on the front line found that something was wrong, he immediately teleported back to the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, rushed to the throne room, and reported to their king and the master they served:
‘! ! ’
‘The big thing is bad! The big thing is bad! ! ’
‘Ann, Lord Ainz! That sky city, that terrifying white wizard and the soldiers of Ye Lan Tier City really launched a fierce attack on our defense line! ’
‘Now our first, second, and third lines of defense have all been breached! ’
'They are advancing very fast. I believe the fourth and fifth lines of defense will definitely not last long. Please give your order and let our guardians go out to help, otherwise they will soon attack the Nazalek underground. In front of the big grave! ! ’
In the throne room, Mare Bello Fiore, a dark elf loli male pseudonymous, directly teleported here with a bluff, and quickly rushed up, holding his wand facing the'Zhu On the throne of the king, Ainz Urgung, the king of the Black Sorcerer holding the wand of Ainz Urgung Guild, anxiously reported and urged.
Obviously, even as a natural spellcasting guardian with a full 100 levels, he was still a little frightened to see the enemy's attack so determined and violent, and seeing the enemy advancing so fast. Moreover, he had never thought that there were so many guardians in that sky city, thirty or more guardians, and all of them were at full level. It was really terrifying! !
'Humph! ’
‘Marei, don’t worry...I have seen it, what I know is that the guardians on the sky city are dispatched... Humph! No wonder she is so powerful. She was one of the three giants who got the most glorious era of the game and got the gift of the Yasgot Sky City? ’
‘Presumably, the King of Eight Desires should be the eight players in the guild who are like me, even if they persist until the game is off, they will not quit, right? ’
As he spoke, Ainz Ur Gong began to sink into his own memories like mumbling to himself...
Back then, in the most glorious golden age of the'YGGDRASIL' game, there were a total of nine guild strongholds with a full quota of 3000 points in the game, but only three guild strongholds were successfully attacked and occupied. They respectively dominated Yasgar. The special sky city, the glacier city that dominates the underworld of Hull, and the birthplace of the flame giant that dominates Musbelheim... and these three guilds and strongholds have always been their Anzur Gong Guild , Is their natural enemy of the large underground tomb of Nazarick.
Because, compared with the above three guilds, their crafting points for the NPC of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick is only a mere 2,750 points. Compared to the 3000 crafting points of the guild base, it is still a little bit short. It also led to their Ainz Urgon Guild in the most glorious era of the game and only ranked fourth in overall strength, completely unable to rank among the ranks of the super first-class guild.
However, those things are very far away now...
Now,'YGGDRASIL' must have already closed the customs service. The friends of the once guild have already left him one by one. After struggling to the end, he is not only alone, but also forced to cross into this alien world. It became this big bone frame, except for the NPCs who guarded him until the last moment, he had nothing left.
‘? ? ’
‘Master Ainz? Lord Ainz! ! ’
Seeing the Dark Sovereign Lord Ainz Ur Gong who was sitting on the throne seemed to be a little distracted, Marai hurriedly called out another timidly. Because the situation is really urgent now, it's not a time to distract the other party or waste time!
'Well! ’
‘Mare, I’m fine, don’t worry...’
After giving the other side a relieved look, Ainz Ur Gong finally came back to his senses.
It’s useless to think about anything now...After all, no one can change what has happened. All he can do now is to protect the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick and protect his family members. , As for the Lich skeletons and puppets outside, he wouldn't feel distressed as much as they died, because they could be summoned again when they died, and if something happened to his family members, it would be difficult to resurrect.
‘Mare! ’
‘I’m asking you, did you see the little girl in the White Sorceress taking action just now? ’
Now, Ainz Urgon’s hand is holding the weapon "Anz Urgon’s Staff" that symbolizes the guild, and he is sitting on the world item "Throne of Kings". He is also equipped with various artifact-level items and After the companions left, he transferred to him equipment items, paid items, resurrection scepters, infinite backpacks, etc., and he also used other world-class items that he did not use, such as greed and desirelessness, Shanhe Jitu, Xu The Cup of Guia, the Blade of Hundreds of Millions, etc. were all distributed to their guardians.
At this moment, in the underground tomb of Nazarick, his self-confidence in a defensive posture was extremely inflated, and he was not afraid of the little girl at all!
If you can be sure that the opponent consumes a lot of mana or props in order to attack their defense, so much the better!
Therefore, he had just asked Marley suddenly.
'This one……'
"Master Ainz, I only saw the guardians and the huge and terrifying Platinum Dragon King take action. Their attacks were very strong. Our defense line and most of the soldiers were destroyed and destroyed by them... As for that Little girl, I didn't see that she had a floor, presumably she was hiding in that city in the sky, right? ! ’
Marais said with some uncertainty, because he did not see the little girl who had been defeated several times by Ainz-sama, Albedo, and Shatia, and even if the other party came along with him. They are not clear when they attack.
But Marai felt that the other party must have come, and it is impossible not to come! At most, it's just that Ainz-sama and their guardians didn't make any move, so the other party didn't make any move either?
'Humph! ’
‘I see, is she trying to save her strength to deal with me Ainz Ur Gong? What a cunning little guy, he knew this, he should follow Dimiugos’s advice and gather all the guardians to ambush and kill her...’
Ainz Ur Gong suddenly felt a little difficult and regrettable, because he found that he and his guardians had better stay away when the other party did not take action. Otherwise, he would go back later. Facing each other, there is not much power, it will make them very passive.
‘? ? ’
‘But, Lord Ainz, what shall we do now? ’
‘If you don’t hurry up, it won’t be long before our fourth line of defense will be broken by them! ! ’
Seeing that Master Ainz didn't seem to put the focus of the matter on the defense of the line of defense at all, the fake mother Lori Mare had to ask again anxiously.
‘Mare, you go! Immediately ask Sebastian to summon guardians scattered around the world, so that Dimiugos, who was going to conquer the Holy Kingdom, and Cosettes, who were about to conquer the Dragon Kingdom again, will immediately send them back to the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick and prepare to work together. Defend here without error! ’
‘Also, send someone to order the emperor who is stationed at the east of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, let him and his army come and support him immediately! ’
‘Although their 300,000 army may not be of much use, it’s good to consume a little more power! ’
Although Ainz Ur Gong knows himself, the imperial army of 300,000 must not have the elite coalition forces with 30 full-level guardians. It is certainly not the opponent of those enemies, but he thinks it can consume He still gave this order if the opponent's strength counted.
He felt that if enough corpses were left around the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, it would definitely help them recover their strength and troops after repelling the enemy's attack!
When the time comes, they only need to raise their arms when they go out, and the countless army of undead can be resurrected and assembled, and then go with them to counterattack Ye Lan Tier and the four kingdoms, so that those who oppose him Ainz. The people of Ur Gong know the fate of daring to invade the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick?
'what! ’
'Yes! ! ’
Hearing the order and learning that Ainz-sama didn’t seem to be going to defend the outer line of defense, Marley nodded, and then he didn’t say much, but turned around, trot out quickly, trying to convey it. Ordered.
‘Master Ainz, do you want to...the main powerhouse who is directly defending the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick and destroying the enemy, are you not going to go out and confront the coalition forces? ’
After seeing Marais running to deliver the order, the guardian manager on the side, the succubus who has been frowning and worrying, Yar Bede took two steps forward, walked to the thrones of the kings, and gently leaned against the thrones. After the armrest, he asked softly.
'Faced with so many guardians and indigenous powerhouses in this world, plus the other side and the Yasgot Sky City, we don’t have much chance of winning when we rush out. It’s better to stay here and let them attack us. All right! ’
It's not that Ainz Ur Gong doesn't want to go out, but that he dares and cannot!
They must retain their strength to fight against the thirty guardians and the strongest little girl who has received the gift of the entire Sky City! Therefore, the battle on the ground can only let the wastes of the Bajas Empire and the elite undead army they set up on the front line to defend. Although it is definitely not defendable, if it can consume a little more enemy troops and Strength, that is also a victory!
Of course, what the final result of those guys is like, he doesn't care anymore, because he already has some psychological preparation and has done the relevant defensive work.
‘Master Ainz is wise! ’
‘In that case, as the guardian of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, I shall coordinate and arrange it now? ’
‘Master Ainz, let’s say goodbye for a while, I'll be back soon! ’
After seeing the other party nodding in agreement, Albedo, the guardian chief, leaned down and gently kissed the back of the cold hand of Lord Ainz, before turning around with a charming smile, and posing in style. Waist, walked quickly toward the door of the Throne Hall.
Coordinating the defense and guardian of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, that is indeed the job of her guardian! Although, this time being hit by the enemy directly made them look a little embarrassed, but for Albedo, she was actually used to it, and she was not too worried.
Because she still remembers that their large underground tomb of Nazarick also suffered the largest crusade... At that time, there were a total of 1,500 people from the coalition of eight guilds, other related guilds, mercenary NPCs, etc. The offensive of the one-hundred-level powerhouses at the same level as Ainz-sama and their guardians. Later, more than 1,200 players attacked the eighth floor, and then Ainz Ur Gongquan All the members of the guild meet the enemy, and rely on certain special organs on the eighth floor to wipe out all the invading players, not leaving one! !
Therefore, Albedo felt that there was really nothing to worry about this time...
It's because the enemy's power coming now is far, far behind compared to the eight major guilds' joint crusade back then! Moreover, the underground tomb of their Nazarick is an underground labyrinth. The number of enemies here is completely useless. In addition, there are only a few strong enemies. It is estimated that they will be caught if they fail to reach the eighth floor. All annihilated, right?
As a result, she also felt that compared to going out to meet the enemy, they still stayed in the underground tomb of Nazarick, including the talent of Ainz, can exert their most powerful strength! This is their home court. Here, it is not an exaggeration to say that any of their guardians can exert more than ten times the power, and when facing enemies of the same level, one can be equal to ten or one can be equal to one hundred.
Ainz Ul Christine didn’t care about Albedo, because he knew that his guardians and companions like the family would handle things well, and he didn’t need to worry about it, so he Now just watch the battle outside through the big mirror in front of him.
It doesn't seem to look good?
Because at this time, the coalition forces of the Anti-Black Magic Alliance were rushing on their fourth line of defense, defeating the high-level undead defenders they arranged to be defeated. I believe they will soon rush to the last line of defense and break through Isn't it before the gate of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick?
'Well! ? ’
‘What’s wrong, Lupus Regina Beta, what do you want? ’
After watching for a while, Ainz Ul Christine, who felt that there was no suspense in the battle, finally turned his attention slowly, and asked softly toward the human wolf maid in the Pleiades who had just walked in through the gate. Tao.
The opponent is a priest in the Seven Sisters star cluster, originally responsible for the production of the area in Kahn Village, but... Judging from the expression on the opponent's face, I am afraid that it has been taken back by the coalition forces now?
‘Master Ainz! ’
'The five thousand elite goblin heavy armored regiments stationed in Kahn Village have been wiped out by the coalition forces. However, before the village was occupied, we had already put the Enfirea Barrea family and Enri Emmer They are all brought back here. Excuse me, how should they be resettled now? ’
Knowing the current situation of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, Lupus Regina Beta did not dare to say anything, but asked straightforwardly.
‘First arrange them in the royal suite on the ninth basement level, and wait until the war is over! ’
Ainz Ul Christine doesn’t care much about such trivial matters and those aboriginals who support him, because those people are just two useful tools, and now the other party’s usefulness is no longer necessary. That's right... So, he felt that after defeating the invaders, for those natives who may have little use, it is nothing more than granting the'devil seed' or directly transforming into an undead lich with complete self-awareness. There are only two options.
That is the supreme gift of his Ainz Ul Christine. He believes that they will be grateful by then... but they are not in a hurry, after all, they have more important things here, so they can’t put their energy on such small people. Body.
'Yes! ’
‘Subordinates know! ’
Lupus Reichna Beta responded, then nodded directly and stepped back.
At this time, when the forces of the Anti-Black Sorcerer Alliance violently attacked the fourth line of defense on the ground of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, there was still nothing here in the Imperial Army Camp located a little east of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick. The movement...the elite imperial armies, they were just orderly lined up outside the camp and waited for them, although the explosions and battles from the direction of the underground tomb of Nazarick can be heard vaguely. But they never thought about going to support the last two precarious lines of defense in the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick in time.
'His Majesty……'
‘It should be almost now, shall we be dispatched? ’
Seeing the movement in the distance, Bajod Perxumeer, one of the four knights of the Empire who was waiting impatiently, asked anxiously.
They already knew the battle situation ahead through the scouting and riding back and forth, so now his heart was filled with fear and anxiety, and he started to think about his gains and losses, and he couldn't calm down.
Think about it, I once accompanied His Majesty the Emperor to the underground tomb of Nazarick as a close guard. After seeing the strength of Nazarick and the terrifying power of the black magician Ainz Ur Gong, I thought of them. What is about to be done will always make people feel nervous and fearful.
'Humph! ’
‘No hurry, wait...’
'Well? ’
'Ah! You see, Bajod, they finally can't help but urge people to urge them? It seems that their monsters are indeed at the end of their lives...’
The emperor Gilknefer Luen Farrod El, who was half lying in the open wagon covered with veil, first sneered and rejected his knight’s urging, and then suddenly saw flying in the sky in the distance. The lich who came, his face suddenly became completely relaxed.
If that Ainz Ur Gong has never sent people to urge them to send troops, and treat them as nothing, maybe he will be a little nervous, because then it proves that the other party has the ability to deal with the coalition forces and the sky city. , That was the last thing he wanted to see!
But now, since the Ainz Ur Gong could not help sending someone, it means that the monsters and the state of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick is indeed not very good.
‘! ! ’
‘Need to go to the camp and let Lord Fruda come? ’
Seeing a lich coming, Bajod Perxumeer, who knew they were about to leave soon, asked while he was relieved.
‘No need...’
'Humph! ’
‘That old guy, he has already sold us for that so-called power, wait, wait until everything is over, we will slowly clean him up! ’
Emperor Jilknefer said coldly, half-squinted eyes full of murderous intent.
Bajod Persumeer nodded and stopped talking, just silently guarding the side of the gorgeous open carriage, waiting for the arrival of the lich in the distance.
‘Asshole! ’
‘You scumbags, why do you see the defense line of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick being attacked in front, but you still stay here not to reinforce it? ’
‘Hurry up! ’
‘The Sorcerer King Ainz Urgung orders you: Send out the army immediately, go to the fifth line of defense to coordinate defense and besieged those stupid coalition forces, send them to at all costs! ’
‘Do you understand? ! ’
As soon as it flew down from the sky, the lich yelled at some trash emperor Gilknefer Luen Farrod Al who was still lying in a wagon with his thoughts. , It's like shouting at a dispensable servant.
'no problem! ’
"Please go back and tell His Excellency Ainz Ur Gong, the Sorcerer King, we will send troops now to "rescue" him..."
The expression on the side of his carriage with his eyes signaled that he was angrily, and only after Bajod Perschmel, who was about to draw his sword, was a little restless, the emperor Gilconifer smiled and nodded, comforting the ugly and arrogant Lich Tao.
'well! ’
‘Scumbags, I advise you to hurry up, otherwise, the horror of the Black Sorcerer, I think you know it, if you don’t want to be caught in the underground tomb of Nazarick and suffer endless torture? ! ’
Seeing that the soldiers in front of me were already on standby, and seeing that the trash emperor had accepted the order and agreed to send troops, the Lich was not verbose, and after giving another warning, he hurried toward the underground tomb of Nazarick. Flew back in the direction of
'Pooh! ’
‘Your Majesty, why didn’t you let me do it just now? ’
Seeing the other side flying far away, Bajod Pershmel, one of the four knights of the Empire and the emperor’s guard, spit at the back of the other side, and then smiled at the emperor who was still lying in the open wagon. His Majesty asked questioningly.
‘Humph! ’
'Not urgent……'
‘Bajod, don’t you think that if we make a surprise attack until we get closer, we will get greater results and reduce more losses? ’
‘! ! ’
'Yes! See you, your majesty! ’
'All right! ’
‘Get ready to go! ’
'We have reached this point, and we have no retreat... However, according to the situation, it seems that the White Magic and her Sky City are really better... But this is also good, dealing with a group of living people, It’s better than dealing with a bunch of dead people and monsters with weird characters...'
'Yes! Your Majesty is right! ’
'okay! ’
‘Bajod, let’s lead the battle. You will lead the elite forward cavalry to attack first, but don’t let our "allies" wait too long, so that they don’t say we did nothing? ’
'Yes! ! ’
‘Your Majesty, take care! ! ’
After finishing speaking, one of the four knights of the Empire, the black-clad man with the nickname "Thunder Light" suddenly drew out his broadsword, and then led the horse forward, when the 300,000 imperial army began to slowly move. , He first led the tens of thousands of light and heavy cavalry out of the large army, and took the lead to rush towards the battlefield outside the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, which was fighting in full swing.
Soon, about ten minutes later, when the Anti-Dark Leaders broke through the fourth line of defense outside the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick and began to storm the last fifth line of defense, the cavalry led the cavalry already felt that there was an empire behind the line of defense. The generals resolutely launched a surprise attack on the monsters behind the line of defense, such as liches, vampires, and war puppets, who were carrying defensive materials and organizing defenses, making the last line of the underground tomb of Nazarick the strongest line of defense in an instant. It became chaotic.
Immediately afterwards, I saw the imperial army fought against the enemy, and the great underground tomb of Nazarick was gone. Those originally enslaved and unwilling lizardmen tribe army, the demi-human army of the Khaz Plain, and some servants of the Slian State The army all followed the uprising and waved their weapons at the evil monsters!
Before long, as the empire's army turned against the enemy, with the large and small garrison uprising, as the sky city of Aleuentyo and the coalition forces of the anti-dark magic alliance came together, the rebels and the departed The undead army and alien species remnants that were placed on the last line of defense in the Great Underground Tomb of Salek were quickly culled, and the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick finally opened the door to the coalition forces.
‘Nani? ! ’
‘Asshole! Damn it, those are taking advantage of this moment? ! ’
In the large underground tomb of Nazarick, watching the final defensive battle not only did not consume the enemy’s vital force as much as he had imagined, but it was also lost faster than the previous lines of defense, and the servants and allies were still in succession. Turning back, the Dark Lord Ainz Ur Gong was so angry or shocked that his jaw was about to fall...
If he knew this was the case, he should have killed them all, and then transformed them all into obedient skeletons and liches!
However, Ainz Ur Gong, who was forced to'cool' by some kind of magical magic, soon calmed down, and just sat down on his'throne of kings' again and looked indifferently in the mirror. In the picture, watching the traitors and the coalition forces turn together, hacked to death the last troops and a few liches they resisted, and then started to build the city wall and related entrances along his stronghold outside the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick. Fortifications.
'Humph! ’
‘Master Ainz, do you need Shatia to kill them all now? ’
At this time, a certain vampire true ancestor who was also a little angry asked fiercely after showing her blood-red armed and hand-held divine artifact dropper and spear.
The three hundred thousand elite empires and those rebels seemed to her Shatiaa to be nothing great. If she did her best, she would be able to kill those ants a little in half a day! After all, the building is still an ant, except for the number and serving as food, there is nothing to do with it at all!
'Humph! ’
‘I don’t need it for the time being, Shatia, when we win this battle, we will go to them and settle the accounts slowly. If they can’t run away, we won’t let them run away! ’
'Hum hum……'
With a sneer, Ainz Ul Christine was already thinking about it.
When the time comes, he will take those guys one by one, the emperor, the leader of the lizard people, Zariyus Shasha, Kurushe Lulu, and other guys all to his throne, and then watch them kneel He asked for his mercy and forgiveness. He would patiently listen to them finish their words, and finally reject them severely, and hand them to the brain-eater Niross Painkiel to torture them, and let them bear Nayong Endless torture? !
He would do that, he would definitely! !
Moreover, the guys who betrayed him, the people from the four kingdoms, the anti-dark wizards and that nasty little girl, he will not let go! At that time, he will let those people know the horror of his underground tomb of Nazarick! !
Hundreds of thousands of troops besieged the large underground tomb of Nazarick and built a wall that encircled the entrance of the large tomb. It doesn't take too long, isn't it? After more than an hour, after the preliminary completion of a high civil structure, and finally the entrance to the underground tomb of Nazarick disguised as a hill by vines, numbers and mud, the high-levels of the Anti-Black Magic Alliance They arrived on a high platform one after another.
‘His Master Anne! ’
‘Look, the front is the entrance to the underground tomb of Nazarick. Those monsters and the black mage are now turtles in the urn, they can’t escape! ! ’
When everything is ready, wait until a certain white mage above the sky city of Eleuenty has sent a large group of powerful men and the five scums who just came to watch, the warrior Ge Jie who is in charge of directing the battle The husband and the others hurriedly greeted him and said, pointing to the entrance of the large underground tomb of Nazarick in the distance.
"Alright! People have seen it..."
Little Annie, who rubbed her red eyes, would not tell these guys in front of her that she just slept well on the Sky City. When they were fighting desperately, she did not pay attention to them the whole time. These guys are fighting!
After all, resisting the evil black mage Ainz Ur Gong is their own business, she just brought in to help, she would definitely not do things that were too troublesome.
(● ̄(?) ̄●)
However, without waiting for the people to continue to say something, or waiting for a little girl to come back to her senses, all of a sudden, everyone discovered that on the top of the large underground tomb of Nazarick, there appeared a familiar to all of them. That big bone frame, that is, the phantom of the terrifying Dark Sorcerer Ainz Ur Gong?
'Hum hum……'
‘It’s nice to meet everyone...’
The evil red-eyed skeleton began to scan everyone present, as if he wanted to take down the guys present, and then take revenge later?
‘We are honored for your attention to and everything you have done to the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick! ’
‘However, this is just the beginning...’
‘Soon, everyone here will witness the true power of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick! ’
‘Now, we’ve set up a banquet between the thrones on the tenth floor of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick. Welcome everyone. I hope you don’t let us! ’
'huh huh huh huh……'
After delivering the brief invitation speech, the projection of the Black Sorcerer Ainz Ul Christine gradually dissipated in the bursts of grinning laughter that made many people feel numb.
‘! ! ’
‘Too arrogant! ’
‘When death is approaching, that monster is still obsessed with it. It seems it’s time for it to be destroyed as soon as possible! ’
‘His Master Anne! ’
'what should I do now? Do you want to send someone to rush in? Or set it on fire and smoke them out? ’
'smoke? I'm afraid it won't work! ’
‘They are all monsters, undead, vampires and demons. What's the use of setting them on fire? They are not afraid of smoke! Moreover, we don't know how many layers, how deep and big this large underground tomb of Nazarick has, and what the structure is! ’
‘Or, let’s send people to dig from all around, dig up or blow up their graves and force them out? ’
‘I’m afraid it won’t work either, because the ground here is protected by powerful magic, I’m afraid I can’t dig in a short time! ’
‘Then you can only send the elite to try it...’
‘Go in? ’
'Yes! ’
‘But the terrain inside is definitely not too big, there is strong magic protection, and those demon ambushes. If we choose a small group of elite troops to carry out a surprise attack, even if we can win, the casualties will be very heavy! ! ’
‘What should I do? ’
‘Um...I can’t get in my body, but I will control my armor to go in and help you, be sure to destroy the black magician Ainz Ur Gong! ! ’
"With the help of the guardians of the sky city Eleuenty, it should be easy to get in, right? ’
‘Everyone, what do you think? ’
"No way..."
‘Leaving the city in the sky and entering the enemy’s stronghold, we will not be their opponents even if there are thirty people. ’
'what? ! ’
'How could this be……'
‘! ! ’
‘Then Master Anne, what do you think...’
Although victory is in sight, there is only the last large underground tomb of Nazarick waiting for them to attack, but dozens of people gathered here, those guardians, and the strong and nobles of various countries discussed urgently for a while. , They still got a result that made them unsatisfied... Then, they couldn't think of a way, so they had to cast their eyes on the little girl of the'White Magister' whom they trusted.
"People don't know what to do..."
??(?? ̄? ̄)????
"Why do you have to go in? Just seal them and their large underground tomb of Nazarick, can't it be enough?!"
Although Annie can go in and easily destroy the huge number of demons, ugly monsters and undead creatures inside, this kind of thing is obviously what the talents of this world need to do. She can make Sky City take the initiative and help them frighten. The black magician Ainz Ur Gong has already done a lot, so how can he help them run to the grave to fight?
‘The seal, what if they break the seal later? ’
‘Yes, I don’t know how long the seals will last, I still think it’s safer to eliminate them directly...’
‘But, how do you destroy them? It is definitely impossible to send soldiers in. There are not enough people to kill them! ’
‘Hey! ! ’
‘His Master Anne, if it is sealed, how long can it be sealed? ’
"Is it a hundred years or..."
There are too many uncertain factors in rushing into the grave, and it may not be enough to beat the black mage and the powerful minions under his command. Therefore, everyone in the coalition found that no one had any good solutions. Later, he had to turn his attention again to the little girl who proposed a solution.
"That one……"
"Probably it can be sealed for about 10,000 years, right? And it's the kind that no one can break the seal!!"
In fact, if Annie makes a move, it will be possible to seal the day the world collapses!
However, I feel that the other party’s bones are also pitiful. Although the other party has done a lot of bad things, but if it is only sealed for 10,000 years, then the punishment should be almost fine, and Annie is not sure. The other party appears. Is it true that in this world is because she is disrupting each world, so....
‘! ! ’
‘One, ten thousand years? ! ’
‘If it’s ten thousand years, isn’t it impossible to think about it? ’
‘This method works! ’
‘Then do that? ’
‘Your Excellency, Master Anne, come on, what shall we do? ’
'Yes! We will do what you say! ’
‘Yes! ’
Ten thousand years is too long, at least it is too long for the humans in this world... Therefore, they thought it was a very good solution to the problem, and they asked a certain white magic teacher. Write.
Three days later...
In the Throne Hall of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, Ainz Ur Gong, who sits on the Throne of Kings, still hasn’t been able to wait for the heroes of the Anti-Black Sorcerer League and some nasty White Mage. Offensive report.
However, he was surprised that on the third day after all external detection methods were blocked and blocked by the enemy, he received a letter sent to him by the Guardian General Albedo. He was tied to an arrow and shot. In the entrance of the big tomb, and was picked up by the undead defending at the door and forwarded to it, a letter full of mockery written by the third princess of the kingdom...
'what? ! ’
‘Albedo! You go to the first floor and have a look, did they really seal us? ! ’
After reading the letter, Ainz Urgung, the king of the Black Sorcerer, holding the'Wand of Ainz Urgung’s Guild’, stood up in shock, and then several of the magical magic that forced the'cooling' could not be calmed. The fluctuations in his heart.
"Master Ainz..."
'I have just been to see it, and Shatia, the guardian of the first to third tiers, has also tried it. It seems that we are really sealed by them, and our strength can't help the seal even if we try our best. In the slightest, I also saw any situation outside...'
‘But Master Ainz, don’t worry! ’
‘With our company, even if it’s ten thousand years, it won’t be too lonely...’
Seeing that his beloved Ainz-sama seemed a little unacceptable, Albedo hurriedly walked to the other side, stroking the other side's big and strong ribs with relief.
To be honest, Albedo thinks that being sealed under the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick does not seem to be a big deal, at least...she will be able to live the shameless and shameless life with Lord Ainz in the future. Days are over, for their longevity species, there is simply no better choice than this.
Anyway, if Master Ainz wants to do something, he can go out after ten thousand years. Then, those powerful guys, such as that little girl, will definitely be gone, and they don’t have to take risks anymore. To fight, why not do it?
'impossible! ’
'What method did they use, how could they seal the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick for 10,000 years in just three days... That kind of thing is impossible, the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick is absolutely not Will be easily sealed, I never believe it! ! ’
‘It’s impossible...’
However, Ainz Ul Gon didn’t even notice the succubus chief Albedo with a gentle look on the side. He was just a little unacceptable. He waited for three days in the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick. , But what is waiting for such a result?
What's more, what makes him even more unacceptable is that he persisted in the game'YGGDRASIL' until the end of the game, and accidentally traversed this other world. He also gained the power that is as powerful as a god. If there is no time to enjoy more, it is somehow sealed here, and it may be an extremely long full ten thousand years? !
‘! ! ’
'impossible! I want to go up and see in person! ! ’
After burning the letter full of ridicule inside and out, and secretly secreting the name of the third princess of the kingdom Lana Thiel Chardun Lair Vansef , Ainz Ul Christine teleported directly to the gate of the underground tomb of Nazarick.
‘Master Ainz! ’
‘Master Ainz, are you here? ’
"Master Ainz..."
Seeing the sudden teleportation and appearance of Ainz Ur Gong, Shatia, Cosettes, Aura, Mare, Dimiugos, Wikti who have already come here and tried to break the seal Msebas and Pandora Yacht and others saluted him.
‘! ! ’
'This! ! ’
'how could this be……'
However, Ainz Ul Christine has no time to pay attention to them, because he is now shocked by what he sees!
At this time, in the dark and emptiness of the cosmic vacuum, the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick and the large piece of land where the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick is located are suspended like floating islands in this weird, quiet and starless place. Motionless in the dark universe, but the battlefields, damaged city walls, swamps, forests, and the Great Plains of Katz were all gone outside of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick.
"Master Ainz..."
'We just tried it. This seal is not just an illusion... It seems that it is really a way of using space dislocation to move us and the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick into this unknown universe. Let’s see If there are no stars nearby, no light can be seen...'
‘That’s a very deep, very deep space spell...’
‘So, I feel... I, we seem... as if we are really trapped here...’
Mare, who has a deep knowledge of magic and has communicated with Dimiugos and Pandora Act before, walked to Ainz Ur Gong’s side and held him. The staff said hesitantly.
‘How could it be like this...’
At this time, Ainz Ul Christine himself tentatively launched a huge flaming fireball toward the dark space filled in, and watched it fly farther and higher, Until it turned into a small red dot, even after I couldn't even see it again and didn't notice anything it touched, I couldn't believe it.
The first year of the first era of the White Magic.
The mighty white mage Anne Hastayuye Lantil city commanded hundreds of thousands of coalition forces to build a space sealing matrix on the wasteland 100 miles east of the city, to bring the immortal demon to Ainz, the king of the black wizard. Ur Gong, his guardians, and some evil skeleton monsters were sealed in the underground tomb of Nazarick for ten thousand years!
At this point, the continent that had been chaotic for months finally regained peace...
However, the originally chaotic countries and regions were finally able to regain lost ground, wipe out the remaining masses of undead, and unite to form a new country-the White Magic United Kingdom!
Subsequently, the White Magician United Nations established the White Magician Council to jointly govern this continent, while Ye Lantil City was renamed the White Magic City and designated as the capital of the United Kingdom. As for the floating city, it was renamed the White Magic City. The Magic Academy is responsible for cultivating powerful White Mages from the United Kingdom and monitoring the seal of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick.
Under the careful cultivation of the guardians (professors) in the White Magic Academy and the guidance of the completely open "Uninscribed Mantra Documents", more and more spellcasters have been able to break through the limitations of sixth-order spells and successfully cast them. The seventh, eighth, ninth and even tenth order of magic makes the magical civilization of this huge country become brilliant.
Hundreds of years later, as the Frost Dragon clan shared certain spellcasting skills passed down from the White Sorcerer and led to more and more powerful geniuses who can easily perform supernatural magic, with the integrated spellcasting ability of the White Sorcerer United Kingdom It gradually improved. Soon, a certain named'Nazarick Underground Tomb' and its seal were judged by the White Magic Council as'no threat' or'extremely low threat'... and then , The White Magic Academy of Floating City was finally able to leave the seal matrix of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, suspended its duty of continuously monitoring the seal for hundreds of years, and went to the mountains of Andelia to begin their pursuit of the great sage Pilgrimage.
Because, according to a certain group of frost dragons, the queen of the United Kingdom respected as the White Sorcerer, and Anne Hasta, who is also respected as the strongest adventurer and the strongest White Sorcer in history, is the most the most the most the most The most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most powerful Arcane Archmage, who disappeared or'ascended' in the mountains of Andelia hundreds of years ago. Therefore, as the supreme prophecy who pursues magic The White Sorcerer Academy of Magic and the ultimate truth of arcane magic will definitely not let go of any clues or opportunities for improvement...

ヽ(⌒ω⌒)人(^?^)?? The end of this volume, the end of the chapter, please look forward to the next volume?
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