Chapter 1224: Shadows on Tatooine (°°)~(°°…

Tatooine, it is a huge desertified planet, belonging to the Arcanes galaxy region of the outer space of the Milky Way Republic galaxy. It is a planet orbiting a low-temperature binary star system.
It is one of the oldest planets in the Milky Way, composed mainly of a molten core, a rocky mantle, and a silicate-based crust. The detectable fossil record on it shows that there was life here more than two million years ago, and it was once covered by a vast ocean and dense jungle.
However, Anakin did not like it here, because the climate here has already turned into a barren world, and the ocean has been dry for many years. The barren and desolate surface and the former ocean have gradually evolved a diverse topography. , But there are more here, just those bright golden yellow due to high sodium content and the vast sand sea that can't be seen at a glance...
But even if it is a vast sand sea planet, there are still many cities and residents here, and still retain the despicable and backward slave system!
And this is the main reason why Anakin doesn't like this place...
Although this is his hometown, the place where he was born and raised him for more than ten years... But anyone who was born a slave, and then along with his mother was oppressed and enslaved by cruel slave owners for so many years, I would definitely not like it too much.
"Tatooine, I'm back again..."
Looking at the domes in front of him and the desert towns that barely see a trace of green like Coruscant, Anakin sighed, and according to his own memory, although there were some changes towards this, it was basically Step by step in front of the dilapidated street that was still the original one.
In the front, there is something he needs, and he has already seen an acquaintance... that is Toidari, who is awkwardly repairing a certain machine, has a chubby figure, an ugly nose, wings and blue skin. Yaren-Wotu!
The other party is a slave owner here, and at the same time, his master of Anakin...Of course, that is just the former master. Now, the other party is no longer worthy!
Because now, Anakin Skywalker is a Jedi apprentice with noble status and supernatural power. He is not the ugly monster who is short and fat with an ugly long nose and is full of foul smell. Can afford it.
"Hello Wotu, we meet again!"
Although all kinds of thoughts surged in his heart, Anakin walked to an old acquaintance with a slight smile, and greeted with a slight sigh.
Once upon a time, he saw that the other party said it was a mere promise, for fear of doing something wrong to incur punishment... Now, he can look down on the other party, and the other party is like an ant in front of him, and he can no longer produce anything. A trace of fear!
"you are……"
Votu from Toidaria was puzzled. Obviously, he didn't recognize the Anakin who had changed drastically and hadn't seen him in ten years, and he didn't expect it to be the other party.
"What are you repairing? Well, let me help you!"
Since the other party did not recognize him and his mother was still in the other's hands, Anakin said that he could help each other first.
After all, he agreed to Obi-Wan. This time he came to Tatooine to redeem his mother peacefully, not to hack the opponent and take away his mother... But if the opponent doesn’t If he is willing to let people go, what he will do in the end may be uncertain.
"What do you want to do?!"
"and many more……"
"That's a lightsaber... You, you are a Jedi? Damn, why have Jedi come to such a broken place?"
Looking at the other party's dress, Wotu was a little surprised, but also a little upset! Because, he was unlucky at the beginning when he met a Jedi knight, and now he meets another one after so many years. Doesn't that mean that there must be no good things?
So, involuntarily, he couldn't help but get a little nervous.
"Anyway, I didn't cause trouble. Even if it did, I didn't do it. I definitely won't admit it. Don't try to trick me!"
Wotu thought that the other party had come to trouble him with some illegal things he had done, so without waiting for the other party to speak, he hurriedly denied it.
"Okay! Wotu, it's fixed now, here you are!"
It's a pity that Anakin didn't pay attention to the other party's words, but just repaired his own things on his own, and quickly fixed it, and then gently put it in front of the other party.
‘! ! ’
A Jedi warrior would actually be so kind to help him fix things. This kind of thing made Wotu feel a little frightened, and even stared at the other side's face with a bit of uncertainty, wanting to see what the other side could say later. What is coming.
"Okay, Wotu! Don't worry, I actually came to see Shimi Skywalker this time, you should know her, right?"
Seeing the irritated expression on the other party's face and the motion of trying to flee, Anakin, who was a little lamented in his heart, snorted and comforted the other party.
This time, as long as the other party surrenders his mother honestly and don't play tricks with him, he will definitely not embarrass the other party too much.
"you are……"
‘Annie? Are you...Little Annie? ! ’
Looking at the other person’s appearance and eyes, although he has grown up, his face still has certain contours, and thinking that the other person is also a Jedi knight, Wotu quickly remembered something and tentatively sweated intimately. Anakin's nickname when he was a child, anyway, he used to call each other that.
Anakin didn't speak, and still stared at each other, which was acquiescence.
"But it should be correct, you are Ann, you are Anakin... Yes, I think of it, it is you!"
"Look at you, you have grown so tall and become a Jedi Knight? What a surprise!"
After flying around the opponent, Wotu laughed quickly.
Because he suddenly felt that perhaps with this relationship between him and Anakin, he should be able to use him to frighten and threaten those who often bully him or want to go back on their accounts when he sees him in failure?
Think about it, too, having such an iron-clad relationship with a friend of a Jedi Knight can be more bluffing than the manager who manages this area or the most powerful pirate! Because the Jedi Knights are much higher than their compelling standards, and even more powerful, that is recognized by the entire galaxy!
"Well, Wotu, less wordy!"
"Say it!"
"My mother, where is she now?"
Anakin didn't have time to talk nonsense with the other party, so he asked straightforwardly.
This time, he said that he would redeem his mother Shimi Skywalker for everything. Therefore, he hoped that the other party had better understand and quote a number that he can accept. Otherwise, he would not guarantee that he would not Put the simple things into force.
"Yeah, Simi... I should have known it, you must be here for her, but, it's too late, she doesn't belong to me now, she was sold by me long ago, that was many years ago It's up!"
Under Anakin's concealed threatening gaze, Wotu, the owner of the thrift store, did not dare to try to conceal it, and said directly and generously.
After all, the woman was his slave, and the slave was legal on the planet Tatooine. It was normal for him to sell the other party. Even if the other party is a Jedi, he can’t find out his own. What's wrong!
"Sold, who did you sell to?!"
For a moment, Anakin, who did not expect to have such a wave and a little uneasy in his heart, hurriedly asked.
"Oh, although I'm sorry too!"
"But Anakin, you also know that business belongs to business, and friendship belongs to friendship... Okay, you see, I am now down, and I can't support her, so I sold her to a collection The farmer of water vapor, his name is Lars, at least I remember that name..."
"Don't look at me with that kind of eyes, at least he gave her freedom. That person treated her very well and married her. Maybe he gave birth to a few cubs. There is no better result than that. !"
"I gave her freedom generously, so you can't look at me with this kind of eyes!!"
Wotu was a little frightened by the murderous look in Anakin's eyes...Although the opponent used to be a little slave of his own, it is not what he used to be, and now the opponent is a Jedi Knight. If he didn't agree with him, he chopped himself down, maybe he had nowhere to reason after he died!
"Then do you know where she is?"
Hearing this, the angry Anakin calmed down a bit, feeling that although the guy in front of him was cunning, he wouldn't dare to deceive himself after he knew his identity.
"It's far from here anyway, I've forgotten..."
"Okay! Okay! I said, I said it's not alright?!"
"I remember it was... it was on the other side of the spaceport Mos Eisley, right there anyway..."
Wotu, who wanted to fool around a little bit, soon compromised under Anakin’s terrifying eyes that might violently hurt people at any time...because he knew Anakin, at least when he was a child, He also knew what kind of person a certain kid was.
"I need to know more specific!"
Anakin, who was already impatient, grabbed the opponent by the collar.
"This one……."
"Huh! Is there any problem?"
"When, of course no problem!"
"Then say it!"
"Come on, although I can't remember it, you know, it has been for many years after all... But I can check my records... Of course, if you are not at ease, you can check it yourself, anyway You know how to check it yourself, don't you?"
"Huh! Wotu, you better stop playing tricks!"
"of course not!"
"Come on! Anakin, let's go to the store...After all, we are old friends too, how could I embarrass you for such a small matter?"
Wo Tugan smiled, while he wanted to continue to have a relationship with him, he took him to the thrift store that had not changed for more than ten years, and the only change was that it became dirty and messy...
'Hey! ’
‘Anakin, now that you are developed, can’t we have two drinks? ’
'Hey! ! ’
Soon, within a few minutes, Anakin, who found the results, quickly walked out of the thrift store without saying a word. He ignored the invitation of an ugly thrift store owner, and went black. Walked out of this small town.
After a while, the owner of the thrift store Wotu saw a shuttle roaring from outside the town, and after rolling up the sand and dust, it flew away at high speed in the direction of Mos Eisley, blinking. Time disappeared at the end of the yellow sky.
Two days later...
What Anakin never thought was that he still could not find and rescue his mother...because he could not find her on the farm in the mouth of the thrift store owner Wotu, but in a group of towers. She was found in the village of the Sken.
Moreover, when he found it, she was already a corpse, a corpse that could no longer be saved?
Then, what he did he didn't want to remember...
Anyway, in the end, he just took the other person’s body back to the farm again in a muddled manner, because it was her home, and he could see that even the Force told him that she was attached to that place, and that was called Krigg. Lars's moisture farmer really did treat her sincerely, so he chose to bury her on the side of the farm, along with other people who were attacked and killed by the Tuskens.
Looking at the tombstones in front of him and the one belonging to his mother, Anakin seemed to be blocked by something in his throat, and could not say a word...
Moreover, huge anger and sorrow are like a wild beast, constantly roaring and roaring in his heart, just like the restless insect swarms that he has been suppressing and have to dormant in the darkest crust of Coruscant. Always thinking about breaking through the cage, cannibalizing and destroying everything in the outside world?
Fortunately, Anakin didn't do anything in the end. He restrained it and stood silently in front of the tombstone, lowered his head, and let the wind mixed with yellow sand blow him. Cheeks and chapped lips that have eaten food and water.
‘I’m sorry, Anakin...’
"I'm just an ordinary farmer. I can't protect her. It's all my fault... But if there were more people like you in this world, it would be great. Maybe, the world will be peaceful, there won't be so many Unfortunately...'
"Oh, forget it..."
After dealing with the funeral, looking at Anakin standing in front of the grave in a daze, Krig Lars, the stepfather, originally wanted to say something comforting, but when he saw the other person’s appearance, After thinking that he felt no better than the other person, he finally sighed and shook his head, with red eyes, barely controlling his automatic wheelchair, taking his son and his son’s girlfriend back to the direction slowly. Floating away.
It feels ridiculous to think about it. Like the other person, he has lost a lot. When he himself needs someone to comfort him, how can he know how to comfort him?
"Are there more people like me? Huh! Mom, you are optimistic, it will be, it will be soon, I assure you..."
"From now on, I swear: I will cherish and protect the things that belong to Anakin, I will be omnipotent, and I will be the most powerful Jedi and the most benevolent ruler in the galaxy... All the guys who violate the law and destroy good things, such as the Tuskens, will be brutally killed by me!"
"I promise, I will..."
"No one can any of my things from me, I promise..."
After his stepfather and stepbrother and other strange family members left, Anakin whispered to himself and took out a bottle containing several larvae and held it tightly in the palm of his hand, vowing secretly.
At this time, there was one less larva in that bottle...
And the one that was missing was already thrown by him into the tribe of the Tusken people who had him beheaded yesterday... He has given the larva an order and believes it, etc. Next time he comes to Tatooine, this chaotic and disorderly planet will definitely become a different scene!
He promised peace and order will come to this chaotic planet!
However, that was in the way that Anakin Skywalker himself thought was the right way...and by then, all the evil Tuskens will be killed by him, not leaving one! !
As for whether all Tusken people deserve to die, he can't control that much... because he only knows that soon, this planet will become his private domain, and everything here will be controlled by him. Kim Skywalker has the final say! This is just like what a powerful little head of state Anne once said to him. The truth is only in the hands of powerful people. As long as he says that the sand people are guilty, they are guilty, even if they don't!
Because he is Anakin, he is Anakin Skywalker, the king of the swarm who is about to appear before the world!
Soon, he believes that there will be that day, and it may not be long...When the time is right, this Galactic Republic and even the entire galaxy will be controlled by him...At that time, all All of the rules will be formulated by him, and his will is the truth, the eternal and unchanging iron law! !

? Larva ask for a ticket?
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