Chapter 1230: Arrived safely in Coruscant

To be honest, Padmé feels a bit confused so far, and has no idea how she and Anakin survived that night...
   Or it could be said that she didn't know at all, why on earth was her Jedi Knight Anakin able to kill the bounty hunters who hunted her all by one person?
Anyway, she only knew that she waited nervously in the dark house for almost an hour or so until someone removed the huge stone blocking the door, until she was holding a sandman’s iron rod in panic. After rushing towards the opponent, and then being easily disarmed and held in her arms, she knew that her Anakin had won inexplicably, and defeated all the bounty hunters and successfully saved her Pade. May Amidala?
   Then, what the other party did next made her feel a little bit ashamed to think about it now!
Because, the other party stripped her naked without saying a word, and when she resisted and yelled at the other side angrily, thinking that the other party would do something untimely to her, the nasty bad guy actually threw her away. It came for a new hooded coverall that she didn't know where she got, and it wasn't at all to do what she imagined? !
At last……
   Maybe it was embarrassment, maybe it was anger, or she was too sleepy and tired, in short, nothing happened between her and him!
Immediately afterwards, after she got dressed, he immediately pulled her out of the small dark village where there were corpses along the way, and then found a spaceship captured from a bounty hunter and flew to Mos Eisley. Only after Mos Eisley sold the spacecraft and replaced it with a smaller fast spacecraft, did he embark on the journey again, and finally arrived in Coruscant today, and began to enter the port sent by the port guide Under the guidance of the code, slowly began to dock.
On the way, Padmé thoughtfully did not ask how the other party won, because she also knew that so many bounty hunters were eliminated, so many people were killed... That kind of thing, for Jedi apprentice Anakin Speaking of which, it will certainly not be something to celebrate.
   "Anakin, you said, I have arrived at Da Corusanne now, can I see you again in the future?"
Looking at the busy planet Coruscant in the distance with silver metallic luster in the sun, think about the storm on the road, think about the pleasant relationship between the two people along the way, the experience of birth and death, and then the embarrassment afterwards As well as the short few days of returning from Tatooine to Coruscant and the difference that is just about to come, somehow Padmé was a little bit reluctant to give up.
She really wanted to rush into the arms of the other party and take advantage of the last time to take good care of her. However, thinking about her identity and the identity of the other party, she thinks that she is about to call in Hong Kong now, worrying that she will be seen She still endured with some restraint, turned her head in silence, and sighed as she looked at the busy tens of thousands of spaceships outside the cockpit.
"I do not know either……"
   After handing over the spacecraft to the automated program to take care of and execute the port entry agreement, Anakin finally couldn't help turning his head, looking at Padmé's exquisite profile face and was slightly stunned.
   Although he himself was very reluctant to give up, but some things were not transferred by their will after all.
Although the opponent is no longer the queen of Naboo, he is still a senator of the Galaxy Council, and Anakin himself is just a small Jedi apprentice. His identity and status are too disparity, plus a certain Jedi Knight With these doctrines and rules, he can't give Padmé too much guarantee...
Moreover, Padmé’s identity will make her subconsciously alienate him. In addition, the other party is still being rewarded by the remnants of the trade alliance and is in danger at all times. Therefore, he must also do more. It is impossible to be by the side of the other party all the time in order to completely kill those dangers as soon as possible one day in the future.
   "I will definitely take time to see you! Padmé, I promise you!!"
   However, after seeing the faint expression on the opponent's face, he still gritted his teeth and assured him.
   "If I have time, I will also find a chance to visit you in the Jedi Temple..."
   Parting soon, arriving at the port of Coruscant and docking soon, Padmé did not know what to say.
However, subconsciously, she felt that if she didn’t resist so much that night in the Sandman’s village, and directly let the other party do something to her or she took the initiative to do something, then there is now a relationship between her and him. Relationship, wouldn't it be so embarrassing?
Before long, when the two silently looked at each other and some emotions were brewing, the spacecraft finally landed steadily on a platform heavily guarded by the guards of the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Knights and opened the hatch, allowing the two Had to clear up their inexplicable feelings, and walked down the spaceship's Xuan ladder in dependence on each other.
   "Thank you all the way!"
"It's nice to see you again, Senator Padmé Amidala, I heard that you have stepped down as Queen of Naboo? I am very sorry about this, because we all know that you have been doing well. ..."
   "However, you can come to Coruscant as a representative of Naboo and serve as a senator. That is really good news!"
The two came at once, leading a few Jedi knights and Jedi masters to wait for a long time, Obi-Wan, after nodding at Anakin, greeted Padmé Amidala and was friendly. He saluted and greeted.
After all, for Obi-Wan, Padmé’s current identity department is more than just a senator of the parliament. She is also his old friend and an important person appointed to protect. He will definitely be more concerned. .
try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   "I am also glad to see you again, Master Obi-Wan Kenobi!"
   "Speaking of which, we haven't seen each other for nearly ten years. You seem to have changed a lot. You are no longer the same as the apprentice back then..."
   Seeing an old friend again, Padmé was obviously very happy, so she rarely smiled and teased him.
   "Senator, you misunderstood, I am not a Jedi Master yet, I am just a Jedi Knight."
   "No! Obi-Wan..."
   "You can do Professor Anakin so well. It's not an exaggeration to call you a'master'. In my opinion, you are not at all lost to other masters."
   "Senator, you are polite..."
   "Please go here, we have arranged a safe place for you, the soldiers responsible for guarding, and several Jedi knights and masters on duty. We will definitely ensure your safety in Coruscant these days!"
  I haven’t seen it for a few years. Obi-Wan feels that the former queen, Padmé Amidala, seems to have become more talkative than before, making him feel very useful? However, it was not the time to say that kind of kind words after all, so after a few short conversations and recounting the past, he introduced the other party to the security guards and Jedi masters.
   That is the manpower specially selected by the Jedi Committee, which can absolutely guarantee the safety of the Senator Padmé on the planet Coruscant!
   "Master Obi-Wan, I just wanted to ask, why are there so many soldiers and Jedi here? Isn't this Coruscant?"
   "Is it possible that anyone would dare to assassinate me here?!"
On the way here, more than a dozen teams of bounty hunters were staring at her. Of course Padmé knew about that, but now Coruscant is the capital planet of the Galactic Republic. She couldn’t believe it. Here, those bounty hunters dare to mess around?
   "Your Excellency the Senator..."
"As long as there is enough money, there is nothing that people like them dare not dare! In fact... the day your interstellar royal spacecraft arrived in Coruscant, your double was attacked, but fortunately the other party did not succeed. otherwise……"
   Otherwise, Obi-Wan would not dare to say anything, anyway, those brave guys did do the crazy thing of attacking a senator openly in the port, so now he can't help but be cautious.
   "This way..."
   "I see, thank you for your arrangement."
   nodded, and after taking a look at Anakin, Padmé stopped talking, and silently walked to the Jedi masters and Jedi knights on the other side, and began to talk to them in a low voice and introduce each other.
   "It's a full day later than expected, how about it, Anakin, is the journey going smoothly?"
Obi-Wan was very pleased that Anakin was able to safely the Senator Padmé to Coruscant without humiliating his mission, so he was waiting for the Jedi masters to say something to Padmé. At that time, he approached his little brother and asked caringly.
   "Obi-Wan, don't you know that we were almost killed by your so-called absolutely safe line! We were able to come back alive, it was pure fluke!"
   Of course, in addition to fluke, it is also due to some special arrangements made by Anakin. Otherwise, in that case, I am afraid that replacing it with Master Yoda is enough!
Anyway, he certainly wouldn’t believe that with the power of Master Yoda, he could deal with a hunting gang composed of many powerful and elite bounty hunters with multiple enemies, let alone protect them. Padmé!
   "Forget it!"
   "I don't say anything, everything is over!"
   Anakin doesn't want to mention it anymore, at least not here.
  Because, after returning to the Jedi Temple, he definitely needs to explain the situation to the elders. Before that, he has to think about it, what on earth should he say so that he won't show up? At the very least, he has to figure out exactly what to do so that his rhetoric and Padmé's description can be mutually confirmed, and he must also ensure that nothing is wrong with it.
   "Then don't worry, we will have time in the future!"
   "Come on, follow me to the Jedi Committee to meet the elders. As for Padmé, the Jedi masters are naturally responsible for her safety now, and there will be no problem."
Padmé’s accommodation, clothing, food, shelter and transportation on Coruscant have strict arrangements with the Jedi Committee, and even sent a few female Jedi to serve as bodyguards for the other party. Such treatment can even be enjoyed by Palpatine’s highest speaker. Yes, so the security issue shouldn't be big?
   At least, it is still very secure on Coruscant!
   "Go to see the elder now?"
   "But, why is this?"
Anakin was a little confused, because according to the custom, the elders usually only called themselves to inquire about the task after a few days. But like now, they have just arrived in Coruscant and will be called back to speak. That is extremely rare.
   "Why else?"
   "Anakin, don't you understand what those things you did mean?!"
   Some dumbfounding Obi-Wan did not explain, but sighed and shook his head, then stared directly at Anakin's eyes and asked.
"what did I do?"
   abruptly, Anakin began to feel nervous, and his eyes gradually flickered. He didn't dare to look at Obi-Wan and secretly made some relevant preparations.
try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}  "Hey......"
"You killed so many bounty hunters, more than two hundred... Now, that matter is going to spread throughout the galaxy. They call you Jedi Butcher, Bounty Buster, and Evil Executioner... Anyway, the title There are many, so you think that the elders will not find you immediately to have a good talk?"
   Seeing that the other party dared to speak hard, thinking that Coruscant, the Jedi Temple, and the Jedi Knights who were in the political, economic, cultural, and military centers of the galaxy, would not know, Obi-Wan asked with a little laughter and laughter.
   "But...Obi-Wan, I can't help it!"
"The situation at that time, you know, it’s just me and Padmé. I need to protect her, and we are isolated and helpless. I must do my best. If I don’t kill them, it’s me who is dead now. And Padmé!"
"I do not have choice!!"
   It turned out to be such a thing, which made Anakin breathe a sigh of relief in his heart, and at the same time pretended to fight hard.
He almost thought it was because of the fact that he and his insect swarm had been exposed. If that were the case, he could only start his plan in advance and escape from Coruscant... But fortunately, it was just the hateful in front of him. Obi-Wan was scared to worry about nothing.
   "Anakin, you really did a good job. I won't do better than you when replaced. I also think you did nothing wrong, although you did kill a little more people..."
"But the elders don’t look like that! They don’t care about those bounty hunters, they care about you! Because Master Yoda will think that you have used the other side of the Force’s forbidden power, that’s very It's dangerous, do you know?"
   stared at Anakin, Obi-Wan, who didn't feel too much wrong with the other party, finally breathed a sigh of relief and patted the other party on the shoulder.
   "But I don't have one!"
Yes, it is true that Anakin did not use the other side of the forbidden power of the original force. He did not even do it from beginning to end. It was all the'children' of his No. 1 Insect Swarm who did it. He was just in the whole process. Just watching, they didn't kill any bounty hunters at all!
  The only things he killed...there were only sand people who deserved the crime, but he didn't tell anyone about it, including Padmé! Therefore, he firmly believed that the elders of the Jedi Council would definitely not know about that matter.
   "You tell me it's useless!"
   "Let's go, the elders have been waiting for you in the tower for a long time, and our irresponsible teacher is also there. He should help you out. Just answer the elders' questions!"
   "But Anakin, you have to remember!"
   "When the elders are speaking, don't talk too much, and don't try to argue...Just watch more, think more, talk less, and pretend to be humbly asking for advice, do you understand?"
   Obi-Wan looked like a person came over, and whispered to his younger brother Anakin, he almost didn't tell him how to fool the elders of the Jedi Committee.
   If it's just the bounty hunter's things, Anakin thinks he can handle it. It's nothing more than making up a lie about how he kills all quarters! However, the lie must be true and false, otherwise it is not easy to deceive the elders.
Especially the elder Yoda, every time the other party looks at him, it is as if he can reveal his disguise. If it hadn’t been for his Anakin’s Swarm Zero’s Worm’s Nest for some necessary adjustments and enhancements, I’m afraid He couldn't stop the opponent from prying into his heart.
Padmé, who had just heard something from Obi-Wan, came over at this time. Obviously, she was a little worried about Anakin. After all, the other party did it for her. If you are tired from reading If the other party is embarrassed by the elders of the Jedi Committee, she will definitely feel uneasy and have a conscience.
   "I'm fine!"
   "Don't worry, Padmé, I will return to Obi-Wan first, I will visit you again if I have a chance, bye..."
Obi-Wan urged a little bit anxiously, Anakin did not dare to stay, and for fear that others would see that there was something wrong with Padmé, so after nodding, he hurriedly sat with Obi-Wan A convertible floating car.
   There are some things, whether it's bad for Padmé as a councilor or himself as a Jedi, especially before they can control each other's destiny?
   So, Anakin, who didn't dare to show more, felt that it would be better for him to avoid it a little bit.
   "Then it's a deal!"
   "I will also call Elder Yoda to justify you a few words!!"
   Watching Anakin's floating car whizzed out and left first, Padmé could not do much besides beckoning to the opponent.
   Now, she has safely arrived at Coruscant planet, so she should put aside some things and concentrate on dealing with the more important and urgent matters that she came here specially from Naboo.
You know, Padmé Amidala is a senator and representative of Naboo appointed by the new Queen of Naboo, then she must be responsible for the people of Naboo, for the Galactic Republic, and dedicated to restoring the Milky Way. Peace and make the best effort she can do!
  Nnn‘``:.. ... .:゜゜☆
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