Chapter 129: The Battle of Stratholme (5)

In the twentieth year of the Dark Portal calendar, in the intersecting season of autumn and winter, on the land of the original Kingdom of Lordaeron, near the Plaguelands in the east and west, when the night is about to fall, the first scene finally falls here. Snow, this indicates that winter in the northern hemisphere of the eastern continent has officially arrived.
On this day, in the northern area of ​​Stratholme in the Eastern Plaguelands, two important events occurred that were enough to be included in the history of Azeroth and enough to stir the entire planet of Azeroth.
The first big thing is:
The flame queen of unknown origin, led by her flame king team of unknown origin, at the most desperate and feared moment of the creatures of the Eastern Kingdom, brazenly launched a massive offensive against the undead natural disasters.
The Fire Elemental Legion only took two days. They were in the Eastern Plaguelands, sweeping away all the undead natural disaster forces north of Blackwood Lake, including Stratholme, the military center!
According to incomplete statistics, in the past two days, their Flame Empire slaughtered nearly 200,000 undead natural disaster forces. In the battle to capture Stratholme, they also killed the demon race belonging to the Burning Legion, the dreadlord Varimathras of the Nathrezim clan. He made a specimen of its corpse and hung it on the new capital of their Flame Kingdom—the city of flame on the wall facing the entrance of the city gate!
The second big thing is:
The powerful and mysterious flame queen, the daughter of flame, and the powerful demigod of the Flame Kingdom—Queen Anne Hasta, she was at the head of Stratholme, which they had just captured, and the one who arrived after hearing the news. The Grand Commander of the Burning Legion, the Great Devil, and Archimonde the Defiler fought an earth-shattering and powerful super battle.
According to records, after their battles destroyed countless mountains, burned countless seas of fire, and sacrificed countless heroic fire elements, their queen of fire elements finally successfully repelled Archimonde. This most powerful demon ever walked in the world of Azeroth!
Since this incident, the flame kingdom and their queens have been in the same position in the northern area of ​​the eastern continent, not only making the Burning Legion and the undead, but also attracting countless Lordaeron refugees who have not had time to flee west or south. Or other creatures, all left their original refuge, flocked to the Eastern Plague Land, flocked to this place shrouded in the light of the Flame Queen, in order to seek refuge...
(Here, I have to mention one more thing: after countless years, archaeologists of various races have verified that those fire elements in the Flame Kingdom are actually in the ancient times and were kept in a prison by the Titans. Ancient gods minions! And the place where the fire elements are held, the magic prison, is also a plane of fire elements called the land of flames, which is consistent with the origin of the fire elements stated by themselves!
But the strange thing is that historians of all races can't find out why, that mysterious and powerful little human girl, she became the queen of the flame kingdom? And won the support of the fire elements? Because, according to archaeological findings, in the Titan documents left over from the planet of Azeroth, the original leader in the land of flames should be a powerful fire elemental lord known as the Balrog King-Ragnaros!
However, after the Balrog King Ragnaros was summoned to the Black Rock Mountain by King Thaurissan of the Dark Iron Dwarf, why did this little girl inexplicably replace it and become the Queen of the Land of Fire? What is the connection between her and Ragnaros, the King of the Balrog? Are both father and daughter? Or is it to seize power?
In this regard, although many people have inquired about the fire elements that have spread throughout the planet of Azeroth, it is a pity that those fire elements either choose to keep silent, or simply say that they don’t know, or they are secretive. For him.
In the end, this matter can only become a big mystery in the archaeological world of Azeroth, which has caused a lot of speculation and gossip of the good people, and they have written thousands of different versions of the queen's history...
Actually, history is like this. Archaeologists like to mess around and write indiscriminately, especially those dwarf dwarf archaeologists, and they dare to dig in the prison where the Titans imprisoned ancient gods! )
Well, in fact, the above two things are all recorded in the official documents of the later Flame Kingdom. What was the specific situation? The fire element on the scene and the members of the delegation of Lordaeron sent over to watch the battle, they did not think so...
Regarding the first thing, the members of the Lordaeron Kingdom Watching Group, those humans are indisputable! Because these things are all real achievements on the bright side. Whether it's the dreadlord who was killed, or the natural disasters and territories taken by the undead, these things are well documented. Too much room for debate.
But for the record of the second matter in the official documents of the Flame Kingdom, they dare not be so complimented.
The two sides did fought a world-shattering and powerful super battle, but... that was only at the beginning; for destroying countless mountains, burning countless seas of fire, and sacrificing countless heroic fire elements to defeat Ah They sneered at the matter of Kermond.
They watched the battle all the way. It is an indisputable fact that Archimonde was defeated, but where are the things that smashed the mountains and burned into flames? Even the fire element didn't die much, right?
They remember very clearly that when the confrontation first started, the terrifying great demon Archimonde was indeed an extraordinary move. He summoned thousands of green fel hellfires when he came up, and those green meteorites were like down It was rain-like, densely packed, and kept smashing into Stratholme's city head area, and soon fought with the fire elemental legions. Although this melee between the boys on both sides did not last long, it could be said to be earth-shattering, weeping, and the super collision of strength and strength, it cannot be faked! Regarding this point, their spectators agreed very much!
After seeing the great demon taking the lead, the queen of the fire elements, she soon began to prepare to fight back. At that time, the members of the spectator group had already seen that she seemed to have gathered a huge amount of magic power and guided all the flame power in the original Stratholme city area that was trapped in the sea of ​​flames. It didn't take long for her to guide With the spells done, the momentum at that time seemed to be majestic and even scared to death, just like the flame goddess descended from the earth in person, and the shock to the members of the spectator group was not small...
And then? And then...and then it's gone!
Correct! You read it right! The latter is really gone!
Just as the members of Lordaeron’s spectator team were preparing to risk their lives and watch a god-level super battle at close range, just as the fire elemental army was still fighting fiercely with the falling Fel Hellfire... Let Lordaeron A collective dumbfounded thing happened to all the members of the Kingdom Watch Group...
The demigod queen who has already guided the spells and will immediately take action, using the demigod queen who destroys the heavens and destroys the earth-level magic, has she scattered the spells inexplicably? Then she arrogantly used her little hand to point to the nose of the big demon Archimonde, and said something arrogantly, and then... the big devil actually nodded and patted his butt. Turn around and leave? Before he left, would he kindly disband the massive hellfire summoned by him?
The envoys of the original Kingdom of Lordaeron were instantly confused. They didn't know at all. Just now, what happened between the two parties that they didn't know? Or was there a battle in a mysterious realm that they couldn't see?
What about dying? What about the super war at the level? What is said to be ruining the world?
In the previous moment, why did they put cruel words to each other and wished to mock the enemy's two sides, and wished to go forward and copy the knife to kill the other two people, after a while silently looking at each other, just like this, the two brothers are good, suddenly Don't fight anymore? What international joke is this?
In the eyes of the humans in the spectator group, you, the Great Devil of the Burning Legion, just summoned so many green fire monsters, and now they are still falling down continuously, and it seems that they are still fighting with the fire elements. Those who have won each other, haven't seen their disadvantages? Why did your boss suddenly shake your hand?
Moreover, whether your Archimonde is in size or the surging power in your body, it is not necessarily weaker than that of the flame queen, so how come you suddenly admit it? Is it because you look at other people’s little girls that are too cute, so you can’t bear to start?
and also! The same is true for that Queen of Fire. You have already formed such a powerful battle, and the spells have been led to an end, so why don't you rush out? Whether you blow up that Archimonde, or grill him, or, even if your magic directly blows up the entire planet of Azeroth, let everyone follow along, they will not be like they are now. Unacceptable...
Therefore, after watching the great demon Archimonde turn around and leave, the members of the spectator group who were excluded from the time loop, the first thing they thought was: What is the situation? ? What about the war of the century? Why didn't you fight like this all of a sudden? This is too anticlimactic, right? These melon-eating audiences said they absolutely cannot accept it!
The second time I thought of it was: there must be shady inside this Nima!
Could it be... the little girl used a spell they couldn't see to kill the demon? Or... What shameful deeds did they both achieve? Or... Is this little girl related to that demon? Otherwise, how could they suddenly stop fighting?
You know, in the previous moment, they were still talking ruthlessly to each other, the fire element and hellfire under their hands had already started short-hand combat, and the two big brothers were about to get out of their heads! But... the final result, why is it so?
"That... Captain, how should we write the report when we go back? Both of them... Seems, is there a special relationship?"
The same timid cavalry asked, they don’t know how to describe what happened before they go back now...
Do you want to say: The big devil and the little girl queen, after two people exchanged harsh words to each other, they threw countless meteorites on one side, and the other side finished the super spell, and then... they suddenly shook hands and made peace. ?
"Okay, there is nothing to look at, let's go back! As for the report... I will know how to write it, and you don't need to worry about it!"
After pondering for a while, the captain finally spoke. Compared to the cowardly recruit who has been clamoring about trying to escape early, as the captain of this spectator group, he observed much more carefully.
He discovered that when the great demon Archimonde turned around and left, his face was full of grief, anger and helplessness, that kind of gloomy eagerness to tear the other side's face alive, it would definitely not be like a forcibly pretending to be. Forced to be helpless, had to go!
If you think about it more carefully, before, the subordinates of the opposing sides have already started hand-over and melee. The losses caused by those green hellfires to the Red Fire Elemental Legion are definitely not small. The meteorites are dropped from high altitude without money. There must be three to five thousand casualties. Now, in the area of ​​Stratholme City Head , Those fire elemental corpses lying motionless, are enough to explain everything!
Therefore, to analyze all the circumstances, the other party, the big demon named Archimonde, must have suffered a lot from the little girl's hands! So that he confessed to losing and had to leave!
So...this little girl is even better than this big devil? Or...what could she do to make Archimonde extremely jealous?
But no matter what, now, the powerful power displayed by this flame queen is beyond doubt! So, these people, it's time to go back now. Perhaps it is time for Commander Dathrohan and Marshal Garithus to face the existence of the Flame Kingdom. No matter how to deal with the relationship between the two sides, in the view of his cavalry captain, having a hostile relationship with the Flame Kingdom will only be the worst choice! I hope, those above, don’t make such stupid and inferior mistakes...
"Long live the Queen! Long live the Queen!!"
When he saw the great demon Archimonde, he stopped and turned his head and left. He also dismissed all the summoned hellfires and turned them into a pile of useless green rocks. After that, the fighting flame legions Finally found out that the enemy seemed to have run away by himself? So they immediately cheered loudly! Because, they discovered that it seemed that their mighty Queen had slapped away the ferocious great demon!
"Long live the Queen! Long live the Queen! Long live the Queen!!!"
Compared with the surprise and incomprehension of some human beings, the fire elements did not think about so many turns.
They only know that their great majesty has just defeated the mighty big devil, and their fire element has won the battle!
This indicates that after their initial victory, their fire element has completely established a foothold in the world of Azeroth! Now, they have occupied this large area with enough fire elements to survive, so for all their fire elements, this is a brilliant victory worthy of their cheers!
"Congratulations, my honorable and great Queen! Congratulations for defeating such a powerful enemy! Your light, like the sun in the sky, hot and bright, will surely lead us to the infinite glory of the fire element!"
Seeing that her Majesty the Queen drove away the opponent so easily, Shanknox ran over and flattered.
"You must be the messenger given to us by the great of fire. I Shanknox swears here that our fire demon and other fire elements will be loyal to you forever and follow in your footsteps until the end of the world. We are your strongest shield and sharpest spear, crushing all the enemies for you and letting them all crawl under your brilliance..."
Although Shanknox felt a little weird, it didn't think too much about it. Anyway, their Flame Kingdom had already won the final victory under the leadership of Her Majesty, that was enough!
And after discovering that those green hellfires had fallen apart on their own and turned into a pile of useless rocks, they had nothing to do with themselves, and no need to command battles by themselves, it hurried to this fairly intact wall for the first time. On top of it, he knelt down beside Queen Anne, flatteringly saying all kinds of flattery and compliments. Of course, I would not forget to express its loyalty to Her Majesty...
"Oh! Alright, alright! You can take care of the things here. I am very tired now and want to go back and have a good sleep!"
Little Annie didn't want to care about Shanknox, a flatterer, this old fire demon is really getting more and more slippery now, so she won't be confused by its few words!
Stratholme, who had been following these fire elements for a long time today, missed his nap.
Just now I was fighting with that Archimonde, working hard, fighting wits and courage, and used hundreds of spells in different ways. This is really not human!
Now, Little Annie has felt very tired and tired, especially mentally, she felt very tired. After hundreds of spells came down, although it did not have any major impact on her body, after all, time has flowed back, but... the mental load cannot be relieved by the time flow back, otherwise, the big devil would not. Then just admit it, right? I feel tired when he hits, can he bear it?
You know, Annie herself is only mentally exhausted, but what about the other party? It is a double torture and mental torture. After anyone has been beaten with hundreds of super spells, and without suitable counterattacks, I am afraid that no one can stand it?
But anyway, today’s things are over anyway, the big devil has signed a non-disclosure agreement with her, and he will not come here for the time being... So, Little Annie decided to go back to the palace in Flame Canyon first. , Take a good night's rest and sleep until tomorrow’s sun tanning, as for the rest...
Huh? She doesn't seem to have any special arrangements, right? Where will there be anything after? I'll talk about tomorrow's things tomorrow!
"Yes! My Majesty, I will definitely handle the matter here properly, don't worry."
After Shanknox heard it, he bent down deeply, and then respectfully sent their Majesty the Queen, until he saw Anne walked into the portal and disappeared, he stood upright and sent someone to summon. Here comes his nephew, the hunter-in-chief Shatulu, now that the battle is over perfectly, it is time to do business.
"Shatulu, you'll explain it right away, and let those Balrogs quickly transform this place, and strive to transform it into a flame city suitable for our fire element survival before the cold winter arrives. This is the first priority!"
Seeing the small snowflakes that had fallen from the sky and was melted and evaporated by the high-temperature fire at Stratholme before it reached the ground, Shanknox frowned. It's just a light snow now. Once there is a heavy snowfall in the future, if the renovation project is not completed by then, it will be very detrimental to their fire elemental creatures!
"By the way, you have to remember to send an engineering team to build a magnificent queen's palace in the middle of this city. Not only must it be tall! It must also be magnificent! It is absolutely not allowed to cut corners like the temporary camp in Flame Canyon , Do you understand?"
Shanknox intends to transform Stratholme into a royal city in the world of Azeroth, the flame kingdom of fire elements.
Perhaps, from now on, this place should no longer be called Stratholme, so what should it be called... New Flame Land? Or the city of queens? You need to think about this slowly, don't worry too much. After all, the construction of this city is a long-term project! Anyway, in the cold winter, it is not suitable for the activities of the fire elements, so they simply nest here and build slowly.
"Um...sir, how tall is it to be? How magnificent?"
Shatulu is not too clear about this, should he give an indicator? Therefore, it quickly asked. It's just in case. If it's built and can't satisfy the chief executive, it will be considered light when it is overturned and rebuilt, and it will inevitably be beaten by the chief executive!
"Um... then follow the scale of the Saffron palace in the Land of Flames! You should understand now? Then, build two large flame portals on each side of the palace in the middle of the city!"
Anyway, Shanknox had already planned to hold them Queen Anne's thighs. They will settle here in the future.
Now, Queen Anne of their Flame Kingdom is so cheating, so the powerful big devil has let her drive away, and other miscellaneous fish will not dare to come here to be presumptuous, right?
Therefore, with such a powerful demigod as their backing, absolutely no one can easily drive their fire element back to the land of flames! Therefore, it is completely feasible to build a city of fire elements and settle down here!
"That's right! You have to remember that, outside of our flame city, just where the great devil stood, a huge statue of our Queen was built. It must be taller than the one called Archimonde. , And then, use our Fire Demon text and Azeroth's common language to record the queen's achievements today. The stone tablet inscribed with the text should also be large, do you understand?"
After shouting for Shatulu who was planning to leave, Shanknox hurriedly said his thoughts again. This is the best way to demonstrate the strength of Queen Anne and to deter those who are unkind to the fire element. !
In the future, any creatures that come here will be able to see at first glance: their queen of fire elements is here, and smashed away the powerful and invincible leader of the Burning Legion, the polluter-Akmon Germany!
The battle of Stratholme has come to an end, and in Tyr’s hand, in the mansion of the lord here, Lordaeron’s Grand Marshal Osmar Garithos, gloomily looking at the copy in his hand. In a letter written by Dathrohan and sent by the messenger Kuima, only three things are mentioned in this letter:
First, Dathrohan has successfully persuaded most of the refugees in the Flame Canyon and borrowed a part of his troops from the fire demon to them back to the Holy Light’s Hope Chapel. He wants to come on the way. There will be no surprises.
Second, on the morning that they led the refugees to leave, the queen of those fire elements—Anne Hasta, she actually launched an offensive against the undead and natural disasters north of Blackwood Lake. Her intention is likely to be Take down the entire Stratholme area! And Dathrohan has sent a small group of cavalry envoys as a spectator group, they will pay attention to the opponent's actions and evaluate the opponent's combat power.
Third, this matter is also the most important of the three things. In his letter, Dathrohan told him a piece of great news: He unexpectedly found them Lordaeron in the refugee camp of Flame Canyon. The last royal member of the kingdom, the princess—Kalia Menethil! It turned out that the Menethil royal family of the Kingdom of Lordaeron was not extinct, and they were about to welcome the princess of their kingdom back!
When General Marshal Garithos saw this place suddenly, he almost wanted to scold his mother on the spot!
Those fire elements attacked the north and robbed them of the kingdom of Lordaeron. But now, his Dathrohan has come to add trouble to him? This is really outrageous! In Garithus, he originally thought that the Menethil royal family should have died long ago, but he actually found a princess Kalia? Just at this critical time?
Now it’s alright, the principal is back. In the future, although Garithus will still be the Grand Marshal of the Lordaeron Alliance, he can also imagine that he will never be the Grand Marshal before... From now on, in his position, There will also be a kingdom princess who will crush him, even... the queen of Lordaeron?
If... if there is no such Princess Kalia, once Garithus recovers the homeland of Lordaeron, then he will be the hero of the entire Lordaeron and the Alliance, and even the hero of mankind!
Then, with this feat, it is not impossible for him to become king in one fell swoop!
But now? It's out of play! Even if the country was regained and the undead was driven out, it was done under the leadership of the great Princess Kalia. Princess Kalia can smoothly add a lot of strokes to her upcoming queen crown-the revived princess? The queen of ZTE?
And Garithus, at best, is just a general under the Queen! By then, who will remember him?
Grand Marshal Garithus can already imagine that once Princess Kalia returns to the hands of Tyr, from now on, the remaining forces in the Kingdom of Lordaeron will no longer center on Marshal Garithus. They won't bow their heads to his orders, because they have a better object of allegiance and a bigger banner!
Uh... sometimes I am with...
Just as Garithus was frowning because of seeing the letter, and sighed, preparing to deal with the upcoming Princess Kalia, a soldier came in in due course.
"Report! Your Excellency Grand Marshal, five high elves of Quel'Thalas riding dragon eagles flew outside. They claimed to be envoys of the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas, and they said that there are important things to meet with Tyr's hand. The supreme officer here, and informs humans about some things about the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas."
"Huh! Quel'Thalas' messenger? Are those long-eared elves that repeat? It is said that they have been harmed by Arthas's scum? Why don't they stay honestly in the north and lick their wounds? Come to our Kingdom of Lordaeron any time?"
Garithus frowned, thought for a while and said, he put himself in and thought for a moment, he didn't understand what the elves came from at this moment, but he had heard of it, but the opponent had been harmed by Alsace's undead army before. , Although in the end, they won inexplicably, but Quel'Thalas has also become riddled with It is time to take advantage of this stall where the undead have not moved yet, old Dormant in Quel'Thalas honestly and slowly recover your vitality, right?
You know, the main force of the undead natural disasters is all here in Lordaeron, even the demon that has descended recently! Their elves have a chance to shrink and develop, just as they have done for more than two thousand years. But now, their long ears rushed out at this time. What is it going to do? Do you think he has not enough things here in Garithus?
"Your Excellency Marshal? Do you want to see them?"
The soldier did not dare to answer the Marshal’s words, and did not know how to answer. After all, he was just a small soldier. Now he came in just to convey a message. Whether you see it or not depends on the Marshal’s words. What's the use of telling him so much? ?
"Forget it, there's nothing to do anyway, then you might as well see you! Wait a while, you will invite them to the castle hall now, I'll be over when I'm ready in a while."
In the end, Garithus thought for a while and decided to meet the envoys of the elves, but before going to meet, he needed to wear his generals' outfits, but he couldn't weaken the human aura! He wanted to see what those high elves with long ears wanted to do when they came here!
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