Chapter 1243: ~nnn

According to legend, the Independent Galaxy Alliance, or to be more precise, there should be a group of distinctive B1 combat robots in the former Trade Alliance?
  Different from the general low-cost B1 combat robots, they appear to be particularly smart, and their combat effectiveness is also particularly strong. Even their individual strength is stronger than the heavy combat robots and the destroyer robots with their own shields?
  Anyway, in every battle, as long as the Independent Galaxy Alliance sends them, no matter how difficult the situation is, they can always easily destroy their enemies and successfully complete the mission! They have made countless contributions in the days of hiding in Tibet in the past few years of the Independent Galaxy Alliance and in the wars that have developed and expanded again, and they are the mainstay of existence.
   And the peculiarity of those unique B1 combat robots is that their ordinary cheap head iron shell has a peculiar mysterious rune printed on it, that is →’’! !
Those are very magical and weird runes printed on their heads. It is precisely because of their existence that those ordinary and very cheap B1 combat robots are also very cheap to make. Even the E-5 blast rifle, which has no radiator installed, exerts a terrifying combat power that even the Destroyer Robot cannot match.
Unfortunately, that batch of B1 combat robots were produced on a production line on the planet Geonosis that was occupied ten years ago, and that production line had already been destroyed in the nuclear explosion and was owned by their Independent Galaxy Alliance. Yes, just ten years ago, in the three days before being surrounded by the fleet of the heroic federation, that is, the "Great Republic Army", the number of shipments from that planet was about 100,000 or a million. Only a small part of the inventory.
Later, although they succeeded in regaining the planet Geonosius and made a breakthrough, such B1 combat robots have never been manufactured, even if they dismantled dozens of B1 combat robots and copied the magical ``mark''. also the same!
However, even though there are not many special B1 combat robots in the hands of the Independent Galaxy Alliance, they have played a pivotal role in the battles of the Independent Galaxy Alliance in recent years. For example, they have landed in Coruscant and seized this place. What was shown in the battle for a large area of ​​important landings in the military port was how many clone guards were defeated?
   But unfortunately, things are different now...
Even if they are as strong as the ``B1 combat robots, even if they fire the E-5 explosive rifle in their hands so that the barrel is red on the verge of exploding, even if they have killed hundreds of thousands of insect swarms, they are still Did not resist the endless, seemingly endless army of insects, so that after a day and night of fierce fighting, they were still pressed by the insects and killed most of them. As for the B1 combat robots landing in this military port, there are only less than a few hundred left, and they can only control and defend the last poor communication tower.
  ‘Quick! fast! ’
  ‘Hurry up! ’
  ‘Come on, you must block them out for me! ’
  ‘Hey! ’
  ‘Where’s the spacecraft? What about our spacecraft, why did they send them a message? They didn't send the spacecraft to support and pick us away? ! ’
  ’! ! ’
'not good! Sir, the first floor of the tower has been breached, and our ‘’B1 combat robots only have less than one brigade left! ! ’
'what? ! ’
  ‘Send all the active robots, come on! ! ’
  ‘Your Excellency, Earl Dooku, think of a way, what should we do now? ! ’
'Your Mightiness? ’
   It’s fine now. I thought that with the cooperation of the Jedi Knights, the winners would be won, so the senior leaders of the Independent Galaxy Alliance who landed in Coruscant have finally paid a heavy price for their actions! Look at the moment, they have not succeeded in destroying the Supreme Speaker and occupying the planet Coruscant, on the contrary, they have consumed the most powerful ``B1 combat robot army'' they have always believed in in the battle with the insect sea. Put themselves in danger...
Therefore, under the guts, the trade union governor Newt Gunray who was hiding at the top of the communications tower of the military port and the high-level survivors ran to the seat that was still sitting in their own seats, with their eyes closed. Count Dooku, who was always moving, asked anxiously and loudly about countermeasures.
'Humph! ’
  ‘Everyone! We are just defeated. You should have been awakened a long time ago. What is there to be afraid of? ’
  ‘Now, the fleet in the universe must be finished, and we have no way back..."
Having said that, the original Jedi Order Master learned the use of the Force for eighty years, and then moved to the seat of the Dark Lord Darth Sidious and practiced a lot of the Dark Force's secrets. He wanted to defeat Earl Dooku, who was his own master and grabbed the Milky Way and the power of the Republic, finally opened his eyes slowly after a fierce gunshot sounded outside the door, and then stood up without anger.
   "It's time to end..."
   "Now, let us calmly meet our final destiny!"
After popping out the red blade of his lightsaber, as the last fierce gunfire outside the door disappeared, Earl Dooku resolutely wielded his lightsaber, and finally wiped out all the B1 combat robots. Those ferocious monsters and insect swarms that broke in rushed up.
'Humph! ’
   The red blade swept past, and the two jumping worms were cut into four pieces!
'kill! ! ’
   Another red light swept across the surroundings of Earl Dooku, and then at least five Zerglings were killed by him on the spot!
   But, in front of the endless swarm of insects, this is what he can do.
try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   when more monsters and bugs swarmed in from the gate, when he was nailed with dozens of spines, he He fell helplessly to the ground, letting the monsters rush up and drown him in an instant...
He, Earl Dooku, has worked hard, has struggled, and even gave up his eighty-year belief in order to change the corrupt Galactic Republic... But now, the success or failure turned around and found that all his efforts and planning were exhausted. He seems to have nothing to regret when he is completely gone?
  Almost at the same time, when the war on Coruscant came to an end, before Anakin could completely control Coruscant, what everyone did not know was:
Far away on the edge of the Milky Way, on the idyllic star Naboo, which is still controlled by the worms, and in a house where the'Heroic Federation Office' hangs, there seems to be no special etiquette. The housekeeping robot once again left the office counter, walked stiffly into a secret room, and after closing the wooden door of the secret room, lightly tapped a certain metal chair to make it instantly turn into water again. The silver substance spread and airtightly sealed the entire room, completely eliminating the possibility of anyone spying on it, and then suddenly stepped forward and opened a certain magical communication device that can be directly connected to the Kepulu region.
  ’Report! ’
  ’We have detected large-scale insect swarms on Coruscant, Tatooine and Naboo! The planet Coruscant has been successfully occupied by the Swarm. The Swarm of Naboo and Tatooine are also gathering forces and beginning to spread radiation around the Milky Way, thus triggering the second action order! ’
  ‘According to the second action instruction, the etiquette robot number YXLB-C-3PO is authorized to make this call...’
  ‘Excuse me, my Excellency General Nova, what is your command? ’
The YXLB-C-3PO robot only appeared in the communication interface after a holographic projection of a female admiral who seemed to be soaking in the bathtub with round, thin white shoulders and tilted charming calves. Asked in its non-emotional voice.
   In this situation, if I changed to a slightly normal Naboo man, I’m afraid my eyes would have been straightened long ago? But unfortunately, YXLB-C-3PO is just a ceremonial robot with limited intelligence. It doesn't care if Admiral Nova is wearing clothes.
'Oh? ’
  ‘It doesn’t seem to be long this time...Fortunately, it seems that the little guy is not too bad, and has the potential to be cultivated by the Federation! ’
   "You still don't have to worry about anything, don't do anything, just continue to stand by. We believe that the portal back to Naboo will be opened soon. Just wait!"
After talking, Nova thought about it, and she stood up from the bathtub without minding, showing her whole body in front of the YXLB-C-3PO robot, and at the same time, she directly closed the communication with a wave of her hand. Her charming holographic projection instantly disappeared in this airtight room.
'Yes! Yes! ’
With the closure of communication, by the time the YXLB-C-3PO robot turned and walked out, all the images and instruments in this house had long since disappeared, and what remained was only the ordinary-looking one. Metal chairs and some messy things.
In this way, when the YXLB-C-3PO robot report is completed and everything is back to normal and continues to be on standby, the building that represents the highest authority of the Galaxy Republic, not far from the huge dome of the Galaxy Council, originally belonged to the Galaxy. In a luxurious apartment on the top floor of a building of an important administrative department of the Republic, Anakin temporarily arranged Padmé and his palace here.
After a day and night of fighting, when the morning light gradually illuminates this area of ​​Coruscant, the ground is full of mess... Although there is still a lot of wolves in the distance, the depths of the city cannot be seen occasionally. There were some gunshots and explosions, but, by now, the situation in Coruscant has been stabilized and the fighting has basically stopped.
At this time, there is no doubt that the final victor is not the Jedi Order representing the Galactic Republic, nor the Dark Sith Lord Darth Sidious, nor the Independent Galaxy Alliance representing the separatists, but a Anakin Skywalker, a young Jedi who doesn't have much fame and political capital!
   "They... are you really their leader? When did you... start?"
In this apartment, looking at the scenery outside the window, Padmé sighed quietly for a long time, turned her head, stood beside her, watched the night scene with her, almost the same as her. Anakin asked without saying.
Now, Padmé finally knows why Anakin dared to trespass to the planet Geonosis alone and risked to live and die with him. It turned out that his confidence was not the force or something else, but He firmly believes that his insect swarms, his terrifying biological forces will surely be able to rescue her and Obi-Wan from the trade alliance that wants her to die in every possible way?
  Her lover, her Anakin turned out to be a careerist who hides deeper than the Dark Sith Lord Shiv Palpatine? !
   "You see, Padmé, I can indeed be regarded as their leader, because they are the gifts that the little head of Anne gave me at the time..."
   "A gift that can change destiny!"
   So far, Anakin remembers the words that the head of Anne said to him: As long as you keep it well, you can guarantee that you will have what you want in the future!
   Look now, don’t you?
try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   However, some of Padmé’s descriptions are still inaccurate, because he is not only their leader, but Anakin Skywalker is also The master of their swarm, the only master! !
   "It shouldn't be like that, Anakin, war can't change anything, it will only bring people pain..."
Yes, from Padmé’s point of view, Coruscant is indeed devastated now, and what is left is really only the pain... And if it weren’t for Anakin at the beginning of the war, it was caused by the Alliance of Independent Galaxy. With the words triggered by Lord Dark Sith, I am afraid she doesn't know how to face Anakin.
   "That's only temporary!"
   "As long as the war is completely ended as soon as possible, and I become the final victor, I will ensure that people will not suffer too much!"
   At this time, Anakin has given his worms an order to attack, occupy and conquer the entire galaxy! And now, the occupation of Coruscant, the capital planet of the Galactic Republic, is just the beginning.
   "Anakin, you have changed. You were not like this before..."
"Listen to my advice. War will not bring any benefits to the Republic. You should let go of the elders and senators of the Jedi Committee and work with them to maintain the peace and freedom of the galaxy. Your best choice for me?"
Padmé does not want the war to spread for a long time, especially if Anakin seems to want to control the entire Galactic Republic and exercise dictatorship over the galaxy like that Schiff Palpatine, then it will definitely incur all Race resistance and resistance!
   In that way, she can imagine what kind of tragic war will happen in the galaxy in the future, and it will definitely not be better than the multi-party melee that took place here in Coruscant yesterday.
So she is already thinking, if she can persuade Anakin to fully support the parliament, support the Jedi Committee, and support the Galactic Republic, then the war will definitely wipe out the clone army and the independent galaxy alliance scattered all over the galaxy. After the remnants of the evil are over, then the Galactic Republic will be back on track, and peace and freedom will still descend on the entire galaxy!
"Do not!"
   "Padme, I haven't changed, I just let go of my desire... Or, so to speak, I can look inside myself?"
   "You were born with a wonderful family. You will never understand. As a slave, how did I come here in those years!"
"I'll never forget!"
   "And now, since I can change my own destiny and the destiny of more people, why don't I do more?!"
He Anakin Skywalker will give this galaxy democracy, peace and freedom, but that can only be done in the correct way he thinks, not by the corrupt bureaucrats, and will only fight endlessly and form parties in the Galaxy Council. Senators!
   "Anakin, stop it, before it's too late?"
"You go to make a statement to help the council and the Jedi committee. When the galaxy and the Republic return to normal, we can put aside all this and go to a place where no one can find us, hide our name, and live this life quietly, is it that way? Is it not good?"
   Those careerists who use military power to trigger a coup and thus want to seize power, in the long history of the Galactic Republic, there is almost no end to it!
So, Padmé is very scared now, even if the insects under Anakin seem to be very powerful, even if the other party is now a temporary victory, but when she thinks about what the other party has to do, she just feels endless Fear is coming towards her, it almost suffocates her!
"Close hand?"
   "No! Padmé..."
"When I saw my mother's tragic death in the hands of the Tuskens, and when I saw you dying in the hands of the Trade Union several times, I warned myself more than once: For me, there is no There is a way out!"
   "I will not allow those things to happen!"
Speaking of stopped, turned around and swept Padmé, who seemed to be trembling with fear, into his arms deeply, and then kept stroking the back of the opponent. Back.
"Please trust me!"
   "Give me some more time, it won't be too long..."
   "You will see the power of the insect swarm, which is a subversive power, even if it is as strong as the Dark Sith Lord, it will not be worth mentioning in front of them!"
   "At that time, this world will be ours..."
Now, the swarms that have obtained a lot of resources are no longer because they need to be concealed. They can let go to strengthen the force of the swarms. By that time, their attack, defense, speed and response will be compared to the current ones. And so on are greatly strengthened, and even more force groups will evolve!
He has ordered the Swarm to use the galaxies where the current planets such as Coruscant, Tatooine, Naboo and Geonosis are located as their bases, and begin to vigorously develop their forces and begin to attack the galaxy inside and outside, and then move towards The entire galaxy is spreading!
Beginning today, the Galactic Republic, which was in a state of chaos, will soon evolve into a melee caused by the Jedi Knights, the Anti-President faction, the Clone Corps, and the Alliance of Independent Galaxy. The insect swarms of Walker attacked and suppressed the above-mentioned forces...
   His swarms will prove to Padmé, to the people of the entire galaxy, how powerful they are! At that time, he believed that they would give the right choice.
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