Chapter 1267: ?*. ?(???*)??*The joy of harvest and rub...

   On the 9th of summer, the weather is very good, it is a good cloudy weather.
   Today is a happy day for Annie, because her ranch has finally begun to harvest!
The onions that she planted indiscriminately and planted a considerable part of the onions in the fields, under the careful care of the little people who did their best and came to work on time every day, they got a good harvest. Baskets of onions were used by the little people. The magic was harvested and transported to the receiving box, amazed the residents of Ore Town who came to watch.
  They were very pleased with this situation, because after many years, the largest pasture in Ore Town finally began to produce crops again.
   Of course, Annie is also very pleased! Because the lazy semi-automatic hot spring watering system that was created by the idea of ​​her and was built by the uncle Goetz will also be completed today. At that time, her tomatoes that have not had time to harvest, Corn, pumpkins and pineapples will definitely get a good harvest!
At that time, the workload of the little people who come to the ranch every day and use magic to draw water from the hot springs to water the crops will definitely be reduced. By then, they will only need to look after the crops and weeding. And harvest is almost enough.
However, no matter what changes happen then, one thing will definitely remain the same, that is: the rancher in Ore Town, or the tragic little girl Annie of the'slave owner', her workload will definitely be It won't increase that little bit!
   Before, now and in the future, there is no doubt that there are only a few things that she needs to do, that is: eating and drinking, having fun, playing and sleeping~!
The summer grapes are sour and sweet. In this hot summer weather, there is nothing like playing on a sun canopy on your own ranch and eating a bunch of products from Ore Town’s Houshan on a beach chair. It is more comfortable to see the dwarfs working hard and harvesting in the fields.
   Staring at the onions harvested by the dwarfs, Annie has decided: some of the good ones are stored in the refrigerator and cupboard waiting to be used for cooking, to see if some people say it is so delicious? And the other ones that can't be eaten, are all shipped?
Of course, in addition to the shipment, Annie will also give some to the group of people in Ore Town who have long wanted to eat for nothing in the name of onlookers, and let those who used to talk bad about her behind her back. The guys know that her Queen Anne has also grown hot spring crops with her own efforts, and she is not as unbearable as their fellows imagined!
   Look now, she is better than anyone, easier than anyone else, and even sooner than any of them will be richer! And ah, she also bought a lot of chickens, cows and sheep from the pastoral farms of the Perbury family and the old man Mucci's family. Before long, her family can also produce eggs, milk and wool and other messy things.
   Of course, the most important chicken, beef, and lamb are probably indispensable.
At this time, just as Annie was watching the dwarf tenants in her house like a charterer, several familiar figures came out among the onlookers, namely Lyn, Karen, Mary, Allie and Burberry are five young ladies who have a good relationship with Annie.
   Then, Populi, who was headed by his waist, walked up to Annie’s beach chair first, and faced her, the small rancher who was lying on the beach chair and under the awning watching other people work.
   "Annie! How can you be like this?"
   "Look, the little elves, those little people are working so hard, you still have the face to lie here and eat grapes? You, you let us down!!"
   "Aren't you supposed to go to the fields to work with them? What is the difference between you and the capitalists who exploit workers in the city?!"
Perbury said that she definitely didn’t feel sour or jealous when she saw the other party eating grapes, because she, her sisters and other townspeople felt that the little girl in front of her was like this. Driving the dwarf to work, but not doing anything, knowing how to eat, drink and play all day, and now I have gained the behavior of lying and watching with peace of mind. It is really too much!
   Therefore, they think they have a good relationship with each other, they spontaneously rushed over, intending to bring injustice and justice to those little people?
  ∑? !
   "Why can't they be like that? They are obviously voluntary! Hey! Napi, do you think you volunteered to help?"
  ? 乛? 幛?
   After receiving unreasonable accusations, Annie suddenly turned her head and asked Nappi, a dwarf who was carrying two baskets of onions by magic. Of course, she also glared at the opponent with that kind of intensely threatening gaze.
   Anyway, what she meant is obvious. If one of those dwarves dared to talk nonsense, surely something very, very bad would happen?
  ’! ! ’
'Yes Yes Yes! ’
  ‘We came to help voluntarily, very happy, absolutely no reluctance! Bordeaux, Chocac, don't you think? ’
'of course! ’
'That is required! Everyone, we really came to help voluntarily, very voluntarily, and I feel uncomfortable after a day! ’
  ‘Yes, we are very happy to work for the Honorable Anne, that’s our honor...’
  ‘That’s it! ’
  ‘Strange, she really didn’t force you? We heard...’
  ’! ! ’
'No! Absolutely not! ’
  ‘I dare not have it! ! ’
  The little people passing by waved their hands to indicate that they were not being forced, even if Populi asked again!
   And, given that the majesty of a certain little girl is too strong, they can't ask others to ask, so they all fled to the fields and continued busy harvesting crops.
   "Look at it?"
  ? 乛? 幛?
   "People said that they came voluntarily, and they don't let people help with work. You still don't believe it. Now you know they didn't lie?"
Little people or something, Annie said, it was really just an accident. At the time, she didn't expect that kind of thing would happen suddenly... and what was more unexpected was that after accidentally bombing their house, they unexpectedly suddenly Just become so obedient?
   "I think they work so hard to help you, I think you should give them some gifts?"
Nurse Ellie used to play with those little people when she was a child, so now seeing them being driven to work by the little guy in front of them who didn’t know what method was used and did not dare to complain, she couldn’t help but cautiously persuade them. One sentence.
   Annie said that she has not received any claims from the little people about wages and treatment, so she doesn't want to take the initiative to bring it up.
   "We heard some very bad rumors, saying that you abused and bullied them, and forced them to be forced to work for you?"
   This is not a nonsense talk about Ellie, in fact, it is spreading like this in the entire Mineral Town.
   After all, this mineral town is so big, and everyone is not blind. Everyone can see what expressions the little people look like when they come to the ranch every day, whether they really come to help or not!
   "These guys are magical, how can anyone beat them?"
Annie dared to use the head of her own bear Tibbers to assure that she had never beaten them. She just accidentally scared them, and then they surrendered. It really doesn’t matter to her, she really No bullying or forcing them!
"This one……"
   "It seems to be so..."
   "But Annie, if you look at them so hard, don't you need to give them back?"
Allie still wants to work hard to fight for the welfare of the little people, at least not to let the little people go through the Ore Town to the ranch every day when they are sad, because that would be bad for anyone, every time they meet They all feel that their mood has changed.
"I told the father Jeff of the Kalian family two days ago that he asked him to send 50 bags of wheat flour to them every week. Those guys like to play with things like wheat flour, and they will definitely Very happy!"
  ? 乛? 幛?
  Of course, Annie also knew that if anyone secretly lit the fire while they were playing with flour, they would be happier?
   "Karen, is that like that? Annie asked your grocery store to help deliver wheat flour?"
   "Ah! Of course! I heard my dad talk about..."
   "Damn it! Then why don't you tell us earlier?"
   "Why do you want to say?"
   "What can't you say then?"
   "Because my father said to keep it secret, this is a long-term order. Be careful not to let others take this big order away!"
   Facing the questioning of Burberry and Ally, Karen looked indifferent and took a step forward, taking advantage of Annie's carelessness to pick an iced grape from her fruit plate and threw it into her mouth.
She didn’t want to talk about her own grocery store. Anyway, she only knew that her father didn’t want others to know that their family had taken a long-term big order. If they let others know, especially Zach or Hoan, it must be. Will definitely come to grab their business?
   "Then you guys will continue to watch the excitement here, if you want onions, you can get them by yourself, they are going back!"
It doesn’t seem to be too fun to watch a group of dwarfs harvest here, so when you look at Annie, who doesn’t seem to have anything to do with her, she jumped up from her recliner and said to this group of young ladies After a sound, he took a basket of onions and wandered to the big ranch house.
   Because now, she has to go back and see, are these onions watered in hot springs, are there really any guys who say they are so delicious?
   One hour later...
boom! boom! boom!
When Annie was struggling about what to eat for lunch in her own home, she discovered that someone knocked on the door at this time, and before she could respond, the person who knocked opened the door of her house and walked straight away. Come in?
  ‘Hi~! ’
  ‘Little Annie, we’ve been outside for a long time, and now we’re very hungry. It just so happens that you are going to have lunch too, why don’t you make us something delicious~?? ’
  ‘That...Annie, I’m sorry to disturb you! ’
'Without further ado! Little guy, hurry up and make me something to eat. We just picked onions for you and shipped them. You must entertain us! ’
  ‘Me, me too! ’
  ‘Annie, I have to go back to the hospital to go to work this afternoon, so please! ’
  ‘Don’t be polite to her, my stomach is almost hungry, and it’s so hot outside??! ! ’
   Soon, Annie knew who had opened the door and came in. It turned out that it was the five guys from Perbury who had just accused her of abusing the dwarf? And now, they obviously came to her house to eat and drink, and they still couldn't let her refuse?
"you guys……"
  Anni said that she doesn't know what to eat now. These guys still want to entertain them by themselves. Is it possible?
   However, before she refused and explained the situation, they interrupted her directly...
  ‘Don’t you, we’re going to wait for you at the table now. Come and get your order list~?! ’
  ‘Anyway! ’
  ‘Annie, you only need to follow the items on our list and deliver them in the kitchen after they are done! ’
  ‘If it’s not what we want, it won’t work! ’
  ‘That’s right! Annie, you can definitely make a perfect lunch for us all, right? ’
   After finishing speaking, five little sisters who didn't mind at all rushed to the table one after another, and then they didn't mind at all as if they were in a restaurant, and ordered a meal to the little Annie who was still standing by:
  ‘Annie~?! I want to eat it~! ’
  ‘Give me a portion, any filling is fine, remember to add some onions that you just harvested today! ’
  ‘I’m not very hungry, but I’m tired after a while, so please give me a refreshment? Otherwise, I am worried that I will doze off when I return to the library in the afternoon. ’
  ‘Pubuli want to eat it~! ’
  ‘I don’t need to be so particular, little Annie, make me a cake and remember to add more honey! ! ’
Soon, Karen, Lynn, Mary, Ally, and Popley who had prepared them at the dining table opened their mouths to order their meals, explaining what they wanted... However, to their surprise, The little guy Annie still stood there stupidly, and didn't even agree with them or wanted to go to the kitchen over there to work?
   "What's wrong, Annie?"
   Feeling strange, Lin couldn't help asking a little strangely.
   "You won't be stingy and refuse to entertain us, are you? We just helped you work!!"
   Karen also knocked on the table, and asked some very upset.
   "It's not stingy, it's just that you guys just said nothing here!"
  What a joke, Annie said that what the five of them said, apart from pizza and cake, she knew what they were and had eaten, but it was the first time they heard it, so where did they get it?
   If they don’t mind, there are still a lot of snacks in her space pocket to share with them. As for other things, such as those they ordered, let’s forget it, she really can’t make them!
   "But Annie, why is that?"
  Pubuli was a little puzzled, because the things they ordered were not too complicated and difficult to make, and the materials were very simple, so why didn't they?
   "Because people can't do those things!!"
  Oo hum!
   "Annie, didn't I send you a recipe two days ago?"
Mary was a little confused. Two days ago, she heard that Annie’s kitchen utensils were basically bought and prepared a lot of cooking materials. She also sent a recipe book to the other party, but there were a lot of various items in it. Dishes.
   "Sister Mary, the recipe you gave to others is the same as none, but they didn't understand it anyway!!"
   Annie really didn't lie, but she really couldn't understand the meaning of the recipe that Miss Mary gave to her, because in her opinion, it was much more difficult than that of magic books and advanced arcane arts!
   is like this:
   mayonnaise: whisk + vinegar + X eggs + oil
  Wild wine: pot + grapes + purple grass + wine
   Cucumber: Salt + Cucumber
  Salad: Knife + cucumber or tomato or carrot or cabbage
   Apple Pie: Knife + Pot + Face Stick + Oven + Sugar + Egg + Apple + Cream + Wheat Flour + Honey
  Chocolate cookies: face stick + oven + sugar + cookie + chocolate/ face stick + oven + sugar + cream + wheat flour + egg + chocolate
  Anni said that the kind of inexplicable recipes that only give ingredients but no dosage, and do not give cooking and preparation methods and preparation time. What is the difference between them and without them? Anyway, now Annie doesn't have much confidence in the hot spring dishes that she can eat delicious.
   If it wasn't for the crops and small animals in the pasture and the dwarfs to help take care of it, she must have stopped growing crops and raising those small animals!
   "That means, we have nothing to eat today?"
   Miss nurse Ai Li directly exclaimed, because she still has to go to work in the afternoon. If there is nothing to eat here, then she must go back quickly, otherwise, she has to go to work hungry!
   "It's not that there is nothing, do you want to eat raw onions?"
   "I just ate one raw. It's really delicious. It's very sweet and crunchy. It has a lot of juice. It's as delicious as wild grapes, but it's a bit of a tear..."
   Yes, Annie just ate a whole onion with tears, and then never wanted to eat the second one, even if they were really delicious and delicious!
   "We don't want it!"
  Allie stood up from the table in fright, because she knew that if you eat raw onions, there will be a smell in your mouth, and then she will have to be disgusted by Doctor Dot!
   "Neither do I~!"
"so what should I do now?"
"do not know……"
   "It's too late to go back now~! How about... Annie, let's do it ourselves at your house?"
   "Yes! Sister Lin, the chef decided it was you?!"
   "Wait! Why is Lynn and not me?"
   At this time, after hearing that everyone had discussed a way that was not a solution, they decided to make their own food and clothing at Anne's house together, and hurriedly raised objections to other people choosing Lin as the chef instead of Karen.
   "Because Karen sister, you made a dark dish at the cooking festival last time..."
"Yes indeed!"
   "Hey! I still remember that when Karen's food was eaten, the foodie vomited on the spot~?!"
"you guys!"
   "Huh! Annie, you won first place last time. You can't cook, I don't believe it!"
"Yes indeed!"
   "Little guy, don't you want to be lazy?"
   Seeing that the dispute was not winning, Karen rolled her eyes, who didn't want to admit that she had lost. She suddenly changed the subject and directed everyone's attention to a little girl who was suspected of wanting to and slippery.
  ! o
   Annie really can’t do it. If she did, she just made it for herself. How could she fall to the point of nibbling raw onions?
   "Don't you want to be lazy?"
   "Then why don't you cook for us?"
  Kalian was a little uncomfortable, because they had so much difficulty in coming here as a guest, and they also helped with some farm work, and the other party was unwilling to entertain even a meal, which is really unreasonable!
   "Because they really can't do anything other than barbecue, unless Ms. Perbury, you are willing to bring your new champion I will roast another one?
   Annie said that she is very, very good at mastering the heat of barbecue. The only thing she lacks now is another champion chicken! Unfortunately, what she had heard before, seemed to have a champion chicken in the chicken farm of Miss Perbury's house?
   "Don't think about it, brother will definitely kill me!!"
  Pubuli heard Annie's words, hurriedly opened his eyes and waved his hand to refuse.
You know, the champion chicken of her family just won and was judged at the cockfighting festival two days ago. It would take at least one or two years to train it well in order to grow it into the previous one. Where would she dare to take it out and bake it for the other party?
   "Then they can't help it, you should do it yourself..."
   In the end, after a lot of fun, there was no way, everyone had to unanimously recommend Lin, who is currently the best in cooking.
   "Annie, there are so many materials in your house. I didn't expect you to have bought so many things..."
   Soon, after opening the cabinet and refrigerator in Annie's house, Lin, who was about to cook lunch, immediately exclaimed.
   "It's a pity that there are not too many vegetables. It seems that this onion can only be used for salads with apples and grapes..."
   "There are bamboo shoots and fish? That's great, I thought about what to do!"
  Oo←Look at people's little eyes...Do you bear it?
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