Chapter 1295: It's not good, Brother Monkey!

   A certain sad little girl Annie has been out of contact for nearly an hour...
At this time, a group of seven members of the Xiongbing Company were still rushing forward and fighting desperately. Thanks to their strong individual strength, sophisticated equipment and tacit cooperation, everything is going smoothly at present, at least still Within the plan!
   The seven of them are getting closer and closer to Hua Ye's throne, and the number of enemies who are currently dead or injured under their swords, guns, or golden rods is almost hundreds of them.
However, at the same time, they also found reluctantly that there were more and more enemies in front, their actions no longer had any secrets at all, and the difficulty of advancing forward was becoming more and more difficult, so that they had just been fighting here. Can't make an inch for almost ten minutes?
Although currently their seven-man company is capable of offensive and defensive, and under the tacit cooperation and strong strength, those scums can only parry, but this will not work, because they really have no time to delay and waste. Go on, and the time they have been delaying now has already exceeded the original plan a lot!
  ‘Bah! ’
An axe chopped down one scum, while the other two scum saw that the situation was not good, they flew directly into the air, and started to shoot at them with bows and arrows like the other scums. It was a bit annoying. After flying a few of them in embarrassment, Liu Chuang, carrying a god-killing axe, turned to the back a little embarrassed and anxiously, and shouted at the Monkey King who was kicking a few scumbags in the air. Road:
  ‘Brother Monkey! ’
  ‘What shall we do now? They are getting more and more! I can't hold it this way! ! ’
   Even if he knew that he couldn't continue like this, Liu Chuang had no good way. He could only bitterly carrying his giant axe while watching the increasing number of scum in the sky worrying.
  ’! ! ’
  ‘Looking for death! ! ’
  '? ? ’
'what? ’
  ‘Wow! ! ! ’
With a wave of his hand, Monkey King used the golden cudgel that suddenly stretched and enlarged to smash several scum in the sky, who still seemed to use bows and arrows to shoot cold arrows, to a corner where he didn’t know, and then he took a breath for a while. .
   Of course he knew that the situation is very unfavorable for them, because they didn't waste their time here to fight against the scum. They came to raid the throne of the Tiangong and deal with Hua Ye! If you stay here for too long, God knows what might happen later!
   Or, when the scum on the periphery draws more troops back to help, then everything is over! Although looking out of the sky of the Tiangong, those magical phoenix and black armored soldiers are still fighting with the scum, but he can't guarantee that the stalemate will continue.
  ‘Go to die! ! ’
   A celestial scum who had just been smashed by Monkey King with a stick and fell down here was rushed by Liu Chuang before he could get up.
'not good! ’
  ‘Look at Brother Monkey! A lot of scum, we are surrounded, it is not good to go on like this! ! ’
However, when he pulled out his god-killing great axe from the other side's blood-splattered wings, he didn't feel any pleasure, but looked at the sky with some sadness and exclaimed. Scream. He saw that countless scum, densely packed scum, were flying towards them, and formed a dense giant net directly in the sky. It seemed that he was going to give them to Catch it all?
  ’! ! ’
'so many? ! ’
  ‘What should I do now? Lena, look, there are at least several thousand, right? Do you have any idea? ’
'No! My flare bombing can't be released all at once, and they won't let me have a chance to release it! But the number of them is not as much as you said, at most one or two thousand! ’
  ‘One or two thousand? ’
  ‘But that’s a lot, they are not weak at all, those gluttons are completely incomparable to them, the kind of guy with one or two generations of gods is too difficult to kill! ’
  ‘Isn’t it? It’s okay if you have weapons. I rely on a pair of fists, so I almost didn’t exhaust me! ’
  ‘Kilin! What about Annie, still did not receive her reply? ’
  ‘The distance between me and our communications has been shortened, and I didn’t see any signs of her sniping to support us from a long distance. That little guy must have been lost...’
'what! It doesn't matter if she is lost, for fear that she will either be killed or caught by the scum! ’
'No way? ’
  ‘Why not? We are almost there now. Look, how should we deal with so many scum? Even if they were so stupid that they rushed down to fight us on the ground, and let us do it one by one, it would take at least an hour or two, so Hua Ye still couldn't fight? ! ’
Under the pressure of the encirclement of the scums, they had to shrink and gather together vigilantly. Ge Xiaolun, Lena, Liu Chuang, Zhao Xin, Rui Mengmeng, Qi Lin and others could not help but discuss in low voices anxiously. Watch out for those flying in the sky, and the scum enemies who surround them from a distance.
At this moment, inevitably, some of them are already faintly desperate, and faintly feel that their plan to raid Tiangong and capture or kill Hua Ye’s'Sky Patching' plan seems to have been met by them. Ninety-five failure rate? And in this situation, there is definitely no way to expect the 5% chance of success... They will definitely be dragged here by the enemy, by the scum, and then as time goes by, There will definitely be more enemies coming!
   When the time comes, it will really be over!
'damn it! ’
  'Xiao Lun! Just take that thing out, let's implement plan B, and fight with them! ! ’
  ’! ! ’
  ‘Liu Chuang, are you serious? ’
  ‘Otherwise, shall we just wait for death here? ! ’
  'Xiao Lun! Take it out, the big deal, Liu Chuang is here to guard, you withdraw? ’
  ‘No way! ’
"All right!"
   "Don't make a noise, it's not to that point! Now you go to the Wang Court to find Hua Ye, he should not be far away from here! This way is handed over to my grandson, you must act fast!!!"
  While the others were vigilant about the scum in the sky, while arguing whether to implement another ‘Plan B’, Monkey King gritted his teeth and finally made a certain decision.
   "Brother Monkey!"
   "Are you sure, there are thousands of scum here!"
Liu Chuang is a little unbelievable. You must know that these scumbags are not the same as those scumbags. Don't look at their nicknames as scumbags, but their strength is not scumbags at all. If they come out ten or eight at the same time If he fights Liu Chuang desperately, even if he can win in the end, he will inevitably hang on!
   And if that kind of captain level or a certain Sumarie level comes out, then Liu Chuang said that he must die here if he can't be on the spot, and he still can't even run! And right now, there are at least a thousand scum in the sky, the kind of powerful captain or legion-level generals will definitely not be few, the other party is not the bully patrol team they encounter when they kill all the way!
   "Even if there are 10,000 grandsons, I am not afraid!"
   "Go ahead!"
   "Hi~! My grandson is the Monkey King!"
Minute! body! Surgery!
The golden hoop in his hand danced in a circle. While urging everyone to go, Monkey King first scanned the sky with his grinning grinning monkey face, and then jumped into the sky. In the middle of the sky surrounded by the scum, then the whole body began to burn with terrible energy, as terrifying as the same demon god.
   In the next instant, tens of thousands of Monkey Kings appeared from his side and rushed towards the a little startled and caught off guard in the sky.
Soon, countless avatars of Monkey King Monkey fought fiercely with the scum flying in the sky, the sky humming and the terrible'ping-pong' clang when the swords and sticks struck each other. Dang's voice began to resound.
  ‘The monkey brother is mighty! ! ’
  ’! ! ’
  ‘Okay, listen to him! fast! Go to the palace of Hua Ye as soon as possible! ! ’
  ‘Kilin! Cute! ’
  ’Yes! ’
  ’Yes! ! ’
  ‘Come on! ’
  ‘Here! ’
  ‘You go first! I'll clear the way for you! Believe it, don't be in charge! ! ’
'kill! ! ’
   Indeed, it is really not far from the throne of the Tiangong, and they can all see the flickering light emitted from the energy engine of the Tiangong on the top of the other's throne.
Therefore, I feel that we can’t just fail in this way, and we can’t let the monkey brother Sun Wukong’s efforts in vain, we can’t let the earth suffer the same tragic fate as the demons on the planet Khunsa, and we can’t be in the Angel Nebula and hundreds of thousands of scum. The remaining six men of the angels and the heroic company of the Earth Volunteers, under the current Liu Chuang’s great axe, under the leadership of Ge Xiaolun and Lena, slammed towards the front palace. Wang Ting Center rushed away.
What Ge Xiaolun, Liu Chuang and others didn’t know was: At this time, before Huaye’s Wangting Square, some people had already arrived before them, and they were facing the throne that happened to sit upright on the throne, surrounded by them. Hua Ye, who was facing hundreds of Celestial Scum Guards!
Qiangwei held the star life in a majestic manner, with devil wings spread behind his back, and a beautiful red ear-length hair floating in the wind, standing in the air, glaring at someone who could still smile while sitting on the throne. The wicked scum king that they were fighting together sneered:
   "Hua Ye!"
   "Have you ever thought about today?!"
If it wasn't for the hundreds of scum guards behind the opponent, or if her subordinates and the angels hadn't gotten here, she would have rushed over and cut down the scum king Huaye with her own stardom. My head is revenge for the devil who died in Khunsa and the sisters who have been tortured and humiliated in the dungeon these days!
   "Tsk tsk! Look who this is, so... it's our beautiful Demon Queen Rose?"
"Not bad!"
   "After the hair grows longer, it looks much more beautiful, I can barely play with this king..."
   There was no accident. Facing Time and Space Rose's murderous questioning and glaring, Tianzhao Wang Huaye didn't show much timidity, and still teased so slowly.
   "This king still clearly remembers the way you were naked in the jar..."
   "If you wear this short hair, you can barely score 80 points, but if the hair can be longer and cover your shoulders, I can give you 90 points, right?"
   "It really can't be more, you may not know that Kesha was only scored 95 points by this king?"
   "It's a pity that Kesha's was blown to pieces by Karl and the others. It is said that it will not be possible to resurrect for hundreds of millions of years. What a pity..."
Before, Time and Space Rose was stripped and thrown into the petri dish by his order, but it was not just as childish as confinement and growth of hair, it was just a small extra purpose and gift. His main purpose was to analyze and monitor. It's nothing more than copying each other's spatiotemporal genes. After all, they are spatiotemporal genes, a good thing that even Liang Bing can cherish. How could he turn a blind eye to Hua Ye?
It's a pity that he still made a little misstep. He didn't even think that the place in the prison that was heavily protected and concealed by the Void Engine was discovered by that nasty kid, and waited for him to find out and want to deal with it. It was too late, and had to make such a group of guys unexpectedly rush to his throne before the earthlings.
   "Hua Ye!"
   "I will definitely unload you eight pieces, and then use a wormhole to throw it into the stars!"
   The other party's third-generation divine body is not difficult to deal with in Qiangwei's eyes. After all, even the sacred Kaisha was blown to pieces by the stars, and the Hua Ye in front of him would definitely not be much better!
   However, the trouble is now: how does she fight the opponent's powerful void particle black hole type void engine?
Now, although Qiangwei is full of anger, and whenever she thinks of the Hua Ye who was soaked in the glass jar, and those scumbags who have been humiliated and insulted like appreciating an item for many days, she can't wait Cut off their heads one by one with star life!
She has no way to defeat the opponent, so she is still waiting, waiting for her subordinates and the rescued angels to kill, waiting for the former teammates of the male company on the other side to kill, of course, more importantly- Wait for the little girl who can fight the opponent's void particle black hole type void engine to kill him!
   When the time comes, she swears that she will do what she just said...
   "I'm so scared!"
   "This king is very big. When we catch you again, this king won't do anything to you, on the contrary, he will definitely spoil you!"
   Now Hua Ye suddenly regretted it.
   He thinks that he should really pamper him when he catches him. In that case, the face of the other party and the look that is so hideous that he wants to eat him will definitely be more exciting, right? It's a pity that the other party's short hair looked a bit ugly at the time, and he felt a little bit awkward, so he had to spoil others first, so that he missed that great opportunity?
   "Guess the must be waiting for the little girl, right? But the king advises you not to waste time, because Karl has already taken her away because of the king's helper..."
   "Although this king is not sure whether she will end up like that Kesha, this king is sure that she shouldn't have time to come here to help you again!"
   This is why Hua Ye can sit high on his throne, watching the demon captives in front of him and the earthlings who are killing from a distance on his turf, making noise on his Tiangong!
He is not afraid of their raids and riots, because in his opinion, it is just a farce for him to entertain him after dinner, and now everything is under his control... He firmly believes that soon, it can't be done. For how long, both these guys in front of him or the new queen Yan in the Angel Nebula will all become his captives and collections.
He has already begun to imagine that when he is holding the Angel Queen Yan in his left hand, the Demon Queen Rose in his right hand, and the goddess Lena of the Sunshine under his feet, there is the human young lady Piqilin lying in his arms, and she is still waiting behind him. Standing with Angel Zhixin and Lingxi, and kneeling in front of him, Lianfeng and others from Nuoxing Civilization, what an ultimate enjoyment should that be?
   It's a pity that the three who overthrew his rule back then, that Keisha, Hexi, and Liangbing are all ‘dead’, otherwise it would be more perfect if they could be put together.
   Of course, that's just thinking about it. If the three women stood in front of him, Hua Ye, he would not be able to run by himself!
Hearing what the other party said, Qiangwei couldn't help being a little surprised and agitated, but didn't wait for her to say something or react. In the distance, her demon men and angels who had just been killed from prison, and those killed from the other side All the members of the Xiongbing company had already broken through the obstacles of the scum, and they had smashed before Hua Ye's throne.
  ‘Kill! ! ! ’
  ‘Chop them up! ’
  ‘Come on! ’
  ‘Offense! ! ! ’
   A large wave of female angels and demons were attacking from the left, and the scums on the periphery were retreating steadily and had to give way.
The same is true on the right. Under the fierce battle of the main of the Sun Star, the power of the galaxy and the war of Nuo Xing, those who were originally ordered not to resist too much have left a few more corpses. Soon he flew high into the air, letting go of the defense on the ground.
  ’! ! ’
  ‘Oh my god, why is it so lively here? ! ’
'Hey! Lord Xin, what kind of thing are they doing? ’
'how could I know? ’
'Look! Xiaolun! It seems to be Qiangwei and those demons! There are so many angels! ’
  ‘Why are they here? ’
'I do not know……'
'Humph! ’
  ‘No matter how they came, now we have hundreds of demons and angels all at once. This is better than nothing! ’
  ‘Sister Lena is right! Hua Ye is dead! ! ’
After the initial astonishment, soon, slowly walked to the side of the demons, and looked at the filled Demon Queen Rose and the angry female angels. Although I don’t know what is going on, I feel like nothing. With hundreds of not-so-weak helpers, the soldiers in the Xiongbing Company suddenly became full of confidence.
  ‘So many toys popped up all at once, which is indeed beyond the plan. ’
  ‘But, isn’t it too bad? Moreover, so many toys of this king were released, but this king finally caught it! ’
   Looking at the female angels staring at him griefly, Hua Ye not only felt a headache. After all, he hadn’t played enough. If he accidentally killed a part of it later, what a shame?
In his opinion, the kind of angels and demons who will resist and stare at him with terrible, cannibalistic eyes, but have to cry and cry under him, are the ones he likes most. , Instead of the guys who are in front of you!
  ‘Hi~! ’
  ‘My grandson is here too! ! ’
At this moment, when everyone was confronting the Hua Ye above the throne and the Scum troops flying beside each other, they were distressed about how to attack the high throne and those flying enemies, suddenly a shaggy guy charged. The distant high in the sky rushed into the sky, and when everyone looked at it, they knew that the Monkey King Wukong had arrived.
  ’! ! ’
'Great! ’
  ‘Brother Monkey! You are finally here. You killed all those scumbags? ’
   Seeing Brother Monkey coming, Liu Chuang hurriedly cheered.
Now Brother Monkey is here, and that Qiangwei is there, so it will happen that Xiaolun, Qiangwei and Brother Monkey are going to fight against the flying Hua Ye, and then they can't fly on the ground. They must Will definitely have a high winning percentage?
  ‘Kill all! ’
'Humph! My grandson did not kill them all, only a part of them was killed, and then my grandson was beaten back by them! ’
   Sun Wukong had just finished speaking, and they soon saw that in the distance, more scum appeared in the sky, about a thousand of them, obviously the group that had just surrounded them.
"alright, alright……"
   "Today's farce is over here, the king is tired, it's time to clean up you!"
   Finally, after seeing everyone present and not missing a single one, Tianzhao Wang Huaye squeezed his fist, slightly shaking his head and shoulders and stood up from his high throne.
   "Redefine space! Welcome to my throne, poor bugs, I have been waiting for this moment for a long time!"
When everyone was vigilant and thought he was going to rush over and fight with them, they were only surprised to see that he waved his hand, as a certain energy field instantly swept through and suppressed the entire square, the sky was At the same time, it is as if a layer of sky has been torn off, and above, there are densely hidden layers of flying scum. The number of them is at least tens of thousands at first glance? !
  ’! ! ’
'not good! ’
  ‘Why are there so many? ’
  ‘Damn it! This is an ambush, we are caught! ! ’
  'Xiao Lun? Get out that stuff! ’
  ‘No way! The space has been changed, I can't get it out! ! ’
  'Mother! so much……'
  ‘Ato, I suddenly felt that it would be better if I continued to be detained in a cell with food and drink? ’
  ‘Thornton, shut up! ’
  ’! ! ’
  ‘Sisters! Fight with them! ’
As a large number of Scum Legions appeared side by side in a neat formation and suppressed, the demons, angels, and soldiers who were surrounded by the Tiangong who originally thought they could get revenge or achieve their goals, have rioted. When they got up, despair began to permeate them.
   However, those scumbags did not give them much time to react.
As the entire space was redefined, controlled and suppressed by the scum Wang Huaye’s void particle black hole-type void engine, as Qiangwei, Ge Xiaolun and others found that many of their abilities could not be used, as the scums rushed forward and retreated in an orderly manner, A big battle broke out soon.
'kill! ! ’
  ‘Drink! ’
'what! ’
  ‘Offense! ’
  ‘Drink! ! ! ’
When Monkey King, Ge Xiaolun, and Du Qiangwei planned to fly to the throne to take down Hua Ye, they were stopped by a team of elite scum elites and suppressed their continuous retreat. When countless angels and demons were stricken by sharp swords or The arrows were chopped and shot through. When the blood flowers of both the enemy and us began to bloom in front of the throne square of the Tiangong, Qilin, Rui Mengmeng and others of the company were almost beaten by the scum. When they could not breathe, they finally realized:
   They fell into a terrible trap. Their arrival and the plan had long been seen through by the enemy! Moreover, that Hua Ye was not as simple as they thought!
   "Hey! Hey!"
   "Those women can't be killed indiscriminately. Try to catch them alive. They are so white and tender. They have never been played. What a pity to kill them like that?"
   "Those demons should be killed, and the crocodile, there is nothing to study, just chop it up, throw it in the garbage, burn it and seal it up!"
   "Don't kill the Ge Xiaolun and Liu Chuang, and don't kill the Xin Zhao, just kill them. This king has to study their genes!"
   "Be careful! Be careful!!"
   "You want to die? Don't you hurry to suppress that Reina for this king? If she breaks out, UU reading, one of you here counts as one, but don't even want to live!"
   "But be careful, that girl is very punctual, remember not to slap her face!"
   "That sniper is the weakest, why don't you grab her? Look at her ass, the king has decided, and I will go and spoil her tonight!!"
   "Yes! That's it, there are so many of you, this place is so big, where can she go as a sniper? That's how she should catch alive!"
Just as Hua Ye arrogantly smiled and sat on his throne, arguing with the fighting players on the throne square and instructing the scum to catch female angels and females alive, suddenly a huge stick swept over and scared him. He flew quickly and dodged dangerously.
   However, his throne and a large group of scum were not so lucky, and they were directly smashed into pieces.
   "That monkey is so fierce, it's better to kill it, you guys will go together soon! You can also study the dead monkey!!"
"you guys!"
   "And you guys, go together, he will be dead!"
   Hua Ye, who was a little frustrated, flew up the sky and moved a little away from the battlefield. At the same time, he yelled at the scum around him, making them more invested in the small battlefield.
  Q←? Have you seen Xiaoquanquan? Do you give a ticket? ?
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