Chapter 1304: Do you want to learn spells? Looking for this bear, what can I do for them...

  唧! Haw!
It's getting late now, the sun is shining diagonally on the canopy of the big tree in the forest, looking at the bird outside the window playing on the vine swing made by a little girl, Irene Could not help but fall into contemplation.
Although, I have successfully found a powerful witch who is willing to recruit herself to become an apprentice witch, and there is another "Stardust Witch" who is said to be one of the highest-ranking wizards who is also said to be equally powerful. Lena couldn't be happy herself!
   During this period of nearly a month, the two of them didn't teach her anything!
In addition to reading the various magic books and notes of the Stardust Witch when she has free time, to pass the boring time, what she has to do every day is to give the person who is said to be stronger and better than her. Lena had to do all sorts of chores with the little girl Witch Teacher and that Witch Assistant Fran.
  For example: washing clothes, doing housework, doing breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner, and supper, as well as going to run errands, helping to buy various food and daily necessities for the three people in the forest.
Anyway, she can understand, she is like a tool person, all day long by the Fran and her little girl, Teacher Anne, who come and go, if not she needs their approval. If she becomes a formal witch before she can travel around the world, I'm afraid she will not be able to stand it a long time ago and ran back to her home, right?
But there is no way. If you want to become a formal witch, you must get the approval of those two people. Therefore, Irena can only continue to patiently stay in the beautiful tree house of this huge ancient tree in this forest, and Continue to look at those books of Assistant Professor Fran, the Stardust Witch.
   After all, this is the second time she has watched this month...
Because she has read a lot of magic books here at home. Except for some notes and experiences of the Stardust Witch, there are some here in her home, and there are none here in her home. So, today, a month later, She almost fell to the point where there was no book to read, or even no business to do.
   Of course, doing housework for those two sly and hateful guys is not a serious business, anyway, she doesn't think that doing housework and hand-offs can help her improve her magic cultivation and become a formal witch!
   "Good morning, Irene!"
   Suddenly, a hello interrupted Irena, who was looking at the magic notes in a daze, and she had to sigh and turn her head.
   "Good morning, Assistant Fran..."
When she saw the assistant teacher Fran, the stardust witch Fran, who was screaming and wearing a moon-white nightdress, coming out of the revolving tunnel that connected to the beautiful tree houses, Irene was a little listless. The other party greeted lightly.
   "The sun is so strong, it seems that I accidentally slept for another hour!"
Reaching out to block his forehead, looking at the morning sun shining obliquely through the wide shade of the big tree outside the window, the witch assistant Fran whispered a little annoyedly, and then looked at the quietly sitting one. At the table, Irena, who had read many books very hard, said:
   "Hey! Irene~?"
   "I'm hungry, can you make me some steak? It's almost half-ripe, that's it!"
   The first important thing people do after getting up is obviously to eat breakfast, and Witch Fran is no exception.
   "But... do you want to eat something that has such a strong taste early in the morning?"
   Irene was a little reluctant. After all, the other party didn't teach her anything, and she knew all day long to tell her to do this and that, so she didn't directly buckle the status of a maid or a slave to her head!
   "Can't you?"
   "It's not impossible, but it may take a little longer..."
   "Does it take time? How long?"
   "Let's do this for an hour..."
   "Forget it, just prepare some edible wild vegetables and weeds, along with some bread?"
   "You can wash up first, and the restaurant will be ready in 20 minutes."
   There is no way, Irena dared not listen to the other party's instructions, she could only sigh in secret, and then gently closed the book that she had already read, and prepared to prepare breakfast as the other party said.
   "Then I will trouble you Irene!"
   "Why, your teacher hasn't gotten up yet?"
Witch Fran, who was about to turn around to wash in the bathroom, suddenly found that no matter it was the transparent glass study room or the restaurant below, there seemed to be no figure of a little girl, and then, she turned towards a certain tree on the big tree. Looking up, she found that a tree house connected to the revolving channel was still closed, and she couldn't help but wonder.
   "It's not that you don't know... Unless there is something very important or fun, otherwise, my teacher will definitely not get up when the sun does not directly hit the roof of the tree house..."
   "I am ready to make her breakfast and lunch together."
   After finishing speaking, Irena sighed deeply in her heart.
For my teacher, that little girl who lives like a decadent and degraded lazy rice bug, that day, she has never seen learning any magic or reading any books, but she knows more than herself. A guy who was countless times stronger than herself, she didn't know what to say.
   She doesn't understand, she is as hard and talented as Irena, she, the youngest and youngest talented trainee witch in the history of Loberta, why did she lose to the little girl who was just eight years old?
   Is she not working hard enough, or is her talent a little worse than the other party?
In short, that problem has been plagued her for a long time, but given that the other party has become her own teacher and is also ready to study hard, it’s best to learn all the knowledge of the other party, Irena, She still doesn't believe that the other party is really the so-called Lord of Ten Thousand Realms!
   She feels that the other party is at best just a little bit stronger than her. As long as the other party is willing to teach her sincerely, within a year, she will definitely be able to surpass the other party.
   That is obviously impossible!
  Because, so far, I don’t know if her teacher and the Stardust Witch in front of her have conspired, and they have not been willing to teach her anything?
   "Is that so?"
   "Forget it, don't call her, you just have to prepare mine early!"
With that said, regardless of what Irena was thinking about with her lonely expression, Witch Fran just secretly hummed an unknown ballad in her mouth, and then went to the bathroom to wash and dress up. Fan, then went to the restaurant to enjoy the delicious food prepared by their smart, capable and plump apprentice.
"That one……"
"please wait!"
   "Fu, Assistant Professor Fu Lan, may I ask...Can you start teaching me magic?"
Finally, seeing that the other party was in a good mood, I felt that she should not continue to bear it silently. Irena, who should take the initiative and questioning, couldn't help it. In the eyes of the other party, she would follow the rotating channel to something under the tree. When she walked to the bathroom, she hurriedly called the other person, and directly expressed the doubt that she had held back for a whole month.
   "This question..."
   "You know, I'm just a teaching assistant. As the name suggests, I am assisting your teacher Anne to help and guide you in magic!"
   "So, you still ask your teacher this question, don't you?"
   Obviously, Fran, the Stardust Witch, didn't seem to want to teach, so she slyly kicked the question directly to a little girl, and turned around playfully and blinked at Irena.
   "But, teacher, she hasn't gotten up yet..."
   Irena's voice gradually weakened, because she saw that Fran, the Stardust Witch, didn't pay attention to her at all, she waved her hand, turned and took a step towards the passage.
   "Then wait for her to wake up and ask again!"
   "I'm just a teaching assistant, not your teacher. Only when she decides when to teach you, maybe I can give you some guidance?"
   "That's it, I'll go wash first..."
   "Hurry up early~?!"
Waving her hand behind her, completely ignoring the petrified Irene, Witch Fran directly continued to yawn and owe her, twisting her waist in various ways, not concealing her proud curve, and at the same time, she soon Walk along the spiral staircase to the bathroom.
No way, I glanced at a certain tree house with the door still locked, and felt that her teacher seemed unlikely to get up for a while, so Irena sighed again in frustration, and then left to read. He turned around and walked to the restaurant in the other direction, ready to prepare an early breakfast for the perfunctory Fran assistant teacher according to the instructions.
  ‘It’s been a month, when can I teach me a few lessons and then teach me a little magic so that I can become an official witch one day earlier? ’
   As she walked along the half-closed circular spiral staircase to another tree house set up as a restaurant in the big tree, Irena whispered.
  ‘If this continues, when will I become an official witch and then go on that magical journey around the world like that witch Nicole? ’
  ‘Sure enough! ’
  ‘Those guys are the talent to jealous of me...’
Complaining and complaining, but life still has to go on, unless she herself does not want to be promoted from a trainee witch to an official witch, otherwise, she must stay honestly in these tree houses in the forest until she The two hateful teachers of that day officially admitted her!
   So, before and after walking to the restaurant, even if she was reluctant, Irene pushed open the wooden door.
   However, as soon as I opened the door and entered, Irena was shocked by the little plush thing inside, who was sitting on the dining table and staring at her!
   "Original, it was Tibbers, you..."
   "Scared me, thinking that I forgot to close the window, and then some strange animal came in again..."
   "The flower snake that ran to the teacher's room last time, and the owl from the last time have all been made into soup. I don't want to do that kind of cruel, slaughter of small animals."
Thinking of the python that climbed in through the window of her teacher’s room last time and the fate of the owl last time, Irena shuddered, then shook her head quickly, and hurried to the kitchen counter. Get up, don't plan to think about those things anymore.
   To be honest, when I was sleeping, I was approached by a snake on the bed. If I changed it to Irena herself, I would definitely be scared to scream and panic!
But at that time, her teacher was very surprised at that time. He grabbed the opponent's neck in such a careless manner, and then banged and banged the man to stand up to launch an attack. The unlucky big flower snake fell stiff and could not move, and then threw it into the kitchen, let her apprentice make soup by hand?
   She still remembers things like that! !
   "Tibbers, don't make trouble, I want to prepare for Assistant Fran early, she will have to eat after washing up later!"
After sighing again, I was fiddling with bread and some weeds, fruits and vegetables in the forest. Irena, who was about to make a weed sandwich for the teaching assistant, saw a bear running up to her and making trouble, so she hurriedly begged for mercy. Write.
This is the magical pet of her little girl teacher. When her teacher wakes up, it must be carried inseparably, and if her teacher is sleeping and not holding it, it will She can freely run around in these tree houses and the forests around the uncle. During this time of living together, she has already taken the other side's existence to no surprise.
It’s a pity that, I don’t know why, the other party seems to be able to "talk" directly to its owner, but once they talk to outsiders like her and Fran, they can only make gestures with their hands or other gestures, or Just use a brand specially made by her teacher to'write' words?
Although, in Irene’s opinion, the magic that transforms the opponent’s thoughts into sounds should not be difficult for her teacher, but she, who is not daring to intervene in these things, has to keep suppressing the doubts in her heart. I dare not say anything.
   (Hey! Your teacher asked Benkuma to inform you: She wants to eat the steak that Fran said just now for lunch, but she wants the cooked one, the one that can't be seen in red, and three full portions!
  Tibbers grabbed a sign that looked like a small blackboard directly from the void, and then the textual meaning it wanted to express quickly appeared on it. )
   "Tibbers, your master...Is my teacher awake? But if he wakes up, why not come down for breakfast?"
   "Do I need to make an extra weed sandwich now?!"
   turned her head subconsciously and looked towards a certain tree house diagonally above the restaurant, and found that the door of that house was still locked, Irena asked strangely.
   If her teacher gets up, then she must seize the opportunity and muster the courage to ask the other person the question she just asked the Fran assistant teacher!
   "But without waking do you know what she wants to eat at noon?"
   Irene asked suspiciously,
"ok, I get it……"
  How can you tell others to do things in your dream?
Therefore, the little girl who thought it must be her teacher who heard the conversation she just had with the assistant teacher Fran, so Irena, who deliberately avoided her, responded in frustration, and then continued to bow her head silently at the kitchen counter with some aggrieved feelings. Busy everywhere.
"Do not……"
"It's nothing……"
Irene spoke quietly, and then bitterly, she bit her lip subconsciously, stubbornly holding back the tears that almost came out of her eyes, and then quickly proceeded with the work she had at hand. Those fruits and vegetables are washed and sliced, and then neatly stacked on plates and sandwiches.
   You know, she is a genius Irene, how could it be so rare that such a small setback and test could hold her? So, she was going to continue to fight her wits with her teacher and the assistant, Stardust Witch, to see who couldn't help it in the end?
   She felt that as long as they saw her sincere patience, perseverance and determination, they would surely promise to teach her magic and promote her to the official witch, they would definitely be!
   Irene did not speak, but silently finished the work she had on hand, and brought the sandwiches, fruits and vegetables to the table, ready to eat for a teaching assistant who should wash up and come down soon.
   "I want to learn magic, but Teacher Anne and Assistant Fran kept saying nothing. Just now Assistant Fran rejected me..."
   Although she knew that this shadow bear named Tibbers was unlikely to be able to help, Irena still murmured her troubles.
  Perhaps, she thinks she will feel better after saying it?
   "Why so many books... is this...?"
   "Huh? This is?!"
   "Ah! And...?"
   "Ah! This book is actually cursed, is this...?"
Seeing that this is almost full of a small restaurant, and it also includes various It is like a series of textbooks. From the basic, advanced and advanced series of magic books, Irena is instantly Was stunned!
   "Tibbers, where did you find these magic books?!"
"and also!"
   "Aren't you not good at magic? But what about the space spell just now?!"
Irene was shocked by the sudden happiness, because, with the magic books in front of her, she had probably been working hard enough for several months. If she could learn the contents above, she must be Can you become stronger?
   "But Tibbers, have you asked the teacher? If she disagrees, will you be punished?"
   Although she was very excited, the gloomy expression on her face was never seen again, but when Irene thought that the other party might be punished by her teacher, she couldn't help worrying about the other party.
  ??????: Wow!
I never thought that the one who was really willing to help me at the moment was actually the shadow bear in front of me who had pushed himself on his lap and spanked some two bad guys. I never thought that the other side cared about Irena, The son was moved.
and so……
   "Thank you Tibbers! Thank you so much!!"
   Feeling this, she immediately hugged the other person, and after kissing the other person a few times, she hugged the other person in her arms.
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