Chapter 1306: (?·??-)? There are rewards for those who win the fight!

In the third month after the talented trainee witch Irena became the apprentice of a certain little girl Annie and a certain Stardust witch Fran, it was very rare. In the afternoon of this day, the little girl who was full of food and idle was doing nothing. The girl teacher unexpectedly found her on the initiative and said that she was going to give her a practical lesson?
   "Ann, teacher Anne!"
   "What do you mean by the practical class you just said?"
   Irene suddenly felt flattered.
To be honest, Irena has gradually become accustomed to her current life and her position in the tree house. Even if two negligent teachers have refused to teach her any magic, even if they know how to instruct her all day long. She does all kinds of housework and chores, and it is the same if she is only used as a servant!
   But now...
When she had obviously settled down and obeyed their various orders silently, and only quietly read her own book every day, the other party suddenly changed her normal and took the initiative to teach and guide her magic knowledge. ?
At this time, not far from this study, a certain Stardust Witch Fran, who was lying in a vine hanging blue, was holding a book in her hand to "steal the teacher" when she heard what Annie said just now, she couldn't help but feel a little surprised. She stopped her own reading, and looked up at the two of them instead.
"you are stupid!"
   "Practical class, as the name implies, of course, it is to find someone to fight with a real magic knife!"
"You guy knows reading books all day long... If you don't fight often, what use is it for you to learn so much magic? Maybe when you travel around the world in the future, you will be attacked and knocked down! "
   Although Annie is not good at instructing apprentices, nor is she good at teaching others magic, she only knows that learning magic is for fighting and pranking!
You know, when she was still very young and just recognized the word, the first thing she learned about magic was to'practice', such as dealing with the dog of the grandfather's house next door, while the other party was not paying attention. Suddenly attacked and burned each other’s beard, and went to the voodoo land to find various strange animal monsters to fight, etc...
Anyway, she only knows that only what she learns and uses will become her own magic, and if she only learns but doesn’t know how to use it, it’s better to eat, drink, play and sleep like her all day long. Too!
"So this is ah……"
   nodded, Irena said that she understood what the other party meant, and gently closed the forbidden book in her hand, and stopped reading and researching about the Horcrux.
   "Then Mr. Annie..."
   "Who do I want to practice with? Is it with Tibbles Bear?"
   If it were to confront the little girl teacher in front of her, even if the genius is like Irene, she would never dare to fight again!
Because during this period of time, Cub Tibbs has secretly told her a lot of the other side's "brilliant deeds", and not long ago, he and Assistant Fran were "reversed" and could not get up for several days. The incident had already given her a first-hand experience of the horror of the other party, so if she had a choice, she did not want to have any conflicts with her teacher.
   "Little Bear?"
"Do not!"
"Although it is very strong and strong, it is a dumb guy. It doesn't have many long-range attack methods and can't fly. Once you use that kind of flying magic or phantom teleportation magic, it will take you away. There is a way, so..."
   "You should fight her!"
Annie pointed directly at someone who was lying in her vine hanging blue, reading a book leisurely, and occupying her throne without knowing it. So, in order to get the other party out, and to punish him well. The guy who repeatedly ignored the complexion she gave when she walked back and forth many times, and still leaned on her face reluctantly and refused to come down, she planned to change her way to give her a good look!
   "Fran, assistant teacher?!"
   "Fight with me?!"
   Hearing what Little Annie said, both Irene and the Stardust Witch Fran exclaimed.
   Obviously, the two of them didn't know why a little guy had a sudden cramp today. Without prior arrangement, they made that strange proposal abruptly and inexplicably.
   "I can't beat Fran as an assistant teacher. Does that kind of practical class make sense?"
   Irene hesitated, because she felt that even if a genius was like her, she still seemed to be no better than a regular witch?
   If she insists on doing that, she will definitely be the one who suffers and beats in the end!
Of course, if it is replaced by a trainee witch of the same level as her, then there is no problem at all, because it has been proved that she can defeat multiple enemies by herself under the same level of opponents. Otherwise she would not be the youngest genius apprentice witch in Loberta!
   "Annie, this is a bit bad, right?"
  Stardust Witch Fran is also a little hesitant. She has seen Irena's efforts these days, so, who is afraid of losing face by accidentally overturning the ship, how dare to easily compete with the other party?
   If she accidentally loses, the face of the stardust witch who lost to Loberta's fourteen-year-old genius apprentice witch will really be gone! After all, she was still a teacher of the Magic Academy, and if she lost to a trainee witch, that kind of thing would still have a great impact on her.
   "Assistant Fran is right!"
   "Teacher Annie, why don't you stop the fight? Or, can you teach me something else?"
   The other party has never taught herself anything seriously, and now she wants to fight with a formal and famous witch for many years. For this, Irena must be a little unhappy.
"you guys……"
   It made Annie a little unhappy to see the two of them resisting their own decision... But fortunately, this kind of little thing could not trouble her.
"That one……"
   "Let's do it, if one of you wins, they will be rewarded!!"
Although it is not impossible to use force to force the two to fight, but that would be meaningless, and it is likely to make the two of them do things that do not work hard, so Anne quickly decided to use The temptation is to come up with a temptation that neither of them can easily resist.
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   "What is the reward?"
   Witch Fran sat upright in the rickety vine basket, seemingly interested in the reward from Annie?
Fighting against a genius apprentice witch for nothing and might lose, she would definitely not do that kind of thing, but if she was fighting against a apprentice witch and there were rewards, then her enthusiasm would be certain. It will be much higher.
   "Can you talk about the reward first?"
   Obviously, Irena herself was a little moved.
She knew that she might not be able to beat the assistant teacher of Stardust Witch Fran, but if there is a good reward, she will definitely try her best, even if she loses, it doesn’t matter, she can know her shortcomings in time. , So that you can work harder to learn and make up for it in the future, which is profitable and harmless.
  ? What? What?
   As soon as Annie stretched out her hand, she grabbed a small and dark wand out of the void, as well as lumps, which looked like a small wand like a fire stick.
"This is a legendary wand! It is called the Elder Wand, also known as the Old Wand or the Elder Wand. It is one of the Deathly Hallows. According to legend, it is a wand that can make the master invincible? In short, in a duel. It can be used to calmly dispatch great mana, and it also allows the holder to easily cast powerful forbidden magic!"
   Annie waved the elder's wand in her hand under the curious eyes of the two of them, and while explaining, let the head of her wand happily spew out a little sparkling magical power.
   Deathly Hallows
  Spell power +20%
  Spell Haste +20%
   Magic power limit +20%
   No spell casting success rate +50%
   lucky when holding -1
Originally, Annie didn’t know what to reward the two of them, but when she remembered that both of them seemed to use the kind of familiar short wooden sticks as magic wands, her little head moved ingeniously, and she stretched out her hand from the endless plane world. I grabbed a gadget that I thought was pretty good.
   Of course, this thing is said to be a little curse. It is said that people who hold it are often killed and ridden? But that kind of small flaws didn't matter. She didn't bother to make it herself. She was worried that doing it too well would affect the balance of the world, so she ignored the small flaws.
  Ε=)) alas
   "Elder's wand? Deathly Hallows?!"
   "Okay! That's it, don't go back on it!!"
   Seeing the powerful magical fluctuations that the magic wand's attributes had already exuded, Witch Fran, who felt that it must be countless times better than the magic wand she was using now, jumped off the vine hanging basket on the spot.
   Now that there are such good rewards that can be taken for nothing, Witch Fran certainly does her part and goes all out! In her opinion, as long as she goes all out and takes it seriously, picking up a little Nizi who has just passed the apprentice witch exam, although the magic is strong, but the experience is seriously insufficient, isn't it the same as playing?
   "Well, teacher, I agree..."
   Staring at that magic wand, feeling the wave of magic power emanating from it, the trainee witch Irena, who is a spellcaster, is naturally a little bit eager.
   "Very good!"
   "Then let's make a deal like that!!"
   Seeing that an annoying guy finally jumped out of the vine basket that she had planned, Annie secretly breathed a sigh of relief.
"Annie, let's go. I happen to know a place suitable for a duel. It is not too far from here. It took a while to fly with a broomstick. The scenery is not bad and the terrain is flat. There are no big trees blocking the view, and I am not afraid of magic. That is the most suitable place to cause a forest fire!"
The Stardust Witch thought of the mountain with a waterfall not too far from here. The scenery on the top is indeed very good. She has been there many times... and the most rare thing is that there are only rocks and weeds. They can fight whatever they want. It's better not to worry about causing damage.
   "I have nothing to prepare, Mrs. Annie, shall we go now?"
   Irene directly waved her hand and grabbed her ordinary witch wand from her witch space package, indicating that she was ready.
However, Annie did not pay attention to the two of them. Instead, taking advantage of the opportunity of the pesky Witch Fran to leave the vine basket, she climbed up directly and was comfortable in the magic basket with flowers slowly blooming. Obsessed with the eyes.
   After all, her proposal for a duel was only for this hanging basket. How could she run so far with them?
   "Hey! Little guy, don't you want to regret it?!"
Seeing that Xiao Anni climbed directly into the hanging basket and lay down comfortably, not ready to leave, Irena and Fran couldn’t help being a little puzzled and asked together, wondering if the other party was doing it. What a ghost.
   "I didn't regret it!"
   Annie lying comfortably in the vine basket, squinting her eyes comfortably, did not pay attention to the protests of the two, so she continued to dangle back and forth in this glass study room sheltered by trees.
   "It's just that people don't want to run that far, so you can just try it out here!!"
   Her goal has been achieved. Annie doesn't want to go anywhere now. She just wants to stay in this hanging basket and take a good nap while enjoying the sunshine through the shade of the trees!
   Of course, before taking a nap, she can also watch a wonderful scene where two witches fight each other and kill each other?
   "This, here?"
   "Teacher! It's so big here, how do you compare? And once we fight, this house and this tree will be lost!"
   "Even if there is time to look back, but that is..."
   Irene frowned, the expression on her face filled with her unhappiness.
It's not just because the place is too small to be used at will, but more importantly, in such a small environment, if it is to test the subtle manipulation of magic, her casting speed and response must be incomparable. That experienced Stardust Witch Fran's assistant!
   No matter what, the other party is also an official witch who has been famous for a long time. She really doesn't have much chance of winning.
   "Just say it, kid, how do you want to compare?"
   Looking at Little Annie, who still has a relaxed face, Witch Fran was startled, and then asked with a chuckle quickly, intending to see what the other party was showing off.
   "It's easy!"
   "Look! You two will compare here later!!!"
   With Annie's wave of her hand, a magic circle was directly lit up on the desk where Irena used to read, and then soon, a stone-style Roman arena appeared on it.
   "Compared here? But here is so small..."
   Irene subconsciously thought that her teacher was joking, because how could they compare with such a toy arena?
   "Interesting! Is this a magic item? How should I use it?"
However, Fran, the Stardust Witch, is obviously much more knowledgeable than a fourteen-year-old trainee witch, so she just stared at it, and she saw the stone as big as a chessboard. The little arena must be a magic item!
   However, she doesn't know how to use it.
   "It's very simple!"
   "You only need to stand on both sides, touch the chessboard with your hands, and say ‘start a duel’, you will be instantly projected into this small arena!"
"Inside, your projection and body will be exactly the same as your original strength. You can fight in any way you want, and it will not affect the outside of this arena, and you will never be able to destroy it, even the strongest. Forbidden spells won’t work!"
   "The most important thing is that no matter what kind of injuries you get inside, or even if you are killed by another person, your original body will not be hurt in any way outside, and you will only wake up instantly!"
   "How about it, isn't it great?!"
   This is a magical device modified by Annie based on a previous holographic simulation game device. It is most suitable for people like her! Because, she didn't bother to run outside, she just wanted to lie down comfortably in the house and watch others fight to death, and she didn't have to worry about who accidentally hurt someone.
"is that true?"
   Irene If that's the case, that would be great! In that case, she doesn't have to worry about being accidentally injured by Assistant Witch Fran, she can let go of all her scruples and go all out to fight each other!
   "Is it true? Try it and you will know!"
"come on!"
   "Irena, let's try it now!"
"it is good!"
   "Try it! Teacher Fran, I won't be merciful just because you are a teacher!"
   "That's right, I won't..."
   The two looked at each other, murderous aura pervaded between the two sides for a while, then they touched one of their respective hands to the chessboard-like arena model, and at the same time they shouted the active spell.
   "Start a duel!"
   "Start a duel!!"
At that moment, the model of the arena made of stone, seemingly ordinary, like a chessboard, suddenly lit up with dazzling light under the spell of the two of them... The light spread to the two of them, and then when the two of them were surprised and didn't know what to do, they just felt that the sky was spinning, and they didn't know anything.
   At the same time, in the chessboard-like arena model, the two little figures who looked exactly like them suddenly projected into it and opened their eyes at the same time...
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