Chapter 1313: - = ???? = ????? (…

After a year of arduous study and unpaid part-time work, Irene is the youngest in the history of Loberta. His beauty and talent exudes light, not lost to the colorful flowers, and the beauty blooms like a flower, like a doll. The beautiful and cute genius apprentice witch finally succeeded in getting promoted, becoming the youngest and youngest official witch in the history of Loberta.
   It can even be said that she is the most talented witch in Loberta, the country of peace, and there is no one!
After becoming an official witch, Irena is of course to fulfill the promise she made to herself at the first time, that is: to be like that magic witch Nicole, do a big trip around the world and An adventurer, and write down what he saw and heard along the way and his own feelings in his notebook.
So, she put on the kind of simple witch suit her mother prepared for her, carrying the legendary artifact that was almost stolen from her teacher Anne on her head, and Kel'Thuzad on her fingers. The epic equipment gifted by the husband, with the little Bear Tibbers in his pocket, who did not know which magic book he tore it from, he was so fully armed and riding her broomstick on the road.
   She is not alone at this time, because beside her, there is a little girl who is sitting on the other broomstick and lying on the top with half-squinted eyes.
I didn’t say that the little girl lying on the broomstick is not the teacher of her Irene, not the one who claims to be the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most The most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most powerful Arcane Archmage Anne Hasta who is?
   The two of them flew out of the border of Loberta, the country of peace, and flew over the wilderness in the warm summer breeze, speechless all the way.
"That one……"
Finally, I don’t know how long I’ve been flying, Irena finally couldn’t help it, she had to turn her head to her side who was still following her closely, lying on the broom as if she was asleep with her eyes open, she didn’t need to control it. The little girl who can fly even more securely than her broomstick looked at and said:
   "Old, teacher?"
   Irene was not sure if her teacher was really asleep, so she tentatively asked gently.
   Apparently, Annie was not asleep.
   But, it’s not hard to guess from her listless tone, she doesn’t seem to like this way of flying on a broomstick? Of course, it wasn't that Annie disliked it for being slow or unable to prevent wind and rain, but because... it's not easy to sleep on the broomstick!
   She just doesn't understand, why do witches in this world like to fly on a broomstick and drive on the way? You know, even those insecure guys in the Hogwarts magical world have gradually developed a more comfortable flyway network and door keys.
"Is such that."
   "You also know that I am going to travel around the world, and I am going to see what the world outside Loberta is like. You don't seem too happy, but why do you have to follow me..."
   is different from Irene's current elated and energetic look, her teacher Annie looks listless and reluctant, which makes her a little wondering why.
   "Of course it's because they are boring!!"
   "No, boring?"
   "But, didn't you stay in the forest with Teacher Fran and Kel'Thuzad? You haven't said that you are bored after living there for so long. Why are you suddenly bored now?"
   Speaking of it, Irene still missed the fulfilling and pleasant year she had read in the forest. Maybe, then it will be the most memorable thing in her life, right?
But that may be something later. Now she just wants to get to the next place as soon as possible, and then travel around the world, go to all the places she has never been, record all the people and things she has not seen, and There is an event!
   "Because they no longer live in the forest, they will never live there anymore!"
Annie suddenly sat up from the broom and moved her body in the air. Feeling that her little was a little panicked, she pulled Tibbs bear from her waist and placed it directly on it. On the broomstick, and then sat down.
   Irena couldn't help being surprised when she heard Anne said that she would no longer live in the forest.
   "But why is that?"
Because when she said goodbye to her parents in the morning, she thought it well, went out to travel the world for a few years, and when she came back, she went to the forest to find her teachers as soon as possible, and then shared her experience with them. Of it!
"Because Sister Fran wants to go back to her kingdom to continue being a teacher, she also withdrew the tree house! And the bone frame was also thrown back into the world of Azeroth, so they don’t want it. Stay alone in the forest!"
Although Annie herself can transform into a beautiful big house at any time, even a spaceship on vacation, but... I always feel that doing so is a bit silly, and there is no one to speak, and no maid can call her, so she eventually had to leave That little place that she likes too.
   "It turned out to be like this..."
   "So teacher!"
   "It's not because you are bored like that, so you suddenly make a sudden intention to go around the world with me?"
   Although it was in a questioning tone, Irena, who was already familiar with a certain little girl, quickly guessed the reason.
   "Yes! It's spicy!"
   "Don't worry, Irena, when someone finds something more interesting, you will definitely leave you to play, please don't care too much!"
   Annie made a playful face at Irena on the broom, and then she moved her again when she felt uncomfortable sitting in a position for too long.
Looking at the other person taking it for granted, although Irene wanted to say that she cared very much, because she felt offended, and felt like a dispensable existence or tool person in the eyes of her teacher ?
But in the end she didn't say much. After all, she knew that her teacher was such a heartless little person, even though she has become an official witch, she is still the opposite party. As a student, she definitely cannot and will not blame her teacher.
   "That's right! Teacher, where is the projection arena in the tree house study, has it been put away by you?"
At this time, after flying forward for a certain distance, Irena suddenly remembered that one very important good thing that was not worse than the three pieces of equipment she had obtained in her opinion, and then hurriedly twisted it. Turned around and asked.
   "Projection Arena?"
   "I don't know... It should have been taken away by Fran, right?"
   Although I don’t know why Irene asked that suddenly, Annie doesn’t care about that kind of little thing, because, ah, she can easily make a little thing like that! Whether it's magic or technology, if she wants, she can make tens of thousands of sets at any time, so she won't be afraid of those toys that she's usually tired of playing with them!
   However, Irena, the gadget that Annie doesn't care about, is so precious!
   "How can it be! Teacher Fran is so cunning!!"
   So, after hearing Annie's words, she exclaimed directly, and even the broom controlled by her shook slightly.
   Never thought that in her opinion, that might be the best and best good thing, but that guy Fran was finally cheaper? If I knew that was the case, when she left that day, she should have secretly taken it away while they were not paying attention!
   But it's too late to say anything, because she doesn't know where Teacher Fran has gone, and even if she knows it, she probably won't ask for it.
   "That's just a toy, so take it!"
   "It's not a toy!"
   "That magic projection arena is amazing!!"
   Irene still gritted her teeth bitterly and excitedly. If she knew earlier that her teacher Anne didn't take that thing seriously, she would definitely put it away secretly and take it directly into her own.
   "Is it amazing?"
   "Then I will teach you how to make one yourself when someone else is free?"
   That kind of little thing Annie didn't want to entangle too much, so she directly said her own solution.
   Of course, I’m not sure which day it will be. Anyway, Irena is definitely unable to make it now, so Annie didn’t make any specific guarantees.
"That's great!"
"That `s a deal!!"
Hearing what her teacher said, Irene let go of her envy and jealousy towards some sly Stardust Witch Fran, and nodded excitedly on the broom, she almost rushed to the one holding her. The little teacher also cheered.
   "Irena, we have been flying for so long, where are we going?"
   From morning till now, Annie has been flying a bit boring, so she wants to find a place to rest and eat and drink, and she wants to know where Irena is going! If the other party keeps flying like this and flies aimlessly, maybe they turn around and run away, how can they waste time so slowly with the other party?
   After all, she's just here to join in the fun. It's not that her Queen Anne can travel the world by herself!
   "Of course this direction is to go to the country of magicians!"
"Teacher, you may not know, I saw in that magical country written in Nicole's diary, I have long been longing for it! And it is not very far from Loberta, so of course it is now my first A destination!"
   Irene said with a look of longing.
   "The country of magicians?"
   However, Annie is not too interested.
Because of the kind of magic kingdom, such as Quel'Thalas, Dalaran, Diagonal, or Silvermoon City, she has seen it a long time ago, not like a guy who has never seen the world like Irena I think that's all the fuss.
   Of course, it seems that Silvermoon City was accidentally blown up by her a long, long time ago, so why not mention it?
   "Why is it called the country of magicians? What kind of place is it, how far is it from here, and is there any delicious food in it?"
   However, I am not interested but I am not interested, but it has been so hot for so long, and they are all here, Annie must ask.
   "Of course there are many magicians in the country of magicians!"
   "Teacher, you may not know yet?"
"There are many magicians in this world, and magicians can be divided into the lowest level, magicians who can only use simple magic, and apprentice witches stronger than magicians, and those who wear them like me now The strongest witch of the official witch brooch badge!"
   "As the name suggests, the country of magicians is of course a magical country that can only be entered by magical witches like you and me!"
   "There, people who know magic will be respected, and different levels will be treated differently. In short, it is very magical."
   "I was looking forward to seeing it a long time ago when I just started learning magic!"
   When talking about the country of magicians, Irene gushed out what she had seen from the book of the witch Nicole, as if she had actually been there.
   "This way..."
   "Then the country of magicians is in this direction, right?"
After finishing talking, Annie stood up directly from the broom, and then stepped on the body of a certain bear, standing danglingly, not afraid of falling from a height, she raised her eyes and wanted to see Where is that magician country?
   "Old, teacher..."
   "You can't see it like this..."
   Seeing that Annie did such a dangerous action, Irena hurriedly persuaded her and leaned up to protect her, and then said:
   "The country of magic envoys is indeed in this direction, but at our current speed, it may take at least a long time to fly, and it will not arrive until dusk, right?"
   "But take a look, it's noon now, you must not see it like this..."
  If the country of magic envoys is very close to Loberta, Irena would have gone to play by herself before, so why would she wait until now she is promoted to become an official witch?
   "What? It takes a long time to fly at this speed?!"
   Annie was a little anxious when she heard Irena's words. Because, if you continue to fly on the broom like this for a long time, do you want to eat her Queen Anne’s lunch? Also, what about her afternoon tea and where should she go to sleep for a nap?
   Is it possible to let her continue to drink the northwest wind on the broom for a long time? !
Soon Annie decided to catch a glimpse of this sluggish student who can only use a broomstick, and go to the magician country to eat, drink and take a nap. After waking up, have afternoon tea, and then wait for the arrival of Irena?
"That one……"
   "Irena, people have calculated the specific distance to that magician country, so they have to go there first, and then wait for you in that city!"
   "You fly slowly first, don't worry, pay attention to safety!"
   After finishing speaking, little Annie, who was already a little impatient, opened a portal directly, then rushed in with a broom swish and disappeared instantly.
   Then, being considerate, she kindly closed the portal for the first time, so as not to teleport and hurry to affect the flight travel experience of her student?
   "Hey! Teacher..."
   Irena just stretched out her hand to say something, but at this time, a certain messy little girl had closed the portal, and there was no shadow.
   "All right, then I will continue to fly slowly..."
   No way. Seeing that her teacher had already used teleport spells to run away and didn't take her for a ride, Irene sighed a little depressed and continued to fly, what else could she do?
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