Chapter 1352: ??(??`?)??? Yang Fan! set sail! !

'what? ’
  ‘You said that the commission on the second floor is missing? ’
  ‘If it’s posted on the second floor, doesn’t it mean that it’s an S-level mission, right? ’
  ‘That’s right! ’
  ‘Which fool took that kind of thing? Really desperate? ! ’
'Ah! ’
'I know! ’
  ‘It looks like a cat! A blue cat with wings was taken away secretly! ’
  ’! ! ’
  ‘Is it Hobbit? ! ’
   "That means..."
  ‘Should it be made by Lucy and Naz? ’
  ‘Yes, it must be, because they were originally a team! ’
'Oh no. ’
  ‘The big thing is not good, those two guys, what are they thinking about? ! ’
  ‘He took away the S-level mission without any notice...Although everyone knew he was a fool, he did not expect to be so stupid...’
'what! ’
  ‘As far as I know, that is a serious violation of our Fairy Tail regulations. So, father, when they come back, they must be expelled from the guild, am I right? ’
'what! ’
  ‘Look at my memory...Sorry, I have forgotten it. With the strength of the two of them, I dare to take on that kind of S-level task, I am afraid that I will come back alive again. ’
  ’! ! ’
'How can you do this? ’
  ‘Naz and the others...’
   In the Fairy Tail Guild’s residence, the group of people who learned of a certain news started arguing and condemning loudly, every word of you.
   Although some of them are scolding and taunting, they are more of the kind who can't help but have a deep worried and worried tone.
After all, although they have often had conflicts or fights with Naz in the past, their relationship with each other is still very good, because everyone in the Fairy Tail Guild is a family, and they are not really hopeful of them. Someone has an accident, even if it's a bad guy.
   Of course, except for the Laxus Doleah.
   At this time, he just verbally ran on some bad old man who was closing his eyes, wanting the other party to promise that if the fellow Naz came back, he must give them a deep lesson and corresponding punishment?
  ’! ! ’
  ‘Lagosas! ! ’
  ‘Since you know, why didn’t you stop them then? ! ’
Hearing a guy who saw someone steal the mission but didn’t report or stop him, Miraj ran to the second floor angrily, and shouted at someone who was lying on a chair with Erlang’s legs up. Angrily scolded.
  ‘Sorry! ’
  ‘At that time, I only saw a cat stole something. Who knew that Naz was going to do the S-level mission? ’
  ‘So, Xiaomi, you can’t blame me for this, after all, I didn’t violate any rules of the guild, did I? ’
  ’! ! ’
  ‘Oh! Your expression is really scary. ’
Laxus and Miraj are facing each other on the second floor, and the hall downstairs is also a gloomy cloud. Everyone is worried about some stupid things that idiots have done, but there is no good solution. Method.
  ‘Okay, quiet down for me! ’
'First of all……'
"Natz and the others should have not violated the rules of the guild. If I am not mistaken, the little guy Annie should have followed. You all know that she is an S-rank Sorcerer whom I recognize. She has everything. Eligible to complete any commission on the second floor. ’
  ‘So, if Naz, Lucy, and Hobbi just cooperated with Annie to complete the S-level mission, then they would not violate any rules in the guild or accept any punishment! ’
  ‘Xiao Mila, I want to know, which task was they taking away? ’
   Finally, Makarov, the president of the Fairy Tail Guild, spoke.
He first used relevant regulations to perfectly excuse and explain for Naz and the others, so that the Laxus on the second floor was speechless and turned his face to the ground, then he muttered and raised his head to the second floor of the guild. Asked Miraj above.
The guild of Fairy Tail is not small. There are also several S-level missions that are backlogged in his hands. Therefore, Makarov himself can't remember which mission is missing, so he can only look towards the generation with a general look for help. Mirage, his'secretary' who manages guild-related affairs, looked over.
  ‘It’s the cursed island, Garna! ! ’
After staring fiercely at Laxus, who was still a little gloating, Miraj walked to the guardrail on the second floor and said to the president and everyone downstairs the specific content of the disappeared commission. .
  ’! ! ’
  ‘What, what? ! ’
  ‘Oh, awful! ’
  ‘It turned out to be that terrible island of Garna? ! ’
   "It's so messy..."
  ‘The big thing is bad! ’
  ‘My God, two foolish idiots and a cat with a little child dare to go to the island of Garna. Are they crazy? ! ’
'Humph! ’
  ‘They are crazy! ’
  ‘Isn’t it? It’s not that we don’t know that little guy Annie, she is good at pranks and things, but the serious work has never been done once, let alone go to the dangerous place of Gharna Island to complete it. Dangerous S-class commissioned. ’
  ‘It’s not dangerous to...’
  ‘I guess, she must be scared to pee her pants by the things on the island? ’
'Hey! ’
   "I suddenly have a bad feeling..."
'me too! ’
'Hey! ’
  ‘Laxus! ’
  ‘You are responsible for bringing them back. Elisa is not here today, and only you have the ability to subdue Naz! ’
   At this time, President Makarov suddenly spoke, intending to let the idle S-rank wizard Laxus go out, catch up and capture the fellow Naz.
'what! ’
  ‘Sorry Chairman! ’
  ‘I don’t have time to pay attention to them, and I’m going to work soon. Since it’s a matter of their own choosing, they can solve it by themselves. ’
'in case……"
   "If they can't even run away, then just die!"
'you! ! ’
  嘭! !
When everyone exclaimed, when President Makarov confronted Laxus, Miraj once again stared at Laxus angrily, when everyone was a little at a loss, finally, in the crowd Gray clenched his fist bitterly and smashed the table, then stood up firmly.
'okay! ’
  ‘Lord, don’t tell me, since he doesn’t want to go to Laxus, and I’m just idle now, let me take a trip myself! ’
   I want to stop Naz, Lucy, Annie and Hobbit. In Gray's view, it is enough to stop Naz! If Naz can change his mind, Lucy or the little girl who only knows about playing, Annie, will definitely follow him back honestly.
   As for a certain stupid cat, Hobby, who only eats and flies, and steals, it is even more unconcerned by Gray.
When the hustle and bustle was going on in the Fairy Tail Guild’s resident, far away in that port city with developed fishing industry, that is, the Harruggion where Naz and others were almost caught before, Annie, Lucy, Hobby the cat, and some Naz, the initiator, has scared the train and once again comes to the old place where they first met.
   "I really miss it!"
   "Annie, and Naz, take a look, this city is where I met you back then, I didn't expect us to come back here so soon."
"that's nice!"
"Yes it is!"
   "Hobby also misses the fish here and the city destroyed by Naz."
   "Shut up, Hobby! I didn't break it, it was all to defeat that Paula!!!"
"and also!"
   "You guys are also true."
   "It hasn't been long since we came here last time. What do you miss? To reiterate, I don't like boat rides at all, and I don't like the previous train!!!"
   "But Naz, if we want to go to that island, we have to take a boat?"
   "Lucy, Naz doesn't like all the transportation supply!"
   "I know, Hobby doesn't need you to explain it again!"
   "Annie, what are you looking at behind? Let's go now!"
   After chatting with Naz and Hobby, Lucy turned her head back and didn't know what she was rubbing against. At this time, the little guy who hadn't paid any salute urged her.
  Although, Lucy herself has been exposed to the light of the other party, so she doesn't have to carry many things on her body like Naz does?
"Know it!"
   "Sister Lucy..."
   "I'll tell you, that profiteer, the magic book he sold to him at the beginning, now he added two more zeros and put it on the counter. It's really cunning!"
Finally, a tragic little girl who no longer turned to look at the glass window of a shop on the side of the street, finally ran up and talked with Lucy, Naz and Hobby. When people came together, they said bitterly.
   "Traitor, profiteer?"
   "I remember, it was the bad old man you were talking about who was not tempted by my Lucy's beauty and refused to lower the price for life and death?!"
She was taken aback, and subconsciously turned her head to look at the sign of the shop where Annie had just stopped, and found that it was the only magic item shop in the city where she had bought the'Little White Dog' key. Lucy couldn't help being surprised. With a cry, I finally remembered why Annie just cared so much about the shop that was not selling food.
   "Yes! That's the bad old man!"
   "So you just watched it there, that's the same thing..."
   "But forget it!"
   "Annie, that's a businessman. If they don't make money, they won't open the door to do business, but adding two zeros is too..."
   As she talked, Lucy couldn't make up herself.
Because she remembered that the key to her'little white dog' was only bought for 20000J. Doesn't that mean... the other party probably only received it for about 200J, but in the end, After adding two zeros, sell her to Lucy, who is a big one?
   "Damn it!"
   "Forget it, let's not think about those things. Let's find a ship to Gharna Island first. If we can complete that task, we will have money!"
No matter how much he thought about it, the profiteer would not return the money to them, so Lucy took a deep breath, not going to look at the "black shop" behind him. Directly led his companions to the dock.
If the mission to save the island is successful, she will not only obtain the precious key to the zodiac, but also a huge reward of seven million J. Even if the three of them share a split, Lucy herself A full 1.75 million J will be allocated, which is a huge sum of money, enough for her to eat, drink and wear for several years without having to work!
   So, she doesn't need to worry too much about the trivial things like 20,000 J being slaughtered by a profiteer.
'what! ’
  ‘Ship, boat? ! ’
  ‘No way! No way! ’
  ‘Lucy, let’s swim right there, right? ’
  ’! ! ’
  ‘Swim over? ! ’
  ‘Naz, you’re crazy, the sea is so big, the island is so far away, you can’t swim there until you’re exhausted, anyway, I won’t swim with you! ’
  ‘Then let Hobby fly over? ’
'No way! ’
  ‘Habi can’t carry so many of you, nor does it have so much magic power. ’
  ‘ can go anyway, but it can’t be a boat! Nor can it be any means of transportation! ’
'Without further ado! ’
  ‘If you don’t find a boat, Naz, don’t go there. Just go three with Hobby and Annie. You can also divide a little bit more! ’
'Hey! ! ’
  'Lucy? ! ’
  ‘No way! ’
  ‘No matter what you say, you must be looking for a ship! ’
   Just like that, in the hustle and bustle of the two of them, they walked towards the pier step by step, preparing to see if there were any boats for rent at the pier, and taking them to the cursed island in the legend?
   However, half a day later...
  ‘Damn it! ’
  ‘No ship found! ’
  ‘No one wants to drive us to that cursed island, just hearing the name scared them...’
'That one……'
  ‘Lucy, or else, let’s swim past it? ’
'Do not! ’
   "Let me think again..."
  ‘Damn it! It would be great if we had money. We could just buy a small boat and drive by ourselves. Where does it need to be like now? ’
"I knew that we shouldn’t talk about the destination at the beginning. Those guys, after hearing that we were going to that small island of Garna, they refused to rent anymore, saying they were afraid that we would never rent again. Can't come back? ’
  ‘How can we not come back? ! ’
   "Those cowards..."
  ‘So, Lucy, shall we go swimming? ’
'shut up! ’
  ‘By the way, where’s Annie? ’
  ‘I don’t know, I was here just now...’
  ‘Hobby knows! ’
  ‘Two hours ago, she said she was hungry, and then she went to find food first, saying that we would go to the restaurant over there to find her after we found the boat! ’
   "Two hours ago..."
  ’! ! ’
'what? ’
'That is……'
  ‘Annie and Ge, Gray? ! ’
When Lucy was hesitating, considering whether to ask the little guy Annie to see if the other party had extra money so that they could buy a boat, suddenly, he actually saw the sea in the distance, A certain little a boat is waving at them from a distance, and beside the other person, who is not the guy Gray who undresses at a disagreement?
   "Hello, you must have not found the ship, right?"
  OO haha~
   When the boat docked on the dock, Little Annie couldn't wait to ask the two people who were frowning and grinning.
   "Ann, Annie? Gray? What's the matter with you, and this ship..."
   Lucy was a little puzzled, why in the half day she was looking for a boat, this little guy found another person, UU reading www. and got a ship?
   "Grey just came across him. He still wanted to persuade them to go back. Of course they refused. Then he wanted to use violence, but after being cleaned up by others, he became honest."
   "Damn it!"
   "Little guy, don't be too proud, I will keep staring at you!"
   "Then Annie, this uncle is..."
   Lucy ignored that Gray. Since the other party also went with him, that would be great. It just so happened that they could also have one more powerful helper, and the success rate of the mission would be even greater.
   "He said he was from that small island, so he would take us to help them lift the curse?"
"is it?"
   "That's really great!!"
Seeing Anne intercepted the chaser, and added a helper to herself and others, and successfully found the boat willing to take them to the island, and instantly solved all the problems she had just struggled with, Lucy finally Can't help but cheer.
   "Come on! Let's set sail!!"
However, this small boat is driven by magic power and does not have sails... In fact, most of the big ships in this world are steam-powered or magic-powered. Sailboats are very rare, so Annie thought It must be impossible to set sail.
  ? Where's the ticket?
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